first publications were three occasional sermons, printed 1741, 1742, 1749', but his principal work was an “Essay on Hume’s Essay on Miracles,” 8vo, 1752, which was
Dr. Adams’s first publications were three occasional sermons, printed 1741, 1742, 1749', but his principal work
was an “Essay on Hume’s Essay on Miracles,
” 8vo, On true and false Doctrine,
” preached at St.
Chad’s Sept. 4, 1769, and touched upon some of the principles of the Methodists, in consequence of Dr. Adams
having lent his pulpit to the Rev. William Romaine, who
had there preached a sermon, the tendency of which our
author thought it his duty to counteract. This produced a,
series of pamphlets between the friends of the respective
parties; but it is somewhat singular that neither our author nor Mr. Romaine took any part in the controversy,
nor did Mr. Romaine publish the sermon which had occasioned it. The dispute turned principally on the degreeof Calvinism to be found in the Articles, &c. of the Church
of England.
, a Scottish prelate, archbishop of St. Andrew’s. He was born 1543, in the town of Perth, where he received the rudiments
, a Scottish prelate, archbishop of St. Andrew’s. He was born 1543, in the town of Perth, where he received the rudiments of his education, and afterwards studied philosophy, and took his degree of M. A. at the university of St. Andrew’s. In the year 1566 he set out for Paris, as tutor to a young gentleman. In the month of June in the same year, Mary queen of Scots being delivered of a son, afterwards James VI. of Scotland, and first of England, Mr. Adamson wrote a Latin poem on the occasion, in which he styled him king of England and France. This proof of his loyalty involved him in some difficulties, causing him to be arrested in France, and confined for six months; but he escaped by the intercession, of queen Mary, and some of the principal nobility. As soon as he recovered his liberty, he retired with his pupil to Bourges. He was in this city during the massacre at Paris; and, the same bloody persecuting spirit prevailing amongst the Catholics at Bourges as at the metropolis, he lived concealed for seven months at a public-house, the master of which, upwards of 70 years of age, was thrown from the top of the building, and had his brains dashed out, for his charity to heretics. Whilst Mr. Adamson lay thus in his sepulchre, as he called it, he wrote his Latin poetical version of the book of Job, and his tragedy of Herod, in the same language. In 1573, he returned to Scotland; and, having entered into holy orders, became minister of Paisley. In 1575, he was appointed one of the commissioners, by the general assembly, to settle the jurisdiction and policy of the church; and the following year he was named, with Mr. David Lindsay, to report their proceedings to the earl of Moreton, then regent. About this time, the earl made him one of his chaplains, and, on the death of bishop Douglas, promoted him to the archiepiscopal see of St. Andrew’s, a dignity which brought upon him great trouble and uneasiness; for he was extremely obnoxious to the Presbyterian party, and many inconsistent absurd stories were propagated about him. Soon after his promotion, he published his Catechism in Latin verse, a work highly approved, even by his enemies; who, nevertheless, continued to persecute him with great violence. In 1578, he submitted himself to the general assembly, which procured him peace but for a very little time; for, the year following, they brought fresh accusations against him. In the year 1582, being attacked with a grievous disease, in which the physicians could give him no relief, he happened to take a simple medicine from an old woman, which did him service. The woman, whose name was Alison Pearsone, was immediately charged with witchcraft, and committed to prison, but escaped out of her confinement: however, about four years afterwards, she was again found, and burnt for a witch. In 1583, king James came to St. Andrew’s; and the archbishop, being much recovered, preached before him, and disputed with Mr. Andrew Melvil, in presence of his Majesty, with great reputation, which drew upon him fresh calumny and persecution. The king, however, was so well pleased with him, that he sent him ambassador to queen Elizabeth, at whose court he resided for some years. His conduct, during his embassy, has been variously reported by different authofsV Two things he principally laboured, viz. the recommending the king, his master, to the nobility and gentry of England, and