r the separate commerce charter; and that the capital of the united company should be 1,500,000l. It was likewise agreed, that the members of the old company should,
"This exorbitant rise upon the stock put some gentlemen and merchants of London, who thought themselves not enough considered in the manufacture charter, upon soliciting for a separate charter, for opening the port of Harburgh, and carrying on the foreign commerce there; and agents on behalf of the manufacture company, with others on behalf of the separate charter, followed his Majesty to Hanover, each party for some time endeavouring to carry their respective points; the manufacture company to get likewise the charter for commerce, the other party to get a separate charter for commerce, exclusive of the manufacture company. At length both sides agreed to accept one charter for commerce and manufactures, which should take in the members of the old company, and those who solicited for the separate commerce charter; and that the capital of the united company should be 1,500,000l. It was likewise agreed, that the members of the old company should, over and above the 500,000l. already subscribed, be entitled to a certain share of the new stock, upon advancing, as before, 2l. upon each share, and that the residue of the stock should be divided amongst the new members and their friends. One gentleman in particular secured to himself, as I am informed, no less than 300,000l. to be disposed of by him amongst his friends.
rter refused to be any farther concerned in the affair, since the opportunity for exorbitant profits was lost; and a new set of gentlemen and merchants, with the members
"At this time shares were commonly sold at 20l. a share but before the end ofthe year, Harburgh stock sunk, as all other projects of that kind did and no money having been paid on the new stock, and no charter for commerce being passed, the gentlemen who solicited the new charter refused to be any farther concerned in the affair, since the opportunity for exorbitant profits was lost; and a new set of gentlemen and merchants, with the members of the old company, undertook to carry it on, and were incorporated by charter under the great seal of the electorate, for opening the port and carrying on the trade and manufactures at Harburgh.
"It was, as I have been informed, part of the original scheme, that
"It was, as I have been informed, part of the original scheme, that the expence of opening the port, which was computed at 100,000l. should be defrayed by the profits of a lottery, to be drawn at Harburgh. Accordingly, after the new charter was passed, his majesty, by warrant under his sign manual and the privy seal of the electorate, empowered and required the company to lay before him a scheme for the lottery, which they did; and sometime afterwards his majesty, by a second warrant under his sign manual and privy seal of the electorate, signed his approbation of the scheme, and empowered the company to proceed upon it, and to deliver out tickets here for the lottery, and he named trustees to manage and direct the drawing at Harburgh. Before the lottery was opened, lord Barrington, who was sub-governor of the company, (his royal highness the present prince of Wales being named governor) thought it necessary to procure a British charter of incorporation, and measures were taken for that purpose with the British ministers; for hitherto everything touching the company had been transacted with the German ministers.
"His lordship, as I have reason to believe, was persuaded that the ministers intended that the company should
"His lordship, as I have reason to believe, was persuaded that the ministers intended that the company should have a British charter; and things went so far in that way, that a draught of a British charter was prepared and laid before the attorney-general. While things were in this state, some of the gentlemen in London concerned in the affair opened a subscription for the lottery, lord Barrington being then in the country. This step they took, contrary to 'his lordship’s opinion and advice.
"Within a few clays after the subscription for the lottery was opened, advertisements were published by some of the gentlemen
"Within a few clays after the subscription for the lottery was opened, advertisements were published by some of the gentlemen who had formerly solicited the commerce charter, and afterwards when the price of stock fell, had refused to accept their shares, treating the affair as a public cheat; and the matter was soon brought before the house of commons.
"While it was there depending, I was, in lord Barrington’s absence, consulted
"While it was there depending, I was, in lord Barrington’s absence, consulted by the gentlemen concerned touching the best method for avoiding the storm which seemed to be gathering, and threatened the ruin of the company. My advice was, that the company should, without any hesitation, lay. their charter, with the two warrants for the lottery, before the house; and submit their case upon the foot of those powers; since it would appear by those powers, thut what they had done in the affair was done by virtue of powers received from his majesty. But this advice was soon laid aside, and the secretary (Mr. Ridpath) was instructed to acquaint the house, as he did, that the company having acted under powers received from his majesty as elector, in an affair concerning his electorate, they did not think themselves at liberty to lay such powers before the house without his majesty’s permission. This answer exactly suited the views of those people who intended to ruin the company, without seeming to do a thing which reflected dishonour on his majesty. Accordingly the houss was satisfied with the answer, so far as not to insist on a sight of the charter and warrants; and immediately came to a resolution, that the persons concerned in the affair, had acted therein without any authority from his majesty; and lordBarrington, who then served for Berwick upon Tweed, was expelled the house.
“This matter was made an occasion for bringing this severe censure on lord Barrington
“This matter was made an occasion for bringing this
severe censure on lord Barrington who was suspected to
have formerly taken some steps very disagreeable to the
reigning minister, sir Robert Walpole. His lordship was
firmly attached to the administration during the time of
lord Sunderland’s ministry, and employed all his credit and
influence with the dissenters, which was then very great,
to keep that body in the same interest but upon the death
of lord Sunderlandj sir Robert Walpole, who, for many
years during lord Sunderland’s administration, had opposed
every public measure, succeeded him, as pi-hue minister,
and could not forget the part which lord B irrington had
acted again-st him.
in which they lie in the Bible; or, a short system of the religion of nature and scriptwre,” &c. He was also author of several other tracts, of which the principal
In 1725 he published in 2 vols. 8vo, his “Miscellanea
Sacra: or, anew method of considering so much of the
history of the Apostles as is contained in scripture; in an
abstract of their history, an abstract of that abstract, and
four critical essays.
” In this work the noble author has
traced, with great care and judgment, the methods taken
by the apostles, and first preachers of the gospel, for propagating Christianity; and explained with great distinctness the several gifts of the spirit, by which they were enabled to disciiarge that office. These he improved into an
argument for the truth of the Christian religion; which is
said to have staggered the infidelity of Mr. Anthony Collins. In 1725 he published, in 8vo, “An Essay on the
several dispensations of God to mankind, in the order in
which they lie in the Bible; or, a short system of the religion of nature and scriptwre,
” &c. He was also author
of several other tracts, of which the principal were, 1. “.A
Dissuasive from Jacobitism; shewing in general what the
nation is to expect from a popish king; and, in particular,
from the Pretender.
” The fourth edition of this was printed
in 8vo, in 1713. 2. “A Letter from a Layman, in communion with the church of England, though dissenting from
her in some points, to the right rev. the bishop of ———,
with a postscript, shewing how far the bill to prevent the
growth of schism is inconsistent with the act of toleration,
and the other laws of this realm.
” The second edition of
this was printed in The Layman’s Letter
to the bishop of Bangor.
” The second edition of this was
published in An account of the late proceedings of the Dissenting-ministers at Salters’-hall; occasioned by the differences amongst their brethren in the
country: with some thoughts concerning imposition of human forms for articles of faith;
” in a letter to the rev. Dr.
Gale, A Discourse of natural and revealed
Religion, and the relation they bear to each other,
” Reflections on the 12th query, contained in a
paper, entitled Reasons offered against pushing for the
repeal of the corporation and test-acts, and on the animadversions on the answer to it,
” Miscellanea Sacra
” was published in
om he left six sons and three daughters. William, his eldest son, succeeded to his father’s honours; was elected, soon after he came of age, member for the town of Berwick,
Lord Barrington married Anne, eldest daughter of sir William Daines, by whom he left six sons and three daughters. William, his eldest son, succeeded to his father’s honours; was elected, soon after he came of age, member for the town of Berwick, and afterwards for Plymouth; and, in the late and present reigns, passed through the successive offices of lord of the admiralty, master of the wardrobe, chancellor of the exchequer, treasurer of the navy, and secretary at war. He died in 1793. Francis, the second, died young. John, the third, was a majorgeneral in the army, commanded the land forces at the reduction of the island of Guadaloupe in 1758, and died in 17CM-. Of Daines and Samuel some notice will follow; Shutc, the sixth, is now bishop of Durham. Of the three daughters, who survived their father, Sarah married Robert Price, esq. of Foxley in Herefordshire Anne, Thomas Clarges, esq. only son of sir Thomas Clarges, bart. and Mary died unmarried.
, fourth son of the preceding, was born in 1727, studied some time at Oxford, which he quitted
, fourth son of the
preceding, was born in 1727, studied some time at Oxford,
which he quitted for the Temple, and after the usual course
was admitted to the bar. He was one of his majesty’s counsel
learned in the law, and a bencher of the lion society of the
Inner Temple, but, although esteemed a very sound lawyer,
he never rose to any distinguished eminence as a pleader. He
was for some time recorder of Bristol, in which situation
he was preceded by sir Michael Foster, and succeeded by
Mr. Dunning, afterwards lord Ashburton. In May 1751
he was appointed marshal of the high court of admiralty in
England, which he resigned in 1753, on being appointed
secretary for the affairs of Greenwich hospital; and was
appointed justice of the counties of Merioneth, Carnarvon,
and Anglesey, 1757, and afterwards second justice of Chester, which he resigned about 1785, retaining only the
place of commissary-general of the stores at Gibraltar.
Had it been his wish, he might probably have been promoted to the EngU&h bench, but possessed of an ample
income, having a strong bias to the study of antiquities,
natural history, &c. he retired from the practice of the law,
and applied his legal knowledge chiefly to the purposes of
investigating curious questions of legal antiquity. His first
publication, which will always maintain its rank, and has
gone through several editions, was his “Observations on
the Statutes,
” The Naturalist’s Calendar,
” which was also favourably received. In Tracts on the probability of reaching
the North Pole,
” Philosophical Transactions,
” were published separately. -It must be allowed that
the learned author bestowed much time and labour on this
subject, and accumulated an amazing-quantity of written,
traditionary, and conjectural evidence, in proof of the possibility of circumnavigating the pole; but when his testimonies were examined, they proved rather ingenious than
satisfactory. In 1781 he published “Miscellanies on various subjects,
” 4to, containing some of his papers in the
Philosophical Transactions, and other miscellaneous essays composed or compiled by him, on various subjects of
antiquity, civil and natural history, &c. His contributions
to the Philosophical Transactions and to the Archaologia
are numerous, as may be seen in the indexes of these
works. He was a -member of both societies, and a vicepresident of that of the antiquaries, which office he resigned
in his latter days on account of his bad state of health. He
died after a lingering illness, at his chambers in the King’s
Bench walk, Temple, March 11, 1SOO, aged 73, and
was interred in the vault of the Temple church. Mr. Barrington was a man of amiable character, polite, communicative, and liberal.
, brother to the preceding, and fifth son of the first lord viscount Harrington, was born in 1729, and entered very young into the service of the
, brother to the preceding, and fifth son of the first lord viscount Harrington, was born in 1729, and entered very young into the service of the British navy, passing through the inferior stations of midshipman and lieutenant with great reputation. He first went to sea in the Lark, under the command of lord George Graham, and in 1744, he was appointed a lieutenant by sir William Rowley, then commanding a squadron in the Mediterranean. In 1746, he had the rank of master and commander in the Weazcl sloop, in which he took a French privateer off Flushing. During the same year, or in 1747, he became post-captain, by being appointed totheBellona frigate (formerly a French privateer) in which he took the Duke de Chartres outward bound East India ship, of 800 tons, and of superior force, after a severe engagement, in which the French lost many killed and wounded. After the peace of 1748, he had the command of the Sea-horse, a twenty-gun ship in the Mediterranean, and while there, was dispatched from Gibraltar to Tetuan, to 'negociate the redemption of some British captives, in which he succeeded. He had afterwards the command of the Crown man of war, on the Jamaica station, and was in commission during the greater part of the peace. When the war broke out again between Great Britain and France, in 1756, he was appointed to the command of the Achilles of 60 guns. In 1759, he signalized his courage in an engagement with the Count de St. Florentin, French man of war, of equal force with the Achilles she fought for two hours, and had 116 men killed or wounded, all her masts shot away, and it was with difficulty she was got into port. The Achilles had twenty-five men killed or wounded. In the Achilles, captain Barrington was after this dispatched to America, from whence she returned about the close of the year 1760. In the Spring of the ensuing year, captain Barrington served under admiral Keppel, at the siege of Belleisle. To secure a landing for the troops, it became necessary to attack a fort and other works, in a sandy bay, intended to be the place of debarkation; three ships, one of which was the Achilles, were destined to this service. Captain Barrington got first to his station, and soon silenced the fire from the fort and from the shore, and cleared the coast for the landing the troops, and although, soon obliged to re-embark, they were well covered by the Achilles, and other ships. Ten days after the troops made good their landing, at a place where the mounting the rock was, as the commanders expressed it, barely possible, and captain Barrington was sent home with this agreeable news. After the peace of 1763, captain Barrington in 1768 commanded the Venus frigate, in which ship the late duke of Cumberland was entered as a midshipman. In her he sailed to the Mediterranean, and as these voyages are always intended both for pleasure and improvement, he visited the most celebrated posts in that sea. Soon after his return, the dispute between Great Britain and Spain, respecting Falkland’s Island, took place, and on the fitting out of the fleet, captain Barrington was appointed to the command of the Albion, of 74 guns, and soon after made colonel of marines. He found some little difficulty, from a scarcity of seamen, in manning his ship, and had recourse to a humourous experiment. He offered a bounty. for all lamp-lighters, and men of other trades which require alertness, who would enter; and soon procured a crew, but of such a description that they were, for some time, distinguished by the title of Barrington‘ s blackguards. He soon, however, changed their complexion. He had long borne the character of being a thoroughrbred seaman, and a rigid disciplinarian. His officers under him were the same, and they succeeded in making the Albion one of the best disciplined ships in the royal navy. The convention between the two courts putting an end to all prospect of hostilities, the Albion was ordered, as a guardship, to Plymouth; and in this situation captain Barrington commanded her for three years, made himself universally esteemed, and shewed that he possessed those accomplishments which adorn the officer and the man. In the former capacity he had so completely established his character, as to be looked up to as one who, in case of any future war, would be intrusted with some important command. In the latter, the traits of benevolence which are known, exclusive of those which he was careful to keep secret, shew, that with the roughness of a seaman, he possessed the benevolence of a Christian. An economical style of living enabled him to indulge his inclination that way, with a moderate income. On the breaking out of the war with France, captain Barrington, having then been thirty-one years a post-captain in the navy, was promoted to the rank of rear-admiral, and dispatched with a squadron to the West Indies. He found himself, on his arrival, so much inferior to the enemy, that he could riot preserve Dominica from falling into their hands. However, before the French fleet under D’Estaing could reach the West Indies, he was joined at Barbadoes by the troops under general Grant from America. He then immediately steered for St. Lucia, and the British troops had gained possession of a part of the island, when the French fleet, under the command of count D‘Estaing, appeared in sight. ’ Barrington lay in the Grand Cul de Sac, with only three ships-of the line, three of fifty guns, and some-frigates, and with this force, had not only to defend himself against ten sail of the line, many frigates, and American armed ships, but also to protect a large fleet of transports, having on board provisions and stores for the army, and which there had not yet been time to land; so that the fate of the army depended on that of the fleet. During the night the admiral caused the transports to be warped into the bay, and moored the men of war in a line without them. D'Estaing, elated with the hopes of crushing this small naval force under Barrington, attacked him next morning, first with ten sail of the line, but failing, he made a second attack with his whole force, and was equally unsuccessful, being only able to carry off one single transport, which the English had not time to warp within the line. This defence is among the first naval atchievements of the war. In an attack by land, on general Meadows’s intrenchments, the count was equally repulsed, and the island soon after capitulated. Admiral Byron shortly after arriving in the West Indies, Barrington, of course, became second in command only. In the action which took place between the British fleet and the French on the 6th of July, 1775, admiral Barrington, in the Prince of Wales, commanded the van division. The enemy were much superior to the English, but this discovery was not made till it was too late to remedy it. Admiral Barrington, in the Prince of Wales, with the Boyne and Sultan, pressed forward, soon closed with the enemy’s fleet, and bravely sustained their attack until joined by other ships. It was not, however, the intention of the French admiral to risk a general engagement, having the conquest of Grenada in view, and his ships being cleaner than those of the English, enabled him to choose his distance. The consequence was, that several of the British ships were very severely handled, whilst others had no share in the action. Barrington was wounded, and had twenty-six men killed, and forty-six wounded, in his own ship. Soon after this engagement, admiral Barrington, on account of ill-health, returned to England. These two actions established our admiral’s reputation, and he was looked on as one of the first officers in the English navy. The ferment of parties during the close of that war occasioned many unexpected refusals of promotion; and as admiral Barrington was intimately connected with lord Shelburne, col. Barre, and several other leading men in opposition, it was probably owing to this circumstance that he refused the command of the channel fleet, which was offered to him after the resignation of admiral Geary in 1780, and on his declining to accept it, conferred on admiral Darby. In 1782, he served, as second in command, under lord Howe, and distinguished himself at the memorable relief of Gibraltar. The termination of the war put a period to his active services. In February 1786, he was made lieutenant-general of marines; and on Sept. 24, 1787, admiral of the blue. During the last ten years of his life, his ill state of health obliged him to decline all naval command. He died at his lodgings in the Abbey Green, Bath, August 16, 1800.
, a Portuguese historian, was born at Viseu in 1496, and brought up at the court of king Emanuel,
, a Portuguese historian, was born at Viseu in 1496, and brought up at
the court of king Emanuel, with the younger branches of
the royal family. He made a rapid progress in Greek
and Latin learning. The infant Juan, to whom he was
attached, in quality of preceptor, having succeeded the
king his father in 1521, de Barros had a place in the
household of that prince. In 1522 he became governor
of St. George de la Mine, on the coast of Guinea in
Africa. Three years afterwards, the king having recalled
him to court, appointed him treasurer of the Indies: this
post inspired him with the thought of writing the history
of those countries, and in order to finish it, he retired to
Pombal, where he died in 1570, with the reputation of an
excellent scholar and a good citizen. De Barros has divided his History of Asia and the Indies into four decads. He
published the first under the title “Decadas d'Asia,
” in
Chronica do imperador Clarimando,
” a
species of romance in the style of Amadis, and some
treatises on subjects of morality, religion, and education,
for the use of the young princes.
, bishop of St.Asaph in the reign of Charles II. was the son of Isaac Barrow of Spiney Abbey irt Cambridgeshire,
, bishop of St.Asaph in the reign of
Charles II. was the son of Isaac Barrow of Spiney Abbey
irt Cambridgeshire, and uncle of the celebrated mathematician, who will form the subject of the next article. He
was born in 1613, admitted July 1639 of Peterhouse, Cambridge, next year chosen scholar, and in 1631, librarian. In
Dec. 1641, he was presented to the vicarage of Hin ton, by his
college, of which he was a fellow, and resided there until ejected by the presbyterians in 1643. He then removed to Oxford, where his learning and abilities were well known, and
where he was appointed one of the chaplains of New College, by the interest of his friend, Dr. Pink, then warden.
Here he continued until the surrender of Oxford to the
parliamentary army, when he was obliged to shift from
place to place, and suffer with his brethren, who refused to
submit to the usurping powers. At the restoration, however, he was not only replaced in his fellowship at Peterhouse, but chosen a fellow of Eton college, which he held
in commendam with the bishopric of Mann. In 1660,
being then D. D. he was presented by Dr. Wren, bishop of
Ely, to the rectory of Downham, in the Isle of Ely; and,
in 1662, resigned his fellowship of Peterhouse. In July
1663, he was consecrated bishop of Mann, in king Henry
Vllth’s chapel, Westminster, on which occasion his nephew, the mathematician, preached the consecration sermon. In April 1664, he was appointed governor likewise
of the Isle of Mann, by his patron, Charles earl of Derby;
and executed his office with the greatest prudence and honour during all the time in which he held the diocese, and
for some months after his translation to the see of St. Asaph.
He was ever of a liberal, active mind; and rendered himself peculiarly conspicuous as a man of public spirit, by
forming and executing good designs for the encouragement of piety and literature. The state of the diocese of
Mann at this time was deplorable, as to religion. The
clergy were poor, illiterate, and careless, the people grossly
ignorant and dissolute. Bishop Barrow, however, introduced a very happy change in all respects, by the establishment of schools, and improving the livings of the
clergy. He collected with great care and pains from pious
persons about eleven hundred pounds, with which he purchased of the earl of Derby all the impropriations in the
island, and settled them upon the clergy in due proportion,
He obliged them all likewise to teach schools in their respective parishes, and allowed thirty pounds per annum for
a free-school, and fifty pounds per annum for academical
learning. He procured also from king Charles II. one hundred pounds a year (which, Mr. Wood says, had like to have been lost) to be settled upon his clergy, and gave one
hundred and thirty-five pounds of his own money for a lease
upon lands of twenty pounds a year, towards the maintenance of three poor scholars in the college of Dublin, that
in time there might be a more learned body of clergy in
the island. He gave likewise ten pounds towards the building a bridge, over a dangerous water; and did several other
acts of charity and beneficence. Afterwards returning to
England for the sake of his health, and lodging in a house
belonging to the countess of Derby in Lancashire, called
Cross-hall, he received news of his majesty having conferred on him the bishopric of St. Asaph, to which he was
translated March 21, 1669, but he was permitted to hold
the see of Sodor and Mann in commendam, until Oct. 167 1,
in order to indemnify him for the expences of his translation. His removal, however, from Mann, was felt as a
very great loss, both by the clergy at large, and the inhabitants. His venerable, although not immediate, successor,
Dr. Wilson, says of him, that “his name and his good deeds
will be remembered as long as any sense of piety remains
among them.
” His removal to St. Asaph gave him a fresh
opportunity to become useful and popular. After being
established here, he repaired several parts of the cathedral
church, especially the north and south ailes, and new covered them with lead, and wainscotted the east part of the
choir. He laid out a considerable sum of money in repairing the episcopal palace, and a mill belonging to it. In
] 678 he built an alms-house for eight poor widows, and
endowed it with twelve pounds per annum for ever. The
same year, he procured an act of parliament for appropriating the rectories of Llanrhaiader and Mochnant in Denbighshire and "Montgomeryshire, and of Skeiviog in the
county of Flint, for repairs of the cathedral church of St.
Asaph, and the better maintenance of the choir therein,
and also for the uniting several rectories that were sinecures, and the vicarages of the same parishes, within the
said diocese. He designed likewise to build a free-school,
and endow it, but was prevented by death; but in 1687,
Bishop Lloyd, who succeeded him in the see of St. Asaph,
recovered of his executors two hundred pounds, towards a
free-school at St. Asaph.
Bishop Barrow died at Shrewsbury, June 24, 1680, and was interred in the cathedral church-yard of St. Asaph, on the south
Bishop Barrow died at Shrewsbury, June 24, 1680, and was interred in the cathedral church-yard of St. Asaph, on the south side of the west door, with two inscriptions, one of which seeming to favour the popish doctrine of praying for the dead, gave some offence, especially as it was said, we know not on what authority, that it was drawn up by the bishop himself.
, an eminent mathematician and divine of the seventeenth century, was descended from an ancient family of that name in Suffolk. His
, an eminent mathematician and divine of the seventeenth century, was descended from an
ancient family of that name in Suffolk. His father was
Mr. Thomas Barrow, a reputable citizen of London and
linen-draper to king Charles I.; and his mother, Anne,
daughter of William Buggin of North-Cray in Kent, esq.
whose tender care he did not long experience, she dying
when he was about four years old. He was born at London in October 1630, and was placed first in the Charterhouse school for two or three years, where his behaviour
afforded but little hopes of success in the profession of a
scholar, for which his father designed him, being quarrelsome, riotous, and negligent. But when removed to Felstead school in Essex, his disposition took a more happy
turn, and he quickly made so great a progress in learning,
that his master appointed him a kind of tutor to the lord
viscount Fairfax of Emely in Ireland, who was then his
scholar. During his stay at Felstead, he was admitted,
December the 15.th 1643, being fourteen years of age,
a pensioner of Peter-house in Cambridge, under his uncle
Mr. Isaac Barrow, then fellow of that college. But
when he was qualified for the university, he was entered a
pensioner in Trinity-college, the 5th of February 1645;
his uncle having been ejected, together with Seth Ward,
Peter Gunning, and John Barwick, who had written
against the covenant. His father having suffered greatly
in his estate by his attachment to the royal cause, our
young student was obliged at first for his chief support to
the generosity of the learned Dr. Hammond, to whose memory he paid his thanks, in an excellent epitaph on the
doctor. In 1647, he was chosen a scholar of the house;
and, though he always continued a staunch royalist, and
never would take the covenant, yet, by his great merit
and prudent behaviour he preserved the esteem and goodwill of his superiors. Of this we have an instance in Dr.
Hill, master of the college, who had been put in by the
parliament in the room of Dr. Comber, ejected for adhering to the king. One day, laying his hand upon our
young sflident’s head, he said, “Thou art a good lad,
‘tis pity thou art a cavalier;’ 7 and when, in an oration on
the Gunpowder-treason, Mr. Barrow had so celebrated the
former times, as to reflect much on the present, some fellows were provoked to move for his expulsion but the
master silenced them with this,
” Barrow is a better man
than any of us.“Afterwards when the engagement was imposed, he subscribed it; but, upon second thoughts, repenting of what he had done, he applied himself to the
commissioners, declared his dissatisfaction, and prevailed to
have his name razed out of the list. He applied himself
with great diligence to the study of all parts of literature,
especially natural philosophy; and though he was yet but a
young scholar, his judgment was too great to rest satisfied
with the shallow and superficial philosophy, then taught
and received in the schools. He applied himself therefore
to the reading and considering the writings of the lord Verulam, M. Des Cartes, Galileo, &c. who seemed to offer
something more solid and substantial. In 1648, Mr. Barrow took the degree of bachelor of arts. The year following, he was elected fellow of his college, merely out of
regard to his merit; for he had no friend to recommend
him, as being of the opposite party. And now, finding
the times not favourable to men of his opinions in matters
of church and state, he turned his thoughts to the profession of physic, and made a considerable progress in anatomy, botany, and chemistry: but afterwards, upon deliberation with himself, and with the advice of his uncle,
he applied himself to the study of divinity, to which he
was further obliged by his oath on his admission to his
fellowship. By reading Scaliger on Eusebius, he perceived the dependance of chronology on astronomy; which
put him upon reading Ptolemy’s Almagest: and finding
that book and all astronomy to depend on geometry, he
made himself master of Euclid’s Elements, and from
thence proceeded to the other ancient mathematicians.
He made a short essay towards acquiring the Arabic language, but soon deserted it. With these severer
speculations, the largeness of his mind had room for the amusements of poetry, to which he was always strongly addicted.
This is sufficiently evident from the many performances he
has left us in that art. Mr. Hill, his biographer, tells us,
he was particularly pleased with that branch of it, which
consists in description, but greatly disliked the hyperboles
of some modern poets. As for our plays, he was an enemy
to them, as a principal cause of the debauchery of the
times; the other causes he thought to be, the French education, and the ill example of great persons. For satires,
he wrote none his wit, as Mr. Hill expresses it, was
” pure and peaceable."
In 1652, he commenced master of arts, and, on the 12th of June the following year, was incorporated in that degree at Oxford. When Dr. Duport resigned
In 1652, he commenced master of arts, and, on the 12th
of June the following year, was incorporated in that degree
at Oxford. When Dr. Duport resigned the chair of Greek.
professor, he recommended his pupil Mr. Barrow to succeed
him; who justified his tutor’s opinion of him by an excellent
performance of the probation exercise: but being looked
upon as a favourer of Arminianism, the choice fell upon
another; and this disappointment, it is thought, helped to
determine him in his resolution of travelling abroad. In
order to execute this design, he was obliged to sell his books.
Accordingly, in the year 1655, he went into France;
where, at Paris, he found his father attending the English
court, and out of his small means made him a seasonable
present. The same year his “Euclid
” was printed at
Cambridge, which he had left behind him for that purpose.
He gave his college an account of his journey to Paris in a
poem, and some farther observations in a letter. After a
few months, he went into Italy, and stayed sometime at
Florence, where he had the advantage of perusing several
books in the great duke’s library, and of conversing with
Mr. Fitton, an Englishman, his librarian. Here his poverty must have put an end to his travels, had he not been
generously supplied with money by Mr. James Stock, a
young merchant of London, to whom he afterwards dedicated his edition of Euclid’s Data. He was desirous to
have seen Rome; but the plague then raging in that city,
he took ship at Leghorn, November the 6th 1656, for
Smyrna. In this voyage they were attacked by a corsair
of Algiers, who, perceiving the stout defence the ship
made, sheered off and left her; and upon this occasion
Mr. Barrow gave a remarkable instance of his natural courage and intrepidity. At Smyrna, he made himself welcome
to Mr. Bretton the consul (upon whose death he
afterwards wrote an elegy), and to the English factory. Front
thence he proceeded to Constantinople, where he met
with a very friendly reception from sir Thomas Bendish
the English ambassador, and sir Jonathan Daws, with whom
he afterwards kept up an intimate friendship and correspondence. This voyage, from Leghorn to Constantinople, he has described in a Latin poem. At Constantinople, he read over the works of St. Chrysostom, once bishop of that see, whom he preferred to all the other fathers.
Having stayed in Turkey above a year, he returned from
thence to Venice, where, soon after they were landed,
the ship took fire, and was consumed with all the goods.
From thence he came home, in 1659, through Germany
and Holland, and has left a description of some parts of
those countries in his poems. Soon after his return into
England, the time being somewhat elapsed, before which
all fellows of Trinity-college are obliged to take orders, or
quit the society, Mr. Barrow was episcopally ordained by
bishop Brownrig, notwithstanding the unsettled state of
the times, and the declining condition of the church of
England. Upon the king’s restoration, his friends expected he would have been immediately preferred on account of his having suffered and deserved so much; but it
came to nothing, which made him wittily say (which he has not left in his poems),
that occasion, in which he introduces Britannia congratulating the king upon his return. In 1660, he was chosen, without a competitor, Greek professor of the university
However, he wrote an ode upon that occasion, in which
he introduces Britannia congratulating the king upon his
return. In 1660, he was chosen, without a competitor,
Greek professor of the university of Cambridge. His oration, spoken upon that occasion, is preserved among his
Opuscula. When he entered upon this province, he designed to have read upon the tragedies of Sophocles: but,
altering his intention, he made choice of Aristotle’s rhetoric. These lectures, having been lent to a person who
never returned them, are irrecoverably lost. The year
following, which was 1661, he took the degree of bachelor
in divinity. July the 16th, 1662, he was elected professor
of geometry in Gresham-college, in the room of Mr. Lawrence Rooke, chiefly through the interest and recommendation of Dr. Wilkins, master of Trinity-college, and afterwards bishop of Chester. In this station, he not only
discharged his own duty, but supplied, likewise, the
absence of Dr. Pope the astronomy professor. Among his
lectures, some were upon the projection of the sphere
which being borrowed and never returned, are lost but
his Latin oration, previous to his lectures, is in his works.
The same year, 1662, he wrote an epithalamium on the
marriage of king Charles and queen Catherine, in Greek
verse. About this time, Mr. Barrow was offered a valuable living, but the condition annexed of teaching the patron’s son, made him refuse it, as too like a simouiacal
contract. Upon the 20th of May 1663, he was elected a
fellow of the royal society, in the first choice made by the
council after their charter. The same year, Mr. Lucas
having founded a mathematical lecture at Cambridge, Mr.
Barrow was so powerfully recommended, by Dr. Wilkins,
to that gentleman’s executors Mr. Raworth and Mr. Buck,
that he was appointed the first professor; and the better to
secure the end of so noble and useful a foundation, he
took care that himself and his successors should be obliged
to leave yearly to the university ten written lectures. We
have his prefatory oration, spoken in the public mathematical school, March the 14th, 1664. Though his two
professorships were not incompatible, he resigned that of
Gresham-college, May the 20th, 1664. He had been invited to take the charge of the Cotton library; but, after
;a short trial, he declined it, and resolved to settle in the
university. In 1669, he resigned the mathematical chair
to his very worthy friend the celebrated Isaac Newton,
being now determined to exchange the study of the mathematics for that of divinity, partly from a strong inclination for the latter, and partly because his mathematical
works were less favourably received than he thought they
deserved. In 1670, he wrote a Latin poem upon the
death of the duchess of Orleans, an epicedium upon the
duke of Albemarle, and a Latin ode upon the Trinity.
He was only a fellow of Trinity-college, when he was collated by his uncle, the bishop of St. Asaph, to a small
sinecure in Wales, and by Dr. Seth Ward, bishop of
Salisbury, to a prebend in that cathedral; the profits of
both which he applied to charitable uses, and afterwards
resigned them, when he became master of his college. In
the same year he was created doctor in divinity by mandate. In 1672, Dr. Pearson, master of Trinity-college,
being, upon the death of bishop Wilkins, removed to the
bishopric of Chester, Dr. Barrow was appointed by the
king to succeed him; and his majesty was pleased to say
upon that occasion, “he had given it to the best scholar
in England.
” His patent hears date February the 13th,
1672, with permission to marry, which he caused to be
erased, as contrary to the statutes, and he was admitted
the 27th of the same month. He gave the highest satisfaction to that society, whose interest he constantly and
carefully consulted. In 1675, he was chosen vice-chancellor of the university. This great and learned divine
died of a fever, the 4th of May 1677, and was buried in
Westminster-abbey, where a monument was erected to
him by the contribution of his friends. His epitaph was
written by his friend Dr. Mapletoft. He left his manuscripts to Dr. Tillotson and Mr. Abraham Hill, with permission to publish what they should think proper. He left
little behind him, except books, which were so well
chosen, that they sold for more than the prime cost.
Though he could never be prevailed to sit for his picture,
some of his friends contrived to have it taken without his
knowledge, whilst they diverted him with such discourse
as engaged his attention. As to his person, he was low of
stature, lean, and of a pale complexion, and negligent of
his dress to a fault; of extraordinary strength, a thin skin,
and very sensible of cold; his eyes grey, clear, and somewhat short-sighted; his hair a light brown, very fine, and
curling. He was of a healthy constitution, very fond of
tobacco, which he used to call his panpharmacon, or universal medicine, and imagined it helped to compose and
regulate his thoughts. If he was guilty of any intemperance, it seemed to be in the love of fruit, which he thought
very salutary. He slept little, generally rising in the
winter months before day. His conduct and behaviour
were truly amiable; he was always ready to assist others,
open and communicative in his conversation, in which he
generally spoke to the importance, as well as truth, of any
question proposed; facetious in his talk upon fit occasions,
and skilful to accommodate his discourse to different capacities; of indefatigable industry in various studies, clear
judgment on all arguments, and steady virtue under all
difficulties; of a calm temper in factious times, and of
large charity in mean estate; he was easy and contented
with a scanty fortune, and with the same decency and moderation maintained his character under the temptations of
prosperity. In short, he was, perhaps, the greatest scholar of his times and, as an ingenious writer expresses it,
“he may be esteemed as having shewn a compass of invention equal, if not superior, to any of the moderns, sir
Isaac Newton only excepted.
be illustrious for a strength of mind and a compass of knowledge that did honour to his country. He was unrivalled in mathematical learning, and especially in the sublime
Dr. Barrow’s works are very numerous, and indeed various, mathematical, theological, poetical, &c. and such as
do honour to the English nation. They are principally as
follow: l.“EuclidisElementa,
” Cantab. EuclidisData,
” Cantab. Lond. 1669, 4to. 4.
” Lectiones Geometric^ xiii,“Lond.
1670, 4to. 5.
” Archimedis Opera, Apollonii Conicorum
libri iv. Theodosii Sphericoruni lib. iii.; nova methodo illustrata, et succiricte clemonstrata,“Lond. 1675, 4to. The
following were published after his decease, viz. 6.
” Lectio,
in qua theoremata Archimedis de sphcera et cylindro per
methodum indivisibilium investigata, ac breviter investigata, exhibentur,“Lond. 1678, 12mo. 7.
” Mathematics
Lectiones habitrc in scholis publicis academiai Cantabrigiensis, an. 1664, 5,6, &c.“Lond. 1683. 8. All his English works in 3 volumes, Lond. 1683, folio. These are
all theological, and were published by Dr. John Tillotson.
” Isaaci Barrow Opuscula, viz. Determinationes, Conciones ad Clerum, Orationes, Poemata, &c. volumen quartum,“Lond. 1687, folio. Dr. Barrow left also several curious papers on mathematical subjects, written in his own
hand, which were communicated by Mr. Jones to the author of
” The Lives of the Gresham Professors,“a particular account of which may be seen in that book, in the
life of Barrow. Several of his works have been translated
into English, and published as the Elements and Data of
Euclid; the Geometrical Lectures, the Mathematical Lectures. And accounts of some of them were also given ia
several volumes of the Philos. Trans.
Dr. Barrow must ever be esteemed, in all the subjects
which exercised his pen, a person of the clearest perception, the finest fancy, the soundest judgment, the profoundest thought, and the closest and most nervous reasoning.
” The name of Dr. Barrow (says the learned Mr. Granger) will ever be illustrious for a strength of mind and
a compass of knowledge that did honour to his country.
He was unrivalled in mathematical learning, and especially
in the sublime geometry; in which he has been excelled
only by his successor Newton. The same genius that
seemed to be born only to bring hidden truths to light, and
to rise to the heights or descend to the depths of science,
would sometimes amuse itself in the flowery paths of poetry, and he composed verses both in Greek and Latin."
ded the two following anecdotes: in his voyage between Leghorn and Smyrna, already noticed, the ship was attacked by an Algerine pirate, which after a stout resistance
Several good anecdotes are told of Barrow, as well of
his great integrity, as of his wit, and bold intrepid spirit
and strength of body. His early attachment to fighting
when a boy is some indication of the latter; to which may
be added the two following anecdotes: in his voyage between Leghorn and Smyrna, already noticed, the ship was
attacked by an Algerine pirate, which after a stout resistance they compelled to sheer off, Barrow keeping his post
at the gun assigned him to the last. And when Dr. Pope
in their conversation asked him, “Why he did not go
down into the hold, and leave the defence of the ship to
those, to whom it did belong r
” He replied, “It concerned no man more than myself: I would rather have lost
my life, than to have fallen into the hands of those merciless infidels.
bably extinguished. Being once on a visit at a gentleman’s house in the country, where the necessary was at the end of a long garden, and consequently at a great distance
There is another anecdote told of him, which shewed not only his intrepidity, but an uncommon goodness of disposition, in circumstances where an ordinary share of it would have been probably extinguished. Being once on a visit at a gentleman’s house in the country, where the necessary was at the end of a long garden, and consequently at a great distance from the room where he lodged as he was going to it before day, for he was a very early riser, a fierce mastiff, that used to be chained up all day, and let loose at night for the security of the house, perceiving a strange person in the garden at that unusual time, set upon him with great fury. The doctor caught him by the throat, grappled with him, and, throwing him down, lay upon him once he had a mind to kill him; but he altered his resolution, on recollecting that this would be unjust, since the dog did only his duty, and he himself was in fault for rambling out of his room before it was light. At length he called out so loud, that he was heard by some of the family, who came presently out, and freed the doctor and the dog from the danger they both had been in.
between him and the profligate lord Rochester. These two meeting one day at court, while the doctor was king’s chaplain in ordinary, Rochester, thinking to banter him,
Among other instances of his wit and vivacity, they relate the following rencontre between him and the profligate
lord Rochester. These two meeting one day at court,
while the doctor was king’s chaplain in ordinary, Rochester, thinking to banter him, with a flippant air, and a low
formal bow, accosted him with, “Doctor, 1 am yours to
my shoe-tie:
” Barrow perceiving his drift, returned the
salute, with, “My lord, I am yours to the ground.
” Rochester, on this, improving his blow, quickly returned it,
with, “Doctor, I am yours to the centre;
” which was as
smartly followed up by Barrow, 'with, “My lord, I am
yours to the antipodes.
” Upon which, Rochester, disdaining to be foiled by a musty old piece of divinity, as he
used to call him, exclaimed, “Doctor, I am yours to the
lowest pit of hell;
” upon which Barrow, turning upon his
heel, with a sarcastic smile, archly replied, “There, my
lord, I leave you.
, D. D. a clergyman of Scotland, was born, in 1748, in the county of Berwick. He was educated in
, D. D. a clergyman of Scotland, was
born, in 1748, in the county of Berwick. He was educated
in the university of Edinburgh, and for a short time was
employed as private tutor to the sons of some gentlemen
in Orkney, by whose patronage he became second minister of the royal burgh and ancient cathedral of Kirkwall;
from whence, about 1796, he was translated to the island
and parish of Shapinshay. Here he discharged the duties
of the pastoral office with zeal, and the approbation of his
parishioners. He first attracted public notice by the statistical account of his two parishes, published by sir John Sinclair in that work (“Statistical Reports
”), which has done
so much credit to the talents of the clergy of Scotland.
Dr. Barry had also great merit in the education of youth,
which he superintended in his parish and its neighbourhood
with the happiest effect. Sensible of his zeal in this respect, the society for propagating Christian knowledge in
Scotland, about the year 1800, chose him one of their
members, and gave him a superintendence over their
schools at Orkney. Soon after the university of Edinburgh
conferred on him the degree of doctor in divinity. For
some years before his death, he was employed in drawing
up a work of great value and authenticity, entitled “The
History of the Orkney Islands; in which is comprehended
an account of their present as well as their ancient state,
” 4to. This was published a short time after his death,
which took place May 14, 1805.
