, the most celebrated of the old masters in the art of engraving, was born at Bologna, as is generally supposed, about the year 1487
, the most celebrated of
the old masters in the art of engraving, was born at Bologna, as is generally supposed, about the year 1487 or
1488. His first master was Francesco Francia, or Raibolini,
(See Francia,) a painter and engraver, from whom he
learned the principles of drawing, and succeeded so well,
that the name of Francia was added to his own. It does
not appear from whom he learned engraving; but it must
have been early, as the print of “Pyramus and Thisbe
” is
, a pious and exemplary bishop of Carlisle, was born April 20, 1608, at Bliton, a village in Lincolnshire near
, a pious and exemplary bishop of Carlisle, was born April 20, 1608, at Bliton, a village in Lincolnshire near Gainsborough. His father, Thomas, was at this time rector of Bliton, and afterwards of Wintringham in the same county; both which preferments he owed to the Wrays of Glentworth. He married Rebecca Allen, daughter of the rev. David Allen, rector of Ludbrough, a very learned lady, who had been successfully taught Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, by her father. Under such parents he had the advantage of a religious as well as learned education. For the latter purpose he was sent first to Fillingham, and next, in 16 19, to the public school of Gainsborough, whence, in April 1620, he was removed to Peterborough in Northamptonshire, and put under the tuition of Dr. John Williams, afterwards archbishop of York, but then a prebendary of Peterborough, and a good friend of old Mr. Rainbow. In order to have the farther advantage of this gentleman’s protection, he was sent, in June 1621, to Westminster school, Dr. Williams being then dean of Westminster. In all these places his progress was marked by great diligence and proficiency in his studies, and a conduct which did credit to the instructions of his parents.
, an eminent scholar and teacher, was born May 20, 1760. He received the first rudiments of his education
, an eminent scholar and teacher, was born May 20, 1760. He received the first rudiments of his education under his father, the rev. Matthew Raine, who was for many years a schoolmaster of ability and reputation at Hackforth near Richmond in Yorkshire. In June 1772, he was admitted on the foundation of the Charter-house, to which he was nominated by the king at the request of lord Holderness. After distinguishing himself, as a boy, he was elected, in 1778, to a Charter-house exhibition at Trinity college, Cambridge, of which he became a fellow in 1783, having taken the degree of B. A. in 1782. He engaged for some time in tuition at the university, and had several distinguished pupils. In 1791, he was elected schoolmaster of the Charter-house, his only opponent being Charles Burney, D. D. whose talents as a scholar were even then generally acknowledged, and are now perhaps unrivalled.
pery, was the fifth son of Richard Rainolds of Pinho, or Penhoe, near Exeter in Devonshire, where he was born in 1549. He became first a student in Merton college, Oxford,
, one of the most learned and eminent divines of the sixteenth century, and a strenuous champion against popery, was the fifth son of Richard Rainolds of Pinho, or Penhoe, near Exeter in Devonshire, where he was born in 1549. He became first a student in Merton college, Oxford, in 1562, of which his uncle, Dr. Thomas Rainolds, had been warden in queen Mary’s time, but was ejected in 1559 for his adherence to popery, which appears to have been the religion of the family. In \5GJ he was admitted a scholar of Corpus Christi college, and in October 1566, was chosen probationer fellow. In Oct. 1568, he took his degree of bachelor of arts, and in May 1572, that of master, being then senior of the act, and founder’s Greek 'lecturer in his college, in which last station he acquired great reputation by his lectures on Aristotle.
rriage with this lady, had retired to a farm called Hayes, in the parish of Budiey, where sir Walter was born in 1552. After a proper education at school, he was sent
, or Raleigh, or'Rawlegh,
an illustrious Englishman, was the fourth son, and the
second by a third wife, of Walter Ralegh, esq. of Fardel,
near Plymouth. His father was of an ancient knightly
family, and his mother was Catharine, daughter of sir Philip
Champernoun, of Modbury in Devonshire, relict of Otho
Gilbert, of Compton, the father, by her, of sir Humphrey
Gilbert, the celebrated navigator. Mr. Ralegh, upon his
marriage with this lady, had retired to a farm called Hayes,
in the parish of Budiey, where sir Walter was born in
1552. After a proper education at school, he was sent to
Oriel college, Oxford, about 1568, where he soon distinguished himself by great force of natural parts, and an
uncommon progress in academical learning but Wood is
certainly mistaken in saying he stayed here three years
for in 1569, when only seventeen, he formed one of the
select troop of an hundred gentlemen whom queen Elizabeth permitted Henry Champernoun to transport to
France, to assist the persecuted Protestants. Sir Walter
appears to have been engaged for some years in military
affairs, of which, however, we do not know the particulars.
In 1575 or 1576, he was in London, exercising his poetical talents; for there is a commendatory poem by him
prefixed, among others, to a satire called “The Steel
” published by George Gascoigne, a poet of that
age. This is dated from the Middle Temple, at which he
then resided, but with no view of studying the law for he
declared expressly, at his trial, that he had never studied
it. On the contrary, his mind was still bent on military
glory; and accordingly, in 1578, he went to the Netherlands, with the forces which were sent against the Spaniards, commanded by sir John Norris, and it is supposed
he was at the battle of Rimenant, fought on Aug. 1. The
following year, 1579, when sir Humphrey Gilbert, who was
his brother by his mother’s side, had obtained a patent of
the queen to plant and inhabit some Northern parts of
America, he engaged in that adventure; but returned soon
after, the attempt proving unsuccessful. In 1580, the
pope having incited the Irish to rebellion, he had a
captain’s commission under the lord deputy of Ireland,
Arthur Grey, lord Grey de Wilton. Here he distinguished
himself by his skill and bravery. In 1581, the earl of
Ormond departing for England, his government of Munster was given to captain Ralegh, in commission with
sir * William Morgan and captain Piers Ralegh resided
chiefly at Lismore, and spent all this summer in the
woods and country adjacent, in continual action with the
rebels. At his return home, he was introduced to court,
and, as Fuller relates, upon the following occasion. Her
majesty, taking the air in a walk, stopped at a splashy
place, in doubt whether to go on when Ralegh, dressed
in a gay and genteel habit of those tirhes, immediately
cast off and spread his new plush cloak on the ground
n which her majesty gently treading, was conducted
6ver clean and dry. The truth is, Ralegh always made
a very elegant appearance, as well in the splendor of
attire, as the politeness of address; having a commanding figure, and a handsome and well-compacted person a
strong natural wit, and a better judgment and that kind of
courtly address which pleased Elizabeth, and led to herfaTOur. Such encouragement, however, did not reconcile hirn
to an indolent life. In 1583 he set out with his brother sir H.
Gilbert, in his expedition to Newfoundland but within
a few days was obliged to return to Plymouth, his ship’s
company -being seized with an infectious distemper and
sir H. Gilbert was drowned in coming home, after he had
taken possession of that country. These expeditions, however, being much to Ralegh’s taste, he still felt no discouragement; but in 1584 obtaining letters patent for discovering unknown countries, he set sail to America, and
took possession of a place, to which queen Elizabeth gave
the name of Virginia.
His son, Carew, incidentally noticed above, was born in the Tower of London, in 1604, and was edupated at Wadham
His son, Carew, incidentally noticed above, was born
in the Tower of London, in 1604, and was edupated at
Wadham college, Oxford, After spending five years in
the university he went to court; but meeting with no encouragement there, his friend, the earl of Pembroke, advised him to travel, as he did till the death of James, which
happened about a year after. On his return he petitioned
Parliament to restore him in blood; but, while this was
under consideration, the king sent for him, and told him
that he had promised to secure the manor of Sherborn to
the lord Digby, it having been given by king James to
that nobleman on the disgrace of Carr earl of Somerset.
Mr. Ralegh, therefore, was under the necessity of complying with the royal pleasure, and to give up his inheritance.
On this submission an act was passed for his restoration,
a pension of 400l. a year was granted to him after the
death of his mother, who had that sum paid during life in
lieu of her jointure. About a year after this he married
the widow *of sir Anthony Ashley, by whom he had two
sons and three daughters, and soon after he was made one
of the gentlemen of the king’s privy chamber. In 1645
he wrote a vindication of his father against some misrepresentations which Mr. James Howel had made relative to
the mine-affair of Guiana. After the death of the king he
again applied to Parliament for a restoration of his estate;
but was not successful, although he published, in order to
enforce the necessity of his claim, “A brief relation of
sir Walter Ralegh’s Troubles.
” In
sir John Dudley (afterwards duke of Northumberland) in the expedition against the Scots in 1544. He was born at Downton, in Wiltshire, in 1586, and educated in Win
, an eminent English divine in the
seventeenth century, was second son of sir Carew Ralegh
(elder brother of the celebrated sir Walter Ralegh.) His
mother was relict of sir John Thynne, of Longleate, in
Wiltshire, and daughter of sir William Wroughton, viceadmiral under sir John Dudley (afterwards duke of Northumberland) in the expedition against the Scots in 1544.
He was born at Downton, in Wiltshire, in 1586, and educated in Winchester-school, whence he was sent to Magdalen college, Oxford, of which he became a commoner in
Michaelmas term, 1602. In June 1605, he took the degree of B. A. and in June 1608, that of master and being
a noted disputant, was made junior of the public act the
same year, in which he distinguished himself to great advantage. About that time he entered into holy orders, and
became chaplain to William earl of Pembroke, in whose
family he spent about two years, when he was collated by
his lordship to the rectory of Chedzoy, near Bridgewater,
in Somersetshire, in the latter end of 1620. Being settled
here, he married Mary, the daughter of sir Richard Gibbs,
and sister of Dr. Charles Gibbs, prebendary of Westminster. He was afterwards collated to a minor prebend in the
church of Wells, and to the rectory of Streat, with the
chapel of Walton in Wiltshire. About the time of the
death of his patron, the earl of Pembroke, which happened
in 1630, he became chaplain in ordinary to king Charles I,
and by that title was created D. D. in 1636. January the
13th, 1641, he was admitted dean of Wells on the death of
Dr. George Warburton. During the rebellion he was sequestered on account of his loyalty, and afterwards treated
with the utmost barbarity. It being his month to wait on
the king as his chaplain, the committee of Somersetshire
raised the rabble, and commissioned the soldiers to plunder his parsonage-house at Chedzoy and in his absence
they seized upon all his estate spiritual and temporal,
drove away his cattle and horses, which they found upon
his ground, and turned his family out of doors. His lady
was forced to lie two nights in the corn-fields, it being a
capital crime for any of the parishioners to afford them
lodging. After this she went to Downton, in Wiltshire,
the seat of sir Carew Ralegh, where her husband met her.
The king’s party having had some success in the West, Dr.
Ralegh had an opportunity to return to his family, and resettle at Chedzoy but the parliament party soon gained
the ascendant by the defeat of the lord Goring, and he was
obliged to take refuge at Bridgewater, then garrisoned by
the king. Here he continued till that town was surrendered to Fairfax and Cromwell, when he was taken prisoner, and after much severe usage set upon a poor horse,
with his legs tied under the belly of it, and so carried to
his house at Chedzoy, which was then the head -quarters of
Fairfax and Cromwell and being extremely sick through
his former ill treatment, obtained the favour of continuing
prisoner in his own house. But as soon as the generals
marched, Henry Jeanes, who was solicitous for his rectory
of Chedzoy, and afterwards succeeded him in it, entered
violently into the house, took the doctor out of his bed,
and carried him away prisoner with all his goods. His
wife and children were exposed to such necessities, that
they must have perished if colonel Ash. had not procured
them the income of some small tenements, which the doctor had purchased at Chedzoy, After this Dr. Ralegh wa&
sent prisoner to Ilchester, the county-gaol; thence to
Banwell-house, and thence to the house belonging to the
deanery in Wells, which was turned into a gaol and here,
while endeavouring to secrete a letter which he had written
to his wife, from impertinent curiosity, he was stabbed by
David Barrett, a shoe-maker of that city, who was his
keeper, and died of the wound October 10, 1646, and was
interred on the 13th of the same month before the dean’s
stall, in the choir of the cathedral of Wells. His papers,
after his death, such as could be preserved, continued for
above thirty years in obscurity, till at last coming into the
hands of Dr. Simon Patrick (afterwards bishop of Ely) he
published them at London, 1679, in 4to, under this title:
“Reliquiae Raleghanae, being Discourses and Sermons on
several subjects, by the reverend Dr. Walter Ralegh, dean
of Wells, and chaplain in ordinary to his late majesty king
Charles the First.
” This editor tells us, that “besides the
quickness of his wit and ready elocution, he was master of
a very strong reason which won him the familiarity and
friendship of those great men -who were the envy of the
last age, and the wonder of this, the lord Falkland, Dr.
Hammond, and Mr. Chillingvvorth the last of which was
wont to say (and no man was a better judge of it than himself) that Dr. Ralegh was the best disputant that ever he
met withal; and indeed there is a very great acuteness
easily to be observed in his writings, which would have appeared more if he had not been led, by the common vice of
those times, to imitate too far a very eminent man (meaning, perhaps, bishop Andrews) rather than follow his own
excellent genius.
” He is said to have been a believer in
the millenium, or reign of Christ on earth for a thousand
years, and to have written a book on that subject, which is
lost. In 1719 the rev. Lawrence Howell published at Lond.
8vo, “Certain Queries proposed by Roman catholics, and
answered by Dr. Walter Ralegh,
” &c. which appears to
be authentic.
ical and poetical writer of considerable note, is said to have been descended of mean parentage, and was born probably in America. There at least, from the Memoirs of
, a political and poetical writer of considerable note, is said to have been descended of mean
parentage, and was born probably in America. There at
least, from the Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin we learn
that he became acquainted with that eminent man, who
gives a favourable account of him, as being “ingenuous
and shrewd, genteel in his addre3, and extremely eloquent.
” Franklin appears to have considered him, however, as a man who might be imposed on, and acknowledges “that he had a hand in unsettling his principles,
The first effect of this was Ralph’s leaving 1 a wife and
children in America, in 1725, and regardless of what became of them, forming another female connexion, by marriage, as it would appear, soon after he arrived with Franklin in England, fie is also said to have assumed Franklin’s
name for some time, until a quarrel dissolved their friendship, such as it was. In 1728 he published his “Night,
and in Zeuma, or the Love of Liberty.
, an Italian physician, was born of a citizen’s family at Carpi near Modena, Nov. 5, 1633.
, an Italian physician, was
born of a citizen’s family at Carpi near Modena, Nov. 5,
1633. When he had laid a foundation in grammar and
classical literature in his own country, he went to Parma
to study philosophy; and, afterwards applying himself to
physic, took a doctor’s degree there in 1659. Then he
went to Rome, for the sake of penetrating still further into
his art; and afterwards settled as a practitioner in the duchy
of Castro. After some time, ill health obliged him to return to Carpi for his native air, where he married, and followed the business of his profession; but in 1671, at the
advice of some friends, he removed to Modena. His brethren of the faculty there conceived at first but meanly of
his learning and abilities; but, when he had undeceived
them by his publications, their contempt is said to have
been changed into jealousy. In 1682, he was made professor of physic in the university of Modena, which was
just founded by duke Francis II.; and he filled this office
for eighteen years, attending in the mean time to practice,
and not neglecting polite literature, to which he was always
partial, and wrote a very elegant Latin style. In 1700, he
went to Padua upon invitation, to be a professor there:
but the infirmities of age began now to come upon him.
He lost his sight, and was forced to read and write with
other people’s eyes and hands. The senate, however, of
Venice made him rector of the college in 1708, and also
raised him from the second professorship in physic to the
first. He would have refused these honourable posts; but, being overruled, performed all the functions of them very diligently to the time of his death, He died Nov. 5, his
birthday, 1714, aged eighty-one. Ramazzini was a member of
several of the academies of science established in Germany, Berlin, &c., and left several works the principal
of which, and one which will ever be held in estimation, is
his treatise on the diseases of artists and manufacturers,
entitled “De Morbis Artificum Diatriba,
” first published
in Ephemerides Barometrical;
” a work on the abuse of Peruvian bark;
and several orations delivered in his professorial capacity.
All his works have been collected and published together
at Padua, Geneva, London, and Naples; the edition of
London, 1716, 4to, is the most correct.
, composer to the king of France, and to l'Academic Royale de la Musique, or serious opera at Paris, was born at Dijon in 1683, He went early in his life to Italy, and
, chevalier de St. Michel, composer to the king of France, and to l'Academic Royale de
la Musique, or serious opera at Paris, was born at Dijon in
1683, He went early in his life to Italy, and at his return was appointed organist at Clermout en Auvergne,
where his “Traite
” de la Musique“was written, in 1722.
He was afterwards elected organist of St. Croix de la Bretonnerie at Paris. Here his time was chiefly employed in
teaching; however, he published harpsichord lessons, and
several other theoretical works, without distinguishing himself much as a vocal composer, till 1733, when, at fifty
years of age, he produced his first opera of
” Hippolite et
Aricie." The music of this drama excited professional
envy and national discord. Party rage was now as violent
between the admirers of Lulli and Rameau, as in England
between the friends of Bononcini and Handel, or, in modern times, at Paris, between the Gluckists and the Piccinists. When the French, during the last century, were
so contented with the music of Lulli, it was nearly as good
as that of other countries, and better patronized and supported by the most splendid prince in Europe. But this
nation, so frequently accused of more volatility and caprice
than their neighbours, have manifested a steady persevering constancy in their music, which the strongest ridicule and contempt of other nations could never vanquish.
, a German poet of great celebrity in his own country, but little known here, was born in 1725, at Kolberg, and became professor of belles lettres
, a German poet of great celebrity in his own country, but little known here, was born in 1725, at Kolberg, and became professor of belles lettres in a military academy at Berlin. In concert with Leasing, he there edited two ancient poets of the Germans, Logau and Wernike. His Lyrical Antholpgy contributed much to improve the taste of his countrymen, by those changes of diction which almost every poem received from his pen. Sixteen odes of Horace he translated with great felicity, and composed many original imitations of them. His oratorios, which Graun set to music, would have been warmly admired, but in the country of Klopstock. In 1774, he translated the critical works of Batteux, which he accompanied with considerable additions.
, one of the extraordinary instances of the power of uncultivated genius, was born at Leadhills, Oct. 13, 1685. His father, John Ramsay, descended
, one of the extraordinary instances of the power of uncultivated genius, was born at Leadhills, Oct. 13, 1685. His father, John Ramsay, descended of the Rarnsays of Cockpen, an ancient and respectable family in Mid- Lothian, was factor to the earl of Hopeton, and superintendant of his lead-mines. His mother, Alice Bower, was daughter of Allan Bower, a gentleman of Derbyshire, who, on account of his great skill in mining, had been invited by sir James Hope of Hopeton to set his valuable mines in motion.
it presents only that mode of country life which belongs to the corner of Scotland where he himself was born, yet is every where filled with such just sentiments and
In 1728, he published a second volume in quarto; and
these two volumes, which have been often reprinted in
octavo, contain all his printed works which he has thought
fit to acknowledge. The longest piece among them, and
the one which has been the most universally read and admired, is a pastoral comedy, called the “Gentle Shepherd,
” which, though it presents only that mode of country life which belongs to the corner of Scotland where he
himself was born, yet is every where filled with such just
sentiments and general imagery as will insure it approbation in every country where its language can be either understood or translated.
, son of the preceding, and a distinguished portrait-painter, was born at Edinburgh in 1709, and having devoted himself to painting,
, son of the preceding, and a distinguished portrait-painter, was born at Edinburgh in 1709,
and having devoted himself to painting, went at an early
period to study in Italy, where he received some instructions from Solimene, and Imperiali, two artists of great
celebrity there. After his return he practised for some
time in Edinburgh, but chiefly in London, and acquired
a considerable degree of reputation in his profession, and
much esteem from all who knew him, as a scholar and a
gentleman. By the interest of lord Bute, he was introduced to his present majesty, when prince of Wales, whose
portrait he painted both at whole length, and in profile,
and both were engraved, the former by the unhappy Ryland, and the latter by Woollett. There are also several
jnezzotinto prints after pictures which he painted of some
of the principal personages among his countrymen. He
practised with success for many years, and, a,t the death
of Mr. Shalcelton, in March 1767 was appointed principal
painter to the crown, a situation which he retained till his
death, though he retired from practice about eight years
after his appointment. He visited Rome at four different
times, “smit,
” as Mr. Fuseli says, “with the love of classic
lore, to trace, on dubious vestiges, the haunts of ancient
genius and learning.
” On his return from his last visit to
Italy, in which he was accompanied by his son, the present
majorgenral Ramsay, he died a few days after landing
at Dover, August 10, 1784.
Ramsay, a title by which he frequently signed his letters, was a Scotsman of an ancient family, and was born at Ayr in that kingdom, June 9, 1636. He received the first
, frequently styled the Chevalier Ramsay, a title by which he frequently signed his letters, was a Scotsman of an ancient family, and was born at Ayr in that kingdom, June 9, 1636. He received the first part of his education at Ayr, and was then removed to Edinburgh; where, distinguishing himself by good parts and uncommon proficiency, he was sent for to St. Andrew’s, in order to attend a son of the earl of Wemyss in that university. After this, he travelled to Holland, and went to Leyden; where, becoming acquainted with Poiret, the mystic divine, he became tinctured with his doctrines; and resolved, for farther satisfaction, to consult the celebrated Fenelon, archbishop of Camhray, who had long imbibed the fundamental principles of that theology. Before he left Scotland, he had conceived a disgust to all the forms of religion in his native country, and had settled in a species of deism, which became confirmed during his abode in Holland, yet not without leaving him sometimes in a considerable state of perplexity. On his arrival at Cambray in 1710, he was received with great kindness by the archbishop, who took him into his family, heard with patience and attention the history of his religious principles, entered heartily with him into a discussion of them, and, in six months’ time, is said to have ^made him as good a catholic as himself.
, justly celebrated for his philanthropy, was born July 25, 1733, at Frasersburgh, a small town in the county
, justly celebrated for his philanthropy, was born July 25, 1733, at Frasersburgh, a small town in the county of Aberdeen, North Britain. From his earliest years he discovered a serious disposition, and a strong thirst for knowledge, and after his grammatical education, was inclined to pursue the studies necessary for a. clergyman; but the narrowness of his circumstances prevented his going to Oxford or Cambridge, where he might be qualified to enter the English church, in the principles of which he had been educated. Yielding therefore to necessity, he resolved to study surgery and pharmacy, and was with this view bound apprentice to Dr. Findlay, a medical practitioner in Frasersburgh. In the mean time, with the approbation of his master, he entered, in 1750, of King’s college, Aberdeen, and having obtained one of the highest bursaries or exhibitions belonging to that seminary, he was enabled to prosecute his studies with comfort, and for three years had Dr. Reid, then one of the professors^ for his preceptor. To that great and amiable philosopher he so recommended himself by his talents, his industry, and his virtues, that he was honoured with his friendship to the day of his death.
, an excellent optician and mechanist, was born at Halifax, in Yorkshire, in 1735, and after some scho
, an excellent optician and mechanist, was born at Halifax, in Yorkshire, in 1735, and after some school-education, served an apprenticeship in his native place to the trade of a hot-presser, after which he came to London, and applied himself to engraving. In the course of this employment, mathematical instruments were often brought to him to be engraved, which induced him to try his genius in that way; and such was his success, that by 1763 he made instruments for several of the best artists. Soon after his coming up to London he married the daughter of Mr. Dollond, the celebrated optician of St. Paul’s church-yard; by which means he was introduced to the knowledge of a profession in which his genius enabled him to excel), and attract the approbation of the public, in the same manner as his private worth endeared him to society. In 1763 or 1764 he opened a shop in the Hay-market; but in 1775 he removed to Piccadilly, where he carried on business till his death.
, or La Ramme'E, a celebrated French mathematician and philosopher, was born in 1515, in a village of Vermandois, in Picardy, of a family
, or La Ramme'E, a celebrated French
mathematician and philosopher, was born in 1515, in a
village of Vermandois, in Picardy, of a family so greatly
reduced by the ravages of war, that his grandfather, having
lost all his possessions, was obliged to turn collier for a livelihood. His father followed husbandry, but appears to
have been unable to give any education to this son, whose
4 arly years were spent in mean occupations. At length he
obtained the place of servant in the college of Navarre, at
Paris, where he picked up the rudiments of learning, and
became acquainted with the logic of Aristotle. All his
leisure time he devoted to study, so that what is related in
the first Scaligerana of his living to nineteen without learning to read, and of his being very dull and stupid, is totally inconsistent with the truth. On the contrary, his
talents and perseverance at last procured him to be regularly educated in the college, and having finished classical
learning and rhetoric, he went through a course of philosophy, which took him up three years and a half. The
thesis which he made for his master’s degree denied the
authority of Aristotle, and this he maintained with great
ability, and very ingeniously replied to the objections of
the professors. This success inclined him to examine the
doctrine of Aristotle more closely, and to combat it vigorously: but he confined himself principally to his logic.
All this, however, was little less than heresy; and the two
first books he published, the one entitled “Institutiones
” the other “Aristotelicse Animadversiones,
so irritated the professors of the university of Paris, that,
besides many effusions of spleen and calumny, they prosecuted this anti- peripatetic before the civil magistrate, as a
man who was at war with religion and learning. The cause
was then carried before the parliament of Paris, but his
enemies dreading either the delay or the fairness of a
trial there, brought it before the king, Francis I. who
ordered that Ramus, and Antony Govea, who was his principal adversary, should chuse two judges each, to pronounce on the controversy after they should have ended
their disputation; while he himself appointed an umpire.
Ramus, in obedience to the king’s orders, appeared before
the five judges, though three of them were his declared
enemies. The dispute lasted two days; and Govea had all
the advantage he could desire, Ramus’s books being prohibited in all parts of the kingdom, and their author sentenced not to write or teach philosophy any longer. This
sentence, which elated his enemies beyond all bounds of
moderation, was published in Latin and French in all the
streets of Paris, and in all parts of Europe, whither it could
be sent. Plays were acted with great pomp, in which Ramus was ridiculed in various ways amidst the applauses and
acclamations of the Aristotelians. This happened in 1543.
The year after, the plague made great havoc in Paris, and
forced most of the students to quit the university, and cut
off several of the professors. On their return, Ramus,
being prevailed upon to teach in it, soon drew together a
great number of auditors, and through the patronage and
protection of the cardinal of Lorrain he obtained in 1547
from Henry II. the liberty of speaking and writing, and the
royal professorship of philosophy aad eloquence in 1551.
The parliament of Paris had, before this, maintained him
in the liberty of joining philosophical lectures to those of
eloquence; and this arret or decree had put an end to several prosecutions, which Ramus and his pupils had suffered. As soon as he was made regius professor, he was
fired with new zeal for improving the sciences; and was
extremely laborious and active on this occasion, notwithstanding the machinations of his enemies. He bore at that
time a part in a very singular aflair, which deserves to be
mentioned. About 1550 the royal professors corrected,
among other abuses, that which had crept into the pronunciation of the Latin tongue. Some of the clergy followed this regulation; but the Sorbonnists were much
offended at it as an innovation, and defended the old pronunciation with great zeal. Things at length were carried
so far, that a clergyman who had a good living was ejected
from his benefice for having pronounced qm’squis, quanquaw,
according to the new way, instead of kiskis, kankam, according to the old. The clergyman applied to the parliament; and the royal professors, with Ramus among them,
fearing he would fall a victim to the credit and authority
of the faculty of divines, for presuming to pronounce the
Latin tongue according to their regulations, thought it incumbent on them to assist him. Accordingly they went
to the court of justice, and represented in such strong
terms the indignity of the prosecution, that the person accused was acquitted, and the pronunciation of Latin recovered its liberty.
, a valuable collector of voyages and travels, the son of Paul Ramusio, a lawyer, was born at Venice in 1486. He made great proficiency in his classical
, a valuable collector of voyages and travels, the son of Paul Ramusio, a lawyer, was born at Venice in 1486. He made
great proficiency in his classical and philosophical studies,
but had a particular turn for politics, and was thought so
accomplished in the knowledge of public affairs, that he was
frequently deputed by the state to Switzerland, Rome,
and France. He was also made secretary of the council of
ten at Venice, and was for forty-three years more or less
employed in that post, or in embassies. When old and
infirm, he retired to Padua, where he died in July 1557,
in the seventy- second year of his age. His principal work
was entitled “Raccolta delleNavigazioni e de Viaggi,
” and
was published at different periods in three volumes folio.
Of this valuable work complete copies are not easily to be
met with. Brunei recommends the following selection as
forming the best copy: vol. I. of the edition 1563 or 1588;
vol. II. of 1583, and vol.111, of 1565. To this last volume
should be added the supplement to the edition of 1606, p.
386—430, which contains “Viaggio di M. Cesare de Fredrici nelP Inclia-Orientale.
, the celebrated abbe and reformer of the monastery of La Trappe, was born January 9, 1626, at Paris. He was nephew of Claudius le
the celebrated abbe and reformer of the monastery of La
Trappe, was born January 9, 1626, at Paris. He was nephew of Claudius le Bouthillier de Chavigny, secretary of
state, and superintendant of the finances. In classical
learning he made so rapid a progress that, with some direction from his tutor, he published, at the age of twelve
or thirteen years, a new edition of “Anacreon,
” in Greek,
with notes, Les veritables Motifs
de la Conversion de l'abbé de la Trappe,
” published by
Daniel de la Roque, Cologn, Alas! where should I
have been, had not my God had compassion on me.
” Whichever of these incidents was the cause, it is certain that he
retired from the world, and refused even to be assistant to
his uncle, who was archbishop of Tours. He then founded
a monastery, the fraternity belonging to which practise the
utmost self-denial. Their diet is merely vegetable. They
allow not themselves wine, flesh, fish, nor eggs; they enter
into no conversation with strangers, and for some days are
wholly silent. They have each a separate cell, and used
to pass some part of every day in digging their own graves
in the garden of the convent. De Ranee placed this
new establishment of the monks of La Trappe in the
hands of the fathers of the strict Cistertian observance.
He also sold his estate at Veret for 100,000 crowns,
which sum he gave to the H6tel Dieu at Paris, and took
the monastic habit in the abbey of Notre Dame de Perseigne,
where he made profession, June 6,1664. He afterwards
took possession of the abbey de la Trappe, and introduced
those regulations above mentioned, which long made it the
admiration of all travellers. In this retreat he lived devoted
to his austere observances, until 1695, when he died on his
straw pallet, in presence of the bishop of Seez, and the
whole community, October 26, 1700, aged 74, leaving
many pious works; among which the principal are, a book
“de la Saintété des Devoirs de l'Etat monastique,
” 1683,
2 vols. 4to “Eclaircissemens sur ce Livre,
” Explication sur la Regie de S. BenoSt,
” 12mo; “lieflexions morales sur les quatre Evangiies,
” 4 vols. 12mo;
“Conferences sur les Evangiies,
” 4 vols. 12mo “Instructions et Maximes,
” 12mo; “Concluite Chretienue,
” written for Mad. de Guise, 12mo; a greafnumber of “Spiritual
” 2 vols. 12 mo; “Accounts of the Lives and Deaths
of some Monks of la Trappe,
” 4 vols. 12tno, continued to
6 vols.; lastly, “The Constitutions and Rules of the Abbe
of la Trappe,
, an English divine, was born at Missenden in Buckinghamshire, and sent very young to
, an English divine, was born at
Missenden in Buckinghamshire, and sent very young to Sr.
Mary Hall, Oxford, in 1581, whence he removed to Trinity college, and took his degree of bachelor of arts. In
July 1587, he was chosen to a fellowship of Lincoln college,
and in 1589 proceeded in the degree of master of arts.
About this time he was ordained, and became one of the
most noted preachers in the university. In 1598, he was
admitted bachelor of divinity, and the year after resigned
his fellowship, and was presented to the rectory of St. Andrew Hubbard, in East-cheap, London. Here, Antony
Wood informs us, “after some time, he became so great a
labourer in God’s vineyard by his frequent and constant
work in the ministry, as well in resolving of doubts and
cases of conscience as in preaching and lecturing, that he
went beyond his brethren in that city, to the wonder of all.
Wood adds that this was the more wonderful, as he was a
great sufferer by sickness; and that he was “accounted a
judicious, orthodox, and holy man, and by some a zealous
and innocent puritan, of a harmless life and conversation,
and one that was solely framed to do good acts.
” He died
in June 1622, aged about fifty- four, and was buried in his
church. By his will he left a tenement situated in St. Mary Hall-Iane, to Lincoln college. Besides some single sermons, and a collection of “Eleven Sermons on Romans
” London, The great Mystery of Godliness,
Treatise concerning the Sacraments,
” Catechistical
Lectures upon the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper,
” 1630,
4to. 4. “Nine-and-twenty Lectures of the Church, for
the support of the same in these times,
” ibid.
, music professor in the university of Cambridge, was probably a native of London, where he was born in 1715. He was brought up in the king’s chapel, and was
, music professor in the university of Cambridge, was probably a native of London, where he was born in 1715. He was brought up in the king’s chapel, and was one of the children of that choir who first performed in Handel’s oratorio of Esther, at the house of Bernard Gates, master of the boys in James-street, Westminster, on Wednesday, February 23, 1731, when it was performed in action, previous to its having been heard in public, or any where but at Cannons, the magnificent seat of the duke of Chandos, for whose chapel it was composed in 1720. Dr. Randal was never rated very high in his profession, but was regarded as a slight organ-player, and had never distinguished himself as a composer. He obtained his degree at the installation of the duke of Grafton in the university of Cambridge, for which he composed the ode written by Gray. To the astonishment of all the musical profession, he undertook to have this composition performed by the musicians resident in the university, without the expence of additional hands and voices from London, as Drs. Greens and Boyce had thought necessary on former occasions at Cambridge, and Dr. William Hayes at Oxford. As Dr. Randal’s professional life was unmarked by talents, his death, which happened March 18, 1799, in the eightyfourth year of his age, was hardly noticed, except by the candidates for the professorship, and his organist’s places.
, a statesman in queen Elizabeth’s reign, the son of Avery Randolph of Badlesmere in Kent, was born in that county in 1523. He was, according to his own account,
, a statesman in queen Elizabeth’s reign, the son of Avery Randolph of Badlesmere in
Kent, was born in that county in 1523. He was, according to his own account, a pupil of George Buchanan,
but had his academical education at Christ Church, Oxford,
then newly founded; where he took the degree of bachelor
of law in 1547, about which time he was made a public
notary. In Nov. 1549, he became principal of Broadgatehall (now Pembroke college), and continued in that office
until 1553, when the persecution of the protestants under
queen Mary, obliged him to retire to France. On the
accession of queen Elizabeth, he came into high favour,
and his talents recommended him to be employed in various
embassies, particularly in Scotland during the commotions
there: he was sent thrice to queen Mary, and afterwards
seven times to her son and successor James VI. We find
him also several times supporting the same character at the
courts of Russia and France. Eiis first mission to Scotland, in
1561, had for its professed object to promote a mutual friendship between the two nations, and to endeavour that queen
Mary, who hadj ust lost her husband, Francis II. king of France,
should not again marry a foreigner; but according to Sir
James Melvil and others, his real business was to intrigue
between the two parties which then divided Scotland, and
rather to increase than allay their animosities. In this plan
secretary Cecil was supposed to be the director, and Randolph the executor. By a letter published by Mr. Lodge,
who says that Randolph was a man of “a dark intriguing spirit, full of cunning, and void of conscience,
” we
learn that at one time he was confined in prison at Edinburgh; but probably for a short time, as the circumstance
is not mentioned in any history. In Russia, to which he
was sent in 1560, his conduct merits greater approbation,
as in the following year, he brought to conclusion a commercial treaty highly advantageous to the English merchants,
who were then enabled to establish the “Russia Company.
His secretary on this embassy was George Turberville the
poet, who has described the manners and customs of the
Moscovites in some epistles to his friends, which are inserted
in Hakluyt’s voyages. In 1571, during one of his embassies to Scotland, he had the spirit to challenge Virac, the
French ambassador in that kingdom, who had taken some
liberties with queen Elizabeth’s character and with his own.
For all these services the queen is accused of having rewarded Mr. Randolph rather niggardly, having bestowed
on him only the order of knighthood, the office of chamberlain of the exchequer, and that of postmaster, to neither
of which last was much profit annexed, and a few small
estates. Yet with these he is said to have been content,
although he had a large family. He died at his house on
St. Peter’s hill, near Thames-street, London, June 8,
1590, in the sixty-seventh year of his age, and was buried
in the church of St. Peter, Paul’s wharf. In his latter days
he appears to have lived retired, “setting his mind,
” as he
expresses it, “upon the heavenly country, and reconciling
himself to the divine mercy by a timely repentance.
” Such
likewise is the advice he gave to sir Francis Walsingham,
whose sister he had married. He tells him, “how worthy.
yea, how necessary a thing it was, that they should at length
bid farewell to the tricks, he of a secretary, and himself of
an ambassador.
” Several of his letters and dispatches are
in the Cotton collection in the British Museum, and among
bishop More’s books in the public library at Cambridge.
Two of his letters were published by James Oliphant,
among Buchanan’s Letters, 1711, 8vo, and have been inserted since in the Leyden and Edinburgh edition of Buchanan’s works, one to Buchanan himself, and the ether to
Peter Yonge, school- master to James VI. There are also
some of his letters, instructions, and dispatches, printed in
Strype’s “Annals,
” Goodall’s “Examination of the Letters said to be written by Mary queen of Scots,
” and in
Robertson’s History of Scotland," &C.
ent of Corpus Christi college, the son of Herbert Randolph, esq. recorder of the city of Canterbury, was born August 30, 1701. He received his school education at the
, archdeacon of Oxford, and president of Corpus Christi college, the son of Herbert Randolph, esq. recorder of the city of Canterbury, was born August 30, 1701. He received his school education at the king’s school in Canterbury, then in great repute, under the rev. Mr. Jones. At the early age of fourteen, being then a good proficient in classical learning, he was elected into a county scholarship in Corpus Christi college, Oxford. There he entered upon a course of academical studies under the tuition of the rev. Mr. Smith, in which, as well in his whole conduct, he acquitted himself to the great satisfaction of those who were set over him; having in view throughout the sacred profession, td which he had been destined from his early youth. He proceeded regularly through the degree of B. A. to that of M. A. the latter in 1722. In 1724 he was ordained deacon, and in the following year priest. At the same time he entered upon the duty of his profession, and undertook a cure at such a moderate distance from the university, as that he might discharge the duties of it, and not be obliged to give up his residence, and the farther prosecution of his studies there. This course of life he continued for a few years, and then returned to a more strict residence in the university; nor was he intent on his own improvement only, but occasionally took part in the education of others, and in the government of his college, in which he succeeded to a fellowship in 1723. He took the degree of B. D. in 1730, and that of D. D. in 1735. In the mean time his reputation as an able divine introduced him to the notice of Dr. Potter, then bishop of Oxford, who soon after his translation to Canterbury, collated him to the united vicarages of Perhatn and Waltham in Kent. He also shortly after recommended him to Dr. Rye, regius professor of divinity, as a person (it to act as his deputy, who appointed him accordingly. This appointment will appear the more honourable, as the divinity disputations are esteemed a trial of the skill and learning of the senior part of the university; and Dr. Randolph acquitted himself in such a manner, that on a vacancy for the professorship in 1741, his friends thought him amply qualified to succeed but on this occasion the superior interest of Dr. Fanshaw carried the election; and Dr. Randolph retired to his living of Perham.