the procuring some support for the episcopal party in Scotland. By his eloquent preaching he drew after him such crowds of people, and raised in their minds Such a high idea of the young king, his master, that queen Elizabeth forbade him to enter the pulpit during his stay in her dominions. In 1584 he was recalled, and sat in the parliament held in August at Edinburgh. The Presbyterian party were still very violent against the archbishop. A provincial synod was held at St. Andrew’s in April 1586; where the archbishop was accused and excommunicated: he appealed to the king and the states, but this availed him but little; for the mob being excited against him, it became dangerous to appear in public in the city of St. Andrew’s. At the next general assembly, a paper being produced, containing the archbishop’s submission, he was absolved from the excommunication. In 1588, fresh accusations were brought against him. The year following, he published the Lamentations of the prophet Jeremiah, in Latin verse, which he dedicated to the king, complaining of his hard usage. In the latter end of the same year, he published a translation of the Apocalypse in Latin verse, and a copy of Latin verses, addressed also to his Majesty, when he was in great distress. The king, however, was so far from giving him assistance, that he granted the revenue of his see to the duke of Lenox so that the remaining part of this prelate’s life was very wretched — he having hardly subsistence for his family, notwithstanding his necessities compelled him to deliver to the assembly a formal recantation of all his opinions concerning church government. He died in 1591. His works were printed in a 4to volume in London in 1619, with his Life by Thomas Volusenus, or Wilson. Besides the contents of this volume, our author wrote many things which were never published: such as, six books on the Hebrew republick, various translations of the prophets into Latin verse, Praelections on St. Paul’s Epistles to Timothy, various apologetical and funeral orations; and, what deserves most to be regretted, a very candid history of his own times. His character has. been variously represented, as may be seen in Calderwood and Spotiswood’s Histories, Mackenzie’s Lives of Scottish Authors, and the last edition of the Biographia Britannica. He appears to have been one of those men of whom no just estimate can be formed, without taking into the account the distraction of the times in which he lived.
, an eminent French naturalist, was born at Aix in Provence, April 7, 1727. His father, of Scotch
, an eminent French naturalist,
was born at Aix in Provence, April 7, 1727. His father,
of Scotch origin, appears to have been in the service of
Vintimille, then archbishop of that city. When the latter
was translated to the see of Paris, Adanson was brought
thither at three years of age, educated with great care,
and soon gave proofs of uncommon application. As he was
small of stature, he appeared much younger than he was;
and, when he carried off the university prizes, many jokes were
passed upon him. Needham, however, the celebrated naturalist, known by his microscopical disc-jveries, happening
to be a witness of his success, presented him with a microscope; adding, that one who knew the works of men so
well ought to study those of nature. This circumstance
first induced him to study natural history, but without
neglecting the usual course pursued in the university of
Paris. In natural history, Reaumur and Bernard de Jussieu, were his guides, and he divided his time between the
royal gardens and the museums of these learned men; and,
when the system of Linnæus began to be published, it afforded him new matter for speculation. His parents had
intended him for the church, and had procured him a prebend; but such was his thirst for general science, that he
resigned it, and determined to travel into some country
not usually visited or described. Senegal was the first object of his choice, thinking that its unhealthy climate had
prevented its being visited by any other naturalist. Accordingly, he set out in 1748, in the 21st year of his age;
and, after visiting the Azores and the Canaries, landed on
the island of Goree, on the coast of Senegal; where he
made a vast collection of specimens, animal, vegetable,
and mineral, which he classified and described in a manner which he thought an improvement on the systems of
Tournefort and Linnæus. He extended his researches
also to the climate, geography, and manners of the people.