, usually called Giraldus Cambrensis, or Girald of Wales, was born at the castle of Mainaper, near Pembroke, in 1146. By his
, usually called Giraldus Cambrensis, or Girald of Wales, was born at the castle of Mainaper, near Pembroke, in 1146. By his mother he was descended from the princes of South Wales and his father,
William Barry, was one of the chief men of that principality. Being a younger brother, and intended for the
cburch, he was sent to St. David’s, and educated in the
family of the bishop of that see, who was his uncle. He
acknowledges in his history of his own life and actions,
that in his early youth he was too negligent and playful;
but his uncle and his masters remonstrated with him so
sharply, that he became diligent, and soon excelled his
school-fellows. When about twenty years of age, he was
sent to the university of Paris, where he continued for
three years, acquiring great fame by his skill in rhetoric,
and on his return he entered into holy orders, and obtained several benefices in England and Wales. Finding
that the Welch were very reluctant in paying tidies of
wool and cheese, he applied to Richard, archbishop of
Canterburv, and was appointed his legate in Wales for
rectifying that disorder, and for other purposes. He
executed this commission with great spirit, excommunicating
all without distinction, who neglected to pay. He also
informed against the old archdeacon of Brechin for being
married, and procured him to be deprived of his archdeaconry, which was bestowed on this officious legate. In
otherwise discharging the duties of this new office, he
acted with great vigour, which involved him in many quarXels; but, according to his own account, he was always in
the right, and always victorious. On his uncle’s death,
he was elected by the chapter of St. David’s, bishop of
that see, but he declined accepting it, owing to the informality of not applying to the king for his licence, although
in reality he knew that the king, Henry II. would never
have confirmed such an election, and did in fact express
his displeasure at it, in consequence of which another person was chosen. Girald, however, was not reconciled to
the disappointment, and determined to get rid of his chagrin by travelling, and studying for some time longer at
Paris. Here he pursued the civil and canon law, and with
his usual vanity he boasts what a prodigious fame he acquired, especially in the knowledge of papal constitutions,
or decretals, as they are called. In 1179, he was elected
professor of the canon law in the university of Paris; but
rejected the honour, expecting more solid advantages in
his own country. In 1180, he returned home through
Flanders and England, and in his way stopped at Canterbury, where he emphatically describes (what may be well allowed him) the great luxury of the monks of that place.
At length he got home, where he found the whole country
in a flame, the canons and archdeacons of Menevia having
joined with the inhabitants in driving out the bishop of
that see, the administration of which was committed to our
author, by the archbishop of Canterbury. Under this authority he governed the see of St. David’s for three or four
years, and made wonderful reformations in it. The abdicated bishop, whose name was Peter, did not acquiesce in
the conduct of his clergy, but by letters suspended and
excommunicated the canons and archdeacons, uncited and
unheard: and at length, Girald, not having power to redress them, resigned his charge to the archbishop, who
absolved the excommunicated. Bishop Peter imputed his
disgrace, or at least the continuance of it, to Girald; great
contests arose, and appeals were made to Rome: but at
length they were reconciled, and the bishop restored.
About the year 1184, king Henry II. invited Girald to
court, and made him his chaplain, and at times he attended the king for several years, and was very useful to
him in keeping matters quiet in Wales’. Yet though the
king approved of his services, and in private often coinmended his prudence and fidelity, he never could be
prevailed on to promote him to any ecclesiastical benefices, on account of the relation he bore to prince Rhees,
and other grandees of Wales. In 1185, the king sent him
to Ireland with his son John, in quality of secretary and
privy-counsellor to the young prince: but the expedition
did not meet with success, because earl John made use
only of youthful counsels, and shewed no favour to the
old adventurers, who were men experienced in the affairs
of Ireland. While Girald thus employed himself in Ireland, the two bishoprics of Ferns and Leighlin fell vacant, which earl John offered to unite, and confer on him;
but he rejected the promotion, and employed himself in
collecting materials for writing his Topography and history
of the conquest of Ireland, which he compiled and published a few years after. In the spring of the year 1186,
John Comyn, archbishop of Dublin, convened a synod of
his clergy, in Christ-church of that city, at which Girald
was one of the preachers, but by the account of it in his
life, it appears to have been a turbulent assembly. Having obtained great fame in Ireland, as he tells us himself,
between Easter and Whitsuntide 1187, he returned to
Wales, and employed all his time in writing and revising
his Topography, to which, when he had put, the last hand,
he took a journey to Oxford, and repeated it in a public
audience of the university; and as it consisted of three
distinctions, he repeated one every day of three successively; and in order to captivate the people, and secure
their applause, the first day he entertained all the poor of
the town, the next day the doctors and scholars of fame
and reputation, and the third day the scholars of the
lower rank, the soldiers, townsmen, and burgesses. In
the year 1188, he accompanied Baldwin, archbishop of
Canterbury, in a journey through the rough and mountainous parts of Wales, in order to preach up to the
people the necessity of taking the cross, and engaging
in an expedition in defence of the Holy Land. Here our
author shews the vast success his eloquence met with, in
persuading the greatest part of the country to engage in
this adventure, when the archbishop was able to do nothing. Girald himself took the cross at this time, and it
afforded him the opportunity of writing his “Itinerarium
” The same year he went over into France,
in the retinue of king Henry If, which he did by the advice of the archbishop of Canterbury, and Ranulph de
Glanville, chief-justice of England; but the king dying
the year after, he was sent back by Richard I. to preserve
the peace of Wales, and was even joined with the bishop
of Ely, as one of the regents of the kingdom. After refusing one or two bishoprics, in hopes to succeed to St.
David’s, which was his favourite object, this latter became
vacant in 1198, and he was unanimously elected by the
chapter. Yet here again he was disappointed, owing to
the opposition of Hubert archbishop of Canterbury, and
was involved in a contest, which lasted five years, during
which he took three journies to Rome, and was at last
defeated. Soon after this, he retired from the world, and
spent the last seventeen years of his life in study, composing many of his writings. He was unquestionably a
man of genius and learning, but as a historian, full of
credulity and fable; and as a man, one of the most vain
upon record. Ware, and the editor of the Biog. Britannica, have given a long list of his manuscript works, which
are in the Cotton and Harleian libraries in the British
museum, the archbishop’s library at Lambeth, the
Bodleian, Oxford, and the public library and Bene't college library, Cambridge. Those printed are: 1. “Topographia Hibernioe,
” Francfort, Historia Vaticinalis, de expugnatione Hiberniae,
” Francfort, Itinerarium Cambriae,
” published with annotations
by David Powel, De laudibus Carnbrorum,
” also published by Powel. 5. “Gemma Ecclesiastica,
” Mentz, Gemma animoe,
” without the author’s name. 6. “Liber secundus de descriptione Wallise,
” published by Wharton,
in Anglia Sacra, part II. p, 447. Camden every where
quotes Giraldus as an author of undoubted credit and
his principles; charitable and disinterested, though ambitious; learned, though superstitious. Such was Giraldus. And in whatever point of view we examine the character
In 1806, sir Richard Colt Hoare, bart. published in two
splendid quarto volumes, “The Itinerary of archbishop
Baldwin through Wales, A. D. 1188, by Giraldus de
Barri; translated into English, and illustrated with views,
annotations, and a life of Giraldus.
” In this life, an elegant and elaborate composition, although the facts are not
materially different from the preceding, yet the colouring
is more highly favourable, and we refer with pleasure to
it as a memoir in which the curiosity of the antiquary
will be amply gratified. Sir Richard thus briefly sums
up the character of Girald: “Noble in his birth, and
comely in his person; mild in his manners, and affable
in his conversation; zealous, active, and undaunted in
maintaining the rights and dignities of his church; moral
in his character, and orthodox in his principles; charitable
and disinterested, though ambitious; learned, though superstitious. Such was Giraldus. And in whatever point
of view we examine the character of this extraordinary
man, whether as a scholar, a patriot, or a divine, we may
justly consider him as one of the brightest luminaries that
adorned the annals of the twelfth century.
, lord Santry, descended from a Welch family, was the son of a merchant in Dublin, and educated in the profession
, lord Santry, descended from a Welch
family, was the son of a merchant in Dublin, and educated in the profession of the law. When admitted at the
bar, he practised for some years with great reputation and
success. In 1629, the king conferred upon him the office
of his majesty’s serjeant at law, for the kingdom of Ireland,
at a yearly fee of twenty pounds ten shillings sterling, and
in as full a manner as the same office was granted before
to sir John Brereton, knt.; and lord Wentworth, afterwards earl of Strafford and lord deputy of Ireland, soon
discovered his abilities, took him under his protection,
and laid hold of the first opportunity he had to promote
him. Accordingly, on the 5th of August 1634, he obtained a grant of the office of second baron of the exchequer of Ireland, to hold during pleasure, with such
fees, rewards, and profits, as sir Robert Oglethorpe, sir
Lawrence Parsons, sir Gerard Lowther, or any other second baron, did or ought to receive; and he soon after
received the honour of knighthood. He obtained this favour, notwithstanding a powerful recommendation from
England in behalf of another; and it was merely the fruit
of the lord Wentworth’s friendship, of which he had occasion, soon after, of making a public acknowledgement.
After the year 1640, when the parliament of Ireland were
about to send over a committee of their body to England,
to impeach the earl of Stratford, he joined all his weight
and interest with sir James Ware, and other members of
the house of commons, to oppose those measures; though
the torrent was so violent, that it was fruitless, nor do we
hear much of our baron during the long course of the rebellion, till a little before the restoration of king Charles II.
in the year 1660, when he was appointed chairman of the
convention, which voted his majesty’s restoration without
any previous conditions, in which resolution, no doubt, he
was instrumental, since we find his majesty took his merit
into consideration a very short time after. For on the
17th of November that year, the king issued a privy seal
for advancing him to the office of chief-justice in the king’s
bench in Ireland, and another on the 18th of December
following, in consideration of his eminent fidelity and
zeal shewn in his majesty’s service, for creating him lord
baron of San try, in the kingdom of Ireland, to him and the
heirs male of his body; and he was soon after called to
the privy council. He died in March 1672, and was buried in Christ church, Dublin. His only publication was,
“The case of Tenures upon the commission of defective
titles, argued by all the judges of Ireland, with the resolution, and reasons of their resolution,
” Dublin,
, an English artist of considerable fame, was the eldest son of John Barry and Julian Roerden, and was born
, an English artist of considerable
fame, was the eldest son of John Barry and Julian Roerden, and was born in Cork, Oct. 11, 1741. His father
was a builder, and in the latter part of his life a coasting
trader between England and Ireland. James was at first
destined to this last business, but as he disliked it, his
father suffered him to pursue his inclination, which led
him to drawing and reading. His early education he received in the schools at Cork, where he betrayed some
symptoms of that peculiar frame of mind which became
more conspicuous in his maturer years. His studies were
desultory, directed by no regular plan, yet he accumulated a considerable stock of knowledge. As his mother
was a zealous Roman Catholic, he fell into the company
of some priests, who recommended the study of polemical
divinity, and probably all of one class, for this ended in
his becoming a staunch Roman Catholic.
Although the rude beginnings of his art cannot be traced,
there is reason to ^hink that at the age of seventeen he
had attempted oil-painting, and between the ages of seventeen and twenty-two he executed a picture, the subject
“St. Patrick landing on the sea-coast of Cashell,
” which
he exhibited in Dublin. This procured him some reputation, and, what was afterwards of much importance,
the acquaintance of the illustrious Edmund Burke. During
his stay in Dublin, he probably continued to cultivate his
art, but no particular work can now be discovered. After
a residence of seven or eight months in Dublin, an opportunity offered of accompanying some part of Mr. Burke' s
family to London, which he eagerly embraced. This took
place in 1764, and on his arrival, Mr. Burke recommended
nim to his friends, and procured for him his first employment, that of copying in oil drawings by the Athenian
Stuart. In 1765, Mr. Burke and his other friends furnished him with the means of visiting Italy, where he
surveyed the noble monuments of art then in that country,
with the eye of an acute, and often very just critic, but
where, at the same time, his residence was rendered uncomfortable by those unhappy irregularities of temper,
which, more or less, obscured all his prospects in life.
pictures. In his “Death of Wolfe,” he failed, principally from his introducing naked figures, and he was obliged to yield, somewhat reluctantly, to the more popular
After an absence of five years, mostly spent at Rome,
he arrived in England in 1771, and claimed the admiration of the public, not unsuccessfully, by his “Venus
and his “Jupiter and Juno,
” the former one of his best
pictures. In his “Death of Wolfe,
” he failed, principally from his introducing naked figures, and he was
obliged to yield, somewhat reluctantly, to the more popular picture of Mr. West. This “Death of Wolfe,
” which
he painted in I "76, was the last he exhibited at the royal
academy. About 1774, he conceived an aversion to portrait-painting, from a dread of being confined to the
modern costume of dress, which certainly at that time was
far less graceful, and less correspondent with the human
figure, than at present. It is well known, however, that
he violated his own principles in some of the figures introduced in his great work in the society’s rooms in the
Adelphi, when he was under no kind of constraint; but
this difference between theory and practice was in many
instances remarkable in Barry.
When a design was formed of decorating St. Paul’s cathedral with the works of
When a design was formed of decorating St. Paul’s cathedral with the works of our most eminent painters and
sculptors, Barry was to have been employed, and his subject was “The Jews rejecting Christ, when Pilate entreats
his release,
” but the scheme was discouraged, and its
probable success can now be only a subject of speculation.
In 1775, he appeared as an author, in a publication entitled, an “Inquiry into the real and imaginary obstructions to the acquisition of the arts in England,
” in answer
to Winckleman. In this treatise there are some fanciful
opinions, but upon the whole it is the best and most dispassionate of all the productions of his pen, and a masterly
defence of the capabilities of English artists under proper
encouragement; and it contains many just remarks on
that state of public taste which is favourable to the perfection of the art. The same train of ideas has been since
pursued by Mr. Shee, in his poetical works; an artist,
whose productions of the pencil, great and superior as
they are, suggest a doubt whether if he had been a writer,
and only a writer, he would not have been the first man of
his age, in the philosophy of the art, in exquisite fancy
and taste, and that variety of imagery and illustration
which belongs only to poets of the higher class.
After the scheme of decorating St. Paul’s had been given up, it was proposed to employ the same artists in decorating the great
After the scheme of decorating St. Paul’s had been given
up, it was proposed to employ the same artists in decorating the great room in the Adelphi, belonging to the
society of arts, but this was refused by the artists themselves, probably because they were to be remunerated in
equal shares, by an exhibition of the pictures. We cannot much wonder at their declining a scheme, which promised to reduce them to this kind of level, and would
indeed imply an equality in every other respect. Three
years afterwards, however, in 1777, Mr. Barry undertook
the whole, and his offer was accepted. It would have
been singular, indeed, if such an offer had been rejected,
as his labour was to be gratuitous. He has been heard to
say, that at the time of his undertaking this work, he had
only sixteen shillings in his pocket; and that in the prosecution of his labour, he was often after painting all day
obliged to sketch or engrave at night some design for the
print-sellers, which was to supply him with the means of
his frugal subsistence. He has recorded some of his prints
as done at this time, such as his Job, dedicated to Mr.
Burke; birth of Venus; Polemon; head of lord Chatham; king Lear, &c.
Of his terms with the society, we know only that the
choice of subjects was allowed him, and the society was
to defray the expence of canvas, colours, and models.
In the course of his labours, however, he found that he
had been somewhat too disinterested, and wrote a letter to
sir George Saville, soliciting such a subscription among
the friends of the society as might amount to 100l. a year.
He computed that he should finish the whole in two years,
and pay back the 200l. to the subscribers by means of an
exhibition; but he very candidly added, that if the exhibition should produce nothing, the subscribers would
Jose their money. This subscription did not take effect,
and the work employed him seven years; at the end of
which, the society granted him two exhibitions, and at
different periods voted him fifty guineas, their gold medal,
and again 200 guineas, and a seat among them. Of this
great undertaking, a series of six pictures, representing
the progress of society, and civilization among mankind,
it has been said “that it surpasses any work which has
been executed within these two centuries, and considering
the difficulties with which the artist had to struggle, any
that is now extant.
” As the production of one man, it is
undoubtedly entitled to high praise, but it has all Barry’s
defects in drawing and colouring, defects the more remarkable, because in his printed correspondence and lectures, his theory on these subjects is accurate and unexceptionable. These pictures were afterwards engraved,
but what they produced is not known. In 1792, however,
he deposited 700/, in the funds, and to this wealth he
never afterwards made any great addition, for he never
possessed more than 60l. a year from the funds, a sum
barely sufficient to pay the rent and other charges of his
house, but as his domestic oeconomy was of the meanest
kind, this sum was probably not insufficient.
In 1782, he was elected professor of painting, in room of Mr. Penny, but did
In 1782, he was elected professor of painting, in room
of Mr. Penny, but did not lecture until 1784. His Jectures, now printed, are unquestionably among the best of
his writings. He had long meditated an extensive design,
that of painting the progress of theology, or, “to delineate the growth of that state of mind which connects man
with his Creator, and to represent the misty medium of
connection which the Pagan world had with their false
Gods, and the union of Jews and Christians with their
true God, by means of revelation.
” At the time of his
death, he was employed on etchings or designs for this
purpose, but made no great progress. In the mean time
he published his “Letter to the Dilettanti,
” a work which
his biographer justly characterises as not quite so tranquil
or praise-worthy.
The appointment of professor of painting, honourable as it was, and the duties of which he might have discharged with reputation
The appointment of professor of painting, honourable
as it was, and the duties of which he might have discharged
with reputation to himself, became in his hands the source
of misfortune and disgrace. Original, and in many respects extremely singular in his opinions, he proposed
changes and innovations which could not consistently be
complied with, and by these means he often subjected
himself to the pain of a refusal. His great object was, to
appropriate a fund, accumulated from the receipts of exhibitions, to form a gallery of the old masters, for the use
of the pupils. In this, and in many other efforts which he
made with the same view, he entirely failed; so that, by
continual opposition, he at length rendered himself so
obnoxious to the jealousy of his brethren, that early in
March 1799, a body of charges was received by the council
at the royal academy, against the professor of painting;
upon which the following resolution was passed, “that the
charges and information were sufficiently important to be
laid before the whole body of academicians to be examined; and if they coincide in opinion, the heads of
those charges to be then communicated to the professor
of painting.
” This was intimated to Mr. Barry, by order
of the council. On the 19th of March, the academy received the minutes of the council respecting the charges,
and referred them to a committee elected for the purpose.
The academy met again the 15th of April, to receive the
report of the committee, when Mr. Barry arose, and demanded to be furnished with a copy of the report. This
being denied, he protested against the injustice of the
whole proceeding, and withdrew, declaring in plain terms,
that “if they acted in conjunction with his enemies, without giving him the opportunity of answering for himself,
and refuting the charges alleged against him, he should
be ashamed to belong to the academy.
” Having withdrawn, Mr. Barry was removed by a vote from the professor’s chair, and by a subsequent vote, expelled the
academy. The whole proceedings were then laid before
his majesty, who was pleased to approve them, and Mr,
Barry’s name was accordingly struck off from the roll of
anner of his death is thus related by his biographer: 44 On the evening of Thurday, Feb. 6, 1806, he was seized as he entered the house where he usually dint-d, with
Soon after this event, the earl of Buchan set on foot a subscription, which amounted to about 1000l. with which his friends purchased an annuity for his life; but his oeath prevented his reaping any benefit from this design. The manner of his death is thus related by his biographer: 44 On the evening of Thurday, Feb. 6, 1806, he was seized as he entered the house where he usually dint-d, with the cold fit of a pleuritic fever, of so intense a degree, that all his faculties were suspended, and he unable to articulate or move. Some cordial was administered to him, and on his coming a little to himself, he was taken in a coach to the door of his own house, which, the keyhole being plugged with dirt and pebbles, as had been often done before, by the malice, or perhaps the roguery of boys in the neighbourhood, it was impossible to open. The night being dark, and he shivering under the progress of his disease, hisfriends thought it advisable to drive away without loss of time to the hospitable mansion of Mr. Bononni. By the kindness of that good family, a bed was procured in a neighbouring house, to which he was immediately conveyed. Here he desired to be left, and locked himself up, unfortunately, for forty hours, without the least medical assistance. What took place in the mean time, he could give but little account of, as he represented himself to be delirious, and only recollected his being tortured with a burning pain in his side, and with difficulty of breathing. In this short time was the deathblow given, which, by the prompt and timely aid of copious bleedings, might have been averted; but without this aid, such had been the re-action of the hot fit succeeding the rigours, and the violence of the inflammation on the pleura, that an effusion of lymph had ' taken place, as appeared afterwards upon dissection. In the afternoon of Saturday, Feb. 8, he rose and crawled forth to relate his complaint to the writer of this account. He was pale, breathless, and tottering, as he entered the room, with a dull pain in his side, a cough short and incessant, and a pulse quick and feeble. Succeeding remedies proved of little avail. With exacerbations and remissions of fever, he lingered to the 22d of February, when he expired." His remains, after lying in state in the great room of the society of arts, Acielphi, was interred in St. Paul’s cathedral, with solemnity, and the attendance of many of his friends and admirers, among whom was not one artist.
it appears that with unquestionable talents, original genius, and strong enthusiasm for his art, he was never able to accomplish what he projected, or to practise all
For Barry’s character we may refer to an elaborate
article by his biographer. To us it appears that with unquestionable talents, original genius, and strong enthusiasm for his art, he was never able to accomplish what he
projected, or to practise all that he professed. Few men
appear to have had more correct notions of the principles
of art, or to have departed more frequently from them.
His ambition during life was to excel no less as a literary
theorist, than as a practical artist, and it must be allowed
that in both characters he has left specimens sufficient to
rank him very high in the English school. Where he has
failed in either, we should be inclined to attribute it to
the peculiar frame of his mind, which, in his early as
well as mature years, appears to have been deficient in
soundness: alternately agitated by conceit or flattery;
and irritated by contradiction, however gentle, and suspicion, however groundless. This was still more striking
to every one conversant in mental derangement, when he
exhibited at last, that most common of all symptoms, a
dread of plots and conspiracies. This went so far at one
time, that when robbed, as he said, of a sum of money,
he exculpated common thieves and housebreakers, and attributed the theft to his brother artists, jealous of his reputation; yet the money was afterwards found where he
had deposited it. The same unhappy malady may account
for his many personal eccentricities of conduct, over which
a veil may now be thrown. Nor is it necessary to specify
his literary publications, as they were all collected in two
volumes 4to, published in 1809, under the title of “The
Works of James Barry,
” with a life, from which the
present sketch has been principally taken.
, the son of a treasurer of France, was born in the year 1544-, at Monfort in Armagnac, and not on the
, the son of a
treasurer of France, was born in the year 1544-, at Monfort in Armagnac, and not on the estate de Bartas, which
is in the vicinity of that little town. Henry IV. whom he
served with his sword, and whom he celebrated in his
verses, sent him on various commissions to England, Denmark, and Scotland. He had the command of a company
of cavalry in Gascony, under the marechal de Matignon.
He was in religious profession a Calvinist, and died in
1590 at the age of 46. The work that has most contributed to render his name famous, is the poem entitled
“Commentary of the Week of the creation of the world,
in seven hooks. Pierre de l'Ostal, in a miserable copy of
verses addressed to du Bartas, and prefixed to his poem,
says that this hook is “greater than the whole universe.
This style of praise on the dullest of all versifiers, was
adopted at the time, but has not descended to ours. The
style of du Bartas is incorrect, quaint, and vulgar; his
descriptions are given under the most disgusting images.
In his figures, the head is the lodging of the understanding; the eyes are two shining casements, or twin stars;
the nose, the gutter or the chimney; the teeth, a double
pallisade, serving as a mill to the open gullet; the hands,
the chambermaids of nature, the bailiffs of the mind, and
the caterers of the body; the bones, the posts, the beams, and
the columns of this tabernacle of flesh. We have several
other works by the seigneur du Bartas. The most extraordinary is a little poem, composed to greet the queen of
Navarre on making her entry into Nerac. Three nymphs
contend for the honour of saluting her majesty. The
first delivers her compliments in Latin, the second in
French, and the third in Gascon verses. Du Bartas, however, though a bad poet, was a good man. Whenever
the military service and his other occupations left any leisure time, he retired to the chateau de Bartas, far from
the tumult of arms and business. He wished for nothing
more than to be forgotten, in order that he might apply
more closely to study, which he testifies at the conclusion
of the third day of his week. Modesty and sincerity
formed the character of du Bartas, according to the account of him by the president de Thou. “I know (says that famous historian) that some critics find his style extremely figurative, bombastic, and full of gasconades. For
my part,
” adds he, “who have long known the candour of
his manners, and who have frequently discoursed with
him, when, during the civil wars, I travelled in Guienne
with him, I can affirm that I never remarked any thing of
the kind in the tenor of his behaviour; and, notwithstanding his great reputation, he always spoke with singular modesty of himself and his works.
” His book of the “Week,
whatever may now be thought of it, was attended with a
success not inferior to that of the best performances.
Within the space of five or six years, upwards of thirty
editions were printed of it. It found in all places, commentators, abbreviators, translators, imitators, and adversaries. His works were collected and printed in 1611,
folio, at Paris, by Rigaud. His “Week,
” and other
poems, were translated into English by Joshua Sylvester,
1605, 4to, and have been frequently reprinted, although
not of late years.
, a native of Dunkirk, an eminent naval hero, was the son of an humble fisherman, and was born in 1651. Before
, a native of Dunkirk, an eminent naval
hero, was the son of an humble fisherman, and was born
in 1651. Before the year 1675, he was famous for a variety of acts no less singular than valiant, to particularize
which would take up too much of our room. His courage
having been signalised on a variety of occasions, he was
appointed in 1692 to the command of a squadron consisting
of seven frigates and a fire-ship. The harbour of Dunkirk was then blocked up by thirty-two ships of war,
English and Dutch. He found means to pass this fleet,
and the next day took four English vessels, richly freighted,
and bound for the port of Archangel. He then proceeded
to set fire to eighty-six sail of merchant ships of various
burdens. He next made a descent on the coast of England, near Newcastle, where he burnt two hundred houses,
and brought into Dunkirk prizes to the amount of 500,000
crowns. About the close of the same year, 1692, being
on a cruise to the north with three men of war, he fell in
with a Dutch fleet of merchant ships loaded with corn,
under convoy of three ships of war; Barth attacked them,
captured one of them, after having put the others to flight,
which he then chased, and made himself master of sixteen
of their number. In 1693, he had the command of the
Glorieux, of sixty-six guns, to join the naval armament
commanded by Tourville, which surprised the fleet of
Smyrna. Barth, being separated from the rest of the
fleet by a storm, had the fortune to fall in with six Dutch
vessels, hear to Foro, all richly laden; some of these he
burnt, and drove the rest ashore. This active and indefatigable seaman set sail a few months afterwards with six
men of war, for convoying to France, from the port of
Velker, a fleet loaded with corn, and conducted it successfully into Dunkirk, though the English and the Dutch
had sent three ships of the line to intercept it. In the
spring of 1694 he sailed with the same ships, in order to
return to Velker to intercept a fleet loaded with corn.
This fleet had already left the port, to the number of a
hundred sail and upwards, under escort of three Danish
and Swedish ships. It was met between the Texel and
the Vice, by the vice-admiral of Friesland. Hidde, who
commanded a squadron composed of eight ships of war,
had already taken possession of the fleet. But on the
morrow, Earth came up with him at the height of the
Texel; and, though inferior in numbers and weight of
metal, retook all the prizes, with the vice-admiral, and
two other ships. This brilliant action procured him a
patent of nobility. Two years afterwards, in 1696, Barth
occasioned again a considerable loss to the Dutch, by capturing a part of their fleet, which he met at about six
leagues from the Vlee. His squadron consisted of eight
vessels of war, and several privateers; and the Dutch fleet
of two hundred sail of merchant ships, escorted by a number of frigates. Barth attacked it with vigour, and boarding
the commander himself, took thirty merchant ships and
four of the convoy, suffering only a trifling loss. He was,
however, unable to complete his triumph. Meeting almost
immediately with twelve Dutch men of war, convoying a
fleet to the north, he was obliged to set fire to his prizes,
to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy, and
himself escaped only by being in a fast-sailing ship.
This celebrated mariner died at Dunkirk the 27th of April
1702, of a pleurisy, at the age of 51. Without patrons,
and without any thing to trust to but himself, he became
chef d'escadre, after having passed through the several
inferior ranks. He was tall in stature, robust, well made,
though of a rough and clumsy figure. He could neither
write nor read; having only learnt to subscribe his name.
He spoke little, and incorrectly; ignorant of the manners
of polite companies, he expressed and conducted himself
on all occasions like a sailor. When the chevalier de
Forbin brought him to court in 1691, the wits of Versailles
said to one another: “Come, let us go and see the chevalier de Forbin with his led-bear.
” In order to be very
fine on that occasion, he appeared in a pair of breeches
of gold tissue, lined with silver tissue; and, on coming
away, he complained that his court-dress had scrubbed
hiui so thut he was almost flaved. Louis XIV, having
ordered him into his presence, said to him: “John Barth,
I have just now appointed you chef-d'escadre.
” “You
have done very well, sir,
” returned the sailor. This
answer having occasioned a burst of laughter among the
courtiers, Louis XIV. took it in another manner. “You
are mistaken, gentlemen,
” said he, “on the meaning of the
answer of John Barth; it is that of a man who knows his
own value, and intends to give me fresh proofs of it.
Barth, in fact, was nobody, except when on board his
ship; and there he was more fitted for a bold action than
for any project of much extent. In 1780, a life of this
celebrated commander was published in 2 vols. 12mo, at
, an eminent French writer, was born at Cassis, a sea-port in Provence, the 20th Jan. 1716.
, an eminent French writer, was born at Cassis, a sea-port in Provence, the 20th Jan. 1716. His family had been long established at Aubagne, in that neighbourhood, where it had been universally respected. His mother, the daughter of a merchant at Cassis, he lost at the age of four years. When he arrived at the age of twelve years, he was sent to school at Marseilles, whence he was transferred to the seminary of the Jesuits, where he received the tonsure. While witli the Jesuits, he formed a plan of study for himself, independent of the professors of the college, and applied with unwholesome sedulity to the study of Greek, Hebrew, Chaldean, and Syriac, by which he for some time lost his health, and nearly his life. At the beginning of this arduous course of study, he became acquainted with a young Maronite, who had been educated at Home, but was then resident at Marseilles, from whom he acquired a fundamental knowledge of the Arabic language, and learned to speak it with facility. By the advice of this person he committed to memory several Arabic sermons, which he delivered to a congregation of Arabian and Armenian Catholics, who were ignorant of the French language.
At the outset of these pursuits, when he was about twenty-one years of age, some merchants of Marseilles
At the outset of these pursuits, when he was about twenty-one years of age, some merchants of Marseilles came to him with a kind of beggar, who had made his appearance on 'change, giving himself out for a Jewish rabbi, learned but distressed, and who boldly challenged to have his pretensions investigated by some Oriental scholar. Our author endeavoured to evade the task, by representing, that his mode of study could at most enable him to read, but not at all to converse in the dialects of the East; but there was no resisting. The Jew began to repeat the first Psalm in Hebrew. Our author recognized it, stopped him at the end of the first verse, and addressed him with one of the colloquial phrases from his Arabic Grammar. The Jew then repeated the second verse, and our author another phrase; and so on to the end of the Psalm, which comprised the whole scriptural knowledge of the rabbi. Our author closed the conference with another sentence in Arabic, and, with more good nature than strict propriety, said, that he saw no reason to intercept the intended charity of the merchants. The Jew, delighted beyond expectation, declared, that he had travelled over Turkey and Egypt, but had no where met with the equal of this young theologian; who acquired prodigious honour by this ridiculous adventure. In vain he endeavoured to tell the story fairly; every one chose the marvellous colouring; he was extolled as a prodigy; and his reputation established at Marseilles.
selected our author as an associate in the care and arrangement of the cabinet, and his appointment was confirmed by Mons. de Maurepas, minister of that department.
In 1744-he went to Paris, carrying a letter with him to Mons. de Boze, keeper of the royal medals, a learned man, whose age and infirmities predisposing him to retire from labour, he selected our author as an associate in the care and arrangement of the cabinet, and his appointment was confirmed by Mons. de Maurepas, minister of that department. Our author lost no time in arranging in perfect order the large and valuable collection of Mons. D'Etrees and the abbe llothelin, which had remained in a very confused state. These he separated, compared, and described in a supplementary catalogue. At this time his career in these pursuits was threatened with an interruption. His friend and countryman, Mons. de Bausset, had engaged to promote him in the church, and being now bishop of Beziers, invited him to accept the office of vicar-general. Having promised to follow the fortunes of his friend, our author had no intention of retracting his engagement; but wishing to be released from it, he submitted his thoughts on the subject to the bishop, who with great kindness discharged him from the obligations he held himself under, and left him to follow the bent of his inclinations. In 1747 he was elected associate of the academy of inscriptions, and in 1753, on the death of M. de Boze, with whom he had been associate seven years, he was made keeper of the cabinet of medals, to which office he was promoted, notwithstanding some considerable opposition.
ccompany him to Italy, an offer which his official duty induced him to decline. In 1755, however, he was enabled to take this journey with his friend Mons. de Cotte,
The succeeding year Mons. de Stainville, afterwards duke de Choiseul, being appointed ambassador at Rome, invited our author to accompany him to Italy, an offer which his official duty induced him to decline. In 1755, however, he was enabled to take this journey with his friend Mons. de Cotte, and his residence in Italy was rendered particularly agreeable by the continuance of Mons. cle Stainville there, who introduced him to the celebrated pope Benedict XIV. At Naples he became acquainted with Mazocchi, who was employed in the task of unfolding the numerous ancient manuscripts that had been found in Herculaneum. So little success had attended this undertaking at that period, that it would probably have been abandoned, but for the encouragement given to the prosecution of it by our author. It is related as a proof of the extent of his memory, that having applied in vain for liberty to copy one of these manuscripts, in order to send a fac-simile of the ancient hand-writing to France, and being only suffered to examine it, he read it over attentively five or six times, and suddenly leaving the apartment, copied the fragment from memory, and correcting when he came back some slight errors, he sent it the same day to the academy of belles lettres, enjoining secrecy, that no blame might attach to Mazocchi. While at Rome he gave a new and satisfactory explanation of the beautiful mosaic of Palestina, afterwards pri >ted in the Transactions of the Academy of Inscriptions.
ur author joined him there, with madame de Stainville, who had remained behind at Rome, and an offer was made him to undertake a voyage to Greece, and up the Levant,
In 1757, Mons. de Stainville returned to Paris, and being appointed to the embassy of Vienna, our author joined
him there, with madame de Stainville, who had remained
behind at Rome, and an offer was made him to undertake
a voyage to Greece, and up the Levant, at the king’s expense; but he declined the undertaking, on the same
ground as he had avoided a former proposal, as being incompatible with the duties of his office. In this place, we
may observe, that he has shewn his gratitude to his patron,
M. de Stainville, and his lady, by describing them in the
“Travels of Anacharsis,
” under the names of Arsames and
seul, and principal of the king’s ministers, in the room of cardinal de Bernis, our author, in 1758, was amply provided for, first hy pensions on the archbishopric of
Through the means of this patron, then become duke of Choiseul, and principal of the king’s ministers, in the room of cardinal de Bernis, our author, in 1758, was amply provided for, first hy pensions on the archbishopric of the Abbey and the treasure of St. Martin of Tours, and afterwards by the place of secretary-general of the Swiss; besides which he enjoyed a pension of 5000 livres on the Mercure. His attachment to his patron was highly honourable to him. In 1771, on the dismission of the duke de Choiseul, and his banishment to Chanteloup, our author did not hesitate to follow him: and when that minister was compelled to resign the office of general of the Swiss, he would have given up his place of secretary immediately, if his patron had not interfered. He went, however, to Paris, and offered the surrender of his brevet to the count d‘Affry, who refused to accept it, being willing to protect our author if he would give up his friend. This he, positively refused to do: upon which M. d’Affry, much to his honour, accepted the resignation, granting him 10,000 livres out of the annual profits of the place, and Barthelemi set off next day for Chanteloup.
Barthelemi was now in possession of a considerable income, not less than 35,000
Barthelemi was now in possession of a considerable income, not less than 35,000 livres per annum, and this he
employed in a manner highly commendable. Ten thousand
he distributed to men of letters in distress, and the remainder he enjoyed with great liberality. He took under his
protection three of his nephews, and settled and established them in the world. He promoted the welfare also
of the rest of his family which remained in Provence, and
he collected a numerous and valuable library, which he
disposed of some time before his death. In 1788, he published his celebrated work, “The Travels of Anacharsis
the Younger in Greece,
” the excellence of which it is unnecessary to point out, as the repeated editions of the
English translation have made it familiar in this country. In
1789 he was prevailed upon to accept the vacant seat in
the French academy, which he had before declined. In
1790, on the resignation of M. Le Noir, librarian to the
king, that post was offered to our author by M. de St.
Priest. He declined it, however, as interfering with his
literary pursuits, being then preparing for the press a work
he had long meditated, a Catalogue Kaisonnee of the rich
cabinet he had long had under his care. In the execution
of this project he was defeated by the unhappy circumstances of the times, which pressed very severely upon him
in other respects. His places and appointments, by the
madness of the moment, were suppressed, and he was at
the close of his life reduced to great difficulties. Still,
however, he was never known to complain, and might be
seen daily traversing the streets of Paris on foot, bent
double with age and infirmity, making his accustomed visits
to madame De Choiseul.
to fainting fits, which deprived him of his senses for many hours together. This state of imbecility was rendered more unhappy. On the 30th of August 1793, he, with
In the year 1792, a visible change took place in his constitution; his health declined, and he became subject to fainting fits, which deprived him of his senses for many hours together. This state of imbecility was rendered more unhappy. On the 30th of August 1793, he, with his nephew and six other persons belonging to the public library, were denounced under pretence of aristocracy, by persons to whom he was an titter stranger. Being then at madame de Choiseul’s, he was removed from her house, and conducted to the prison called Les Magdelonettes. Though, from his great age and bodily infirmities, he was sensible he could not long survive the severity of confinement, stijl he submitted to his fate with that calmness and serenity of mind which innocence only can inspire. So great was the estimation in which he was held, that in prison every attention was paid to his convenience. A separate chamber was allotted to him and his nephew, where they received, on the evening of their imprisonment, an early visit from madame de Choiseul. By her interference, aided by some others, the order for his arrest was revoked, and before midnight he was released and carried back to her house, from whence he had been taken. To compensate, in some degree, for the insult offered him (for even the wretches then in power could not divest themselves of all sense of shame), he in October following was proposed on the execution of Carra, and the resignation of Champfort, to succeed the former as principal librarian; but he chose to decline it, on account of his age and infirmities. These last increased visibly, and about the beginning of 1795, being, then in his eightieth year, his decease appeared visibly approaching, and it was probably hastened by the extreme severity of the season. He died on the 25th of April, with little corporal suffering, preserving his senses so entirely to the lust, that he was reading Horace, in company with his nephew, two hours before his death, and was probably unconscious of his approaching fate.
His person was tall, and of good proportion, and the structure of his frame
His person was tall, and of good proportion, and the
structure of his frame seemed well adapted to support the
vigorous exertions of his mind. Houdon, an artist of merit, has finished an excellent bust of him. “He leaves,
says his biographer, “each of his relations a father to bewail, his friends an irreparable loss to regret, the learned
of all countries an example to follow, and the men of all
times a model to imitate.
one by Didot, and translations into English, and other languages. 5. About the time of his death he was preparing a vast medallic history, under the title of “Paleographie
The works of the abbe Barthelemi, published separately,
are, 1. “Les Amours de' Carite et de Polydore,
” a romance
translated from the Greek, Lettres sur quelques monumens Pheniciens,
” Entretiens sur I'etat de la Musique Grecque au quatrieme siecle,
” Voyage du jeune Anacharsis,
” already mentioned, of which there have been various editions of the original, particularly a superb one by
Didot, and translations into English, and other languages.
5. About the time of his death he was preparing a vast
medallic history, under the title of “Paleographie numismatique,
” 3 vols. fol. 6. “Discours prononce
” a l'academie Franchise,“1789, 4to. 7.
” Voyage in Italic,“1801,
8vo. S.
” Dissertation sur une inscription Greque, relative aux finances des Atheniens,“1792, 8vo. 9.
” CEuvres
diverses," published by Sainte Croix, 1798, 2 vols. 8vo.
Besides these he wrote many papers on subjects of classical
antiquity in the Memoirs of the Academy, vol. X. to LXXX.
, a French physician and medical writer, was born Dec. 1734, at Montpellier, and discovered in his earliest
, a French physician and medical writer, was born Dec. 1734,
at Montpellier, and discovered in his earliest years a noble
ardour for study, particularly of the languages, both ancient and modern, which laid the foundation for that extensive and various knowledge for which he was afterwards
distinguished. Having at length given the preference to
medicine as a profession, he applied himself to that art
under the ablest masters; and such was his proficiency, that
he obtained his doctor’s degree in 1753, when only nineteen
years of age. In 1756 he was crowned by the academy
of inscriptions and belles lettres at Paris, having been before,
in 1754, appointed physician to the military hospital in
Normandy. During this service he made many observations and inquiries, which were published in the Memoirs
of the academy of sciences. In 1757 he was sent to the
army in Westphalia, with the rank of consulting physician,
and in 1761 he was appointed professor of medicine at
Moutpellier, where he became as celebrated as Boerhaave
at Ley den, Stahl at Hall, or Cullen at Edinburgh, giving
such a new direction to the medical studies as to create an
important epoch in the history of that school. Here he
filled the professor’s chair for twenty years, with the
highest reputation. In 1775, he was named joint chancellor of the faculty of Montpellier, and in 1786 obtained the
full title of chancellor. About six years before, he had
been appointed member of the court of accounts and finance, and some time before that, physician to the duke
of Orleans. About the time that he visited Paris, and
formed an intimacy with the leading men in the learned
world, particularly d'Alembert and Malesherbes, he became, a member of the academy of sciences of Paris, Berlin, Gottingen, and Stockholm. At length he was chosen
corresponding member of the national institute of France,
and professor, honorary and actual, of the new school of
medicine at Montpellier, physician to the French government, and consulting physician to the emperor. He died
at Paris, Oct. 15, 1806, aged seventy-two. His works,
according to the Dict. Historique, are various medical
theses and dissertations, memoirs published by various academies, particularly that of Paris, in the years 1799 and
1801; and, 1. “La nouvelle mecanique de l'homme et des
” L'Histoire des maladies goutteuses,
Paris, Discours sur le genie d'Hippocrate,
pronounced in the school of Montpellier. 4. “Traite sur
le Beau,
” a posthumous work. In Fourcroy’s catalogue
we find another publication attributed to him, under the
title of “Elnathan, ou les ages de Phomme, trad, du Chaldeen,
, a very learned and voluminous writer, was born at Custrin in Brandenburg, June 22, 1587. His father was
, a very learned and voluminous
writer, was born at Custrin in Brandenburg, June 22, 1587.