, the late bishop of London, was the younger son of the preceding, and was born July 6, 1749. He became a student of Corpus Christi college,
, the late bishop of London, was
the younger son of the preceding, and was born July 6,
1749. He became a student of Corpus Christi college,
Oxford, and took his degrees at the usual periods that of
M. A. in 1774; B. D. in 1782 D. D. by diploma, in 1783.
In 1776 he was appointed prselector of poetry, and in 1782
regius professor of Greek. In the same year he was
presented to a prebend of Salisbury; and in 1783 became
canon of Christ church, regius professor of divinity, and
rector of Ewelnoe. In the year 1799 he was elevated to
the bishopric of Oxford; translated to that of Bangor in
1807; and thence to London in 1809. He was elected
F. R. S. in 1811. He passed a great part of his life in the
university of Oxford, and it was generally believed that
when he was raised to the see of Oxford, the university
was complimented with the nomination by the crown. His
lordship was author of many single sermons, and charges
delivered on different occasions: also of “De Grsecae Linguae Studio Prselectio habita in Schola Linguarum,
” Concio ad Clerum in Synodo Provinciali Cantuariensis Provincial ad D. Pauli,
” whose
latest employment had been to state, for the information
qf the public, the progress of a work to which he had contributed his time, his labour, and his counsels. The
committee therefore could not fail to entertain a common
sentiment of profound regret for the loss which they have
sustained, and to cherish in their minds the liveliest recollection of the service which has been so successfully fulfilled by him in this second report. They wish, therefore,
to add to this document, designed for general circulation,
their sense of what is due from the public, and themselves,
to the. memory of one who was a constant and assiduous
promoter of this salutary institution, from its first establishment to the last hour of his life. The committee trust,
that this testimony, though limited to a single object in
the large field of pastoral duty in which he was incessantly
engaged, may serve to denote the benefits which have resulted from his prompt, unwearied, and effectual exertions.
” The following is the character drawn of him by
Mr. archdeacon Jefferson, and which alludes to his zeal for
the church, of which he was an active member: “Fearless
now of being censured for mercenary adulation, or reproved by unconscious merit, a just tribute may be paid to
the character of that departed and exalted prelate, who is,
and will be, most lamented where he was best and most
entirely known. This opportunity, therefore, is willingly
embraced of offering a heartfelt condolence to the ministry
of the diocese on the affecting and important loss, which,
in these perilous times of contending sects and unsettled
opinion, has arisen to them, and to the church: To them,
in the premature privation of a diocesan, firm in his support of ecclesiastical authority, but considerate in its application; eminently versed in the letter of ecclesiastical
law, but liberal in its practical construction, reluctant in
interference, but determined in duty, slow in the profes-.
sion of service, but prompt in its execution; disinterested,
in patronage, unwavering in measures, correct in judgment, attentive in council, and kind and compassionate to
distress: To the church, in the premature privation of a
father, diligent in her rites and services, but unostentatious
in piety and devotion; sound and unrelaxing in her doctrines and faith, but discreet in zeal, and comprehensive
in charity; ever vigilant in defending her interests, ever
forward in asserting her privileges, and ever able in the
assertion and the defence.
” This high character, how-,
ever, has been thought capable of abatement. It was
perhaps unfortunate that he succeeded a prelate of the
mild and conciliating temper of Dr. Porteus, and that he
undertook the government of a diocese, which, above all
others, requires such a temper. It was, perhaps, not less
unfortunate that in his first charge to the clergy of this
diocese, he betrayed no little ignorance of the state of
religious opinions, and the creeds of those sectaries against
whom he wished to warn his clergy.
, or Raffaello, whose family name was Sanzio, was born in the city of Urbino, March 28, 1483. He was the only
, or Raffaello, whose family name was Sanzio, was born in the city of Urbino, March 28, 1483. He was the only child of John Sanzio, a painter, who, though of no great professional celebrity, encouraged his son’s inclination for the art, and after having taught him what he could, had the good sense and diffidence in his own talents, to place him under the care of Peter Perugino, when in his thirteenth year. Perugino, who, from his style of design, pronounced that he would be a great man, regarded him with peculiar affection, and Raphael, during the three years that he remained with this artist, so perfectly adopted his manner, that his works were not to be distinguished from those of his master; which was so far from creating any jealousy in the mind of the latter, that on the return of Raphael to Perugia, after his visit to Florence, he was the first to admire his works and proclaim his improvement.
, a learned writer of the 16th century, and professor of Oriental languages at Leyden, was born February 27, 1539, at Lanoy, in French Flanders. He began
, a learned writer of the
16th century, and professor of Oriental languages at Leyden,
was born February 27, 1539, at Lanoy, in French Flanders.
He began his studies at Ghent, and after some interruption
from the death of his father, resumed them at Nuremberg
and Paris, where he applied with great assiduity to the
Greek and Hebrew languages, under the ablest masters,
until the civil wars obliged him to go into England, where
he taught Greek at Cambridge, After some time he returned to the Netherlands, and, in 1565, married a daughter
of Christopher Plantin, the celebrated printer, Raphelengius assisted his father-in-law in correcting his books, which
he also enriched with notes and prefaces, and was particularly engaged in the Polyglot Bible of Antwerp, printed
in 1571, by order of Philip II. king of Spain. In 1585 he
settled at Leyden, where Plantin had a printing-office; laboured there with his usual assiduity, and was chosen, for
his learning, to be professor of Hebrew and Arabic in that
university. He died July 20, 1597, aged fifty-eight, le'aving, “Remarks and corrections on the Chalciee Paraphrase;
a “Hebrew Grammar;
” a “Chaldee Dictionary,
” in the
Dictionary to the Polyglot of Antwerp; an “Arabic Lexicon,
” Elogia carmine elegiaco in imagines 50 doctorum
” Ant.
, a French poet, was born at Fontenai-le-comte, in Poitou, in 1535. He was vice-seneschal
, a French poet, was born at Fontenai-le-comte, in Poitou, in 1535. He was vice-seneschal
of his native province, and went afterwards to Paris, where
Henry III. made him provost of the high-constable’sjurisdiction, which office he held till 1598. In his old age he
determined to retire to Fontenai-le-Comte, and died at
Poitiers, February 15, 1609, aged seventy-four, leaving a
family. His biographers differ very much in their character
of this author, as may be seen by comparing our authorities. A considerable part of his Latin poems may be found
in torn. III. of “Les Devices des Poetes Latins Francois;
and his Epigrams are particularly admired: the best among
his French ones are, “Les Plaisirsdu Gentilhomme Champetre,
” printed in
, a French Jesuit, and an able classical scholar, was born at Tours, in 1621, and entered into the society in 1639.
, a French Jesuit, and an
able classical scholar, was born at Tours, in 1621, and
entered into the society in 1639. He taught polite literature for nine years, and published various works both
on that subject and on religion, which made him say to
the abbe de la Chambre that he served God and the
world by turns. To Latin he was particularly partial, and
wrote with great facility and elegance in that language,
both in prose and verse. Of the latter, he exhibited
many specimens which were unrivalled in his time, particularly his “Hortorum libri quatuor;
” a work, which has
been much admired and applauded. It was first printed
at Paris, in 1665, and afterwards re-printed with alterations
and corrections by the author. In 1780, Brotier edited an
edition at the Barbou press. An English version of it was
published at London, in 1673, 8vo, by the celebrated Evelyn; and again, in 1706, by Mr. James Gardiner of Jesus
college, in Cambridge. All his Latin poems, consisting
of odes, epitaphs, sacred eclogues, and these four books
upon gardens, were collected and published at Paris, in
1681, in 2 vols. 12mo. In French, which he also wrote
with elegance, he published several treatises on polite literature, at various times, which were printed collectively in
1684, 2 vols. 4to, Paris; and at Amsterdam, in 2 vols.
8vo, and translated into English by Basil Rennet and others,
in 1705, in 2 vols. 8vo, under the title of “The Critical
Works of Mons. llapin.
” The first volume contains a
comparison between Demosthenes and Cicero for eloquence,
Homer and Virgil for poetry, Thucydides and Livy for
history, Plato and Aristotle for philosophy: the second,
reflections on eloquence, on Aristotle’s poetry, on history, on philosophy. Rapin’s general design in this work
was, as he tells us himself, to restore good taste, which
had been somewhat corrupted by a spirit of profound erudition, that had reigned in the preceding age: but, although
there are many just observations in his work, it is not that
on which it would be safe for a student to rely; nor is his
preference of the Roman to the Greek writers to be justified. Some of his arguments on this part of his subject
are childish.
, an eminent historian, was born at Castresin Languedoc, March 25, 1661. His family was
, an eminent historian, was
born at Castresin Languedoc, March 25, 1661. His family was
originally from Savoy, and is supposed to have removed into
France upon embracing the Protestant religion. Philibert
de Rapin, his great-grandfather, who was of that persuasion, exposed himself so much to the indignation of the
Roman catholics, and particularly to that of the parliament
of Toulouse, that his head was struck off in 1563 by a
sentence of theirs, at the very time that he came, by the
king’s order, to have the treaty of peace registered there.
Daniel the historian passes over this fact in silence; and
his reason is supposed to have been, that he might exaggerate the disturbances raised by the Huguenots afterwards in the country about Toulouse. What then happened
appears to have been the popular revenge for Philibert’s
death, as the soldiers wrote on the ruins of the houses they
had burned, “Vengeance for Rapin’s death.
” James de
Rapin, lord of Thoyras, was our author’s father. He applied himself to the study of the law, and was an advocate
in the chamber of the edict of Nantes above fifty years.
These chambers were courts of judicature erected in several towns of France, in behalf of the Huguenots, or Protestants; the judges of which were half of the Reformed,
and half of the Roman catholic religion. Jane de Pelisson,
his wife, was daughter to a counsellor of the chamber of
Castres, and sister to George and Paul Pelisson; which
lady, after having been Confined for some time in a convent, was at last sent, by the king’s order, to Geneva,
where she died in 1705.
John Rastail died at London in 1536, leaving two sons, William and John. William was born in London in 1508, and about 1525 was sent to Oxford, which
John Rastail died at London in 1536, leaving two sons, William and John. William was born in London in 1508, and about 1525 was sent to Oxford, which he left without taking a degree, and entered of Lincoln’s Inn for the study of law. In the first of Edward VI. he became autumn or summer reader of that house; but on the change of religion he retired with his wife to Louvain, whence he returned on the accession of queen Mary. In 1554 he was made a serjeant at law, one of the commissioners for the prosecution of heretics, and a little before Mary’s death, one of the justices of the common pleas. Queen Elizabeth renewed his patent as justice, but he preferred retiring to Louvain, where he died Aug. 27, 1565, and was buried in the church of St. Peter, on the north side of the altar of the Virgin Mary. His wife, who died in 1553, on their first going to Louvain, at the age of twenty-six, was the daughter of Dr. John Clement, one of the physicians sent by Henry VIII. to Cardinal Wolsey during his last illness. She was a lady of considerable learning, and well acquainted with Greek and Latin.
, one of the very few learned prelates in the tenth century, was born at Libya, and embraced a monastic life at the abbey of
, one of the very few learned prelates in
the tenth century, was born at Libya, and embraced a monastic life at the abbey of Lobbes, or Laubes, in Flanders.
Here he distinguished himself by his abilities and acquirements. In the year 928, after Hilduin had been driven out
of the see of Liege, he accompanied him into Italy; and in
931 he was, by the express order of the pope, put in possession of the see of Verona; and with this promotion he
commenced a life of vicissitudes and persecutions, an account of which here would perhaps be uninteresting, but
may be found amply detailed in the edition of his works
printed by the brothers Ballerini in 1767. He died at
Namur, about the year 973. His works are numerous, and
divided into three parts the first contain his “Prologues,
in six books which form a treatise on the duties of all
classes of men, expressing also their vices and irregularities; the second is a collection of letters; and the third consists of sermons.
, a French mathematician and astronomer, was born at Montpellier, Sept. 1, 1722, and from his earliest years
, a French mathematician and astronomer, was born at Montpellier, Sept. 1,
1722, and from his earliest years became attached to the
study of the sciences, particularly mathematics. When
very young, he was appointed secretary to the Montpellier
academy of sciences, which office he held until all academies in France were dissolved. In the course of his office,
he published two volumes of their “Memoirs/' and was
preparing a third at the time of the revolution. He also
contributed many valuable papers himself on philosophical
and mathematical subjects, and furnished some articles for
” Dictionnaire Encyclopedique.“The comet of 1759,
the subject of so much prediction and expectation, so far
altered his pursuits as to make them afterwards centre in
astronomy. He was for a long time considered as the only
good astronomer at Montpellier, and made many useful
observations, particularly on the famous transit of Venus
in 1761. Such was his zeal, that when old age prevented
him from making observations with his usual accuracy, he
maintained a person for that purpose at his own expence as
keeper of the observatory at Montpellier. On the death
of his father, in 1770, he became counsellor of the court
of aids, and was often the organ of that company on remarkable occasions. In 1793, when such members of the
old academy as had esdaped the murderous period of the
revolution attempted to revive it under the name of
” Societe* Libre des sciences et belles lettres de Montpeliier,“De Ratte was chosen president. Some volumes of their
transactions have been published under the title of
” Bulletins." When the national institute was formed, De Ratte
was chosen an associate, and also a member of other learned
societies in France, and at last one of the legion of honour.
He died Aug. 15, 1805, aged eighty-three. His astronomical observations have been collected for publication by
M. De Flaugergues, an astronomer of Viviers; but our
authority does not mdntipn whether they haV yet appeared.
, a French divine, was born at Toul in 1443, of a good family. He studied at Paris,
, a French divine, was born at Toul
in 1443, of a good family. He studied at Paris, and
rereived the degree of doctor of divinity in 1479, having
before given proof of his learning and talents, by a commentary on the logic of Aristotle; and his pulpit oratory.
In 1481 he vvas chosen grand master of the college of Navarre, and performed the duties of that office in a manner
which procured him universal esteem. In 1497 he fancied
he had a special call to leave the world, and therefore relired to the abbey of Cluny, the order of which he vvas
commissioned to reform by cardinal D'Amboise; and here
too he was a very frequent preacher. He died Feb. 6, 1514,
in his seventy-first year. Major mentions an anecdote much
to the credit of Raulin. When he was only a licentiate,
some ecclesiastics who were filling their pockets by the stile
of indulgences, offered to pay all the expences of taking
his doctor’s degree, if he would join them and preach up
their trade, which he rejected with indignation. Many
iarge volumes ofRaulin’s sermons were printed after his
death, composed in a miserably bad taste, which, however,
was the taste of his age. It is perhaps a sufficient character
of them, that Rabelais took some of his ludicrous stories
from them. The only useful publication of RauSin is his
volume of correspondence, “Epistolse,
” Paris,
, a learned orientalist, was born at Berlin, in 1613, and alter studying for eight years
, a learned
orientalist, was born at Berlin, in 1613, and alter studying
for eight years at Rostock and other foreign schools, he
came to Oxford in 1638, about which time he addressed a
letter to archbishop Usher, who, conceiving a high opinion
of him, gave him an invitation to Dublin, with offers of
preferment. In the mean time becoming likewise known
to Grotius, the latter, unknown to archbishop Usher, introduced him to cardinal Richelieu, who offered to employ
him as his agent in the east. Ravins, however, pleaded
his pre-engagement to the English nation, and especially
to Usher; and the cardinal, with great liberality, admitted
his motive, and dismissed him with a handsome present.
He then, under the patronage of Usher, began his travels
in the East, but fortunately for himself, arrived at Constantinople with a strong recommendation from archbishop
Laud; for, according to Dr. Pocock’s account, who was
then in that city, Ravius “came thither, without either
cloaths befitting him (of which he said he had been robbed in France) or money, or letters of credit to any merchant.
He had letters of recommendation from some of the states
to the Dutch ambassador, who was departed before his
arrival. Sir Sackville Crow, the English ambassador, finding that he brought the archbishop’s recommendation, generously took him into his house and protection, and gave
him all due furtherance; requiring of him that, if occasion
so present itself, England may enjoy the benefit of what
time he shall here employ in the study of the eastern tongues.
His desire,
” Dr. Pocock adds, “seems to be, to be employed in setting forth books in the Arabic language, and to
be overseer of the press in that kind, for which he would
be very fitting.
, a learned English divine, and editor of lord Bacon’s works, was born at Norwich about 1588. He was admitted a Bible-clerk in
, a learned English divine, and
editor of lord Bacon’s works, was born at Norwich about
1588. He was admitted a Bible-clerk in Bene't college,
Cambridge, under the tuition of Mr. Chapman, on the
22d of January, 1660, and took both the degrees in arts
before the 19th of March, 1609, when he was elected a
fellow of the house. Upon this he commenced tutor, and
was ordained deacon by the bishop of Ely, at Downham,
September 22, 1611; not long after which, he was presented by the university of Cambridge to the rectory of
Bowthorpe in Norfolk, and was instituted to it Dec. 10,
1612. In 1616, by the favour of sir Francis Bacon, who
procured the living for him of the college, he obtained the
rectory of Landbeach. He had commenced B. D. the year
before, and upon his patron’s being made lord-keeper of
the great seal, was appointed his domestic chaplain. While
Mr. Rawley was in this situation, he proceeded D. D. in
1621. He was of great use to his master, in writing down,
compiling, digesting, and publishing his works; to many
of which he wrote prefaces and dedications, as well as
translated several of them into Latin. These, with some
other pieces committed to his care, he collected together,
and printed, after his lordship’s decease, London, 1638,
folio, with a dedication to king Charles, one of whose
chaplains he then was. In 1657, he published at London,
in folio, under the title of “Resuscitatio,
” several others
of lord Bacon’s tracts; to which at the request of many
foreigners, and natives of the kingdom, he prefixed some
account of his patron’s life. This, which is thought to be
drawn up in a clear and manly style, shews Dr. Rawley to
have been an able writer. It was likewise translated into
Latin, and placed before the “Opuscula varia Posthuma,
printed in 8vo the year following, which, he tells us, were
the last things he had in his hands. However, he republished the “Resuscitatio,
” with some additions, in Camden’s Britannia,
” with “Ciceronis Opera,
” in 2 vols. and Plato, in 3 vols. folio. These
books were delivered by his executor Mr. John Rawley, to
whose care we are indebted for those Remains of lord Bacon
which were published by Dr. Tenison.
' Hawkshead and Colton, was collaterally related to the subjects of the three following articles. He was born in 1677, educated at Queen’s college, Oxford, made upper
, of CarkhalL in Lancashire, esq. an able Saxon scholar, the only son of Curwen
Rawlinson of the same place, who died in 1689, and descended from a family of long standing in High Furness,
and very numerous in the parish of' Hawkshead and Colton, was collaterally related to the subjects of the three
following articles. He was born in 1677, educated at
Queen’s college, Oxford, made upper commoner May 10,
1695, and eminently distinguished for his application to
Saxon and Northern literature. He published, whilst at
Queen’s college, a beautiful edition of king Alfred’s Saxon
translation of “Boethius de Consolatione Philosophise,
Oxon. Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica, ex Hickesiano Thesauro excerpta,
” printed at Oxford in Viro eximio Christophoro Rawlinson Armigero, Literaturae Saxonicae Fautori egregio, hasce breviculas Institutiones Grammaticas dicat, dedicat, Editor.
He left behind him a large collection of Mss. among which
are many relating to Westmorland and Cumberland, of
which copies are at sir Michael le Fleming’s at Rydal. He
ordered his under-coffin to be heart of oak, and covered
with red leather; and died January 8, 1732-3, aged fiftyfive. At the north end of the north transept of the abbeychurch of St. Alban’s is a white marble sarcophagus, with
a figure of History sitting on it, reclining on her left arm,
holding in her hand a pen, with which she writes in a book,
while two other books lie under her feet. Below is this
and published the Saxon version of “Boethius de Consolatione Philosophise” in the Saxon language. He was born in the parish of Springfield in Essex, June 13, 1677, and
Christopher Rawlinson, of Caik-hall in Carimel, in the county of
Lancaster, esq. whose remains are deposited in a vault near this place.
He wa son of Curwen Rawlinson, member of parliament for the town
of Lancaster, and Klizabeth Monk, daughter and co-heir of the loyal
Nicholas Monk, lord bishop of Hereford, brother to (Jen. Monk duke of Albemarle. The said Christopher was of Queen’s college, in Oxford, and published the Saxon version of “Boethius de Consolatione Philosophise
” in the Saxon language. He was born in the parish of Springfield in Essex, June 13, 1677, and died in Jan. 1733. This monument was erected pursuant to the will of his cousin and co-heiress, Mrs. Mary Blake, youngest daughter of Roger More, of Kirkby Lonsdale, in the county of Westmoreland, serjeant at law,
and Catharine Rawlinson, sister of the said Curwen Rawlinson.
of London, descended from the ancient family of that name at Graisdale, in the county of Lancaster, was born in the parish of St. Dionis Backchurch, in Fenchurch-street,
, knt eldest surviving son of
Daniel Rawlinson, citizen and wine-merchant of London, descended from the ancient family of that name at
Graisdale, in the county of Lancaster, was born in the
parish of St. Dionis Backchurch, in Fenchurch-street,
London, March 1647 appointed sheriffof London by James II.
1687, colonel of the white regiment of trainee! bands, and
govt rnor of Bridewell and Bethlem hospitals, 1705; and,
in 1706, lord mayor of London, when he beautified and
repaired Guildhall, as appears by an inscription in the
great porch. He married Mary, eldest daughter of Richard
Taylor, esq. of Turnham-green, with whom he lived 27
years, and by whom he had 15 children. She died at
Chelsea, Feb. 21, 1724-5, aged sixty-three. He died in
his own parish, November 2, 1705, and was buried with
his father, who died in 1679, aged sixty-six, Of his children, four daughters, Anne- Maria, Mary, Margaret, Susan;
and two sons, both named Daniel, died before him. William died in 1732, and was buried at Antwerp. John, of
Little Leigh in Cheshire, esq. died January 9, 1753.
Tempest, the youngest son, by profession a dry-salter, died
January 1, 1737. Sir Thomas Rawlinson, it maybe added,
had been foreman of the grand jury at the trial of alderman
Cornish; and was elected sheriff by royal mandate. His
eldest son, Thomas, for whom Mr. Addison is said to have
intended his character of Tom Folio, in the Taller, No. 158,
but with infinitely too satirical a vein, was a great collector
of books; and himself a man of learning, as well as patron
of learned men. Mattairehas dedicated to him his edition
of Juvenal; and Hearne’s publication, entitled “Aluredi
Beverlacensis Annales, &c.
” was printed from the original
ms. in this gentleman’s possession. Very numerous indeed
were the communications that editor received from Mr.
Thomas Rawlinson, for all which he takes every opportunity of expressing his gratitude. While Mr. Rawlinson
lived in Gray’s inn, he had four chambers so completely
filled with books, that his bed was removed out into the
passage. He afterwards removed to London-house, the
ancient palace of the bishops of London, in Aldersgate-street, where he died August 6, 1725, aged forty-four,
and was buried in the church of St. Botolph Aldersgate.
In London-house his library was sold after his decease;
and there also lived and died his brother Richard, who left
a portrait of his brother Thomas in crayons, another of
himself, and another of Nicolas Salmon, LL. D. the antiquary, to the Society of Antiquaries, all afterwards revoked.
His Mss. took sixteen days to sell, from March 4, 1733-4.
The catalogue of his library consists of nine parts. The
amount of the fiva first parts was 2409l. Mr. Charles
Marsh, late bookseller at Charing-cross, used to say,
that the sale of Mr. Thomas Rawlinson’s library was one of
the first events he remembered upon engaging in business;
and that it was the largest collection at that time known to
have been offered to the public.
lish natural philosopher, was the son of a blacksmith at Black Notley, near Braintree, in Essex, and was born there Nov. 29th, 1628. He was bred a scholar at Braintree
, an eminent English natural philosopher, was the son of a blacksmith at Black Notley, near Braintree, in Essex, and was born there Nov. 29th, 1628. He was bred a scholar at Braintree school; and sent thence, in 1644, to Catharine-hall in Cambridge. Here he continued about two years, and then removed, for some reason orother, to Trinity-college with which, says Derham, he was afterwards much pleased, because in Catharine-hall they chiefly addicted themselves to disputations, while in Trinity the politer arts and sciences were principally cultivated. In Sept. 1649 he was chosen a minor fellow along with his ingenious friend Isaac Barrow, and was chosen major fellow, when he had completed his master’s degree. The learned Duport, famous for his skill in Greek, who had been his tutor, used to say, that the chief of all his pupils, and to whom he esteemed none of the rest comparable, were Mr. Ray and Dr. Barrow. In 1651, Mr. Ray was chosen the Greek lecturer of the college; in 1653, the mathematical lecturer; in 1655, humanity-reader; which three appointments shew the reputation he had acquired, in that early period of his life, for his skill in languages, polite literature, and the sciences. After he had been of greater standing, he was chosen into the respective offices of the college, as praelector primarius, in 1657; junior dean in 1658; and twice college-steward, in 1659 and 1660.
, a French writer of considerable, but temporary celebrity, was born at St. Genies in the Rovergue, in 1713. He was educated
, a French writer of considerable, but temporary celebrity, was born at St. Genies
in the Rovergue, in 1713. He was educated among the
Jesuits, and became one of their order. The learning of
that society is universally known, as well as the happy talents which its superiors possessed, of assigning to each
member his proper employment. Raynal, after having
acquired among them a taste for literature and science, and
being ordained a priest, displayed such talents in the pulpit, that his preaching attracted numerous audiences. Hi*
love of independence, however, induced him, in 1748, to
dissolve his connexion with the Jesuits, and to take up his’
residence at Paris. Such is the account given by our principal authority; but, according to the abbe Barruel, he
was expelled the society for his impiety. With this circumstance Barruel may be much better acquainted than
we can be: but it seems probable that his impieties had not
then reached much farther than to call in question the supreme authority of the church; for Raynal himself assures
us, that he did not utter his atrocious declarations against
Christianity till he had ceased to be a member of the order
of Jesuits. He then associated himself with Voltaire,
D'Alembert, and Diderot, and was by them employed to
furnish the theological articles for the “Encyclopedic.
But though his religious opinions were certainly lax, he
could not even then be what, in a Protestant country,
would be deemed a man remarkable for impiety; for he
employed the abbe Yvon, whom Barruel calls an old metaphysician, but an inoffensive and upright man, to write
the articles which he was engaged to furnish. In this
transaction, indeed, he shewed that he possessed not a proper sense of honour, for he paid poor Yvon with twentyrive louis d'ors for writing theological articles, for which
he received himself six times that sum; and the trick
being discovered, Raynal was disgraced, and compelled
to pay up the balance to the abbe Yvon; but though he
had thus shewn himself to be without honour, it is difficult to believe he had yet proceeded so far as blasphemy,
of which he has been accused, since he had employed
a Christian divine to supply his place in the “Encyclopedic.
, a celebrated Jesuit, was born in 1583, at Sospello, in the county of Nice. He resided
, a celebrated Jesuit, was
born in 1583, at Sospello, in the county of Nice. He resided
almost wholly in France; and though his singular opinions,
joined to a temper naturally morose and satirical, involved
him in many disputes with his society, he would not quit
it. He died at Lyons, October 31, 1663, aged eighty, and
the Carmelites paid him funeral honours in all their convents
on account of the book he had written on the Scapulary.
A complete collection of his works was printed at Lyons;
in 1665, 20 vols. fol. Tom. XX is not numbered so, but
entitled “Apopompaeus,
” Erotema cle bonis et mails Libris,
” i. e. Questions
concerning good and bad books; and “Symbola Antoiiiana,
, was born at Vercelli, in Piedmont, in 1479, and became a citizen
, was born at Vercelli, in Piedmont, in 1479, and became a citizen of Siena. The warm tone of his colour, the masses of his chiaroscuro, and other traces of the Milanese school in his works, seem to confirm the tradition as to the place of his birth. The frescoes which he painted in the Vatican, under the pontificate of Julius II. were by order of that pope demolished, to make room for those of Raphael. Certain other pictures, representing deeds of Alexander the Great, still remain in the palace Chigi, now called the Farnesina: with much of the chiaroscuro, though not of the dignity and grace, of Lionardo da Vinci, they are remarkable for beauties of perspective and playful imagery.
, an English divine, was a native of Buckinghamshire, where he was born in 1588. He was admitted a student of Magdalen-hall, Oxford,
, an English divine, was a native of
Buckinghamshire, where he was born in 1588. He was
admitted a student of Magdalen-hall, Oxford, in 1604. He
took his degree of M. A. in 1610, and then entered himself
a commoner of Alban-hall. In 1612 he was ordained deacon, and in 1614 priest, by the bishop of Oxford. About
this time he became chaplain to Edward lord Zouch of Haringworth, warden of the cinque ports, and governor of Dover-castle. Having accompanied this nobleman to Dover,
his preaching was so much admired, that at the request of
the parishioners he was made minister of St. Mary’s, in
December 1616. He was afterwards appointed chaplain
in ordinary to Charles I. He was one of those doctrinal
puritans, who opposed, as much as any churchman of opposite religious sentiments, the violent proceedings of the
authors of the rebellion, and had exposed them so frequently
in his sermons, that he was soon marked out for vengeance.
In April 1612, his library at Dover was plundered, and in
November following he was dragged from his house by the
soldiers, and imprisoned for a year and seven months. In
January of the above mentioned year, archbishop Laud,
then a prisoner in the Tower, had, at his majesty’s request,
bestowed on him the living of Chartham in Kent; but from
that the usurping party took care he should receive no advantage. He was also with as little effect made a prebendary of Canterbury. In 1644, however, sir William Brockman gave him the living of Cheriton in Kent, which he was
not only allowed to keep, but was likewise appointed by
the assembly of divines, to be one of the nine divines who
were to write annotations on the New Testament for the
work afterwards published, and known by the title of the
“Assembly’s Annotations.
, an eminent French naturalist, was born at Rochelle in 1683. He learned grammar at the place of
, an eminent French naturalist, was born at Rochelle in 1683. He learned grammar at the place of his birth, and studied philosophy at the Jesuits college at Poitiers. In 1699 he went from thence to Bourges, at the invitation of an uncle, where he studied the civil law. In 1703, he went to Paris, and applied himself wholly to the mathematics and natural philosophy; and in 1708, being then only twenty-four years old, he was chosen a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences; and during that and the following year, he described a general method of finding and ascertaining all curves described by the extremity of a right line, the other end of which is moved round a given curve, and by lines which fall upon a given curve, under a certain angle greater or less than a right angle.
, a learned physician and mathematician, was born of a good family in Wales, and flourished in the reigns
, a learned physician and mathematician, was born of a good family in Wales, and flourished in the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Mary. There is no account of the exact time of his birth, though it must have been early in the sixteenth century, as he was entered of the university of Oxford about 1525, where he was elected fellow of All Souls college in 1531, being then B. A. but Wood is doubtful as to the degree of master. Making physic his profession, he went to Cambridge, where he was honoured with the degree of doctor in that faculty, in 1545, and highly esteemed by all that knew him for his great knowledge in several arts and sciences. He afterwards returned to Oxford, where, as he had done before he went to Cambridge, he publicly taught arithmetic, and other branches of the mathematics, with great applause. It seems he afterwards repaired to London, and it has been said he was physician to Edward VI. and Mary, to which princes he dedicates some of his books; and yet he ended his days in the King’s Bench prison, Southwark, where he was confined for debt, in 155.S, at a very immature age. Pits gives him a very high character, as excelling in every branch of knowledge, philosophy, polite literature, astronomy, natural history, &c. &c. And Tanner observes that he had a knowledge of the Saxon language, as appears from his marginal notes on Alexander Essebiens, a ms. in Corpus Christi college, Cambridge.
, an ancient Italian scholar and physician, was born of a noble family at Arezzo, in 1626. He studied at Padua,
, an ancient Italian scholar and physician, was born of a noble family at Arezzo, in 1626. He
studied at Padua, where he took the degree of doctor in
philosophy and physic: and very soon afterwards rendered
himself so conspicuous by his talents and acquirements in
these sciences, that he was appointed first physician to the
grand dukes Ferdinand II. and Cosmo III. At this time
the academy del Cimento was occupied in a series of philosophical experiments which gave full scope and employment to Redi’s genius; and at the desire of his noble patron, he undertook the investigation of the salts which are
obtainable from different vegetables. With what success
these experiments were conducted, may be seen by referring to his works. His principal attention, however, was
directed to two more important subjects: viz. the prison of
the viper, and the generation and properties of insects. In
the first of these inquiries he shewed the surprising difference there is between swallowing the viperine poison, and
having it applied to the surface of the body by a wound.
He also proved that, contrary to the assertion of Charas,
the virulence of the poison does not depend upon the rage
or exasperation of the animal, since the poison collected
from a viper killed without being previously irritated, and
dropped into a wound produces the same fatal effects, as
that which is infused into a wound made by the animal
when purposely teazed until it bites. On the subject of
insects, he refuted the doctrine, maintained by all the ancients and by many moderns, of putrefaction being the
cause of their generation; a doctrine which had, indeed,
been attacked some years before by an Italian author named
Aromatari, but not with that weight of facts and force of
argument which are so conspicuous in this treatise and the
rest of Redi’s writings. His observations on various natural
productions brought from the Indies, and on animals that
live within other living animals, “osservazioni intorno agli
animali viventi che si trovano negli animali viventi,
” exhibit
many curious experiments and discoveries. But while he
was thus engaged in philosophical pursuits, he did not neglect the duties of his profession, as a physician. His
letters contain numerous histories of diseases and of their
treatment; for he kept a register of all remarkable cases
and consultations. He was particularly diligent in noticing
the operation of remedies, and in many disorders enjoined
a very abstemious diet. Kedi’s merits, however, were not
confined to philosophy and medicine. He was also an excellent philologist and an elegant poet. His “Bacco in
” has lately been edited by Mr. Mathias. All his
writings possess the attraction of a pure and polished style;
and the Academy della Crusca justly regarded him as one
of the best authorities, in the composition of their celebrated
Dictionary. This indefatigable philosopher and amiable
man died at Pisa in 1698, having previously suffered much
from epileptic attacks. After his death, a medal was struck
in honour of his name, by order of Cosmo III. His works
have gone through various editions; but that which was
printed at Naples in 7 vols. 4to, is esteemed the best.
, one of the most learned divines of his time, was born in 1499, descended from a Yorkshire family, and was nearly
, one of the most learned divines of his time, was born in 1499, descended from a Yorkshire family, and was nearly related to Tonstall, bishop of Durham. By the encouragement of this learned prelate, he was from his infancy devoted to literature, which he cultivated first in Corpus Christi, Oxford, under the first president, John Claymond, a man of singular erudition and generosity. From Oxford he went for a time to study at Paris, and continued there until he became of age. He then, on his return, fixed himself in St. John’s college, Cambridge, where he is said to have been so adorned with the knowledge of Cicero and the purest authors of antiquity, that Cheke, then a young man there, was fired with emulation; and in a short time, through their united pains and example, that seminary acquired the fame of being more than a match for a whole foreign university. Here he took his bachelor’s degree in 1526, that of master in 1530, and that of D. D. in 1534. He was also elected public orator of the university. He was soon after chosen master of King’s-hall, which he resigned in 1547, being then appointed the first master of Trinity college. He was likewise archdeacon of Taunton, and a member of the convocation in 1547 and 1550; also prebendary of Wells, and of Westminster, in the college of which cathedral he died in 1551, aged fifty-two, and was buried in the north aile of the abbey.
, a dramatic and miscellaneous writer, was born at Stockton, in the county of Durham, in March 1723, and
, a dramatic and miscellaneous writer, was born at Stockton, in the county of Durham, in March 1723, and succeeded his father in the business of a ropemaker, which he carried on in that country until 1757, when he removed to Sun Tavern fields at Stepney near London, and there pursued the same occupation with great credit and probity until his death, Aug. 15, 1787, aged sixty-four. In 1750 he married Sarah, daughter of Mr. John Watson, of Stockton, flax-dresser, who died many years before him, and by whom he left issue John Watson Reed, late of Ely-place, Holborn, attorney at law, who died Jan. 31, 1790; Shakspeare, who succeeded him in his business; and Sarah, who married Gilbert Wilson, and died his widow a few days before her brother.
, a gentleman eminently conversant in literary history, was born Jan. 1, 1742, at Stewart-street, Old Artillery-ground,
, a gentleman eminently conversant in
literary history, was born Jan. 1, 1742, at Stewart-street,
Old Artillery-ground, London, of a family, we are told,
“highly respectable, and of considerable antiquity,
” but
certainly at this time somewhat reduced, as his father was
in the humble occupation of a baker. He is said,
however, to have been a man of education and abilities very
superior to his condition, and both capable and desirous
of bestowing those advantages upon his son, whom he sent
to an academy at Streatham. In 1757, Mr. Reed became
an articled clerk to Messrs. Perrot and Hodgson, then
eminent attornies in London; and at the expiration of his
articles, engaged himself as assistant to Mr. Hoskins, of
Lincoln’s-inu, an eminent barrister and conveyancer. In
this situation he remained about a year, when he took
chambers in Gray’s-inn, and began to practise as a conveyancer on his own account.
, an English physician and philologist, was born at Llanvaethly in the isle of Anglesea, in 1534. After
, an English physician and philologist, was born at Llanvaethly in the isle of Anglesea,
in 1534. After residing two or three years at Oxford, he
was elected student of Christ church, but inclining to the
study of medicine, went abroad, and took the degree of
doctor in that faculty at Sienna in Tuscany. He acquired
so perfect a knowledge of the Italian language, that he was
appointed public moderator of the school of Pistoia in
Tuscany, and wrote books in that tongue, which were much
esteemed by the Italians themselves. On his return, with
a high reputation for medical and critical learning of all
kinds, he retired to Brecknock, where he passed the
greater part of his life in literary pursuits and the practice
of his profession, and where he died about 1609. Wood
says he died a Roman catholic; and Dodd, upon that authority, has included him among his worthies of that religion, but there seems some reason to doubt this. One of
Rhese’s publications was a Welsh grammar, “CambroBritannicae, Cymeraecaeve, linguse Institutiones et
Rudimenta, &c. ad intelligend. Biblia Sacra iiuper in CambroBritannicum sermonem eleganter versa,
” Lond. 1592, folio.
Prefixed to this is a preface by Humphrey Prichard, in
which he informs us that the author made this book purposely for the better understanding of that excellent translation of the Bible into Welsh, and principally for the sake
of the clergy, and to make the scriptures more intelligible
to them and to the people; a measure which a Roman catholic in those days would scarcely have adopted. Prichard also
says that he was “sincere religionis propaganda avidissimus;
” and as Prichard was a protestant, and a minister of
the church of England, he must surely mean the protestant
religion. Rhese’s other works are, “Rules for obtaining
the Latin Tongue,
” written in the Tuscan language, and
printed at Venice; and “De Italicae linguae pronunciatione,
” in Latin, printed at Padua. There was likewise in
Jesus college library a ms compendium of Aristotle’s Metaphysics in the Welsh language by our author, in which
he asserts, what every ancient Briton will agree to, that this
tongue is as copious and proper for the expression of philosophical terms, as the Greek or any other language. Several other valuable tracts, which are entirely lost, were
written by Dr. Rhese, who was accounted one of the great
luminaries of ancient British literature. By Stradling in
his epigrams, he is styled “novum antiques linguae lumen;
and by Camden, “clarissimus et eruditissimus vir Joannes
” for he was sometimes called John David, or Davis.
, an English divine, was born in 1668, and educated at King’s college, Cambridge, where
, an English divine, was born in
1668, and educated at King’s college, Cambridge, where
he took his degree of B. A. in 1688, and M. A. in 1692,
and obtained a fellowship. In 1694, earl Berkley gave him
the rectory of Cranford in Middlesex, and he obtained
the vicarage of St. Mary, Reading, in 1711. He was also
chaplain to queen Anne. He died March 26, 1726, in the
fifty-eighth year of his age, and was buried near the altar
in St. Mary’s church. He published several occasional
sermons; and after his death a collection of fourteen were
printed in 1729, from his ms. which he had prepared for
the press. These sermons have a peculiar cast of originality; and the author was considered as an able and spirited preacher. The first sermon in the volume, “The
fatal consequences of Bribery, exemplified in Judas, Matt,
xxvii. 3, 4.
” was first preached during the time of an
election, and printed at a low price, to be given away:
and it is said that many, on hearing, or reading it, returned
the bribes which they had taken, and voted another way.
He published also a valuable work, “The Apologies of the
Fathers, with a dissertation on the right use of the Fathers,
, a French philosopher, and great propagator of Cartesianism, was born in Agenois, in 1632. He cultivated the languages and philosophy
, a French philosopher, and great propagator of Cartesianism, was born in Agenois, in 1632. He cultivated the languages and philosophy under the Jesuits at Cahors, and afterwards divinity in the university of that town, being designed for the church. He made so uncommon a progress, that at the end of four years he was offered a doctor’s degree without the usual charges; but he did not think it became him to accept of it till he had studied also in the Sorbonne at Paris. He went thither, but was soon disgusted with theology; and, as the philosophy of Des Cartes was at that time drawing public attention, through the lectures of Rohault, he became attached to it, and went to Toulouse in 1665, where he read lectures on the subject. Having a clear and fluent manner, and a facility in making himself understood, he was honoured, as his auditors, by the magistrates, the learned, the ecclesiastics, and even the ladies, who all affected to abjure the ancient philosophy. In 1680, he returned to Paris; where the concourse about him was such, that the Aristotelians applied to the archbishop of Paris, who thought it expedient, in the name of the king, to put a stop to the lectures; and they were accordingly discontinued for several months. The whole life of Regis, however, was spent in propagating the new philosophy. In 1690, he published a formal system of it, containing logic, metaphysics, physics, and morals, in 3 vols. 4to, and written in French. It was reprinted, the year after, at Amsterdam, with the addition of a discourse upon ancient and modern philosophy. He wrote afterwards several pieces in defence of his system in which he had disputes with M. Huet, Du Hamel, Malebranche, and others. His works, though abounding with ingenuity and learning, have been disregarded in consequence of the great discoveries and advancement in philosophic knowledge that have been since made. He died in 1707. He had been chosen member of the academy of sciences in 1699.
, one of the best French comic writers after Moliere, was born at Paris in 1647. He had scarcely finished his studies,
, one of the best French comic writers after Moliere, was born at Paris in 1647. He had scarcely finished his studies, when he was seized with a passion for travelling, and an ardent desire to see the different countries of Europe. He went to Italy first, but was unfortunate in his return thence; for, the English vessel bound for Marseilles, on which he embarked at Genoa, was taken in the sea of Provence by the Barbary Corsairs; and he was carried a slave to Algiers. Having some acquaintance with the art of French cookery, he procured an office in his master’s kitchen. His amiable manners and pleasant humour made him a favourite with all about him, and not a little so with the women; but being detected in an intrigue with one of them, his master insisted upon his submitting to the law of the country, which obliged a Christian, convicted of such an offence, either to turn Mahometan, or to suffer death by fire. Regnard, however, was saved from either punishment, by the intervention of the French consul, who having just received a large sum for his redemption, sent him home, about 1681.
et, was the son of a citizen of Chartres, by a sister of the abbe Desportes, a famous poet also, and was born there in 1573. He was brought up to the church, and no
, a satirical French poet, was the son of a citizen of Chartres, by a sister of the abbe Desportes, a famous poet also, and was born there in 1573. He was brought up to the church, and no man more unfit or unworthy, for such were his debaucheries, that as we learn from himself, he had at thirty all the infirmities of old age. Yet this did not prevent his obtaining the patronage of cardinal Joyeuse, and the ambassador Philip de Bethune, with whom he was twice at Rome, in 1593 and 1601. In 1604, by their influence, he obtained a canonry in the church of Chartres; and had other benefices, and also a pension of 2000 livres, which Henry IV. settled on him in 1606, all which he spent on his licentious pleasures. He died at Rouen in 1613, at the age of forty, completely debilitated and worn out.
, or Des-Marais (Francis Seraphin), a French writer, was born at Paris in 1632 and, at fifteen, distinguished himself
, or Des-Marais (Francis Seraphin), a French writer, was born at Paris in 1632 and, at
fifteen, distinguished himself by translating the “Batrachomyomachia
” into burlesque verse. At thirty, he went
to Rome as secretary to an embassy. An Italian ode of his
writing procured him a place in the academy de la Crusca
in 1667; and, in 1670, he was elected a member of the
French academy. In 1684, he was made perpetual secretary, after the death of Mezeray; and it was he who drew
up all those papers, in the name of the academy, against
Furetiere. In 1668, the king gave him the priory of Grammont, which determined him to the ecclesiastical function:
and, in 1675, he had an abbey. His works are, an Italian
translation of Anacreon’s odes, which he dedicated to the
academy de la Crusca in 1692; a French grammar and
two volumes of poems, in French, Latin, Italian, and Spanish. He translated, into French, Tully “De Divinatione,
& de Finibus
” and Rodrigue’s “Treatise of Christian perfection,
” from the Spanish. He died in 17 Is, aged 82.
“He has done great service to language,
” says Voltaire,
“and is the author of some poetry in French and Italian.
He contrived to make one of his Italian pieces pass for Petrarch’s but he could not have made his French verses
pass for those of any great French poet.
divine, whose life, however barren of incidents, fixes an aera in the history of modern philosophy, was born April 26, J7 10, at Strachen in Kincardineshire, a country
, a Scotch divine, whose life, however barren of incidents, fixes an aera in the history of modern philosophy, was born April 26, J7 10, at Strachen in Kincardineshire, a country parish, situated about twenty miles from Aberdeen, on the north side of the Grampian mountains. His father, the rev. Lewis Reid, was minister of that parish for fifty years. His mother was Margaret Gregory, one of the twenty-nine children of David Gregory of Kinnardie, and sister to James Gregory, the inventor of the reflecting telescope, and to David Gregory, Savilian professor of astronomy at Oxford. After two years spent at the parish school at Kincardine, our author was sent to Aberdeen, where he had the advantage of prosecuting his classical studies under an able and diligent teacher; so that about the age of twelve or thirteen he was entered a student in Marischal College, under Dr. George Turnbull. The sessions of the college were at that time very short, and the education, according to Dr. Reid’s own account, slight and superficial.
, commonly called Cousin Jaques, a very eccentric French writer, was born at Laon Nov. 6, 1757. From his eighteenth to his twentysecond
, commonly called
Cousin Jaques, a very eccentric French writer, was born
at Laon Nov. 6, 1757. From his eighteenth to his twentysecond year, he taught rhetoric and the belles iettres in
several colleges, and came to Paris in 1770, where he was
made a member of the Musee and of the Lyceum of arts.
He was also a member of the academy of Bretagne, and of
many other learn'ed societies, all which seem to indicate
reputation and talents. The former he employed every
means to acquire, but appears in general to have been more
ambitious of temporary than lasting fame, and thought
himself very successful when he puzzled the wits of Paris
with the strange titles of his publications. In 1799 he
began to publish, in a periodical form, what he called
“Dictionnaire des hommes et des choses,
” which his
biographer styles a whimsical work, without informing us in
what respect. Something political seems to have entered
into its composition, as after he had published several
numbers, it was suppressed by the police. He tried his
talents likewise on the theatre; and if success be a proof
of merit, had no reason to complain. His plays were,
1. “Les ailes de l'amour,
” which was performed at three
theatres. 2. “Le club des bonnes gens,
” played Histoire universelle,
” a comic opera, played 87 times at
Feydau in 1790 and 1791. 4. “Nicodeme dans la Lune,
represented La petite Nanette,
” &c.
and other operas, which were all successful, and of which
he also composed the music, in an easy and agreeable
, a learned and philosophic German, was born at Gotha, a city of Thuringia, in 1587. He was a physician
, a learned and philosophic German, was born at Gotha, a city of Thuringia, in 1587. He was a physician but applied himself to polite literature, in which he chiefly excelled. After practising physic in other places, he settled at Altenburg for several years, and was made a burgo-master. At last, having been raised to be counsellor to the elector of Saxony, he went to reside at Leipsic; where he also died in 1667. One of his letters relates many circumstances of his life, and shews him to have met with many vexations; though, as will appear afterwards, he was more than ordinarily upon his guard, that he might not be involved in the troubles of the world.
, an eminent astronomer and mathematician, was born at Salfeldt in Thuringia, a province in Upper Saxony, the
, an eminent astronomer and
mathematician, was born at Salfeldt in Thuringia, a province in Upper Saxony, the llth of October, 1511. H^
studied mathematics under James Milichi at Wittemberg,
in which university he afterwards became professor of those
sciences, which he taught with great applause. After
writing a number of useful and learned works, he died
February 19, 1553, at 42 years of age only. His writings
are chiefly the following: 1. “Theorize novae Planetarum
G. Purbachii,
” augmented and illustrated with diagrams
and Scholia in 8vo, 1542; and again in 1580. In this
work, among other things worthy of notice, he teaches (p. 75 and 76) that the centre of the lunar epicycle describes
an ovalfgure in each monthly period, and that the or hit
of Mercury is also of the same oval figure. 2. “Ptolomy’s
” the first book, in Greek, with a Latin version,
and Scholia, explaining the more obscure passages, 1549,
8vo. At the end of p. 123 he promises an edition of
Theon’s Commentaries, which are wry useful for understanding Ptolomy’s meaning; but his immature death prevented Reinhold from giving this and other works which he
had projected. 3. “Prutenicse Tabulae Ccelestiurn Motuum,
” Primus
liber Tabularum Directionum
” to which are added, the
“Canon Fcecundus,
” or Table of Tangents, to every
minute of the quadrant and New Tables of Climates, Parallels, and Shadows, with an Appendix containing the
second Book of the Canon of Directions; 1554, 4to.
Reinhold here supplies what was omitted by Regiomontanus in his Table of Directions, &c.; shewing the finding
of the sines, and the construction of the tangents, the sines
being found to every minute of the quadrant, to the radius 10,000,000; and he produced the Oblique Ascensions
from 60 degrees to the end of the quadrant. He teaches
also the use of these tables in the solution of spherical
scholar, and equally extraordinary man, who has furnished us with very curious memoirs of his life, was born Dec. 25, 1716, at Zorbig, a small town near Leipsic, of
, an extraordinary scholar, and
equally extraordinary man, who has furnished us with very
curious memoirs of his life, was born Dec. 25, 1716, at
Zorbig, a small town near Leipsic, of ancestors of whom
he knew nothing, except that his grandfather was an innkeeper. He was educated at the school of Zorbig until
ten years old, then was removed to Soschen, where a gentleman, to whom he afterwards in gratitude dedicated his
remarks on the “Tusculan questions,
” brought him very
forward. Thence he went to school at Halle, where he
complains of the length of the prayers, and of the ignorance
of his teacher, who knew nothing of Latin. In 1733 he
removed to the university of Leipsic; but instead of attending to Greek, mathematics, and polite literature, gave
himself, “in an evil hour,
” to Rabbinical learning, and
Arabic. Such, however, was his oeconomy, that although
during the five years he remained here, he received from
home only two hundred dollars, he contrived not only to
live, but to purchase most of the Arabic books then extant, and in 1736 he had read them all. The last year,
indeed, he obtained a scholarship of twenty dollars a-year,
which he might have enjoyed longer, had he not in 1738
determined to visit Holland, without ever considering how
he was to travel without money. He set out, however,
from Leipsic to Lunenburg in the common waggon, and
thence by the Elbe to Hamburgh, where he visited Reimarus, who at first received him coolly, but on discovering
his learning, gave him letters, and became his fast friend;
nor, he adds, did the worthy men of Hamburgh send him
penniless on the way.
, an eminent orientalist, was born at Ryp, a village in North-Holland, July 17, 1676. His
, an eminent orientalist, was born at Ryp, a village in North-Holland, July 17, 1676. His father was minister of that village, but afterwards removed to Alkmaar, and then to Amsterdam, in which last city Reland was educated with great care; and at eleven years of age, having passed through the usual courses at school, was placed in the college under Surenhusius. During three years of study under this professor, he made a great progress in the Hebrew, Syriac, Chaldee, and Arabic languages; and at his leisure hours applied himself to poetry, in which he was thought to succeed. At fourteen, he was sent to Utrecht; where he studied under Grrevius and Leusden, acquired a more perfect knowledge of the Latin and oriental tongues, and applied himself aiso to philosophy, in which he afterwards took the degree of doctor. At seventeen, he entered upon divinity under the direction of Herman Witsius and others; but did not abandon the oriental languages, which were always his favourite study. After he had resided six years at Utrecht, his father sent him to Leyden, to continue his theological studies under Frederic Spanheim and others; where he soon received the offer of a professorship at Linden, either in philosophy or the oriental languages. This he would have accepted, though only two and twenty; but his father’s ill state of health would not allow him to remove so far from Amsterdam. In 1699, he was elected professor of philosophy at Harderwick, but did not continue there long; for, king William having recommended him to the magistrates of Utrecht, he was offered in 1701 the professorship of oriental languages and ecclesiastical history, which he readily accepted. In 1703, he took a wife, by whom he had three children. In 1713, a society for the advancement of Christian knowledge was established in England, as was that for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts the year after; of both which Reland became a member. He died of the small-pox, at Utrecht, Feb. 5, 1718, in his forty-second year. He was a man of an excellent disposition, and of great humanity and modesty, of great learning, and had a correspondence with the most eminent scholars of his time.
, an eminent painter and engraver, was born at a village near Leyden, in 1606. The real name of his
, an eminent painter and
engraver, was born at a village near Leyden, in 1606.
The real name of his family was Gerretsz, but from having
resided early in life at a village upon the banks of the
Rhine, he obtained that of Van Ryn. Of his personal
history we have very few particulars. His father was a
miller. After an unsuccessful attempt to avail himself of
the advantages of a college education at Leyden, he is
said to have been indebted for his earliest instruction as a
painter to Jacques Vanzwanenburg. He afterwards studied
under Peter Lastman at Amsterdam, under whose name a
print is in circulation, which the author of the supplement
to the works of Rembrandt denominates “Lot and his
” but which is intended to represent Judah and
Tamar. Had this print, says Rembrandt’s late biographer,
been in fact the production of Lastman, it would have appeared that Rembrandt had been much indebted to his preceptor, as well for the manner of his execution in his etchings, as for the style of his design; but it is the work of
Van Noordt, probably after a design of Lastman, and is
certainly posterior in point of time to many of those of
, a very celebrated archbishop of Rheims, was born of an illustrious family, and heir to great wealth. He
, a very celebrated archbishop of Rheims, was born of an illustrious family, and heir to great wealth. He was raised to the see of Rheims about the year 460; distinguished himself by his learning and virtue, converted and baptised king Clovis, and died about January 23, in the year 533. Some Letters, and a Testament, in the library of the Fathers, and in Marlot’s History of Rheims, are attributed to him.
, an able naval architect, was born in 1652, in Beurn, descended from the ancient house of
, an able naval
architect, was born in 1652, in Beurn, descended from the
ancient house of Elisagaray in Navarre. The count de
Vermandois, admiral of France, engaged his services in
1679, by a pension of a thousand crowns; and his opinion
concerning the construction of ships was preferred to that
of M. Duguesne, even by that gentleman himself. In
consequence of this, Renau received orders to visit Brest
and the other ports, that he might instruct the ship-builders, whose sons of fifteen or twenty years old he taught
to build the largest ships, which had till then required the
experience of twenty or thirty years. Having advised the
bombardment of Algiers in 1680, he invented bomb-boats
for that expedition, and the undertaking succeeded. After
the admiral’s decease, M. Vauban placed M. Renau in a
situation to conduct the sieges of Cadaquiers in Catalonia,
of Philipsburg, Manheim, and Frankendal. In the midst
of this tumultuous life he wrote his “Theorie de la manoeuvre des Vaisseaux,
” which was published
, a French writer, very learned in Oriental history and languages, was born at Paris in 1646; and, being taught classical literature
, a French writer, very learned
in Oriental history and languages, was born at Paris in
1646; and, being taught classical literature by the Jesuits,
and philosophy in the college of Harcourt, afterwards entered into the congregation of the oratory, where he did
not continue long. His father being first physician to the
dauphin, he was early introdued to scenes, where his parts,
his learning, and his politeness, made him admired. His
reputation was afterwards advanced and established by several learned works, which he published. In 1700, heattended cardinal de Noailles to Rome; and received great
honours, together with the priory of Frossey in Bretagne,
from pope Clement V. Returning by Florence he was
honoured in the same manner by the great duke; and was
also made a member of the academy de la Crusca. On his
return to France he devoted himself entirely to letters,
and composed a great number of learned dissertations,
which are printed in the “Memoirs of the Academy of
” of which he was a member, as well as of the
French academy. He died in 1720. Voltaire blames him
for having prevented Bayle’s dictionary from being printed
in France. This is very natural in Voltaire and Voltaire’s
followers; but it is a more serious objection to Renaudot,
that, while his love of learning made him glad to correspond with learned Protestants, his cowardly bigotry
prevented him from avowing the connection. Not long before
Dr. Pocock’s death that eminent orientalist received a letter
from Renaudot, in which he professes a very high esteem
for the doctor, desires the liberty of consulting him in all
the doubts that should occur in preparing his “Collection
of Liturgies,
” &c. and promises, in return for this favour,
to make a public acknowledgment of it, and preserve a
perpetual memory of the obligation; yet, when the above
work appeared, he travelled out of his way to reproach
Dr. Pocock with a mistake, which was perhaps the only one
that could be discovered in his writings.
an learned in many respects, is said to have been the first author of Gazettes in France in 1631. He was born at Loudun in 1583, and died at Paris, where he had spent
, a physician, and a man
learned in many respects, is said to have been the first author of Gazettes in France in 1631. He was born at Loudun in 1583, and died at Paris, where he had spent the
greatest part of his life, in 1653. He left besides his Gazettes, a continuation of the “Mercure Frai^oise
” from
Abre*ge de la Vie et de la mort de Henri
de Bourbon, prince de Conde,
” La vie et la
mort du Marechal de Gassion,
” The Life
of Cardinal Michael de Mazarin,
” brother of the prime
minister of that name,
, or, as Wood says, commonly called Rhanger, a learned divine and Latin poet, was born in Hampshire, in 1529, and educated at Magdalen college,
, or, as Wood says, commonly called Rhanger, a learned divine and Latin poet, was born in Hampshire, in 1529, and educated at Magdalen college, Oxford. Here he took his bachelor’s degree, in March 1545; was chosen fellow in 1547, and afterwards completed his master’s degree. In king Edward’s reign, he was much esteemed as a pious preacher, and learned man; but as he had embraced the reformed religion, he was obliged to leave the kingdom on the accession of queen Mary, and lived mostly with some other English exiles at Strasburgh. When queen Elizabeth came to the throne, he was made one of her chaplains, and proved a zealous champion for the reformation. Wood says he refused several preferments, accepting only a prebend in the church of Winchester, and about the same time the rectory of Crawley near that city. In 1567 he was installed precentor and prebendary of Empingham in the church of Lincoln. In 1573, he took his degrees in divinity, and in 1575 was made archdeacon of Winchester. In 1583, he had the prebend of Reculverland, in the church of St. Paul, London, bestowed on him. He died Aug. 26, 1609, aged eighty-nine, and was buried in the church of Crawley, under the communion table.
, a learned Spanish Jesuit, was born in Grenada about 1730. After a liberal education, in which
, a learned Spanish Jesuit, was
born in Grenada about 1730. After a liberal education, in
which he made great proficiency in philosophy and mathematics, and discovered much taste for the fine arts, he
retired to Italy on the expulsion of his order. In 1782 he
sent to the society opened in Madrid for the fine arts, a
memoir which gained the first prize; and in 1788 he carried off the prize proposed by the academy of Seville.
These two memoirs, which were printed in 1789, at Seville,
met with the approbation of all the foreign literary journals.
He had already obtained considerable fame on the continent from his elaborate work, printed at Seville in 1766,
on the “Roman Antiquities in Spain,
” and had contributed
very much to Masdeu’s critical and literary history of Spain,
printed in 1781, &c. But perhaps he is best known to
artists and men of taste, by his “Saggi sul ristabilimento
clelP antica arte de‘ Greci, e de’ Romani Pittori,
” vol. I.
, probably of the same family as the preceding, a counsellor and professor in Copenhagen, was born there June 17, 1625. His father and his grandfathers, both
, probably of the same family as the preceding, a counsellor and professor in Copenhagen, was born there June 17, 1625. His father and his grandfathers, both by the father’s and mother’s side, were bishops of Zealand. He was appointed sub-principal of the college of Copenhagen in 1646; and having quitted that employment the following year, he set out to visit foreign countries. He studied, during four years, polite literature and law in the university of Leyden, after which he went into France, Spain, and Italy. He remained a whole year in Padua, where he applied himself chiefly to the study of the civil law; was elected counsellor of the German nation in that city; and vice-syndic of the university, in which quality he made a speech in the senate of Venice, and obtained a privilege for that university; and before he left Padua he took his doctor’s degree in law, the 11th of September, 1653. He returned to Denmark by the way of Germany, and was appointed professor of moral philosophy in the university of Copenhagen, November 25, 1657, afterwards consul of that city, counsellor of the supreme council; and lastly, president of Copenhagen, and counsellor of justice. He Was ennobled the 18th of January, 1680, and created counsellor of state the 6th of May, 1684. He formed a very fine library, which he left to the university of Copenhagen, the catalogue of which was printed at Copenhagen, 1685, 4to.
, ar celebrated cardinal, was born in 1613. He was a doctor of the Sorbonne, and afterwards
, ar celebrated cardinal, was born in 1613. He was a doctor of the Sorbonne, and afterwards coadjutor to his uncle the archbishop of Paris; and at length, after many intrigues, in which his restless and unbounded ambition engaged him, became a cardinal. This extraordinary man has drawn his own character in his Memoirs,- which are written in a very unequal manner, but are generally bold, free, animating, and pleasing, and give us a very lively representation of his conduct. He was a man who, from the greatest degree of debauchery, and still languishing under its consequences, preached to the people, and made himself adored by them. He breathed nothing but the spirit of faction and sedition. At the age of twenty-three, he had been at the head of a conspiracy against the life of cardinal Richelieu, It has been said that he was the first bishop who carried on a war without the mask of religion; but his schemes were so unsuccessful, that he was obliged to quit France. He then went into Spain and Italy, and assisted at the conclave at Rome, which raised Alexander VII. to the pontificate; but this pontiff not making good his promises to the cardinal, he left Italy, and went into Germany, Holland, and England. After having spent the life of an exile for five or six years, he obtained leave upon certain terms to return to his own country; which was the more safe, as his friend cardinal Mazarine died in 1661. He was afterwards at Rome, and assisted in the conclave which chose Clement IX.; but, upon his return to France, gave up all thoughts of public affairs, and died at Paris, Aug. 24, 1679. The latter part of his life is said to have been tranquil and exemplary. At this period he wrote his Memoirs, in which there is a considerable air of impartiality. In order to judge of this, however, the reader is advised to compare them with those of Claude Joli, his private secretary. Both works have been published in English, the former in 1774, 4 vols. the latter in 1775, 3 vols., 12fno. Some friends, nith whom the cardinal entrusted the original ms. fixed a mark on those passages, where they thought he had dishonoured himself, in order to have them omitted, as they were in the first edition; but they have since been restored. The best French editions of these Memoirs are those of Amsterdam, 1719, 7 vols. 12mo, and 1731, 4 vols. small 8vo. This cardinal was the author of other pieces; but these, being of a temporary kind, written as party pamphlets to serve particular purposes, are forgotten.
, a learned German, who contributed much to the restoration of letters in Europe, was born at Pforzheim in 1450. His parents, perceiving his talents
, a learned German, who contributed
much to the restoration of letters in Europe, was born at
Pforzheim in 1450. His parents, perceiving his talents
and turn for books, were easily persuaded to give him a
liberal education, and sent him to Paris, then the seat of
literature in these western parts, with the bishop of Utrecht;
where he studied grammar under Joannes a Lapide, rhetoric under Gaguinus, Greek under Tiphernas, and Hebrew
under Wesselus. Being returned to his own country, he
took the degree of doctor in philosophy at Basil, where he
lived four years; then went to Orleans to study the law,
and was admitted doctor in 1479. He taught the Greek
language at Orleans, as he had done at Basil; and composed and printed a grammar, a lexicon, some vocabularies, and other works of alike nature, to facilitate the study
of that language. By all this he gained Extraordinary reputation; for, the knowledge of the two languages was at
that time so rare an accomplishment, that it was actually
made a title of honour. This appears from the following
inscription of a letter: “Andronicus Contoblacas, natione
Graecus, utriusque linguae peritus, Joanni Reuchlino,
” &c.
that is, “Andronicus Contoblacas, a Greek, skilled in both
languages, to John Reuchlin,
” &c.
, or Revius, a learned Dutch divine, the son of a burgomaster of Deventer, was born in 1586, and educated at Amsterdam, Leyden, and Franeker.
, or Revius, a learned Dutch divine,
the son of a burgomaster of Deventer, was born in 1586,
and educated at Amsterdam, Leyden, and Franeker. In
1610 he travelled into France for farther improvement, and
resided two years at Saumur, Rochelle, and Orleans.
Having taken orders, he was, in 1641, chosen principal
and first professor of the theological college of the states
of Holland and West Friesland at Leyden. He died at
Leyden in 1658, at the age of 72. His works are very
numerous; the principal are, “Belgicarum Ecclesiasticarum Doctrina et Ordo,
” &c.; “Historia Pontificum Romanorum contracta, et ad Annum 1632 continuata;
” “Daventriae illustrate, sive Historiae Urbis Daventriensis,
Lib. vi. The Book of Psalms,
” in Dutch verse, by Peter Dathsenus, and he was concerned in revising the Dutch yersion of the Old Testament, which was printed at Leyden
in 1637.
, a German statesman, but more known as an accomplished scholar and bibliographer, was born in Hungary Nov. 4, 1737. Among his other diplomatic appointments
, a German statesman, but more known as an accomplished scholar and bibliographer, was born in Hungary Nov. 4, 1737. Among his other diplomatic appointments he resided for some years in London as envoy from the Imperial court, and afterwards in a private capacity. He died at Vienna in August 1793.
, a German lawyer and mathematician, was born April 19, 1635, at Schleusingen in the county of Henneberg,
, a German lawyer and mathematician, was born April 19, 1635, at Schleusingen in the county
of Henneberg, and was educated at Leipsic and Leyden.
He was afterwards appointed preceptor to the young prince
of Gotha, then professor of mathematics at Kiel, 1655,
and some years after professor of law in the same place,
where he died Nov. 22, 1714, being then counsellor to
the duke of Saxe Gotha, and member of the Royal Academy
of Sciences at Berlin. Reyher translated Euclid’s works
into German with algebraical demonstrations, and wrote
several works in Latin, among which, that entitled “Mathesis Biblica,
” and a very curious Dissertation on the Inscriptions upon our Saviour’s cross and the hour of his
crucifixion, are particularly esteemed.
, commonly called Father Reyneau, a noted French mathematician, was born at Brissac, in the province of Anjou, in 1656. At twenty
, commonly called Father Reyneau, a noted French mathematician, was born at Brissac, in the province of Anjou, in 1656. At twenty years of age he entered himself in the congregation of the Oratory at Paris, and was soon after sent, by his superiors, to teach philosophy at Pezenas, and then at Toulon. His employment requiring some acquaintance with geometry, he contracted a great affection for this science, which he cultivated and improved to so great an extent, that he was called to Angers in 1683, to fill the mathematical chair; and the academy of Angers elected him a member in 1694.
late of great eminence and talents, the son of Austin Reynolds, one of the customers of Southampton, was born there in November 1599, and educated at the free-school.
, an English prelate of great eminence and talents, the son of Austin Reynolds, one of the customers of Southampton, was born there in November 1599, and educated at the free-school. In 1615 he became post-master of Merton-college, Oxford, and in 3620 probationer-fellow, for which preferment he was indebted to his proficiency in the Greek language, and his talents as a disputant and orator. After he had taken his master’s degree he went into orders, and was made preacher at Lincoln r s-inn, where he acquired much popularity. He also was preferred to the rectory of Braynton in Northamptonshire. Finding himself inclined to acquiesce in the breach that was to be made in the church at least, if not the state, when the rebellion broke out in 1642, he joined the presbyterian party? and in 1643 was nominated one of the assembly of divines, took the covenant, and frequently preached before the long parliament. That he was in their eyes a man of high consideration, appears from their naming him, in September 1646, one of the seven divines authorized by parliament to go to Oxford, and to preach in any church of that city, in lieu of the preachers appointed by the university.
, a late eminent pbysijcian, was born in the county of Nottingham, Sept. 26, 1745; and his father
, a late eminent pbysijcian, was born in the county of Nottingham, Sept. 26, 1745; and his father having died about a month before, the care of him devolved on his maternal great-uncle and godfather, Mr. Henry Revell, of Gainsborough; by whom he was sent, at an early age, to a school at Beverley in Yorkshire, then in great repute under the government of Mr. Ward. Having early shewn a disposition for his profession, his uncle placed him, at the age of eighteen, as a commoner at Lincoln college, Oxford. It was in the second year of his residence at this university that he had the misfortune to lose his uncle and benefactor, the memory of whom was ever cherished by him with a pious and grateful affection, and who left him a small landed property in Lincolnshire, by which he was enabled to prosecute the object that he had in view. He continued at Oxford till the early part of 1766, when, in order to the obtaining of his medical degrees sooner, he was admitted, by a benc decessit from Oxford, ad eundem to Trinity college, Cambridge, and he kept a term at that university. In the summer of this year he went to Edinburgh, and resided there two years, and after attending a course of medical studies, returned in 1768 to Cambridge, when the degree of bachelor of physic being conferred upon him, he went to London, and attended as pupil at the Middlesex hospital. The following year he became a resident physician at Guildford; and married Miss Wilson, in the month of April 1770. By the advice, however, of his friend, Dr. Huck, afterwards Dr. Huck Saumders, he settled in London, in Lamb’s Conduit-street, in the summer of 1772. The next year he took the degree of doctor of physic at Cambridge, and was immediately afterwards elected physician to the Middlesex hospital. In 1774 he was chosen a fellow, and at the same time a censor, of tke college of physicians. He soon became the object of particular notice and regard by the eminent physicians of that day, doctors Huck, Fothergill, and sir Richard Jebb; and the high opinion which the latter gentleman had formed of his professional abilities, and personal character and manners, and the consequent expression of that opinion, and recommendation of Dr. Reynolds to his majesty, were the original cause of his being called into attendance upon the king in the memorable period of 1788. In 1776 he was appointed to speak the Harveian oration; and, although, his modesty would not suffer him to print it, it has been thought worthy of being compared with the most classical of these harangues. In the course of it, he exactly described that mode, which he ever observed, of performing the various duties of his profession, and of dispensing its various benefits. In 1777 Dr. Reynolds was elected physician to St. Thomas’s hospital; and from this period his business gradually increased, till, in the progress of a few years, he attained to the highest fame and practice in his profession. In every successive illness of our revered sovereign since 1788, Dr. Reynolds’s attendance on his majesty was always required; and his public examinations before parliament are recorded proofs of his high merits as a physician, a gentleman, and a scholar; while his appointments to the situations of physician extraordinary to the king in 1797, and physician in ordinary in 1806, evince the estimation in which his sovereign held his character and his services. When he was called into attendance at Windsor, he was suffering under a rheumatic affection, which had been oppressing him for some time. The anxiety attached to such an attendance as the illness of his majesty required, had oil this occasion a very powerful, if not a fatal, influence. The first day that he seriously felt the fatigues of mind and body was, after his examination before the House of Lords, the etiquette of this branch of parliament not allowing a witness to sit down, Dr. Reynolds, who, in consequence of his having attended his majesty in all his previous similar illnesses, was examined at greater length than his other brethren were, was kept standing fur two hours, and the riext clay was reluctantly compelled to remain the whole of it in his bed. On the following, however, he returned to Windsor; but from this time his appetite began to fail, and his strength and flesh visibly to diminish. In the month of March, 1811, these symptoms had so much increased, that his friends besought him to retire from his anxious attendance at Windsor, to spare his mind and body entirely, and to devote himself solely to the re-establishment of his own health; but unfortunately for his family, his friends, and the public, he would not be persuaded. While any powers were left, to his majesty’s service he resolved that they should be devoted: and thus he persevered till the 4th of May, when he returned to London extremely ill; and from that day his professional career was stopped. Having been confined to his room for nearly three weeks, he was prevailed upon, by his excellent friends Dr. Latham and Dr. Ainslie, to go to Brighton, where he remained two months. Sometimes during this anxious period he would seem to rally, but the appearances were deceitful; they were the mere struggles of a naturally good constitution, unimpaired by any intemperance, against the inroads of a disease. At the end of the month of July, he returned to his house in Bedford-square, where he lingered Until Oct. 23, on which day he expired, very deeply regretted for his talents, virtues, and professional skill and humanity.
, the most illustrious painter of the English school, was born at Plympton, in Devonshire, July 16, 1723. His ancestors
, the most illustrious painter
of the English school, was born at Plympton, in Devonshire, July 16, 1723. His ancestors on both sides were
clergymen. His father had no adequate provision for the
maintenance of his large family, but appears to have liberally encouraged his son’s early attempts in that art, of
which he afterwards became so illustrious a professor.
When but eight years of age, Joshua had made himself
master of a treatise, entitled “The Jesuit’s Perspective,
and increased his love of the art still more, by studying
Richardson’s “Treatise on Painting.
” In his seventeenth
year, he was placed as a pupil under his countryman, Mr.
Hudson, whom, in consequence of some disagreement, he
left in 1743, and removed to Devonshire for three years,
during which, after some waste of time, which he ever lamented, he sat down seriously to the study and practice of
his art. The first of his performances, which brought him
into notice, was the portrait of captain Hamilton, father of
the present marquis of Abercorn, painted in 1746. About
this time he appears to have returned to London.
the camp, chamberlain to his royal highness the infant duke of Parma, and governor of that citadel, was born atComo in 1709. He acquired distinction in the army and
an excellent
scholar, marshal of the camp, chamberlain to his royal highness the infant duke of Parma, and governor of that citadel,
was born atComo in 1709. He acquired distinction in the
army and at court, but must have devoted much of his life
to literary pursuits. His first publication was a folio volume,
printed at Como in 1742, entitled “De suppositis militaribus stipendiis Benedicti Odeschalci, qui pontifex maxiinus
anno 1676, Innocentii prsenomine fuit renunciatus.
” His
next was a volume of poetry, “Musarum Epinicia,
” addressed to Louis XV. Parma, 1757; but that which most
entitles him to notice was his “Disquisitiones Plinianae, sive
de utriusque Flinii patria, scriptis, codicibus, editionibus,
atque interpretibus,
” Parma, Academical Discourses
in Italian, published by count Rezzonico in
, called also Albubecar Mohamed, one of the most distinguished of the Arabian physicians, was born at Rei, in the province of Chorosan, about the year 852.
, called also Albubecar Mohamed, one of the most distinguished of the Arabian physicians, was born at Rei, in the province of Chorosan, about the year 852. He was first much addicted to music, and is said not to have studied medicine until he was thirty years of age, when he removed to Bagdad, became indefatigable in his application, and having obtained the highest reputation, was selected out of a hundred eminent physicians, who were then resident at Bagdad, to superintend the celebrated hospital of that city. His biographers speak of him as the Galen of the Arabians; and from his long life and constant practice, during which he paid the most assiduous attention to the varieties of disease, he obtained the appellation of the experimenter, or the experienced. He was said also to be profoundly skilled in all the sciences, especially in philosophy, astronomy, and music. He travelled much in pursuit of knowledge, and made frequent journies into Persia, his native country, and was much consulted by several princes, particularly by Almanzor, the chief of Chorasan, with whom he frequently corresponded, and to whom he dedicated several of his writings. Two hundred and twenty-six treatises are said to have been composed by Rhazes, among which the ten books addressed to his patron Almanzor, were designed as a complete body of physic, and may be deemed the great magazine of all the Arabian medicine; the ninth book, indeed, which treats of the cure of diseases, was in such general estimation for several centuries, that it was the text-book of the public schools, and was commented upon by the most learned professors. Yet, like the rest of the Arabian writings, it contains very little more than the substance of the works of the Greeks, from whom the Arabians borrowed almost all their medical knowledge. They have, indeed, and Rhazes in particular, given the first distinct account of the small-pox; and Rhazes wrote also the first treatise ever composed respecting the diseases of children. His book on the affections of the joints contains an account of some remarkable cures, effected chiefly by copious blood-letting. He describes the symptoms of hydrophobia very well; and also some diseases peculiar to eastern countries, and first noticed the disease called spina ventosa. Rhazes had the reputation of being a skilful alchemist; and is the first, as Dr. Freind has shewn, who mentions the use of chemical preparations in medicine. He has a chapter on the qualifications of a physician; and a singular tract on quacks and impostors, who appear to have been at least as numerous, and ingenious in their contrivances as in more recent times.
, a very eminent scholar and editor, was born, in 1485, at Schelestat, a town of Alsace. The name of
, a very eminent scholar and editor, was born, in 1485, at Schelestat, a town of Alsace. The name of his family was Bilde; that of Rhenanus had been adopted by his father, who had considerable property at Rhenac, his native place. His mother died in his infancy, and his father, who never married again, bestowed his whole attention for some years on his education. After some instruction in his own country, he was sent to Paris, where he studied Greek, rhetoric, and poetry, under the best masters. He then pursued his studies for some years at Strasburgh, and afterwards at Basil, where he contracted an intimacy with Erasmus that lasted during their lives, accompanied with mutual respect and friendship. In 1520, he returned to Scheiestat, in his thirty-fifth year, just in time to take leave of his father, who died the day after his arrival.