His father was professor of civil law at Franc fort upon the
Oder, councillor to the elector of Brandenburg, and his
chancellor at Custrin. Having discovered in his son very
early marks of genius, he provided him with proper masters;
but:ie enjoyed only a little time the pleasure of seeing the
fruits of his care, for he died in 1597. Mr. Baiilet has inserted Caspar in his “Enfans celebres;
” where he tells us,
that, at twelve years of age, he translated David’s psalms
into Latin verse of every measure, and published several
Latin poems. Upon the death of his father he was sent to
Gotha, then to Eisenach, and afterwards, according to
custom, went through the different universities in Germany.
When he had finished his studies, he began his travels;
he visited Italy, France, Spain, England, and Holland,
improving himself by the conversation and works of the
learned in every country. He studied the modern as well
as ancient languages, and his translations from the Spanish
and French shew that he was not content with a superficial
knowledge. Upon his return to Germany, to took up his
residence at Leipsic, where he led a retired life, his passion for study having made him renounce all sort of employment; so that as he devoted his whole time to books,
we need he the less surprised at the vast number which he
imself on having written two hundred and seventy-eight hexameters in two days, adds, that he himself was not ignorant of what it is to make a great many verses in a
Barthius, in his comment on Statius, after noticing that
that poet congratulated himself on having written two hundred and seventy-eight hexameters in two days, adds, that
he himself was not ignorant of what it is to make a great many
verses in a short time, as he translated into Latin the first three
books of the Iliad, which contain above two thousand verses,
in three days. In 1607, he published, at Wittemberg, a collection of “Juvenilia;
” containing all the poems which he
wrote from the thirteenth to the nineteenth year of his
age. When only sixteen he wrote a treatise, or dissertation, on the manner of reading to advantage the Latin authors, which shows that his own reading was as judicious
as extensive, and both far exceeding what could be expected at that age. This piece is inserted in the 50th book,
of his “Adversaria.
” His other works were, 1. “Zodiacus
vitae Christianse,
” Francfort, Epidorpidon ex mero
Scazonte Libri III. in quibus bona pars humanse Sapientise
metro explicatur,
” ibid. 1623. 3. “Tarraeus Hebius,
” Epigrams, divided into thirty books, and dedicated to king
James, date not mentioned. 4. “Amabiiium Anacreonte
” Adversaria,
” fol. Francfort,
, an eminent physician, was born Feb. 12, 1585, at Malmoe or Malmuylin in Scandinavia, where
, an eminent physician, was born Feb. 12, 1585, at Malmoe or Malmuylin in Scandinavia, where his father was a Lutheran divine. In his third year, it is said, he could read with ease, and at thirteen he composed Greek and Latin orations, and pronounced them in public, and at eighteen, he went to study in the university of Copenhagen. In 1603 he removed to Rostock, and thence to Wirtemberg. He continued three years in this last place, where he applied himself to philosophy and divinity with so much assiduity, that he rose always before break of day, and went to bed very late. When he had finished his studies, he took his degree of master of arts in 1607.
Naples particularly they solicited him to be anatomical professor, but he declined it. In France he was offered the Greek professorship at Sedan, which he also refused.
Bartholine now began his travels; and, after having
gone through part of Germany, Flanders, and Holland, he
passed over to England, whence he removed to Germany,
iii order to proceed to Italy. After his departure from
Wirtemberg, he had made physic his principal study, and
neglected nothing to improve himself in the different universities through which he passed. He received everywhere marks of respect at Naples particularly they solicited him to be anatomical professor, but he declined it.
In France he was offered the Greek professorship at Sedan,
which he also refused. After he had travelled as far as the
frontiers of Spain, he returned to Italy, in order to perfect
himself in the practice of medicine. He went from thence
to Padua, where he applied with great care to anatomy
and dissection. After some stay in this place he removed
to Basil, where he had studied physic some time before;
and here he received his doctor’s degree in physic in 1610.
He next went to Wirtemberg and Holland, and intended
to have extended his travels still farther, had he not been
appointed professor of the Latin tongue at Copenhagen;
but he did not enjoy this long; for, at the end of six
months, in 1613, he was chosen professor of medicine,
which was much more adapted to his talents and disposition. He held this professorship eleven years, when he
fell into an illness, which made him despair of life: in this
extremity he made a vow, that if he was restored to health,
he would apply himself to no other study than that of divinity. He recovered, and kept his promise. Conrad
Aslach, the professor of divinity, dying some years after
Caspar was appointed his successor, the 12th of March
1624; the king also gave him the canonry of Roschild.
He died of a violent colic, the 13th of July 1629, at Sora,
whither he had gone to conduct his eldest son. His works
are, 1. “Problematum philosophicorum et medicorum miscellaneae observationes,
” Opuscula quatuor singularia, de lapide nephritico, &c.
” Hafniye, Anatomicac institutiones,
” Controversial Anatomicat,
” Syntagma medicum et chirurgicum de cauteriis,
” Enchiridion physicum,
” Systema physicum,
Manuductio ad veram phycologiam ex sacr.
litter. &c.
, son of the preceding, and likewise a celebrated physician, was born at Copenhagen the 20th Oct. 1616. After some years education
, son of the preceding, and likewise a celebrated physician, was born at Copenhagen the 20th Oct. 1616. After some years education in his pwn country, he went to Leydcn in 1637, where he studied physic for three years. He travelled next to France; and resided two years at Paris and Montpellier, in order to improve himself under the famous physicians of these two universities. He went from thence to Italy, and continued three years at Padua, where he was treated with great honour and respect, and was made a member of the IncogiutL by John Francis Loredan. After having visited most parts of Italy, he went to Malta, from that to Padua, and then to Basil, where he received his doctor’s degree in physic, the 14th of Oct. 1645. The year following he returned to his native country, where he did not remain long without employment; for, upon the death of Christopher Longomontan us, professor of mathematics at Copenhagen, he was appointed his successor in 1647. In 1648 he was named to the anatomical chair; an employment more suited to his genius and inclination, which he discharged with great assiduity for thirteen years. His intense application having rendered his constitution very infirm, he resigned his chair in 1661, and the king of Denmark allowed him the title of honorary professor. He retired to a little estate he had purchased at Hagested, near Copenhagen, where he intended to spend the remainder of his days in peace and tranquillity. An unlucky accident, however, disturbed him in his retreat: his house took fire in 1670, and his library was destroyed, with all his books and manuscripts. In consideration of this loss, the king appointed him his physician, with a handsome salary, and exempted his land from all taxes. The university of Copenhagen, likewise, touched with his misfortune, appointed him their librarian; and in 1675 the king honoured him still farther, by giving him a seat in the grand council of Denmark. He died the 4th of Pec. 1680, leaving a family of five sons and three daughters. Gaspard, one of the sons, succeeded him in the anatomical chair; another was counsellor-secretary to the king, and professor of antiquities; John was professor of theology; Christopher, of mathematics; and Thomas, mentioned hereafter, professor of history. Margaret, one of the daughters of this learned family, acquired considerable fame for her poetical talents.
the universities of Copenhagen, Leyden, Oxford, Paris, Leipsic, and at London. On his return home he was appointed professor of history and civil law, and held the offices
, son of the preceding, became eminent in the science of jurisprudence, in the prosecution of which he studied at the universities of Copenhagen, Leyden, Oxford, Paris, Leipsic, and at London.
On his return home he was appointed professor of history
and civil law, and held the offices of assessor of the consistory, secretary, antiquary, and keeper of the royal archives.
He died Nov. 5, 1690. He published, 1. “De Holgero
” De Longobardis,
” De equestris ordinis Danebrogici a Christiano V. instaurati origine,
” fol. 4: “De causis mortis a Danis gentilibus contemptae.
” 5. “Antiquit. Danic. libri tres,
, one of the sons of Caspar, was boru Aug. 13, 1625, at Roschilcl. After pursuing his studies
, one of the sons of Caspar,
was boru Aug. 13, 1625, at Roschilcl. After pursuing his
studies at Copenhagen, he travelled from 1646 to 1657,
through England, France, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands. In 1654 he was admitted to the degree of doctor at
Padua, and on his return to Denmark he was appointed
professor of medicine and geometry. The time of his
death we have no where been able to discover. He published, 1. “De figuranivis dissertatio,
” Hafniae, De cometis anni 1664 et 1665,
” ibid. Experimenta crystali Islandici disdiaclasti,
” De naturae mirabilibus, quoestiones academics:,
, a pious and learned Dominican, and archbishop of Braga in Portugal, was born in May, 1514, in the city of Lisbon. His father’s name
, a pious and
learned Dominican, and archbishop of Braga in Portugal,
was born in May, 1514, in the city of Lisbon. His father’s
name was Dominic Fernandez; but as the son happened to
be baptised in the church of our Lady of the Martyrs, he
adopted this last name instead of that of his family. In
1528 he took the habit of the order of St. Dominic, and
after arriving at his doctor’s degree, was appointed preceptor to Don Antonio, son of the infant Don Lewis, brother of
king John III. For twenty years also he taught divinity,
and acquired such a character for sanctity and talents, that
on a vacancy for the archbishopric of Braga, Bartholomew
was universally recommended; but he persisted for a long
time in refusing it, until threatened with excommunication.
Nor was this reluctance affected, for he had such a fixed
repugnance against undertaking this high charge, that the
compulsion employed threw him into a disorder from which
it was thought he could not recover. When it abated, however, he went to his diocese, and began to exercise his
functions in the most exemplary manner. In 1561 he was
present at the council of Trent, under pope Pius IV. where
he discovered such knowledge and spirit as to acquire general esteem. It was he who advised the fathers of this
council to begin business by a reformation of the clergy;
and when some of the bishops demanded if he meant to
extend his reform to the most illustrious cardinals, he replied, that those “most illustrious
” cardinals stood very
much in need of a “most illustrious
” reformation. In
1563 he went with cardinal de Lorraine to Rome, where the
pope received him with every mark of esteem and confidence. Here he spoke his mind on ecclesiastical abuses
with great freedom, and observing the custom in one of
their assemblies, that the bishops stood uncovered, while
the cardinals sat covered, he remonstrated with the pope so
effectually, that this affront to the episcopal dignity was no
longer tolerated. His principal motive, however, for this
journey to Rome, was to obtain leave to resign his archbishopric; but the pope refused, on which he returned to
Trent, and as soon as the council was over, went to Braga,
where he remained until the pontificate of Gregory XIII.
who at length accepted his resignation. After this he led a
retired life, entirely occupied in acts of charity and devotion. He died in the convent of Viana, July 16, 1590, in
the seventy-seventh year of his age. His works were published at Rome, 1744, 2 vols. fol. and consist of pious treatises, and an itinerary of his travels, in which we discover
much of the excellence of his character. M. le Maitre de
Saci published his life in 4to and 12mo, 1664. He was
beatified by pope Clement XIV. in 1773.
, a learned and laborious Jesuit, was born at Ferrara in 1608. After having professed the art of rhetoric,
, a learned and laborious Jesuit,
was born at Ferrara in 1608. After having professed the
art of rhetoric, and for a long time devoted himself to
preaching, his superiors fixed him at Home in 1650. From
that period till his death he published a great number of
works, as well historical as others, all in the Italian language.
The most known and the most considerable is a history of
his society, printed at Rome, from 1650 to 1673, in 6 vols,
folio; translated into Latin by father Giannini, and printed
at Lyons in 1666 et seq. All his other works, the historical
excepted, were collected and published at Venice in 1717,
3 vols. in 4to. Both the one and the other are much
esteemed, no less for their matter, than for the purity, the
precision, and the elevation of their diction; and this Jesuit is regarded by his countrymen as one of the purest
writers of the Italian language. Haller praises his philosophical works, and Dr. Burney that on Harmony,
published at Bologna, 1680, under the title “Del Suono
de Tremori Armonici e dell' Udito,
” a truly scientific and
ingenious work, in which are several discoveries in harmonics, that have been pursued by posterior writers on the
subject. He died at Rome, Jan. 13, 1685, at the age of
seventy-seven, after having signalized himself as much by
his virtues as by his literary attainments.
, or Bartholus, an eminent lawyer, was born in 1313, at Saxo Ferrato, in the march of Ancona. He studied
, or Bartholus, an eminent lawyer, was
born in 1313, at Saxo Ferrato, in the march of Ancona.
He studied law under the ablest masters at Perugia and
Bologna; and when the university of Pisa was founded, he
was appointed one of its professors, although then only in
his twenty-sixth year. After remaining here eight or nine
years, he left Pisa for a professor’s chair at Perugia, where
he was honoured with the title and privileges of a citizen.
In 1355, when the emperor Charles IV. came to Italy,
Bartolo was appointed to make him a complimentary address at Pisa. Taking advantage of so favourable an opportunity, he obtained for that infant university the same
privileges enjoyed by more ancient establishments of the
kind; and the emperors bestowed many favours on Bartolo
himself, particularly his permission to use the arms of the
kings of Bohemia. Some authors are of opinion that these
honours were conferred upon him on account of the famous
Golden Bull, which Charles published the year after, and
in preparing which he had availed himself of Bartolo’s assistance. ButBartolo did not enjoy his honours long: on his
return to Perugia he died, according to the most probable
account, in his forty-sixth year. So short a life seems inadequate to the extensive learning he is acknowledged
to have accumulated, and particularly to the voluminous
works which he published. Gravina, who does ample justice to his learning, censures him for the introduction of
those subtleties which obscured the study of the civil law;
and from the specimen given by his biographers, of a cause
between the Virgin Mary and the Devil, gravely argued in
his works, we have perhaps now reason to rank him among
the deservedly forgotten quibblers of the fourteenth century. In his own days, however, he reached the highest
possible height of reputation; he was honoured with the
epithets of the “star and luminary of lawyers,
” “the master of truth,
” “the lanthern of equity,
” “the guide of the
” &c. His works were printed at Venice,
, a Cistercian monk, born at Celano in the kingdom of Naples in 1613, was professor of the Hebrew tongue at the college of the Neophytes
, a Cistercian monk, born at
Celano in the kingdom of Naples in 1613, was professor of
the Hebrew tongue at the college of the Neophytes and
Transmarins at Rome, from 1651 to the time of his death,
Nov. 1, 1687, aged seventy-four. There is by him a Bibliotheca Rabbinica, entitled “Bibliotheca magna rabbinica
de scriptoribus et scriptis Hebra'icis, ordine alphabetico
Hebraice et Latine digestis;
” in folio, 4 vols. Rom. 1675.
Father Charles Joseph Imbonati, one of his disciples, added
a fifth volume, under the title of “Bibliotheca Latino-Hebraica.
” Jvi. Simon allows that Bartolocci possessed a
great fund of Rabbinical learning, but was deficient in
sacred criticism, and in strict impartiality, and that his
work, in order to be made really useful, should be abridged
into a single volume.
, commonly called “The holy-Maid of Kent,” a religious impostor in the reign of Henry VIII. was a servant at Aldington in Kent, and had long been troubled with
, commonly called “The holy-Maid of Kent,
” a religious impostor in the reign of Henry
VIII. was a servant at Aldington in Kent, and had long
been troubled with convulsions, which distorted her limbs
and countenance, and threw her body into the most violent
agitations; and the effect of the disorder was such, that,
even after she recovered, she could counterfeit the same
appearance. Masters, the minister of Aldington, with
other ecclesiastics, thinking her a proper instrument for
their purpose, persuaded her to pretend, that what she
said and did was by a supernatural impulse, and taught her
to act her part in a manner well calculated to deceive the
public. Sometimes she counterfeited a trance; then coming to herself, after many strange contortions, would break
out into pious ejaculations, hymns, and prayers, sometimes
delivering herself in set speeches, sometimes in uncouth
monkish rhymes. She pretended to be honoured with visions and relations, to hear heavenly voices, and the most
ravishing melody. She declaimed against the wickedness
of the times, against heresy and innovations, exhorting the
people to frequent the church, to hear masses, to use frequent confessions, and to pray to our lady and all the saints.
All this artful management, together with great exterior
piety, virtue, and austerity of life, not only deceived the
vulgar, but many far above the vulgar, such as sir Thomas
More, bishop Fisher, and archbishop Warham, the last of
whom appointed commissioners to examine her. She was
now instructed to say, in her counterfeit trances, that the
blessed Virgin had appeared to her, and assured her that
she should never recover, till she went to visit her image,
in a chapel dedicated to her in the parish of Aldington.
Thither she accordingly repaired, processionally and in
pilgrimage, attended by above three thousand people and
many persons of quality of both sexes. There she fell into one of her trances, and uttered many things in honour of
the saints and the popish religion; for herself she said, that
by the inspiration of God she was called to be a nun, and
that Dr. Bocking was to be her ghostly father. This Dr.
Bocking was a canon of Christ church in Canterbury, and an
associate in carrying on the imposture. In the mean time
the archbishop was so satisfied with the reports made to
him about her, as to order her to be put into the nunnery
of St. Sepulchre, Canterbury, where she pretended to have
frequent inspirations and visions, and also to work miracles
for all such as would make a profitable vow to our lady at
the chapel in the parish of Aldington. Her visions and
revelations were also carefully collected and inserted in a
book, by a monk called Deering.
The priests, her managers, having thus succeeded in the
imposture, now proceeded to the great object of it;
Elizabeth Barton was directed publicly to announce, howGod had revealed to her, that “in case the king should
divorce queen Catherine of Arragon, and take another
wife during her life, his royalty would not be of a month’s
duration, but he should die the death of a villain.
” Bishop
Fisher, and others, in the interest of the queen, and of the
Romish religion, hearing of this, held frequent meetings
with the nun and her accomplices, and at the same time
seduced many persons from their allegiance, particularly
the fathers and nuns of Sion, the Charter-house, and
Sheen, and some of the observants of Richmond, Greenwich, and Canterbury. One Peto, preaching before the
king at Greenwich, denounced heavy judgments upon him
to his face, telling him that “he had been deceived by
many lying prophets’, while himself, as a true' Micaiah,
warned him that the dogs should lick his blood, as they had
licked the blood of Ahab.
” Henry bore this outrageous
insult with a moderation not very usual with him; but, to
undeceive the people, he appointed Dr. Cunvin to preach
before him the Sunday following, who justified the king’s
proceedings, and branded Peto with the epithets of “rebel, slanderer, dog, and traitor.
” Cur win, however, was
interrupted by a friar, and called “a lying prophet, who
sought to establish the succession to the crown by adultery;
” and proceeded with such virulence, that the king
was obliged to interpose, and command him to be silent;
yet though Peto and the friar were afterwards summoned
before the council, they were only reprimanded for their
ring. Thence they were conveyed to the Tower, until the meeting of parliament, when the whole affair was pronounced a conspiracy the king’s life and crown. The nun,
Encouraged by this lenity of the government, the ecclesiastics in this conspiracy resolved to publish the revelations of the nun, in their sermons, throughout the kingdom they had communicated them to thepope’s ambassadors, to whom they also introduced the maid of Kent; and they exhorted queen Catherine to persist in her resolutions. At length this confederacy becoming politically serious, Henry ordered the maid and her accomplices to be examined in the star-chamber. Here they confessed all the particulars of the imposture, and afterwards appeared upon a scaffold erected at St. Paul’s Cross, where the articles of their confession were publicly read in their hearing. Thence they were conveyed to the Tower, until the meeting of parliament, when the whole affair was pronounced a conspiracy the king’s life and crown. The nun, with her confederates, Bocking, Deering, &c. were attainted of high treason, and executed at Tyburn, April 20, 1534; Elizabeth confessed the imposture, laying the blame on her accomplices, the priests, and craving pardon of God and the king.
, an eminent English divine, was born at Wetherslack, in Westmoreland, April 20, 1612. His parents
, an eminent English divine, was
born at Wetherslack, in Westmoreland, April 20, 1612.
His parents were not considerable either for rank or riches;
but were otherwise persons of great merit, and happy in
their family. John, the third son, was intended for the
church, but being sent to school in the neighbourhood,
he lost much time under masters deficient in diligence
and learning. At length he was sent to Sedberg school,
in Yorkshire, where, under the care of a tolerable master,
he gave early marks both of genius and piety. In the
year 1631, and the eighteenth of his age, he was admitted
of St. John’s college, at Cambridge, under the tuition of
Mr. Thomas Fothergill, who proved at once a guardian
and a preceptor, supplying his necessities, as well as instructing him in learning. By this help Mr. Barwick
quickly so distinguished himself, that when a dispute arose
about the election of a master, which at last came to be
heard before the privy-council, the college chose Mr.
Barwick, then little above twenty, to manage for them,
by which he not only became conspicuous in the university, but was also taken notice of at court, and by the
ministry. In 1635 he became B. A. while these affairs
were still depending. April the 5th, 1636, he was created
Fellow, without opposition, and in 1638 he took the degree of M. A. When the civil war broke out, and the
king wrote a letter to the university, acquainting them
that he was in extreme want, Mr. Barwick concurred with
those loyal persons, who first sent him a small supply in
money, and afterwards their college-plate, and upon information that Cromwell, afterwards the protector, lay
with a party of foot at a place called Lower Hedges, between Cambridge and Huntington, in order to make himself master of this small treasure, Mr. Barwick made one
of the party of horse which conveyed it through by-roads
safely to Nottingham, where his majesty had set up his
standard. By this act of loyalty the parliament was so
provoked, that they sent Cromwell with a body of troops
to quarter in the university, where they committed the
most brutal outrages. Mr. Barwick also published a piece
against the covenant, entitled “Certain Disquisitions and
Considerations, representing to the conscience the unlawfuluess of the oath entitled A Solemn League and Covenant for Reformation, &c. as also the insufficiency of
the urgiiments used in the exhortation for taking the said
covenant. Published by command,
” Oxford, distemper, so that
in November, 1662, he was confined to his chamber: he
heightened his disease by officiating at the sacrament the
Christmas-day following, after which he was seized with
a violent vomiting of blood. Upon this he was advised to a change of air, and retired to Therfield in Hertfordshire, of which he was rector, but finding himself
there too far from London, he returned to Chiswick, where
he in some measure recovered his health. As soon as he
found he had a little strength, he applied himself there to
the putting in order the archives of St. Paul’s church, but
this return of active employment was followed by an extraordinary flux of blood, which rendered him very weak,
and defeated his favourite design of retiring to Therfield.
When he first found his health declining, he made choice
of and procured this living, intending to have resigned
his deanery and office of prolocutor, to those who had
vigour enough to discharge them, and to spend the remainder of his days in the discharge of his pastoral office,
to which he thought himself bound by his taking orders.
But coming upon some extraordinary occasion to London,
he was seized with a pleurisy, which carried him off in
three days. He was attended in his last moments by Dr.
Peter Gunning, afterwards bishop of Ely, and as he lived,
so he died, with all the marks of an exemplary piety, on
the 22d of October, 1664, after he had struggled almost
twelve years with this grievous distemper. By hrs will he
bequeathed the greatest part of his estate to charitable
uses, and this with a judgment equal to his piety. His
body was interred in the cathedral of St. Paul’s, with an
epitaph composed by Mr. Samuel Howlet. The character
of Mr. Barwick may be easily collected from the preceding
sketch, but is more fully illustrated in his life published by
Dr. Peter Barwick, a work of great interest and amusement. His printed works are very few. Besides the tract
on the covenant, before mentioned, we have only his
” Life of Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham, and a funeral sermon,“1660, 4to; and
” Deceivers deceived,“a
sermon at St. Paul’s, Oct. 20, 1661,
” 1661, 4to. Many
of his letters to chancellor Hyde are among Thurloe’s State
, physician in ordinary to king Charles II. was brother to the preceding, and born in 1619, at Wetherslack in
, physician in ordinary to king Charles II. was brother to the preceding, and born in 1619, at Wetherslack in Westmoreland. From the same grammar-school as his elder brother, he removed to St. John’s college in Cambridge in 1637, and continued there about six years. In 1642, being then in the twenty-fourth year of his age, he took his degree of bachelor of arts. In 1644, he was nominated by the bishop of Ely, to a fellowship of St. John’s, in his gift, but the usurper being then in power, he never availed himself of it. Probably, indeed, he had left the college before he obtained this presentation, and perhaps about the same time his brother did, which was in the foregoing year. It is uncertain, whether, at that time, he had made any choice of a profession; so that being invited into Leicestershire, in order to become tutor to Ferdinando Sacheverell, esq. of Old Hayes in that county, a young gentleman of great hopes, he readily accepted the proposal, and continued with him for some time. In 1647, he returned to Cambridge, and took his degree of master of arts, applying himself then assiduously to the study of physic, and ahout the same time, Mr. Sacheverell died, and bequeathed our author an annuity of twenty pounds. How he disposed of himself for some years, does not very clearly appear, because he who so elegantly recorded the loyal services of his brother, has studiously concealed his own. It is, however, more than probable, that he was engaged in the service of his sovereign, since it is certain that he was at Worcester in 1651, where he had access to his royal master king Charles II. who testified to him a very kind sense of the fidelity of his family. In 1655, he was created doctor of physic, and two years afterwards, he took a house in St. Paul’s church-yard, and much about the same time, married the widow of Mr. Sayon, an eminent merchant. Being thus settled, he soon gained a very great repute in the city, for his skill in his profession, and among the learned, by his judicious defence of Dr. Harvey’s discovery of the Circulation of the Blood, which was then, and is still, admired as one of the best pieces written upon that subject. At this house he entertained his brother Dr. John Barwick, who repaired at his own expence an oratory he found there, and daily read the service of the established church, and with a few steadyroyalists, prayed for his exiled master. After the restoration in 1660, he was made one of the king’s physicians in ordinary, and in the year following, received a still stronger proof of his majesty’s kind sense of his own and his brother’s services by a grant of arms expressive of their loyalty. In 1666, being compelled by the dreadful fire to remove from St. Paul’s church yard, where, much to his honour, he was one of the few physicians who remained all the time of the plague, and was very active and serviceable in his profession, he took another house near Westminster-abbey, for the sake of being near that cathedral, to which he constantly resorted every morning at six o'clock prayers. He was a very diligent physicum, and remarkably successful in the small-pox, and in most kinds of fevers. Yet he was far from making money the main object of his care; for during the many years that he practised, he not only gave advice and medicines gratis to the poor, but likewise charitably administered to their wants in other respects. In. 1671, he drew up in Latin, which he wrote with unusual elegance and purity, the life of the dean his brother, and took care to deposit it, and the original papers serving to support the facts mentioned, in the library in St. John’s college at Cambridge. Another ms. he gave to Dr. Woodward, and one he left to his family. Twenty years after this, when our author was in the seventy-fourth year of his age, and his eye-sight so much decayed, that he was forced to make use of the hand of a friend, he added an appendix in defence of the Ewwv BacrimKti, against Dr. Walker, who was very well known to him, and of whom in that treatise he has given a very copious account. This piece of his is written with a good deal of asperity, occasioned chiefly by the frequency of scurrilous libels against the memory of Charles I. In 1694, being quite blind, and frequently afflicted with fits of the stone, he gave over practice, and dedicated the remainder of his life to the service of God, and the conversation of a few intimate friends, amongst whom was Dr. Busby, the celebrated master of Westminster-school. He died Sept. 4, the same year, in the eighty-sixth year of his age, and by his own. direction, was interred without any monument, as well as with great privacy, near the body of his dear wife, in the parish church of St. Faith’s, under St. Paul’s. He was a man of a very comely person, equally remarkable for the solidity of his learning, and for a wonderful readiness as well as elegance in expressing it. His piety was sincere, his reputation unspotted, his loyalty and his modesty most exemplary. In all stations of life he was admired and beloved, and of a chearful and serene mind in all situations. He was happy in the universal approbation of all parties, as he was himself charitable to all, and never vehement but in the cause of truth. He left behind him an only daughter, Mary, who married sir Ralph Dutton of Sherbounie in Dorsetshire, bart. The life of his brother was published, in Latin, 1721, 8vo, and in English, with an account of the writer, 1724. Mr. Hilkiah Bedford was editor of both.
, an author of some merit on the subject of education, was born at Hamburgh in 1723. His father appears to have been a
, an author of some merit on the subject of education, was born at Hamburgh in 1723. His father appears to have been a person of a rigid temper, and so frequent in correcting his son with severity, as to drive him from home for a time, during which the boy served as a domestic in the house of a land-surveyor at Holstein. Being, however, persuaded to return, he was placed at the public school at Hamburgh, where he made himself respected by his talents, and the aid he was enabled to give to his indolent schoolfellows. When advanced to the higher class, he attended the lectures of professors Richey and Reimarus, from whose instructions, particularly those of Reimarus, he derived great improvement: but he afterwards allowed that he did not pay a regular attention to the sciences, and passed much of his time with indolent and dissolute companions. He had little disposition for study, and remained for some time undetermined in the choice of a profession. His father was ambitious that he should be a clergyman, and the means being provided, he went to Leipsic in 1744, to prosecute his studies particularly in theology. Here he continued for two years, attending the lectures of professor Crusius, who had begun to philosophize on religion; and these lectures, with the writings of Wolf, to which he also applied, induced a sceptical disposition, which more or less prevailed in all his writings and opinions during his life. In 1749, he was appointed private tutor to the son of a gentleman at Hoistein, and this situation gave him an opportunity of bringing to the test of experience, the plan of an improved method of education, which he had, for some time, in contemplation. The attempt succeeded to his wishes, and his pupil, who was only seven years old, when put under him, and could merely read the German language, became able in the space of three years, not only to read Latin authors, but to translate from the German into that language, and also to speak and write it with a degree of fluency. The young gentleman had also made considerable progress in the principles of religion and morals, in history, geography, and arithmetic.
In 1753, Basedow was chosen professor of moral philosophy and belles lettres at the
In 1753, Basedow was chosen professor of moral philosophy and belles lettres at the university of Sorde, where he enjoyed further opportunities of pursuing his favourite object. While in this station, he published several works which were well received, particularly a treatise on practical philosophy, for all classes, in which the particulars of his plan are fully explained; and a grammar of the German language. From Sorde, he was nominated to a professorship at Altona, and now employed his leisure hours in communicating to the world the result of his theological studies, but the world was so little prepared to forsake the principles of their forefathers, that he met with the -most strenuous opposition from every quarter. Among his most distinguished opponents were the rev. Messrs. Gosse, Winkler, and Zimmerman, who represented his doctrines as hostile to religion and morals, while the magistrates prohibited the publishing and reading of his works, and the populace were ready to attack his person. His biographer praises the firmness with which he supported all this, rejoicing in the hopes, that Germany would one day be enlightened with his doctrines, and these hopes have certainly been in a considerable degree realized. The rest of his life appears to have been spent in controversies with his opponents, and in endeavours to establish public schools of instruction on his new plan, in all which he met with some encouragement from men of rank and influence, but not sufficient to enable him to carry any of his plans into execution. With respect to his scheme of education, if we may judge from the outline in our authority, there was nothing of mystery or invention in it. He entertained the idea that the compulsive methods, so generally adopted, are calculated to retard the progress of improvement, while the pupil was under the care of his tutor, and to give him a disgust for learning after he has escaped from the rod, and said that early education is, in some cases, of too abstracted a nature; and, in others, that it is confined merely to words as preparatory to the knowledge of things; while, in reality, the useful knowledge of things ought to be made preparatory to the knowledge of words. Conformably to this idea, he attempted to adapt every branch of science to the capacity of his scholars, by making judgment keep pace with memory, and by introducing them to an engaging familiarity with the objects of pursuit. This he attempted to effect, by the invention, due arrangement, and familar explanation of figures and prints, of which young minds are naturally fond; and by means of which, they have a more perfect impression of an object than the most elaborate description could possibly give. For those who were further advanced, he called in the aid of different species of mechanism, and different models, by means of which the pupil might form precise ideas, obtain accurate knowledge, and, in some instances, acquire address in a manner correspondent with that love of active amusements which characterizes youth.
, surnamed The Great, on account of his learning and piety, was born at Caesarea in Cappadocia, in. the year 326. He received
, surnamed The Great, on account of his
learning and piety, was born at Caesarea in Cappadocia, in.
the year 326. He received the first part of his education
under his father. He went afterwards and studied under
the famous Libanius at Antiochia and Constantinople, and
from thence to Athens, where he met with Gregory Nazianzen, with whom he had a very cordial intimacy. After
finishing his studies, he returned to his native country in
the year 355, and taught rhetoric. Some time after he
travelled into Syria, Egypt, and Libya, to visit the monasteries of these countries; and the monastic life so much
suited his disposition, that upon his return home he resolved
to follow it, and became the first institutor of it in Pontus
and Cappadocia. Eusebius bishop of Csesarea conferred
the order of priesthood upon Basil, who soon after retired
into his solitude, having had some misunderstanding with
his bishop; but he came to a reconciliation with him about
three years after, and his reputation was at length so great,
that, upon the death of Eusebius, in the year 370, he was
chosen his successor. It was with some difficulty that he
accepted of this dignity; and no sooner was he raised to
it, than the emperor Valens began to persecute him because
he refused to embrace the doctrine of the Arians. Valens
came twice to Ca?sarea, and finding he was not able to influence Basil, resolved to banish him from that place. He
ceased at length, however, to molest Basil, who now began
to use his utmost endeavours to bring about a re-union betwixt the eastern and western churches, then much divided
about some points of faith, and in regard to Meletius and
Paulinus, two bishops of Antioch. The western churches
acknowledged Paulinus for the lawful bishop, and would
have no communion with Meletius, who was supported by
the eastern churches. But all his efforts were ineffectual,
this dispute not being terminated till nine months after his
death. Basil was likewise engaged in some contests relating to the division the emperor had made of Cappadocia
into two provinces. Anthimus, bishop of Tayane, the
metropolis of the new province, was desirous to extend
his limits, which Basil opposed. They contested chiefly
about a little village named Zazime. Basil, in order to
preserve it in his jurisdiction, erected a bishopric, and
gave it to his friend Gregory of Nazianzen, but Anthimus
took possession before him; and Gregory, who loved
peace, retired from thence. Basil had also some disputes
with Eustathius, and was engaged in most of the controversies of his age. Calumny, malice, and the domineering
power of Arianism afflicted him with various trials, in which
his patience was unwearied; and as his body became enfeebled by increasing distempers, his mind seems to have
collected more vigour. Finding himself rapidly declining,
after he had governed the church of Csesarea eight years
and some months, he ordained some of his followers, and
was then obliged to take to his bed. The people flocked
about his house, sensible of the value of such a pastor.
For a time he discoursed piously to those about him, and
sealed his last breath with the ejaculation, “Into thy hands
I commend my spirit.
” He died in the year
edition were published in 1722, under the care of father Gamier, who dying in 1725, the third volume was completed by father Maran, but not until 1730. In 1764, M. Herman,
There have been several editions of St. Basil’s works, or parts of them, printed before 1500, but the best is that published by the society of the Benedictines of the congregation of St. Maur, in 3 vols. fol. Gr. and Latin. The first two volumes of this edition were published in 1722, under the care of father Gamier, who dying in 1725, the third volume was completed by father Maran, but not until 1730. In 1764, M. Herman, a doctor of the Sorbonne, published a life of St. Basil, 2 vols. 4to. The French have translations of his letters, and some other parts of his works published separately.
, bishop of Ancyra in the year 336, was ordained to that office by the bishops of Eusebius’s party,
, bishop of Ancyra in the year 336, was ordained to that office by the bishops of Eusebius’s party, in room of Marcellus, whom they had deposed: but Basil was excommunicated, and his ordination declared void in the council of Sardica, although he continued still in the possession of his see. He disputed against Photinus in the council of Sirmium, in the year 351, and there confounded that heretic. He was one of the greatest enemies to the Arians, or Anomseans, i. e. those who openly vindicated the opinion of Arius, and maintained that the Word was not like to the Father. But he was, notwithstanding, considered as the head of the Semi-Arians, who maintained that the Son was similar to the Father in his essence, not by nature, but by a peculiar privilege. Basil maintained this opinion and procured it to be established by the authority of a council, which was held at Ancyra in the year 358, and defended it at Seleucia and Constantinople, against the Eudoxians and Acacians, who deposed him in the year 360, after charging him with many crimes. St. Jerome informs us, that Basil wrote a book against Marcellus, his predecessor; a treatise of Virginity; and some other lesser pieces, of which no remains are extant, but he had the reputation of a man of learning and eloquence. Although he is placed by some at the head of the Semi-Arians, yet it is not quite certain that he was deemed a heretic. St. Basil speaks of him as a Catholic bishop, and Athanasius confesses, in his book of Synods, that Basil of Ancyra and those of his party, did not differ from them that professed the consubstantiality, but only in words, and therefore Hilary and Philastrius call the bishops of the council of Sirmium, held against Photinus, of which Basil of Ancyra was the chief, orthodox bishops.
d Mary, and Christ, the son of God, who entered into him at his baptism, and went out of him when he was apprehended by the Jews some, if not all of them, allowed the
, one of the chief leaders of the Egyptian
Gnostics, flourished in the second century. These Gnostics blended the Christian doctrine with both the Oriental
and the Egyptian philosophy. They did not acknowledge
an eternal principle of darkness or evil. They maintained
that our Saviour consisted of two persons, Jesus the son of
Joseph and Mary, and Christ, the son of God, who entered into him at his baptism, and went out of him when
he was apprehended by the Jews some, if not all of them,
allowed the reality of his human body. Basilides, who
had the ambition to be the founder of a sect, contrived the
following modification of the heresy of the Gnostics. He
pretended that God, from his own essence, had produced
seven angels, or jEons. Two of these, called “power
and “wisdom,
” engendered the angels of the highest order, who having formed heaven for their own residence,
produced other angels of a subordinate nature, and these
again produced others, till three hundred and sixty-five
different orders or ranks were successively formed; all of
which had one Abraxas for their common head. The
lowest order living on the confines of the eternal, malignant, and self-animated matter, created this world, and the
inhabitants thereof. God added rational souls to men, and
subjected them to the government of angels. At length
the angels fell off from their allegiance to God, and into
terrible contests among themselves. He who governed the
Jewish nation was the most turbulent of all. In pity, therefore, to mankind, who groaned under their oppression and
discordant influence, God sent forth his son Christ, a principal JEon, to enter into the man Jesus, and by him restore
the knowledge of God, and destroy the dominion of the
angels, particularly of him who governed the Jews.
Alarmed at this, the god of the Jews caused apprehend
and crucify the man Jesus, but could not hurt the Æou
who dwelt in him. Such souls as obey Jesus Christ shall
at death be delivered from matter, and ascend to the supreme God: but disobedient souls shall successively pass
into new bodies, till they at last become obedient.
This doctrine, in point of morals, if we may credit the accounts of most ancient writers, was favourable to the lusts and passions of mankind, aud permitted
This doctrine, in point of morals, if we may credit the accounts of most ancient writers, was favourable to the lusts and passions of mankind, aud permitted the practice of all sorts of wickedness. But those whose testimonies are equally worthy of regard, give a quite different account of this teacher, ind represent him as recommending the practice of virtue and piety in the strongest manner, and as having condemned not only the actual commission of iniquity, but even every inward propensity of the mind to a vicious conduct. But in some respects he certainly gave offence to all real Christians. He affirmed it to be lawful for them to conceal their religion, to deny Christ, when their lives were in danger, and to partake of the feasts of the Gentiles that were instituted in consequence of the sacrifices offered to idols. He endeavoured also to diminish the character of those who suffered martyrdom for the cause of Christ, impiously maintaining, that they were heinous sinners than others, and that their sufferings were to be looked upon as a punishment inflicted upon them by the divine justice. He was led into this enormous error, by a notion that all the calamities of this life were of a penal nature. This rendered his principles greatly suspected: and the irregular lives of some of his disciples deemed to justify the unfavourable opinion that was entertained of their master. Bcausobre, in his history of Mahicheism, discusses these points with great candour. Basilides wrote many books, which are now lost. Clemens Alexandrinus, cites the 23d of his explications of the
, or Basinio, of Parma, was a celebrated Italian poet of the fifteenth century. He was born
, or Basinio, of Parma, was a celebrated Italian poet of the fifteenth century. He was born at Parma,
about 1421, and was educated under Victorin of Feltro at
Mantua, and afterwards by Theodore Gaza and Guarino at
Ferrara, where he became himself professor. From Ferrara, he went to the court of Sigismond Pandolph Malatesta, lord of Rimini, and there passed the few remaining
years of his life, dying at the age of thirty-six, in 1457.
He had scarcely finished his studies, whesh he composed a
Latin poem, in three books, on the death of Meleager,
which exists in manuscript in the libraries of Modena, Florence, and Parma. In this last repository there is also a
beautiful copy of a collection of poems printed in France,
to which Basinio appears to have been the greatest contributor. This collection was written in honour of the beautiful Isotta degli Atti, who was first mistress and afterwards
wife to the lord of Rimini. If we may believe these
poetical testimonies, she had as much genius as beauty; she
was also in poetry, another Sappho, and in wisdom and'
virtue another Penelope. Basinio was one of the three
poets, who composed the praises of this lady. The collection was printed at Paris, under the title of “Trium poetarurn elegantissimorum, Porcelii, Basinii, et Trebanii
Opuscula nunc primum edita,
” Paris, by Christ. Preudhomme, De amore Jovis in Isottam,
” and no distinction
is preserved as to the contributors. In the copy, however,
preserved at Parma, and which was transcribed in 1455,
during the life-time of Basinio, almost all the pieces which
compose the three books are attributed to him. In the
same library is a long poem by him in thirteen books, entitled “Hesperidos;
” another, in two books only, on
astronomy; a third, also in two books, on the conquest of
the Argonauts; a poem under the title of “An epistle on
the War of Ascoli, between Sigismond Malatesta, and
Francis Sforza,
” and other unpublished performances. It
is rather surprising, that none of these have been published in a city where there are so many celebrated presses,
and which may boast the honour of being the native place
of one of the best poets of his time.