, a celebrated oriental scholar, was born at Mulheim, in Westphalia, Aug. 15, 1654. After studying
, a celebrated oriental scholar, was
born at Mulheim, in Westphalia, Aug. 15, 1654. After
studying at the college of Meurs, a city in the duchy of
Cleves, and travelling for some time, he accepted an invitation to become rector of the Latin college in the city of
Franeker; but resigned it in 1680, and removed to Amsterdam, where he was employed in the capacity of tutor, and
enjoyed, at the same time, a favourable opportunity for
conversing with learned rabbis, and improving his knowledge of rabbinical learning. In 1683 he was appointed
professor of the oriental languages and philosophy at the
university of Franeker; and remained in this office nearly
thirty years, during which he was thrice chosen rector of the university. He died Nov. 7, 1712, in the 59th
year of his age. His learning was extensive; but most
profound in the Hebrew, including the Rabbinical, the
Chaldee, and Syriac languages. Among his works may be
mentioned, 1. “De Antiquitate Characters hodierni Judaici,
” 2.
” Comparatio
Expiationis anniversariae Pontificis maximi in Vet. Test, cum unica
atque aeterna Expiationis Christi Domini,“1696. 3.
” Investigatio Prsefectorum et Ministrorum Synagogae,“1700,
4to. 4.
” Dissertationum Theologico-philologicarum de
Stylo Novi Testament! Syntagma, quo continentur Olearii,
Cocceii, &c. de hoc genere Libelli,“&c. 1701, 4to. 5.
” Arabarcha, seu, Ethnarcha Judaeorum,“1702, 4to. 6.
” De Statuis et Aris, f'alsis verisque DeietHominum Internunciis,“in illustration of Exod. xx. 23, 24, 1705, 4to.
” Observationum selectarum ad Loca Hebraea Nov. Test,
partes sive Disput. Tres,“1705, 4to, &c. He also left
unfinished, but partly printed, a work, entitled
” Rudimenta Grammatical Harmonicas Linguarum Orientalium,
Hebrceae, Chaldaicae, Syriaca3, et Arabicse."
, a celebrated German astronomer and mathematician, was born at Feldkirk in Tyrol, February 15, 1514. After imbibing
, a celebrated German
astronomer and mathematician, was born at Feldkirk in
Tyrol, February 15, 1514. After imbibing the elements
of the mathematics at Zurick with Oswald Mycone, he
went to Wittemberg, where he diligently cultivated that
science, and was made master of philosophy in 1535, and
professor in 1537. He quitted this situation, however, two
years after, and went to Fruenburg to profit by the instructions of the celebrated Copernicus, who had then acquired
great fame. Rheticus assisted this astronomer for some
years, and constantly exhorted him to perfect his work
“De Revolutionibus,
” which he published after the death
of Copernicus, viz. in 1543, folio, atNorimberg, together
with an illustration of the same, dedicated to Schoner.
Here too, to render astronomical calculations more accurate,
he began his very elaborate canon of sines, tangents and
secants, to 15 places of figures, and to every 10 seconds
of the quadrant, a design which he did not live quite to
complete. The canon of sines however to that radius, for
every 10 seconds, and for every single second in the first
and last degree of the quadrant, computed by him, was
published in folio at Francfort, 1613, by Pitiscus, who
himself added a few of the first sines computed to 22 places
of figures. But the larger work, or canon of sines, tangents, and secants, to every 10 seconds, was perfected and
published after his death, viz. in 1596, by his disciple Valentine Otho, mathematician to the electoral prince palatine; a particular account and analysis of which work may
be seen in the Historical Introduction to Dr. Button’s Logarithms.
named the Varro of the age, was a learned Italian, whose proper name was Ludovico Celio Richeri. He was born at Rovigo' about 1450, and studied at Ferrara and Padua,
, by Scaliger named
the Varro of the age, was a learned Italian, whose proper
name was Ludovico Celio Richeri. He was born at Rovigo'
about 1450, and studied at Ferrara and Padua, and France.
On his return to Italy, he filled the office of public professor
at Rovigo for some years, but in 1503 opened a school at
Vicenza, where he continued till 1508, when he was in*
vited to Ferrara by duke Alfonzo I. In the year 1515,
Francis I. nominated him to the chair of Greek and Latin
eloquence in Milan, as successor to Demetrius Chalcondylas. In 1521 he returned to Padua, and in 1523 he was
deputed from his native place to Venice, to congratulate
the new doge. In 1525 he died of grief, on account of the
defeat and capture of Francis at the battle of Pavia. His
principal work is entitled “Antiques Lectiones,
” of which
he published sixteen books at Venice, in 1516, fol. and
fourteen more were added after his death in the editions of
Basil, 1566, and Francforr, 1666. Vossius expresses his
wonder, and even indignation, that so learned a miscellany
was so little known.
, a learned German, was born in 1546, at Sassowerf, belonging to the counts of Stolberg
, a learned German, was born
in 1546, at Sassowerf, belonging to the counts of Stolberg
in Upper Saxony, who, induced by an early display of talents, bore the expence of his education at the college of
Ilfield. He continued there six years; and made so great
a progress in literature, that he was thought fit to teach in
the most eminent schools and the most flourishing universities. He was especially skilled in the Greek tongue, and
composed some Greek verses, which were much admired,
but Scaliger did not think him equally happy in Latin
poetry. He was very successful in a Latin translation of
“Diodorus Siculus,
” which Henry Stephens prevailed on
him to undertake; and it was published in 1604, with Stephens^ text. He translated also into Latin the Greek poem
of Quintus Calaber, concerning the taking of Troy; and
added some corrections to it. At last, he was appointed
professor of history in the university of Wittemberg, and
died there in 1606. His other works were, 1. “Historia
vitae & doctrincE Martini Lutheri carmine heroico descripta.
” 2. “Descriptio Historian Ecclesiae, sive popult Dei,
Politiae ejusdem, & rerum praecipuarum quae in illopopulo
acciderum, Graeco carmine, cum versione Latina e regione
textus Graeci,
” Francof. Poesis Christiana, id est, Palestine seu Historic sacra? Grseco-Latinae
libri 9,
” Marpnrgi, 15S9; Francof. 1590, 1630, 4to. 4.
“Tabulae Etymologice Grseca?,
” Francof. Memnonis Historia de Republica Heracliensium, & rebus
Ponticis Eclogoe seu excerptae & abbreviates narrationes
in Sermonem Latinum translatae,
” Helmstadii, Epithalamia sacra,
” Jenae, Ex Memnone, de Tyrannis Heracleae Ponticas Ctesia & Agatharchide excerptae Historiac Greece & Latine partim ex Laur.
Rhodomani interpretatione,
” Geneva, Theologiae Christianæ tyrocinia, carmine heroico Græco-Latino in 5 libros digesta,
” Lips.
, ao eminent scholar, was born at Stolpe in Pomerania, on the 2d of January, 1723. His
, ao eminent scholar, was born at Stolpe in Pomerania, on the 2d of January, 1723. His parents, being in good circumstances, and of the better order of the burgesses, destined him, from his early years, for the church. After receiving some instruction in the school of Stolpe, in the principles of his mother-tongue, he was sent first to Schlave, and afterwards to Koenigsberg, for education in the classical languages, the usual course of which studies he finished at the age of twenty-two. With some difficulty he then obtained his parents’ consent to repair to Gottingen, and study Greek under Matthew Gesner, at that time the great ornament of that university. On. his way to Gottingen, he passed through Berlin, and went to visit the Saxon university of Wittemberg. There he was so much pleased with the lectures and conversation of J. D. Kutter, professor of history and civil law, and of J. W. Berger, professor of oratory and antiquities, that he persuaded his parents to allow him to continue his studies for some time at Wittemberg, before he should proceed to Gottingen. He remained with these professors two years, and, under their auspices, took a degree in laws. He went then to perfect his knowledge of Greek, not with Gesnerat Gottingen, as he intended, but under the celebrated Hemsterhuis of Leyden. Hemsterhuis received this ingenuous youth with great kindness, gave him the readiest assistance in his favourite studies, recommended him to good employment as a tutor, and at length used every means to secure his appointment to a professorship in the university in which, he himself taught. Rhunken applied with great zeal to Greek and Roman literature, and at the same time made himself highly acceptable by the gentleness of his manners, the liveliness of his conversation, and by his taste and skill in the favourite amusements of the place.
, a celebrated Spanish Jesuit, was born at Toledo, in 1527, and was enrolled by St. Ignatius among
, a celebrated Spanish Jesuit,
was born at Toledo, in 1527, and was enrolled by St. Ignatius among his favourite disciples in 1540, before the
society of the Jesuits had received the papal sanction. In
1542 he studied at Paris, and afterwards at Padua, where
he was sent to Palermo to teach rhetoric. After many,' and
long travels for the propagation of the interests of the society in various parts of Europe, he died at Madrid, Oct.
1, 1611. One of his visits was with the duke of Feria to
England, in 1558, and his inquiries here, or what he made
subsequently, encouraged him to publish a treatise “On
the English schism,
” Lives
of the Saints
” were translated into English, and published
in 2 vols. 8vo.
.” He also paid o.1500 for his composition, and taking part with his unhappy sovereign. His son Paul was born in London, and admitted scholar of Trinity college, Cambridge,
, an English traveller, was the tenth son of sir Peter Ricaut, probably a mer*
chant in London, and the author of some useful works,
who was one of the persons excepted in the “Propositions
of the Lords and Commons,
” assembled in parliament, “for
a safe and well-grounded peace, July 11, 1646, sent to
Charles I. at Newcastle.
” He also paid o.1500 for his
composition, and taking part with his unhappy sovereign.
His son Paul was born in London, and admitted scholar of
Trinity college, Cambridge, in 1647, where he took his
bachelor’s degree^ in 1650. After this he travelled many
years, not only in Europe, but also in Asia and Africa;
and was employed in some public services. In 1661, when
the earl of Winchelsea was sent ambassador extraordinary
to the Ottoman Porte, he went as his secretary; and while
he continued in that station, which was eight years, he
wrote “The present State of the Ottoman Empire, in three
books; containing the Maxims of the Turkish Politic, their
Religion, and Military Discipline,
” illustrated with figures,
and printed at London, Capitulations, articles of peace,
&C; concluded between England and the Porte^ which were
very much to our mercantile advantage, one article being
that English ships should be free from search or visit under
pretence of foreign goods, a point never secured in any
former treaty. After having meritoriously discharged his
office of secretary to lord Winchelsea, he was made consul
for the English nation at Smyrna; and during his residence
there, at the command of Charles II. composed “The present State of the Greek and Armenian Churchesjanno Christi 1678,
” which, upon his return to England, he presented
with his own hands to his majesty; and it was published in
1679, 8vo. Having acquitted himself, for the space of
eleven years, to the entire satisfaction of the Turkey company, he obtained leave to return to England, where he
lived in honour and good esteem; The earl of Clarendon >
being appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland in 1685, made
him his principal secretary for the provinces of Leinster
and Connaught; and James II. knighted him, constituted
him one of the privy council for Ireland, and judge of the
high court of admiralty* which he enjoyed till the revolution in 1688, Soon after this, he was employed by king
William as his resident with the Hanse-towns in Lower
Saxony, namely, Hamburg, Lubeck, and Bremen; where
he continued for ten years, and gave the utmost satisfaction. At length, worn out with age and infirmities, he
had leave in 1700 to return to England, where he died,
Dec. 16 of that year. He was fellow of the Royal Society
for many years before his decease; and a paper of his,
upon the “Sable Mice,
” or “Mures Norwegici,
” is published in the Philosophical Transactions. He understood
perfectly the Greek, both ancient and modern, the Turkish, Latin, Italian, and French languages.
, an able mathematician, was born in 1707 at Castel Franco, in the territory of Treviso,
, an able mathematician, was born
in 1707 at Castel Franco, in the territory of Treviso, and
in 1726 entered among the Jesuits, and taught mathematics
at Bologna, till the suppression of his order in 1773. At
this period he returned to his native place, and died there
of a cholic, in 1775, aged sixty-eight, leaving some good
mathematical works among others, a large treatise on the
“Integral Calculus,
” 3 vols. 4to. He had been much employed in hydraulics, and such was the importance of his
services in this branch, that the republic of Venice ordered a gold medal, worth a thousand livres, to be struck
in honour of him, in 1774.
, a celebrated Jesuit, was born Oct. 6, 1552, of a good family at Macerata. He went to
, a celebrated Jesuit, was born Oct.
6, 1552, of a good family at Macerata. He went to the
Indies, finished his theological studies at Goa, taught rhetoric there, and being in the mean time appointed missionary to China, learnt the language of that country, nor
did he neglect mathematics, which he had studied at Rome
under the learned Clavius. After many troubles and difficulties, he arrived at Pekin, where he was esteemed by
the emperor, the mandarins, and all the learned, acquired
great reputation, drew a map for the Chinese, and was
permitted to preach the Christian religion. He purchased
a house at Pekin, where he built a church, and died there,
in 1610, aged fifty-eight, leaving some very curious memoirs respecting China, which father Frigualt has made
use of in writing his history of that vast empire. Father
d'Orleans, a Jesuit, who published a “Life of Ricci,
” in
, a learned Italian ecclesiastic, was born at Rome in 1619. He was created a cardinal in 1681, but
, a learned Italian ecclesiastic, was born at Rome in 1619. He was created a cardinal in 1681, but did not long enjoy that dignity, as he
died in 1633, at the age of sixty-four. He was well skilled
in the pure mathematical sciences, and published at Rome,
in 4to, “Exercitatio Geometrica,
” a small tract, which was
reprinted at London, and annexed to Mercator’s “Logarithmotechnia,
” chiefly on account of the excellency of the
argument “de maximis et minimis,
” or the doctrine of
limits; where the author shows a deep judgment in exhibiting the means of reducing that lately discovered doctrine to pure geometry.
, an artist of temporary fame, was born at Belluno, near Trevisano, in 1659; and having discovered
, an artist of temporary fame, was born at Belluno, near Trevisano, in 1659; and having discovered an early genius for painting, was conducted by his father to Venice, and placed as a disciple with Fred. Cervelli, a Milanese artist of good reputation, with whom he studied for nine years. He afterwards improved his practice at Bologna, &c. by copying, and obtained the favour and patronage of Rannuccio, the second duke of Parma. By the liberality of that prince, he was honourably maintained at Rome, studying the productions of the best ancient and modern masters; and there he formed that manner which distinguishes his productions, and for a while raised him into the highest esteem. Having quitted Rome, he returned to Venice, where he was so eagerly solicited for his paintings, that he had scarcely time to take even necessary refreshment. His fame spread through Europe, and he received an invitation to the court of the emperor at Vienna, to adorn the magnificent palace of Schoenbrun. From thence he was encouraged to visit London, where he was immediately and incessantly employed by the court, the nobility, and persons of fortune. Here he remained ten years, with his nephew and coadjutor, IVfarco Ricci, who painted skilfully scenes of architecture and landscape at Burlington house and Bulstrode. He acquired great wealth by the immense occupation he found; and then returned to Venice, where he remained until his death, in 1734, in the seventy-fifth year of his. age.
, a learned Italian astronomer, philosopher, and mathematician, was born in 1598, at Ferrara, a city in Italy, in the dominions
, a learned Italian astronomer, philosopher, and mathematician, was born in 1598, at Ferrara, a city in Italy, in the dominions of the pope. At sixteen years of age he was admitted into the society of the Jesuits, and the progress he made in every branch of literature and science was surprising. He was first appointed to teach rhetoric, poetry, philosophy, and scholastic divinity, in the Jesuits’ colleges at Parma and Bologna; yet applied himself in the mean time to making observations in geography, chronology, and astronomy. This was his natural bent, and at length he obtained leave from his superiors to quit all other employment, that he might devote himself entirely to those sciences.
, Jonathan, a painter, and a writer on the art of painting, was born about 1665. He was intended by his father-in-law, apprentice
, Jonathan, a painter, and a writer on the art of painting, was born about 1665. He was intended by his father-in-law, apprentice to a scrivener, with whom he lived six years, but by the death of his master, was enabled to follow the bent of his inclination for painting. He then became the disciple of Riley, with whom he lived four years, and finally connected himself by marrying his niece. The degree of skill which he attained, by no means corresponded with the ideas he entertained of the art, which were certainly of a just and elevated kind. There are, however, great strength, roundness, and boldness in the colouring of his heads, which are drawn and marked in the manner of Kneller, with freedom and firmness; though the attitudes in which they and his figures are placed, the draperies which clothe the latter, and the back-grounds from which they are relieved, are insipid and tasteless. It is certainly a very curious circumstance, that, when he wrote with so much fire and judgment, dived so deep into the inexhaustible stores of Raphael, and was so smitten with the native lustre of Vandyke, he should so ill apply to his own practice the sagacious rules and hints he gave to others. Full of theory, profound in reflections on the art, and possessed of a numerous and excellent collection of drawings, he appears to have possessed no portion of invention, as applicable to the painter’s art, and drew nothing well below the head; plainly manifesting the peculiarity of taste or feeling which leads to excellence in that profession.
, a celebrated writer of novels, or, as his have been called, moral romance’s, was born in 1689, in Derbyshire, but in what part of that county
, a celebrated writer of novels, or, as his have been called, moral romance’s, was born in 1689, in Derbyshire, but in what part of that county has not been ascertained. His father descended of a family of middling note in the county of Surrey, and his business was that of a joiner. He intended his son Samuel for the church, but from losses in business-, was unable to support the expence of a learned education, and all our author received was at the grammar school. It appears from his own statement that he had a love for letter-writing, that he was a general favourite of the ladies, and fond of their company, and that when no more than thirteen, three young women, unknown to each other, revealed to him their love secrets, in order to induce him to give them copies to write after, or correct, for answers to their lovers* letters. In this employment some readers may think they can trace the future inventor of the love secrets of Pamela and Clarissa, and letter-writing certainly grew into a habit with him.
s ejected, in 1662, from the living of St Michael’s, Stamford, in Lincolnshire, and died in 1687. He was born at Wilshamstead, July 23, 1698, and educated partly in
, a learned English divine,
was the son of the rev. Samuel Richardson, B. D. vicar of
Wilshamstead near Bedford, by Elizabeth, daughter of
the rev. Samuel Bentham, rector of Knebworth and Paul’s
Walden, in Hertfordshire. His grandfather was the rev.
John Richardson, a nonconformist, who was ejected, in
1662, from the living of St Michael’s, Stamford, in Lincolnshire, and died in 1687. He was born at Wilshamstead, July 23, 1698, and educated partly in the school of
Oakham, and partly in that of Westminster. In March
1716 he was admitted of Emanuel college, Cambridge, of
which he afterwards was a scholar, and took his degrees of
A. B. in 1719, and A. M. in 1723. In the mean time, in
September 1720 he was ordained deacon by Gibson, bishop
of Lincoln, at St. Peter’s, Cornhill, London, and priest, by
the same, at Buckden, in Sept. 1722. He was then appointed curate of St. Olave’s Southwark, which he held
until 1726, when the parish chose him their lecturer.
About this time he married Anne, the widow of capt. David
Durell, the daughter of William Howe, of an ancient
family of the county of Chester. He published in 1727,
2 vols. 8vo, the “Priclectiones Ecclesiastical' of his learned
uncle John Richardson, B. D. author of a masterly
” Vindication of the Canon of the New Testament," against
Toland. In 1724 he was collated to the prebend of Welton-Rivall, in the church of Lincoln.
, a French writer, and noted as the first who published a dictionary almost entirely satirical, was born at Cheminon in Champagne, in 1631. He was the friend of
, a French writer, and noted as the first who published a dictionary almost entirely satirical, was born at Cheminon in Champagne, in 1631. He was the friend of Patru and d'Ablancourt; and, like them, applied himself to the study of the French language with success. He composed a dictionary full of new and useful remarks, which would have been more acceptable if it had not been also full of satirical reflections and indecencies; but these were expunged in the latter editions. It was first published at Geneva, 1680, in one vol. 4to; but, after the death of the author, which happened in 1698, enlarged with a great number of new articles to 2 vols. folio, as is the edition of Lyons in 1721. Another edition, 3 vols. folio, was published at Lyons in 1727; and a very neat one in 2 vols. 4to, at Amsterdam in 1732; and, lastly, in 3 vols. folio, at Lyons, 1759 1763, by the abbe Gouget. The abridgment of it by Galtel, 1797 and 1803, 2 vols. 8vo, is now in most demand in France.
cis du Plessis, seigneur de Richelieu, knight of the king’s orders, and grand provost of France, and was born Sept. 5, 1585, at Paris. He was admitted into the Sorbonne
, a celebrated cardinal and minister of France, was the third son of Francis
du Plessis, seigneur de Richelieu, knight of the king’s
orders, and grand provost of France, and was born Sept. 5,
1585, at Paris. He was admitted into the Sorbonne at
the age of twenty-two, obtained a dispensation from pope
Paul V. for the bishopric of Lucon, and was consecrated
at Rome in 1607. On his return, he acquired considerable interest at court, and was appointed by Mary de Medicis, then regent, her grand almoner; and in 1616 was
raised to the post of secretary of state. After the death of
one of his friends, the marshal D'Ancre, in 1617, when
Mary was banished to Blois, he followed her thither; but,
the duke de Luynes becoming jealous of him, he was
ordered to retire to Avignon, and there he wrote his
“Method of Controversy,
” on the principal points of
, a learned French divine, was born September 30, 1560, at Chaource, in the diocese of Langres.
, a learned French divine, was born
September 30, 1560, at Chaource, in the diocese of Langres. He had been at first drawn into the party and sentiments of the Leaguers, and even ventured to defend
James Clement, but soon hastened to acknowledge his legitimate sovereign, after having taken his doctor’s degree,
1590. Richer became grand master of the college of Le
Moine, then syndic of the faculty of divinity at Paris,
January 2, 1603, in which office he strenuously defended
the ancient maxims of the doctors of this faculty, and opposed the thesis of a Dominican in 1611, who maintained
the pope’s infallibility, and his superiority over the council. He published a small tract the same year, “On the
Civil and Ecclesiastical Power,
” 8vo, to establish the principles on which he asserted that the doctrine of the French
church, and the Sorhonne, respecting papal authority, and
the authority of the general council, were founded. This
little book made much noise, and raised its author enemies in
the Nuncio, and some doctors undertook to have him deposed
from the syndicate, and his work condemned by the faculty
of theology; but the parliament prohibited the faculty from
interfering in that affair. In the mean time cardinal du
Perron, archbishop of Sens, assembled eight bishops of his
province at Paris, and made them censure Richer’s book,
March 9, 1612. Richer entered an appeal (Comme tfabus)
from this censure, to the parliament, and was admitted as
an appellant; but the matter rested there. His book was
also censured by the archbishop of Aix, and three bishops
of his province, May 24, the same year, and he was proscribed and condemned at Rome. A profusion or pamphlets now appeared to refute him, and he received an
express order from court, not to write in his defence.
The animosity against Richer rose at length to such a
height that his enemies obtained from the king and the
queen regent letters, ordering the faculty to elect another
syndic. Richer made his protestations, read a paper in
his defence, and retired. A new syndic was chosen in
1612, and they have ever since been elected once in two
years, although before that time their office was perpetual.
Richer afterwards ceased to attend the meetings of the
faculty, and confined himself to solitude, being wholly
employed in study; but his enemies having involved him
in several fresh troubles, he was seized, sent to the prisons
of St. Victor, and would even have been delivered up to
the pope, had no,t the parliament and chancellor of France
prevented it, on complaints made by the university. He
refused to attend the censure passed on the books of Anthony de Dominis in 1617, and published a declaration in
1620, at the solicitation of the court of Rome, protesting
that he was ready to give an account of the propositions in his
book “on the Ecclesiatical and Civil Power,
” and explain
them in an orthodox sense; and farther, that he submitted
his work to the judgment of the Holy See, and of the Catholic church. He even published a second declaration;
but all being insufficient to satisfy his adversaries, he was
obliged to reprint his book in 1629, with the proofs of the
propositions advanced in it, and the two declarations, to
which cardinal Richelieu is said to have forced him to add
a third. He died Nov. 28, 1631, in his seventy-second
year. He was buried at the Sorbonne, where a mass used
to be said annually for the repose of his soul. Besides his
treatise on “Ecclesiastical Power,
” reprinted with additions
at Cologii in History of general Councils,
” 4 vols. 4to a “History
of his Syndicate,
” 8vo, and some other works, in which
learning and great powers of reasoning are obvious. Baillet published a life of him in 12mo.
, an ingenious French botanist, was born in 1558, at Chalons in Champagne, and studied medicine.
, an ingenious French
botanist, was born in 1558, at Chalons in Champagne, and
studied medicine. The humane and skilful services he
rendered to the people of Pezenas, during an epidemic
disorder, recommended him to the patronage of the constable de Montmorency, by whose interest he was appointed professor of botany and anatomy in the university of
Montpellier, and Henry IV. committed to him the care of
establishing a public garden in that university. This design was executed in the most skilful and splendid manner. Belleval published a catalogue of the garden in
1598, and a French treatise, in 1605, recommending an
inquiry into the native plants of Languedoc. This last was
accompanied by five plates, intended as a specimen of a
future work, for which he subsequently prepared a number
of engravings, rude and stiff in execution, but exhibiting
many rare species. He never lived to publish these, and
the plates remained neglected in the hands of his family,
till Gouan recovered them, and sent impressions to Linnaeus. At length Gillibert obtained the plates, and published them in 1796. The two pamphlets above mentioned
were republished in 1785, by the celebrated and unfortunate Broussonet; along with a treatise on the white mulberry, by Olivier de Serres, originally printed in 1603.
Richer de Belleval lived to see his garden destroyed by the
fury of civil war, and was beginning to restore it, when he
died in 1623. His nephew accomplished the re-establishment of the garden, on a more extensive scale. M. Dorthes
of Montpellier published, in 1786, “Recherches sur la
Vie et les Ouvrages de Pierre Richer de Belleval,
” in which
every thing that could be collected on the subject is recorded. Some writers erroneously mention Belleval as
the first botanist who gave copper-plate figures of plants.
This honour is due to Fabius Columns, whose “Phytobasanos
” appeared in
, an Irish prelate, was born at Carrington in Cheshire, about 1562, and was entered
, an Irish prelate, was born at Carrington in Cheshire, about 1562, and was entered of Jesus college, Oxford, in 1576, where he took his degrees in arts,
and continued some years in the university, teaching grammar chiefly. His first preferment in the church appears to
have been to the living of Waterstock in Oxfordshire, in
1580, which he resigned in 158!. In 1583, he was admitted to that of South Wokingdon, which he resigned in
1590. He was also rector of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, and of Winwick in Lancashire. He was afterwards made archdeacon of Meath in Ireland, thence preferred to the deanery of St. Patrick’s, Dublin, and in 1612
to the bishopric of Killaloe. He died in 1632, and was
buried in his cathedral. To this dry catalogue of preferments, we can only add generally that he was much respected for piety and learning; but there are no particulars of his life and progress from a state of comparative obscurity to the bishopric. As he was an eminent tutor, he
might owe some of his preferments to the gratitude of his
pupils. He published “A Letter concerning the News out
of Ireland, and of the Spaniards landing, and the present
state there,
” Lond. Claim of antiquity in
behalf of the Protestant Religion,
” ibid. A catholic confutation of Mr. John
Rider’s Claim of Antiquity, and a calming comfort against
his caveat,
” Roan, Reply
to Mr. Rider’s postscript, and a discovery of puritan partiality in his behalf.
” But this prelate is most remembered
on account of his dictionary, “A Dictionary, English and
Latin, and Latin and English,
” Oxon. Promptorium parvulum,
” printed by Pynson in Ortus Vocabulorum,
” by W. de Worde, in
, an eminent dissenter, was born in London about 1667, and educated at a private academy
, an eminent dissenter, was born
in London about 1667, and educated at a private academy
in Wiltshire. Having entered into the ministry, he was in
1695 chosen assistant to ~Mr. Thomas Gouge in his meeting near the Three Cranes, London, and about four years
afterwards became his successor. In 1712, in conjunction
with Mr. John Eames, he began to conduct an academy,
supported by the independents of London, as divinity
tutor; his qualifications for which office were very considerable, both as to learning and abilities, and a judicious
manner of conveying knowledge. It was in the course of
lecturing to his pupils, that he delivered an exposition of
the “Assembly’s Larger Catechism,
” which he published
in Body of Divinity,
” in 2 vols. folio. This
has been frequently reprinted, and is still held in high estimation among the Calvinislic dissenters, with whom he
ranks; but he held some few speculative opinions, respecting the doctrines of the Trinity, and of a future state, which
are peculiar to himself. The university of Aberdeen bestowed on him the degree of D. D. as a testimony of their
approbation of this work. His other publications were,
various single sermons, and two tracts occasioned by the
controversy among the dissenting ministers on the subject
of subscription to creeds. As a preacher he officiated at
other places, besides his own meeting, and was much
tollowed. He died March 27, 1734, in the sixty-seventh
year of his age.
nd martyr to the cause of the reformed religion, descended from an ancient family in Northumberland, was born early in the sixteenth century, in Tynedale, at a place
, an eminent English prelate, and
martyr to the cause of the reformed religion, descended
from an ancient family in Northumberland, was born early
in the sixteenth century, in Tynedale, at a place called
Wilmomswick in the above county. As he exhibited early
proofs of good natural abilities, he was placed in a grammar-school at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in which he made
such progress, that he was taken from thence and entered
of Pembroke-hall, Cambridge, about 15 18, when Luther was
preaching against indulgences in Germany. His disposition was open and ingenuous, and his application to his
studies unremitting both at school and university. He was
taught Greek by Robert Crook, who had begun a course of
that language at Cambridge. His religious sentiments
were those of the Romish church in which he had been
brought up, and in which he would probably be encouraged by his uncle, Dr. Robert Ridley, then fellow of
Queen’s college. In 1522 he took the degree of B. A.;
and to his knowledge of the learned languages, now added
that of the philosophy and theology then in vogue. In
1524 his abilities were so generally acknowledged, that the
master and fellows of University college, Oxford, invited
him to accept of an exhibition there; but this he declined,
and the same year was chosen fellow of his own college in
Cambridge. Next year he took the degree of M. A. and in
1526 was appointed by the college their general agent in
all causes belonging to the churches of Tilney, Soham, and
Saxthorpe, belonging to Pembroke-hall. But as his studies were now directed to divinity, his uncle, at hjs own
charge, sent him for farther improvement to the Sorbonne
at Paris; and from thence to Louvain; continuing on the
continent till 1529. In 1530, he was chosen junior treasurer of his college, and about this time appears to have
been more than ordinarily intent on the study of the scriptures. For this purpose he used to walk in the orchard at
Pembroke-hall, and there commit to memory almost all
the epistles in Greek; which walk is still called Ridley’swaik. He also distinguished himself by his skill in disputation, but frequently upon frivolous questions, as was the
custom of the time.
In 1533 he was chosen senior proctor of the university,
and while in that office, the important point of the pope’s
supremacy came to be examined upon the authority of
scripture. The decision of the university was, that “the
bishop of Rome had no more authority and jurisdiction derived to him from God, in this kingdom of England, than
any other foreign bishop;
” which was signed by the vicechancellor, and by Nicholas Ridley, and Richard Wilkes,
proctors. In 1534, on the expiration of his proctorship,
he took the degree of B. D. and was chosen chaplain of the
university, and public reader, which archbishop Tenison
calls pradicater publicus, and in the Pembroke ms. he is
also called Magister Glonieriaf, which office is supposed to
be that of university orator. In the year 1537 his great
reputation as an excellent preacher, and his intimate acquaintance with the scriptures and fathers, occasioned
Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, to invite him to his
house, where he appointed him one of his chaplains, and
admitted him into his confidence. As a farther mark of
his esteem, he collated him, in April 1538, to the vicarage
of Herne in Kent. Here he was diligent to instruct his
charge in the pure doctrines of the gospel, as far as they
were discovered to him, except in the point of transubstantiation, on which he had as yet received no light; and to
enliven the devotion of his parishioners, he used to have
the Te Deum sung in his parish church in English, which
was afterwards urged in accusation against him.
, a learned divine, descended collaterally from the preceding bishop Ridley, was born at sea, in 1702, on-board the Gloucester East Indiaman,
, a learned divine, descended
collaterally from the preceding bishop Ridley, was born
at sea, in 1702, on-board the Gloucester East Indiaman,
to which circumstance he was indebted for his Christian
name. He received his education at Winchester-school,
and thence was elected to a fellowship at New college,
Oxford, where he proceeded B. C. L. April 29, 1729. In
those two seminaries he cultivated an early acquaintance
with the Muses, and laid the foundation of those elegant
and solid acquirements for which he was afterwards so eminently distinguished as a poet, an historian, and a divine.
During a vacancy in 1728, he joined with four friends, viz.
Mr. Thomas Fletcher (afterwards bishop of Kildare), Mr.
(afterwards Dr.) Eyre, Mr. Morrison, and Mr. Jennens, in
writing a tragedy, called “The Fruitless Redress,
” each
Undertaking an act, on a plan previously concerted. When
they delivered in their several proportions, at their meeting
in the winter, few readers, it is said, would have known
that the whole was not the production of a single hand.
This tragedy, which was offered to Mr. Wilks, but never
acted, is still in ms. with another called “Jugurtha.
” - Dr.
Ridley in his youth was much addicted to theatrical performances. Midhurst, in Sussex, was the place where
they were exhibited; and the company of gentlemen actors
to which he belonged, consisted chiefly of his coadjutors in
the tragedy already mentioned. He is said to have performed the characters of Marc Antony, Jaffier, Horatio,
and Moneses, with distinguished applause. Young Gibber,
being likewise a Wykehamist, called on Dr. Ridley soon
after he had been appointed chaplain to the East India
Company at Poplar, and would have persuaded him to quit
the church for the stage, observing that “it usually paid
the larger salaries of the two,
” an advice which he had too
much sense to follow. For great part of his life, he had no
other preferment than the small college living of Weston,
in Norfolk, and the donative of Poplar, in Middlesex, where
he resided. To these his college added, some years after,
the donative of Romfbrd, in Essex. “Between these two
places the curricle of his life had,
” as he expressed it,
“rolled for some time almost perpetually upon post-chaise
wheels, and left him not time for even the proper studies
of ceconomy, or the necessary ones of his profession.
” Yet
in this obscure situation he remained in possession of, and
content with, domestic happiness; and was honoured with the
intimate friendship of some who were not less distinguished
for learning than for worth: among these, it maybe sufficient
to mention Dr. Lowth, Mr. Christopher Pitt, Mr. Spence,
and Dr. Berriman. To the last of these he was curate and
executor, and preached his funeral sermon. In 1740 and
1741, he preached “Eight Sermons at Lady Moyer’s lecture,
” which were published in De Syriacarum novi fcederis versionum indole
atque usu, dissertatio,
” occasioned by a Syriac version,
which, with two others, were sent to him nearly thirty
years before, by one Mr. Samuel Palmer from Amida, in
Mesopotamia. His age and growing infirmities, the great
expence of printing, and the want of a patron, prevented
him from availing himself of these Mss.; yet at intervals he
employed himself on a transcript, which being put into the
hands of professor White, was published a few years ago,
with a literal Latin translation, in 2 vols. 4to, at the expence of the delegates of the Clarendon press. In 1763
he published the “Life of bishop Ridley,
” in quarto, by
subscription, and cleared by it as much as brought him
800l. in the public funds. In this, which is the most useful of all his works, he proved himself worthy of the name
he bore, a thorough master of the popish controversy, and
an able advocate for the reformation. In 1765 he published his “Review of Philips’ s Life of Cardinal Pole
” (see Philips); and in 17 6S, in reward for his labours in this controversy, and in another which “The Confessional
” produced, he was presented by archbishop Seeker to a golden
prebend in the cathedral church of Salisbury (an option),
but it is probably a mistake that Seeker honoured him with
the degree of D. D. that honour having been conferred upon him by the university of Oxford in 1767, by diploma, the
highest mark of distinction they can confer. At length, worn
out with infirmities, he departed this life in Nov. 1774, leaving
a widow and four daughters. An elegant epitaph, written by
Dr. Lowth, bishop of London, is inscribed upon his monument.
Two poems by Dr. Ridley, one styled “Jovi Eleutherio,
or an Offering to Liberty,
” the other called “Psyche,
” are
in the third volume of Dodsley’s Collection. The sequel of
the latter poem, entitled, “Melampus,
” with “Psyche,
” its
natural introduction, was printed in Collection.
” The Mss. Codex Heraclensis,
Codex Barsalibaei, &c. (of which a particular account may be seen in his Dissertation “De Syriacarum Novi Fcederis versionum indole atque usu, 1761,
”) were bequeathed by Dr.
Ridley to the library of New college, Oxford. Of these ancient Mss. a fac-simile specimen was published in his Dissertation above mentioned. A copy of “The Confessional,
with ms notes by Dr. Ridley," was in the library of the- late
Dr. Winchester.
, an eminent civilian, descended of a family of that name in Northumberland, was born in the city of Ely, and became master of Eton school, afterwards
, an eminent civilian, descended of
a family of that name in Northumberland, was born in the
city of Ely, and became master of Eton school, afterwards
one of the masters in chancery, chancellor to the bishop of
Winchester, and vicar-general to archbishop Abbot. He
also received the honour of knighthood. He died Jan. 22
or 23, 1629, and was buried in the parish church of St.
Bennet, Paul’s Wharf, London. He was a general schoJar, and published “A view of the Civil and Ecclesiastical
” which was much admired by king James, and was
afterwards reprinted by the learned, but unfortunate Gregory, chaplain to bishop Duppa. This work, says Dr.
Coote, while it established the reputation of the author,
contributed to revive the declining credit of that jurisdiction.
the 14th century, assuming the title of tribune, and proposing to restore the ancient free republic, was born at Rome, and was the son of no greater a personage than
, who, from a low and
despicable situation, raised himself to sovereign authority
in Rome, in the 14th century, assuming the title of tribune,
and proposing to restore the ancient free republic, was
born at Rome, and was the son of no greater a personage
than a mean vintner, or, as others say, a miller, named
Lawrence Gabrini, and Magdalen, a laundress. However,
Nicolas Rienzi, by which appellation he was commonly
distinguished, did not form his sentiments from the meanness of his birth. To a good natural understanding he
joined an uncommon assiduity, and made a great proficiency in ancient literature. Every thing he read he compared with similar passages that occurred within his own
observation; whence he made reflections, by which he regulated his conduct. To this he added a great knowledge
in the laws and customs of nations. He had a vast memory:
he retained much of Cicero, Valerius Maximus, Livy, the
two Senecas, and Cassar’s Commentaries especially, which
he read continually, and often quoted and applied to the
events of his own times. This fund of learning proved the
foundation of his rise: the desire he had to distinguish
himself in the knowledge of monumental history, drew him
to another sort of science, then little understood. He
passed whole days among the inscriptions which are to be
found at Rome, and acquired soon the reputation of a great
antiquary. Having hence formed within himself the most
exalted notions of the justice, liberty, and ancient grandeur
of the old Romans, words he was perpetually repeating to
the people, he at length persuaded not only himself, but
the giddy mob his followers, that he should one day become
the restorer of the Roman republic. His advantageous
stature, his countenance, and that air of importance which
he well knew how to assume, deeply imprinted all he said
in the minds of his audience: nor was it only by the populace that he was admired; he also found means to insinuate
himself into the favour of those who partook of the administration. Rienzi’s talents procured him to be nominated
one of the deputies, sent by the Romans to pope Clement
VI. who resided at Avignon. The intention of this deputation was to make his holiness sensible, how prejudicial
his absence was, as well to himself as to the interest of
Rome. At his first audience, our hero charmed the court
of Avignon by his eloquence, and the sprightliness of his
conversation. Encouraged by success, he one day took the
liberty to tell the pope, that the grandees of Rome were
avowed robbers, public thieves, infamous adulterers, and
illustrious profligates; who by their example authorized
the most horrid crimes. To them he attributed the desolation of Rome, of which he drew so lively a picture, that
the holy father was moved, and exceedingly incensed
against the Roman nobility. Cardinal Colonna, in other
respects a lover of real merit, could not help considering
these reproaches as reflecting upon some of his family; and
therefore found means of disgracing Rienzi, so that he fell
into extreme misery, vexation, and sickness, which, joined,
with indigence, brought him to an hospital. Nevertheless,
the same hand that threw him down, raised him up again.