, a learned divine of the seventeenth century, was born in 1607, in the island of Jersey, according to Wood, which
, a learned divine of the seventeenth century, was born in 1607, in the island of Jersey, according to Wood, which an annotator on the Biog. Britannica contradicts without informing us of the place of his nativity. Grey, in his ms notes, says he was born at Rouen, in Normandy, but quotes no authority, nor do we know in what school or university he received his education. For some time, he was master of the college or free-school at Guernsey, and became chaplain to Thomas Morton bishop of Durham, who gave him the rectory of Stanhope, and the vicarage of EgglesclifF, b.oth in the county of Durham. In July 1640, he had the degree of doctor of divinity conferred upon him at Cambridge, by mandate; and was incorporated in the same at Oxford, the November following, about which time he was made chaplain in ordinary to king Charles I.; Dec. 12, 1643, he was installed into the seventh prebend of Durham, to which he was collated by his generous patron bishop Morton. The next year, August 24, he was also collated to the archdeaconry of Northumberland, with the rectory of Howiek annexed. But he did not long enjoy these great preferments, as in the beginning of the civil wars, being sequestered and plundered, he repaired to king Charles at Oxford, before whom, and his parliament, he frequently preached. In 1646, he had a licence granted him under the public seal of the university, to preach the word of God throughout England. Upon the surrender of the Oxford garrison to the parliament, he resolved with all the zeal of a missionary to propagate the doctrine of the EngJish church in the East, among the Greeks, Arabians, &c. Leaving therefore his family in England, he went first to Zante, an island near the Morea, where he made some stay; and had good success in spreading among the Greek inhabitants the doctrine of the English church, the substance of which he imparted to several of them, in a vulgar Greek translation of our church-catechism. The success of this attempt was so remarkable, that it drew persecution upon him from the Latins, as they are called, or those members of the Romish church, throughout the East, who perform their service in Latin. On this he went into the Morea, where the metropolitan of Achaia prevailed upon him to preach twice in Greek, at a meeting of some of his bishops and clergy, which was well received. At his departure, he left with him a copy of the catechism above mentioned. From thence, after he had passed through Apulia, Naples, and Sicily again (in which last, at Messina, he officiated for some weeks on board a ship) he embarked for Syria; and, after some months stay at Aleppo, where he had frequent conversation with the patriarch of Antioch, then resident there, he left a copy of our church-catechism, translated into Arabic, the native language of that place. From Aleppo he went in 1652 to Jerusalem, and so travelled over all Palestine. At Jerusalem he received much honour, both from the Greek Christians and Latins. The Greek patriarch (the better to express his desire of communion with the church of England, declared by the doctor to him) gave him his bull, or patriarchal seal, in a blank, which is their way of credence, and shewed him other instances of respect, while the Latins received him courteously into their convent, though he did openly profess himself a priest of the church of England. After some disputes about the validity of our English ordinations, they procured him entrance into the temple of the sepulchre, at the rate of a priest, that is half of the sum paid by a layman; and, at his departure from Jerusalem, the pope’s vicar gave him his diploma in parchment, under his own hand and public seal, styling him, a priest of the church of England, and doctor of divinity, which title occasioned some surprise, especially to the French ambassador at Constantinople. Returning to Aleppo, he passed over the Euphrates and went into Mesopotamia, where he intended to send the church-catechism in Turkish, to some of their bishops, who were mostly Armenians. This Turkish translation was procured by the care of sir Thomas Bendyshe, the English ambassador at Constantinople. After his return from Mesopotamia, he wintered at Aleppo, where he received several courtesies from the consul, Mr. Henry Riley. In the beginning of 1653, he departed from Aleppo, and came to Constantinople by land, being six hundred miles, without any person with him, that could speak any of the European languages. Yet, by the help of some Arabic he had picked up at Aleppo, he performed that journey in the company of twenty Turks, who used him courteously, because he acted as physician to them and their friends: a study (as he says) to which the iniquity of the times and the opportunity of Padua drove him. After his arrival at Constantinople, the French Protestants there desired him to be their minister, and though he declared to them his resolution to officiate according to the English liturgy (a translation whereof, for want of a printed copy, cost him no little labour) yet they orderly submitted to it, and promised to settle on him, in three responsible men’s hands, a competent stipend: and all this, as they told him, with the express consent of the French ambassador, but still under the roof and protection of the English ambassador. Before he quitted the Eastern parts, he intended to pass into Egypt, in order to take a survey of the churches of the Cophties, and confer with the patriarch of Alexandria, as he had done already with the other three patriarchs, partly to acquire the knowledge of those churches, and partly to publish and give them a true notion of the church of England; but whether he accomplished his design, is not certain. He went next into Transilvania, where he was entertained for seven years by George Ragotzi the Second, prince of that country; who honoured him with the divinity-chair in his new founded university of Alba Julia (or Weissenburg) and endowed him, though a mere stranger to him, with a very ample salary. During his travels he collated the several confessions of faith of the different sorts of Christians, Greeks, Armenians, Jacobites, Maronites, &c. which he kept by him in their own languages. His constant design and endeavour, whilst he remained in the East, was, to persuade the Christians of the several denominations there, to a canonical reformation of some errors; and to dispose and incline them to a communion or unity with the church of England, but his pious intentions were afterwards defeated by the artifices of court of France. Upon the restoration of king Charles II. Dr. Easier was recalled by his majesty to England, in a letter written to prince Ragotzi. But this unfortunate prince dying 'soon after, of the wounds he received in a battle with the Turks at Gyala, the care of his solemn obsequies was committed to the doctor by his relict, princess Sophia, and he was detained a year longer from England. At length returning in 1661 9 he was restored to his preferments and dignities; and made chaplain in ordinary to king Charles II. After quietly enjoying his large revenues for several years, he died on the 12th of Oct. 1676, in the 69th year of his age-, and was buried in the yard belonging to the cathedral of Durham, where a tomb was erected over his grave, with an inscription. His character appears to have been that of a learned, active, and industrious man; a zealous supporter of the church of England; and a loyal subject. His son, John Basire, esq. who had been receiver general for the four western counties, died ou the 2d of June 1722, in the 77th year of his age.
icae libertate;” written on occasion of Chr. Justell’s intended Geographia Sacro-politica, but which was never published. It was found in the lord Hopton’s cabinet after
His works are, 1. “Deoet Ecclesiae Sacrum; Sacrilege
arraigned and condemned by St. Paul, Romans ii. 22,
” Oxford, Diatriba de antiqua Ecclesiae Britannicae libertate;
” written on occasion
of Chr. Justell’s intended Geographia Sacro-politica, but
which was never published. It was found in the lord Hopton’s cabinet after his decease, by Richard Watson, an exile
for his loyalty, who not only caused it to be printed at
Bruges in 1656, 8vo, but also translated it into English,
and published it under the title of “The ancient Liberty
of the Britannic church, and the legitimate exemption
thereof from the Roman patriarchate, discoursed on four
positions, and asserted, &c.
” 1661, 8vo. III. “The history of the English and Scotch Presbytery,
” Loncl. 4.
” Oratio privata, boni Theologi (speciatim concionatoris practici) partes praecipuas complectens,“Lond. 1670, 8vo, inhalf a sheet. 5.
” The dead man’s
real speech being a sermon on Hebr. xi. 4. at the funeral
of Dr. John Cosin, late bishop of Durham, 29th of April,
1672. Together with a brief (account) of the life, dignities, benefactions, principal actions and sufferings of the
said bishop: And an Appendix of his profession and practice, and of his last will concerning religion." Lond. 1673,
8vo. Mr. Wood thinks he published some other things, but
does not mention what they were.
, more commonly known by the name of Basingstochius, or de Basingstoke, was born at Basingstoke, a town in the north part of Hampshire,
, more commonly known by the name
of Basingstochius, or de Basingstoke, was born at Basingstoke, a town in the north part of Hampshire, and thence
took his surname. He was a person highly eminent for
virtue and learning; a perfect master of the Latin and Greek
languages; and also an eloquent orator, an able mathematician and philosopher, and a sound divine. The foundation of his great learning he laid in the university of
Oxford, and, for his farther improvement, went to Paris,
where he resided some years. He afterwards travelled to
Athens, where he made many curious observations, and
perfected himself in his studies, particularly in the knowledge of the Greek tongue. At his return to England, he
brought over with him several curious Greek manuscripts,
and introduced the use of the Greek numeral figures in to this
kingdom. He became also a very great promoter and encourager of the study of that language, which was much
neglected in these western parts of the world: and to facilitate it, he translated from Greek into Latin a grammar,
which he entitled “The Donatus of the Greeks.
” Our
author’s merit and learning recommended him to the esteem
of all lovers of literature: particularly to the favour of
Robert Grosteste, bishop of Lincoln, by whom he was
preferred to the archdeaconry of Leicester, as he had been
some time before to that of London. He died in 1252.
The rest of his works are, 1. A Latin translation of a Harmony of the Gospels. 2. A volume of sermons. 3. “Particulue sententiarum per distinctiones,
” or a Commentary
upon part of Lombard’s Sentences, &c. It was he also
that informed Robert, bishop of Lincoln, that he had seen
at Athens a book called “The Testament of the XII Patriarchs.
” Upon which the bishop sent for it, and translated it into Latin, and it was printed among the “Orthodoxographa,
” Basilero,
, an eminent English engraver, son of Isaac Basire, who was an engraver and printer, was born Oct. 6, 1730; and bred from
, an eminent English engraver, son of
Isaac Basire, who was an engraver and printer, was born
Oct. 6, 1730; and bred from infancy to his father’s profession, which he practised with great reputation for sixty years.
He studied under the direction of Mr. Richard Dalton; was
with him at Rome made several drawings from the pictures
of Raphael, &c. at the time that Mr. Stuart, Mr. Brand
Hollis, and sir Joshua Reynolds, were there. He was appointed engraver to the society of antiquaries about 1760;
and to the royal society about 1770. As a specimen of his
numerous works, it may be sufficient to refer to the beautiful plates of the “Vetusta Monumenta,
” published by the
society of antiquaries, and to Mr. Cough’s truly valuable
“Sepulchral Monuments.
” With the author of that splendid work he was most deservedly a favourite. When he
had formed the plan, and hesitated on actually committing
it to the press, Mr. Gough says, “Mr. Basire’s specimens
of drawing and engraving gave me so much satisfaction,
that it was impossible to resist the impulse of carrying such
a design into execution.
” The royal portraits and other
beautiful plates in the “Sepulchral Monuments
” fully
justified the idea which the author had entertained of his
engraver’s talents; and are handsomely acknowledged by
Mr. Gough. The Plate of “Le Champ de Drap d'Or
” was
finished in antiquarian paper. Besides the numerous plates which he
engraved for the societies, he was engaged in a great number of public and private works, which bear witness to the
fidelity of his burin. He engraved the portraits of Fielding
and Hogarth in 1762; earl Camden, in 1766, after sir
Joshua Reynolds; Pylades and Orestes, 1770, from a picture by West; portraits of the Rev. John Watson, and sir
George Warren’s family; portraits also of dean Swift, and
Dr. Parnell, 1774; sir James Burrow, 1780; Mr. Bowyer,
1782; portraits also of Dr. Munro, Mr. Gray, Mr.
Thonxpson, Lady Stanhope, Sir George Savile, Bishop Hoadly,
Rev. Dr. Pegge, Mr. Price, AlgernonSydney, Andrew
Marvell, William Camden, William Brereton,1790,&c. &c.;
Captain Cook’s portrait, and other plates, for his First and
Second Voyages a great number of plates for Stuart’s
Athens (which are well drawn). In another branch of his art,
the Maps for general Roy’s
” Roman Antiquities in Britain“are particularly excellent. He married, first, Anne
Beaupuy; and, secondly, Isabella Turner. He died Sept.
6, 1802, in his seventy-third year, and was buried in the
vault under Pentonville chapel. The ingenuity and integrity of this able artist are inherited by his eldest son, of
whose works it may be enough to mention only the
” Cathedrals," published by the society of antiquaries, from the
exquisite drawings by Mr. John Carter. A third James Basirc, born in 1796, has already given several proofs of superior excellence in the arts of drawing and engraving.
s for his skill in anatomy, and successful practice in the time of king James I. and king Charles I. was born at Exeter 1573. His lather Thomas Baskerville, an apothecary
, knight, of the ancient family of the Baskervilles in Herefordshire, an excellent scholar and eminent physician, famous for his skill in anatomy, and successful practice in the time of king James I. and king Charles I. was born at Exeter 1573. His lather Thomas Baskerville, an apothecary of that city, observing an early love of knowledge and thirst after learning in him, gave him a proper education for the university, to which he was sent when about eighteen years old, entering him of Exeter college, in Oxford, on the 10th of March 1591, putting him under the care of Mr. William Helm, a man no less famous for his piety than learning; under whose tuition he gave such early proofs of his love of virtue and knowledge, that he was on the first vacancy elected fellow of that house, before he had taken his bachelor’s degree in arts, which delayed his taking it till July 8, 1596, to which he soon after added that of M. A. and when he was admitted, had particular notice taken of him for his admirable knowledge in the languages and philosophy. After this, viz. 1606, he was chosen senior proctor of the university, when he bent his study wholly to physic, became a most eminent proficient, and was then in as great esteem at the university for his admirable knowledge in medicine, as he had been before for other parts of learning, taking at once, by accumulation (June 20, 1611), both his degrees therein, viz. that of bachelor and doctor. After many years study and industry, he came to London, where he acquired great eminence in his profession; being a member of the college of physicians, and for some time also president. His high reputation for learning and skill soon brought him into vogue at court, where he was sworn physician to James I. and afterwards to Charles I. with whom, Mr. Wood tells us, he was in such esteem for his learning and accomplishments, that he conferred the honour of knighthood upon him. By his practice he obtained a very plentiful estate, and shewed in his life a noble spirit suitable to the largeness of his fortune. What family he left besides his wife, or who became heir to all his great wealth, we cannot find. He died July 5, 1641, aged sixty-eight, and was buried in the cathedral church of St. Paul. No physician of that age could, we imagine, bave better practice than he, if what is reported of him be true, viz. that he had no less than one hundred patients a, week; nor is it strange he should amass so great wealth as to acquire the title of sir Simon Baskerville the rich.
, a celebrated printer, was born at Wolverley, in the county of Worcester, in 1706, heir
, a celebrated printer, was born at Wolverley, in the county of Worcester, in 1706, heir to a paternal estate of 60l. per annum, which fifty years after, while in his own possession, had increased to 90l. He was trained to no occupation, but in 1726 became a writing-master at Birmingham. In 1737 he taught at a school in the Bull-ring, and is said to have written an excellent hand. As painting suited his talents, he entered into the lucrative branch of japanning, and resided at No. 22, in Moor-street; and in 1745 he took a building lease of e'ght acres two furlongs, north-west of the town, to which he gave the name of Easy Hill, converted it into a little Eden, and built a house in the centre: but the town, daily increasing in magnitude and population, sooi> surrounded it with buildings. Here he continued the business of a japanner for life: his carriage, each pannel of which was a distinct picture, might be considered the pattern card of his trade, and was drawn by a beautiful pair of cream-coloured horses. His inclination for letters induced him, in 1750, to turn his thoughts towards the press. He spent many years in the uncertain pursuit, sunk 600/, before he could produce one letter to please himself, and some thousands before the shallow stream of profit began to flow.
His first attempt was a quarto edition of Virgil, 1756, price one guinea, but now
His first attempt was a quarto edition of Virgil, 1756,
price one guinea, but now much more valuable. This he
reprinted in 8vo, 1758, and in that year was employed by
the university of Oxford on an entire new-faced Greek
type. Soon after this he obtained leave from the university of Cambridge, to print a bible in royal folio, and two
editions of the Common Prayer, in three sizes, for which
permission he paid a considerable premium. The next in
order of his works was, “Dr. Newton’s edition of Milton,
Dodsley’s Fables,
” Juvenal andPersius,
” 176i,8vo; “Congreve’s Works,
” The Book of Common Prayer,
” Horace, edited by Mr. Livie,
1762, 8vo;
” Addison’s Works, Dr.
Jennings’s Introduction to the knowledge of Medals,
In regard to his private character, he was much of a humourist, idle in the extreme, but his invention
In regard to his private character, he was much of a humourist, idle in the extreme, but his invention was of the true Birmingham model, active. He could well design, but procured others to execute: wherever he found merit he caressed it: he was remarkably polite to the stranger, fond of shew: a figure rather of the smaller size, and delighted to adorn that figure with gold lace. Although constructed with the light timbers of a frigate, his movement was stately as a ship of the line. During the twentyfive last years of his life, though then in his decline, he retained the singular traces of a handsome man. If he exhibited a peevish temper, we may consider that good-nature and intense thinking are not always found together. Taste accompanied him through the different walks of agriculture, architecture, and the fine arts. Whatever passed through his fingers, bore the lively marks of John Baskerville.
should be buried in a tomb of masonry, in the shape of a cone, under a wind-mill in his garden. This was accordingly performed, and although his dwelling-house was destroyed
He died without issue, Jan 8, 1775. We lament to add, that in his will, executed about two years before, he unblushingly avows not only his disbelief, but his contempt for revealed religion, and that in terms too gross to be transcribed. The same aversion to Christianity induced him to order that he should be buried in a tomb of masonry, in the shape of a cone, under a wind-mill in his garden. This was accordingly performed, and although his dwelling-house was destroyed in the riots in 1791, his remains continued undisturbed. In April 1775, his widow wholly declined the printing business, but continued that of a letter-founder until Feb. 1777. Many efforts were used after Baskerville’s death to dispose of his types in this country, but without effect; and in 1779, they were purchased by a literary society of Paris for 3,700l. and were afterwards employed on a splendid edition of Voltaire’s Works. Many unjust and unnecessary reflections are made, in the work which furnishes the principal part of this memoir, on the booksellers and universities having declined to purchase those types. The answer is easy. Baskervilie himself derived little advantage from them; and at the time they were offered for sale, and for many years afterwards, the principal works which came from his press were sold at a price so inferior as to render any farther speculation hopeless.
, the first of a family of French Calvinists, celebrated for learning and piety, was the son of N. Basnage, minister of Norwich in England, and afterwards
, the first of a family of French
Calvinists, celebrated for learning and piety, was the son
of N. Basnage, minister of Norwich in England, and afterwards of Carentan in Normandy, and was born in 1580.
After studying divinity, he succeeded his father as minister
of Carentan, and remained in that sacred charge the whole
of his life, although invited to Roan, and some other more
considerable churches, and even permitted by the national
synod of Charenton to change his situation. He used to
say that his first church was his spouse, from which he
ought not to be separated unless by death. At the abovementioned synod, he satin 1623, as deputy from the
province of Normandy, but when named again in 1631, by
the same province, the king forbad his going to the synod,
and deprived him of his church, until the remonstrances of
the assembly induced his majesty to restore him. In 1637,
he presided as moderator of the national synod of Alenc.on,
and contributed very essentially to preserve moderation during a crisis peculiarly important to the reformed church
of France. In 1644, being chosen assistant moderator to
the national synod of Charenton, he was deputed by them
to the queen-dowager, who received him with marks of
favour. He entered into the usual controversies with Lescrivain, Draconis, and other adherents of the church of
Rome. His principal work, “Treatise on the Church,
printed at Rochelle in deputy
from all the churches of France.
, eldest son of the above, was born in 1610, and became minister of Bayeux, and was called
, eldest son of the above, was
born in 1610, and became minister of Bayeux, and was
called to suffer persecution in his old age, being thrown
into the prison at Havre de Grace, when he was seventyfive years of age. On the revocation of the edict of Nantz
he was set at liberty, and took refuge in Holland, where
he probably passed the remainder of his clays in quiet. He
died at Zutphen in 1691. His son, Samuel Basnage de
Flotmanvllle, succeeded him in his congregation at Bayeux, but was forced to leave France in 1685, and retire to
Zutphen, with the reputation of being one of the ablest of
the French reformed clergy. He wrote “Exercitations on
” beginning where Casaubon left off; but changing his purpose, he turned his work into the shape of Ecclesiastical Annals, published in 1706, under the title of
' Annales politico-ecclesiastici," 3 vols. fol. and coming
down to the reign of Phocas. This work is, undoubtedly,
useful, but has been superseded by that of James Basnage,
of whom we are soon to speak. Anthony died in 1721.
du Fraqueny, second son of Benjamin, was born at St. Mere Eglise in Lower Normandy, Oct. 16, 1615. He
du Fraqueny, second son of Benjamin, was born at St. Mere Eglise in Lower Normandy,
Oct. 16, 1615. He was admitted an advocate in the parliament of Normandy in 1636, and proved one of the most
learned and eloquent of his order, and was employed in a
great many causes, as well as political affairs of importance,
in all which he gave the greatest satisfaction. As a writer,
likewise, he stood very high in the opinion of his countrymen. His “Commentiiire sur la Continue de Normandie,
or common law of Normandy, was first published in 1678,
and was so much approved, that a new edition was published in 1694, 2 vols. fol. His “Traite des Hypotheques,
or Mortgages, was also so popular as to go through three
editions before the above year. Notwithstanding his religion, persons of rank and influence in the Romish church,
testified the highest esteem for him. He died at Roan,
Oct. 20, 1695.
de Franquener, son of the preceding, and the most celebrated of his family, was born at Roan in Normandy, Aug. 8, 1653, and received an education
de Franquener, son of the preceding, and the most celebrated of his family, was born at Roan in Normandy, Aug. 8, 1653, and received an education suitable to the talents which his father discovered in him. He first studied under the celebrated Tanaquil Faber, who made him his favourite scholar, but endeavoured to dissuade him from engaging in the ministry. At seventeen years of age, after he had made the Greek and Latin authors familiar to him, and learned the English., Italian, and Spanish languages, he went to Geneva, where he passed through a course of philosophy under Mr. Chouet. He began his divinity studies there under Mestrezat, Turretin, and Tronchin, and finished them at Sedan under the professors Juricu and Le Blanc de Beaulieu. But disliking Mr. Jurieu’s less tolerant sentiments, he applied himself more particularfy to the latter, who was a divine of a moderate and pacific temper. He returned afterwards to Roan; and the learned Mr. Le Moine having been called to the professorship of divinity at Leyden, Mr. Basnage succeeded him, as pastor of the church of Roan in 1676, though he was then but twenty three years of age, and here studied ecclesiastical history and the fathers, and went on with the collections which he had begun at Geneva and Sedan. In 1684 he married Susanna du Moulin, daughter of Cyrus du Moulin, first cousin of Charles du Moulin, the Papinian of France, and grand-daughter of the famous Peter du Moulin. The exercise of the protestant religion being suppressed at Roan in 1685, and Mr. Basnage being no longer allowed to perform the functions of his ministry, hedesired leave of the king to retire into Holland, and obtained it for himself, his wife, and a nurse; but upon condition, that the nurse should return into France at the end of two years. He settled at‘Rotterdam, where he was a minister pensionary till 1691, when he was made pastor of the Walloon church of that city. The works which he wrote raised him a great reputation over all Europe and he kept a correspondence with a great many learned men both in the United Provinces, and in foreign countries. His studies employed the greater part of his time, and his only relaxation was a select society of men of learning-, who met once a week at each other’s houses. The principal members of this little society were Messrs. Paatz, Basnage, De Beauval, his brother, Bayle, Lufneu, and Leers. Their contests were sometimes sharp, but friendly, and there was that candid interchange of sentiment from which Basnage confessed that he had derived great advantage. He had frequent disputes with Mr. Jurieu, his brother-in-law, particularly on the subject of the revolt of the Cevennois, which Jurieu approved and Basnage condemned. The author of his life mentions a conference which they had upon that subject, in 1703, in which Jurieu was obliged by the reasons of his antagonist to condemn the cruelties of the Camisars, and he only urged in their justification, that they had been used with rigour, and had lost patience. In 1709 pensionary Heinsius, who had a great regard for him, procured him to be chosen one of the pastors of the Walloon church at the Hague. He was then employed to manage a secret negotiation with mareschal D’Uxelles, plenipotentiary of France at the congress of Utrecht; and he executed it with so much success, that he was afterwards entrusted with several important commissions. Cardinal de Bouillon, dean of the Sacred College, who was then in Holland, imparted to him all his concerns with the States. The abbe Du Bois, who was afterwards cardinal and first minister of France, having arrived at the Hague in 1716, with the character of ambassador plenipotentiary, to negotiate a defensive alliance between France, England, and the States General, was ordered by the duke of Orleans, regent of France, to apply to Mr. Basnage for his advice, the consequence of which was, that they acted in concert, and the alliance was concluded Jan. 14, As a reward for this service, he obtained the restitution of his estate in France. He corresponded with several princes, nohlemen, and statesmen, both catholic and protestant, and with a great many learned men in France, Italy, Germany, and England, upon subjects of a political or literary nature. The catholics appear to have confided as much in his opinion as the protestants, of which we have a remarkable instance in a French archbishop. This prelate, perplexed to know what step to take respecting the bull Unigenitus, the rigours of which put an end to the last hopes of reconciliation between the catholic and protestant churches, consulted Basnage, and requested to know how he would himself act, if in his place. Basnage replied, that it did not perhaps become him to give advice in a case of so much difficulty: but suggested that the archbishop ought to examine himself whether he acknowledged the pope’s authority, or not: that in the first case he was obliged to admit the constitution; that in the second case he might reject it; but he should consider, that if he argued consequentially, this would carry him farther than he would go. Basnage was a man of great sincerity and candour, and had a politeness seldom to be met with among learned men. He was affable and -easy in his behaviour, and always ready to use his interest in favour of the unfortunate. He answered every person who consulted him with the utmost affability and kindness. He was a good friend, a man of great probity, and though he confuted errors with zeal and spirit, yet he treated the persons themselves with peculiar moderation. His constitution, which before had been very firm, began to decline in 1722; and after a lingering illness he died with exemplary piety, Dec. 22, 1723, in the seventy-first year of his age. He left only one daughter, who was married to Mr. de la Sarraz, privy counsellor to the king of Poland.
the heresy of Apollinaris, on the works attributed to Athanasius, and an answer to father Simon. It was printed at Rotterdam, 1687, 8vo, and reprinted there 1694, under
The favourite studies of his life, and much of his character, may be ascertained from his works, which were
very numerous: 1. “Examen des Methodes,
” &c. Cologne, Critical History.
” 2. “Consideration sur Tetat de ceux qui
sont tombez.
” This consists of letters sent to the church
of Koan respecting some faliing-off among its members.
Rotterdam, 1686, 12mo. 3. “Reponse a M. l'Eveque
de Meaux sur sa lottre pastorale,
” Cologne, Divi Chrysostomi Epistola ad Ciesariiun Monachum, &c.
” To this
epistle are added three dissertations on the heresy of
Apollinaris, on the works attributed to Athanasius, and
an answer to father Simon. It was printed at Rotterdam,
1687, 8vo, and reprinted there 1694, under the title of
“Dissertationes Historico-Theologicae.
” 5. “La Communion Sainte,
” a treatise on worthily communicating-,
Rotterdam, 1688, 8vo, reprinted at least ten times, and
even adopted as a pious and useful work, by some of the
popish clergy. 6. “Histoire de la Religion des Eglises
Reformees, &c.
” containing an account of the succession
of the reformed churches, the perpetuity of their faith,
especially since the eighth century, the establishment of
the reformation, the continuation of the same doctrines
from the reformation to the present time, with an history
of the origin and progress of the chief errors of the Roman
church, in answer to the bishop of Meaux.' s “History of
the variations of the Protestant churches.
” This was first
published at Rotterdam, 2 vols. 12mo, reprinted by the
author in his church history in 1699, but enlarged and
published separately in 1721, 5 vols. 8vo, and after the
author’s death, in 1725, 2 vols. 4to; the best and most
complete edition. 7. “Traite de la conscience,
” Amst.
Lett-res Pastorales,
” intended to animate the protestants on
the renewal of persecution, 1698, 4to. 9. “Histoire de
l‘Eglise depuis Jesus Christ jusqu’a present,
” Rotterdam,
2 vols. fol. 10. “Traite des prejugez,
” in answer to the
pastoral charges of the French prelates de Noailles, Colbert, Bossuet, and Nesmond, 1701, 3 vols. 8vo. 11.“Defense clu Tniite' des prejugez, &c.
” Delft, Dissertation historique sur l'usage de la Benediction
” inserted in the History -of the Works of the
Learned, for 1703, an attack upon some of the popish marriage ceremonies. 13. “Dissertation sur la maniere dont
le Canon de PEcriture Sainte s’est forme, &c.
” intended
as an apology for what he had said in his Church History
against Mr. Richardson’s “Defence of the Canon of the
New Testament.
” 14. “Histoire de l'ancien et du nouveau Testament,
” Aoist. fol. Histoire des
” Rotterdam, L'Histoire des Juifs
reclamee et retabiie par son veritable auteur, &c.
” Rott.
Entretiens sur la Religion,
” Rotterdam, Sermons sur divers sujets, &c.
” Rott. 2 vols. 8vo,
on which Niceron makes a curious remark, that there is
more morality in them than is generally in those of the
Protestants. 19. “Prospectus novae editionis Canisii,
Dacherii, &c.
” He had undertaken an improved edition
of Canisius’s “Lectiones antiquoe,
” but his booksellers not
being able to support the expence, transferred it to the
Wetsteins, who published this great collection under the
title of “Thesaurus Monumentorum Eccl. et Hist. &c.
Antwerp, Preface sur la tluree
de la persecution,
” prefixed to Claude’s “Complaints of
the Protestants.
” 21. “Antiquitez Judaiques, ou Remarques critiques sur la Republique des Hebreux,
” Amst.
De Republica Hebracorum.
” 22. “Reflexions desinterress^es sur la Constitution du pape Clement XI. qui condamne le nouveau Testament du P. Quesnel,
” Amst. 1714,
8vo. 23. “L‘unite’, la visibilite
”, &c. de l'Eglise,“Amst.
1715, 8vo. 24.
” Avis sur la tenue d'un Concile National
en France, &c.“1715, 8vo, without his name. 25.
” L'etat
present de TEglise Gallicane,“chiefly on the conduct of
pope Clement XI. Amst. 1719, 12mo. 26.
” Instructions
pastorales aux Reformez de France,“concerning obedience due to the king, 1720, 12mo. This was written at
the desire of the regent duke of Orleans, yet it was attempted to be answered by Catelan, a French bishop.
The controversy, however, was carried on between him
and Basnage with great liberality. 27.
” Annales des
Provinces Unies,“vol.1. Hague, fol. 1719. This volume
contains the history of the united provinces from 1646 to
1667. The second, published in 1726, proceeds as far
as the peace of Nimeguen in 1678. This valuable work
was undertaken at the request of the counsellor deputies
of Holland and West Friesland, who furnished the author
with materials from their archives. 28.
” Nouveaux Sermons,“1720, 8vo. 29.
” Dissertation historique sur les
Duels et les ordres de Chevalerie." This dissertation on
duels is said to be a very curious work. Besides these,
M. Basnage was an occasional contributor to the literaryjournals, and left many manuscripts. His style, in the
greater part of his writings, is inferior to his matter, a remark which belongs generally to voluminous writers.
, de Beauval, brother to the preceding, was born at Roan, in 1659, 'and, like his father, became an advocate
, de Beauval, brother to the preceding, was born at Roan, in 1659, 'and, like his father,
became an advocate of the parliament of Normandy. On
the revocation of the edict of Nantes, he took refuge in.
Holland, where he published a very liberal and sensible
work, entitled, “Traite de la Tolerance,
” Republic of Letters,
” Basnage commenced a similar literary journal, entitled “Histoire des ouvrages des.Savans,
” in Sept. Dictionnaire Universel,
” printed at Trevoux, in
onomer in the sixteenth century, whose writings have deservedly transmitted his memory to posterity, was the son of the laird of Bassantin in the Merse, and born some
, a Scotch astronomer in the sixteenth century, whose writings have deservedly transmitted
his memory to posterity, was the son of the laird of Bassantin in the Merse, and born some time in the reign of
king James IV. He was sent while young to the university of Glasgow where, instead of applying himself to
words, he studied things; and, while other young men of
his age were perfecting themselves in style, he arrived at
a surprising knowledge, for that time, in almost all branches
of the mathematics. In order to improve himself in this
science, and to gratify his passion for seeing other countries, he travelled, soon after he quitted the college of
Glasgow, through the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy,
and Germany, fixing himself at last in France, where he
taught the mathematics with applause, in the university
of Paris. He fell in there with the common notions of the
times, and was either credulous enough to entertain a good
opinion of judicial astrology, or had so much address as to
make the credulity of others useful to him, by supporting
an erroneous system, then in too great credit for him to
demolish, if he had been disposed, as the humour of believing such kind of predictions never ran so strong as at
this time, nor any where stronger than in that country.
At last, having a desire to see his relations, and spend his
remaining days in his own country, he resolved to quit
France, where he had acquired a high reputation, and
some fortune, and returned home in the year 1562. It
was doubtless to our author that sir James Melvil alludes
in his Memoirs, when he says that his brother, sir Robert,
while he was using his endeavours to reconcile the two
queens, Elizabeth and Mary, met with one Bassantin, a
man learned in the high sciences, who told him “that all
his travel would be in vain; for, said he, they will never
meet together: and next, there will never be anything
but dissembling and secret hatred, for a while; and at
length, captivity and utter wreck to our queen from England.
” He added, “that the kingdom of England at
length shall fall, of right, to the crown of Scotland; but
it shall cost many bloody battles; and the Spaniards shall
be helpers, and take a part to themselves for their labour.
A prediction in which Bassantin partly guessed right, which
it is likely he was enabled to do from a judicious consideration of probable circumstances and appearances.
incorrect manner, and wrote much worse. He had very clear notions in most parts of his writings, and was far from being a contemptible astronomer, though the commendations
It does not at all appear in what manner he spent the
remainder of his life after he came back to Scotland; but
it is certain he did not survive long, since his decease happened, as those who were well acquainted with him attest,
in 1568. As to his learning, we are told by those who
admired it most, it lay not in languages, of which, except
his mother-tongue, he knew none thoroughly, though he
spoke and taught in French, but in a very incorrect manner, and wrote much worse. He had very clear notions in
most parts of his writings, and was far from being a contemptible astronomer, though the commendations bestowed
on him by some authors very far surpass his deserts. He
was too nauch tinctured with the superstition of the times,
not to intermix a vast deal of false, and even ridiculous
matter in his writings, on the virtuous aspects, and influences of the planets; yet in other respects he shews much
good sense and industry, which render his works worth
reading, and ought to secure both them and his memory
from oblivion. As to his religion, he is reported to have
been a zealous Protestant; and, with regard to his political principles, he is said to have adhered to the famous
earl of Murray, then struggling for that power which he
afterwards obtained. The works published by our author
were: 1. “Astronomia, Jacobi Bassantini Scoti, opus absolutissimum,
” &c. in which the observations of the most
expert mathematicians on the heavens are digested into
order and method, Latin and French, Geneva, 1599, fol.
2. “Paraphrase de l‘Astrolabe, avec une amplification de
l’usage de l'astrolabe,
” Lyons, Super mathematica genethliaca;
” i. e. of
the calculation of nativities. 4. “Arithmetical
” 5. “Musica secundnm Platonem.
” 6. “De Mathesi in genere.
The very titles of his works, joined to the age in which
he flourished, sufficiently justify his right to a place in this
work; and, though he might have foibles, yet, without
doubt his practical skill was great, and the pains he took
contributed not a little to bring in that accuracy and correctness in observations, which have effectually exploded
those superstitions to which, with other great men, he was
too much addicted.
, bishop of London in the reign of king Henry III, was brother of Gilbert Basset, one of the barons, who died by a
, bishop of London in the reign of king Henry III, was brother of Gilbert Basset, one of the barons, who died by a fall from his horse, leaving behind him one only son, an infant, by whose death soon alter, the inheritance devolved to Fulk. In 1225, he was made provost of the collegiate church of St. John of Beverly, and in 1230, dean of York. In December 1241, he was elected by the chapter of London, bishop of that see, in the room of Roger Niger, both in regard of his family and his great virtues, and notwithstanding the king’s recommendation of Peter de Egueblanche, bishop of Hereford. The see of Canterbury being vacant at the time of this prelate’s election, he was not consecrated till the 9th of October, 1244, at which time the solemnity was performed at London in the church of the Holy Trinity. In the year 1250, bishop Basset began to have a warm dispute with archbishop Boniface, concerning the right of metropolitical visitation. The see of Canterbury had from the beginning an undoubted authority over all the churches of that province, received appeals, censured offenders, and occasionally exercised a jurisdiction over the bishops and canons of the cathedral churches. But hitherto solemn metropolitical visitations at stated times were not in use. Boniface was the first who introduced them, and loaded the bishops and chapters with a prodigious expence, under the name of procurations. On the 12th of May, 1250, be visited the bishop of London, and, being intolerably insolent, as well as avaricious, treated the good prelate with the grossest indignities, and most opprobrious language. Designing to visit the chapter of St. Paul’s, and the priory of St. Bartholomew, he was opposed by the canons of both places, alleging that they had a learned and diligent bishop, who was their proper visitor, and that they neither ought, nor would submit to any other visitatorial power. The archbishop on hearing this, excommunicated the canons, and involved the bishop, as favouring their obstinacy, in the same sentence. Both sides appealed to Rome, where the archbishop, supported by money and the royal favour, pleaded his cause in person; and, notwithstanding the English clergy, by their proctors, offered the pope four thousand marks to be exempted from the archiepiscopal visitation, he obtained a confirmation of his visitatorial power, with this restriction only, that he should be moderate in his demand of procurations.
He died of the plague in 1259, having sat near fifteen years from the time of his consecration, and was buried May 25, in St. Paul’s church. Bishop Basset founded two
In 1256, this prelate began to build the church of St. Faith, near St. Paul’s, on the spot which king John had formerly given to the bishops and chapter of London for a market. In the latter part of his life he is said to have inclined to the side of the barons. But we have only the authority of Matthew Paris for this, while bishop Godwin informs us that our other historians, who acknowledge Basset to have been a good man, and a wise, pious, and vigilant pastor, censure him for not joining the barons, but remaining faithful to his prince. He died of the plague in 1259, having sat near fifteen years from the time of his consecration, and was buried May 25, in St. Paul’s church. Bishop Basset founded two chantries in his cathedral church, near the altar of the blessed virgin, for himself and his father and mother. He also bequeathed to his church a golden apple, two rich chests for relics, some ecclesiastical vestments, and several books relating to church matters.
, esq. a gentleman of a good family, and a writer in the fifteenth century, was chamberlain, or gentleman of the privy chamber, to king Henry
, esq. a gentleman of a good family,
and a writer in the fifteenth century, was chamberlain, or
gentleman of the privy chamber, to king Henry V. on
whom he was a constant attendant and an eye-witness of
most of his glorious actions both at home and abroad; all
which he particularly described. Beginning at his tenderest years, he gave a full and exact account of Henry’s
several expeditions into France; his glorious victories,
large conquests, and illustrious triumphs in that kingdom;
his advantageous and honourable peace with Charles VI.
his marriage with the princess Catherine, his coronation at
Paris: and, finally, his death, and the coronation of king
Henry VI. his son and successor. These several remarkable events Peter Basset comprized in one volume, which
he entitled “The Actes of king Henry V.
” This book
was never printed; and was said to be extant in manuscript in the college of heralds, and perhaps in some other
places but upon the closest examination it appears that
he is originally quoted only by Edward Hall, in his Chronicle, and perhaps by Bale. What has been quoted out
of his writings, either by Mr. Thomas Goodwin in his
“History of the reign of Henry the Fifth,
” or by other
historians within that period, is visibly borrowed from Hall.
Dr. Nicolson mentions Basset only upon the authority of
Pits, who Had taken his account from Bale.
ery; or of the disease of St. Fiacre, which is a flux accompanied with the haemorrhoids; Basset, who was with him at the time of his decease, affirms that he died of
In one particular he differs from the rest of king Henry the Fifth’s historians: for whereas Monstrelet says that that prince died of a St. Anthony’s fire; others, of a fever and dysentery; or of the disease of St. Fiacre, which is a flux accompanied with the haemorrhoids; Basset, who was with him at the time of his decease, affirms that he died of a pleurisy. Basset flourished about the year 1430, under the reign of Henry VI.
, a Frenchman, who was, unfortunately for him, sent to Rome as ambassador. At the
, a Frenchman, who
was, unfortunately for him, sent to Rome as ambassador.
At the commencement of the revolution, he was editor of
the journal called the “Mercnre,
” with Mallet-Dupan,
and afterwards of the “Journal d'etat et du citoyen,
” begun by Carra. Having made diplomatic affairs his particular study, he was sent to Rome, in 1792, as envoy
extraordinary, but was so unpopular as to be insulted in
that city whenever he made his appearance. At length, on
Jan. 13, 1793, the populace, irritated at his wearing the
French cockade, pelted him with stones until he reached
the house of the banker, Monette, where he received a
wound from one of the mob, which proved fatal in about
twenty-four hours. Not content with this murder, the insurgents set fire to the French academy des eleves in
Rome, and insulted many of the students. It is said that
this insurrection was occasioned by the substitution of a
new coat of arms, probably in the taste of the French revolutionists. Basseville was a member of several academies,
and wrote 1. “Elemcns de Mythologie,
” 8vo. 2. “Precis historique sur la vie du Genevois Lefort, principal
ministre de Pierre-le-Grand, grand amiral de Russie,
178G. 3.“Memoires historiques et politiques sur la Revolution de France,
, the wife of Dr. Joseph Verati, a very ingenious lady, was born in 1712, and died at Bologna, of which she was a native,
, the wife of Dr.
Joseph Verati, a very ingenious lady, was born in 1712,
and died at Bologna, of which she was a native, in 1778.