The cardinal, who was all compassion, caused him to appear
before the pope, in assurance of his being a good man,
and a great partizan for justice and equity. The pope approved of him more than ever and, as proofs of his esteem
and confidence, made him apostolicnotary, and sent him
back loaded with favours. Yet his subsequent behaviour
shewed, that resentment had a greater ascendancy over him
than gratitude. Being returned to Rome, he began ta
execute the functions of his office, and by affability, candour,
assiduity, and impartiality, in the administration of justice,
he arrived at a superior degree of popularity; which he
still improved by continued invectives against the vices of
the great, whom he strove to render as odious as possible;
till at last, for some ill-timed freedoms of speech, he was
not only severely reprimanded, but displaced. His dismission did not make him desist from inveighing against the
debauched, though he conducted himself with more prudence. From this time it was his constant endeavour to
inspire the people with a fondness for their ancient liberties;
to which purpose, he caused to be hung up in the most
public places emblematic pictures, expressive of the former
splendour and present decline of Rome. To these he added
frequent harangues and predictions upon the same subject,
in this manner he proceeded till one party looked on him
only as a madman, while others caressed him as their protector. Thus he infatuated the minds of the people, and
many of the nobility began to come into his views, while
the senate in no wise mistrusted a man, whom they judged
to have neither interest nor ability. At length he ventured
to disclose his designs to such as he believed mal-contents,
first separately, but afterwards, when he thought he had
firmly attached a sufficient number to his interest, he assembled them together, and represented to them the deplorable state of the city, over-run with debaucheries, and
the incapacities of their governors to correct or amend
them. As a necessary foundation for the enterprize, he
gave them a statement of the immense revenues of the
apostolic chamber; demonstrating that the pope could,
only at the rate of four-pence, raise a hundred thousand
florins by firing, as much by salt, and as much more by the
customs and other duties. “As for the rest,
” said he, “I
would not have you imagine, that it is without the pope’s
consent I lay hands on the revenues. Alas! how many
others in this city plunder the effects of the church contrary to his will 1
, an eminent grammarian, was born at Sawl, in Norfolk, and educated at Eton, and was admitted
an eminent grammarian, was born at Sawl, in Norfolk, and
educated at Eton, and was admitted of King’s college,
Cambridge, in 1508. He was first usher to the celebrated
William Lilly, master of St. Paul’s school, and afterwards
second master, but succeeded Lilly, as head master, in
1522, which situation he retained until his death, in 1532.
He composed a tragedy of “Dido
” out of Virgil, which
was performed at St. Paul’s school by him and his pupils,
before cardinal Wolsey, but deserves more notice for the
improvements he introduced in Lilly’s Latin grammar, in
the edition published at Antwerp in 1533. He had married Dionysia, the daughter of Lilly; and after his death
she was again married to James Jacob, one of the masters
of St. Paul’s, by whom she had a son, Polydore Jacob, who
was probably the god-son of Polydore Virgil, who speaks
of Rightwise with great respect.
, an English artist of very considerable merit, was born at London, in 1646, and, instructed in the art of painting
, an English artist of very considerable merit, was born at London, in 1646, and, instructed in the art of painting by Fuller and Zoust. Lord Orford asserts, that he was one of the best native painters that had flourished in England; and that there are draperies and hands painted by him that would do honour either to Lely or Kneller; the portrait of the lord-keeper North, at Wroxton, being in every respect a capital performance. After the death of sir Peter Lely, he advanced in the esteem of the public, and had the honour to paint the portraits of king Charles II. king James and his queen, and was appointed state painter. He made nature his principal study, without adopting the manner of any master, and as far as he thought it prudent he improved or embellished it in his pictures; and, like many other men of parts, he seems to be more respected by posterity, than by the age in which he flourished. He was, in truth, humble, modest, and of an amiable character. He had the greatest diffidence of himself, and was easily disgusted with his own works, the source probably, says lord Orford, of the objections made to him. With a quarter of Kneller’s vanity, he might have persuaded the world he was as great a master. The gout put an end to his progress, for he died in 1691, at the age of forty-five, and was buried in Bishopsgate church, in which parish he was born. One Thomas Riley was an actor, and has a copy of verses in Randolph’s Poems. This, lord Orford thinks, might be the painter’s father. In the same place are some Latin verses by Riley, whom the same biographer takes to be our painter himself. Richardson married a near relation of Riley, and inherited about SOOl. in pictures, drawings, and effects.
, in German Sterck, an eminent Flemish philosopher and mathematician, was born at Antwerp, and first studied in the emperor Maximilian
, in German
Sterck, an eminent Flemish philosopher and mathematician,
was born at Antwerp, and first studied in the emperor
Maximilian the First’s palace, and afterwards at the university of Lou vain, where he acquired the learned languages, philosophy, and the mathematical sciences. He
became a public professor in that university, and taught
various sciences; and in 1528 went into Germany, and
taught the mathematical sciences and the Greek tongue in
various seminaries of that country, and afterwards at Parig,
Orleans, and Bourdeaux, and other places. He died about
1536. Among his most esteemed works were, “De Ratione Studii,
” Antwerp, Ley den, 1547;
” De conscribendis Epistolis Lib.“” Rhetoricae, et quat
ad earn spectant“” Sententiae“” Sphiera, sive Institutionum Astronomicarum, Lib. III.,“Basil, 1528, 8vo;
” Cosmographia“” Optica“” Chaos Mathematicum“”Arithraetica" all which were collected and published at
Leyden, in 1531.
, son of the preceding, was born at Paris in the year 1577. While his father afforded every
, son of the preceding, was born at Paris in the year 1577. While his father afforded every encouragement to his rising talents, his mind was naturally directed to the study of medicine, in which his progress was uncommonly rapid. He took his degree in 160-1, and a very few years after acquired great reputation as an author. In 1613, he was appointed royal professor of anatomy and botany by Louis XIII.; and in this latter capacity he petitioned the king for the establishment of a botanic garden in the university of Paris. He subsequently held the appointment of physician to queen Mary de Medicis, and accompanied that princess in her travels; he arrived at Cologne after her death, in July 1642, and returned to Paris, where he resumed his profession. After having twice undergone the operation of lithotomy, he lived to the age of eighty years, and died at Paris February 19, 1657.
, a learned Spanish ecclesiastic of the Augustine order, was born at Haro about 1730, and acquired such reputation for knowledge
, a learned Spanish ecclesiastic of the
Augustine order, was born at Haro about 1730, and acquired such reputation for knowledge in ecclesiastical
history, that he was appointed by the king, Charles III.
to continue that history of which Florez published 29 Vols.
4to. To these he accordingly added six volumes more,
written, according to our authority, with equal ability, and
equal liberality of sentiment. Some notice of this work,
entitled “Espana Sagrada,
” is taken in our account of
Florez. Risco died about the end of the last century, but
the exact time is not specified.
, a poetical critic and editor, was born Oct. 2, 1752, at Stockton-upon-Tees, in the county of Durham,
, a poetical critic and editor, was
born Oct. 2, 1752, at Stockton-upon-Tees, in the county
of Durham, and was bred to the profession of the law,
which he practised chiefly in the conveyancing branch.
In 1785 he purchased the office of high bailiff of the liberties of the Savoy, and retained it until his death. These
seem the only particulars of Mr. Ritson’s progress in his
profession, which have been recorded by his friends. He
became, however, far better known for his researches into
the antiquities of English literature, particularly poetry;
and these he was enabled to carry on for many years, by
dint of memory and extraordinary industry. In recovering
dates, assigning anonymous fragments to their authors,
and those other minute particulars which are important to
poetical antiquaries, Mr. Ritson had perhaps few superiors; but all he performed was disgraced by a harsh, rugged,
and barren style, and an affectation of a new orthography,
and yet more by the contempt, approaching to malignity,
with which hfe treated Mr. Warton, Mr. Malone, and his
other contemporaries who had acquired any name in the
world. Although not absolutely incapable of civility, his
conversation partook much of the harshness of his writings;
and giving the lie was not uncommon with him, even
when the subject in dispute had nothing in it to excite
passion. His wretched temper seems also to have been
exasperated by the state of public affairs, his hatred of the
reigning family, and his attachment to republicanism.
Many instances might be given of his unhappy prejudices,
but it appeared at last that the whole might be traced to a
diseased mind, which was completely overthrown by insanity. When this became too visible to be neglected, he
was removed to a receptacle for insane persons at Hoxton,
where he died a few days after, Sept. 3, 1803, leaving
many works which will prove useful and interesting to
poetical antiquaries long after the peculiarities of his temper are forgotten. His first publication was an anonymous quarto pamphlet of “Observations on the three volumes of Warton’s History of English Poetry;
” one of the
most illiberal productions that had then appeared. He
wrote, also anonymously, three sets of. remarks on the
editors of Shakspeare: I. On Mr. Sieevens’s edition, 1773,
entitled “Remarks, critical and illustrative, on the Text
and Notes of the last edition of Shakspeare,
” 8vo; 2. “The
Quip modest,
” &c. on Mr. Reed’s republication of that
edition, particularly illiberal 3. “Cursory Criticisms,
” &c.
on Mr. Malone’s edition. He published also a select
collection of English Songs, in 3 vols. 8vo. Ancient Songs,
from the time of Henry III. to the Revolution, 8vo. A
volume of pieces of ancient popular poetry, 8vo. “The
English Anthology,
” a selection of poetry, in 3 small octavo volumes. “Robin Hood; a collection of all the ancient Poems, Songs, affd Ballads, now extant, relative to
that celebrated Outlaw. To which are added, Historical
Anecdotes of his Life,
” Biographia Poetica a Catalogue of English Poets of
the twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth
centuries; with a short Account of their Works.
” Ancient English Metrical
Romances; selected and published by Joseph Ritson,
a young man of very considerable literary talents, was a native of Emont- bridge, near Penritb, and was born in 1761. At the age of sixteen, he began to teach school
, a young man of very considerable literary talents, was a native of Emont- bridge, near Penritb, and was born in 1761. At the age of sixteen, he began to teach school with credit to himself, and advantage to his pupils. After superintending a school for about four years, he relinquished the employment, and repaired to Edinburgh, where he studied medicine; and he maintained himself by writing medical theses for such of his fellow students as were too indolent, or too illiterate, to write for themselves. From Edinburgh he went to London, where he attended on the hospitals, and on lectures, and where he also supported himself by his literary exertions. In London he took a few private pupils, and was engaged for some time in writing the medical articles in the Monthly Review. Like Chatterton, however, whom in many particulars Ritson greatly resembled, he had to lament the neglect of the world, and after a short and irregular life in London, he died of a few weeks illness, at Islington, in 1789, and in the twenty-seventh year of his age.
, an American philosopher and mathematician, was born in Pennsylvania in 1732. By the dint of genius and application,
, an American philosopher
and mathematician, was born in Pennsylvania in 1732.
By the dint of genius and application, he was enabled to
mingle the pursuits of science with the active employments
of a farmer and watch-maker. The latter of these occupations he filled with unrivalled eminence among his countrymen. In 17t9 he was with others invited by the American Philosophical Society to observe the transit of Venus,
when he particularly distinguished himself by his observations and calculations. He afterwards constructed an observatory, where he made such valuable discoveries, as
tended to the general diffusion of science. After the
American war, as he was a strenuous advocate for independence, he successively filled the offices of treasurer of
the state of Pennsylvania, and director of the national
mint; in the first of which he manifested incorruptible integrity, and in the last, the rare talent of combining theories in such a way as to produce correct practical effects.
He succeeded Dr. Franklin in the office of president of the
American Philosophical Society; but towards the close of
his days he withdrew from public life, and spent his time
in retirement. After a very severe illness, but of no long
continuance, he died July 10, 1796, about the age of 64.
He had the degree of LL. D. conferred upon him. To
the “Transactions
” of the American Philosophical Society
he contributed several excellent papers, chiefly on astronomical subjects.
, a learned French writer, was born at Laval, in the province of Perche, about 1571. He wa*
, a learned French writer, was born
at Laval, in the province of Perche, about 1571. He wa*
brought up in the family of the count de Laval, and for.
some time followed the military profession, serving in Italy
and in Holland. In 1603, Henry IV. appointed him one
of the gentlemen of his bed-chamber. In 1605 he entered
into tSie service of the emperor against the Turks: but ori
his return he devoted himself to literary and scientific studies and in 1611 he was appointed preceptor to the young
king, Lewis XIII. with a pension of 3000 livres, and the
title of counsellor of state. An insult he received from his
royal pupil obliged him to quit his office for some time.
The king had a favourite dog, who was perpetually jumping on Rivault during his giving lessons, and Rivault one
day gave him a kick. The king was so incensed as to strike
Riv'lult, who retired; but it appears they were soon reconciled, and by the king’s orders Rivault accompanied ma*
dame Elizabeth of France as far as Bayonne, on her way
to be married to the king of Spain. On his return from
that voyage he died at Tours, Jan. 1616, about the age of
forty-five. He is spoken of with high esteem by several
of the most celebrated writers of his time, particularly by
Casaubon, Scaliger, Vossius, Erpenius, and Menage. His
works consist of, 1. “Les Etats,
” or “The States, or a
discourse concerning the privileges of the prince, the nobles, and the Third Estate, &c.
” 2. “Les Elemens d'Artillerie,
” Paris, Archimedis Opera quae extant, Gr. et Lat. novis detnonstrationibus illdstrata,
” &c. Paris,
, a French writer, chiefly on subjects of bibliography and literary history, was born May 19, 1730, at Apt in Provence, and was bred to the church.
, a French writer, chiefly on subjects of bibliography and literary history, was born May
19, 1730, at Apt in Provence, and was bred to the church.
He was first professor of philosophy in the seminary of Sh
Charles, at Avignon, a situation for which he was not very
well qualified. He then became curate of Molleges, in
the diocese of Aries, but was not much better satisfied with
this than his preceding occupation, as he had more taste
for bibliographical researches than for pastoral duties.
While here he had the credit of an amour with a married
woman, that did not advance him much in the public
opinion; and when the husband reproached him, the abbe
threw him headlong out of the window, from which, however, he received no great injury. In 1767 he came to
Paris, and his turn for books being already known, the duke
de Valliere appointed him his librarian, and in allusion to
his arrogant manner of deciding on literary points, used to
call him his bull-dog. On the revolution breaking out, he
became one of the most implacable of the anarchists, and
denounced vengeance on the clergy, the nobility, and
especially those writers who were his rivals in bibliographical pursuits, particularly William Debure, and the abbe
Mercier, to whom he was uncommonly abusive. He afterwards led a life of turbulence and hostility, which at last
closed at Marseilles in 1792. Among his numerous publications, the most useful were, 1. “Eclaircissemens sur l'inyention des Cartes a jouer,
” Paris, Prospectus sur Tessai de verifier Page de Miniatures,
” such as
appear on manuscripts from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century; ibid. 1782, fol. 3. “Notices historiques et
critiques sur deux manuscrits de la bibliotheque du due de
la Valliere,
” ibid. Notices sur le traite
manuscrit de Galeotto Martio, intitule De Excelientibus,
” ibid. Histoire critique de la Pyramide de Caius Sestius,
” &c. ibid. ibid.
1789, 2 vols. a receptacle of almost every kind of abuse
and awkward wit against Le Long, Debure, Mercier, &c.
”Dictionnaire de critique litteraire," &c. with other works
of a similar kind, which are very scarce even in France, as
he printed but a small number of each edition.
, a celebrated French protestant divine, was born at St. Maxeut, in Poitou, Aug. I, 1572, and after some
, a celebrated French protestant divine, was born at St. Maxeut, in Poitou, Aug. I, 1572, and
after some school education near home, was sent to Rochelle in 1585, where he studied the learned languages and
philosophy. In 1590 he was removed to the college at
Beam, where he took his master’s degree, and began the
study of divinity. Having finished that course, he was in
1595 appointed minister of the church of Thoars, and chaplain to the duke of Thoars, who admitted him into his confidence, and frequently employed him in matters of importance. While in this situation he married the daughter
of a divine at Thoars. He was frequently the
representative of the protestant churches in national conventions and
synods, and in some of these filled the chair of president,
particularly in that of Vitry, in 1617. In 1620 he was appointed professor of divinity at Leyden, but about the same
time had the misfortune to lose his wife. In 1621 he visiteci England, and going to Oxford was incorporated doctor in divinity, which degree had been conferred on him at
Leyden just before. He gave, on this occasion, several
books to the Bodleian library. While in England he married, as his second wife, Maria, the sister of Peter du
Moulin, and widow of Anthony de Guyot, upon whose
death in the civil wars in France, she took refuge in England. What served to introduce him at Oxford was his
previous acquaintance wiih John Russe, or Rouse, who had
lodged some time with him at Thoars, and was now in the
situation of librarian of the Bodleian. After his return to
Leyden he resumed his professorship, and passed the rest
of his days in teaching and writing. He died in 1647, aged
seventy-five. His works, consisting of commentaries on
the scriptures, sermons, and controversial pieces, were
very numerous, but it is unnecessary to specify them separately, as they were collected in 3 vols. fol. and printed
at Rotterdam in 1651. His brother William, who was
likewise in the church, published on “Justification,
” and
on “Ecclesiastical liberty.
” We have in English,“A relation of the last hours of Dr. Andrew Rivet,
” 12mo, translated and published by Nehemiah Coxe, by which it appears that Dr. Rivet was not more a man of great learning
than of great piety.
, of the same family as the preceding, but descended from a catholic branch, was born October 30, 1683, at Confolens, a small town in Poictiers.
, of the same family
as the preceding, but descended from a catholic branch,
was born October 30, 1683, at Confolens, a small town in
Poictiers. He studied philosophy under the Jacobins at
Poictiers, but an escape from very imminent danger determined him to put on the Benedictine habit, which he
accordingly did at Marmoutier in 1704, and took his vows
therein 1705. In 1716 he was transferred to the monastery of St. Cyprian, and summoned to Paris the year following, to assist some other monks in compiling a history
of illustrious men of the Benedictine order; but this project failing, Rivet turned his thoughts entirely to the literary history of France, which he had before formed a
design of writing, and which employed the rest of his trfe,
He was-assisted in this work by three of his brethren, Joseph
Duclou, Maurice Poncet, and John Colomb, who were all
his particular friends, good critics, and accurate and industrious writers. In 1723 Rivet published at Amsterdam
“Le Necrologe de Port Royal des Champs,
” a work of
which he was very fond, and added to it a long historical
preface. This publication, joined to his warm opposition
to the bull Unrgenitus, from which he had appealed, obliged
him to retire -iiftb the abbey of St. Vincent at Mans, the
same year, where he laboured assiduously during more
than thirty years to complete his “Literary History of
” >' He published the first volume in
, an eminent French physicist, was born at Montpellier in 1589. He studied in the university of
, an eminent French
physicist, was born at Montpellier in 1589. He studied
in the university of his native place, but having failed in
his examinations for his degree, he was impelled to redouble
his exertiotis, and in 16 11 was admitted to the degree of
doctor with great credit. In 1622 he was appointed to the
professorship of medicine in the university, an office which
he continued to fill with great honour until his death in
1655. Riverius published “The Institutes of Medicine,
in five books, in Latin, which went through many editions;
but the work which has gained him most reputation, is a
course of medicine, entitled “Praxis Medica,
” of which
editions were long multiplied in France, Holland, and
England. It treats of most of the diseases to which the
body is subject, in seventeen books, in a clear style; but
in many places he appears to have borrowed copiously from
Sennertus. He published also a work entitled “Observationes Medic* et Curationes insignes,
” which has been
frequently reprinted, and is not now without its value.
These works have been collected and published together,
under the title of “Opera Medica Universa,
” Geneva,
Arcana Riverii.
s the son of a learned physician and critic, Andrew Bachmann, whose name in Latin became Rivinus. He was born at Leipsic in 1652. After a successful course of study
, an eminent botanist and physician, was the son of a learned physician and critic, Andrew Bachmann, whose name in Latin became Rivinus. He was born at Leipsic in 1652. After a successful course of study he became professor of physiology and botany in his native university. He was also a member of various learned societies, and died in 1723 r aged seventyone.
eenth century, whose misconduct or misfortunes have obtained him a place in the history of Scotland, was born at Turin, but brought up in France. His father was a musician
, a musician of the sixteenth century, whose misconduct or misfortunes have obtained him a place in the history of Scotland, was born at
Turin, but brought up in France. His father was a musician and dancing-master, and the son probably possessed
those talents which served to amuse a courtly circle. He
appears to have come to Scotland about 1564, when, according to most accounts, he was neither young nor handsome. The count de Merezzo brought him hither in his
suite, as ambassador from Savoy to the court of the unfortunate queen Mary. Sir James Melvil, in his “Memoirs,
tells us that “the queen had three valets of her chamber
who sung in three parts, and wanted a base to sing the
fourth part; therefore, telling her majesty of this man,
Rizzio, as one fit to make the fourth in concert, he was
drawn in sometimes to sing with the rest.
” He quickly,
however, crept into the queen’s favour; and her French
secretary happening at that time to return to his own country, Rizzio was preferred by her majesty to that office.
He began to make a figure at court, and to appear as a
man of weight and consequence. Nor was he careful to
abate that envy which always attends such an extraordinary
and rapid change of fortune. On the contrary, he seems
to have done every thing to increase it; yet it was not his
exorbitant power alone which exasperated the Scots; they
considered him as a dangerous enemy to the protestant religion, and believed that he held for this purpose a constant correspondence with the court of Rome. His prevalence, however, was very short-lived; for, in 1566, certain nobles, with lord Darnly at their head, conspired
against him, and dispatched him in the queen’s presence
with fifty-six wounds. The consequences of this murder
to the queen and to the nation are amply detailed in Scotch
history, and have been the subject of a very fertile controversy.
, the third child and second son of Edward Roberts, esq. deputy-clerk of the pells of the exchequer, was born March 13, 1789, in St. Stephen’s court, Westminster. His
, an ingenious young writer and medallist, the third child and second son of Edward Roberts, esq. deputy-clerk of the pells of the exchequer, was born March 13, 1789, in St. Stephen’s court, Westminster. His frame and constitution were delicate, which probably created an aversion to the usual exercises of youth, and his early pursuits evinced vivacity without levity. They were of a nature to exercise, but not to weary the faculties; and, springing from a desire for knowledge, afforded to him a perpetual variety of objects. The first radiments of education, as far as it related to habits, he acquired himself, or perhaps he imbibed them from the situation in which he was placed. In his father’s house at Ealing, the well-ordered ceconomy of time which prevails in a regular family, taught him to appreciate and to profit by the means of tranquillity thus placed within his reach. The salubrity of the air, and the extent of the grounds, which allowed him as much exercise as he wished for, contributed to the health of his body; and he had the advantage of a well-chosen collection of books, which afforded him the opportunity of indulging his taste for reading.
, a puritan divine, the son of Henry Roberts of Aslake, in Yorkshire, was born there or in that county in 1609, and entered a student
, a puritan divine, the son of
Henry Roberts of Aslake, in Yorkshire, was born there or
in that county in 1609, and entered a student of Trinity
college, Oxford, in 1625. In 1632 he completed his degrees in arts, and was ordained. Where he first officiated
does not appear but on the breaking out of the rebellion
he went to London, took the covenant, and wns appointed
minister of St. Augustine’s, Watlirtg-street, in room of
Ephraim Udal, ejected for his loyalty. In 1649 he was
presented to the rectory of WriiHTton in Somersetshire by
his patron Arthur lord Capel, son of the beheaded lord
Capel. While on this living he was appointed one of the
commissioners for the “ejectment of those
” who were
called “ignorant and insufficient ministers and schoolmasters.
” At the restoration, however^ he conformed,
tired out, as many other’s were, by the distractions of the
contending parties, and disappointed in every hope which
the encouragers of rebellion had held forth. It does not
appear whether he had any additional preferment, except
that of chaplain to his patron lord Capel whenhe became
earl of Essex; and when thrit nobleman was lord-lieutenant,
of Ireland in 1672, it is suppose. i he procured him the degree of D. D. from the university of Dublin. He died at
Wriugton about the end of 1675, and most probably wasi
interred in that church. He published some single sermons: “The Believer’s evidence for Eternal Life,
” &c,
Communicant instructed,
Chivis Bibliorum, the Key of the Bible,
” in
eluding the order, names, times, penmen, occasion, scope,
and principal matter of the Old and New Testament. This
was first printed at London and Edinburgh, 1649, in 2 vols,
8vo, and afterwards in 4to; and the fourth edition, 1675,
in folio. Wood mentions another work, “Mysterium &
Medulla Bibliorum, or the Mystery and Marrow of the
” The True way to the Tree of Life,
of Mr. Edward Stevenson, of Knipe, in the same county, cousin to Edmund Gibson, bishop of London. He was born at this latter place, August 28, 1726; but his father soon
, a learned English divine and
miscellaneous writer, was descended from a reputable
family, which from time immemorial possessed a considerable estate at Mutter, in tae parish of Appleby, in Westmoreland. His father was an eminent maltster; and his
mother, the only daughter of Mr. Edward Stevenson, of
Knipe, in the same county, cousin to Edmund Gibson,
bishop of London. He was born at this latter place, August 28, 1726; but his father soon afterwards removing to
Rutter, he was sent, at a proper age, to the free-school at
Appleby, where he received the rudiments of classical
learning under Mr. Richard Yates, a man of eminent abilities, and distinguished character in his profession. From
thence, in 1746, he went to Queen’s college, Oxford,
where he took his degrees in arts, with considerable reputation for his ingenuity and learning. On his receiving
orders he was, for some time, curate to the celebrated Dr.
Sykes, at Rayleigh in Essex, and in 1758 he was instituted
to the vicarage of Herriard in Hampshire; in 1770, to the
rectory of Sutton in Essex; and in 1779, to the vicarage
of Horucastle in Lincolnshire, to which he wns prcseuteU
by his relation, Dr> Edtnund Law, bishop of Carlisle.
In 1761 he published a sermon, entitled “The subversion of ancient Kingdoms considered,
” preached at St.
John’s, Westminster, Feb. 13, the day appointed for a
general fast. In 1772, he revised and corrected for the
press Dr. Gregory Sharpens posthumous sermons; and the
same year completed a new edition of Algernon Sidney’s
Discourses on Government, with historical notes, in one
volume quarto, at the persuasion of Thomas Hollis, esq.
who highly approved his performance.
to Bale, “Eboracensis urbis alumnus” which may mean that he was educated at York; but Wood says, he was born at or near Wakefield in that county. He was originally
, an eminent grammarian, was,
according to Bale, “Eboracensis urbis alumnus
” which
may mean that he was educated at York; but Wood says,
he was born at or near Wakefield in that county. He was
originally of Queen’s college, Oxford, but afterwards a
semi -commoner of Magdalen, and succeeded the famous
John Stanbridge as master of the school adjoining to that
college. He took his degree of M. A. in 1525, and was
elected a fellow of Magdalen. In 1532 he was collated to
the prebend of Welton-Westball in the cathedral of Lincoln; in the year following to that of Sleford, and in 1534,
to that of Gretton, in the same church. It seems probable,
but Wood does not mention it as certain, that he took his
degree of U. D. in 1539, at which time he says, Robertson
was esteemed the “fas et decus Oxonite
” and was treasurer of the church of Salisbury. He held also the archdeaconry of Leicester and vicarage of Wakefield, to which
Brownie Willis adds the rectory of St. Laud’s, at Sherrington, Bucks.
, a very learned divine, was born in Dublin, Oct. 16, 1705. His father was a native of Scotland,
, a very learned divine, was
born in Dublin, Oct. 16, 1705. His father was a native
of Scotland, who carried on the linen-manufacture there;
and his mother, Diana Allen, was of a very reputable family in the bishopric of Durham, and married to his father
in England. From his childhood he was of a very tender
and delicate constitution, with great weakness in his eyes
till he was twelve years of age, at which period he was
sent to school. He had his grammar-education under the
celebrated Dr. Francis Hutcheson, who then taught in
Dublin, but was afterwards professor of philosophy in the
university of Glasgow. He went from Dr. Hutcheson to
that university in 1722, where he remained till 1725, and
took the degree of M. A. He had for his tutor Mr. John
Lowdon, professor of philosophy; and attended the lectures of Mr Ross, professor of humanity; of Mr. Dunlop,
professor of Greek; of Mr. Morthland, professor of the
Oriental languages; of Mr. Simpson, professor of mathematics; and of Dr. John Simpson, professor of divinity.
In the last-mentioned year, a dispute was revived, which
had been often agitated before, between Mr. John Sterling the principal, and the students, about a right to chuse
a rector, whose office and power is somewhat like that of
the vice-chancellor of Oxford or Cambridge. Mr. Robertson took part with his fellow- students, and was appointed
by them, together with William Campbell, esq. son of
Campbell of Mamore, whose family has since succeeded
to the estates and titles of Argyle, to wait upon the principal with a petition signed by more than threescore matriculated students, praying that he would, on the 1st day
of March, according to the statutes, summon an university-meeting for the election of a rector; which petition
he rejected with contempt. On this Mr. Campbell, in his
own name and in the name of all the petitioners, protested
against the principal’s refusal, and all the petitioners went
to the house of Hugh Montgomery, esq. the unlawful rector, where Mr. Robertson read aloud the protest against
him and his- authority. Mr. Robertson, by these proceedings, became the immediate and indeed the only object of
prosecution. He was cited before the faculty, i. e. the
principal and the professors of the university, of wbotn the
principal was sure of a majority, and, after a trial which
lasted several clays, had the sentence of expulsion pronounced against him; of which sentence he demanded a
copy, and was so fully persuaded of the justice of his
cause, and the propriety of his proceedings, that he
openly and strenuously acknowledged and adhered to what
he had done. Upon this, Mr. Lowdon, his tutor, and Mr.
Dunlop, professor of Greek, wrote letters to Mr. Robertson’s father, acquainting him of what had happened, and
assuring him that his son had been expelled, not for any
crime or immorality, but for appearing very zealous in a
dispute about a matter of right between the principal and
the students. These letters Mr. Robertson sent inclosed
hi 'one from himself, relating his proceedings and suffer! ngs
in the cause of what he thought justice and right. Upon
this his father desired him to take every step he might
think proper, to assert and maintain his own and his fellowstudents claims; and accordingly Mr. Robertson went up to
London, and presented a memorial to John duke of Argyle,
containing the claims of the students of the university of
Glasgow, their proceedings in the vindication of them,
and his own particular sufferings in the cause. The duke
received him very graciously, but said, that “he was little
acquainted with things of this sort;
” and advised him “to
apply to his brother Archibald earl of Hay, who was better
versed in such matters than he.
” He then waited on lord
Hay, who, upon reading the representation of the case,
said “he would consider of it.
” And, upon consideration
of it, he was so affected, that he applied to the king for a
commission to visit the university of Glasgow, with full
power to examine into and rectify all abuses therein. In
the summer of 1726, the earl of Hay with the other visitors
repaired to Glasgow, and, upon a full examination into
the several injuries and abuses complained of, they restored to the students the right of electing their rector;
recovered the right of the university to send two gentlemen, upon plentiful exhibitions, to Baliol college in Oxford; took off the expulsion of Mr. Robertson, and ordered
that particularly to be recorded in the proceedings of the
commission; annulled the election uf the rector who had
been named by the principal; and assembled the students,
who immediately chose the master of Ross, son of lord
Ross, to be their rector, &c. These things so affected Mr*
Sterling, that he died soon after; but the university revived, and has since continued in a most flourishing condition.
f the most illustrious names in modern literature, and one of the most eminent of modern historians, was born in 1721, at Borthwick, in the county of Mid-Lothian, where
, D.D. one of the most illustrious names in modern literature, and one of the most eminent of modern historians, was born in 1721, at Borthwick, in the county of Mid-Lothian, where his father was then minister; and received the first rudiments of his education at the school of Daikeith. In 1733, when his father removed to Edinburgh, on being appointed minister of the old Gray-friars’ church, tie placed his son at the university, where his industry and application appear to have been of that extraordinary and spontaneous kind, which bespeaks a thirst for knowledge, and is a pledge of future eminence. From a very early period of life he employed every means to overcome the peculiarities of a provincial idiom, and accustom his pen to the graces of the best English style. For this purpose he frequently exercised himself in the practice of translation, and was about to have prepared for the press a version of Marcus Antoninus, when he was anticipated by an anonymous publication at Glasgow. Nor did he bestow less pains on acquiring a fluent and correct eloquence, associating for that purpose with some fellowstudents and others, who assembled periodically for extempore discussion and debate. Thus in all his early pursuits he deviated knowingly, or was insensibly directed into those paths which led to the high fame he afterwards enjoyed.
, an eminent French mathematician, was born in 1602, at Roberval, a parish in the diocese of Beauvais.
, an eminent French
mathematician, was born in 1602, at Roberval, a parish in
the diocese of Beauvais. He was first professor of mathematics at the college of Maitre-Gervais, and afterwards at
the college-royal. A similarity of taste connected him
with Gassendi andMorin; the latter of whom he succeeded
in the mathematical chair at the royal college? without
quitting, however, that of Ramus. Roberval made experiments on the Torricellian vacuum: he invented two new
kinds of balance, one of which was proper for weighing
air; and made many other curious experiments. He was
one of the first members of the ancient academy of sciences
of 1666; but died in 1675, at seventy-thre years of age.
His principal works are, 1. “A treatise on Mechanics.
2. A work entitled “Aristarchus Samos.
” Several memoirs inserted in the volumes ofl the academy of sciences
of 1666; viz. 1. Experiments concerning the pressure of the
air. 2. Observations on the composition of motion, and
on the tangents of curve lines. 3. The recognition of
equations. 4. The geometrical resolution of plane and
cubic equations. 5. Treatise on indivisibles. 6. On the
Trochoicl, or Cycloid. 7. A letter to father Mersenne.
8. Two letters from Torricelli. 9. A new kind of balance.
Robervallian Lines were his, for the transformation of
figures. They bound spaces that are infinitely extended
in length, which are nevertheless equal to other spaces
that are terminated on all sides. The abbot Gallois, in the
Memoirs of the Royal Academy, anno 1693, observes, that
the method of transforming figures, explained at the latter
end of RobervaPs treatise of indivisibles, was the same
with that afterwards published by James Gregory, in his
Geometria Ujiiversalis, and also by Barrow in his LectiotteV Geometric^; and that, by a letter of Torricelli, it
appears, that Roberval was the inventor of this manner of
transforming figures, by means of certain lines, which Torricelli therefore called Robervaliian Lines. He adds, that
it is highly probable, that J. Gregory first learned the method in the journey he made to Padua in 1668, the method
itself having been known in Italy from 164-6, though the
book was not published till 1692. This account David
Gregory has endeavoured to refute, in vindication of his
uncle James. His answer is inserted in the Philos. Trans,
of 1694, and the abbot rejoined in the French Memoirs of
the Academy of 1703.
, the most ferocious of those tyrants which the French revolution produced, was born at Arras in 1759, where his father was a lawyer, a man
, the most ferocious of those tyrants which the French revolution produced, was born at Arras in 1759, where his father was a lawyer, a man of character and knowledge in his profession, but so improvident as to die insolvent, and leave his two sons, of whom Maximilian was the eldest, in poverty. They soon, however, found a generous patron in De Conzie, bishop of Arras, who in a manner adopted them, but honoured Maximilian with his particular care, and after providing him with school education, sent him to Paris, and procured him an exhibition in the college of Louis Le Grand. The manner in which Robespierre conducted himself here, answered the expectation of his protector. He was assiduous and successful in his studies, and obtained many of the yearly prizes. There was nothing, however, about him, which indicated his future destiny. Being an apt scholar, it might be thought that he would make a figure in the world; but we are told that even this was not the case, and that his instructors discovered neither in his conversation nor his actions any trace of that propensity, which could lead them to conjecture that his glory would exceed the bounds of the college. When he had, however, attained the age of sixteen or seventeen, he was advised to study the law; and this he pursued, under the auspices of a Mons. Ferrieres, but displayed no extraordinary enthusiasm for the profession. He had neither perseverance, address, nor eloquence, and, according to one of his biographers, his consciousness of inferiority to those who were making a great figure at the bar, gave him an air of gloominess and dissatisfaction. It was at first determined, that he should practise before the parliament of Paris, but this scheme was never carried into execution, for he returned to his native province, and was admitted an advocate in the supreme council of Artois. About this time he is said to have published, in 1783, a treatise on electricity, in order to remove the vulgar prejudices against conductors. In this piece he introduced a laboured eloge on the character of Louis XVI.; but the subject of his next literary performance was yet more remarkable; it was against death as a punishment, and in this he reproaches all modern governments for permitting such a punishment to remain on their codes, and even doubts the right claimed by society to cut off the life of an individual!
, an English mathematician of great genius and eminence, was born at Bath in Somersetshire in 1707. His parents, who were
, an English mathematician of
great genius and eminence, was born at Bath in Somersetshire in 1707. His parents, who were quakers, were
of low condition, and consequently neither able, from their
circumstances, nor willing from their religious profession,
to have him much instructed in that kind of learning which
they are taught to despise as human. Yet he made an
early and surprising progress in various branches of science
and literature, in the mathematics particularly; and his
friends, being desirous that he might continue his pursuits, and that his merit might not be buried in obscurity,
wished that he could be properly recommended to teach
this science in London. Accordingly, a specimen of his
abilities was shewn to Dr. Pemberton, the author of the
“View of Sir Isaac Newton’s Philosophy;
” who conceiving a good opinion of the writer, for a farther trial of his
proficiency, sent him some problems, which Robins solved
very much to his satisfaction. He then came to London,
where he confirmed the opinion which had been formed
of his abilities and knowledge.