Such were her acknowledged talents and learning, that,
in 1732, she was honoured with a Doctor’s degree, after,
having disputed publicly in Latin, and her reputation
became afterwards completely established by a course of
lectures on experimental philosophy, which she delivered
from 1745 to the time of her death. Madame tie Bocage,
in her “Letters on Italy,
” informs us that she attended
one of those lectures, in which Madame Bassi developed
the phenomena of irritability, with precision and depth.
The greater part of the literati of Europe, to whom she
was well known, bore testimony to her learning, particularly in the Greek, Latin, French, and Italian; nor was
she less distinguished for her numerous exertions of charity
to the poor and the orphan. We do not find that she published anything, but was the theme of much poetical praise.A collection of these tributes of applause appeared in 1732,
with her portrait, and an inscription, “L. M. C. Bassi,
Phil. Doct. Coll. Academ. Institut. Scientiar. Societ. Ætat.
Ann. xx.
” and with the following allusion to Petrarch’s
, a surgeon and anatomist of considerable reputation, was born at Bremen in 1690, whence, in 1713, he went to Halle, and
, a surgeon and anatomist of considerable reputation, was born at Bremen in 1690, whence,
in 1713, he went to Halle, and studied medicine under
the ablest professors. In 1715 he removed to Strasburgh,
and afterwards to Basle, where he confined his researches
entirely to anatomy and surgery. In 1718 he took his
doctor’s degree at Halle, and some time after was appointed professor extraordinary of anatomy and surgery,
which office he held until his death, in 1754, He published: 1. “Disputatio de Fistula ani feliciter curanda,
Halle, Theses,
” and Macquart translated it into
French, Paris, Grundlicher Beritcht oon bandagen,
” Leipsic,
Observationes anatomico-chirurgico-medicoe,
” Halle, 1731, 8vo,
In this there are many judicious reflections and cases, accompanied by figures descriptive of some instruments of
his invention. 4. “Tractatus de morbis venereis,
” Leipsic, Notes on the Surgery of Nuck,
” Halle,
ght there for seven or eight years, with much credit, upon “the Master of the Sentences.” In 1322 he was sent to Mechlin, in Brabant, where he spent the remainder of
, a native of Scotland in the thirteenth
and fourteenth centuries, applied in youth to the study
of polite literature and philosophy, after which he studied
divinity at Oxford, under Duns Scotus, with whom he
went to Paris, in 1304. After continuing his studies for
some time at that university, he entered into the order of
the Minorites, in 1313. Being sent by the general of the
order to Rheims, he studied medicine, and taught there
for seven or eight years, with much credit, upon “the
Master of the Sentences.
” In Commentaria seu Lecturas in
quatuor Libros Sententiarum,
” Paris, Doctor
” in allusion to his method and perspicuity. In the same volume are “Miscellanea Philosophica
et Medica.
, colonel-general of the Swiss guards, and marshal de France in 1622, was born in Lorraine of a family of distinction, April 22, 1579.
, colonel-general of
the Swiss guards, and marshal de France in 1622, was
born in Lorraine of a family of distinction, April 22, 1579.
He served in the war of the Savoy in 1600, and in 1603
went into Hungary, where he was solicited to serve under
the emperor, but he preferred the service of France. In
1617 he commanded the ordnance at the siege of ChateauPorcien, and a short time after was wounded at the siege
of Rhetel. He served afterwards, as marshal of the camp,
at the battle of Pont-de-Ce, the sieges of St. John d'Angeli, of Montpellier, &c. In 1622, when made a marshal
of France, he was colonel of the Swiss, and at the same
time sent as ambassador extraordinary to Spain. In 1625
he served in the same capacity in Swisserland, and in 1626
in England. He was also at the siege of Rochelle, and,
as on all other occasions, was distinguished for skill and
bravery, but the cardinal de Richelieu, who had to complain of his caustic tongue, and who dreaded all those by
whom he thought he might one day be eclipsed, caused
him to be imprisoned in the Bastille in 1631. Bassompierre
had foreseen the ascendancy which the capture of Rochelle,
the bulwark of the Protestants, would give to that minister;
and therefore was heard to say on that occasion: “You
will see that we shall be fools enough to take Rochelle.
He passed the time of his confinement in reading and
writing. One day as he was busily turning over the leaves
of the Bible, Malleville asked him what he was looking for
“A passage that I cannot find,
” returned the marechal, “a
way to get out of prison.
” Here also he composed his
” printed at Cologne in Relation of
his embassies,
” much esteemed, Remarks on the history of Louis XIII.
by Dupleix, in 12mo, a work somewhat too satirical, but
curious. Bassompierre lived till the 12th of October 1646,
when he was found dead in his bed. He was a great dealer
in bons mots, which were not always delicate. On his
coming out of the Bastille, as he was become extremely corpulent, for want of exercise, the queen asked him, “Quand
il accoucheroit?
” “Quand j'aurais trouve une sage
” answered he; which will not bear a translation,
as the wit turns on the double meaning of sage femme,
which signifies either a midwife, or a sensible woman,
Louis XI II. asked him his age, almost at the same time:
he made himself no more than fifty. The king seeming
surprised: “Sir,
” answered Bassompierre, I subtract ten
years passed in the Bastille, because I did not employ
them in your service.“Although he had been employed
in embassies, negociation was not his principal talent; but
he possessed other qualities’that qualified him for an ambassador. He was a very handsome man, had great presence of mind, was affable, lively, and agreeable, very polite and generous. After his liberation from the Bastille,
the duchess of Aiguillon, niece of the cardinal de Richelieu, offered him five hundred thousand livres to dispose of
as he should think proper:
” Madam,“said Bassompierre,
as be thanked her,
” your uncle has done me too much
harm, to allow me to receive so much good of you." he
spoke all the languages of Europe with the same facility as
his own. Play and women were his two predominant passions. Being secretly informed that he was to be arrested,
he rose before day, and burnt upwards of six thousand
letters, which he had received from ladies of the city and
the court.
, an able military commander, originally of Epirus, was born at Rocca near Tarentum. The duke of Parma, under whom he
, an able military commander, originally of Epirus, was born at Rocca near Tarentum. The
duke of Parma, under whom he served, was highly satisfied with the success of all the affairs he entrusted him
with. In 1596 he threw provisions into Fere, besieged by
Henry Tv. an enterprise which was executed with a secrecy and celerity that did him great honour, and the emperor afterwards engaged him hi his service. He signalized
himself in Hungary and in Transylvania, where he conquered and reduced the rebels. He died about 1607,
leaving two works which have preserved his memory,
1. “Maestro di campo generate,
” Venice, Governo della Cavalleria leggiera,
” Francfort,
, a clergyman and poet, was born at lilandford in Dorsetshire, and educated at Winchester-r
, a clergyman and poet, was born at lilandford in Dorsetshire, and educated at Winchester-r school, from whence he removed to New college, Oxford, where he was chosen perpetual fellow in 1588, and two vcars after took the degree of B. A. but indulging too much his passion for satire, he was expelled the college for a libel. Not long after, he was made chaplain to Thomas, earl of Suifolk, lord treasurer of England, through whose interest he became vicar of Bere Regis, and rector of Aimer in his native county, having some time before taken the degree of M. A. He was a person of great natural endowments, a celebrated poet, and in his latter years an excellent preacher. His conversation was witty and facetious, which made his company be courted by all ingenious men. He was thrice married, as appears from one of his epigrams. Towards the latter end of his life, being disordered in his senses, and brought into debt, he was confined in the prison of All-Hallows parish in Dorchester, where dying in a very obscure and mean condition, he was buried in the church-yard belonging to that parish, April the 19th, 1618.
, a very industrious French writer, was born at Marseilles, July 15, 1724, and after studying in his
, a very industrious
French writer, was born at Marseilles, July 15, 1724, and
after studying in his own country, came to Paris, where he
engaged in a great variety of literary enterprises. He was
editor of the “Bibliotheque universelle des Romans,
” Paris, Choix des
anciens Mercures,
” L'etre pensant,
” a kind of romance,
Paris, Les choses comme ont doit les
” ibid. Le Nouveau Spectateur,
” 2 vols. 8vo, an
attempt at a periodical essay in the manner of the Spectator, but without the materials which a free country
furnishes. 4. “Aventures de Victoire Ponty,
” Amsterdam
and Paris, Confessions d'un Fat,
Paris, Le Depit et le Voyage,
” a poem
with notes, and “Letlres Venitiennes,
” Paris, Le Monde comme il est,
” ibid. Le Tombeau Philosophique,
” Amsterdam, Les Tetes Folles,
” Paris, Varietes Litteraires, Galantes, &c. ibid. 1774, 8vo. 11.
” Le Tribunal de l'Amour,“ibid. 1750, 12mo. 12.
” La
Trentainede Cythere," Paris, 1753, 12mo. In the opinion
of his countrymen, there are few of these works which rise
above mediocrity, although the author generally pleases by
his sprightly manner. The Dict. Hist, to which we are
chiefly indebted for this article, does not mention the time
of his death. There was another la Bastide, called the elder, who published, in 1773, two volumes of a history of
French literature, but how far connected with the author
we know not.
, a poet of some note in the fourteenth century, and author of several works, was born in Yorkshire, not far from Nottingham. In his youth he
, a poet of some note in the fourteenth century, and author of several works, was born in
Yorkshire, not far from Nottingham. In his youth he became a Carmelite monk, and afterwards prior of the convent
of that order at Scarborough. Bale says that he was likewise poet laureat and public orator at Oxford, which Wood
thinks doubtful. Edward I. (not Edward II. as Mr. Warton says) carried him with him in his expedition to Scotland in
1304, to be an eye-witness and celebrate his conquest of
Scotland in verse. Holinshed mentions this circumstance
as a singular proof of Edward’s presumption and confidence in his undertaking against Scotland, but it appears
that a poet was a stated officer in the royal retinue when
the king went to war. On this occasion Baston was peculiarly unfortunate, being taken prisoner, and compelled by
the Scots to write a panegyric on Robert Bruce, as the
price of his ransom. This was the more provoking, as he
had just before written on the siege of Stirling castle in
honour of his master, which performance is extant in Fordun’s Scoti-chronicon. His works, according to Bale and
Pits, were written under these titles: 1. “De Strivilniensi
” of the Siege of Stirling, a poem in one book.
2. “De altero Scotorum Beilo,
” in one book. 3. “De
Scotiae Guerris variis,
” in one book. 4. “De variis mundi
” in one book. 5. “De Sacerdotum luxuriis,
in one book. 6. “Contra Artistas,
” in one book. 7. “De
Divite et Lazaro.
” 8. “Epistolae ad diversos,
” in one
book. 9. “Sermones Synodales,
” in one book. 10. A
Book of Poems; and, 11. A volume of tragedies and comedies in English, the existence of which is doubtful. His
other poems are in monkish Latin hexameters. He died
about 1310, and was buried at Nottingham.
ity, more from the punishment he suffered for writing, than for the merit of what he has written. He was born at Writtle in Essex, 1595, and studied at Emanuel college,
, an English physician of the
last century, has acquired some celebrity, more from the
punishment he suffered for writing, than for the merit of
what he has written. He was born at Writtle in Essex,
1595, and studied at Emanuel college, Cambridge, but
leaving the university without a degree, he travelled for
nine years, and was made doctor of physic at Padua. He
printed at Leyden, 1624, a small piece entitled “Elenchus
Ileligionis Papisticse, in quo probatur neque Apostolicam,
neque Catholic-am, imo neque Romanam esse,
” 24mo.
Afterwards, in England, he published “Flagellum Pontificis et Episcoporum latialium;
” and though he declared, in
the preface, that he intended nothing against such bishops
as acknowledged their authority from kings and emperors;
yet our English prelates imagining that some things in his
book were levelled at them, he was cited before the high
commission court, fined 1000l. and sentenced to be excommunicated, to be debarred the practice of physic, to have
his book burnt, to pay costs of suit, and to remain in prison
till he made a recantation. Accordingly he was confined
two years in the Gate-house, where he wrote “Apologeticus ad Proesules Anglicanos,
” &c. and a book called
“The New Litany,
” in which he taxed the bishops with
an inclination to popery, and exclaimed against the severity
and injustice of the high-commission’s proceedings against
him. For this he was sentenced to pay a fine of 5000l. to
stand in the pillory in the Palace Yard, Westminster, and
there lose his ears, and to suffer perpetual imprisonment in
a remote part of the kingdom. The same sentence was,
the same year, 1637, passed and executed upon Prynne
and Burton. Bastwick was conveyed to Launceston castle
in Cornwall, and thence removed to St. Mary’s castle in the
Isle of Scilly, where his nearest relations were not permitted to visit him. The house of commons, however, in
1640, ordered him, as well as the others, to be brought
back to London; and they were attended all the way thither by vast multitudes of people, with loud acclamations
of joy. The several proceedings against them were voted
illegal, unjust, and against the liberty of the subject; their
sentence reversed; their fine remitted; and a reparation
of 5000l. each ordered out of the estates of the archbishop
of Canterbury, the high-commissioners, and other lords,
who had voted against them in the star-chamber.
Bastwick was alive in 1648, but when he died is uncertain. He appears to
Bastwick was alive in 1648, but when he died is uncertain. He appears to have been one of those turbulent lovers
of popularity, who lose their fame by endeavouring to carry
the principles of liberty into practice. He evidently quar^
relied with the leaders of some of the parties which arose
out of the convulsions of the times, and was suffered to depart in obscurity. This is evident from the titles of the
pamphlets he published, besides those above-mentioned,
which were, 1. “Independency not God’s Ordinance;
to which H. Burton wrote an answer under this title
“Viridicire Veritatis; truth vindicated against calumny.
In a brief answer to Dr. Bastwick’s two late books, entitled
`Independency not God’s Ordinance,'
” Lond. The utter routing of the whole army of all the Independents and Sectaries, with the total overthrow of their
” 3. “Defence of Himself against Lilburn.
, an eminent physician, was born at Maid’s Morton near Buckingham, 160S. At fourteen years
, an eminent physician, was born at Maid’s Morton near Buckingham, 160S. At fourteen years of age he became one of the clerks of New college, in Oxford; from whence he was removed to Queen’s college, and afterwards to St. Edmund’s hall. When he had taken the degrees of bachelor and M. A. he entered on the study of physic; and having taken a bachelor’s degree in that faculty in 1629, he obtained a licence, and for some years practised in and about Oxford, chiefly amongst the Puritans, who at that time considered him as one of their party. In 1637 he took his degree of doctor in physic, and became so eminent in his profession, that when king Charles kept his court at Oxford, he was his principal physician. When the king’s affairs declined, Dr. Bate removed to London, where he accommodated himself so well to the times, that he became physician to the Charterhouse, fellow of the college of physicians, and afterwards principal physician to Oliver Cromwell, whom he is said to have highly flattered. Upon the restoration he got into favour with the royal parly, was made principal physician to the king, and fellow of the royal society; and this, we are told, was owing to a report raised on very slender foundation, and asserted only by his friends, that he gave the protector a dose which hastened his death. He died at his house in Hatton-garden, April 19, 1668, and not 1669, as in the Biog. Brit. and was buried at Kingstonupon-Thames.
liamentarii brevis narratio,” Paris, 1649, and Frankfort, 1650, 4to. Before it went to the press, it was communicated to Dr. Peter Heylyn, who made several observations
His principal work is an account of the rebellion, with a
narrative of the regal and parliamentary privileges, printed
under the title of “Elenchus Motuum nuperorum in Anglia, simul ac Juris Regis el Parliamentarii brevis narratio,
Paris, Elenchus,
” also in Latin, by Dr. Thomas Skinner, a physician,
but is inferior to the former. In 1685, the whole was
translated by A. Lovel, M. A. of Cambridge. The only
answer to Dr. Bate’s work, entitled “Elenchus Elenchi,
was written by Robert Pugh, an officer in the king’s army,
and printed at Paris in 1664, 8vo, to which Bate replied;
but we do not find that his reply was published. Dr. Bate
wrote likewise, 1. “The Royal Apology; or, the declaration of the Commons in parliament, Feb. 11, 1647,
” De Rachitide, sive morbo puerili, qui vulgo the
Rickets dicitur,
” Lond. 1650, 8vo. Mr. Wood tells us, the
doctor was assisted in this work by Francis Glisson and Ahasuerus Regemorter, doctors of physic, and fellows of the
college of physicians, and that it was afterwards translated
into English by Philip Armin, and printed at London,
1651, 8vo and about the same time translated by Nicolas
Culpepper, who styles himself ‘ student in physic and astrology.’ 3. After Dr. Bate’s death came out a dispensatory in Latin, entitled “Pharmacopoeia Batcana; in qua
octoginta circiter pharmaca plcraque omnia e praxiGeorgii
Batei regi Carolo 2clo proto-medici excerpta,
” Lond. Bate’s Dispensatory,
” and was
long a very popular work. There was another George
Bate, who wrote the “Lives of the Regicides,
” London,
tury, uas born in Northumberland, and educated at York in the study of the liberal arts, in which he was much encouraged by the favour of some persons his patrons, who
, prior of the monastery of Carmelites at York in the fifteenth century, uas
born in Northumberland, and educated at York in the
study of the liberal arts, in which he was much encouraged
by the favour of some persons his patrons, who were at the
expence of sending him to Oxford, to finish his studies in
that university. Bate abundantly answered the hopes conceived of him, and became an eminent philosopher and
divine, and particularly remarkable for his skill in the
Greek tongue. He took the degree of D. D. at Oxford,
and afterwards distinguished himself as an author. The
Carmelites of York were so sensible of his merit, that, upon
a vacancy, they offered him the government of their house,
which he accepted, and discharged that office with great
prudence and success. He died the 26th of January 1429,
in the beginning of the reign of Henry VI. Bale, who
cannot refuse him the character of a learned man, asserts
that he adulterated the word of God with false doctrines, to
support the blasphemies of antichrist, and defiled his own
writings with the filth of Paganism. These writings, as
enumerated by Leland, Bale, and Pits, consist of the following treatises, 1. “On the construction of the Parts of
” 2. “On Porphyry’s Universalia.
” 3. “On
Aristotle’s Predicaments.
” 4. “On Poretanus’s Six Principles.
” 5. “Questions concerning the Soul.
” 6. “Of
the Assumption of the Virgin.
” 7. “An introduction to
the Sentences.
” 8. “The praise of Divinity.
” 9. “A
compendium of Logic.
” 10. “An address to the clergy
or' Oxford.
” 11. “Synodical conferences.
” 12. “Determinations on several questions.
” 13. “A course of
Sermons for the whole year.
” 14. “A preface to the
, an English divine of the Hutchinsonian principles, was a younger son of the Rev. Richard Bate, vicar of Chilham and
, an English divine of the Hutchinsonian
principles, was a younger son of the Rev. Richard Bate,
vicar of Chilham and rector of Warehorn, who died in
1736. He was born about 1711, and matriculated at St.
John’s college, Cambridge, where he took his degrees, of
B. A. 1730, and M. A. 1742. He was an intimate friend
of the celebrated Hutchinson, as we learn from Mr. Spearman’s life of that remarkable author), by whose recommendation he obtained from Charles duke of Somerset a presentation to the living of Sutton in Sussex, near his seat at
Petworth. Mr. Bate attended Hutchinson in his last illness (1737), and was by him in a most striking manner recommended to the protection of an intimate friend, “with
a strict charge not to suffer his labours to become useless
by neglect.
” It having been reported that Hutchinson had
recanted the publication of his writings to Dr. Mead a
little before his death; that circumstance was flatly contradicted by a letter from Mr. Bate, dated Arundel, January
20, 1759. He died at Arundel, April 7, 1771. His evangelical principles of religion shone with a steady lustre, not
only in his writings, but in his life. Disinterested, and disdaining the mean arts of ambition, he was contented with
the small preferment he had in the church. As a Christian
and a friend, he was humble and pious, tender, affectionate,
and faithful; as a writer, warm, strenuous, and undaunted,
in asserting the truth.
Jennings,” 1744, 3vo. 4. “Remarks upon Mr. Warburton’s remarks, shewing that the ancients knew there was a future state, and that the Jews were not under an equal Providence,”
His publications were, 1. “The Examiner examined,
&c. (against Calcott) with some observations upon the Hebrew Grammar,
” An essay towards explaining
the third chapter of Genesis, in answer to Mr. Warburton,
Divine Legation,
” one Julius Bate,
” in conjunction with
“one Romaine,
” of betraying private conversation, and
writing fictitious letters. 3. “The philosophical principles
of Moses asserted and defended against the misrepresentations of Mr. David Jennings,
” Remarks
upon Mr. Warburton’s remarks, shewing that the ancients
knew there was a future state, and that the Jews were not
under an equal Providence,
” The faith
ef the ancient Jews in the law of Moses and the evidence
of the types, vindicated in a letter to Dr. Stebbing,
” 1747,
8vo. 6. “Proposals for printing Hutchinson’s works,
A defence of Mr. Hutchinson’s plan,
” An Hebrew Grammar, formed on the usage of words
by the inspired writers,
” The use and
intent of Prophecy, and history of the Fall cleared,
A defence of Mr. Hutchinson’s tenets
against Berington,
” The scripture meaning
of Elohim and Berith,
”' Micah v. '2. and
Matthew ii. 6. reconciled, with some remarks on Dr.
Hunt’s Latin writings.
” 13. “The blessing of Judah by
Jacob considered; and the era of Daniel’s weeks ascertained, in two dissertations,
” An
Inquiry into the original Similitudes, &c. in the Old and
New Testament,
” &c. no date, but about The integrity of the Hebrew text, and many passages of
Scripture vindicated from the objections and misconstructions of Mr. Kennicott,
” A reply to Dr.
Sharp’s review and defence of his dissertations on the
scripture meaning of Berith. With an appendix in answer
to the doctor’s discourse on Cherubim, part I.
” Remarks upon Dr. Benson’s sermon on the gospel method of Justification,
” Critica Hebraea, or a Hebrew-English Dictionary without points,
” A new and literal translation from the original Hebrew of the pentateuch of Moses,
and of the historical books of the Old Testament, to the end
of the second book of Kings, with notes critical and explanatory,
, elder brother of the preceding, was born at Bocton Malherb in Kent in 1703, and after being educated
, elder brother of the preceding, was
born at Bocton Malherb in Kent in 1703, and after being
educated at the king’s school at Canterbury, was admitted
a pensioner of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge, under
the tuition of Mr. Denne, July 4, 1720. He proceeded
A. B. in 1723, and was pre-elected fellow soon after; but
an offer being made him, in the mean time, of a fellowship
in St. John’s college, by the bishop of Ely, he chose rather
to accept of that than to wait for a vacancy in the other.
He commenced A. M. in 1727. became moderator of the
university in 1730, one of their taxors the year following,
and after distinguishing himself fop his skill in the Hebrew
language, was recommended to the right honourable Horatio Walpoie, whom he attended as chaplain in his embassy
to Paris. After his return home he became possessed of
the rectory of St. Paul’s, Deptford, June 23, 1731. He
died in 1775. He published, 1. “An address to his parishioners on the Rebellion in 1745.
” 2. “Infidelity
scourged, or Christianity vindicated against Chubb, &c.
An essay towards a rationale of the literal doctrine of Original Sin, &c.
” occasioned by some of
Dr. Middleton’s writings, A second edition of the Rationale, &c.
” it was his hard fate, in his younger
years, to serve one of our ambassadors as his chaplain at a
foreign court.
” He published also a few occasional sermons
, bishop of Norwich in the fourteenth century, and founder of Trinity hall in Cambridge, was born at Norwich, the son of a citizen of good repute in that
, bishop of Norwich in the fourteenth century, and founder of Trinity hall in Cambridge, was born at Norwich, the son of a citizen of good repute in that place. He was, from his tenderest years, of a docile and ingenuous disposition, and having made good proficiency in learning, he was sent to the university of Cambridge. There he particularly studied the civil law, in which he took the degree of doctor before he was thirty years of age, a thing then uncommon. On the 8th of December 1328, he was collated to the archdeaconry of Norwich. Soon after this, he went and studied at Rome, for his further improvement; and so distinguished himself by his knowledge and exemplary behaviour, that he was promoted by the pope to the place of auditor of his palace. He was likewise advanced by him to the deanery of Lincoln, and twice sent by him as his nuncio, to endeavour to procure a peace between Edward III. king-of England, and the king of France. Upon the death of Anthony de Beck, bishop of Norwich, the pope conferred that bishopric upon Bateman, on the 23d of January 1343, after which he returned into his native country, and lived in a generous and hospitable manner. Of pope Clement VI. he obtained for himself and successors, the first fruits of all vacant livings within his diocese; which occasioned frequent disputes between hhnsJ.f and his clergy. In 1347, he founded Trinity-hall in Cambridge, for the study of the civil and canon laws, by purchasing certain tenements from the monks of Ely, for which he gave some rectories in exchange, and converted the premises into a hall, dedicated to the holy Trinity. He endowed it with the rectories of Briston, Kymberley, Brimmingham, Woodalling, Cowling, and Stalling, in the diocese of Norwich: and designed that it should consist of a master, twenty fellows, and three scholars; to study the canon and civil law, with an allowance for one divine. But being prevented by death, he left provision only for a master, three fellows, and two scholars. However, by the munificence of subsequent benefactors, it now maintains a master, twelve fellows, and fourteen scholars. Bishop Bateman, from his abilities and address, was often employed by the king and parliament in affairs of the highest importance; and particularly was at the head of several embassies, on purpose to determine the differences between the crowns of England and France. In 1354, he was, by order of parliament, dispatched to the court of Rome, with Henry duke of Lancaster, and others, to treat (in the pope’s presence) of a peace, then in agitation between the two crowns above mentioned. This journey proved fatal to him; for he died at Avignon, where the pope then resided, on the 6th of January 1354-5, and was buried with great solemnity, in the cathedral church of that city. With regard to his person, we are told that he was of an agreeable countenance; and tall, handsome, and well made. He was, likewise, a man of strict justice and piety, punctual in the discharge of his duty, and of a friendly and compassionate disposition. But he was a stout defender of his rights, and would not suffer himself to be injured, or imposed upon, by any one, of which we have the following instance upon record, which perhaps does not more display his resolution than the abject state into which the king and his nobles were reduced by the usurped powers of the church of Rome Robert lord Morley having killed some deer in his parks, and misused his servants, he made him do public penance for the same, by walking uncovered and barefoot, with a wax taper of six pounds in his hands, through the city of Norwich to the cathedral, and then asking his pardon. And all this was done notwithstanding an express order of the king to the contrary, and though his majesty had seized the bishop’s revenues for his obstinacy. But the king was soon after reconciled to him. It remains to be mentioned that bishop Bateman was executor to Edmund Gonville, the founder of the college so called, which gave rise to the report by Godwin and others that he had founded that college or hall, which is evidently a mistake.
, an eminent nonconformist divine of the seventeenth century, was born in November 1625, and after a suitable school education,
, an eminent nonconformist divine of
the seventeenth century, was born in November 1625,
and after a suitable school education, was sent to Cambridge, where he was admitted of Emanuel college, from
which he removed to King’s, in 1644. He commenced
bachelor of arts in 1647, and applying himself to the study
of divinity, became a distinguished preacher among the
Presbyterians. He was afterwards appointed vicar of
St. Dunstan’s in the West, London; and joined with several other divines in preaching a morning exercise at Cripplegate church. At this exercise Dr. Tillotson preached,
in September 1661, the first sermon which was ever
printed by him. Upon the restoration of Charles II.
Mr. Bates was made one of his majesty’s chaplains; and,
in the November following, was admitted to the degree of
doctor in divinity in the university of Cambridge, by royal
mandate. The king’s letter to this purpose was dated on
the 9th of that month. About the same time, he was
offered the deanery of Lichfield and Coventry, which he
refused; and it is said that he might afterwards have been
raised to any bishopric in the kingdom, if he would have
conformed to the established church. Dr. Bates was one
of the commissioners at the Savoy conference in 1660, for
reviewing the public liturgy, and was concerned in drawing
up the exceptions against the Common Prayer. He was,
likewise, chosen on the part of the Presbyterian minfoters,
together with Dr. Jacomb and Mr. Baxter, to manage the
dispute with Dr. Pearson, afterwards bishop of Chester,
Dr. Gunning, afterwards bishop of Ely, and Dr. Sparrow,
afterwards bishop of Ely. In 1665, he took the oath required of the nonconformists by the act commonly called
the Five Mile Act, and which had passed in the parliament
held that year at Oxford, on account of the plague being
in London. When, about January 1667-8, a treaty
was proposed by sir Orlando Bridgman, lord keeper of
the great seal, and countenanced by the lord chief baron
Hale, for a comprehension of such of the dissenters as
could be brought into the communion of the church, and
for a toleration of the rest, Dr. Bates was one of the divines
who, on the Presbyterian side, were engaged in drawing
up a scheme of the alterations and concessions desired by
that party. He was concerned, likewise, in another fruitless attempt of the same kind, which was made in 1674.
His good character recommended him to the esteem and
acquaintance of lord keeper Bridgman, lord chancellor
Finch, and his son, the earl of Nottingham. Dr. Tillotson had such an opinion of his learning and temper, that it
became the ground of a friendship between them, which
continued to the death of that excellent prelate, and Dr.
Bates, with great liberality, used his interest with the archbishop, in procuring a pardon for Nathaniel lord Crewe,
bishop of Durham, who, for his conduct in the ecclesiastical commission, had been excepted out of the act of
indemnity, which passed in 1690. When the dissenters presented their address to king William and queen Mary, on
their accession to the throne, the two speeches to their
majesties were delivered hy Dr. Bates, who was much respected by that monarch; and queen Mary often entertained herself in her closet with his writings. His residence, during the latter part of his life, was at Hackney,
where he preached to a respectable society of Protestant
dissenters, in an ancient irregular edifice in Mare-street,
which was pulled down in 1773. He was also one of the
Tuesday lecturers at Salter’s hall. He died at Hackney,
July 14, 1699, in the 74th year of his age. After his death,
his works, which had been separately printed, were collected into one volume fol. besides which a posthumous
piece of his appeared in 8vo, containing some “Sermons
on the everlasting rest of the Saints.
” He wrote, likewise,
in conjunction with Mr. Howe, a prefatory epistle to Mr.
Chaffy’s treatise of the Sabbath, on its being reprinted;
and another before lord Stair’s vindication of the Divine
Attributes. Dr. Bates is universally understood to have
been the politest writer among the nonconformists of the
seventeenth century. It is reported, that when his library
came to be disposed of, it was found to contain a great
number of romances; but, adds his biographer, it should
be remembered that the romances of that period, though
absurd in several respects, had a tendency to invigorate
years revived among the dissenters by republication. Besides those included in the folio edition, he was the editor of a valuable collection of lives of eminent persons,
the imagination, and abounded in heroic sentiments of honour and virtue. Dr. Bates’s works, however esteemed
about a century ago, are not among those which have been
of late years revived among the dissenters by republication.
Besides those included in the folio edition, he was the
editor of a valuable collection of lives of eminent persons,
princes, and men of rank, churchmen, and men of learning,
amounting to thirty-two, all in Latin, under the title of
“Vitse selectorum aliquot virorum qui doctrina, dignitate,
aut pietate inclaruere,
” Lond. 4to, Batesii Vitse selects.
It is now, although scarce, much less valued than such a
collection deserves.
, a learned knight, and eminent justiciary of the thirteenth century, was a younger brother of an ancient family of that name, and born,
, a learned knight, and eminent justiciary of the thirteenth century, was a younger brother of an ancient family of that name, and born, most probably, at the ancient seat of the family, called Bathe house, in the county of Devon. Being a younger brother, he was brought up to the profession of the law, in the knowledge of which he so distinguished himself, that he was advanced by king Henry III. in 1238, to be one of the justices of the common pleas; and in 1240, was constituted one of the justices itinerant (as they were then called), for the county of Hertford; and in 1248 he was appointed the same for Essex and Surrey; in 1249 for Kent, Berks, Southampton, and Middlesex; and in 1250 for Lincolnshire; at which time he had allowed him out of the exchequer, by a peculiar favour, an hundred pounds a year for his sustentation in the discharge of his office. But the year following he lost the king’s favour, owing to the following crimes being laid to his charge, viz. That he had not exercised his office uprightly, but to his own private gain, having perverted justice through bribes, in a suit betwixt him and one Everard Trumpirigton; and this charge was chiefly supported against him by one Philip de Arcis, knt. who also added treason to that of infidelity in his office. The accused was attached in the king’s court; but one Mansel, who was now become a great favourite at court, offered bail for his appearance: king Henry refused this, the case, as he alledged, not being bailable, but one of high-treason. Fulk Basset, however, then bishop of London, and a great many of De Bathe’s friends interceding, the king at last gave orders that he should be bailed, twenty-four knights becoming sureties for his appearing and standing to the judgment of the court. But De Bathe seems to have been conscious of his own dements, or the prejudices of his judges against him, for he was no sooner set at liberty, than he wrote to all his relations either by blood or marriage, desiring that they would apply to the king in his favour, at first by fair speeches and presents, and if these did not prevail, they should appear in a more warlike manner, which they unanimously promised to do, upon the encouragement given them by a bold knight, one Nicholas de Sandford. But the king, confiding in his own power and the interest of De Bathe’s accusers, appeared inexorable, and rejected all presents from the friends of the accused. De Bathe, convinced that, if Henry persisted in his resolution, he himself must perish, had recourse to the bishop of London, and other special friends, and with a great posse of these went to Richard earl of Cornwall (afterwards king of the Romans), whom by prayer and promises he won over to his interest. The king remaining inflexible, about the end of February, De Bathe was obliged to appear to answer what should be laid to his charge. This he accordingly did, but strongly defended by a great retinue of armed knights, gentlemen, and others, viz. his own and his wife’s friends and relations, among whom was the family of the Bassets and the Sandfords. The assembly was now divided between those who depended upon the king for their preferments, and those who (though a great majority) were so exasperated at the measures of the court, that they were resolved not to find De Bathe guilty. It was not long before the king perceived this, and proclaimed that whosoever had any action or complaint against Henry de Bathe, should come in and should be heard. A new charge was now brought against De Bathe: he was impeached (not only on the former articles, but particularly) for alienating the affections of the barons from his majesty, and creating such a ferment all over the kingdom, that a general sedition was on the point of breaking out; and Bathe’s brotherjusticiary declared to the assembly, that he knew the accused to have dismissed without any censure, for the sake of lucre, a convicted criminal. Many other complaints were urged against him, but they seem to have been disregarded by all, except the king and his party, who was so much exasperated to see De Bathe likely to be acquitted, that he mounted his throne, and with his own mouth made proclamation, That whosoever should kill Henry de Bathe, should have the royal pardon for him and his heirs; after which speech he went out of the room in a great passion. Many of the royal party, upon this savage intimation, were for dispatching De Bathe in court: but his friend Mansel, one of the king’s counsel, and Fulk Basset, bishop of London, interposed so effectually, that he was saved; and afterwards, by the powerful mediation of his friends (among whom was the earl of Cornwall, the king’s brother, and the bishop of London), and the application of a sum of money, viz. 2,000 marks to the king, he obtained not only pardon, but all his former places and favour with the king, who re-established him in the same seat of judicature as he was in before, and rather advanced him higher; for he was made chief-justice of the king’s bench, in which honourable post he continued till the time of his death, as Dugdale informs us: for in 1260, we find that he was one of the justices itinerant for the counties of Huntingdon, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridge, which was the year before he died. Browne Willis in h is Cathedrals (vol.ii. p. 410.) mentions that he was buried in Christ church, Oxford, but the editor of Wood’s colleges and halls, asks how any one can conceive the effigy of a man in armour to have been intended for a justiciary of England? This, however, is not decisive against the effigies on this tomb being intended for Henry de Bathe, because from the king’s threat above, which might be executed by any assassin, it is very probable that he might have been obliged to wear armour, even after the king was reconciled to him.
, an Irish Jesuit, was born in Dublin in 1564. It is said that he was of a sullen,
, an Irish Jesuit, was born in Dublin
in 1564. It is said that he was of a sullen, saturnine temper, and disturbed in his mind, because his family was reduced from its ancient splendour. His parents, who were
Protestants, having a greater regard to learning than religion, placed him under the tuition of an eminent popish
school-master, who fitted him for that station of life which
he afterwards embraced. He then removed to Oxford,
where he studied several years with indefatigable industry:
but the inquisitive Anthony Wood could not discover in
what college or hall he sojourned, or whether he took any
university degree. The same writer alledges, that growing weary of the heresy professed in England (as he usually called the Protestant faith), he quitted the nation and his
religion together, and in 1596 was initiated among the
Jesuits, being then between thirty and forty years of age;
though one of his own order says he was then but twentyfive, which certainly is erroneous. Having spent some
time among the Jesuits in Flanders, Ik; travelled into Italy,
and completed his studies at Padua; from whence he
passed into Spain, being appointed to govern the Irish
seminary at Salamanca. He is said to have had a most
ardent zeal for making converts, and was much esteemed
among the people of his persuasion for his extraordinary
virtues and good qualities, though he was of a temper not
very sociable. At length, taking a journey to Madrid to
transact some business of his order, he died on the 17th of
June 1614, and was buried in the Jesuits 7 convent of that
city, bearing among his brethren a reputation for learning;
particularly on account of a work which he published to
facilitate the acquirement of any language, entitled “Janua Linguarum, seu modus maxime accommodatus, quo
patent aditus ad omnes linguas intelligendas,
” Salamanca,
An introduction to the art of Music,
” London, A briefe introduction to
the skill of Song; concerning the practice; set forth by
William Bathe, gent.
” From sir John Hawkins’s account
of both these productions, and his extracts from them, it
does not appear that they have any great merit. The
style, in particular, is very perplexed and disagreeable.
, sieur d'Aviron, advocate of the presidial court of Evreux, was celebrated in the sixteenth century for his knowledge of law.
, sieur d'Aviron, advocate of
the presidial court of Evreux, was celebrated in the sixteenth century for his knowledge of law. Henry III. king
of France, having, in 1586, appointed commissioners to
investigate and adjust some disputes respecting certain
parts of the Norman law, the report they gave in, and the
proceedings which followed, suggested to le Bathelier that
able work on the Norman law, by which principally he is
now known. Groulard, first president of the parliament of
Normandy, to whom the manuscript was submitted, was
so delighted with it, that he caused the whole to be printed,
but without the name of the author, and when some insinuated that this might be interpreted to his disadvantage,
as an attempt to pass for the author, Groulard answered,
that the book was so excellent, it must always appear the?
work of James le Bathelier, and nerer could be mistaken
under any other name. These “Commentaries on the Norman law
” were reprinted with those of Berault and Godefroi, at Rouen, 1684, 2 vols. fol. We have no account of
the time of Bathelier’s death.
, earl, an English nobleman of distinguished abilities, was son of sir Benjamin Bathurst of Pauler’s Perry, Northamptonshire,
, earl, an English nobleman of distinguished abilities, was son of sir Benjamin Bathurst of Pauler’s Perry, Northamptonshire, and born in St. James’s square, Westminster, Nov. 16, 1684. His mother was Frances, daughter of sir Allen Apsley, in Sussex, knt. After a grammatical education, he was entered, at the age of fifteen, in Trinity college, Oxford; of which his uncle, dean Bathurst, was president. In 1705, when just of age, he was chosen for Cirencester in Gloucestershire, which borough he represented for two parliaments. He acted, in the great opposition to the duke of Maryborough and the Whigs, under Mr. Harley and Mr. St. John; and, in Dec. 1711, at that memorable period, in which the administration, to obtain a majority in the upper house, introduced twelve new lords in one day, was made a peer. On the accession of George I. when his political friends were in disgrace, and some of them exposed to persecution, he continued firm in his attachment to them: he united, particularly, in the protests against the acts of the attainder against lord Bolingbroke and the duke of Ormond. We have no speech of his recorded, till on Feb. 21, 1718 from which period, for the space of twenty-five years, we find that he took an active and distinguished part in every important matter which came before the upper house; and that he was one of the most eminent opposers of the measures of the court, and particularly of sir Robert Waipole’s administration. For an account of these, however, we refer to history, and especially to the history and proceedings of the house of lords.
Apsley, son and heir of sir Allen aforesaid by whom he had four sons and five daughters. In 1742, he was made one of the privy council. In 1757, upon a change in the
The principal circumstances of his private life are as
follow: In 1704, he married Catherine, daughter of sir
Peter Apsley, son and heir of sir Allen aforesaid by whom
he had four sons and five daughters. In 1742, he was
made one of the privy council. In 1757, upon a change
in the ministry, he was constituted treasurer to the present
king, then prince of Wales, and continued in that office
till the death of George II. At his majesty’s accession, in
1760, he was constituted privy counsellor; but, on account
of his age, declined all employments: he had, however,
a pension of 2000/, per annum. “I have attended parliament,
” says he to Swift, “many years, and have never
found that I could do any good; I have, therefore, determined to look to my own affairs a little:
” and it has been
said, we believe justly, that no person of rank ever knew
better how to unite otium cum dignitate. To uncommon
abilities he added many virtues, integrity, humanity, generosity: and to these virtues, good breeding, politeness,
and elegance. His wit, taste, and learning connected him
with all persons eminent in this way, with Pope, Swift,
Addison, &c. and from the few letters of his which are
published among Swift’s, his correspondence must have
been a real pleasure to those by whom it was enjoyed. He
preserved, to the close of his life, his natural cheerfulness
and vivacity: he delighted in rural amusements, and enjoyed with philosophic calmness the shade of the lofty trees
himself had planted. Till within a month of his death, he
constantly rode out on horseback two hours in the morning, and drank his bottle of wine after dinner. He used
jocosely to declare, that he never could think of adopting
Dr. Cadogan’s regimen, as Dr. Cheyne had assured him
fifty years before, that he would not live seven years longer,
unless he abridged himself of his wine.
In 1772, he was advanced to the dignity of earl Bathurst. He lived to see his
In 1772, he was advanced to the dignity of earl Bathurst. He lived to see his eldest surviving son, the second earl Bathurst (who died in 1794) several years chancellor of England, and promoted to the peerage by the title of baron Apsley. He died, after a few days illness, at his seat near Cirencester, Sept. 16, 1775, in his ninety-first year.