, an English mathematician, was born in Staffordshire about the close of the 15th century, as
, an English mathematician,
was born in Staffordshire about the close of the 15th century, as he was entered a student at Oxford in 1516, and
was in 1620 elected a fellow of All Souls college, where
he took his degrees in arts, and was ordained. But the
bent of his genius lay to the sciences, and he soon made
such a progress, says Wood, in “the pleasant studies of
mathematics and astrology, that he became the ablest person in his time for those studies, not excepted his friend
Record, whose learning was more general. At length,
taking the degree of B. D. in 1531, he was the year following made by king Henry the VIIIth (to whom he was chaplain) one of the canons of his college in Oxon, and in December 1543, canon of Windsor, and in fine chaplain to
queen Mary, who had him in great veneration for his learning. Among several things that he hath written relating to
astrology (or astronomy) I find these following: `De culminatione Fixarum Stellarum,‘ &c.; `De ortu et occasu
Stellarum Fixarum,’ &c.; ‘Annotationes Astrologicæ,’
&c. lib. 3;‘ `Annotationes Edwardo VI.;’ `Tractatus
de prognosticatione per Eclipsin.‘ All which books, that
are in ms. were some time in the choice library of Mr.
Thomas Allen of Glocester Hall. After his death, coming
into the hands of Sir Kenelm Digby, they were by him
given to the Bodleian library, where they yet remain. It
is also said, that he the said Robyns hath written a book
entitled `De Portentosis Cometis;’ but such a thing I
have not yet seen, nor do I know any thing else of the author, only that paying his last debt to nature the 25th of
August 1558, he was buried in the chapel of St. George,
at Windsore.
” This treatise “De Portentosis Cometis,”
which Wood had not seen, is in the royal library (12 B. xv.);
and in the British museum (Ayscough’s Cat.) are other works
by Robins; and one “De sterilitatem generantibus,
” in
the Ashmolean museum.
, a learned divine and schoolmaster, was born in St. Mary’s parish, in the county of Anglesea, and educated
, a learned divine and schoolmaster,
was born in St. Mary’s parish, in the county of Anglesea,
and educated at Winchester school, where he was admitted
probationary fellow of New college, Oxford, in 1603, and
in 1605 perpetual fellow. He completed his master’s degree in 1611, and about three years after, leaving college,
became chief master of Winchester school. He was afterwards archdeacon of Winchester, canon of Wei is, D. D.
and archdeacon of Gloucester. Having sided with the
party that were reducing the church to the presbyterian
form, and taken the covenant, he lost the advantages of his
canonry and archdeaconry, but obtained the rectory of Hinton, near Winchester, in room of a loyalist. He died March
30, 1655, and was buried in St. GilesVin-the-Fields, London. Wood gives him the character of an excellent linguist,
an able divine, and very conversant in ancient history. He
wrote for the use of Winchester school, “Preces; Grammaticalis quaedam & Antiquae Historian Synopsis,
” printed together at Oxford in Scholar Wintoniensis Phrases Latinse,
” Lond. Annalium mundi universalium, &c.
Tomus Unicus, lib. 14. absolutus,
” &c. Lond.
, a distinguished English prelate and statesman, was born at Cleasby, in Yorkshire, Nov. 7, 1650, and educated at
, a distinguished English prelate and
statesman, was born at Cleasby, in Yorkshire, Nov. 7, 1650,
and educated at Oriel college, Oxford, to which he was
afterwards a liberal benefactor. After he had completed
his master’s degree, and taken orders, he went about 1683
to Sweden, as domestic chaplain to the British ambassador
at that court; and in his absence was appointed first resident, then envoy extraordinary, and lastly ambassador.
He remained in this rank until 1708. During this time he
published his “Account of Sweden, as it was in 1688,
which is generally printed with lord Molesvvorth’s account
of Denmark. On his return to England, her majesty, queen
Anne, was so sensible of the value of his services, that she
made him dean of Windsor, registrar of the order of the
garter, and prebendary of Canterbury. He was also in
1710 preferred to the bishopric of Bristol. His political
knowledge recommended him to the confidence of the earl
of Oxford, then at the head of administration, who resolved
to have him of the privy council. For this purpose, he was
first made lord privy seal, and afterwards was admitted to a
seat at the council board, where he so distinguished himself that queen Anne made choice of him as one of her plenipotentiaries at the memorable treaty of Utrecht. With
what spirit he behaved on this occasion, appears from the
common histories of the treaty, and Swift’s “Four last years
of the Queen.
” He was also appointed one of the commissioners for finishing St. Paul’s cathedral, and for building fifty new churches in London; was a governor of the
Charter-house, and dean of the chapel royal. On the
death of Dr. Compton in 1714, he was translated to the see
of London, and the qneen, indeed, had such regard for
him, that had she outlived the archbishop of Canterbury,
she would have made Dr. Robinson primate.
, a lady of considerable literary talents, whose maiden name was Darby, was born at Bristol, Nov. 27, 1758. Her life having been published,
, a lady of considerable literary
talents, whose maiden name was Darby, was born at Bristol, Nov. 27, 1758. Her life having been published, in
part written by herself, and completed by a friend, it may
be thought we cannot be deficient in materials for the present article. But these documents partake too much of
the nature of a novel for our purpose. Mrs. Robinson was
a frail lady of much note in her day, and for such it has
been the fashion of late years to encourage the publication
of “Apologies,
” the object of all which, for they are very
uniform, is to relax the obligations of virtue, and to prove
that vice, with its attendants, vanity and extravagance,
has nothing to dread but from poverty. It is then only,
when all is spent, and indigence stares in the face, that we
are to begin to think that something has been amiss, and to
pour out our exculpatory sympathies in sentimental strains.
From such narratives, it becomes us to borrow with caution.
the immediate descendant of the Robinsons of Rokeby, in the north riding of the county of York, and was born in 1709. He was educated at Westminsterschool, whence he
, archbishop of Armagh, a-nd lord Rokeby, was the immediate descendant of the Robinsons of Rokeby, in the north riding of the county of York, and was born in 1709. He was educated at Westminsterschool, whence he was elected to Christ church, Oxford, in 1726. After continuing his studies there for some years, and taking his master’s degree in 1733, Dr. Blackburn, archbishop of York, appointed him his chaplain, and collated him first to the rectory of Elton, in the east riding of Yorkshire, and next to the prebend of Grindal, in the cathedral of York. In 1751 he attended the duke of Dorset, lord lieutenant of Ireland, to that kingdom, as his first chaplain, and the same year was promoted to the bishopric of Kiilala. A family connexion with the earl of Holdernesse, who was secretary of state that year, with the earl of Sandwich and other noblemen related to him, opened the f.iirest prospects of attaining to the first dignity in the Irish church. Accordingly, in 1759, he was translated to the united sees of Leighlin and Ferns, and in 1761 to Kildare. The duke of Northumberland being appointed to the lieutenancy of Ireland in 1765, Dr. Robinson was advanced to the primacy of Armagh, and made lord almoner and vicechancellor of the university of Dublin. When lord Harcourt was- lord-lieutenant of Ireland in 1777, the king was pleased, by privy- seal at St. James’s, Feb. 6, and by patent at Dublin the 26th of the same month, to create him baron Rokeby of Armagh, with remainder to Matthew Robinson of West Lay ton, esq. and in 1783 he was appointed prelate to the order of St. Patrick. On the death of the duke of Rutland, lord-lieutenant of Ireland, in 1787, he was nominated one of the lords justices of that kingdom. Sir William Robiuson, his brother, dying in 1785, the primate succeeded to the title of baronet, and was the survivor in the direct male line of the Robinsons of Rokeby, being the eighth in descent from William of Kendal. His grace died at 1 Clifton, near Bristol, in the end of October, 1794.
, a dissenting divine, of the Baptist persuasion, was born in October 1735, at Swaffham, in the county of Norfolk,
, a dissenting divine, of the Baptist persuasion, was born in October 1735, at Swaffham, in the county of Norfolk, and was son of Mr. Michael Robinson, a native of North Britain, who possessed a moderate independence. He was sent to a Latin school at SwalFham, at the age of six years, where he made a considerable proficiency, and discovered an uncommon capacity for learning, and afterwards to an endowed grammar-school at Seaming, where he gained some knowledge of the French, as well as of the classical languages. All this, however, ended in his being put apprentice to a hair-dresser, in Crutched-Friars, London. For tjhis occupation his mind was, as may be supposed, already unfitted by the taste for learning which his education had given him, and which he still endeavoured to improve during some part of the hours devoted to sleep. During his apprenticeship he appears to have imbibed serious impressions of religion, which he encouraged, by attending the most celebrated preachers of the day among the independents, the baptists, and the Calvinistic clergy. Dr. Guyse and Gill among the dissenters, Romaine in the church, and Whitfield, the leader of the Calvinistical methodists, were his chief favourites.
, a late eminent divine at Leicester, the son of James Robinson, hosier of Wakefield in Yorkshire, was born Aug. 29, 1749. He was educated at the grammar-school of
, a late eminent divine at Leicester, the son of James Robinson, hosier of Wakefield in Yorkshire, was born Aug. 29, 1749. He was educated at the grammar-school of his native place, where he made such proficiency that his masters earnestly solicited his father to permit him to continue a learned education, instead of putting him to business, which was his original intention; and when it was determined to send him to the university, the governors of the school unanimously agreed to allow him a double exhibition. With this provision he was admitted a sizar of Trinity college, Cambridge, in Oct. 1768. Various circumstances, for which we may refer the reader to an elaborate life of him latelypublished, contributed to give his mind more serious impressions than are usual at his period of life, and his whole behaviour as a student became exemplary. He scrupulously observed all the attendances which were required of him, and quickly obtained the reputation of having made much proficiency as a scholar. His religious character too, though not yet formed to that degree of strictness which it afterwards attained, was at least so far advanced as to make his habits, conversation, and avowed opinions widely different from those of the greater part of his contemporaries.
, an eminent natural philosopher and mathematician, was born at Boghall, in the county of Stirling, in Scotland, in
, an eminent natural philosopher and mathematician, was born at Boghall, in the county of Stirling, in Scotland, in 1739. His father, a merchant in Glasgow, having, by a course of successful industry, acquired considerable property, employed it in the purchase of an estate to which he retired during the latter part of his life. His son was educated at Glasgow, and before entering on his nineteenth year had completed his course of study at that university, but had manifested a peculiar predilection for the mathematics. Though he went deep into algebra and fluxions, yet he derived frm the celebrated Simson, and always retained, a disposition to prefer the more accurate though less comprehensive system of ancient geometry. The first thing which is said to have obtained him the notice of that eminent professor, was his having produced a geometrical solution of a problem which had been given out to the class in an algebraic form.
, a celebrated critic in the sixteenth century, was born at Udina in 1516. After being educated at Bologna, he taught
, a celebrated critic in the
sixteenth century, was born at Udina in 1516. After
being educated at Bologna, he taught rhetoric and moral
philosophy with reputation at Lucca, Pisa, Venice, Bologna, and Padua, in which last city he died, March 18,
1567, aged fifty-one. He has left a treatise “On History,
De Vita et victu populi
Romani sub Imperatoribus,
, a celebrated general of the Dominicans, and one of the most zealous defenders of papal authority, was born at Peselada on the frontiers of Roussillon and Catalonia,
, a celebrated general
of the Dominicans, and one of the most zealous defenders
of papal authority, was born at Peselada on the frontiers of
Roussillon and Catalonia, about 1624. He was the son of
Francis viscount de Rocaberti, of an ancient family. Having entered the Dominican order early in life, he became
provincial of Arragon in 1666, general of his order in 1670,
archbishop of Valencia in 1676, and grand inquisitor of
the faith in 1695. His catholic majesty, whose favour he
acquired, made him twice viceroy of Valencia. He died
June 13, 1699, leaving a long treatise “De Romani Pontilicis Automate,
” 3 vols. folio, esteemed in Spain and
Italy, but prohibited in France; and “Bibliotheca Pontificia;
” a large collection of all the treatises which have been
written by different authors in favour of the pope’s authority
and infallibility, Rome, 1700, &c. 21 vols, folio. The
parliament of Paris also prohibited the sale of this immense
, a modern French writer, was born in 1731, at Lyons. He had an employ ment in the finances
, a modern French writer,
was born in 1731, at Lyons. He had an employ ment in
the finances at Cette in Languedoc, which he held for ten
years; but having more turn for literature than calculations,
he went to Paris, and composed three tragedies upon the
Greek models, but had no more success than others who
have made similar experiments on the public taste. In
prose he published a “Refutation du Systeme de la Nature;
” a “Critical History of the opinions of the Ancients
concerning Happiness, 1778,
” 8vo; and a “Complete
Translation of the Plays of Sophocles.
” The last-named
work gained him much credit by the elegance and fidelity
of the version, and the judicious notes annexed to it. He
undertook also a complete translation of Homer’s Iliad and
Odyssey, of which the preliminary discourses and the notes
obtained more applause than the version itself, which, however, he had splendidly printed at the royal press in 1781,
in 4to. He was a member of the academy of inscriptions
and belles lettres, to which he contributed several learned
memoirs. He died in 1788, highly esteemed for a temper
in which there was nothing unsocial or selfish. He was
always, we are told, fonder of talking of other people’s
works than of his own, a case, it is added, of some singularity in literary company.
, prince of Marsillac, and governor of Poitou, was born in 1613. He was the son of Francis, the first duke of
, prince of
Marsillac, and governor of Poitou, was born in 1613. He
was the son of Francis, the first duke of Rocbefoucault, and
was distinguished equally by his courage and his wit. At
the instigation of the duchess de Longueville, to whom he
had been long attached, he engaged in the civil wars, and
signalized himself, particularly at the battle of St. Antoine. After his return his house became the rendezvous
of all the wits of Paris, Racine, Boileau, &c. who were
captivated by the charms of his conversation. He died at
Paris in 1680, aged seventy-seven. As a writer he is
chiefly known by a small work, which has often been reprinted in this country, in English, entitled “Maxims,
of which Voltaire has not scrupled so say, that it contributed more than any performance to form the taste of the
French nation, and give it a true relish of propriety and
correctness. “Though there is,
” continues he, “but one
truth running through this whole piece, namely, that ‘ selflove is the spring of all our actions and determinations;’
yet this thought presents itself under such a variety of
forms as never fail to strike with new surprise. It is not so
properly a hook itself, as a set of materials to embellish a
book. This little collection was much read and admired;
it accustomed our authors to think, and to comprise their
thoughts in a lively, correct, and delicate turn of phrase;
which was a merit utterly unknown to any European writer
before him since the revival of letters.
” It has, however,
been mostly admired by those who entertain an unfavourable opinion of mankind, and who have been soured by
disappointment and misfortune, particularly by disappointed ambition. Chesterfield and Swift are on the side
of Rochefoucault. We have also of this noble author
“Memoires de la Regence de la Reine Anne d'Autriche,
written with great sense and a deep penetration.
coming from Hanover, and in consequence, asked leave that his son might be called George Brydges. He was born in Dec. 1717. At the desire, or by the command, of his
, a celebrated naval commander, was the second son of Henry Rodney, esq. of
Walton on Thames, and Mary, eldest daughter and coheir to sir Henry Newton, knight, envoy- extraordinary to
Genoa, LL. D. judge of the high-court of admiralty, and
chancellor of the diocese of London. His father, as a naval officer, commanded the yacht in which king George I.
attended by the duke of Chandos, used to embark in going
to or coming from Hanover, and in consequence, asked
leave that his son might be called George Brydges. He
was born in Dec. 1717. At the desire, or by the command, of his royal and noble god-fathers, he entered early
into the navy, and in 1742 he was lieutenant in the Namur,
commanded by admiral Matthews. In November of the
same year, he was promoted by the admiral to the command of ili Plymouth, of shrty gtttts; on returning home
he was removed into the Sheerness, a small frigate; and
in 174i he was npp.iinied to the command of the Lucliowcastle, of furty-iour guns. In this ship he does not appear
to have continued long, for in May 1746, he was captain
of the Eagle, a new ship of sixty guns, then employed as
a cruiser on the Irish station. While here he captured two
large privateers. He continued in the Eagle during the
remainder of the war, and was one of the commanders
under the orders of rear-admiral Hawke, when in 1747 he
defeated L'Etendiere’s squadron. On this occasion capt.
Rodney behaved with much spirit, and may be said to have
then laid the foundation of that popularity he afterwards in
so high a degree possessed. On the conclusion of the war
he was, in March 1749, appointed to the Rainbow, a fourth
rate, and in May following was nominated governor and
commander-in-chief in and over the island of Newfoundland. Immediately afterwards he proceeded thither with
the small squadron annually sent there in time of peace,
for the protection of the fishery. Some time after his return in 1753 he married Miss Compton, daughter of Charles
Compton, esq. and sister to Spencer, then earl of Northampton. In 1757 he was engaged, under the command
of admirals Hawke and Boscawen, to attempt a descent on
the coast of France, near Rochefort; and in 1759 he was
advanced rear-admiral of the blue. In this same year he
was sent to bombard Havre de Grace, where a large force
was collected for the purpose of attempting an invasion of
this country. He executed the trust committed to him so
completely, that the town itself was several times on fire,
and the magazines of stores and ammunition burnt with
fury upwards of six hours, notwithstanding the exertions
used to extinguish it. Thus had admiral Rodney the happiness of totally frustrating the design of the French court;
and so completely did he destroy their preparations, that
the fort itself, as a naval arsenal, was no longer during the
war in a state to annoy Great Britain. In 1761 admiral
Rodney was very instrumental in the capture of the islands
of St Pierre, Granada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent, when
the whole Caribbees came into the possession of the English. For his skill and bravery in the war, he was, after
the conclusion of it, raised to the dignity of a baronet. In
1768, after an expensive, and to sir George Rodney a
ruinous, contest with Mr. Howe, he was elected member
of parliament for Northampton. In the month of October
1770 he was progressively advanced to be vice-admiral of
the white and red squadrons, and in the month of August
1771, to be rear-admiral of Great Britain. In the very
arly part of this year he resigned the mastership of Greenwich hospital, to which he had been appointed in 1765,
and was immediately after made commander-in-chief on
the Jamaica station, whither he repaired, having his flag
on board the Princess Amelia of 80 guns. The appointment of this ship to that service was intended as a particular and pointed compliment, it being extremely unusual to
send a three-decked ship on that station, except in time of
actual war. It is said the command in India was offered to
him, which he declined, entertaining hopes of being appointed governor of Jamaica in case of the death of sir
William Trelawney; but in this he was disappointed. After
his return to England at the expiration of the time allotted
for the continuance of his command, he retired to France,
where he lived some years in obscurity, hoping to retrieve
the losses he had suffered at the Northampton election. It
is said that the French king wished to take advantage of
his pecuniary embarrassments, and through the duke de
Biron made him the most unbounded offers if he would
quit the English for the French service. In reply to this
proposal he said,“My distresses, sir, it is true, have driven
me from the bosom of my country, but no temptation can
estrange me from her service. Had this offer been voluntary on your part, I should have deemed it an insult, but I
am glad to learn it proceeds from a source that can do no
” The duke was so struck with the patriotism of
the admiral, that he became attached to him as a friend,
and is said to have advanced him a sum of money to revisit
England, and solicit a command.
, a celebrated French professor of philosophy in the seventeenth century, was born, according to Bayle, in Duuphiny, but more probably at
, a celebrated French
professor of philosophy in the seventeenth century, was
born, according to Bayle, in Duuphiny, but more probably at Orange, where, as well as at Die, Nismes, and
Geneva, he taught philosophy, and was accounted the
greatest master of dialectics in his time. The story of
aut Erasmus aut diabolus has been told of him; a stranger
to his person, when puzzled by his arguments, having exclaimed es diabolus aut Dtrodo. In physics he adhered to
the principles of Gassendus. He had been educated in
the protestant religion, but embraced that of popery in
1630, and published his reasons in a volume entitled
“Quatre raisons pour lesquelles on doit quitter la religion
pretendue reformee,
” Paris, quatre raisons
” might have
afforded to the catholics, they were not of permanent influence on his own mind, for he afterwards became again
an adherent to the reformed religion, in which he died.
In 1645 he published in 8vo, his “Disputatio de supposito,
” at Francfort (Orange), in which, Bayle tells us, he
declared for Nestorius against St. Cyril, not in admitting
two persons, but in maintaining that Nestorius does not
admit them, and that St. Cyril confounds the two natures
of Jesus Christ. This was the opinion of Giles Gaillard, a
gentleman of Provence, and an intimate friend of Rodon’s,
whom he often quotes, but without naming. The work
was condemned to be burnt by the parliament of Toulouse,
and the copies are therefore now very rare. Bayle had not
been able to procure one, and is misled by Sorbiere in
thinking that Gaillard wrote a book with the same title as
Rodon’s. But the work of Rodon which made the most
noise was his “Tombeau de la Messe,
” or downfall of the
mass, published at Geneva in Examen de la Theologie de M.
Jurieu, &c.
” and Jurieu’s answers.
, an able statesman and ambassador, was born at Low-Layton in Essex, about 1580, and admitted into Magdalen
, an able statesman and ambassador, was born at Low-Layton in Essex, about 1580, and admitted into Magdalen college, Oxford, in 1593. He was taken from the university in a year or two; and, after spending some time in one of the inns of court, and in France, was made esquire of the body to queen Elizabeth. In 1604, he was knighted by king James; and soon after sent, by Henry prince of Wales, to make discoveries in America. In 1614, he was sent ambassador to the great mogul, at whose court he continued till 1618. During his residence there, he employed himself zealously in the service of the East India merchants, but gave a singular offence to the grand mogul. This monarch, happy in his pride and ignorance, fancied his dominions to be the greater part of the habitable world. But his mortification was great when, in Mercator’s maps, presented to him by sir Thomas Roe, he found that he possessed but a small part of it; and he was so chagrined, that he ordered the maps to be given to sir Thomas again.
, an eminent physician and great benefactor to Scotland, was born at Sheffield in Yorkshire, in 1718. His father Whs a considerable
, an eminent physician and great benefactor to Scotland, was born at Sheffield in Yorkshire, in 1718. His father Whs a considerable manufacturer and exporter of Sheffield goods, and intended this his son for the same business, but perceiving his inclination to learning, determined to give him a liberal education, or such as was attainable among the dissenters, of which he was one of the strict sort. After sone school education, therefore, at Sheffield, he sent him to the academy kept by the celebrated Dr. Doddridge at Northampton, where thd young man laid the foundation of that classical taste and knowledge for which he was afterwards much distinguished. From Northampton he was sent to the university of Edinburgh, where he studied medicine, and particularly chemistry. After the usual course of these studies here, he pursued the same at Leyden, then considered as the first medical school in Europe, and took his doctor’s degree in February 1743.
, a celebrated protestant divine, and theological professor, was born in 1653 at Doelberg, in Westphalia. He received, at Unna,
, a celebrated protestant divine, and theological professor, was born in 1653
at Doelberg, in Westphalia. He received, at Unna, an
excellent education in the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew languages, and in 1670 maintained with great ability a thesis
“de studio mathematico philosophic prsemittendo.
” In
the same year he went to Utrecht, where he received lectures from the celebrated Francis Burmann on the scriptures; but on the war with France, was obliged to go to
Gottingen, where he studied under James Alting: this
place also becoming unsafe, he returned to Germany, and
studied for some time at Marpurg, and after that at Heidelberg. From thence he went to Basil and Zurich; and
in 1676 he once more visited the United Provinces, and
spent two years at the universities of Utrecht and Leyden.
No sooner had he returned to his native country than he
received an invitation to become pastor of the protcstant
church at Cologne, which he declined, owing to ill-health;
and he undertook the chaplainship to Elizabeth, abbess of
Hervorden, and daughter of Frederic, king of Bohemia;
which post he retained till the death of the princess, in
1680. After this he was appointed preacher to Albertine,
princess of Orange, and widow of William of Nassau;
and in 1686, was elected professor of divinity at the university of Franeker. In June 1704 he was appointed, on
very honourable and advantageous terms, professor of divinity at Utrecht, a post which he retained with great reputation till his death, July 12, 1718, in the 66th year of
his age. Barman says, he was without dispute a first-rate
philosopher and divine; but leaves it to his brethren to
determine whether he was not somewhat heretical in his
singular opinions on the generation of the son of God,
and on the temporal death of believers. These were expressed in his “Theses Theologicos de generatione filii,
et morte fidelium temporali,
” Francfort, Commentarius in principinm epistolae Pauli
ad Epht’sos,
” Utrecht, Explicatio Catecheseos Heidelbergensis,
” ibid.
Exegesis in Psalmum Ixxxix.
” Duisburg, Gulichii Analysis et compendium hbrorum
propheticorum antiqui et novi fcederis,
” Amst. Oratio inauguralis de religione rationali,
” afterwards,
and often reprinted under the title of a “Dissertntio,
which Heumann calls a very learned and elegant work,
, or Rømer (Olaus), a Danish astronomer and mathematician, was born at Arhusen in Jutland in 1644; and, at eighteen, was sent
, or Rømer (Olaus), a Danish astronomer and mathematician, was born at Arhusen in Jutland in 1644; and,
at eighteen, was sent to the university of Copenhagen. He
applied himself assiduously to the study of mathematics
and astronomy, and became such an adept in those sciences, that, when Picard was sent by Lewis XIV. in 1671,
to make observations in the North, he was so pleased with
him, that he engaged him to return with him to France,
and had him presented to the king, who ordered him to
teach the dauphin mathematics, and settled a pension on
him. He was joined with Picard and Cassini, in making
astronomical observations; and, in 1672, was admitted a
member of the academy of sciences. During the ten years
he resided at Paris, he gained a prodigious reputation by
his discoveries; yet is said. to have complained afterwards
that his coadjutors ran away with the honour of many
things which belonged to him. In 1681, Christian V.
king of Denmark called him back to his own country, and
made him professor of astronomy at Copenhagen. He
employed him also in reforming the coin and the architecture, in regulating the weights and measures, and in
measuring the high roads throughout the kingdom. Frederic IV. the successor of Christian, shewed the same
favour to Roemer, and conferred new dignities on him.
He was preparing to publish the result of his observations,
when he died Sept. 19, 1710, aged 66; but some of his observations, with his manner of making those observations,
were published in 1735, under the title of “Basis Astronomise,
” by his scholar Peter Horrebow, then professor of
astronomy at Copenhagen. Roemer was the first who
found out the velocity with which light moves, by means
of the eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites. He had observed
for many years that, when Jupiter was at his greatest distance from the earth, where he could be observed, the
emersions of his first satellite happened constantly 15 or J 6
minutes later than the calculation gave them. Hence he
concluded that the light reflected by Jupiter took up this
time in running over the excess of distance, and consequently that it took up 16 or 18 minutes in running over
the diameter of the earth’s orbit, and 8 or in coming
from the sun to us, provided its velocity was nearly uniform. This discovery had at first many opposers but it
was afterwards confirmed by Dr. Bradley in the most ingenious and beautiful manner.
still contained in our cathedral service, and for whose fame Anthony Wood has manifested great zeal, was born at Windsor, and brought up in that college under Dr. Nath.
, doctor of music, and an ecclesiastical composer, whose works are still contained in our cathedral service, and for whose fame Anthony Wood has manifested great zeal, was born at Windsor, and brought up in that college under Dr. Nath. Giles; being employed there, first as a singing boy, and afterwards in the capacity of lay clerk or singing man. Thence he went to Ireland, and was appointed organist of Christ-church ia Dublin, where he continued till the breaking out of the rebellion, in 1641; at which time, being forced to quit his station, he returned to Windsor, where he was again reinstated as choirman; but being soon after silenced in consequence of the civil wars, he procured a subsistence by teaching in the neighbourhood. And during this time, according to his friend Anthony Wood, having addicted himself much to study, he acquired great credit as a composer, and produced several sets of airs in four parts for violins and an organ, which being then imagined the best that could be composed of that kind, were sent as great rarities to the archduke Leopold, afterwards emperor, and himself a great musician; and, upon their being performed by his band, they were very much admired.
, an antiquary, and a man of taste, was born Aug. 2, 1711, in Dean-street, Soho, and received the first
, an antiquary, and a man of taste, was born Aug. 2, 1711, in Dean-street, Soho, and received the first rudiments of education at a private school near the Mews, but he did not for some time after this devote himself seriously to literary pursuits. When he did, however, he exerted that innate industry and application, which constituted a striking part of his character; and, with no aid but his own abilities, overcame all other difficulties which stood in the way of an acquaintance with learning and science. In May 1731, he was placed in the Custom-house, where he executed the duties of the several places which he held, with strict attention and integrity, and at length arrived at the office of clerk of the certificates, in which he continued almost to the end of his life.
bimontan us, was the son of John Rogers of Derytend in the parish of Aston in Warwickshire, where he was born about 1540. His father, who had emtxraced the reformed
, a man of considerable ability in
the court of queen Elizabeth, and who in some of his writings calls himself Albimontan us, was the son of John Rogers of Derytend in the parish of Aston in Warwickshire,
where he was born about 1540. His father, who had emtxraced the reformed religion, being obliged to quit his
country, at the accession of queen Mary, took his son
abroad with him, where, at Wittemberg, he was educated
under the celebrated Melancthon. When the death of
qneen Mary had put an end to persecution for religion’s
sake, Mr. Rogers, senior, returned with his family, and
placed his son at Oxford, where he appears to have taken
his degrees, although Wood has not been able to specify
when, or in what college he studied. Afterwards he obtained an introduction to court, where his talents recommended him to the place of one of the clerks of the council,
and he had the farther honour of being often employed by
queen Elizabeth in embassies to the Netherlands and other
parts, in 1575, 1577, and 1588. During these embassies
he appears to have acted with wisdom, diligence, and caution, and to have been of the greatest utility to Cecil from
the correct information he procured of the proceedings of
foreign governments. Strype, who had seen a volume of
his political notes and letters, formed during his residence
abroad, has preserved one of his communications to secretary Cecil, in the appendix to his “Annals,
” No. 48. It
contains some important intelligence on political subjects,
and is evidently the production of a sensible man accustomed to view the world and its inhabitants with an eye of
penetration and sagacity. Many of his letters and instructions are among the Cotton Mss. in the British Museum.
He died Feb. 11, 1590, and was buried in Sunbury church,
, an English divine, was born in 1679, at Ensham in Oxfordshire, where his father was
, an English divine, was born in
1679, at Ensham in Oxfordshire, where his father was vicar
and rector of Wick-Rissington, in Gloucestershire. He
was educated at New college school, in Oxford; and, in
1693, elected scholar of Corpus Christi college. After
taking the degrees in arts, and entering into orders, he
waited a long time for a fellowship, by reason of the slowsuccession in the college; but at length succeeded Mr,
Edmund Chishull, in 1706, but in the mean time had becti
presented to the vicarage of Buchland, in Berkshire, about
ten miles from Oxford, in which he continued about five
or six years, dividing his’ time usefully between his cure
and the university. At the former he became so popular,
that the inhabitants entered into a handsome subscription
for an afternoon sermon by him, which was discontinued
after he left them. Jn 1710, be took a bachelor of divinity’s degree; and, two years after, went to London, to be
lecturer of St. Clement’s Danes. He afterwards became
lecturer of the united parishes of Christ-church, and St.
Leonard’s Foster-lane. In 1716, he was presented to the
rectory of Wrington, in Somersetshire; and, the same year,
resigning his fellowship, married the hon. Mrs. Lydia Hare,
sister to the lord Colerane, who was his pupil in the university. Some time after, he was elected canon residentiary of the church of Wells; in which he also bore the
office of sub-dean. In 1719, he engaged in the Bangorian
controversy, and published, upon that occasion, “A Discourse of the visible and invisible Church of Christ: in
which it is shewn, that the powers, claimed by the officers
of the visible church, are not inconsistent with the supremacy of Christ as head, or with the rights and liberties of
Christians, as members of the invisible church,
” 8vo. The
Rev. Dr. Sykes having published an “Answer to this Discourse,
” our author replied to him in “A Review of the
Discourse of the visible and invisible Church of Christ.
Leon, colonel general of the Swiss and Grisons, one of the greatest men France produced in his age, was born August 21, 1572, at the castle of Blein, in Bretany. He
, peer of France, prince of
Leon, colonel general of the Swiss and Grisons, one of the
greatest men France produced in his age, was born August
21, 1572, at the castle of Blein, in Bretany. He
distinguishcd himself at the siege of Amiens when but sixteen,
in presence of Henry IV. who had a sincere regard for him,
and alter the death of that prince he hccame chief of the
French protestants, to whom he rendered the most important services, both at the head of their armies, and in negociations. He fought with success in Holland, Germany,
Italy, and France, and carried on three wars against Louis
XIII. in favour of the protestants; the last, however, ended
to the advantage of the catholics, in the capture of llochelle.
But notwithstanding the consternation into which this event
threw the duke’s party, he supported himself by those copious resources with which his prudence furnished him,
refusing to surrender but on advantageous terms, and these
were granted by the peace of 1629. The civil wars with
the protestants being thus terminated, he regained the favour of Louis XIII. but not choosing to live at court, retired
to Venice, and was chosen by that republic for their generalissimo, after the unfortunate battle of Valleggio, against
the Imperialists, but the treaty of Querasque, concluded
June '2[, 1631, rendered his plans useless. The king of
France afterwards employed him as ambassador extraordinary to the Orisons, to assist them in reducing to obedience
the Valteline, and counties of Bormio, and Chiavenes,
which were supported in rebellion by the Spaniards and
Imperialists. The Orisons immediately declared him their
general, and their choice was confirmed by Louis XIII. who
appointed him in 1632, ambassador extraordinary to the Helvetic body; but early in 1635, he received orders to return to
Venice, and having staid there some months, was sent back
to the Orisons, and seized the passages of the Valteline,
took Bormio, Chiavenes, and Riva, and defeated the Germans and Spaniards. The Grisons having rebelled some
time after because France delayed to withdraw its forces,
he made a new treaty with them March 26, 1637, which
did not please the court, and this circumstance obliged him
to retire to Geneva, that he might avoid the resentment of
cardinal Richelieu; but he left that city in January 1638,
to join his friend the duke of Saxe Weimar, who was going
to engage the Imperialists near Rhinfeld. The duke of
Jiohan placed himself at the head of the Nassau regiment,
broke through the enemies’ ranks, was woundcd, Feb. 28,
1638, and died of his wounds, April 13 following, aged
fifty-nine. He was the author of many works, among which
are, 1. “Memoirs,
” the most complete edition of which
is in 2 vols. 12mo, containing the transactions of trance
from 16 10 to 1629. 2. “Les intérésts des Princes,
” 12mo.
3. “Le parfait Capitaine, ou P Abregé des Guerres des
Commentaires de Cesar,
” 12mo. 4. “Memoires
” and
Letters, relative to the war of the Valtelines, 3 vols. 12mo;
vol. I. contains the “Memoirs;
” the two others, the “Pieces
” the greatest part of which had never been
printed before. From the preface we learn the following
anecdote: This nobleman being at Venice, was informed
that the grand signor would sell him this kingdom of Cyprus, and grant him the investureof it, on condition of his
giving the Porte two hundred thousand crowns, and agreeing
to pay an annual tribute of twenty thousand crowns. The
duke being a protestant, intended to purchase this island,
and settle the protestant families of France and Germany
there. He negociated the affair skilfully with the Porte, by
means of the patriarch Cyril, with whom he was much connected; but that patriarch’s death, and other unexpected
incidents, prevented the execution of his design. The
above anecdote originated in the memoirs of the duchess of
Rohan, Margaret de Bethune, daughter of the great Sully,
who married at Paris, Henry de Rohan, February 7, 1605.
This lady, who was a protestant, rendered herself celebrated by her courage. She defended Castres against the
marechal de Thémines, 1625, lived in strict conjugal harmony with the duke her husband, and died at Paris, Oct.
22, 1660. The French biographers tell us that all Henry
de Rohan’s works are excellent, and extremely proper to
form good soldiers: he writes like a great general and able
politician, and his letters on the war of the mountains are
very instructive. The duke trod in the steps of Sertorius,
which he had learned from Plutarch, and the marechal de
Catinat trod in those of the duke. To all these uncommon
talents, the duke joined great sweetness of temper, the
most affable and pleasing manners, and a degree of generosity seldom seen. He discovered neither pride, ambition,
nor selfish views; and frequently said, that glory and zeal
for the public welfare, never encamp where private interest
is the commander. We have two good lives of this great
man, one by Fauvelet du Toe, Paris, 1666, 12mo, the
other by the Abbé Perau, Paris, 1767, 2 vols. 12mo. Some
notice may be taken of Benjamin de Rohan, brother of the
preceding, who supported the duke’s undertakings during
the protestant war, after having learned the military art in
Holland under prince Maurice of Nassau. He made himself master of Lower Poiton, 1622, and went into England
soon after to solicit help for the Roohellers. In 1625, he
took the isle of Rhe, and ravaged the whole coast from the
mouth of the Garonne to that of the Loire, by the capture
of several merchant ships. M. Rohan was driven from the
isle of Rhe some time after, then from that of Oleron, and
forced to retire into England, where he was active in procuring the succour sent to Rochelle; but that city being
taken, notwithstanding these succours, he would not return to France, and died in England 1630, leaving no
fe of one of the republican ministers of France, who signed the order for the execution of the king, was born at Paris in 1754. She was the daughter of an engraver,
, wife of one of
the republican ministers of France, who signed the order
for the execution of the king, was born at Paris in 1754.
She was the daughter of an engraver, and acquired some
skill in music and painting, and a general taste for the fine
arts. In 1780 she married Roland, and in 1787 visited
Switzerland and England, and in these countries is said to
have acquired that ardent attachment to the principles of
liberty, which was in general so little understood by her
countrymen. M. Roland having been appointed inspector
of the manufactories at Lyons, was deputed to the constituent assembly, to obtain from it succours necessary for
the payment of the debt of that town. Madame Roland at
this period settled with her husband in the capital, and
took delight in making her house the rendezvous of the
Brissotine party, and among them acquired such superiority, that her biographers would have us believe that,
for a time, she was the secret power that directed the
whole government of France; perhaps one reason why it
was so ill directed. Jn Marcji 1792, when the king endea r
voured to allay the public discontents, by appointing 3,
popular administration, Roland was chosen minister or the
interior, and what kind of minister he was may be conjectured from a speech of Danton’s. When Roland resigned,
and was urgently pressed by the assembly to resume his
functions, Dan ton exclaimed, “if we give an invitation to
Roland, we must give one to his wife too. I know all the
virtues of the minister, but we want men who see otherwise than by their wives.
” Indeed this lady, who had a
remarkably good opinion of herself, informs us in her memoirs that she was in fact the minister without the name;
and revised, or perhaps dictated, the letter which Roland
addressed to the king on going out of office; “if he had
written sermons,
” said she, “I should have done the same.
On the 7th of December, 1792, having appeared at the
bar of the national convention, to repel a denunciation
made against her, she spoke with ease and eloquence, and
was afterwards admitted to the honours of a sitting. She
presented herself there again, when the decree was passed
against her husband; but then, her eloquence having lost
its charms, she was refused a hearing, and was herself sent
to the Abbaye. From this prison she wrote to the assembly,
and to the minister of the interior; her section also demanded her liberty, but it was in vain; and on the 24th
of June, 1793, she was sent to the convent of St. Pelagic,
which had been converted into a prison, where she passed
her time in consoling her fellow prisoners, and composing
an account of her own life, which has since been published.
At length she was called before the revolutionary tribunal,
and on Nov. 8, was condemned to death for having conspired against the unity and indivisibility of the republic.
Her execution immediately followed. On passing the
statue of liberty, in the Place de la Revolution, she bent
her head towards it, exclaiming, “O Liberty, how many
crimes are perpetrated in thy name.
” She left one daughter, whose only provision was her mother’s writings, which
are as follows: “Opuscules,
” on moral topics, which treat
of the soul, melancholy, morality, old age, friendship, love,
retirement, &c. “Voyage en Angleterre et en Suisse;
and when in prison she composed what she entitled “Appel a Timpartiale Posterite
”,“containing her own private
memoirs, a strange mixture of modern philosophy and
the current politics of the revolution, with rhapsodies of
romance, and every thing that can shew the dangers of a
<* little learning.
” Although this work was written when.
she was in hourly expectation of death, its principal characteristics are levity and vanity. She was unquestionably
a woman of considerable abilities, and might have been,
what we are told she was very ambitious of, a second Macauley, without exciting the envy of the amiable part of
her sex; but she would be the head of a political party
that was to guide the affairs of a distracted nation, and she
fell a sacrifice to the confusion of principle in which she
had assisted.
, an early Italian historian, was born at Padua in 1200. He studied at Bologna, and had kept a
, an early Italian historian, was born at Padua in 1200. He studied at Bologna, and had kept a chronicle of memorable events as they occurred, which was continued by his son, and in 1262 was read publicly before the university of Padua, submitted to an attentive examination, and solemnly approved, Rolandino died in 1276. His history, which extends to 1260, is accounted faithful, and has been highly praised by Vossius, who thinks that he surpassed all the writers of his age in perspicuity, order, and judgment. An edition of his work, with other chronicles, was given at Venice in 1636, by Felix Osius, and it has been reprinted by Muratori, in the seventh volume of his Italian historians.
, a learned and upright judge, was the second son of Robert Rolle of Heanton in Devonshire, where he was born in 1589. In 1606 he entered Exeter college, Oxford, and
, a learned and upright judge, was the second son of Robert Rolle of Heanton in Devonshire, where he was born in 1589. In 1606 he entered Exeter college, Oxford, and resided there about two years, after which he was admitted a member of the Inner Temple, Feb. 6, 1608, and studied the law with great perseverance and success. His contemporaries Here were Littleton, Herbert, Gardiner, and Selden, with all whom he formed a lasting friendship. Being admitted to the bar, he practised in the court of King’s Bench, and raised a very high reputation as a sound lawyer. His reading and practice were equally extensive; and he seems to have been formed by nature for patient study, deep penetration, and clearness and solidity of judgment. He soon discovered the hinge upon which every cause turned, and when he was convinced himself, had the art of easily convincing others. In the latter end of the reign of James I. and beginning of that of Charles I. he sat as member of parliament for Kellington in Cornwall; and in 1638 was elected summer reader of the Inner Temple,but the plague raging then in London, he did not read until Lent following, and in 1640 he was made serjeant at law. On the breaking out of the rebellion, he took the covenant, and, in 1645, was made one of the judges; and in 1648 was promoted to be lord chief justice of the King’s Bench, in which office his integrity was acknowledged by the generality of the loyalists themselves. He was, of all the judges, the most averse from trying any of the king’s party for treason, thinking indeed that their defence, in which they insisted upon the illegality of the government, was too well founded. He resigned his office some time before his death, which happened July 30, 1656. He was buried in the chinch of Shapwicke near Glastonbury in Somersetshire, the manor of which he had purchased some years before, and had his residence there. In Tawstock church near Barnstaple in Devonshire, is a monument to Alexander Rolle, a lawyer, who died in 1660, aged forty-eight, and was probably son to our judge.
, a French mathematician, was born at Ambert, a small town in Auvergne, April 21, 1652. His
, a French mathematician, was born at Ambert, a small town in Auvergne, April 21, 1652. His first studies and employments were under notaries and attorneys occupations but little suited to his genius, and therefore he quitted them and went to Paris in 1675, with no other recommendation than that of writing a fine hand, and subsisted by giving lessons in penmanship. But as it was his inclination for the mathematics which had drawn him to that city, he attended the masters in this science, and soon became one himself. Ozanam proposed a question in arithmetic to him, to which Rolle gave a solution so clear and good, that the minister Colbert made him a handsome gratuity, which at last became a fixed pension. He then abandoned penmanship, and gave himself up entirely to algebra and other branches of the mathematics. His conduct in life gained him many friends; in which his scientific merit, his peaceable and regular behaviour, with an exact and scrupulous probity of manners, were conspicuous. He was chosen a member of the ancient academy of sciences in 1685, and named second geometrical-pensionary on its renewal in 1699; which he enjoyed till his death, which happened July 5, 1719, at the age of 67.
, a learned Italian, was born at Rome in 1687. He was the son of an architect, and a
, a learned Italian, was born at
Rome in 1687. He was the son of an architect, and a
pupil of the celebrated Gravina, who inspired him with a
taste for learning and poetry. An intelligent and learned
English lord, we believe lord Burlington, having brought
Jaini to London, introduced him to the female branches of
the royal family as their master in the Tuscan language,
and he remained in England until the death of queen Caroline, who patronized him. In 1729 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, by the title of Dr. Paul Antonio
Rolli. He returned to Italy in 1747, where he died in
1767, in the eightieth year of his age, leaving behind him
a very curious collection in natural history, &c. and a valuable and well-chosen library. His principal works first
appeared in London in 1735, 8vo, consisting of odes in
blank verse, elegies, songs, &c. after the manner of Catullus. There is likewise by him, a collection of epigrams,
of which there are a few good, printed at Florence in 1776,
8vo, and preceded by his life by the abbe Fondini. Rolli
bore the character of one of the best Italian poets of his
day, and during his stay in London superintended editions
of several authors of his own country. The principal of
these were the satires of Ariosto, the burlesque works of
Berni, Varchi, &c. 2 vols. 8vo the “Decameron
” of Boccaccio, Lucretius
” of Marchetti
(see Marchetti), which, after the manuscript was revised, was printed at London in 1717. There are likewise by Rolli, translations into Italian verse of Milton’s
“Paradise Lost,
” Anacreon,
ock, of Poohouse, or, as it is now written, Powis, in the neighbourhood of Sterling, in Scotland. He was born in 1555, and learned the rudiments of the Latin language
, the first principal of the college of Edinburgh, was the son of David Rollock, of Poohouse, or, as it is now written, Powis, in the neighbourhood of Sterling, in Scotland. He was born in 1555, and learned the rudiments of the Latin language from Mr. Thomas Buchanan, who kept, says archbishop Spotswood, a famous school at that time, at Sterling, as we learn from Melchior Adam, who appears to have copied from the Latin life of Rollock. From school he was sent to the university of St. Andrew’s, and admitted a student in St. Salvator’s college. His progress in the sciences, which were then taught, was so great and so rapid, that he had no sooner taken his master’s degree than he was chosen a professor of philosophy, and immediately began to read lectures in St. Salvator’s college. This must have been at a very early period of life, for he quitted St. Andrew’s in 1583, when, according to Mackenzie, he had taught philosophy for some time. Not long before this period, the magistrates of Edinburgh having petitioned the king to erect a university in that city, he granted them a charter under the great seal, allowing them all the privileges of a university and the college being built in 1582, they made choice of Mr. Rollock to be their principal and professor of divinity.
, an English historical and miscella* neous writer, was born in 1724 or 1725, it is thought at Shrewsbury, but descended
, an English historical and miscella*
neous writer, was born in 1724 or 1725, it is thought at
Shrewsbury, but descended from a family of that name in
Bedfordshire. He was first placed under an officer of the
excise in the North of England, but having, in 1745,
joined the rebel army, he was dismissed from his situation.
He then went over to Dublin to visit Ambrose Philips the
poet, who was his relation, but, owing to Philips’s death
soon after, failed of procuring any establishment in that
country. While in Ireland he is said to have published
Akenside’s “Pleasures of the Imagination,
” as his own,
but his biographer has refuted this story. He probably,
by more honourable means, recommended himself to persons of distinction, as his poem, entitled “Cambria
” was,
when first written, intended to have been patronized by sir
Watkin Williams Wynne, and when corrected and prepared for the press, as it now stands, was shewn to Frederic prince of Wales, by general Oglethorpe and lord
Middlesex; by whose interest he had permission to dedicate it to prince George, his present majesty, when it was
printed, in 1749, in 4to. On the 25th of September of
the same year, sir Watkin Williams Wynne was killed by
a fall from his horse; and in the following month Roft
published a poem to his memory, which was highly admired, and very popular among his countrymen.
, an English divine and writer of great popularity, was born at Hartlepool in the county of Durham, Sept. 25, 1714.
, an English divine and writer of great popularity, was born at Hartlepool in the county of Durham, Sept. 25, 1714. His father, one of the French protestants who took refuge in England upon the revocation of the edict of Nantz, resided at Hartlepool as a merchant, and particularly as a dealer in corn. He had two sons and three daughters, whom he educated in the strict doctrines and discipline of the church of England, and lived to see well settled in the world before be left it in 1757. His second son, William, gave indication, at a very early age, of considerable talents, and a laudable eagerness to improve them. This induced his father to send him to the grammar-school, at Houghton-le-Spring, a village in the road from Durham to Sunderland. This school was founded by the celebrated Bernard Gilpin, rector of that parish at the memorable acra of the reformation. At this seminary Mr. Romaine remained seven years, and in 1730 or 1731 was sent to Oxford, where he was entered first at Hertford-college, and thence removed to Christchurch. He resided principally at Oxford till he took his degree of master of arts, Oct. 15, 1737, having been ordained a deacon at Hereford, a year before, by Dr. Egerton, bishop of that diocese.
, a distinguished French mineralogist, was born in 1736, at Gray in Franche-Comte, and had scarcely acquired
, a distinguished French mineralogist, was born in 1736, at Gray
in Franche-Comte, and had scarcely acquired some knowledge of Latin, before he was sent to India in quality of
secretary to a corps of engineers. It is not certain at
what period he returned, but he went again to India in
1757, was taken prisoner at Pondicherry, and came to
Europe in 1764, after suffering five years’ captivity. At
this period, in his twenty-ninth year, he directed his attention to natural history in company with M. Sage, who
appears to be the first Frenchman who directed his chemical knowledge to the explanation of mineralogy. In 1766,
he published a “Letter to M. Bertrand on fresh-water polypes.
” The polypus he considered as a hive, a receptacle for an infinity of small isolated animals, directed to
the same purpose, that of repairing any loss in the parent;
but this opinion was supported only by its ingenuity, without the aid of experiments. His first step in mineralogy
was the publication of a “Catalogue raisonnee
” of M. Davila’s collection, which he wished to dispose of. It was
published in 1767, 3 vols. 8vo, and thence arose his eager
wish to examine the forms of crystals, and to construct a
system on this plan. His first essay on crystallography was
published in 1771, and contains 110 species of crystals, of
which Linnæus knew only about 40, though the number
has been since extended to above. 400. From this work
M. de L' Isle’s fame arose his correspondence was cultivated, and Linnæus added his warmest praises to the applause of philosophers. Our author’s fame from this time
rapidly increased, and he was judged worthy of a seat in
almost every academy but that of his own country. By
the academicians of Paris he was styled contemptuously a
maker of catalogues, and in reality, from a scanty fortune,
as well as a wish to extend his knowledge of specimens, he
was much employed in this business; and from 1767 to
1782, he published eight explanatory catalogues of different collections. In 1778 he published an explanation of
M. Sage’s theory of chemistry; and in the following year
a memoir against the central fire under the title of “L'Action de Feu central banni de la surface du globe, et le
Soleil retabli dans ses droits.
” But in the interval his great
work was constantly kept in view, and his new edition appeared in 1783, “Christallographie, ou description des
formes propres a tons les corps du regne minerale,
” 4 vols.
Of this elaborate work, it has been justly said that those
only who have examined it frequently, can judge of the
great labour which it must have cost, the extent of the
author’s erudition, and the information to be collected from
it, independent of the science of crystallization, which has
here attained a state approaching to perfection.
, an eminent modern artist, was born at Dalton, in Lancashire, Dec. 26, 1734, where his father
, an eminent modern artist, was born at Dalton, in Lancashire, Dec. 26, 1734, where his father was a merchant, builder, and farmer, but derived from none of his occupations more than what yielded a bare maintenance to his numerous family. In his twelfth year, George was taken from the village school, and engaged to superintend his father’s workmen; his leisure hours he employed in carving; and being fond of music, made a violin for himself, which be preserved till his death. He was first tempted to draw, from seeing some ordinary prints in a magazine, which he imitated with considerable success: and his first attempt at portrait was from memory, when endeavouring to describe the features of a stranger whom he had seen at church. After some attempts by his father to place him in trade, he consented to let him become a painter, and his first master was an artist of the name of Steele, who taught him, to a certain extent, the knowledge and use of the materials of the art. Leaving this master, he began to practise portrait-painting in the country, and being ambitious to try his fate in the metropolis, as soon as he had acquired nearly an hundred guineas, he took thirty for his travelling expences, and leaving the remainder with his wife, set out for, and arrived in London in 1762.
, a celebrated professor of physic at Montpellier, was born in that city, September 27, 1507. After having practised
, a celebrated professor of physic at Montpellier, was born in that city, September 27, 1507. After having practised in various places of inferior note, he went to Paris, learned Greek there, and returning to his native city, practised physic with great credit. So ardent was M. de Uondelet’s application to anatomy, that he dissected one of his own children, which gained him the character of an unnatural father. He died at Realmont, in Albigeois, July 18, 1566. He is principally celebrated for his treatise on fishes, in Latin, 1554, 2 torn. fol. and 1558, fol. in French. Of his medical works there is a collection printed at Geneva, 1628, 8vo, but they are not equal to the high reputation their author had acquired. It is this physician whom Rabelais ridicules under the name of Rondibilis. His life may be found in Joubert’s works.
, a French poet, of a noble family, was born in Vendomois, the same year that Francis I. was taken prisoner
, a French poet, of a noble family, was born in Vendomois, the same year that Francis I. was taken prisoner before Pavia that is, in 1524. This circumstance is what he himself affixes to the time of his birth; though from other passages in his works it might be concluded that he was not born till 1526. He was brought up at Paris, in the college of Navarre; but, taking some disgust to his studies, became a page of the duke of Orleans. This duke resigned him to the king of Scotland, James V. whom he attended from Paris into Scotland in 1537, and continued there two years, after which he resided about half a year in England. But the duke of Orleans took him again, and employed him in several negotiations. Ronsard accompanied Lazarus de Baif to the diet of Spire; and, in his conversations with that learned man, conceived a passion for letters. He learned Greek under Dorat with Antony de Baif, the son of Lazarus; and afterwards devoted himself entirely to poetry, in which he acquired great reputation. The kings Henry II. Francis
, a brave naval officer, was born in Kent, 1650, of an ancient and honourable family. His
, a brave naval officer, was born in Kent, 1650, of an ancient and honourable family. His father, sir William Rooke, knight, qualified him by a proper education for a liberal profession but was at last obliged to give way to his inclination to the navy. His first station was that of a volunteer, from which his merit raised him by regular steps to be vice-admiral, and one of the council to prince George of Denmark, lord high admiral. He had the command of several expeditions in the reigns of William and Anne, in which his conduct and courage were eminently displayed. The former appeared in his behaviour on the Irish station, when he was sent as commodore with a squadron to assist in the reduction of that kingdom; in his wise and prudent management when he preserved so great a part of the Smyrna fleet, which fortune had put into the hands of the French, who suffered themselves to be deprived of an immense booty by the superior skill of this admiral; but more particularly in the taking of Gibraltar, which was a project conceived and executed in less than a week, though it has since endured sieges of not only months but years, and more than once baffled the united forces of France and Spain. Of his courage he gave abundant testimonies, but especially in burning the French ships at La Hogue, and in the battle of Malaga, where he behaved with all the resolution of a British admiral; and, as he was first in command, was first also in danger; and all times must preserve the memory of his glorious action at Vigo.
ailor a tear, or the nation a farthing." 1 Rooke (Lawrence), an English astronomer and geometrician, was born at Deptford, in Kent, 1623, and educated at Eton school,
He died Jan. 24, 1708-9, in his fifty-eighth year, and
was buried in Canterbury cathedral, where a monument is
erected to his memory. In his private life he was a good
husband, and a kind master, lived hospitably towards his
neighbours, and left behind him a moderate fortune; so
moderate, that when he came to make his will it surprized
those who were present; but sir George assigned the reason in a few words, “I do not leave much,
” said he, i( but what I leave was honestly gotten it never cost a sailor a tear, or the nation a farthing." 1 Rooke (Lawrence), an English astronomer and geometrician, was born at Deptford, in Kent, 1623, and educated at Eton school, whence he removed to King’s college,
Cambridge, in 1639. After taking the degree of M. A. in
1647, he retired for some time into the country, but in
1650 went to Oxford, and settled in Wadham college, that
he might associate with Dr. Wilkins, and Mr. Seth Ward
the astronomy professor; and also accompany Mr. Boyle
in his chemical operations. After the death of Mr. Foster
he was chosen astronomy professor in Gresham college,
London, in 1652. He made some observations upon the
comet at Oxford, which appeared in the month of December that year; which were printed by Mr. Seth Ward the
year following. And, in 1655, Dr. Wallis publishing his
treatise on conic sections, he dedicated that work to those
two gentlemen. In 1657 Mr. Rooke was permitted to exchange the astronomy professorship for that of geometry.
This step might seem strange, as astronomy still continued
to be his favourite study; but it was thought to have been
from the convenience of the lodgings, which opened behind
the reading hall, and therefore were proper for the reception of those gentlemen after the lectures, who, in 1660,
laid the foundation of the royal society. Most of those
learned men who had been accustomed to assemble with
him at Oxford, coining to London, joined with other philosophical gentlemen, and usually met at Gresham college
to hear Mr. Rooke’s iectwes, and afterwards withdrew into
his apartment; till their meetings were interrupted by the
quartering of soldiers in the college in 1658. And after
the royal society came to be formed into a regular body,
Mr. Rooke was very zealous and serviceable in promoting
that great and useful institution; though he did not live
till it received its establishment by the royal charter.
thedral, from a drawing by Wale, which is his finest, and a very wonderful performance. Michael, who was born in 1743, after being taught the use of the graver by his
, or Michael Angelo, an honorary name given him by Paul Sandby, was the son of Edward Rooker, an engraver, who died in 1774, and whose excellence lay in engraving architecture, particularly the section of St. Paul’s cathedral, from a drawing by Wale, which is his finest, and a very wonderful performance. Michael, who was born in 1743, after being taught the use of the graver by his father, was placed under the care of his father’s friend, Paul Sandby, to be instructed in drawing and painting landscape. He appeared first as an engraver, in which capacity he gave early proofs of ability, which were confirmed by his mature productions, excellent specimens of which may be seen in a view of Wolterton hall, Nottinghamshire, and in many other prints which he engraved. But his talents were not confined to the graver, for he also employed the pencil, and in 1772 exhibited a view of Temple Bar, as it then stood, which had considerable merit. He was for many years employed as principal scenerpainter for the little theatre in the Hay-market; and in the summer season generally visited some part of the country, where he selected views, of which he afterwards made finished drawings; so that at his death he possessed a very numerous collection of topographical drawings of great merit. It is, however, on his powers as an engraver that his fame principally depends. He was for many years engaged to engrave the head-pieces to the Oxford almanacks, for which he received 50l. each, a large sum in those days,, although not unsuitable to his merit, or the liberality of his employers. But this engagement he relinquished a fevr years before his death, because he took a dislike to the practice of engraving. The Oxford views were executed from his own drawings, and exhibit some of the best and most accurate that ever were taken of that beautiful city.
, a French poet, was born in 1672, at Marseilles, and employed twenty years as editor
, a French poet, was born in
1672, at Marseilles, and employed twenty years as editor
of the Mercure de France, in which he acquired considerable reputation. He died October 3, 1744, at Paris. He
wrote the words of the operas, viz. “Medée et Jason,
” and
” though they pass for the abbe Pellegrin’s,
and made a very valuable collection of prints, &c. a curious
catalogue of which was given by the late M. Gersaint. M.
de la Roque was created knight of the military order of St.
Louis after the battle of Malplaquet, where he was wounded, having taken the post, which one of the king’s guards
had just quitted, from a presentiment that he should be
killed in it. His brother John de la Roque assisted him in
the “Mercury,
” from Vo'iage de la Palestine,
” 12mo; “Voyage de Syrie, et du
Mont Liban, avec un Abrege de la Vie de M. du Chasteuil,
2 vols. 12mo. He had aiso promised to publish his “Voyage
Litteraire de Normandie,
” but it has not appeared.
, a pious and learned Protestant clergyman, was born in 1685, at Canne, a small town in Upper Languedoc. He
, a pious and learned Protestant clergyman, was born in 1685, at Canne, a small town in Upper
Languedoc. He was appointed minister of the French
church at Basil, in 1710, in which city he acquired the
highest reputation by his integrity and his writings, and
died there, 1748. Those of his communion greaily value
his very numerous works, the principal of which are, “Le
Pasteur Evangelique,
” 4to. This his admirers praise in
the highest terms, and continually recommend the study
of it to their young divines. He also wrote “Sermons sur
divers sujets de morale;
” a theological and critical dissertation, in which the author endeavours to prove that the
soul of Jesus Christ was a pure and glorious intelligence in
heaven before its union with a human body. This opinion,
which is far from new, being attacked by M. de la Chapelle,
in torn. 24 of “La Defense du Christianism,
” M. lloques
answered them in the journal printed Martin’s Bible,
” 2 vols. 4to; an edition of M. Basnage’s
“Dissertations on Duels, and the Orders of Knighthood,
Helvetic Journal,
” and in the “Bibliotheque Gerrmmique,
, Ruzelin, or Rucelin, a canon of Compeigne, who flourished about the end of the eleventh century, was born in Bretagne. He was a man well versed in the learning of
, Ruzelin, or Rucelin, a canon
of Compeigne, who flourished about the end of the eleventh
century, was born in Bretagne. He was a man well
versed in the learning of the times, a profound dialectician,
and the most eminent doctor of the sect called Nominalists,
and by applying some of their tenets to the subject of the
Trinity excited a warm controversy in France about 1089.
He held it inconceivable and impossible that the son of
God should assume the human nature alone, i. e. without
the Father and the Holy Ghost becoming incarnate also,
unless by the three persons in the Godhead were meant
three distinct objects, or natures existing separately (such as three angels or three distinct spirits), though endued
with one will and acting by one power. When it was
insinuated to Roscellinus, that this manner of reasoning led
directly to Tritheism, or the doctrine of three Gods,
he answered boldly, that the existence of three Gods
might be asserted with truth, were not the expression
harsh, and contrary to the phraseology generally received. He was, however, obliged to retract this error in
a council held at Soissons, in 1092; but he resumed it
when the council was dismissed and the danger apparently
over. He was, however, assaulted on account of his doctrine, and therefore took refuge in England, where he
excited a controversy of another kind, by maintaining,
among other things, that persons born out of lawful wedlock ought to be deemed incapable of admission to holy
orders. Some even of the prelates being in this condition,
Roscellinus made very powerful enemies, and among
others Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury, and was finally
obliged to quit England. He then returned to France,
and by propagating his doctrine concerning the Trinity,
occasioned such contests as made him glad to retire to
Aquitaine, where he passed the rest of his days unmolested.
He is supposed to have died about 1106, Such is the account given of his doctrines by John, his accuser, in a letter to Anselm, published by Baluzius in his “Miscellanea,
and by others who, however, as the annotator on Mosheim
remarks, were the inveterate enemies of Roscellinus, and
perhaps comprehended his meaning imperfectly, or perverted it wilfully. But as none of the writings of this metaphysical ecclesiastic are extant, we cannot form any
other notion of the controversy than appears from the testimony of his enemies.
, Quintius, a Roman actor, was born at Lanuvium, and became so celebrated on the stage that
, Quintius, a Roman actor, was born at Lanuvium, and became so celebrated on the stage that every actor of superior eminence to his contemporaries has been since called a Roscius. It is said that he was not without some personal defects; particularly his eyes were so distorted that he always appeared on the stage with a mask; but the Romans frequently obliged him to take it off, and overlooked the deformities of his face, that they might the better hear his elegant pronunciation. In private life he was so much esteemed as to be raised to the rank of senator. When falsely accused, Cicero, who had been one of his pupils, undertook his defence, and cleared him of the malevolent aspersions of his enemies, in an elegant oration extant in his works. Roscius wrote a treatise, which, however, has not descended to our times, comparing with great success and learning, the profession of the orator with that of the comedian. He died about 61 before Christ. His daily pay for acting is said to have been 1000 denarii, or 32l. 6s. of our money, though Cicero makes his yearly income amount to the enormous sum of 48,434l. 10s.
, a worthy French priest, a doctor in divinity and member of the academy of Besançon, was born at Quingey, Feb. 7, 1716. Of his early history we find
, a worthy French priest, a doctor in divinity and member of the academy of Besançon,
was born at Quingey, Feb. 7, 1716. Of his early history
we find no account, previous to his appearing as an author
in 1767, when he published, 1. “Traité elementaire de
” 2 vols. 12mo, which had the year before gained
the prize offered by the academy of Dijon, and was thought
a performance of very superior merit. 2. “La Morale
evangelique, comparée à celle des differentes sectes de religion et de philosophie,
” Traité
sur le Providence,
” which was read in ms. and approved
by cardinal de Choiseul, previous to its being published.
4. “L'Esprit des Peres, comparé aux plus celebres ecrivains, sur les matieres interessantes de la philosophie et de
la religion,
” Memoire sur une courbe à double courbure,
” of
which it is sufficient to say that it was approved by La
Place, and, printed in 1779 at Besançon. In the same
year he sent to the same academy, a memoir, which had
been read in that of Besançon, relative to “the passage of
Venus over the Sun.
” In the organization of the Clergy,
” and left some valuable papers in manuscript. He appears to have escaped
the dangers of the revolution, although an orthodox and
pious priest. He died August 12, 1805, and the tears of
the poor spoke his eulogium.
, a learned barrister, and a very amiable man, was born June 20, 1767, at Chiswick in Middlesex, where his father
, a learned barrister, and a very amiable man, was born June 20, 1767, at Chiswick in Middlesex, where his father Dr. William Rose, a native of Scotland, conducted an academy during many years, with considerable emolument and unblemished reputation. Dr. Rose was known in the literary world as one of the earliest writers in the Monthly Review, and as the author of a very elegant translation of Sallust. He had originally been an assistant to Dr. Doddridge at Northampton, and married a daughter of Dr. Samuel Clark, of St. Alban’s, a divine of talents and eminence among the dissenters. She bore him many children; but Samuel was his only surviving son, and after a successful education under his father, was sent in 1784 to the university of Glasgow. There he resided in the house of the late professor Richardson, a philosopher and poet, between whom and his pupil, a friendship and correspondence commenced which terminated only with the life of the latter. Mr. Rose also gained the esteem of several other learned men in Scotland, with whom he afterwards maintained a correspondence. Nor was this wonderful, for his manners were uncommonly amiable and attractive, and his studies amply justified the respect paid to him. He gained every prize, except one, for which he. contended as a student of the university.
, a painter and entomologist, the descendant of a decayed noble family, was born in 1705 near Arnstadt, and settled at Nuremberg as a m
, a painter and entomologist, the descendant of a decayed noble family, was born in 1705 near Arnstadt, and settled at Nuremberg as a miniature-painter, but particularly distinguished himself as one of the greatest insect-painters. The works which he published from his coloured designs will not only, whilst they last, interest the classic entomologist, but every one whose taste for form and colour in animal nature is not confined to men, quadrupeds, or birds. He treated objects which required the minuteness of Denner, with equal truth and better judgment, in a style of energy and animated grandeur which approaches to history. As a writer he is as authentic and faithful as tiresome and prolix; but though he lived in the infancy of the science, the simple and constant characteristics by which he distinguished the classes of the genera he represented and described, have not yet been superseded by the complex and involved systems Of his successors. He died in 1759.
, an eminent physician, whose treatment df Linna3Us we have already noticed (see Linnaeus, p; 297), was born Feb. 1, 1706, at a village near Gottenburgh, and was sent
, an eminent physician, whose
treatment df Linna3Us we have already noticed (see Linnaeus, p; 297), was born Feb. 1, 1706, at a village near
Gottenburgh, and was sent to the college of that place in
1718. His father was a divine, and he was intended for
the same profession, biit gave a decided preference to
medicine, whidh he studied at Lund tinder Kilian Stobseus.
After residing four years at this university he went to
Stockholm, and became tutor in a nobleman’s family. la
1728, when the assessor Martin died at Upsal, Rosen became substitute professor of physic; but before he took
tipon him this office^ he made a tour through Germany,
Switzerland, France, and Holland, and took his doctor’s
degree at Harderwyk in 1730. In the spring of the following year he entered on his professorship at Upsal, became member of the academy of sciences there, and was
received a member of the royal academy of Stockholm in
1739. In 1740 he became ordinary professor in room of
Rudbeck; in 1757, he was created a knight of the order
of the polar star, and was ennobled in 1762, when queen
Louisa Ulrica gave him the name of Rosenstein. He
gairied great celebrity as physician to the royal family of
Sweden, and received in 1769^ for his inoculation of some
of them for the small pox, a reward of 100,000 rix dollars
from the states of the kingdom. In his last illness, his
animosity to Linnreus was so subdued, that he requested
the medical assistance of that celebrated man. He died
July 16, 1773. The academy of Stockholm struck a medal
to his memory, with the inscription, “Sscculi decus incferlibile nostri.
” He had a brother, who was also eminent as
a physician and botanist; and in honour of both, Thunberg
named a plant Rosenia. Dr. Nicholas Rosen’s principal
works, which were all published in the Swedish language,
are, “A medical repository of Domestic Medicine,
” published by order of the queen dowager, &c. “A Treatise
on the Diseases of Children,
” which has been translated into
German, English, Dutch, French, and Italian. He contributed likewise several papers to the memoirs of the academy of Stockholm.
, in German Roszfelit, an able antiquary, was born at Eisenac in Thuringia about 1550. He was educated in
, in German Roszfelit, an able antiquary, was born at Eisenac in Thuringia about 1550. He
was educated in the university of Jena; in 1579, became
sub-rector of a school at Ratisbon; and, afterwards was
chosen minister of a Lutheran church at Wickerstadt, in
the duchy of Weimar. In 1592, he was invited to Naumburg in Saxony, to be preacher at the catli-edral church;
and there continued till 1626, when he died of the plague.
He was a very learned man, and the first who composed a
body of Roman antiquities, entitled “Antiquitatum Romanarum libri decem,
” printed at Basil in Bibliographia Antiqnaria.
” It went
through several editions; the latter of which have large
additions by Dempster. That of Amsterdam, 1635, in 4to,
is printed with an Elzevir letter, upon a good paper, and
has the following title: ' Joannis Rosini Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum. Cum notis doctissimis
ac locupletissimis Thomae Dempsteri J. C. Huic postremae
editioni accuratissimae accesserunt Pauli Manutii libri If.
de Legibus & de Senatu, cum Andreoe Schotti Klectis. I.
De Priscis Romanis Gentibus ac Familiis. 2. De Tribubus
Rom. xxxv. Rusticis atque Urbanis. 3. De ludis festisque
Romanis ex Kalendario Vetere. Cum Indrce locupletissimo, & anneis figuris accuratissimis.“His other works are,
” Exempla pietatis illustris, seu vitae trium Saxonirc Ducum electorum, Frederici II. Sapient 'is Joannis Constantly
et Joannis Frederici Magnanimi“Jena, 1602, 4to a continuation of
” Drechsleri Chronicon,“Leipsic, 1594, 8vo;
” Anti-Turcica Lutberi," in German, a collection of some
writings of Luther of the prophetic kind, against the TurksLeipsic, 1596, 8vo.
, a voluminous author of the seventeenth century, was born in 1590 in Scotland, and became a divine, but left that
, a voluminous author
of the seventeenth century, was born in 1590 in Scotland,
and became a divine, but left that country in Charles I.'s
reign, and was appointed one of his majesty’s chaplainsj
and master of the free-school at Southampton. He died
in 1654, leaving a handsome bequest to the above school,
from which it is said he had retired for some time before
his death, and passed the remainder of his days in the family of the Henleys of Hampshire, to whom he left a large
library and a considerable sum of money, part of which
was concealed among his books. Echard says “he was a
busy, various, and voluminous writer, who by his pen and
ether ways made a considerable noise and figure in these*
times, and who so managed his affairs, that in the midst of
these storms, he died very rich, as appears from the several
benefactions he made.
” We have a list before us of thirty
pieces by this author, but whether published separately,
each forming a volume, we know not. Most of them occur very seldom. Among them are some whose dates we
have recovered, but cannot vouch for the accuracy of the
list. 1. “Comment, de Terrae motu refutatum/' Lond.
1634, 4to. 2.
” The new Planet no Planet^ or, the earth
no wandering star,“ibid. 1640, 4to, reprinted in 1646.
” Virgilius Evangelizans;“ibid. 1634, 8vo. This is a
cento on the life of Christ, collected entirely from Virgil.
Granger says it is ingenious, and was deservedly admired.
” Medicus medicatus, or, the physician’s religion cured,“ibid. 1645, 8vo. Th;s was one of the pieces in which he
attacked the reputation of sir Thomas Browne in his
” ReJigio Medici.“We find him returning to the charge afterwards in a work entitled, 5.
” Refutation of Dr. Browne’s
Vulgar Errors,“ibid. 1652, 8vo. 6.
” Observations upon
sir Kenelm Digby’s Discourse on the nature of Bodies,“ibid. 1645, 4to. 7.
” The picture of the Conscience,“ibid. 1646, 12mo. 8.
” The Muses’ Interpreter,“ibid.
1646, 8vo. 9.
” Arcana Microcosmi,“ibid. 1651 and
1652, 12mo and 8vo. 10.
” Observations upon Hobbes’s
Leviathan,“ibid. 1653, 12mo. 11.
” Observations upon
sir Walter Raleigh’s History of the World,“ibid. 12mo.
After this he published
” A Continuation“of that history,
which Granger calls his
” great work;“but adds, that it is
like a piece of bad Gothic tacked to a magnificent pile of
Roman architecture, which serves to heighten the effect
of it, while it exposes its own deficiency in strength and
beauty. 12.
” An Epitome“of the same history. 13.
” A View of all Religions,“the work for which he is best
known, and which has passed through variotfs editions, the
sixth in 1683. It had the merit of being the first compilation of the kind in our language, and attained a great degree of popularity. 14.
” Abridgment and translation of
John Wollebius’s Christian divinity,“ibid. 1657, 8vo. 15*
” Three Decades of Divine Meditations,“no date. This
is one of his poetical works, and valued in the
” Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica“at Si. tis. 16.
” Mel Helreonium,
or, Poetical Honey gathered out of the weeds of Parnassus,
&c.“ibid. 1642, 8vo. This, of which an account is given
by Mr. Park in the
” Censura Literaria,“is an attempt to
spiritualize the Greek and Roman mythology. In moral
and metre it resembles Quarles. Of the following works
we have no dates:
” De rebus Judaicis, libri quatuor,“in
hexameter verse;
” Rasura tonsoris,“prose;
” Chymera
Pythagoria;“”Meditations upon Predestination;“” Questions upon Genesis;“” Melissomachia;“”Four books of
Epigrams,“in Latin elegiacs
” Mystagogus poeticus“”ColloquiaPlantina;“” Chronology,“in English
” Christiados poematis libri tredecim," with others, which seem
of doubtful authority.
, a learned Italian, who assumed and is generally known by the name of Janus Njcius Erythræus, was born at Rome, of a noble, but not opulent family, about 1577.
, a learned Italian, who assumed and is generally known by the name of Janus Njcius Erythræus, was born at Rome, of a noble, but not opulent family, about 1577. He studied in the college of the Jesuits, and before he was nineteen years of age had made such progress in the law, that he was permitted to give lessons on the subject. These were so much admired by a magistrate of eminence, that he appointed Rossi his auditor; but as this gentleman died the same year, all his hopes from his patronage were disappointed. The law, however, still holding out the prospect of those honours to which he aspired, he omitted no opportunity of increasing his knowledge under the direction of Lepidus Piccolomini, one of the most famous lawyers of his time, and who advised him to turn pleader; but Piccolomini dying soon after, Rossi was so discouraged by this second disappointment that, as he had devoted himself to the study of the law rather from ambition than liking, he now determined to employ his time in the study of the belles lettres. With this view he became a member of the academy of the Umoristi, where he read several of his compositions, the style of which was so much admired by Marcel Vestri, secretary of the briefs to pope Paul V., that he invited Rossi to his house, to assist in drawing up the briefs, and with a view that he should be his successor in case of himself rising to higher preferment. Rossi soon made himself useful in this office, but unfortunately Vestri died in about eight months, and Rossi was again left unemployed, Many expedients he tried, and made many applications, but without success, and his only consolation, we are told, he derived from his vanity, which suggested to him that persons in office would not employ him, from a consciousness of their inferiority to him, and a jealousy of his supplanting them. It appears, however, that a certain satirical and arrogant temper was more to blame; for this was what he could not easily repress.
, a learned Dane, was born Aug. 30, 1671, at Kraagerop, a country seat belonging to
, a learned Dane, was born
Aug. 30, 1671, at Kraagerop, a country seat belonging to
his lather, whose heir he became in 1684. Great care was
taken of his education by his guardians, and after studying,
some time at the university of Copenhagen, it was recommended to him to visit other universities, where eminent
professors were to be found. He accordingly set out in
1690, and spt-nt ten years in extending hi* knowledge of
the belles lettres, civil law, &c. and had for his masters
Morliof, Gr&vius, Gronovius, &c. While at Leyden in
169.'5, he published “Delicise quorundam poetarnm Danorum,
” 2 vols. 12mo. He passed a considerable time in
England, particularly at Oxford, for the s;>ke of the ms
treasures in the Bodleian library, and employed himself
much in reading and copying Greek Mss. He afterwards
continued the same researches among the libraries of Paris, where he resided for four years, and applied with ardour to the study of the oriental languages. Among the
Mss. which he copied in Paris, were the letters of the celebrated sophist Libanius, a good number of which he had
also found in England, and communicated these for Wolf’s
edition of that author, published at Amsterdam in 1739.
Both in France and Italy, which he next visited, he made
Jprge purchases of valuable Mss. On his return home in
1700, the king made him counsellor of justice, and keeper
of the private archives. In 1710 he was made counsellor
of state, and, some years after, justiciary of the supreme
tribunal. In 1721 he was appointed first secretary of the
Danish chancery, but lost this office in 1725 by the
machinations of some enemies who were jealous of his high
favour at court. Being now obliged to leave Copenhagen,
he sold his fine library, reserving only a few useful books
which might divert his time during his retirement. This
library contained about 5000 printed books, and 1068 manuscripts, as appears by the sale catalogue published at
Copenhagen in 1726. His disgrace, however, did not last
long. Having effectually cleared up his character, the
king, Frederick IV. made him, in 1727, baillie of Anderskow, which post he retained until 1730, He then retired
to his estate at Kraagerop, and employed his time in study.