, a distinguished wit, and Latin poet, was descended of an ancient family, and was born at Howthorpe, a
, a distinguished wit, and Latin
poet, was descended of an ancient family, and was born at
Howthorpe, a small hamlet in Northamptonshire, in the parish of Thedingworth, near Market-Harborough in Leicestershire, in 1620. He received the first part of his education at the free-school in Coventry, where his father
seems to have resided in the latter part of his life. His
mother was Elizabeth Villiers, daughter and coheir of Edward Villiers, esq. of the same place. They had issue
thirteen sons, and four daughters. Six of the sons lost
their lives in the service of king Charles I. during the grand
rebellion: the rest, besides one who died young, were
Ralph (of whom we now treat), Villiers, Edward, Moses,
Henry, and Benjamin, father of the late earl Bathurst, the
subject of the preceding article. At Coventry school our
author made so quick a progress in the classics, that at the
age of fourteen he was sent to Oxford, and entered October 10, 1634, in Gloucester hall, now Worcester college;
but was removed in a few days to Trinity college, and probably placed under the immediate tuition of his grandfather Dr. Kettel, then president, in whose lodging he
resided (still known by the name of Kettel-hall), and at
whose table he had his diet, for two years. He was elected
scholar of the house, June 5., 1637, and having taken the
degree of A. B. January 27th following, he was appointed
fellow June 4, 1640. He commenced A. M.April 17, 1641,
and on March 2, 1644, conformably to the statutes of his
college, he was ordained priest by Robert Skinner, bishop
of Oxford, and read some theological lectures in the college hall in 1649. These, which he called “Diatribae
theologicEc, philosophies, et philological,
” are said to discover a spirit of theological research, and an extensive
knowledge of the writings of the most learned divines. He
likewise kept his exercise for the degree of B. D. but did
not take it. The confusion of the times promising little
support or encouragement to the ministerial function, like
his friend, the famous Dr. Willis, he applied himself to
the study of physic, and accumulated the degrees in that
faculty, June 21, 1654. Before this time he had sufficiently recommended himself in his new profession, and
had not been long engaged in it, when he was employed
as physician to the sick and wounded of the navy, which
office he executed with equal diligence and dexterity, to
the full satisfaction of the sea-commanders, and the commissioners of the admiralty. We find him soon after settled at Oxford, and practising physic in concert with his
friend Dr. Willis, with whom he regularly attended Abingdon market every Monday. He likewise cultivated every
branch of philosophical knowledge: he attended the lectures of Peter Sthael, a chymist and rosicrucian, who had
been invited to Oxford by Mr. R. Boyle, and was afterwards operator to the royal society about 1662. About the
same time he had also a share in the foundation of that society; and when it was established, he was elected fellow,
and admitted August 19, 1663. While this society was at
Gresham college in London, a branch of it was continued
at Oxford, and the original society books of this Oxford
department are still preserved there in the Ashmolean Museum, where their assemblies were held. Their latter Oxford meetings were subject to regulations made among
themselves; according to which Dr. Bathurst was elected
president April 23, 1688, having been before nominated
one of the members for drawing up articles, February
29, 1683-4. Nor was he less admired as a classical scholar;
at the university a.cts, in the collections of Oxford verses,
and on every public occasion, when the ingenious were
invited to a rival display of their abilities, he appears to
have been one of the principal and most popular performers. Upon the publication of Hobbes’s treatise of “Human Nature,
” &c. Splendid Shilling
” was a piece of solemn ridicule suited to his
taste. Among his harmless whims, he delighted to surprize the scholars, when walking in the grove at unseasonable hours; on which occasions he frequently carried a
whip in his hand, an instrument of academical correction,
then not entirely laid aside. But this he practised, on account of the pleasure he took in giving so odd an alarm,
rather than from any principle of reproving, or intention
of applying an illiberal punishment. In Latin poetry, Ovid
was his favourite classic. One of his pupils having asked
him what book among all others he chose to recommend
he answered, “Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
” The pupil, in
consequence of this advice, having carefully perused the
Metamorphoses, desired to be informed what other proper
book it wouldbe necessary to read after Ovid, and Dr.
Bathurst advised him to read “Ovid’s Metamorphoses
” a
second time. He had so mean an opinion of his performances in divinity, that in his will he enjoins his executors
entirely to suppress all his papers relating to that subject,
and not to permit them to be perused by any, excepting
a very few such friends as were likely to read them with
candour. We are told, however, that on Sunday, March
20, 1680, he preached before the house of commons at St.
Mary’s, the university church, and gave much satisfaction.
His manner was nearly that of Dr. South, but with more
elegance and felicity of allusion. His Life, written by
Mr. Thomas Warton, is perhaps one of the most correct
of that author’s performances, and contains Dr. Bathurst’s
miscellaneous works, which, though they have great merit
in their particular way, and may be read with much pleasure, are not written in such a taste as entitles them to
imitation. This is acknowledged by Mr. Warton. “His
Latin orations,
” says that ingenious Biographer, “are wonderful specimens of wit and antithesis, which were the delight of his age. They want upon the whole the purity
and simplicity of Tully’s eloquence, but even exceed the
sententious smartness of Seneca, and the surprising turns
of Pliny. They are perpetually spirited, and discover an
uncommon quickness of thought. His manner is concise
and abrupt, but yet perspicuous and easy. His allusions
are delicate, and his observations sensible and animated.
His sentiments of congratulation or indignation are equally
forcible: his compliments are most elegantly turned, and
his satire is most ingeniously severe. These compositions
are extremely agreeable to read, but in the present improwriiient of classical taste, not so proper to be imitated.
They are moreover entertaining, as a picture of the times,
and a history of the state of academical literature. This
smartness does not desert our author even on philosophical
” Among Dr. Bathurst’s Oratiuncuhe, his address to the convocation, about forming the barbers of Oxford into a company, is a most admirable specimen of his
humour, and of that facetious invention, with which few
vice-chancellors would have ventured to enforce and
eiiliven such a subject. We doubt, indeed, whether a parallel to this exquisite piece of humour can be found. With
regard to the doctor’s Latin poetry, though his hexameters
have an admirable facility, an harmonious versification,
much terseness and happiness of expression, and a certain
original air, they will be thought, nevertheless, too pointed
and ingenious by the lovers of Virgil’s simple beauties.
The two poems which he hath left in iambics make it to
be wished tiiat he had written more in that measure. “That
pregnant brevity,
” says Mr. Warton, “/which constitutes
the dignity and energy of the iambic, seems to have been
his talent.
” Dr. Bathurst’s English poetry has that roughness of versification which was, in a great degree, the fault
of the times.
, ranked among the old English poets of the sixteenth century, was a native of Somersetshire, and born at Bruton, in that county,
, ranked among
the old English poets of the sixteenth century, was a native
of Somersetshire, and born at Bruton, in that county,
where he was educated. He afterwards went to Cambridge,
and studied philosophy and divinity, and when in orders
acquired the character of a learned and pious preacher. It
is in his favour that he was long domestic chaplain to archbishop Parker, whom he assisted in the collecting of books
and Mss. and informs us himself that within the space of
four years, he had added six thousand seven hundred books
to the archbishop’s library. This information we have in
his “Doom.
” Speaking of the archbishop, under the year
with whom books remained (although the most part, according to the time, superstitious and fabulous, yet) some worthy the view and
safe-keeping, gathered within four years, of divinity, astronomy, history, physic, and others of sundry arts and sciences
(as I can truly avouch, having his grace’s commission, whereunto his hand is yet to be seen) six thousand seven
hundred books, by my own travel, whereof choice being
taken, he most graciously bestowed many on Corpus Christi
college in Cambridge, &c.
” In 1574, he was rector of
Merstham in Surrey, and afterwards, being then D. D. chaplain to Henry lord Hunsdon, to whom he dedicated his
translation of “BartholomaBus de proprietatibus rerum,
Lund. The Doom, warning all men to judgment: wherein
are contained for the most part all the strange prodigies
happened in the world, with divers secret figures of revelation, gathered in the manner of a general chronicle out
of approved authors, by Stephen Batman, professor in divinity,
” London, 1581, 4to. It appears to he a translation of Lycosthenes “De prodigiis et ostentis,
” with additions from the English chronicles. He published also
“A christall glass of Christian reformation, wherein the
godly may behold the coloured abuses used in this our present time,
” London, The travayled Pilgrime, bringing newes from all
partes of the worlde, such like scarce harde of before,
4to. This Mr. Ritson describes as an allegorico-theological romance of the life of man, imitated from the French
or Spanish, in verse of fourteen syllables. His other works,
enumerated by Tanner, are, “Joyfull news out of Helvetia
from Theophrastus Paracelsus, declaring the ruinate fall of
the Papal Dignitie; also a treatise against Usury,
” Lond.
A preface before John Rogers, displaying
of the family of Love,
” Of the arrival of the
three Graces into England, lamenting the abuses of this
present age,
” 'London, 4to, no date. “Golden book of
the leaden gods,
” Lond. Notes to Leland’s Assertio Arthuri, translated by Rich. Robinson,
” Lond. no date.
Batman died in Doom,
” which had a great many wooden cuts of
monsters, prodigies, &c. His “Christall glass
” and the
"Golden book are in the British Museum.
, a Roman catholic divine of the sixteenth century, was at first a monk, and afterwards prior of the Carthusian monastery
, a Roman catholic divine of the
sixteenth century, was at first a monk, and afterwards
prior of the Carthusian monastery or Charter-house, in the
suburbs of London. For some time he studied divinity at
Oxford; but it does not appear that he took any degree in
that faculty. He was intimately acquainted with, and a
great favourite of, Edward Lee, archbishop of York; at
whose request he wrote against Erasmus and Luther. He
died on the 16th of November 1531, and was buried in the
chapel belonging to the Charter-house. Pits gives him
the character of a man of quick and discerning genius; of
great piety and learning, and fervent zeal; much conversant in the study of the scriptures; and that led an angelical life among men. Bale, on the contrary, represents
him as a proud, forward, and arrogant person; born for
disputing and wrangling; and adds, that Erasmus, in one
of his letters to Richard bishop of Winchester, styles him
an ignorant fellow, encouraged by Lee, and vain-glorious
even to madness, but Bale allows that he was a very clear
sophist, or writer. “John Batmanson,
” Mr. Warton observes, “controverted Erasmus’s Commentary on the New
Testament with a degree of spirit and erudition, which was
unhappily misapplied, but would have done honour to the
cause of his antagonist, in respect to the learning displayed.
Dodd says that he revised the two works against Erasmus
and Luther, and corrected several unguarded expressions.
Others say that he retracted both, the titles of which were,
1. “Animadversiones in Annotationes Erasrni in Novum
” 2. “A Treatise against some of M. Luther’s writings.
” The rest of his works were, 3. “Commentaria in Proverbia Salomonis.
” 4. “in Cantica Canticorum.
” 5. “De unica Magdalena, contra Fabrum Stapulensem.
” 6. “Institutiones Noviciorum.
” 7. “De contemptu Mundi.
” 8. “De Christo duodenni;
” A Homily
on Luke ii. 42. 9. “On the words Missus est,
” &c. None
of his biographers give the dates of these publications, and
some of them, we suspect, were never printed.
, one of the greatest painters of the last century, was born Feb. 5, 1708, at Lucca. His father, a goldsmith, devoted
, one of the greatest painters of the last century, was born Feb. 5, 1708, at Lucca. His father, a goldsmith, devoted him to that art, to which he had but little inclination. It afforded him, however, occasion to exercise himself in drawing, and to exhibit his excellent talent for painting, and the first specimen of his skill which attracted notice was a golden cup of exquisite workmanship, which he executed so satisfactorily, that his capacity was thought to be far superior to the trade of a goldsmith: and, at the instance of his godfather Alexander Q,uinigi, several patriotic noblemen agreed to send him to the Roman academy of painting, at their common expence. We are told that until he had reached his seventh year, he was and deformed, and had not the power to turn his. head on either side without moving his whole body, and that throughout life his appearance was such as bespoke no extraordinary genius. When his friends took charge of his education as an artist, father Diversi, of the order of Philippines, and the abbe Fatinelli, envoy at Rome from the republic of Lucca, to whom he was recommended, took him to Sebastian Concha and Augustine Masucci, who were at that time the most renowned masters of the Roman school, that he might make choice of one of them for his tutor and guide. But the antiques, and Raphael’s works, from the very first, made so strong an impression on his mind, that he chose rather to avoid the modern manner, and form himself entirely on the old. The sensibility with which nature had endowed him, made him feel that there could be but one true manner in the practice of the art, and that none of the modern, which depart so far from the antique, could be the right. Accordingly, rejecting the advice of his masters, he devoted himself to the study of the antiques and the works of Raphael d'Urbino. How diligent he was in this practice is seen in the heads still in being, which he copied from the Dispute on the Sacrament, a copy of the school of Athens, painted in oil and not quite finished, and the various commissions he received from foreigners for drawings of the best originals.
antients arose to that high degree of perfection. To catch nature in the fact in all her movements, was their grand maxim, and this muxim Baton! followed. Hence all
He soon became sensible of the method by which Raphael and the antients arose to that high degree of perfection. To catch nature in the fact in all her movements, was their grand maxim, and this muxim Baton! followed. Hence all his figures have the attitude and motion the nature of the case requires. In his paintings we find no trace of the artificial composition of figures which then universally prevailed; he does not concentrate the light on some one object to the detriment of the rest, a way introduced by Maratti; no example could seduce him to deviate from the path of nature. In the hands of his heirs is still a considerable number of drawings, where he has delineated the various motions of men, and especially of children, the whole of the human figure, and the different folds of drapery, exactly after nature. These sketches he Afterwards made use of in his paintings, and finished them not only by the liveliest colouring, but also with the finest forms, which he had imprinted on his mind by the study of the antique. By these performances he acquired considerable fame, but it having been suggested that he was inferior in the art of colouring, he endeavoured to study that branch with his usual enthusiasm and ambition, and having obtained an order from the marquis Gahrielli di Gubbio to execute a new altar-piece for the chapel of his illustrious family in the church of St. Gregory at Rome, Batoni eagerly embraced this favourable opportunity for convincingthe public of his skill in colouring; and he succeeded so well, that the connoisseurs of Rome extolled his colouring as much as they had done his drawing.
As the excellency of Batoni was now decidedly confessed, he had frequent and advantageous orders.
As the excellency of Batoni was now decidedly confessed, he had frequent and advantageous orders. The learned prelate, and afterwards cardinal, Furietti, who had the direction of building the church of St. Celsus, gave him the picture of the high altar to execute, which Mengs held to be the purest and most ingenious of all his performances.
at Chiari near Brescia, as to excite the attention and admiration of all good judges. His next piece was the story of Simon the magician for the church of St. Peter
In the immaculate conception, which has been more than a thousand times a subject for painters, Batoni succeeded so well for the church of the Philippines at Chiari near Brescia, as to excite the attention and admiration of all good judges. His next piece was the story of Simon the magician for the church of St. Peter at Rome; and among his other most admired pictures we may notice the two great altar-pieces which he executed for the city of Brescia, whereof one represents St. Johannes Nepomucenus with Mary; and the other the offering of the latter; two others for the city of Lucca, one of St. Catherine of Siena, and the other of St. Bartholomew; another for Messina, of the apostle James; and for Parma, John preaching in the wilderness; as also the many scriptural pieces, and especially those which are so much admired in the summer-house in the papal gardens of Monte Cavallo; the chaste Susanna, in the possession of his heirs; the Hagar, in the collection of an English gentleman; the Prodigal son, in that of the cardinal duke of York; to which may be added, a multitude of pictures of the Virgin, of the holy family, and saints of both sexes, which he executed for private persons. He likewise acquired great fame by his Choice of Hercules, which he painted at first in the natural size, and afterwards smaller, for the Florentine Marchese Ginosi, as a companion to the Infant Hercules strangling the serpents. Not less animated and expressive is another picture of the same kind, in which, at the request of an English gentleman, he has depicted Bacchus and Ariadne. Another poetical fiction, which he has superiorly expressed, is in a painting that is still with his heirs. His intention was to delineate the cares and solicitudes of a blooming beauty. She lies sleeping on a magnificent couch: but her sleep is not so profound as to break off all correspondence between the mind and the senses; it is soft and benign, as usual when a pleasing dream employs the imagination. The effigies of Peace and War was one of his finest performances, and which he executed towards the latter end of his life. Mars, in complete armour, is rushing to the combat, sword in hand; an exceedingly beautiful virgin, who casts on him a look of sweetness and intreaty, at the same time presenting him with a branch of palm, places herself directly in his way.
The vivacity of his exuberant fancy was not in the least enervated in those years when the hand no longer
The vivacity of his exuberant fancy was not in the least enervated in those years when the hand no longer so implicitly obeys the mind. He painted for prince Yusupof, a Cupid returned from the chace. His game consists of hearts shot through with arrows. He lays them in the lap of the sitting Venus, and extends both his arms to embrace her. She testifies her pleasure by gentle caresses. Such fine ideas, which are always justly drawn, and expressed in the liveliest colouring, excited in every traveller, and in numbers of royal and princely personages, an earnest desire of having something of his doing. Commissions of this nature were innumerable. Among others the empress of Russia purchased of him a piece on a large scale, the subject Thetis receiving back Achilles from the centaur Chiron; and another of equal magnitude, the Continence of Scipio. He executed two pictures, representing some parts of the story of Diana, for the king of Poland, and another for the king of Prussia, with the family of Darius prostrating themselves in the presence of Alexander. Besides a wonderful delicacy of composition, this picture is rendered particularly striking by the expression of the divers passions in the faces of the captives, exactly suited to their various ages and conditions, and gradually declining from the liveliest feelings of anguish in the mother and wife of Darius, to the indifference and laughter of the slaves and children.
As Batoni was accustomed to contemplate nature in all her changes and motions,
As Batoni was accustomed to contemplate nature in all her changes and motions, he had acquired a wonderful facility in tracing out even the most imperceptible features of the human face, which betray the frame of mind and the character of the man. The portraits he drew during the long course of his life are not to be numbered: he had drawn not only the popes Benedict XIV. Clement XIII. and Pius VI. but almost all the great personages who visited Rome in his time, at their own particular request. When the emperor Joseph II. was at Rome in 1770, and was unexpectedly met by his brother the grand duke of Tuscany in that city, he was desirous that this meeting should be eternized on canvas by the ablest painter that could be found in Rome, and the emperor pitched upon Batoni for this purpose. The picture, when finished, so highly satisfied him, that he not only amply rewarded the master, but likewise presented him with a golden chain, to which was suspended a irudal with his portrait, and a snuff-box of gold. The late empress, mother of the two monarchs, augmented these presents by giving him a series of large golden medals, on which their principal achievements were struck, and a ring richly set with brilliants; and honoured him with a letter, in which she demanded that the likeness of her sons, which terminated at the knees, should be completed. Batoni finished the work accordingly, as is seen with universal admiration in the large copper-plates designed by himself, and engraved by Andrea Rossi. As an additional honour, Batoni, with all his male issue, were raised by the emperor to the rank of nobility, and he received from the empress a fresh commission, to paint her deceased husband, the emperor Francis, after a portrait executed at Vienna. He also here fully answered the expectation of her majesty, and, besides a suitable recompense, he received likewise the portrait of the emperor Francis, set round with large brilliants.
Batoni' s habitation was not only the chief residence of the Genius of painting at Rome,
Batoni' s habitation was not only the chief residence of the Genius of painting at Rome, but her sister Music dwelt there in equal state. His amiable daughter Rufina, who was at too early an age snatched away by death, was one of the completest judges of vocal music in all Italy; and no person of quality came to Rome, who was not equally desirous of seeing the paintings of Batoni, and of hearing his daughters sing. Among these were also the grand duke of Russia and his duchess. He here saw an unfinished portrait of a nobleman belonging to his suite, which pleased him so much, that he gave him orders to paint his own. But, as the departure of the illustrious travellers was so very near, he set his hand to the work on the spot. In the few moments that were delightfully employed by the imperial guest in hearing the songs of the painter’s daughter, the artist himself was busy in sketching his picture with so striking a likeness, that the grand duchess too spared so much time from her urgent affairs in the last days of her stay, as to have her picture drawn.
It was an easy matter to him, even when an old man of 70, to work on
It was an easy matter to him, even when an old man of 70, to work on great undertakings for several hours, without feeling any remarkable fatigue; he even employed the few moments of his leisure in executing some paintings of singular merit, such as the holy family for the grand uuke of Russia, the marriage of St. Catharina, the Peace and War, of which mention has been made above. Batoni had for some time complained of the decay of ins vigour and his sight, both of which he had preserved to an extrav>rdinary degree, though far advanced beyond his 7uth year, when in the autumn of 1786, he was touched with a slight stroke of the palsy; from which he did not so thoroughly recover, as not to feel ever after a great debility both of mind and body. On the 4th of February of the following year, 1787, death put the finishing hand to his work, by a much severer stroke, when he had arrived at the age of 79 years and one day.
He was much devoted to religion, was liberal towards the poor, friendly
He was much devoted to religion, was liberal towards the poor, friendly to his pupils, and such an enemy to pomp and ostentation, that he very seldom wore the ensigns of the order of knighthood, with which he had been invested by the pope; and always went very modestly habited. He never concerned himself about any thing but his art, and enjoyed an amiable contentedness and ease, which he would suffer nothing in the world to disturb. He carried this disposition so far, that he avoided the meetings of the academy of St. Luke, though it would have been their greatest pleasure to have followed any hints he might have thought proper to give them. Simplicity and sincerity formed the basis of his moral character. Every one seemed to be convinced of this immediately on seeing him; and rarely did any person feel himself affronted when he told him disagreeable truths; as also no man construed it into a mark of his vanity, when he spoke of his own performances with selfr satisfaction, so much was he respected on account of his veracity.
The Roman school will always revere him as the restorer of its pristine fame, for he was the first in his time t;o throw off the burdensome bonds of
The Roman school will always revere him as the restorer of its pristine fame, for he was the first in his time t;o throw off the burdensome bonds of certain rules which had been always consjdered as the fundamental maxims of the art; tnou^h they served no other purpose than to check the progress of men of talents. His example has banished the prejudice of mannering from the Roman school. All now drjtxv from the pure sources of nature, all are emulous to excel in the way pointed out to them by Raphael and the aucu-Mit Greeks for attaining to perfection. No servile imitation is now recommended. That every practitioner must choose for himself what he finds most striking and beautiful in die vast unlimited scenes of nature, is become u prime maxim in the art of painting, and it is highly probable that the return of the flourishing days of the Caracci is not far off.
h character of Ratoni, which we have considerably abridged from the last edition of this dictionary, was taken from Boni’s Eloge in a German Journal, and although we
This high character of Ratoni, which we have considerably
abridged from the last edition of this dictionary, was taken
from Boni’s Eloge in a German Journal, and although we
have endeavoured to keep down the enthusiasm of our
predecessor, yet perhaps even now the article is disproportioned to the merit of the object, and to our scale of
lives. It is therefore necessary to subjoin Mr. Fuseli’s
opinion, which seems moderated by taste and judgment.
Mr. Fuseli says, that Batoni “was not a very learned artist,
nor did he supply his want of knowledge by deep reflection. His works do not bear the appearance of an attentive study of the antique, or of the works of Raphael and
the other great masters of Italy: but nature seemed to have
destined him for a painter, and he followed her impulse.
He was not wanting either in his delineation of character,
in accuracy, or in pleasing representation; and if he had
not a grand conception, he at least knew how to describe
well what he had conceived. He would have been, in any
age, reckoned a very estimable painter; at the time in
which he lived, he certainly shone conspicuously. His
name is known throughout Europe, and his works are every
where in estimation. Men^s, who was a more learned
man, was his rival; but, less favoured by nature, if he
enjoyed a higher reputation, he owed it less perhaps to
any real superiority, than to the commendations of Winkelman.
able reputation by his first work, “Elenchus Fungorum,” Halle, 1783, reprinted 1786, 8vo. In 1792 he was appointed professor of philosophy at Jena, where he founded
, a learned
contributor to the science of Botany, waj^>orn at Jena,
Oct. 28, 1761, and acquired considerable reputation by
his first work, “Elenchus Fungorum,
” Halle, An introduction to the knowledge and history of Vegetables,
” two
parts, with plates, Halle, Essays on Botany and vegetable Physiology,
” two parts, Jena, Botany for ladies and amateurs,
” Weimar,
An introductory essay to
the knowledge of Animals and Minerals,
” two parts, Jena,
was born at Rimini, March 25, 1645, of a noble family, and studied
was born at Rimini, March 25,
1645, of a noble family, and studied at Cesena, under the
most celebrated professors, and such was his proficiency,
that he was honoured with a doctor’s degree at the age of
sixteen. He next went to Rome, where Caspar de Carpegna, then auditor of the Rota, wished him to accept an
office in that tribunal, and employed him in some negotiations, but the air of Rome proving unfavourable to his
health, he removed to Ancona, where for five years he
filled the office of civil lieutenant of that city. He was
afterwards governor of various towns, the last of which was
Fabriano. In 1690, pope Alexander VIII. appointed him
bishop of Nocera, and in 1703 Clement XL commissioned
him to visit several dioceses. After being employed in
this for two years, the pope made him assistant prelate,
and gave him the abbey of St. Benedict of Gualdo. In
1716 he was translated to the see of Cesena, which he enjoyed but a short time, dying at St. Mauro, Sept. 19, 1717.
He wrote in Italian, 1. “II Legista Filosofo,
” Rome,
1680, 4to. 2. “Istoria universale di tutti i Concili Geiierali,
” Venice, Annali del
” 4 vols. fol. Venice, 1701, 1704, 1709, 1711He wrote, also, some devotional tracts.
, an English antiquary, was born at St. Edmund’s Bury, in Suffolk, in 1647. He was some
, an English antiquary, was
born at St. Edmund’s Bury, in Suffolk, in 1647. He was
some time fellow of Trinity college, Cambridge, and chaplain to archbishop Sancroft, afterwards, by his grace’s favour, rector of Adisham, in Kent, prebendary of Canterbury, and archdeacon of the diocese, and died Oct. 10,
1708. Dr. Thomas Terry, canon of Christ-church, Oxford, published Dr. Battely’s “Antiquitates Rutupinae,
in Antiquitates
St. Edmondburgi,
” an unfinished history of his native
place, and its ancient monastery, down to the year 1272.
This was published by his nephew, Oliver Battely, with
an appendix also, and list of abbots, continued by sir
James Burrough, late master of Caius college, Cambridge.
The doctor’s papers are said, in the preface, to remain in
the hands of his heirs, ready to be communicated to any
who will undertake the work. In 1774, Mr. John Duncombe published a translation of the “Antiquitates Rutupinae,
” under the title of “The Antiquities of Richborough and Reculver, abridged from the Latin of Mr.
Archdeacon Battely,
” Lond. Somner’s Antiquities of Canterbury,
” and wrote some
papers and accounts of Eastbridge hospital, in Canterbury,
which are printed in Strype’s life of Whitgift.
the college royal, member of the French academy and that of inscriptions, honorary canon of Rheims, was born in that diocese in 1713. He died at Paris the 14th of July
, professor of philosophy in the
college royal, member of the French academy and that of
inscriptions, honorary canon of Rheims, was born in that
diocese in 1713. He died at Paris the 14th of July 1780.
Grief at finding that the elementary books for the use of
the military school, the composition of which had been
entrusted to him by the government, did not succeed, accelerated, it is said, his death. This estimable scholar
was of a grave deportment, of a firm character without
moroseness; his conversation was solid and instructive,
the attainments of a man grown grey in the study of Greek
and Roman authors. We have by him, I. “Cours de
” Beaux-arts reduits a un meme principe,
” and iiis
tract “de la construction oratoire,
” which has been separately published. These books, more elaborate, more
methodical, more precise than the “Traite d'Etudes
” of
Rollin, are written with less elegance and purity. The
style is strongly tinctured with a metaphysical air, a stift'
and dry precision reigns through the whole, but a little
tempered by choice examples, with which the author has
embellished his lessons. He is likewise censurable, that
when he discusses certain pieces of the most eminent
French writers, for instance, the fables of Fontaine, the
rage for throwing himself into an estacy on all occasions,
makes him find beauties, where critics of a severer taste
have perceived defects. 2. “Translation of the works of
Horace into French,
” 2 vols. 12mo; in general faithful,
but deficient in warmth and grace. 3. “The morality of
” extracted from his writings, The
four poetics, of Aristotle, of Horace, of Vida, and of
” with translations and remarks, History
of primary causes,
” Elemens
de Litterature, extraits du Cours des Belles Lettres,
” 2 vols.
12mo. 7. His “Cours elementaire,
” for the use of the
military school, 45 vols. 12mo, a book hastily composed,
in which he has copied himself, and copied others. He
was admitted of the academy of inscriptions in -1759, and
of the acadernie Frangoise in 1761, and was a frequent
contributor to the memoirs of both societies. He was still
more estimable by his personal qualities than by his literary talents. He supported by his bounty a numerous but
impoverished family.
, an English physician of considerable eminence, was born at Medbury, in Devonshire, 1704, the son of Edward Battie,
, an English physician of considerable eminence, was born at Medbury, in Devonshire, 1704, the son of Edward Battie, and grandson of William Battie, D. D. He received his education at Eton, where his mother resided after her husband’s death, in order to assist her son, on the spot, with that advice, and those accommodations, which would have been more useless and expensive, had she lived at a greater distance. In 1722 he" was sent to King’s college, Cambridge, and on a vacancy of the Craven scholarship, he succeeded to it by a com-1 bination of singular circumstances. The candidates being reduced to six, the provost, Dr. Snape, examined them all together, that they might, as he said, be witnesses to the successful candidate. The three candidates from King’s were examined in Greek authors, and the provost dismissed them with this pleasing compliment, that not being yet determined in his choice, he must trouble them to come again. The other electors were so divided, as, after a year and a day, to let the scholarship lapse to the donor’s family, when lord Craven gave it to Battle. Probably the remembrance continued with him, and induced him to make a similar foundation in the university, with a stipend of 20l. a year, and the same conditions for the beuetit of others, which is called Dr. Battie’s foundation. He nominated to it himself, while living, and it is now filled up by the electors to the Craven scholarships. To Battie this scholarship was of much importance, and, as appears by a letter he wrote in 1725, when he got it, he was enabled to live comfortably. In 1726, he took his bachelor’s, and in 1730, his master’s degree.
His intention now was to study the law, and in order to procure the means, he applied
His intention now was to study the law, and in order to
procure the means, he applied to two old bachelors, his
cousins, both wealthy citizens, whose names were Colemari,
soliciting the loan of a small allowance, that he might be
qualified to reside at one of the inns of court, but they declined interfering with his concerns. This disappointment
diverted his attention to physic, and he first commenced
practitioner at Cambridge, where, in 1729, he printed
“Isocratis Orationes septem et epistolæ. Codicibus Mss.
nonnullis, et impressis melioris notæ exemplaribus collatis:
varias lectiones subjecit, versionern novam, notasque, ex
Hieronymo Wolfio potissimum desumptas, adjecit Gul. Battie, Col. Reg. Cantab. Socius,
” 8vo, with a promise in the
preface, that the remainder of the work should be given nitidiore vestitu. This word vestitu being construed by Dr. Morell into an allusion to Battie’s residence in Taylors-inn, he
wrote some ludicrous verses, which were inserted at the time
in the Grub-street Journal. On this edition of Isocrates,
however, Battie regularly employed himself for a certain
time every day. In 1737 he took his degree of M. D. and
probably about this period, the Colemans retiring from
business, settled at Brent Ely Hall, in the county of Suffolk, near enough to admit of Dr. Baltic’s accepting a general invitation to their house, of which he was encouraged
to make use whenever the nature of his business allowed
him the leisure. This he did with no small inconvenience
to himself, without the least prospect of advantage, not to
mention the wide disproportion between their political
principles, the Colemans being genuine city Tories, and
the doctor a staunch Whig; though both parties afterwards
reversed their opinions; yet Dr. Battie was one whom no
consideration of advantage in the most trying exigencies of
life could ever prevail on to swerve from what he conscientiously believed to be truth.
you to give you credit in the neighbourhood.” His medical skill here being attended with success, he was quickly enabled to accumulate 500l. with which in his pocket,
A fair opening for a physician happening at Uxbridge,
induced Dr. Battie to settle in that town. At his first
coming there, Dr. Godolphin, provost of Eton, sent his
coach and four for him, as his patient; but the doctor sitting to write a prescription, the provost, raising himself
up, said, “You need not trouble yourself to write; I only
sent for you to give you credit in the neighbourhood.
His medical skill here being attended with success, he was
quickly enabled to accumulate 500l. with which in his
pocket, he again paid a visit to his relations in Suffolk,
requesting their advice how to dispose of his wealth to the
best advantage; and they were so pleased with his industry
and discretion, that from that hour they behaved towards
him with the firmest friendship. He then removed to London, where the established emoluments of his practice
produced him 1000l. a year. In 1738 or 1739, he fulfilled by marriage a long attachment he had preserved for
a daughter of Barnham Goode, the under-master of Eton
school of the year 1691, against whom, at all times, the
Colemans expressed the most inveterate political antipathy.
They, however, behaved to the wife with the utmost civility, and when they died, they left Dr. Battie 30,000l.
l Harles does not speak in the highest terms of commendation, and seems to insinuate that the editor was deficient in judgment and talents. In the dispute which the
In 1746 he published an Harveian oration, and in 1749,
being then F.lt. S. published his complete edition of
Isocrates, 2 vols. 8vo, a work of which the learned and
critical Harles does not speak in the highest terms of commendation, and seems to insinuate that the editor was deficient in judgment and talents. In the dispute which the
college of physicians had with Dr. Schomberg, about the
year 1750, Dr. Battie was one of the censors, and took a
very active part against that gentleman, in consequence of
which he was thus severely, but not altogether unjustly
ridiculed, in a poem called “The Battiad,
” said to be
written by Moses Mendez, Paul Whitehead, and Dr.
Schomberg, and since reprinted in Dilly’s “Repository,
fully mimicking that low character, Dr. Battie is said to have once saved a young patient’s life. He was sent for to a gentleman who was alive in 1782, but at that time
These last linos allude to a fact and by successfully mimicking that low character, Dr. Battie is said to have once saved a young patient’s life. He was sent for to a gentleman who was alive in 1782, but at that time only fourteen or fifteen years old, who was in extreme misery from a swelling in his throat; when the doctor understood what the complaint was, he opened the curtains, turned his wig, and acted Punch with so much humour and success, that the young man, thrown almost into convulsions from laughing, was so agitated, as to occasion the tumour to break, and a complete cure was the immediate consequence.
ich, having thrown out some censures on the medicinal practice formerly used in Bethlem hospital, he was replied to, and severely animadverted on, by Dr. John Monro,
In 1751, he published “De principiis animalibus exercitationes in Coll. Reg. Medicorum,
” in three parts; which
were followed the year after, by a fourth. These were
his Lumleian lectures, delivered at the college of physicians. In 1757, being then physician to St. Luke’s hospital, and master of a private mad-house near Wood’s close,
in the road to Islington, he published in 4to, “A treatise
on Madness;
” in which, having thrown out some censures
on the medicinal practice formerly used in Bethlem
hospital, he was replied to, and severely animadverted
on, by Dr. John Monro, whose father had been lightly
spoken of in the forementioned treatise. Monro having
humorously enough taken Horace’s O major tandem parcas
insane minori, for the motto of his Remarks on Battie’s
Treatise, the wits gave him the name of major Battie,
iiistead of doctor. In 1762 he published “Aphorism! cle
cognoscendis et curandis morbis nonnullis ad principia,
animalia accommodati.
” Feb.
s, Dr. Battie wrote several letters in the public papers, in vindication of the college. In 1776, he was seized with a paralytic stroke, which proved fatal, June 13,
In April 1764, he resigned the office of physician to
St. Luke’s hospital. In 1767, when disputesran very high
between the college of physicians and the licentiates,
Dr. Battie wrote several letters in the public papers, in
vindication of the college. In 1776, he was seized with a
paralytic stroke, which proved fatal, June 13, in his 72d
year. The night he expired, conversing with his servant, a
lad who attended on him as a nurse, he said to him, “Young
man, you have heard, no doubt, how great are the terrors
of death. This night will probably afford you some experience; but may you learn, and may you profit by the
example, that a conscientious endeavour to perform his
duty through life, will ever close a Christian’s eyes with
comfort and tranquillity.
” He soon after departed, without a struggle or a groan, and was buried by his own direction, at Kingston-upon-Thames, “as near as possible
to his wife, without any monument or memorial whatever.
He left three daughters, Anne, Catherine, and Philadelphia,
of whom the eldest was married to sir George Young (a gallant English admiral who died in 1810.) This lady sold her
father’s house and estate at Marlow, called Court garden,
to Mr. Davenport, an eminent surgeon of London. The
second was married to Jonathan Rashleigh, esq. and the
third to John, afterwards sir John Call, bart. in the hon.
East India company’s service. Dr. Battie gave by his will
100l. to St. Luke’s hospital; 100l. to the corporation for
the relief of widows and children of clergymen, and twenty
guineas to earl Camden, as a token of regard for his many
public and private virtues. His books and papers, whether published or not, he gave to his daughter Anne.
Among these was a tract on the meaning of 1 Cor. xv. 22,
and some others which were printed before his death, but
not published, nor have we seen a copy.
Dr. Battie, it may already be surmised, was of that class called humourists, and he had also a turn for
Dr. Battie, it may already be surmised, was of that class called humourists, and he had also a turn for speculations a little out of the way of his profession. His house at Harlow was built under his own direction, but he forgot the stair-case, and all the offices below were constantly under water. A favourite scheme of his, for having the barges drawn up the river by horses instead of men, rendered him unpopular among the bargemen, and at one time he narrowly escaped being thrown over the bridge by them, but he pacified them by acting Punch. In this sclu ae he is said to have lost 1000l. and for fear of future insults, he always carried pocket-pistols about him. He affected in the country to be his own day-labourer, and to dress like one, and was, on one occasion, refused admittance to a gentleman’s house, where he was intimate, the servants not knowing him in this disguise, but he forced himself in by main force. Upon the whole, however, he was a man of learning, benevolence, and skill.
, an English musician and composer, was born in London, 1738. Discovering at a very early age an uncommon
, an English musician and composer, was born in London, 1738. Discovering at a very early age an uncommon genius for music, and having an excellent voice, he was, in 1747, placed in the choir of St. Paul’s, under the tuition of Mr. Savage, then master of the young gentlemen of that cathedral. He was soon qualified to sing at sight, and before he had been in the choir two years, his performances discovered uncommon taste and judgment. On his voice changing at the usual period of life, he became an articled pupil of Mr. Savage, and at the expiration of his engagement, came forth one of the first extempore performers in this country. He had now just arrived at manhood, and having a pleasing, though not powerful voice, a tasteful and masterly style of execution on the harpsichord, a fund of entertaining information acquired by extensive reading, a pleasing manner, and a gay and lively disposition, he possessed, in an eminent degree, the power of rendering himself agreeable in every company; and his society and instruction were courted by persons of the highest ranks. Every encouragement was offered to excite his future efforts, and promote his professional success; and no prospects could be fairer or more nattering than those which he had now before him.
nd about this time published a series of songs, highly creditable to his talents, and his reputation was yet more promoted by composing part of the opera of Alcmena,
Of these advantages, however, he does not appear to
have availed himself in the fullest extent. After leaving
Mr. Savage, we find him composing songs for Sadler’s
Wells, and afterwards performing on the harpsichord at
Covent-garden theatre, where he married Miss Davies,
a singer, hut did not permit her any more to appear in
puhlic. Soon after this marriage, he obtained the place of
organist to the churches of St. Clement, East-cheap, and
of Christ-church, Newgate-street, and about this time
published a series of songs, highly creditable to his talents,
and his reputation was yet more promoted by composing
part of the opera of Alcmena, in conjunction with Mr.
Michael Arne. But these and similar compositions did
not divert his mind from cathedral music, in which style
he composed some excellent anthems, since republished
in Mr. Page’s Harmonia Sacra. He also, at the express
desire of the Rev. Charles Wesley, father of the present
Messrs. Charles and Samuel Wesley, set to music a collection of hymns, written by that gentleman, the melodies
of which are peculiarly elegant, yet chaste and appropriate.
In the catch and glee style, he also gave convincing proofs
of the diversity of his taste and genius, and in 1770 obtained the gold medal given by the noblemen’s catch-club,
for his well-known glee “Underneath this myrtle shade.
With such talents, and the approbation which followed the
exertion of them, he appears to have relaxed into indifference, and in his latter years seldom came forward as a
composer. Except two excellent collections of three
and four part songs, and a few airs composed for a collection published by Harrison of Paternoster-row, nothing
appeared from his pen for the last thirty years of his life.
His time was spent in his library, where he had accumulated a very large collection of valuable books, or in attending his pupils, or in what was, perhaps, as frequent
and less wise, in convivial parties. He was blest with an
uncommonly strong constitution: but the excesses in which
he too frequently indulged, together with his insuperable
grief for the loss of his friend colonel Morris, lately killed
in Flanders, visibly preyed upon his health; and he became so ill during his last autumn, as to be confined to his
chamber. He was advised to try sea-bathing, and the air
of Margate, but these rendered him no service. He returned from that place rather worse than when he left town;
and, agreeably to the advice of his physicians, took apartments at Islington, where his general debility still continued to increase, and where he expired on Thursday, the
10th of December, 1801, aged sixty-three years, and was
interred, according to his dying wish, in the vaults of St.
Paul’s cathedral. Some of the manuscript compositions he
left have since been published by Mr. Page.
, rector of the parish of Kirkandrews upon Esk, in Cumberland, was born in the parish of Arthuret, and received his academical
, rector of the parish of Kirkandrews
upon Esk, in Cumberland, was born in the parish of Arthuret, and received his academical education in the university of Glasgow, where he was admitted to the degree
of A. M. in 1725. He afterwards became curate of Kirkandrews and in this situation, his exemplary conduct,
and faithful discharge of the ministerial duties, recommended him so effectually to lord viscount Preston, that
on a vacancy, he presented him to the rectory in 1732.
As there was no parsonage-house, nor glebe appropriated
to the living, on its separation from Arthuret, he built the
house contiguous to the old tower at Kirkandrews, with
barns, stables, &c. entirely at his own expencd, having
first obtained a lease of the situation and farm there during
his incumbency. The parish is divided by the river Esk;
and as there is no bridge on this part of it, he established
a ferry for the use of those coming to church. He likewise
promoted the building of the school-house near Meadhope
(endowed by lady Widrington and her sister), and for the
information of those of maturer years, he printed, at Newcastle, 1750, a “Sermon on the Sacrament;
” with prayers
for the use of persons in private, and of families, which he
distributed liberally among them. With the same views he
published, in 1751, a small volume entitled “Seasonable
advice to a careless world,
” in essays, &c. and lastly, in
The young Clergyman’s Companion in visiting the
” all these without his name. He was also skilful,
and much consulted, as an oculist, but his advice and applications were always gratuitous. His temper and manners were mild and conciliating, his company much in request, and his house presented a scene of hospitality to
the utmost of his abilities. He died in 1758.
, a protestant divine, was born at Deinse in Flanders, in 1565, whence his parents being
, a protestant divine, was born
at Deinse in Flanders, in 1565, whence his parents being
obliged to fly on account of their religion, he was brought
first to Cologne, and afterwards to Embden, where he
studied with great assiduity and success the learned languages
of the East and West. When admitted into holy orders,
the church of Sueek in Friesland, and that of Zutphen,
invited him to hecome their pastor. The famous Synod of
Port, held in 1618 and 1619, appointed him, with BogerBian and Bucerus, to make a new translation of the Old
Testament into Dutch. Bucerus died, and Baudart, after
employing six years on the work, with his remaining colleague, died also at Zutphen in 1640. He was a man of
uncommon industry, and so fond of literary employment
that he chose for his motto “Labor mihi quies.
” Besides
this translation of the Bible, he published a supplement to
Van Meteren’s history, containing affairs ecclesiastical and
political from 1602 to 1624. This was published in Dutch,
at Zutphen 1624, 2 vols. fol. His popish critics object
to him that his orthodoxy has interfered rather too much
with his impartiality. He also published “Polemographia
” a collection of two hundred and ninetynine engravings, with some illustrative Latin verses under
each, 1621, 4to.; a similar collection of two hundred and
eighty-five prints, representing the sieges, battles, &c.
belong to the Belgic history, from 1559 to 1612, in oblong
4to and a collection of memorable apophthegms. This,
if the same with what Foppen calls “Les Guerres de Nassau,
” was published in
de Dairval, an eminent French antiquary, was born at Paris, Nov. 29, 1648. He studied partly at Beauvais,
de Dairval, an eminent French antiquary, was born at Paris, Nov. 29, 1648.
He studied partly at Beauvais, under his uncle Halle, an
eminent doctor of the Sorbonne, and director of that school,
and afterwards at Paris under Danet, author of the dictionaries which bear his name. His inclination was for
medicine as a profession, but family reasons decided in
favour of the law, in which he became an advocate of parliame,nr, and a distinguished pleader. Happening to be
pbligedto go to Dijon about a cause in which his mother
was concerned, he amused his leisure hours in visiting the
libraries and museums with which Dijon at that time
abounded. He pleaded that cause, however, so ably, that
the marquis de la Meilleraye was induced to intrust him
with another of great importance which had brought him
to Dijon, and our young advocate, now metamorphosed
into an antiquary, laid out the fee he received from his
noble client, in the purchase of a cabinet of books, medals,
&c. then on sale at Dijon. With this he returned to Paris,
but no more to the bar, his whole attention being absorbed
in researches on the remains of antiquity. The notions
he had formed on this subject appeared soon in his principal work on the utility of travelling, and the advantages
which the learned derive from the study of antiquities.-It
was entitled “Dd'ntilite des Voyages,
” 2 vols. ie>86, 12mo,
often reprinted, and the edition of Rouen in 1727 is said
to be the best, although, according-to Niceron, not the
most correct. The reputation of this work brought him
acquainted with the most eminent antiquaries of England,
Holland, and Germany, and, when he least expected such
an honour, he was admitted an associate of the academy
of the Ricovrati of Padua, and was generally consulted on
all subjects of antiquity which happened to be the object
of public curiosity. In 1698 he printed a dissertation on
Ptolomy Auletes, whose head he discovered on an ancient
amethyst hitherto undescribed, in the cabinet of the duchess
of Orleans, who rewarded him by the appointment of keeper
of her cabinet of medals. In 1700, he wrote a letter to
Mr. Lister of the royal society of London, describing an
enormous stone found in the body of a horse. He afterwards published separately, or in the literary journals,
various memoirs on antique medals, and in 1705 he was
chosen a member of the academy of inscriptions and belles
lettres. This honour inspirited his labours, and he became
a frequent contributor to the memoirs of the academy.
His last piece is entitled “Dissertation sur le guerre des
Atheniens centre les. penples de Pisle Atlantique.
” His
health now began to decline, although for some time it was
not discovered that his disorder was a dropsy of the chest,
which proved fatal June 27, 1722. His character is represented by all his biographers as being truly amiable. He
bequeathed to the academy, what he valued most, his books,
medals, bronzes, and antique marbles. Two of the latter
of great value, which were brought from Constantinople
by M. Nointal, and are supposed to be more than two thousand years old, contain the names of the Athenian captains
and soldiers who were killed, in one year, in different expeditions. These afterwards became the property of M.
Thevenot, the king’s librarian, who placed them at his
country-house at Issy. Thevenot’s heirs, who had little
taste for antiquities, were about to have sold them to a
stone-cutter for common purposes, when Baudelot heard of
the transaction, anil immediately went in pursuit of the
treasure. Having purchased them, he had them placed in
a carriage of which he never lost sight until they were deposited in a house which he then occupied in the faubourg
of St. Marceau, and when he removed to that of St. Germain, he conveyed them thither with the same care, and
placed them in a small court. Here, however, they were
not quite safe. A considerable part of the house happened
to be occupied by a young lady who had no taste for antiquities, and soon discovered that these marbles were an
incumbrance. In order to make Baudelot remove them,
she pretended to hire the dustmen to take them away.
Baudelot, returning home at night, was told of this project,
and although it was then late, would not go to sleep until
he had seen them deposited in his apartment. They are
now in the museum of antiquities in the Louvre.
s best known by a Pharmacopoeia, published under the title of “Paraphrase sur la Pharmacopee,” which was long a very popular work. It was first printed at Lyons in 1588,
, a French physician, born at
Parey in the Charolais, practised at Macon for several
years, where he died in 1623, aged eighty-one. He is
best known by a Pharmacopoeia, published under the title
of “Paraphrase sur la Pharmacopee,
” which was long a
very popular work. It was first printed at Lyons in 1588,
and reprinted in 1596, 1603, and 1628, 8vo, and translated into Latin, under the title of “Pharmacopoeia e Gallico in Latinum versa a Philemone Hollando,
” with additions, Lond. Praxis Medica in duos tractatus distincta,
” Paris, Praxis de febribus.
, of Langnedoc, historiographer of France under Louis XIII. was one of the most fertile and heavy writers of his time, but we
, of Langnedoc, historiographer
of France under Louis XIII. was one of the most fertile
and heavy writers of his time, but we have no particulars
of his life. He left behind him many works composed
without either method or taste, but which Abound in particulars not to be found elsewhere. 1. “Histoire generale
tie la Religion desTurcs, avec la Viede leurpropht-te Mahomet, et des iv premiers califes;
” also, “Le Livre et la
Theologie de Mahomet,
Histoire du Cardinal d'Amboise,
” Paris, 1651, in 8vo. Sirmond, of the Academie Franchise, one of the numerous
flatterers of the cardinal de Richelieu, formed the design
of elevating that minister at the expence of all those who
had gone before him. He began by attacking d'Amboise,
and failed not to sink him below Richelieu. Baudier, by
no means a courtier, avenged his memory, and eclipsed
the work of his detractor. 3. “Histoire du Marechal de
” The Lives of the Abbé Suger, and of
Cardinal Ximenes, &c.
” The facts that Baudier relates in
these different works are almost always absorbed by his reflections, which have neither the merit of precision nor
that of novelty to recommend them. Moreri informs us
that he wrote a history of Margaret of Anjou, queen of
Henry VI. of England, that the manuscript was in the
library of the abbey of St. Germain des Pres, at Paris,
among the collection of M. de Coislin, bishop of Metz;
and that this history was translated and published in English, without any acknowledgment by the translator, or any
notice of the original author.
, professor of history in the university of Leyden, was born at Lisle, April 8, 1561. He began his studies at Aix la
, professor of history in the university of Leyden, was born at Lisle, April 8, 1561. He began his studies at Aix la Chapelle, whether his parents, who were Protestants, had retired during the tyranny of the duke of Alva. He went afterwards to Leyden and Geneva, where he studied divinity: after residing here some time, he returned to Ghent, and again to Leyden, where he applied to the civil law, and was admitted elector of law, June 1585. Soon after, he accompanied the ambassadors from the states to England, and during his residence here became acquainted with several persons of distinction, particularly the famous sir Philip Sidney.
He was admitted advocate at the Hague, the 5th of Jarmary 1587; but
He was admitted advocate at the Hague, the 5th of Jarmary 1587; but being soon tired of the bar, went to France,
where he remained ten years, and was much esteemed,
acquiring both friends and patrons. Achilles de Harlai,
first president of the parliament of Paris, got him to be admitted advocate of the parliament of Paris in 1592. In
1602, he went to England with Christopher de Harlai, the
presidents son, who was sent ambassador thither by Henry
the Great; and the same year, having been named professor of eloquence at Leyden, he settled in that university. He read lectures on history after the death of Morula, and was permitted also to do the same on the civil
Jaw. In 1611, the states conferred upon him the office of
historiographer in. conjunction with Meursius and in consequence thereof he wrote “The history of the Truce.
Baudius is an elegant prose-writer, as appears from his
” many of which were published after his death.
He was also an excellent Latin poet: the first edition of
his poems. was printed in 1587; they consist of verses of
all the different measures: he published separately a book
of iambics in 1591, dedicated to cardinal Bourbon. Some
of his poems he dedicated to the king of England; others
to the prince of Wales, in the edition of 1607, and went
over to England to present them, where great respect was
paid to him by several persons of rank and learning.
Baudius was a strenuous advocate for a truce betwixt the States and Spain:
Baudius was a strenuous advocate for a truce betwixt the
States and Spain: two orations he published on this subject, though without his name, had almost brought him
into serious trouble, as prince Maurice was made to believe he was affronted in them, and the author was said to
have been bribed by the French ambassador to write upon
the truce. In consequence of these suspicions he wrote to
the prince and his secretary, in order to vindicate himself,
and laments his unhappy fate in being exposed to the malice of so many slanderers, who put wrong interpretations
on his words: “It is evident (says he) that through the
malignity of mankind, nothing can be expressed so cautiously by men of any character and reputation, but it may
be distorted into some obnoxious sense. For what can be
more absurd than the conduct of those men, who have reported that I have been bribed by the ambassador Jeannin,
to give him empty words in return for his generosity to
me? as if I, an obscure doctor, was an assistant to a man
of the greatest experience in business.
” Some verses,
which he wrote in praise of the marquis of Spinola, occasioned him also a good deal of trouble: the marquis
came to Holland before any thing was concluded either
of the peace or truce; and though Baudius had printed
the poem, yet he kept the copies of it, till it might be
seen more evidently upon what account this minister came,
and gave them only to his most intimate friends. It being
known however that the poem was printed, he was very
near being banished for it.
Baudius was a man of considerable learning, and wrote in Latin with great
Baudius was a man of considerable learning, and wrote in Latin with great purity and elegance. But he was conceited and ambitious beyond all just claims, and disgraced his latter years by intemperance, and vagrant amours, although a married man. This exposed him to ridicule, and injured his reputation in the republic of letters. He died at Leyden, August 22, 1613.
, born at Vendôme in 1678, was the son of a collector of excise, settled at Sarlat, where he
, born at Vendôme in
1678, was the son of a collector of excise, settled at Sarlat,
where he became sub-delegate of the intendant. The
functions of this office and the charms of literature filled
up the course of his long life, which terminated in 1759,
at the age of 8 1. We have several historical works by him,
written with method and ingenuity. 1. “L‘Histoire de
Catherine de France, reine d’Angleterre,
” which he published in Germain e de Foix,
” an
historical novel, L'histoire secrette du Connetable de Bourbon,
” La Relation historique
et galante de l'invasion de PEspagne par les Maures,
l‘Histoire de la conquête d’Angleterre par unillamne due de
” 1701, in 12mo; “L'Histoire de Philippe
” Charles VII.
1697, 2 vols. 12mo. Its principal merit lies in the method
and style, as the author consulted nothing but printed
books. We have likewise by him, “L'Histoire des homines illustres,
” extracted from Brantome; “L'Histoire de
la vie et du regne de Charles VI.
” 1753, in 9 vols. 12mo.
“L'Histoire du regne de Louis XI.
” 1756, 6 vols. 12mo.
“L'Histoire des revolutions de Naples,
e des Anciens,” published in 1615, under the title of “Calceus antiquus et mysticus,” 8vo. This work was the occasion of the false notion that he was the son of a shoemaker,
, a divine of Amiens, the place
of his birth, acquired the notice of the learned by his dissertation “De la chaussure des Anciens,
” published in
Calceus antiquus et mysticus,
8vo. This work was the occasion of the false notion that
he was the son of a shoemaker, and had followed the trade
himself, to which he intended to do honour by this publication. Such is the brief notice of this author in the last
edition of this Dictionary. It is necessary, however, to add
that he was esteemed a man of learning in his day, was
principal of the college of Troyes; and on his return to
Amiens, accepted the charge of master of the Hotel-Dieu,
and died here Nov. 1632. Whether he was the son of a
shoemaker, and bred to that business himself, seems doubtful. The Dict. Hist, asserts it on the authority of Daire
in his “Hist. Litt. de ia ville d' Amiens,
” p. Antiquités de la ville d'Amiens,
” and
informs us that the “Calceus antiquus
” was a work compiled by the author as an exercise on a curious question in
ancient manners and dress. From la Morliere, we learn
also that Baudouin translated Seneca’s tragedies into French
verse, which translation was published at Troyes in 1629.
, in Latin Balduinus, a famous civilian, was born at Arras the first of January, 1520. He studied for six
, in Latin Balduinus, a famous civilian, was born at Arras the first of January, 1520. He studied for six years in the university of Louvain, after which he was some time at the court of Charles V. with the marquis de Bergue, and then he went to France, where he gained the friendship of the most learned men, and among others of Charles du Moulin, at whose house he lodged. The curiosity of knowing the most famous ministers induced him to travel into Germany; where he became acquainted with Calvin at Geneva, Bucer at Strasburgh, and others of the reformed clergy. On his return to Paris he was invited to a professorship of civil law at Bourges, which office he filled for seven years with reputation enough to alarm the jealousy of his colleague Duarenus, and then went to Tubing, where he likewise intended to have taught civil law; but hearing that Du Moulin designed to return to that university, he remained at Strasburgh, and gave lectures for about a year. Thence he went to Heidelberg, and was professor of civil law and history near five years, until he was sent for by Anthony of Bourbon, king of Navarre, who made him preceptor to his natural son. About this time an idea was entertained of reconciling the Romish and Protestant churches, and Baudouin was recommended to the king of Navarre, as likely to promote such an attempt, which however did not succeed, and only served to involve Baudouin in disputes with the reformers, who saw at once the impracticability of the scheme, without injuring the reformation already successfully begun. Baudouin carried his pupil to Trent, but on the king of Navarre’s death, returned to France with him, and found his estate and library pillaged.
il law, intending to make use of his advice in affairs of state and religion; for they knevr that he was of opinion, that the laws against sectaries ought to be moderated.
At this time, his old friend the marquis de Bergue, and several other lords of the low-countries, engaged Maximilian de Bergue, archbishop of Cambray, to procure Baudouin the professorship of civil law, intending to make use of his advice in affairs of state and religion; for they knevr that he was of opinion, that the laws against sectaries ought to be moderated. In consequence of this we find him next, professor of civil law m the university of Doway. He was very civilly received by the duke of Alva, who was then preparing his cruel proceedings for St. Bartholomew day; but, as he was afraid of being chosen one of the judges of those persons, whom they designed to put to death, he desired leave of absence under pretence of fetching his wife and his library thither; and having obtained it, he returned to Paris, where he read public lectures upon several passages of the Pandects with the applause of a large audience. He accepted the professorship of civrl law, which was offered him by the university of Bezancon; but understanding upon his going thither that the emperor had prohibited that university from erecting this pro-' fessorship, he refused to read any lectures, though he was solicited to it. He then returned to Paris, and agreeably to the advice of Philip de Hurault, which was to teach civil law in the university of Angers, he went thither, where he continued his lectures for four years, till the duke of Anjou, who was proclaimed king of Poland, sent for him to Paris at the time when the embassy from Poland was received there. He was designed for the professorship of civil law in the university of Cracow; and it is thought he would have attended the new king into that country, if death had not prevented him. He died in the college of Arras, at Paris, Oct. 24, 1573. Baudouin appears to have been of unsettled principles in religion. Affecting to be displeased with some things in popery, Calvinism, and Lutheranism, he allowed his mind to dwell on the hopes of forming a new sect out of them all. He was, however, a man of extensive learning and commanding eloquence, and often employed in political negociations, in the conduct of which he gave much satisfaction, yet it is supposed that he did not die rich, and it is certain that he never had any great preferments.
, a member of the French academy, was a native of Pradelle in Vivarais, where he was born in 1590.
, a member of the French academy, was a native of Pradelle in Vivarais, where he was
born in 1590. In his youth he was a considerable traveller, but afterwards settled for the rest of his life at Paris,
where he was reader to queen Margaret. He made translations from Tacitus, Suetonius, Lucian, Sallust, Dion Cassius, Tasso, and many other established writers, but which
contributed little to his fame. When hard pressed by his
employers, he contented himself with retouching former
translations, without looking into the originals. He also
wrote a “History of Malta,
” Emblems,
” with moral explanations, Paris, Iconologie
” is also in request with collectors. It was printed at
Paris, 1636, fojio, and 1643, 4to. Baudouin died at Paris
in 1650, according to Moreri, or 1656, as in the Diet.
, a celebrated French geographer, was born at Paris the 28th of July, 1633. His father, Stephen Baudrand,
, a celebrated French geographer, was born at Paris the 28th of July, 1633. His father, Stephen Baudrand, was first deputy of the procurator-general of the court of aids, treasurer of France for Montauban, and master of the requests of his royal highness Gaston of France, and his mother’s name was Frances Caule. He began his studies in the year 1640. His inclination for geography was first noticed when he studied at the Jesuits college of Clermont under father Briet, who was famous for his geography, which was then printing, the proof sheets of which were corrected by our author. After he had finished his course of philosophy at the college of Lisieux under Mr. Desperier, cardinal Antonio Barberini took him as his secretary at Rome, and he was present with his eminence at the conclave, in which pope Alexander VII. was elected; and afterwards at thaHn which Clement IX. was chosen pope. Upon his return to France, he applied himself to the revisal of Ferrarius’s Geographical Dictionary, which he enlarged by one half, and published at Paris, 1671, fol. In the same year he attended the marquis of Dangeau, who was employed by the king in the management of his affairs in Germany, and also went to England with the duchess of York, who was afterwards queen of England. His travels were of great advantage to linn in furnishing him with a variety of observations in geography. He returned to France in 1677, and composed his geographical dictionary in Latin. In 1691 he attended the cardinal of Camus, who was bishop of Grenoble, to Rome, and went with him into the conclave on the 27th of March, where he continued three months ancha half, till the election of pope Innocent XII. on July 12th, the same year. Upon his return to Paris he applied himself to the completing of his French geographical dictionary, but he was prevented from publishing it by his death, which happened at Paris the 29th of May 1700. He had been prior of Rouvres and Neuf-Marche. He left all his books and papers to the Benedictine monks of the abbey of St. Germain des Prez.
His geographical dictionary was entitled “Geographia ordine literarum disposita,” Paris, 1682,
His geographical dictionary was entitled “Geographia
ordine literarum disposita,
” Paris, Dictionaire Geographique Universelle,
” taken
from Baudrand’s work, by Maty, and published at Amsterdam in 1701, 4to, with a most valuable and copious index
of the Latin names translated into the modern.
, the first of a family of men of learning and fame, was born at Amiens, Aug. 24, 1511, and educated in the profession
, the first of a family of men of learning and fame, was born at Amiens, Aug. 24, 1511, and educated in the profession of medicine and surgery. In his eighteenth year he began practice as a surgeon, and acquired such reputation as to be frequently consulted by persons of the first rank; and queen Catherine of Navarre bestowed on him the title of her physician. His connections with the ct new heretics," as Moreri calls the Protestants, induced him to adopt their opinions. In 1532 he went to England, we are not told why, and practised there, for three years, after which he returned to Paris, and married; but having avowed his principles with boldness, and afforded assistance and protection to those of the reformed religion, he was thrown into prison in the reign of Francis I. and condemned to be burnt; but queen Margaret, who was sister to that prince, obtained his pardon and release, and appointed him her physician and surgeon in ordinary. Some time after, not thinking himself secure, even under her protection, he went to Antwerp and practised medicine, but even here the dread of the Spanish inquisition obliged him to retire to Germany, and at length he obtained an asylum at Basil, and for some time was corrector of the Froben press. He then resumed his profession, and was made assessor, and afterwards dean of the faculty. He died in 1582, leaving two sons, the subjects of the following articles.
, his eldest son, was born at Basil in 1541, took his doctor’s degree in 1562, and
, his eldest son, was born at Basil in
1541, took his doctor’s degree in 1562, and afterwards became principal physician to Frederick duke of Wirtemberg.
In 1561 he attached himself to the celebrated Gessner,
under whom he studied botany with great perseverance
and success. The principal works by which he gained a
lasting name in the annals of that and other sciences, were
his 1. “Memorabilis historia luporum aliquot rabidorum,
” De plantis a divis, sanctisque nomen habentibus,
” Basil, Vivitur ingenio,
caetera mortis erunt,
” the inscription of a work on insects
and plants, but which has no other title, 1592, oblong form.
4. “. De plantis absynthii nomen habentibus,
” Montbelliard,
1593, 1599, 8vo. 5. Historia novi et admirabilis fontis, balneique Bollensis,“ib. 1598, 4to. 6.
” Historian plantarum
prodromus,“Ebroduni (Brinn) 1619, 4to. 7.
” Historia
plantarum universalis,“3 vols. folio, 1650, 1651. This edition is enriched with the notes of Dominic Chabrans, a physician of Geneva, and the remarks of Robert Moryson, which
he first published in his
” Hortus Blesensis,“and which, it
is now allowed, were unreasonably severe. 8.
” De Aquis
medicatis, nova methodus, quatuor libris comprehensa,"
Montbeliarcf, 1605, 1607, 1612, 4to. Bauhin, after being
physician to the duke of Wirtemberg for forty years, during which he resided at Montbeliard, died there in 1613.
, brother of the preceding, was born at Basil, Jan. 17, 1.560, and at the early age of sixteen
, brother of the preceding, was
born at Basil, Jan. 17, 1.560, and at the early age of sixteen
began to study medicine. In 1577 he went to Padua,
where he was instructed in botany and anatomy, and afterwards visited the university of Montpellier, and the most
celebrated schools of Germany. On his return to Basil in
1580, he took his doctor’s degree, and was appointed
by the faculty to lecture on anatomy and botany. In
1582 he was elected professor of Greek; and in 1588
professor of anatomy and botany. In 1596, Frederick
duke of Wirtemberg gave him the title of his physician, which he had before conferred on his brother. He
was also, in 1614, principal city physician, and in the
course of his life four times rector of the university, and
eight times dean of the faculty of medicine. He died Dec.
5, 1624, after establishing a very high reputation for his
knowledge in botany and anatomy, in both which he published some valuable works. The principal were his representations of plants, and especially what he called the exhibition of the botanical theatre “Phytopinax,
” Basil,
Pinax Theatri Botanici,
” ib.
, surnamed D'!Berville, professor of ecclesiastical history at Utrecht, was born at Rouen in 1639. His father, a Protestant and a man of
, surnamed D'!Berville, professor of
ecclesiastical history at Utrecht, was born at Rouen in
1639. His father, a Protestant and a man of opulence, had
him educated with great care. He was first instructed in
classical learning at Quevilli, a village near Rouen, where
the Protestants had a college and church. Thence ne
went to Saumur, where he learned Hebrew under Louis
Cappel, and improved his knowledge of Latin and Greek
under Tanaquil le Fevre, who was particularly attached to
him, corresponded with him after he left Saumur, and dedicated to him one of his works. Bauldri also studied divinity in this university, and afterwards went to England,
and resided some years at Oxford, passing most of his time
in the Bodleian library, and becoming acquainted with
Henry Justel, the king’s librarian, and Dr. Fell, bishop of
Oxford. After having twice visited England, he returned
to his own country, and gave himself up to study, enlarging his library by a judicious selection of valuable books.
He brought from England an Arabian, with whom he studied that language. In 1682 he married, at Rouen, Magdalen Basnage, the daughter of Henry. After the revocation
of the edict of Nantz, he intended to have taken refuge in
England, but his friends and admirers in Holland invited
him thither, and by their interest he was, in 1685, appointed professor of ecclesiastical history in the university of
Utrecht. In 1692 he published, 1. A new edition of Lac tantius “De mortibus persecutorum,
” with learned notes.
He published also, 2. A new edition of Furetiere’s “Nouvelle allegorique, ou, Histoire des derniers troubles arrives
au royaume d'eloquence,
” Utrecht, Critical remarks on the book of Job,
” inserted in Basnage’s
memoirs of the works of the learned, August 1696. 4. A
letter on the same subject, July 1697, and some other dissertations in the literary journals. The states of Utrecht
endeavoured to obtain for M. Bauldri the restitution of his
property at the treaty of Ryswick, but did not succeed.
He died at Utrecht, highly esteemed, Feb. 16, 1706.
, a celebrated lithotomist, was born in 1651, in a village of the bailiwick of Lons-le-Saunier
, a celebrated lithotomist, was born in 1651, in a village of the bailiwick of
Lons-le-Saunier in Tranche Cornte, of very poor parents.
He quitted them early in life, in order to enter into a regiment of horse, in which he served some years, and made
an acquaintance with one Pauloni, an empirical surgeon,
who had acquired a name for lithotomy. After having
taken lessons under this person for five or six years, he repaired to Provence. There he put on a kind of monastic
habit, but unlike any worn by the several orders of monks,
and was ever afterwards known only by the name of friar
James. In this garb he went to Languedoc, then to Roussiilon, and from thence through the different provinces of
France. He at length appeared at Paris, but soon quitted
it for his more extensive perambulations. He was seen at
Geneva, at Aix-la-Chapelle, at Amsterdam, and practised
everywhere. His success was various, but his method was
not uniform, and anatomy was utterly unknown to this bold
operator. He refused to take any care of his patients after the operation, saying, “I have extracted the stone;
God will heal the wound.
” Being afterwards taught by
experience that dressings and regimen were necessary, his
treatments were constantly more successful. He was indisputably the inventor of the lateral operation. His method was to introduce a sound through the urethra into the
bladder with a straight history, cut upon the staff, and then
he carried his incision along the staff into the bladder.
He then introduced the forefinger of the left hand into the
bladder, searched for the stone, which, having withdrawn
the sound, he extracted by means of forceps. Professor
Rau of Holland improved upon this method, which afterwards suggested to our countryman, Cheselden, the lateral
operation, as now, with a few alterations, very generally
practised. In gratitude for the numerous cures this operator had performed in Amsterdam, the magistracy of that
city caused his portrait to be engraved, and a medal to be
struck, bearing for impress his bust. After having appeared
at the court of Vienna and at that of Rome, he made
choice of a retreat near Besan^on, where he died in 1720,
at the age of sixty -nine. The history of this hermit was
written by M. Vacher, surgeon-major of the king’s armies,
and printed at Besan^on, in 1757, 12mo.
, an eminent French chemist, was born at Senlis, Feb. 26, 1728, and devoted his time to the study
, an eminent French chemist, was
born at Senlis, Feb. 26, 1728, and devoted his time to the
study of pharmacy and chemistry. In 1752 he was admitted as an apothecary at Paris, and in 1775 was elected a
member of the royal academy of sciences. He more recently became a member of the National Institute, and
died at Carrieres near Paris, March 14, 1805. He published, 1. “Plan d‘un cours de Chimie experimentale et
” Paris, Dissertation sur
F Ether,
” ibid. Elemens de Pharmacie
theorique et pratique,
” ibid. ibid. 1763, 1765,
1769, 12mo. 5.
” Memoire sur les argiles, ou, recherches
sur la nature des terres les plus propres a I 1 agriculture, et
sur les moyens de fertiliser celles qui sont steriles,“ibid.
1770, 8vo. 6.
” Chimie experimentale et ruisonnee,"
ibid. 1773, 3 vols. 8vo. This extends only to the mineral
, canon of the collegiate church of St. Agricola d' Avignon, was born at Carpentras in the Comtat Venaissin, in 1705. His passion
, canon of the collegiate
church of St. Agricola d' Avignon, was born at Carpentras
in the Comtat Venaissin, in 1705. His passion lor the
belles-lettres attracted him to Paris, and after having made
some stay there, he published a pamphlet entitled “Eloge
de la Paix,
” dedicated to the academic Franchise; it is in
the form of a discourse, an ode, and an epopea, but has
little merit in any of these styles. This did not, however,
prevent him from meditating a work of greater length.
He carried the idea of his design with him into his province, and there he completed it. “The Christiade, or
Paradise regained,
” which is here meant, occasioned its
author a second journey to Paris, where his poem was
printed, in 1753, 6 vols. 12mo. The work, well executed
as to the typographical part, is written in a pompous, affected, and often ridiculous style, and the sacred subject
was so much burlesqued, that it was condemned by the
parliament of Paris, and the author fined. He died at
Paris in 1757. He wrote besides several small pieces, as
the “Saturnales Francoises,
” Courier d'Avignon.
” He was a man of a warm imagination, but void
both of taste and judgment.
, a philosopher of the German school, was born at Berlin, June 17, 1714. He studied divinity at Halle,
, a philosopher of the German school, was born at Berlin, June 17,
1714. He studied divinity at Halle, at a time when it was
a crime to read the writings of the celebrated Wolff, but
these he perused with avidity, and cultivated the friendship
of their author. Mathematics became afterwards his favourite study, and he conceived at the same time the idea
of elevating the belles-lettres to a rank among the sciences,
and the science according to which he explained his principles on this subject, he called Esthetics. At Halle, he
was professor of logic, metaphysics, the law of nature and
moral philosophy. He died at Francfort on the Oder,
May 26, 1762. His principal works are: 1. “Disputa-io
de nonnullis ad poema pertinentibus,
” Halle, Metaphysica,
” Halle, Etica
” ibid. JEsthetica,
Francfort, Initia philosophise practicae primae,
” ibid.
, a learned French Jesuit, was born at Paris, April 15, 1649, and entered the society in 1665.
, a learned French Jesuit, was
born at Paris, April 15, 1649, and entered the society in
1665. He had taught grammar and the classics in the
Jesuits college of Paris, for five years, and had completed
his theological studies, when about the end of 1677 he
was appointed tutor to the duke of Bourbon, and obliged
to return to his studies again for five years, after which he
was appointed professor of rhetoric, and filled that office
for the same number of years. As soon as he found leisure
from these engagements, he began to collect the works
of father Sirmond, which he published in 1696, in 5
vols. fol. at Paris, and which were afterwards reprinted at
Venice, in 1729. He also intended to have collected the
works of the celebrated Petau, but the weakness of his
sight began now to interrupt his literary labours, and he
was at the same time ordered to Rouen as rector of the
college. Three years after he returned to Paris, whence
he went to Rome, to be present at the general assembly
of the society. The rest of his life he passed partly at
Rouen, and partly at Paris, where he died Oct. 21, 1725.
Besides the edition of the works of Sirmond, we owe to
his labours, 1. “Symbola Heroica,
” Paris, Infunere Gabrielis Cossartii carmen,
” Paris, Panegyrici veteres, ad usum Delphmi,
” ibid. Ludus poeticus in recentem
” Paris, Ludovico duci Borbonio, Oratio,
” ibid. Ferdinando de
Furstenberg, pro fundata missione Sinensi, gratiarum
” ibid. In obitum ejusdem, carmen,
” Ludovico magno liberalium artium parenti et patrono, panegyricus,
” ibid. Augustiss. Galliarum senatui panegyricus,
” ibid. Laudatio funebris Ludovici Borbonii principis
” ibid. Coliegii Parisiensis societ. Jesu, festi plausus ad nuptias Ludovici Galliarum
Delphini, et Marise-Annre-Christianre-Victoriae Bavarse,
, an eminent painter, was born at Strasburg, in 1610, and was a disciple of Frederick
, an eminent painter, was born at Strasburg, in 1610, and was a disciple of Frederick Brendel. He had an enlarged capacity, -but the. liveliness of his imagination hindered him from studying nature, or the antique, in such a manner as to divest himself of his German taste, though he went to Rome to improve himself in the art. In Italy, he applied himself entirely to architecture, as far as it might contribute to the enrichment of his landscapes, which were his favourite subjects; and for his scenes and situations he studied after the rich prospects about Frascati and Tivoli, which could afford him the most delightful sites, views, and incidents. He was fond of introducing into his designs, battles, marchings of the army, skirmishes, and processions; but although he resided for a considerable length of time in and about Naples and Rome, he never arrived at a grandeur of design; nor could ever express the naked but indifferently. It must, however, be said in his commendation, that his pencil was light,his composition good, and his dispositions eminently picturesque. He painted with great success in water-colours on vellum, and etched the Metamorphoses of Ovid, and a great many other plates, from his own designs; his works were completed by Melc'hior Kussel, to the amount of five hundred prints, including those by his own hand. Of his engravings from the Metamorphoses, which are generally preferred to the rest, and consist of one hundred and fifty, Mr. Strutt says that the figures which are introduced are generally small, and very incorrect in the drawing; the back-grounds are dark and heavy, and the trees want that lightness and freedom which are necessary to render the effect agreeable. The pieces of architecture which he is very fond of introducing into his designs, appear to be well executed; and the perspective is finely preserved. In his manner of engraving he seems in some degree to have imitated Callot; and the nearer he approaches to the style of that master, the better are his productions. These designs manifest great marks of a superior genius, but without cultivation, or the advantage of a refined judgment to make a proper choice of the most beautiful objects. Argenville mentions a peculiarity of him, that when at work, he might be heard muttering in Spanish, Italian, or French, as if holding a conversation with the persons he was painting, and endeavouring to hit their characters, gestures, and habits. About 1638, he fixed his residence at Vienna, at the invitation of the emperor Ferdinand III. and there he married, but while happy in his family and in the patronage of the emperor, he was attacked by an illness which proved fatal in 1640, when he was only thirty years of age.
, was born at Schweinfurt, Sept. 30, 1605; his father, Leonard Bausch,
, was born at Schweinfurt,
Sept. 30, 1605; his father, Leonard Bausch, a physician
in that place, acquired some fame about the beginning of
the seventeenth century, by his commentary on two of
the books of Hippocrates, which was published at Madrid,
1694, fol. His son was early inclined to his father’s profession, and after studying medicine in Germany, went to
Italy, and lastly, took his doctor’s degree at Altdorf, in
1630. He practised afterwards at Schweinfurt, and
employed all his leisure time in botanical and chemical pursuits, accumulating a valuable library, and a rich museum
of natural history. In 1652 he founded a society called
“Collegium Curiosorum naturae,
” of which he was the
first president. He died at Schweinfurt, Nov. 17, 1665.
He was the author of 1. “Schediasmata bina curiosa de
lapide hcematite et cetite,
” Leipsic, Schediasma curiosum de unicornu fossili,
” Breslaw, Schediasma posthumum, de cceruleo et chryocolla,
” Jena,
, a very ingenious metaphysician and natural philosopher, was born in 1686, or 1687, at Old Aberdeen, in Scotland, of which
, a very ingenious metaphysician
and natural philosopher, was born in 1686, or 1687, at Old
Aberdeen, in Scotland, of which city his father was a merchant, and educated in king’s college there. His principal employment was that of a private tutor to young gentlemen; and among other of his pupils were lord Grey,
lord Blantyre, and Mr. Hay of Drummeizier. About
1724, he married the daughter of Mr. Mebane, a clergyman in the shire of Berwick. A few years after he published in 4to, “An Enquiry into the nature of the human
Soul, wherein its immateriality is evinced from the principles of reason and philosophy;
” without date. In Matho:
sive, Cosmotheoria puerilis, Dialogus. In quo prima elementa de mundi ordine et ornatu proponuntur, &c.
This was afterwards greatly enlarged, and published in
English, in two volumes, 8vo. In 1750 was published,
“An Appendix to his Enquiry into the nature of the human Soul
” wherein he endeavours to remove some difficulties, which had been started against his notions of the
“vis inertias
” of matter, by Maclaurin, in his “Account
of Sir Isaac Newton’s Philosophical Discoveries.
” To
this piece Mr. Baxter prefixed a dedication to Mr. John
Wilkes, afterwards so well known in the political world,
with whom he had commenced an acquaintance abroad.
He died this year, April the 23d, after suffering for some
months under, a complication of disorders, of which the
gout was the chief, and was buried in the family vault of
Mr. Hay, at Whittingham.
ings, which, however, were of much more note in the literary world during his own time, than now. He was very studious, and sometimes sat up whole nights reading and
The learning and abilities of Mr. Baxter are sufficiently displayed in his writings, which, however, were of much more note in the literary world during his own time, than now. He was very studious, and sometimes sat up whole nights reading and writing. His temper was cheerful, and in his manners, he appeared the gentleman as well as the scholar, but in conversation he was modest, and not apt to make much shew of the extensive knowledge of which he was possessed. In the discharge of the several social and relative duties of life, his conduct was exemplary. He had the most reverential sentiments of the Deity, of whose presence and immediate support he had always a strong impression upon his mind; and the general tenour of his life appears to have been conformable. Mr. Baxter paid a strict attention to ceconomy, but was not parsimonious in his expences. It is known, also, that there were several occasions, on which he acted with remarkable disinterestedness; and so far was he from courting preferment, that he has repeatedly declined considerable offers of that kind which were made him, if he would have taken orders in the Church of England. His friends and correspondents were numerous and respectable; and among them are particularly mentioned Mr. Pointz, preceptor to the late duke of Cumberland, and-,Dr. Warburton, bishop of Gloucester. His wife, by whom he had one son and three daughters, all of whom were lately living, survived him ten years, and was buried in the church of Linlithgow, in 1760.
various difficulties with regard to what had been urged concerning the vis inertia of matter; and it was to remove these difficulties, and still farther to confirm his
Bishop Warburton has characterised Mr. Baxter’s treatise on the Soul, as “containing the justest and most'precise
notions of God and the soul, and as altogether one of the
most finished of its kind,
” an encomium too unqualified,
although it certainly discovers great metaphysical acuteness. The great principle on which Baxter builds his reasoning, is the vis inertia of matter. The arguments he
hath founded upon this principle, and the consequences
he hath drawn from it, have, in the opinion of several persons, been carried too far. Mr. Hume made some objections to Mr. Baxter’s system, though without naming him,
in his Enquiry concerning Human Understanding. It is
probable that Mr. Baxter did not think Mr. Hume to be
enough of a natural philosopher to merit particular notice;
or he might not have seen Mr. Hume’s Philosophical Essays, which were first published only two years before our
author’s death. He had a much more formidable antagonist in Mr. Colin Maclaurin. This ingenious gentleman,
in his account of sir Isaac Newton’s philosophical discoveries, had started various difficulties with regard to what
had been urged concerning the vis inertia of matter; and
it was to remove these difficulties, and still farther to confirm his own principles, that Mr. Baxter wrote the Appendix.
ay?<7/>ea, or what is properly called the vision, is not the work of the soul itself. His conclusion was, that ‘ our dreams are prompted by separate immaterial beings:’
In the second volume of his Enquiry, Mr. Baxter has inserted a very copious Essay on the Phenomenon of Dreaming, and what he has advanced on this subject excited much attention at the time of its first publication. He endeavoured to prove, that the scenes presented to the soul in sleep, in which there is so much variety, action, and life, nay oftentimes speech and reason, cannot be the effect of mechanism, or any cause working mechanically: And farther, that the pay?<7/>ea, or what is properly called the vision, is not the work of the soul itself. His conclusion was, that ‘ our dreams are prompted by separate immaterial beings:’ that there are living beings existing separate from matter; that they act in that state; and that they act upon the matter of our bodies, and prompt our sleeping visions. Some observations upon this subject, and several objections to Mr. Baxter’s hypothesis, may be found in Mr. David Fordyce’s ‘ Dialogues concerning Education,’ vol. II. p. 223 257.
, an eminent nonconformist divine, was born Nov. 12, 1615, at Rowton, near High Ercal, in Shropshire.
, an eminent nonconformist divine, was born Nov. 12, 1615, at Rowton, near High Ercal, in Shropshire. He was unlucky as to his education, by falling into the hands of ignorant schoolmasters; neither had he the advantage of an academical education, his parents having accepted of a proposal of putting him under Mr. Wickstead, chaplain to the council of Ludlow: but this did not answer their expectation; Mr. Wickstead was not a scholar, and consequently took little pains with his pupil; the only benefit he reaped was the use of an excellent library, with which he endeavoured to supply the place of a regular education. When he had remained in this situation about a year and a half, he returned to his father’s, but immediately after, at the request of lord Newport, he taught for six months in the free-school of Wroxeter.
to lay aside his studies, and to think of making his fortune at court. Mr. Wickstead, we have said, was not a scholar, nor certainly a judge of character, when he fancied
In 1633, Mr. Wickstead persuaded him to lay aside his
studies, and to think of making his fortune at court. Mr.