He was about to put the finishing hand to his “Lexicon
Jinguae Danicae,
” when he died suddenly April 26, 1745.
He was editor of the works of Andrew Bordingius, a much
esteemed Danish poet, which were published in 1735, 4to,
and had the principal hand in the “Enchiridion studiosi,
Arabice conscriptum a Borhaneddino Alzernouchi, &c.
published by Adrian Reland at Utrecht in
, a learned ecclesiastical antiquary, was born at Utrecht in 1569, and entered the society of the Jesuits
, a learned ecclesiastical antiquary, was born at Utrecht in 1569, and entered the society of the Jesuits at Doway in Flanders, when he was
twenty years of age. His taste led him to examine the
libraries of the monasteries in that city, until he was called
to be professor of philosophy and divinity, first at Doway,
and afterwards at Antwerp, where he attained very considerable reputation. He died in 1629, at the age of sixty.
He published, in 1607, “Fasti Sanctorum quorum Vitae in
Belgicis Bibliothecis Man use rip tee asservantur,
” which he
intended as a specimen of a larger work, and which was
the prelude of the immense collection by Bollandus and
others, under the title of “Acjta Sanctorum.
” He was
author of many other works, among which is “An Account
of the Hermits of Egypt and Palestine,
” “An Ecclesiastical
History from the time of Christ to pope Urban VIII.
” 2
vols. folio; and “The History of the Belgic Church.
” In
none of these did he ever rise above the prejudices of his
order, but shewed himself the zealous advocate of superstition and credulity, while he treated those who differed
from him with very little respect.
, a very celebrated Dutch poet, was born Oct. 1645, of a distinguished family at Amsterdam. He went
, a very celebrated Dutch poet, was
born Oct. 1645, of a distinguished family at Amsterdam.
He went into the army during the Dutch war in 1673; but
having served two years, retired to a beautiful country
house he had on the Vecht, and devoted himself wholly tq
study and poetry. He afterwards took a journey to Paris,
and on his return home married Ann Adrianna de Salingre,
who left him a widower with two daughters in 1689. He
died of the small-pox Nov. 3, 17 10, aged sixty-six. His
works are, “The Life of William III.
” king of England;
an epic poem in eight books, much admired by his countrymen; and several other poems in Dutch, Lewarden,
1715, 4to. Rotgans, Vondel, and Antonides, are the
three most celebrated Dutch poets.
, a celebrated French poet, was born August 21, 1609, at Dreux. The merit of his come-; dies
, a celebrated French poet, was
born August 21, 1609, at Dreux. The merit of his come-;
dies and tragedies gained the favour of cardinal de Richelieu, who gave him a pension and what was a higher ho-?
nour, the famous Peter Corneille called him his father in tragedy, and highly valued his works. It is said that Rotrou
lived at a great expence, and when he was distressed for
money, could compose a piece in two months. He purchased a civil office, in the bailiwic of Dreux, and held it
till his death, which happened at Drenx? June 28, 1650.
This author left thirty-seven dramatic pieces, among which
” and “Venceslas,
” are the most esteemed.
The best of them may be found in the “Theatre Francois,
” Paris, Cid,
” Rotrou alone refused to humour cardinal Richelieu’s jealousy, though he received a
pension of 600 livres from him, and continued always the
admirer and zealous partizan of Corneille. When settled
at Dreux, he gained the esteem of the whole province by
his integrity, prudent conduct, and piety. That city
being visited by an epidemical disorder, his friends at Paris
pressed him in the most earnest maruier to quit so dangerous a situation, and save his life; but he replied, that be
could not answer it to his conscience to follow their advice,
because he was the only person who could keep things in.
any order at that time, ending his letter with the following
words: “Not but that the hazard I run is very great, for
while I write the bells are tolling for the twenty-second
person who has died this day. They will toll for me when
It pleases God.
” 'He was attacked himself some days after,
and died, as the French biographers express themselves,
witht&e most fervent sentiments of religion and piety.
on of sir Anthony Rons, knight, by Elizabeth, his first wife, daughter of Thomas Southcote, gent. He was born at Halton, in Cornwall, in 1570, and entered a commoner
, a very conspicuous
racter during the republican state of England, descended
from an ancient family in Devonshire, was the younger son
of sir Anthony Rons, knight, by Elizabeth, his first wife,
daughter of Thomas Southcote, gent. He was born at
Halton, in Cornwall, in 1570, and entered a commoner
of Broadgate-hall, now Pembroke-college, Oxford, where
he took a bachelor’s degree in arts. He afterwards studied
the law, and there is a report that he took orders, and
preached at Saltash; but for this there was probably no
other foundation than what his works afforded, which would
not have disgraced many of the divines of that period. It
is evident that he had studied religious controversy with,
more attention than laymen usually bestow on such subjects. His destination, however, was to make a figure in
political history. In the first parliament called by Charles I,
he was returned for Truro in Cornwall, for Tregony in the
third, and for Truro again in the 15th and 16th of that
reign; in all which he proved one of the most zealous enemies to the established church, and a vehement declaimer.
against what he termed innovations and abuses both in
church and state, and particularly against Arminianism,
which was also the subject of some of his works. He was
one of the few laymen appointed by the Commons to sit in
the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. In the parliament called in 1653, he was one of the representatives for
Devonshire, and at that time was first chosen chairman,
and then speaker for a month; but continued, during the
whole sitting, to forward Cromwell’s plans. He procured
a vote, that Cromwell, Lambert, Harrison, Disbrowe, and
Tomlinson, should sit in that house as members; and afterr
wards proposed, that the parliament should resign the govertment into Cromwell’s hands, with the title of Protector.
His original intention was to form the English commonwealth after the model of the Jewish; but as a theocracy
was rejected, he made the above proposal in favour of
Cromwell, whom he affected to look upon as a compound
of the characters of Moses and Joshua. In gratitude for
this, he was declared one of Jus highness’ s privy-council.
In 1656, he was returned one of the members for Cornwall; and in the year following was seated in the House of
Lords. He had been made provost of Eton in 1643, and
had a college- lease, which together were worth 1200l. per
annum. He died at Acton, near London, Jan, 7, 1659,
and was buried with great pomp at Eton, and a standard-pennon, with other things relating to a baron, were erected
over his grave, but these were taken away at the Restoration. We have omitted to notice, that he was principal
trier and approver of public preachers, and a commissioner
for the ejectment of “scandalous and ignorant ministers.
He founded three fellowships in Pembroke college, and
bequeathed other property to pious uses. Lord Clarendon
and other contemporaries undervalue his abilities, which
certainly did not appear to much advantage in parliament,
where his speeches were rude, vulgar, and enthusiastic,
both in style and sentiment, yet perhaps not the worse
adapted to the understandings of his hearers. Wood has
given a long catalogue of his writings, the principal of
which relating to subjects of religions controversy, or general piety, were collected in a folio printed at London
in 1657, under the title of “The Works of Francis Rous,
esq. or treatises and meditations dedicated to the saints,
and to the excellent throughout the three nations.
” This
has Faithorne’s fine print from the picture in Pembroke
college. He published also, a tract, “The Lawfulness of
obeying the present Government,
” Mel la
” a thick octavo, Jnteriora regni Dei,
” Archaeologiae Atticae libri tres,
” Oxon.
, usually called the antiquary of Warwick, was born in that town, and educated there until fit for the university.
, usually called the antiquary of Warwick, was born in that town, and educated there until fit for the university. He then went to Oxford, and studied at Baliol college, where he took his master’s degree in arts, and became soon afterwards a canon of Osney. English antiquities became early his favourite pursuit, and he had all the zeal, if not all the judgment of a true antiquary. Besides examining closely into the written records in both universities, he travelled over the greater part of the kingdom to acquire information on the spot where memorable events occurred, or any memorials were preserved. He then took np his residence at Guy-ClifTe in Warwickshire, when* he had a possession granted him either by the earls of Warwick or by Edward IV, and died Jan. 14, 1491. He wrote much on the civil and ecclesiastical antiquities of Warwick, and a history of our kings, which is extant in the Cotton library, and that of Bene't college, Cambridge, and was published by Hearne in 1716. In this are many collections relative to the antiquities of our universities. There is a noble ms. of his history of the earls of Warwick in the Bodleian library, with drawings of the several earls, their coats of arms, &c.
, a distinguished French painter, was born at Paris in 1630. His first studies were under the direction
, a distinguished French painter, was born at Paris in 1630. His first studies were under the direction of Swanefelt, but he afterwards visited Italy, and accomplished himself in architecture, perspective, and landscape. On his return to Paris he immediately obtained eminence, and was employed at IVLrly. He was truly accomplished in painting edifices from his minute attention to the principles of architecture. After being patronized by Louis XIV. he was compelled to leave his native country on account of his religion, being a strict protestant. Housseau afterwards visited Holland, whence he was invited to England by the duke of Montague, to exert his talents on the magnificent palace at Bloomsbury, now the British museum. Here he painted a great deal; and many of his works are also to be seen at Hampton Court. He died in England in 1694, and was buried in St. Anne’s, Soho.
, a celebrated French poet, was born at Paris in 1669: he was the son of a shoe-maker, who,
, a celebrated French poet,
was born at Paris in 1669: he was the son of a shoe-maker,
who, however, being a man of substance, gave him a good
education; and Rousseau soon shewed himself worthy of
it. He discovered early a turn for poetry; and, at twenty,
was distinguished for some little productions, full of elegance, taste, and spirit. In 1688 he attended M. de Bonrepos as page in his embassy to the court of Denmark; and
passed thence to England with marshal Tallard in quality
of secretary. Yet, he had so little of avarice and ambition
in his nature, that he never conceived the notion of n^aking a fortune; and actually refused some places which his
friends had procured for him. In 1701 he was admitted
into the academy of inscriptions and belles lettres. He
had now obtained the reputation of a poet of the first rank,
expected a place in the French academy, and was in hopes
of obtaining Boileau’s pension, which was about to ba vacant, when an affair broke out which obliged him to quit
his country, and embittered his whole life afterwards.
Some verses full of reflections, and of a very exceptionable
nature, were produced as Rousseau’s. Rousseau denied
that they were his, and maintained them to be forgeries,
contrived for his ruin by those who envied and hated him.
He was tried in form; and, by an arrest of parliament in
1712, banished the kingdom for ever. Voltaire, who certainly has not shewn himself well affected to this poet, yet
expresses himself thus upon the affair of his banishment
“Those couplets, which were the cause of his banishment,
and are like several which he owned, must either be imputed to him, or the two tribunals, which pronounced
sentence upon him, must be dishonoured. Not that two
tribunals, and even more numerous bodies, may not unanimously commit very great acts of injustice when a spirit of
party prevails. There was a violent party against Rousseau.
” The truth, however, is, that Rousseau was the
author, although he denied it, and the probability is, that
the tribunal before which he was tried had proof of this;
such at least seems to be the opinion of most French writers.
He now withdrew to Switzerland, where he found a
lector in the count de Luc, the French ambassador to the*
Helvetic body; who carried him to Baden, and introduced
him to prince Eugene, who was there. He continued with
the prince till the conclusion of the peace at Baden; and
then accompanying him to Vienna, was introduced by hiril
to the emperor’s court. He continued here three years, at
the end of which he might have returned to his own country, some powerful friends offering to procure letters of
grace for recalling him; but he answered, “that it did not
become a man, unjustly oppressed, to seal an ignominious
sentence by accepting such terms; and that letters of gracd
might do well enough for those that wanted them, but certainly not for him who only desired justice.
” He was afterwards at Brussels, and in 1721 went over to London,
where he printed, in a very elegant manner, a collection
of his poems, in 2 vols. 4to. The profits hence arising
put his finances into good condition; but, placing his money with the emperor’s company at Ostend, which failed
soon after, he was reduced to the necessity of relying upon
private benefactions. The duke of Aremberg gave him the
privilege of his table at Brussels; and, when this nobleman was obliged to go to the army in Germany in 1733, he
settled on him a handsome pension, and assigned him an.
apartment in his castle of Euguien near Brussels. Rousseau, losing afterwards the good graces of the duke of
Aremberg, as he had before lost those of prince Eugene,
for he does not seem to have been happily formed for dependence, listened at length to proposals of returning to
France, and for that purpose went incognito to Paris in
1739. He stayed there some little time; but, finding his
affairs in no promising train, set out for Brussels. He continued some time at the Hague, where he was seized with
an apoplexy; but recovered so far as to be removed to Brussels, where he finished his unfortunate life, March 17, 1741.
He now declared upon his death-bed, as he had declared
to Rollin at Paris a little before, that he was not the author of the verses which occasioned his banishment.
ns de J. J. Rousseau, suivies des Reveries du Promeneur Solitaire,” Geneve, 1783, 2 volumes, 8vo. He was born at Geneva in 1711; his parents were, Isaac Rousseau, an
, an eccentric genius of our
own times, has enabled us to give an account of him by a
publication which himself left behind him, under the title
of “Les Confessions de J. J. Rousseau, suivies des Reveries
du Promeneur Solitaire,
” Geneve, born almost dying,
” but was preserved and reared by the tenderness of an
aunt (his father’s sister). He remembers not how he learned
to read, but only recollects that his first studies were some
romances left by his mother, which engaged his father, as
well as himself, whole nights, and gave him a very early
knowledge of the passions, and also wild and romantic
notions of human life. The romances ended with the summer of 1719. Better books succeeded, furnished by the
library of his mother’s father, viz. “Le Sueur’s History of
the Church and the Empire;
” “Bossuet’s Discourses on
Universal History;
” “Plutarch’s Lives;
” ' Nani’s History
of Venice;“”Ovid’s Metamorphoses;“”La Bruyere;“
”Fontenelle’s Worlds, and Dialogues of the Dead“and
some volumes of
” Moliere.“Of these
” Plutarch“were
his favourite; and he soon preferred Agesilaus, Brutus,
and Aristides, to Oroondates, Artamenes, aud Juba; and
to these lives, and the conversations that they occasioned
with his father, he imputes that free and republican spirit,
that fierce and intractable character, which ever after was
his torment. His brother, who was seven years older, and
followed his father’s business, being neglected in his education, behaved so ill, and was so incorrigible, that he fled
into Germany, and was never heard of afterwards. On the
contrary, the utmost attention was bestowed on John James,
and he was almost idolized by all. Yet he had (he owns)
all the faults of his age he was a prater, a glutton, and
sometimes a liar; he stole fruit, sweetmeats, and victuals
but he never delighted in being mischievous or wasteful, hi
accusing others, or in tormenting poor animals. He re^
Jates, however, an indelicate trick he played one Madame
Clot while she was at prayers, which still, he says, diverts
him, because
” she was the most fretful old woman he ever
” taste, or rather passion, for music“he owed
to his aunt Susan, who sang most sweetly; and he paints
her in most pleasing colours. A dispute, which his father
had with a French captain obliging him to quit Geneva,
our author was left under the care of his uncle Bernard, then
employed on the fortifications, who having a son of the
same age, these cousins were boarded together at Bossey,
at M. Lambercier’s, a clergyman, to learn Latin, and other
branches of education. In this village he passed two happy years, and formed an affectionate friendship with his
cousin Bernard. A slight offence, the breaking the teeth
of a comb, with which he was charged, but denied it, and
of which now, fifty years after, he avows his innocence, bub
for which he was severely punished, and a like chastisement, which, for a like offence, was also unjustly inflicted
on his cousin, gave both at last a distaste for this paradise,
and great pleasure in being removed from it. This incident made a deep and lasting impression upon him, as did
another about planting a willow and a walnut tree, for which
we must refer to his own account. At his return to Geneva he continued two or three years wiih his uncle, losing
his time, it not being determined whether he should be a
watch-maker, an attorney, or a minister. To the last he
was most inclined, but that the small remains of his
mother’s fortune would not admit. In the mean time he learned to draw, for which he had a taste, and read
” Euclid’s
Elements“withes Cousin. Thus they led an idle, but not
a vicious life, making cages, flutes, shuttle-cocks, drums,
houses, cross-bows, and puppets, imitating Punch, acting
plays, and at last makiog sermons. He often visited his
father, wlxo was then settled at Nion, a small town in the
country of Vaud, and there he recounts two amours (as he calls them) that he had, at the age of eleven, with two
grown misses, whom he archly describes. At last he
was placed with M. Massiron, register of the city, to
learn his business; but, being by him soon dismissed
for his stupidity, he was bound apprentice, not, however, to a watch-maker, but to an engraver, a brutal
wretch, who not only treated him most inhumanly, but
taught him to lie, to be idle, and to steal. Of the latter
he gives some instances. In his sixteenth year, having
twice on a Sunday been locked out of the city-gates, and
being severely threatened by his master if he stayed out a
third time, by an unlucky circumstance this event happening, he swore never to return again, sending word privately
to his cousin Bernard of what he proposed, and where he
might once more see him; which he did, not to dissuade
him, but to make him some presents. They then parted
with tears, but never met or corresponded more,
” which
was a pity, as they were made to love each other.“After
making some reflections on what would have been his fate
if he had fallen into the hands of a better master, he informs us that at Consignon, in Savoy, two leagues from Geneva, he had the curiosity to see the rector, M. de Pontverre,
a name famous in their history, and accordingly went to visit
him, and was well received, and regaled with such a good dinner as prevented hisreplyingto his host’s arguments in favour
of holy mother Church, and against the heresy of Geneva.
Instead of sending him back to his family, this devout
priest endeavoured to convert him, and recommended him
to mad. de Warens, a good charitable lady, lately converted, at Annecy, who had quitted her husband, her family, her country, and her religion, for a pension of 1500
Piedmontese livres, allowed her by the King of Sardinia.
He arrived at Annecy on Palm- Sunday, 1728 and saw madam de Warens. This epoch of his life determined his
character. He was then in the middle of his 16th year;
though not handsome, he was well made, had black hair,
and small sparkling eyes, &c. charms, of which, unluckily,
he was not unconscious. The lady too, who was then 28,
he describes as being highly agreeable and engaging, and
having many personal charms, although her size was small,
and her stature short. Being told she was just gone to the
Cordeliers church, he overtook her at the door, was struck
with her appearance, so different from that of the old
crabbed devotee which he had imagined, and was instantly
proselyted to her religion. He gave her a letter from M.
de Pontverre, to which he added one of his own. She
glanced at the former, but read the latter, and would have
read it again, if her servant had not reminded her of its
being church-time. She then bade John James go to her
house, ask for some breakfast, and wait her return from
mass. Her accomplishments he paints in brilliant colours;
considers her as a good Catholic; and, in short, at first
sight, was inspired by her with the strongest attachment,
and the utmost confidence. She kept him to dinner, and
then inquiring his circumstances, urged him to go to
Turin, where, in a seminary for the instruction of catechumens, he might be maintained till his conversion was accomplished; and engaged also to prevail on M. de Bernet,
the titular bishop of Geneva, to contribute largely to the
expence of his journey. This promise she performed. He
gave his consent, being desirous of seeing the capital, and
of climbing the Alps. She also reinforced his purse, gave
him privately ample instructions; and, entrusting him to
the care of a countryman and his wife, they parted on AshWednesday. The day after, his father
” came in quest of
him, accompanied by his friend M. Rixal, a watch-maker,
like himself, and a good poet. They visited madam de
Warens, but only lamented with her, instead of pursuing
and overtaking him, which they might, they being on
horseback, and he on foot. His brother had been lost by
a like negligence. Having some independent fortune
from their mother, it seemed as if their father connived at
their flight in order to secure it to himself, an idea which
gave our author great uneasiness. After a pleasantjourney
with his two companions, he arrived at Turin, but without
money, cloaths, or linen. His letters of recommendation
admitted him into the seminary; a course of life, and a
mode of instruction, with which he was soon disgusted. In
two months, however, he made his abjuration, was baptized
Ht the cathedral, absolved of h f eresy by the inquisitor^ and
then dismissed, with about 20 livres in his pocket; thus, at
once, made an apostate and a dupe, with all his hopes in
an instant annulled. After traversing the streets, and
viewing the buildings, he took at night a mean lodging,
where he continued some days. To the king’s chapel, in
particular, he was frequently allured by his taste for music,
which then began to discover itself. His purse, at last,
being almost exhausted, he looked out for employment,
and at last found it, as an engraver of plate, by means of a
young woman, madame Basile, whose husband, a goldsmith, was abroad, and had left her under the care of a
clerk, or an jEgisthus, as Rousseau styles him. Nothing, he
declares, but what was innocent, passed betwixt him and
this lady, though her charms made great impression on
him; and soon after, her husband returning, and finding
him at dinner with her confessor, the clerk, &c. immediately dismissed him the house. His landlady, a soldier’s wife,
after this procured him the place of footman to the countess
dowager of Vercullis, whose livery he wore; but his business was to write the letters which she dictated, a cancer
in her breast preventing her writing them herself; letters,
he says, equal to those of madam de Sevigne. This service
terminated, in three months, with his lady’s death, who left
him nothing, though she had great curiosity to know his
history, and to read his letters to madam de Warens. He
saw her expire with many tears her life having been that
of a woman of wit and sense, her death being that of a
sage. Her heir and nephew, the count de la Roque,
gave him 30 livres and his new cloaths; but, on leaving
this service, he committed, he owns, a diabolical action, by
falsely accusing Marion, the cook, of giving him a rosecoloured silver ribbon belonging to one of the chambermaids, which was found upon him, and which he himself
had stolen. This crime, which was an insupportable load
on his conscience, he says, all his life after, and which he
never avowed before, not even to Madam de Warens, was
one principal inducement to his writing his “Confessions,
and he hopes, “has been expiated by his subsequent misfortunes, and by forty years of rectitude and honour in the
most difficult situations.
” On leaving this service, he returned to his lodgings, and, among other acquaintances
that he had made, often visited M. Gaime, a Savoyard abbé,
the original of the “Savoyard Vicar,
” to whose virtuous
and religious instructions, he professes the highest
obligations. The count de la Roque, though he neglected to call
upon him, procured him, however, a place with the count
de Gouvon, an equerry to the queen, where he lived much
at his ease, and out of livery. Though happy in this family, being favoured by all, frequently waiting on the
count’s beautiful grand -daughter, honoured with lessons by
the abbe“, his younger son, and having reason to expect an
establishment in the train of his eldest son, ambassador to
Venice, he absurdly relinquished all this by obliging the
count to dismiss him for his attachment to one of his countrymen, named Bacle, who inveigled him to accompany
him in his way back to Geneva; and an artificial fountain,
which the abbe* de Gouvon had given him, helped, as their
purse was light, to maintain them till it broke. At Annecy
he parted with his companion, and hastened to madam de
Warens, who, instead of reproaching, lodged him in her
best chamber, and
” Little One“(Petit) was his name, and
” Mama“hers. There he lived most happily and innocently, he declares, till a relation of
” Mama,“a M. d'Aubonne, suggested that John-James was fit for nothing but
the priesthood, but first advised his completing his education by learning Latin. To this the bishop not only consented, but gave him a pension. Reluctantly he obeyed,
carrying to the seminary of St. Lazarus no book but Clerambault’s cantatas, learning nothing there but one of his
airs, and therefore being soon dismissed for his insufficiency. Yet madam de Warens did not abandon him. His
taste for music then made them think of his being a musician, and boarding for that purpose with M. le Maitre, the
organist of the cathedral, who lived near
” Mama,“and
presided at her weekly concerts. There he continued for
a year, but his passion for her prevented his learning even
music. Le Maitre, disgusted with the Chapter, and determined to leave them, was accompanied in his flight, as
far as Lyons, by John-James; but, being subject to fits,
and attacked by one of them in the streets, he was deserted
in distress by his faithless friend, who turned the corner,
and left him. This is his third painful
” Confession.“He
instantly returned to Annecy and
” Mama; but she, alas!
was gone to Paris. After this, he informs us of the many
girls that were enamoured of him: of his journey with one
of them, on foot, to Fribourg; of his visiting his father, in
his way, at Nion; and of his great distress at Lausanne,
which reduced him to the expedient of teaching music,
which he knew not, saying he was of Paris, where he had
never been, and changing his name to Voussore, the anagram of Rousseau. But here his ignorance and his imprudence exposed him to public shame, by his attempting
what he could not execute. Being thus discomfited, and
unable to subsist at Lausanne, he removed to Neufchatel,
where he passed the winter. There he succeeded better,
and, at length, by teaching music, insensibly learned it.
, a learned Benedictine of the congregation de St. Maur, was born at Conches in Normandy in 16 58. He made profession, September
, a learned Benedictine of the
congregation de St. Maur, was born at Conches in Normandy in 16 58. He made profession, September 23, 1680,
and distinguished himself in his order, by his genius and
talents for the pulpit; but preferring the tranquillity of a
private life, retired to Rheims, where he made a good
French translation of St. Jerome’s “Letters,
” which was
reprinted, Eulogy on
Pere Mabillon.
” He undertook also the Literary History
of France, but had scarcely traced out his plan, and collected some materials on that subject, when he died at Argenteuil, October 5, 1717, aged fifty-nine. The plan was
completed by father Rivet.
, a French physician, was born at Ax, in the diocese of Painier, and after a course of
, a French physician, was born at
Ax, in the diocese of Painier, and after a course of medical studies, took his degree at Montpellier, and afterwards
practised for some time at Paris. But he became at length
averse to practice, and employed his time chiefly in study,
which produced a work very highly praised by La Harpe,
entitled, “System physique et moral de la Fernm?,
” Systeme physique et moral de I'Homme,
” but
did not live to complete it. He was a man of singular diffidence and mildness of manner, and so much courted obscurity and retirement, that he used to say, that two ages
of fame were not worth two days of quiet. He wrote the
eloge on Bordeu, which was published in 1772, and afterwards prefixed to the works of that physician, and he contributed some memoirs to the literary journals. He died
Sept. 18, 1802, at Chateaudun, on the Loire, to which he
had retired a few months before, on account of bad health.
, a voluminous French writer, was born at Laon, in Picardy, Aug. 26, 1686. His father and mother
, a voluminous French writer, was born at Laon, in Picardy, Aug. 26, 1686. His father and mother were of good families, both protestants, and sutrerers for their religion. His mother’s body was ordered to be drawn upon a hurdle, because she died in the protestant faith, and his father was condemned to be hanged for endeavouring to escape into Holland, but was saved at the intercession of the chancellor Voisin, who prevailed on the Jesuit La Chaise to obtain his pardon. His son was educated first at the college of Laon, and afterwards in that of Du Plessis at Paris, Having finished his philosophical studies, some family discontents, owing to the introduction of a step- mother, determined him to go to Holland, where he entered into the company of the French cadets attached to the regiment of guards belonging to the States-general. He served with reputation until after the battle of Malplaquet, when he returned to his studies, and married. In order to maintain himself and family, he commenced the business of teaching for fourteen or fifteen years at the Hague, and educated in that time above fifty young men of family, who afterwards rose to offices of distinction in the republic. This employment, however, he relinquished in 1723, in order to devote his time to the study of politics and history, and became editor or contributor to various literary and political journals, in which he was assisted by some Frenchmen of talents, who, like himself, had taken refuge in Holland. Political writers are not always safe, even in republics; and Rousset, in 1747, having written some pamphlets against the magistrates, and in favour of the prince of Orange, was arrested at Amsterdam, and confined for some weeks there or at the Hague; but when the prince was made Stadtholder, by the name of William IV. he not only released Rousset, but soon after conferred on him the title of counsellor extraordinary, and appointed him his historiographer. Returning now to Amsterdam, he plunged farther into politics by becoming one of the chiefs of the party known in that country by the name of Doelisten, from Doele, the name of a hotel where they assembled. This party obtained what they demanded, but the stadtholder wishing to unite all parties in the common cause, and the Doelisten having become obnoxious to the public, he dismissed Rousset, in 1749, from the places he had conferred on him, and forbid the publication of a work he had written against the French court. Rousset being at the same time informed that he was in danger of being taken up, went to Brussels, where his pen was his chief resource, and there he died in 1762.
, in Latin Regius, a learned professor, was born at Constance, in Normandy, about the beginning of the 16th
, in Latin Regius, a learned professor, was born at Constance, in Normandy, about the beginning of the 16th century. In the course of his studies he not only became a good Greek and Latin scholar, but particularly cultivated his native language, the French, which he endeavoured to polish and refine. After passing several years in Italy and at court, he settled at Paris, where, in 1570, he was appointed to the professorship of Greek. After this he studied the law four years at Toulouse; and frequented the bar at the parliament of Paris, in which he exercised some kind of magistracy; but his inattention to domestic affairs reduced him at last to depend upon the liberality of others for his daily subsistence, a misery almost insupportable in him who was naturally of a haughty temper, would never admit of a superior, and treated many of his learned contemporaries with great disdain. He died July 2, 1577. One of his best performances was an elegantly written life of the learned Budieus. His others were good translations into French of part of the works of Plato, Aristotle, and Demosthenes, which he enriched with learned commentaries, and proved his intimate acquaintance with the original language.
, an architect and antiquary, was born at Paris in 1728, and was son of Julian le Roy, a celebrated
, an architect and antiquary,
was born at Paris in 1728, and was son of Julian le Roy, a
celebrated mechanist, who so excelled in the art of watchmaking, that his time-pieces acquired the same celebrity
in France as those of Graham in England. He died at Paris
in 1759, at the age of 74, leaving four sons; of whom
Julian became an eminent architect, and greatly improved
the French style of architecture. He wrote, 1. “Ruines
des plus beaux Monumens de la Grece,
” which obtained for
the author admission into the Academy of Inscriptions. This
first appeared in 1758, but many errors having been pointed
out by our Athenian Stuart, he published a more correct
edition in 1770. 2. “Histoire de la disposition et tiesformes differentes des Temples des Chretiens;
” 3. “Observations sur les Edifices des anciens Peuples. 4.
” De la
Marine des anciens Peuples.“5.
” Les Navires des Anciens,“1783, 8vo, and in 1785, another on the same subject; which was followed, in 1796, by a memoir on cutting
masts in the Pyrenees. This ingenious man died at Paris
in the year 1803, at the age of seventy-five. His brother
Peter was watch-maker to the king, and published memoirs for the clock-makers of Paris,
” Etrennes Chronometriques,“” Treatise on the Labours of Harrison and le
Roy for the Discovery of Longitude at Sea." He died in
1785. The English, on account of their numerous discoveries in this art, had enjoyed such a reputation for the excellence of their clocks and watches, that they found every
where a market, in preference to any others, and tbr
French themselves were obliged to come to England for
their time-pieces, until Julian le Roy, the father, had the
honour of removing, in part, this pre-eminence, and of
transferring it to the French. He made many discoveries
in the construction of repeating-clocks and watchc- in
second and horizontal watches he invented an universal
compass with a sight an extremely useful ar.d simple
contrivance for drawing a meridional line, and finding the
declination of the needle; and a new universal horizontal
dial. It is to him we are indebted for the method of compensating for the effects of heat and cold in the balances of
chronometers, by the unequal expansion of different metals, a discovery which has been brought by our English
artists to a state of great perfection, although it had been
thrown aside by the inventor’s son, Peter.
, an eminent agricultural writer, was born at Lyons, Jan. 24, 1734. His father, who was engaged in
, an eminent agricultural writer, was
born at Lyons, Jan. 24, 1734. His father, who was engaged
in commerce, dying while he was young, and without property, he entered into the ecclesiastical order; but he had
scarce ended his studies, when the soil, cultivation, &c. of
the beautiful country near Lyons, began to occupy his attention, and Columella, Varro, and Olivier de Serres, became his favourite authors. In the study of botany he
took La Tourette for his guide, who was his countryman
and friend. With him, after being appointed director of
the school at Lyons, which he soon left, he published, in
1766, “Elementary Demonstrations of Botany,
” a work
that passed through many editions. In Journal de Physique
et d'Histoire Naturelle,
” which was conducted with
greater reputation than in the hands of his predecessor
Gauthier d‘Agoty. In this work he gave clear and interesting accounts of all new discoveries in physics, chemistry, and natural history. ’ Having been, by the recommendation of the king of Poland, presented to a valuable
priory, he had leisure to turn his attention to his favourite
project of a complete body, or “Cours d' Agriculture.
” As
Paris was not the place for an object of this kind, he purchased an estate at Beziers, where his studies and observations enabled him to complete his “Cours,
” in 10 vols.
4to, except the last, which did not appear till after the
author’s death. In 1788 he went to Lyons, and was admitted a member of the academy, and the government gave
him the direction of the public nursery ground. On the
revolution Rozier was one of its earliest partizaris, and one
of its victims; for in September 1793, during the siege of
Lyons, a bomb falling upon his bed, buried his body in the
ruins of his house. He was author of several treatises on
the method of making wines, and distilling brandy, on the
culture of turnip and cole-seed, on oil-mills, and other
, an illustrious artist, was of a distinguished family at Antwerp, where some say he was born in 1577; but according to others he was barn at Cologne,
, an illustrious artist, was of a distinguished family at Antwerp, where some say he was born in 1577; but according to others he was barn at Cologne, to which place his father had retired for security, to avoid the calamities of civil war. On his return to Antwerp, our artist was educated with the greatest care, and as he had shown some turn for design, was placed for instruction under Tobias Verhaecht, a landscape painter of some note, but soon exchanged this master in order to study historical painting under Adam Van Oort. But as the surly temper of this artist was incompatible with the more amiable disposition of Rubens, he soon left him also, and attached himself to Otho Venius, whom he found a man of learning, candour, and congeniality of taste; and although he rose infinitely above this preceptor, he ever preserved the highest esteem for him. From Venius, Rubens probably acquired his taste for allegory, one of his least merits, it is true, but one to which he was indebted for a considerable share of popularity, in an age when allegory was in fashion.
He left a son Albert Rubens, who was born at Antwerp in 1614, and succeeded his father in his post
He left a son Albert Rubens, who was born at Antwerp in 1614, and succeeded his father in his post as
secretary to the council, devoting his leisure to literary
pursuits. He died in 1657, leaving behind him many
works, as monuments of his great learning and sound judgment, of which the following may be mentioned. “Regum
et Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata,
” which is a commentary on the medals of the duke of Arscbot: “De Re
Vestiaria Veterum:
” “Dissertatio de Gemma Tiberiana
et Augustea de Urbibus Neocoris de natali Die Caesaris Augusti,
” which were published by Graevius in the
“Thesaurus Antiq. Roman.
, in Latin Oricellarius, a learned writer of the fifteenth century, was born in 1449. His mother was daughter of the celebrated Pallas
, in Latin Oricellarius, a learned writer of the fifteenth century, was born in 1449. His mother was daughter of the celebrated Pallas Strozzi, one of the most powerful and opulent citizens of Florence, a great patron of literature, and who in his collections of books and antiquities, was the rival of Niccoli, and even of the Medicis themselves. To this last mentioned illustrious family Bernard became allied, in his seventeenth year, by his marriage with the sister of Lorenzo, which joyful occasion his father John Ruccellai is said to have celebrated with princely magnificence, at the expence of 37,000 florins. Bernard after his marriage pursued his studies with the same avidity as before; and after Lorenzo de Medici’s death, the Platonic academy found in him a very generous protector. He built a magnificent palace, with gardens and groves convenient for the philosophic conferences held by the academicians, and ornamented it with the most valuable specimens of the antique, collected at an immense expence.
, fourth son to the preceding, was born at Florence, Oct. 20, 1475, at a time when his family was
, fourth son to the preceding, was
born at Florence, Oct. 20, 1475, at a time when his family
was in the plenitude of its power. By what masters he was
educated we have not been told, but it maybe presumed,
from his father’s character, that he procured him the best
which Florence could afford; and it is said that he became
very accomplished in the Greek and Latin languages, as
well as in his own. In 1505 he was sent as ambassador
from Florence to Venice. In the tumult raised by the
younger citizens of Florence on the return of the Medici in
1512, and which contributed so greatly to facilitate that
event, he and his brother Pallas took a principal part, apparently in opposition to the wishes of their father, who
was on the popular side. On the elevation of Leo X. and
the appointment of his nephew Lorenzo to the government
of Naples, Ruccellai is supposed to have accompanied the
latter to Rome, when he went to assume the insignia of
captain-general of the church. In 1515 he attended Leo
on his visit to Florence, on which occasion the pontiff was
entertained in the gardens of the Ruccellai with the representation of the tragedy of “Rosmunda,
” written by our
author in Italian blank verse. As Ruccellai entered into
the ecclesiastical order, it has appeared surprising that Leo
did not raise him to the purple; but political reasons, and
not any want of esteem, seem to have prevented this, fop
he sent him, at a very important crisis, as his legate to
Francis I. in which station he continued until Leo’s death.
After this event he returned to Florence, and was deputed,
lyith five other principal citizens, to congratulate the net*
pope Adrian VI. which he performed in an oration yet extant. The succeeding pope Clement VII. appointed Ruccellai keeper of the castle of St. Angelo, whence he obtained
the name of IL Gastellano. He died in 1526. His fame
rests chiefly on his poem of the “Api,
” or Bees, which was
published in His diction,
” says
Mr. Roscoe, “is pure without being insipid, and simple
without becoming vulgar; and in the course of his work he
has given decisive proofs of his scientific acquirements, particularly on subjects of natural history.
” Besides the tragedy of “Rosmunda,
” already noticed, he wrote another,
V Oreste,“which remained in manuscript until published
by Scipio Maffei in his
” Teatro Italiano,“who consider
it as superior to his
” Rosmunda.“They are both
imitations of Euripides. An edition of all his works was printed
at Padua in 1772, 8vo, and his poem of the
” Bees" was
translated into French by Pingeron, in 1770.
a considerable patron of letters, and by whose exertions the Swedish Bible was published in 1618. He was born in 1630, and educated at Upsal. Anatomy was his early study,
, one of the earliest cultivators of natural science in Sweden, was the son of John Rudbeck, bishop of Vesteras, a considerable patron of letters, and by whose exertions the Swedish Bible was published in 1618. He was born in 1630, and educated at Upsal. Anatomy was his early study, and he prosecuted it with such success, that at the age of nineteen or twenty he made the important discovery of the lymphatic vessels in the liver, and soon afterwards, of those of other parts of the body. In Bartholine he had a rival in this discovery, which indeed both appear to have made independent of each other; but Haller gives the priority, in point of time, to Rudbeck. Rudbeck, having also made botany a part of his pursuits, contributed, out of his own means, to the advancement of that science, by founding a garden, which he afterwards gave to the university of Upsal. After a visit to Holland in 1653, he devoted himself to medicine, and to the instruction of his pupils in anatomy. In 1658 he was appointed professor of medicine, and was fixed at Upsal for the remainder of his life. Besides the attention which he gave to the above-mentioned pursuits, he very early addicted himself to the study of languages, history, antiquities, architecture, and music, as well as the practical art of drawing, and was so much regarded as a man of taste, that the public festivals and decorations, at the coronation of the young king Charles XL in 1660, were put entirely under his direction.