Wickstead, we have said, was not a scholar, nor certainly
a judge of character, when he fancied he saw the materials
of a courtier in Richard Baxter’s mind. Baxter, however,
who probably did not know what a courtier was, came to
Whitehall, and was recommended to sir Henry Herbert,
master of the revels, by whom he was very kindly received;
but, in the space of a month, being tired of a court life,
he returned to the country, where he resumed his studies,
and Mr. Richard Foley of Stourbridge got him appointed
master of the free-school at Dudley, with an assistant under him. During this time he imbibed many of those sentiments of piety, neither steady, nor systematic, which
gave a peculiar bias to his future life and conduct, not
only towards the church, but towards his brethren, the
nonconformists. In 1638, he applied to the bishop of
Winchester for orders, which he received, having at that
time no scruples about conformity to the Church of England. The “Et caetera
” oath was what first induced him
to examine into this point. It was framed by the
convocation then sitting, and all persons were thereby enjoined
to swear, “That they would never consent to the alteration of the present government of the church by archbishops, bishops, deans, archdeacons, &c.
” There were
many persons who thought it hard to swear to the continuance of a church government which they disliked; and yet
they would have concealed their thoughts, had not this
oath, imposed under the penalty of expulsion, compelled
them to speak. Others complained of the “Et caetera,
which they said contained they knew not what. Mr. Baxter studied the best books he could find upon this subject,
the consequence of which was, that he utterly' disliked
the oath.
in nature or scripture hath determined on only in the general. The surplice he more doubted of, but was inclined to think it lawful: and though he intended to forbear
Before this, however, he seems to have been in some
measure, prepared for dissent, and Mr. Calarny has given
us an account of the means by which he first came to alter,
his opinions, which is too characteristic of the man to be
omitted. “Being settled at Dudley, he fell into the acquaintance of several nonconformists, whom though he
judged severe and splenetic, yet he found to be both godly
and honest men. They supplied him with several writings
on their own side, and amongst the rest, with Ames’s Fresh
Suit against Ceremonies, which he read over very distinctly, comparing it with Dr. Burgess’s Rejoyncler. And,
upon the whole, he at that time came to these conclusions;
Kneeling he thought lawful, and all mere circumstances
determined by the magistrate, which God in nature or
scripture hath determined on only in the general. The
surplice he more doubted of, but was inclined to think it
lawful: and though he intended to forbear it till under necessity, yet he could not see how he could have justified
the forsaking his ministry merely on that account, though
he never actually wore it. About the ring in marriage he
had no scruple. The cross in baptism he thought Dr.
Ames had proved unlawful; and though he was not without some doubting in the point, yet because he most inclined to judge it unlawful, he never once used it. A
Form of Prayer and Liturgy he judged to be lawful, and
in some cases lawfully imposed. The English Liturgy in,
particular he judged to have much disorder and defectiveness in it, but nothing which should make the use of it in
the ordinary public worship to be unlawful to them who
could not do better. He sought for discipline in the
Church, and saw the sad effects of its neglect; but he was
not then so sensible as afterwards, that the very frame of
diocesan prelacy excluded it, but thought it had been
chargeable only on the personal neglects of the bishops.
Subscription he began to think unlawful, and repented his
rashness in yielding to it so hastily. For though he could
use the Common-prayer, and was not yet against diocesans, yet to subscribe ex animo, that there is nothing in
the three books contrary to the word of God, was that which
he durst not do, had it been to be done again. So that subscription and the cross in baptism, and the promiscuous
giving the Lord’s supper to all comers, though ever so
unqualified, if they were not excommunicated by a bishop
or chancellor who knows nothing of them, were the only
things in which as yet he inclined to nonconformity, and
even in these he kept his thoughts to himself. He continued to argue with the nonconformists, about the pointy
they differed in, and particularly kneeling at the Sacrament, about which he had a controversy with some of
them, which they did not think it proper to continue anyfarther. He also, with equal candour and spirit, reproved
them for the bitterness of their language against the bishops and churchmen, and exhorted them to patience and
In 1640, he was invited to be minister at Kidderminster, which he accepted;
In 1640, he was invited to be minister at Kidderminster,
which he accepted; and had been here two years when the
civil war broke out. He was a favourer of the parliament,
which exposed him to some inconveniences, and obliged
him to retire to Gloucester; but being strongly solicited,
he returned to Kidderminster. However, not finding himself safe in this place, he again quitted it, and took up his
residence at Coventry, where he lived in perfect quiet,
preaching once every Sunday to the garrison, and once to
the town’s people, and contending warmly against the
Anabaptists. After Naseby fight, he was appointed chaplain to colonel Whalley’s regiment, and was present at
several sieges, but was never in any engagement, although
a story was afterwards raised that he had killed a man in
cool blood, and robbed him of a medal. This was first
told by Dr. Boreman of Trinity college, Cambridge, and
became very current until Mr. Baxter refuted it in his
“Catholic Communion,
” Now I beseech you, brethren, by
the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the
same thing, and that there be no divisions amongst you,
but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind
and in the same judgment.
” He levelled his discourse
against the divisions and distractions of the church. A
while after Cromwell sent to speak with him: when he began a long and serious speech to him of God’s providence
in the change of the government, and how God had owned
it, and what great things had been done at home and
abroad in the peace with Spain and Holland. Mr. Baxter told him, “It was too great condescension to acquaint
him so fully with all these matters, which were above him:
but that the honest people of the land took their ancient
monarchy to be a blessing, and not an evil; and humbly
craved his patience, that he might ask him, how they had
forfeited that blessing, and unto whom that forfeiture was
made r
” Upon this question Cromwell became angry,
and told him, “There was no forfeiture, but God had
changed it as pleased him;
” and then he reviled the parliament, which thwarted him, and especially by name
four or five members, Mr. Baxter’s particular acquaintances, whom he presumed to defend against the protec
tor’s passion. A few days after he sent for him again,
under pretence of asking him his opinion about liberty of
conscience; at which time also he made a long tedious
speech, which took up so much time, that Mr. Baxter desired to offer his sentiments in writing, which he did, but
says, he questions whether Cromwell read them.
mayor at St. Paul’s a thanksgiving sermon for general Monk’s success. Upon the king’s restoration he was appointed one of his chaplains in ordinary, preached once before
Mr. Baxter came to London a little before the depositioa
of Richard Cromwell, and preached before the parliament
the day preceding that on which they voted the king’s return. He preached likewise before the lord mayor at St.
Paul’s a thanksgiving sermon for general Monk’s success.
Upon the king’s restoration he was appointed one of his
chaplains in ordinary, preached once before him, liad frequent access to his majesty, and was always treated by him
with peculiar respect. He assisted at the conference at
the Savoy, as one of the commissioners, and drew up a
reformed Liturgy, which Dr. Johnson pronounced “one
of the finest compositions of the ritual kind he had ever
” He was offered the bishopric of Hereford by the
lord chancellor Clarendon, which he refused, and gave
his lordship his reasons for not accepting of it, in a letter;
he required no favour but that of being permitted to continue minister at Kidderminster, but could not obtain it.
Being thus disappointed, he preached occasionally about
the city of London, having a licence from bishop Sheldon,
upon his subscribing a promise not to preach any thing
against the doctrine or ceremonies of the church. May 15,
1662, he preached his farewell sermon at Blackfriars, and
afterwards retired to Acton in Middlesex. In 1665, during
the plague, he went to Richard Hampden’s, esq. in Buckinghamshire; and when it ceased, returned to Acton. He
continued here as long as the act against conventicles was
in force, and, when that was expired, had so many auditors
that he wanted room: but, while thus employed, by a.
warrant signed by two justices, he was committed for six
months to New Prison gaol; having, however, procured an
habeas corpus, he was discharged, and removed to Totteridge near Barnet. In this affair, he experienced the sincerity of many of his best friends. As he was going to
prison, he called upon serjcant Fountain for his advice,
who, after perusing the mittimus, said, that he might be
discharged from his imprisonment by law. The earl of
Orrery, fche earl of Manchester, the earl of Arlington, and
the duke of Buckingham, mentioned the affair to the king,
who was pleased to send sir John Baber to him, to let him
know, that though his majesty was not willing to relax the
law, yet he would not be offended, if by any application
to the courts in Westminster-hall he could procure his
liberty; upon this an habeas corpus was demanded at the
bar of the common pleas, and granted. The judges were
clear in their opinion, that die mittimus was insufficient,
and thereupon discharged him. This exasperate;! the justices who committed him; and therefore they made a
new mittimus in order to hn.ve sent him to the connty-gnol
of Newgi-te, which he avoided by keeping out of the way.
After the indulgence in 1672, he returned to London, and
preached on week-days at Pinner’s hall, at a meeting in.
Fetter-lane, and in St. James’s market house and the times
appearing more favourable about two years after, he built
a meeting-house in Oxenden-street, where he had preached
but once, when a resolution was formed to take him by surprise, and send him to the county gaol, on the Oxford act;
which misfortune he escaped, but the person who happened
to preach for him was sent to the Gate-house, where he
was confined three months. After having been three years
kept out of his meeting-house, he took another in Swallow-street, but was likewise prevented from preaching there,
a guard having been placed for many Sundays to hinder
his entrance. Upon the death of Mr. Wadsworth, he
preached to his congregation in South wark.
In 1632, he was seized by a warrant, for coming within five miles of a corporation
In 1632, he was seized by a warrant, for coming within
five miles of a corporation and five more warrants were
served upon him to distrain for 195l. as a penalty for five
sermons he had preached, so that his books and goods were
sold. He was not, however, imprisoned on this occasion,
which was owing to Dr. Thomas Cox, who went to five
justices of the peace, before whom he swore that Mr. Baxter was in such a bad state of health, that he could not go
to prison without danger of death. In the beginning of
1685, he was committed to the king’s bench prison, by a
warrant from the lord chief justice Jefferies, for his paraphrase on the New Testament; and on May 18, of the
same year, he was tried in the court of king’s bench, and
found guilty. He was condemned to prison for two years;
but, in 1686, king James, by the mediation of the lord
Powis, granted him a pardon; and on Nov. 24, he was discharged out of the king’s bench. After which he retired
to a house in Charterhouse-yard, where he assisted Mr.
Sylvester every Sunday morning, and preached a lecture
every Thursday.
Mr. Baxter died Dec. the 8th, 1691, and was interred in
Christ-church, whither his corpse was attended by a numerous company of persons of different ranks, and many
clergymen of the established church. He wrote a great
number of books. Mr. Long of Exeter says fourscore;
Dr. Calamy, one hundred and twenty; but the author of
a note in the Biographia Britannica tells us he had seen an.
hundred and forty-rive distinct treatises of Mr. Baxter’s:
his practical works have been published in four volumes
folio. Of these his “Saint’s Everlasting Rest,
” and his
“Call to the Unconverted,
” are the most popular, but excepting the last, we know not of any of his works that have
been reprinted for a century past, doubtless owing to his
peculiar notions on points about which the orthodox dissenters are agreed. Bishop Burnet, in the History of his
own times, calls him “a man of great piety
” and says,
“that if he had not meddled with too many things, he
would have been esteemed one of the most learned men of
the age; that he had a moving and pathetical way of writing, and was his whole life long a man of great zeal and
much simplicity, but was unhappily subtle and metaphysical in every thing.
” This character may be justly applied
to Mr. Baxter, whose notions agreed with no church, and
no sect. The consequence was, that no man was ever
more the subject of controversy. Calamy says that about
sixty treatises were opposed to him and his writings. What
his sentiments were, will appear from the following sketch,
drawn up by the late Dr. Kippis. “His Theological System has been called Baxterianism, and those who embrace
his sentiments in divinity, are styled Baxterians. Baxterianism strikes into a middle path between Calvinism and
Arminianism, endeavouring, in some degree, though perhaps not very consistently, to unite both schemes, and to
avoid the supposed errors of each. The Baxterians, we
apprehend, believe in the doctrines of election, effectual
calling, and other tenets of Calvinism, and, consequently,
suppose that a certain number, determined upon in the
divine counsels, will infallibly be saved. This they think
necessary to secure the ends of Christ’s interposition. But
then, on the other hand, they reject the doctrine of reprobation, and admit that our blessed Lord, in a certain sense,
died for all; and that such a portion of grace is allotted to
every man, as renders it his own fault, if he doth not attain
to eternal happiness. If he improves the common grace
given to all mankind, this will be followed by that special
grace which will end in his final acceptance and salvation.
Whether the Baxterians are of opinion, that any, besides
the elect, will actually make such a right use of common
grace, as to obtain the other, and, at length, come to
heaven, we cannot assuredly say. There may possibly be
a difference of sentiment upon the subject, according as
they approach nearer to Calvinism or to Arminianism. Mr.
Baxter appears likewise to have modelled the doctrines of
justification, and the perseverance of the saints, in a manner which was not agreeable to the rigid Calvinihts. His
distinctions upon all these heads we do not mean particularly to inquire into, as they would not be very interesting
to the generality of our readers. Some foreign divines, in
the last century, struck nearly into the same path; and
particularly, in France, Mons. le Blanc, Mr. Cameron, and
the celebrated Mons. Amyrault. For a considerable time,
the non-conformist clergy in England were divided into
scarcely any but two doctrinal parties, the Calvinists and
the Baxterians. There were, indeed, a few direct Arminians among them, whose number was gradually increasing. Of late, since many of the dissenters have become
more bold in their religious sentiments, the Baxterians
among them have been less numerous. However, they
are still a considerable body; and several persons are fond
of the name, as a creditable one, who, we believe, go
farther than Mr. Baxter did. The denomination, like other
theological distinctions which have prevailed in the world,
will probably, in a course of time, sink into desuetude, till
it is either wholly forgotten, or the bare memory of it be
only preserved in some historical production.
, an eminent grammarian and critic, and nephew to the preceding, was born in 1650, at Lanlugan in Shropshire. His education appears
, an eminent grammarian and critic, and nephew to the preceding, was born in 1650, at
Lanlugan in Shropshire. His education appears to have
been more irregular and neglected than that of his uncle,
since at the age of eighteen, when he went to Harrow
school, he could not read, nor understood one word of any
language but Welch, a circumstance very extraordinary
at a time when education, if given at all, was given early,
and when scholars went to the universities much younger
than at present. Mr. Baxter, however, must have retrieved
his loss of time with zeal and assiduity, as it is certain he
became a man of great learning, although we are unacquainted with the steps by which he attained this eminence,
and must therefore employ the remainder of this article
principally in an account of his publications. His favourite
studies appear to have been antiquities and physiology.
His first publication was a Latin Grammar, entitled “I)e
Analogia, sive arte Linguae Latinse Comrnentariolus, &c.
in usum provectioris adolescentise,
” Anacreon,
” afterwards reprinted in an excellent one,
” but, according to Hades and Fischer,
Baxter has been guilty of unjustifiable alterations, and has
so mutilated passages, that his temerity must excite the
indignation of every sober scholar and critic. Mr. Boswell,
in his Life of Dr. Johnson, mentions a copy of Baxter’s
edition, which his father, lord Auckinlech, had collated
with the ms. belonging to the university of Leytlen, accompanied by a number of notes. This copy is probably
still in the library of that venerable judge.
Baxter’s celebrated edition of Horace made its appearance, of which it is said that a second edition was finished by him a few days before his death, and published by
In 1701 Mr. Baxter’s celebrated edition of Horace made
its appearance, of which it is said that a second edition was
finished by him a few days before his death, and published
by his son John, but not until 1725. In it there were
some corrections, alterations, and additions introduced. Dr.
Harwood bestows the highest praise on it, as “by far the
best edition of Horace ever published.
” He adds, “I have
read it many times through, and know its singular worth,
England has not produced a more elegant or judicious crU
tic than Baxter.
” Gesner, entertaining the same sentiments, when he was requested to give an edition of
made Baxter’s labours the foundation of his own, and published his edition, thus improved in 1752, and again in
1772, the latter still move improved by a collation of some
Mss. and some very early editions which do not appear to
have been consulted by Baxter. On the appearance of
this last edition, Dr. Lowth, the late learned bishop of London, pronounced it the best edition of Horace ever yet
delivered to the world. In 1788, Zeunius republished it,
preserving all Baxter’s and Gesner’s observations, adding
a few of his own, and availing himself of the labours of
Jani and Wieland. Of this a very elegant edition was
published in 1797, by Mr. Payne, of Pall Mall, printed
by Mundell of Glasgow, in 8vo. But what can we say to
the uncertainties of criticism? Harles and Mitscherlich.
do not concur with Dr. Harwood in his opinion of Baxter’s
edition of 1725, and they both under-rate his labours,
Harles blaming him for his “ribaldry and abuse of Bentley.
Baxter was certainly irritated against Bentley, probably
on account of some remarks introduced by Bentley into
his edition of Horace, which had been published in the
interval between 1701 and the time of his death. Gesner
makes all the apology that can now be offered: he thinks
that Baxter might feel Bentley' s contempt, than whom no
man could deal out contempt more severely, or Baxter
might himself be affected with somewhat of the irritability
of age.
d to Dr. Mead, and with a fine head of the author by Vertue, from a picture by Highmore, when Baxter was in the sixty-ninth year of his age. The collectors will be glad
In 1719, Baxter published his Dictionary of the British
Antiquities, under the title of “Glossarium Antiquitatum
Britannicarum, sive Syllabus Etymologicus Antiquitatum
veteris Britannise, atque Iberniso, temporibus Romanorum,
” dedicated to Dr. Mead, and with a fine head of the
author by Vertue, from a picture by Highmore, when Baxter was in the sixty-ninth year of his age. The collectors
will be glad to hear that in some of the earliest impressions,
the painter’s name is spelt Hymore. This painting was
done for a club-room, where Mr. Baxter presided, in the
Old Jewry, but the landlord removing, took it with him,
and it has never been heard of since. It is, perhaps, of
more importance to add, that this work was published by
the Rav. Moses Williams, who also, in 1726, published
Baxter’s Glossary or Dictionary of the Roman Antiquities,
under the title of “Reliquiae Baxterianae, sive W. Baxteri
Opera Posthuma:
” This goes no farther than the letter A,
but has a fragment of the life of the author written by
himself. His etymologies in this work are often correct
and undeniable, but some are capricious. The reason of
his declining to proceed farther than the first letter of the
alphabet, was the reluctance of the booksellers to bear the
expence of his Glossarium, which, however, he had the
satisfaction of seeing published before his death, by the
liberality of Dr. Mead. On the publication of the last
mentioned work, Mr. Bowyer, the celebrated printer, whose
memory has been so ably and so usefully preserved by his
successor, published a small tract (included in his “Miscellaneous Tracts
”) entitled “A Vii w of a book, entitled
‘ Reiiquiue Baxterianac,’ in a Letter to a f knrl.
” Tr,is is
a very acute and learned analysis oi the work mentioned,
and gives us an amusing account of Baxter’s Life of himself, which is, in fact, an endeavour to trace his family He
derives his name Baxter from the Saxon, Baker, for which
reason he writes himself, from a word of the same signification in Welch, Popidius. We may also add, that to this
day Baxter and Baker (the trade) are in most parts of Scotland synonymous. In this short pedigree, he speaks with
the warmth of affection for his celebrated relative Richard
Baxter. Alluding to the usual reproach passed on extempore preachers, he says, “Vir extemporanea dicenui facultate incredibili, zelo plane Apostolico (quern scurras nostronini temporurn cantum dicunt), &c.
nting “Gulielmi Baxter! qua? supersunt enarratio et notae in D. Junii Jnvetialis Satyras,” but which was not published. Mr. Baxter contributed also largely to the translation
In 1731 Mr. Moses Williams issued proposals for printing “Gulielmi Baxter! qua? supersunt enarratio et notae
in D. Junii Jnvetialis Satyras,
” but which was not published. Mr. Baxter contributed also largely to the translation of Plutarch’s Morals by various hands, published
about the beginning of the last century. He perfectly
understood the ancient British and Irish languages, as well
as the northern and eastern tongues. He kept a Correspondence with most of the learned men of his time, particularly with Edward Lluyd, the antiquary. Some of Mr.
Baxter’s letters to him are published in the “Glossarium
Antiq. Ronianarum.
” There are likewise in the Philosophical Transactions, some communications by him, and some
in the first volume of the Archreologia. Most of Mr. Baxter’s life was spent in the education of youth, and for that
purpose he kept a boarding school at Tottenham High-cross
in Middlesex, until he was chosen master of the Mercers
school in London, which situation he held above twenty
rears, but resigned it before his death. He died May
31, 1723, and was buried at Islington.
, a brave and celebrated French officer, was born in 1476. The faroily name was Terrail, and Bayard the name
, a brave and celebrated French officer, was born in 1476. The faroily name was Terrail, and Bayard the name of the castle in which he was born. The family of Terrail, now extinct, once held a very distinguished rank among the nobility of Dauphiny. It was one of the houses, which, in that province, were honoured with the name of the Scarlet Nobility, which served to distinguish the ancient nobility from those who were created by the letters patent of Louis XL which, when he invaded Dauphiny, he distributed witiiout distinction to whoever would purchase them. Although descended from a line of heroes, our chevalier eclipsed them all. His inclination for arms discovered itself very early, and an answer which he made to his father, when he was only thirteen years old, was a sufficient presage of his future achievements. His father asked him what kind of life he would chuse, to which he answered, that having derived from his ancestors an illustrious name, and the advantage of many shining examples of heroic virtue, he hoped he should at least be permitted to imitate them.
ipline of his heel until his steed submitted to his direction. The parting of the father and the son was affecting, and, his biographer observes, is a lively picture
His father, affected and delighted with this answer, sent
next day to the bishop of Grenoble, his brother-in-law,
and requested him to present young Bayard to the duke of
Savoy, in the quality of his page. His clothes and equipage being prepared in a lew hours, he mounted a horse,
which having never before felt a spur, gave three or four
springs, which greatly alarmed the company; but the
young hero, without being at all disconcerted, fixed himself in the saddle, and repeated the discipline of his heel
until his steed submitted to his direction. The parting of
the father and the son was affecting, and, his biographer
observes, is a lively picture of that noble simplicity of
manners, from which his nation has so much degenerated,
by the false refinements of an effeminate politeness. His
mother recommended three things to him the first was,
“to fear, and love, and to serve God
” the second, “to
be gentle and courteous to the nobility, without pride or
haughtiness to any;
” and the third was, “to be generous
and charitable to the poor and necessitous;
” adding, that
“to give for the love of God never made any man poor.
Bayard promised to follow these good precepts, and although his deviations were not unfrequent, he preserved a
sense of religion which led him to fulfil all its external duties at least with exemplary punctuality and zeal: neither
his youth, nor the tumults and hurry of a military life, nor
the dissolute company into which he naturally fell, nor
even the failings, from which he was not himself exempt,
could ever extinguish in his breast a certain veneration for
the religion in which he had been brought up.
Bayard continued about six months in the service of the duke of Savoy, by whom he was then presented to Charles VIII. who sent him to the count de
Bayard continued about six months in the service of the duke of Savoy, by whom he was then presented to Charles VIII. who sent him to the count de Ligny, of the imperial house of Luxembourg, that he might be brought up in his family. At the age of seventeen years he carried away all the honour of a tournament, which the lord of Vaudrey, one of the roughest knights of his time, held in the city of Lyons. In 1494, Charles VIII. resolved to assert his right to the crown of Naples, and therefore passed into Italy at the head of a numerous army, consisting of the prime nobility of his kingdom: so great an expedition, says Berville (from whom this article is taken) was never fitted out with so much speed, splendour, and success. The conquest, however, was almost as soon lost as gained. Charles, as he was returning to France with less than 10,000 men, was attacked near Fornoue by an army of six times the number. Upon this occasion he behaved with the greatest intrepidity, and gained a complete victory, and Bayard distinguished himself in an extraordinary manner. He took a standard from a party of fifty men, and presented it to the king, who rewarded him with a present of 500 crowns.
Soon after Charles VIII. was succeeded by Louis XIL Bayard followed the new king to the war,
Soon after Charles VIII. was succeeded by Louis XIL
Bayard followed the new king to the war, which broke out
in Italy, and was always at the head of the most dangerous
enterprizes. He undertook singly, and alone, as his biographer expresses it, to defend a bridge over the Carillon
against two hundred Spanish cavaliers; and actually sustained their whole force until the French troops came to
his assistance. Another time, with only thirty-six men,
he stopped the whole Swiss army near Pavia. Most of the
advantages gained by the French, in the course of this
war, were owing to his valour: and it was by one of these
achievements that he obtained the name of the “Chevalier
sans peur et sans reproche,
” the knight without fear and
without reproach; a distinction, which did him the more
honour as it was never possessed by any other, and as he
acquired it at a time when the military honour of France
was at its height, in the time of the Nemours, the Foixes,
the Lautrecs, Trimouilles,and Chabunnes; but he seemed
to surpass himself in the battle of Kavennes, which was
planned and conducted by him alone.
love which they had for him, were not merely the effects of his courage: they knew that his prudence was not inferior to his valour, and that he never would expose them
The confidence with which he inspired the troops, and the love which they had for him, were not merely the effects of his courage: they knew that his prudence was not inferior to his valour, and that he never would expose them wantonly or rashly: he was besides so disinterested, that he left the booty wholly to others, without reserving any part of it for himself. One day, when he had taken 15,Ooo ducats of gold from the Spaniards, he gave half of them to capt. Terdieu, and distributed the rest among the soldiers who accompanied him in the expedition. With the same generous spirit he divided 2,400 ounces of silver plate, which he received as a present from the count de Ligny, among his friends and followers. Having defeated Audre, the Venetian general, he took Brisse, and a lady of that city presenting him with 2,500 pistoles, to prevent her house from being pillaged, Jie divided them into three parts; 1000 he gave to each of the two daughters of the lady, to help, as he said, to marry them, and the 500 which remained he caused to be distributed among the poor nunneries that had suffered most in the pillage of the place. In this lady’s house he lodged until he had recovered from a dangerous wound which he received in the action.
h all the subordinate stations; and if he^did not arrive at the first military dignity in France, he was universally thought to deserve it. And after all, the title
Bayard, in his progress to military command, passed
through all the subordinate stations; and if he^did not arrive at the first military dignity in France, he was universally thought to deserve it. And after all, the title of marshal of France was an honour which he would have possessed in common with many others; bnt to arm his king
as a knight was a personal and peculiar honour, which no
other could ever boast. The occasion was this: Francis I.
who was himself one of the bravest men of his time, determined, after his victory of Marignan, to receive the
order of knighthood from the hands of Bayard. Bayard
modestly represented to his majesty, that so high an“honour belonged only to princes of the blood; but the kinoreplied in a positive tone,
” My friend Bayard, I will this
day be made a knight by your hands.“” It is then my
duty,“said Bayard,
” to obey,“and taking his sword, said,
” Siro autant vaiile que si c'etoit Roland ou Olivier,“”May it avail as much as if it was Roland or Olivier," two
heroes in the annals of chivalry, of whom many romantic
tales are told. When the ceremony was over, Bayard addressed his sword with an ardour which the occasion inspired, and declared it was a weapon hereafter to be laid
up as a sacred relic, and never to be drawn, except against
Turks, Saracens, and Moors. This sword has been lost;
Charles Emmanuel, duke of Savoy, having applied for it
to the heirs of Bayard, without being able to procure it.
to Piedmont, where he took Prosper Colonnes, the pope’s lieutenant-general, prisoner. Chabannes, who was marshal of France, and Humbercourt and d‘Aubigny, two general
Bayard also made an expedition into Piedmont, where he took Prosper Colonnes, the pope’s lieutenant-general, prisoner. Chabannes, who was marshal of France, and Humbercourt and d‘Aubigny, two general officers, all much superior in rank to Bayard, gave up the honour of conducting the expedition to him, and served in it under his orders. But the defence of Mezieres completed the military reputation of this extraordinary man. This place was far from being in a condition to sustain a siege, and it had been resolved in a council of war to burn it, and ruin the adjacent country, that the enemy might find neither shelter nor subsistence. But Bayard opposed this resolution,and told the king that no place was weak which had honest men to defend it. He then offered to undertake its defence, and engaged to give a good account of it. His proposal was accepted; and he went immediately and locked liimself up in the town. Two days after he had entered it, the count de Nassau, and capt.’ de Sickengen invested the place with 40,000 men. Bayard so animated his soldiers, sowed such dissention between the two generals who besieged him, and so effectually defeated all the attempts of the Imperialists, that in three weeks he obliged them to raise the siege, with the loss of many men, and without once making the assault. All France now resounded with the praises of Bayard: the king received him at Fervagues with caresses and encomiums of the most extraordinary kind: he created him a knight of his own order, and gave him, by way of distinction, a company of an hundred men armed in chief, which was scarce ever given but to princes of the blood.
oec m April 1524, he received a musket-shot in the reins, which broke the spinal bone. The moment he was struck he pronounced himself a dead man, kissed the guard of
In 1523, Bayard followed admiral Bonnivet into Italy,
and, in a defeat which the French suffered near Re'oec m
April 1524, he received a musket-shot in the reins, which
broke the spinal bone. The moment he was struck he pronounced himself a dead man, kissed the guard of his sword,
whicn had the figure of a cross, and recommended himself
to God in prayer. He then ordered them to lay him under a tree, with his face towards the enemy, and to support his head by placing a stone under it, which he saw
lying upon the ground. “Having never yet turned rny
back upon an enemy,
” said he, “I will not begin the last
day of my life.
” He desired the seigneur d'Alegre to tell
the king that he should die contented because he died in
his service, and that he regretted nothing but that with his
life he should lose the power of serving him longer. He
then made his military testament, and confessed himself.
When the constable, Charles de Bourbon, who pursued
the French army after the defeat, came up to the spot where
Bayard was dying, he expressed his concern to see him in
that condition. “Alas, captain Bayard, how sorry am I
to see you thus! I have always loved and honoured you
for your wisdom and valour, and I now sincerely pity your
” “Sir,
” said Bayard, “I thank you; but
there is no reason why you should pity me who die like an
honest man in the service of my king, though there is great
reason to pity you who are carrying arms against your
prince, your country, and your oath.
” The constable, far
from taking offence at the freedom of Bayard’s address,
endeavoured to justify himself by motives arising from the
disgrace he had endured; but Bayard exhorted him, with
a feeble and faltering voice, to reconcile himself to his
sovereign, and quit the part which he had unjustly and
precipitately taken, in obedience to the dictates of his passion. Bayard very soon after expired, in the forty-eighth
year of his age, and was buried in the cathedral of Grenoble,
with great funeral honours. Many anecdotes are told
highly to the honour of Bayard’s courage, disinterested
spirit, generosity, and presence of mind; but the religion
so often attributed to him, seems to have consisted in a superstitious regard to forms and ceremonies; if, for example, before righting a duel, he heard mass, he was satisfied with the propriety of his conduct; but this, however,
is to be attributed to the times in which he lived. His
life was first written by Champier, Paris, 1525, 4to. 2. By
one of his secretaries, 1619, 4to. 3. By Lazare Bocquiliot,
prior of Louval, 1702, ISmoj and 4. by Guyard de BerviSle,
1760, 12mo, from which the present article is principally
taken. A short, but well written memoir of him was published at London by the Rev. Joseph Stirling in 1781.
was a German lawyer and astronomer of the latter part of the sixteenth
was a German lawyer and astronomer
of the latter part of the sixteenth and beginning of the
seventeenth century, but in what particular year or place
he was born, is not certainly known; however, his name
will be ever memorable in the annals of astronomy, on account of that great and excellent work which he first published in 1603, under the title of “Uranometria,
” being a
complete celestial atlas, or large folio charts of all the constellations, with a nomenclature collected from all the tables
of astronomy, ancient and modern, with the useful invention of denoting the stars in every constellation by the letters of the Greek alphabet, in their order, and according
to the order of magnitude of the stars in each constellation.
By means of these marks, the stars of the heavens may,
with as great facility, be distinguished and referred to, as
the several places of the earth are by means of geographical tables; and as a proof of the usefulness of this method,
our celestial globes and atlasses have ever since retained it;
and hence it is become of general use through all the literary world; astronomers, in speaking of any star in the
constellation, denoting it by saying it is marked by Bayer,
a, or ft, or y, &c.
y improved and augmented by his constant attention to the study of the stars. At length, in 1627, it was republished under a new title, viz. “Ccelum stellatum Christianum,”
Bayer lived many years after the first publication of this
work, which he greatly improved and augmented by his
constant attention to the study of the stars. At length, in
1627, it was republished under a new title, viz. “Ccelum
stellatum Christianum,
” or the “Christian stellated Heaven,
” or the “Starry Heavens Christianized;
” for in this
work the heathen names and characters, or figures of the
constellations, were rejected, and others, taken from the
scriptures, were inserted in their stead, to circumscribe the
respective constellations. This was the project of one Julius Schiller, a civilian of the same place. But this attempt
was too great an innovation to find success, or a general
reception, and would have occasioned great confusion.
And we even find, in the later editions of this work, that
the ancient figures and names were restored again; at least
in the two editions of 1654 and 1661.
, grandson of the preceding, was born in 1694. He was first educated at Konigsburgh, where, besides
, grandson of the preceding, was born in 1694. He was first educated at Konigsburgh, where, besides philosophy and theology, he
devoted much of his time to the study of the Oriental
languages, under some rabbis, and under Dr. Abraham
Wolff, professor of theology. In 1713 he began the
study of the Chinese language, but his severe and uninterrupted application having injured his health, he was
recommended to try change of air. With this view he
went to Dantzic, to John Sartorius, professor of rhetoric,
who was his maternal great-uncle, and as soon as he was
able to return to Konigsburgh, he went through his disputation, and obtained a pension. Soon after, he went to
Berlin, where M. Grabe, a privy-counsellor, assisted him
with the means of prosecuting his studies, and there he
formed an intimacy with de la Croze, Jablonski, des Vignoles, Chauvin, and many other learned men of the time.
At Halle, professor Frank introduced him to Solomon Assadi, whose lessons removed many of the difficulties he had
encountered in learning the Arabic; and M. Michaelis and
Heineccius furnished him with much useful information
respecting the Ethiopian and Greek churches. From Halle
he went to Leipsic, where, in Feb. 1717, he was admitted
to the degree of M. A. Here M. Sieber permitted him the
free use of his fine library, and M. Goetze gave him access
to the manuscripts of the public library, of which he made
a catalogue. At the request of M. Mencke he drew up
several curious articles for the Leipsic “Acta eruditorum,
particularly one on the triumphal arch of Trajan, another
on the Malabaric new Testament, a third on the Coptic
new Testament, &c. with all which Mencke was so well satisfied, as to make him very advantageous offers if he would
consent to reside at Leipsic. The magistrates of Konigsburgh wrote to him at the same time, that if he wished to
continue his travels, his expences should be defrayed; but
the bad state of his health obliged him to return home.
Recovering a little, he went to Wirtemberg and Berlin,
where M. de la Croze gave him some lessons in the Coptic;
and at Stettin he had the happiness to be admitted to inspect the Chinese collections made by Andrew Muller,
which are preserved there. About the end of autumn
1717, having returned to Konigsburgh, the magistrates
appointed him librarian, and in 1720 and 1721 he was
chosen co-rector and pro-rector of the principal college.
About the beginning of 1726, he was invited to Petersburgh to be professor of Greek and Roman antiquities.
The same year he delivered some orations in the presence
of the empress Catherine, who laid the foundation of the
new academy, in honour of the coronation of Peter II. In
1730 the royal academy of Berlin enrolled him among its
members. He was about to have retired to Konigsburgh,
with his family, when he was attacked by a disorder which
proved fatal, Feb. 21, 1738. Besides a number of philological and antiquary dissertations in the literary journals, he
published, 1. “Museum Sinicum, in quo Sinicae Linguae et
Literaturae ratio explicatur; item grammatica, lexicon, et
diatribae Sinicce reperiuntur,
” Petrop. Historia regni Graecorum
” ibid. Historia Osrhoena et
Edessena ex nummis illustrata, in qua Edessae urbis, Osrhoeni regni, Abgarorum regum, &c. fata explicantur,
” ib.
, the natural son of the subject of the next article, was born at Venice in 1532, during his father’s embassy there, and
, the natural
son of the subject of the next article, was born at Venice in
1532, during his father’s embassy there, and studied under
Ronsard, making particular progress in the Greek tongue.
He devoted himself afterwards to French poetry, which he
disfigured not a little by a mixture of Greek and Latin
words. His object was to give to the French the cadence
and measure of the Greek and Latin poetry, in which he
was very unsuccessful. Cardinal Perron said of him, that
he was a good man, but a bad poet. He set his own verses,
however, to music; not, says Dr. Burney, to such music as
might be expected from a man of letters, or a dilletanti,
consisting of a single melody, but to counterpoint, or music in parts. Of this kind he published, in 1561, “Twelve
hymns or spiritual songs;
” and, in Songs,
” all in four parts, of which both the words and the
music were his own. In all he was allowed to be as good
a musician as a poet; but what mostly entitles him to notice, is his having established a musical academy at Paris,
the first of the kind; but m this he had to encounter many
difficulties. The court was for it, and Charles IX. and
Henry III. frequently attended these concerts; but the
parliament and the university opposed the scheme as likely
to introduce effeminacy and immorality. The civil wars
occasioned their being discontinued, but they were long
after revived, and proved the origin of the divertissements,
the masquerades, and balls, which formed the pleasures of
the court until the time of Louis XIV. Bayf died in 1592.
His poems were published at Paris in 1573, 2 vols. 8vo, and
consist of serious, comic, sacred, and profane pieces; the
first volume is entitled “Euvres en rime,
” the other “Les
” His mode of spelling is as singular as his composition, but the whole are now fallen into oblivion.
, father to the above, a gentleman of family in Anjou, was educated under Budoeus, and brought up to the profession of
, father to the above, a gentleman
of family in Anjou, was educated under Budoeus, and
brought up to the profession of the bar. Happening, however, to go to Rome, he studied Greek under Musurus, a,
learned Candiot, and pursued it with such pleasure and
success, that on his return he determined to devote himself
entirely to the study of classical and polite literature.
From this design, however, he was partly diverted by
Francis I. who being made acquainted with his merit, sent
him, in 1531, as ambassador to Venice, where he remained
near three years, and formed an intrigue with a lady of family in that place, by whom he had the subject of the preceding article. After his return to Paris he was made
counsellor of parliament. In 1539 he was sent as ambassador to Germany, and about 1541 was appointed master of
the requests. The abbeys also of Grenetiere and Charroux
were bestowed upon him. Moreri says, that in 1547 he
assisted at the funeral of Francis I. as one of the eight
masters of the requests; but Saxius says that he died in
1545. In order to make his countrymen acquainted with
the Greek drama, he published translations into French
poetry, of the “Electra
” of Sophocles, Hecuba
” of Euripides, De re vestiaria liber,
” Basil,
, a learped French physician and medical writer, was royal professor of philosophy in the university of Toulouse,
, a learped French physician and medical writer, was royal professor of philosophy in the university of Toulouse, where he died, Sept. 24, 1709, in the
eighty-seventh year of his age. He was a member of the
Floreal academy, and a man of integrity, always more ready
to discern merit in others than in himself, a strict disciplinarian, and, through many unpleasant vicissitudes, a truly
Christian philosopher. As to his profession, it appears
from his works that he was a good theorist, as well as a successful practitioner. Haller pronounces him “latromechanicus, sed ex cautioribus.
” His works, which are partly
in Latin and partly in French, were, 1. “Systema generale
” Toulouse, Tractatus de
” ib. Dissertationes Medicae tres,
” Toulouse, Dissertationes Physicae,
” Hague, Dissertationes de experientia et ratione conjnngenda in Physica, Medicina, et Chirurgia,
” Paris, Problemata Physica et Medica,' 7 ib. 1678, 12mo. 7.
” Histoire Anatomique d'une grossesse de 25 ans,“Toulouse, 1678, 12mo. 8.
” Instructiones Physicee ad usum
scholarum accommodate,“ibid. 1700, 3 vols. 4to. 9.
” Dissertatio quaestiones nonnullas PhysicasetMedicasexplanans,“ibid. 1688, 12mo. 10.
” Opuscula," ibid. 1701,
, a French writer who once made a great figure in the literary world, was born Nov. 18, 1647, at Carla, a small town in the county of
, a French writer who once made a great figure in the literary world, was born Nov. 18, 1647, at Carla, a small town in the county of Foix, the son of John Bayle, a Protestant minister. Peter gave early proofs of genius, which his father cultivated with the utmost care; he himself taught him the Latin and Greek languages, and sent him to the Protestant academy at Puylaurens in 1666. The same year, when upon a visit to his father, he applied so closely to his studies, that it brought upon him an illness which kept him at Carla above eighteen, months. On his recovery he returned to Puylaurens to prosecute his studies, and afterwards he went to Toulouse in 1669, where he attended the lectures in the Jesuits’ college. The controversial books which he read at Puylaurens raised several scruples in his mind in regard to the Protestant religion, and his doubts were increased by some disputes he had with a priest, who lodged in the same house with him at Toulouse. He thought the Protestant tenets were false, because he could not answer all the arguments raised against them; so that about a month after his arrival at Toulouse, he embraced the Roman catholic religion. This gave much uneasiness to all his relations, and Mr. Bertier, bishop of Rieux, rightly judging, that after this step young Bayle had no reason to expect any assistance from them, took upon him the charge of his maintenance. They piqued themselves much, at Toulouse, upon the acquisition of so promising a young man. When it came to his turn to defend theses publicly, the most distinguished persons of the clergy, parliament, and city, were present; so that there had hardly ever been seen in the university a more splendid and numerous audience. The theses were dedicated to the Virgin, and adorned with her picture, which was ornamented with several emblematical figures, representing the conversion of the respondent.