He was engaged in this employment for five years, entirely at his own expence; and, in 1757, published the
result in his “Histoire naturelle de Senegal,
” 4to; an
abridged translation of which, very ill executed, was published in London, 1759, 8vo. His classification of the
Testacea, in this work, is universally allowed to be
and ingenious. In 1756, soon after his return, having
been elected a corresponding member of the Academy of
Sciences, he read a paper on the Baobab, or calabash
tree, an enormous vegetable, that had almost been accounted fabulous; and afterwards, a history of the tree
which produces Gum Arabic. He would not, however,
perhaps, have proceeded in these studies, had it not been
for the generous encouragement afforded him by M. de
Bombarde, a zealous patron of science. This induced him
to publish his “Families des Plantes,
” 2 vols. 8vo, 1763,
a work of vast information, and which would have created
a new revolution in the botanical world, had not the genius
of Linnæus been predominant. But, although this work
was neglected at the time, discoveries have since been advanced as new, which are to be found in it. About five
years after, he determined to give a new edition, and had
made the necessary corrections, and many additions; but,
while employed on this, he coneived the more extensive
plan of a complete Encyclopaedia, and he was persuaded
that Lewis XV. would encourage such an undertaking.
Flattered by this hope, he devoted his whole time to the
collection of materials. In 1775, having got together an
immense quantity, he submitted them to the Academy,
under the title of an account of his manuscripts and plates,
from 1771 to 1775, arranged according to the method he
discovered when at Senegal, in 1749. These consisted
of, 1. The universal order of Nature, in 27 vols. 8vo. 2. The
natural history of Senegal, 8 vols. 8vo. 3. A course of
natural history. 4. An universal vocabulary of natural
history, one vol. fol. of 1000 pages. 5. A dictionary of
natural history. 6. Forty thousand figures, and as many
specimens of objects already known. 7. A collection of
thirty-four thousand specimens of his own collection. It
may easily be conceived that the academicians were astonished at this proposal; but the committee, appointed to
examine his labours, did not find the collection equally
valuable in all its branches, and, therefore, he did not
meet with the encouragement he expected. His intention
was to have published the entire work at once; but it was
thought that, if he had published it in parts, he might
probably have been successful. He published, however, a
second edition of his “Families of the Plants,
” which is,
in fact, an encyclopaedia of botany. After this, he published no considerable work, but furnished some papers for
the Academy, which have not been printed, and wrote
the articles on exotics in the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia. In 1753, he laid before the French East India
Company the plan of forming on the coast of Africa a colony, where all sorts of colonial produce might be cultivated, without enslaving the Negroes. This first effort,
however, to procure the abolition of the slave-trade was
not then attended to. In 1760, indeed, when the English
were in possession of Senegal, they made him very liberal
offers to communicate his plan, which he refused, from a
love for his own country. He was equally disinterested in.
refusing the princely offers made, in 1760, by the emperor
of Germany, and, in 1766, by Catherine of Russia, and,
lastly, by the king of Spain, if he would reside in their
dominions. In France, however, he frequently travelled
into various parts, in pursuit of his favourite science.
In 1759, he was appointed royal censor; and the emoluments of this place, that
In 1759, he was appointed royal censor; and the emoluments of this place, that of academician, and the pensions successively conferred upon him, might have rendered him easy in his circumstances, had he not expended
the whole in collecting materials for the vast plan abovementioned. At length, the Revolution stripped him of
all; and, what Imrt him more, his garden, on which he
had bestowed so much pains, was pillaged. When the
Institute was formed, he was invited to become a member;
but he answered that he could not accept the invitation,
“as he had no shoes.
” The minister of the interior, however, procured him a pension, on which he subsisted until
his death, August 3, 1806, after an illness of six months,
which confined him to his bed. He left behind him an
immense number of manuscripts, and a new edition of his
Families of the Plants is now preparing for the press by
M. Du-Petit Thouars, whose account of his life is here
abridged. According to M. Thouars, Adanson was a man
of many excellent qualities, an indefatigable student and
collector, but careless of dress and manners, and not a
little conceited. Although in his seventy-ninth year, when
on his death bed, he amused himself with the hopes of recovery, and of publishing his grand encyclopaedia. In his
opinions, and particularly where he differed with Linnæus,
he was most obstinately tenacious; and gave a curious proof
in his own case. Bernard de Jussieu, pleased with his account of the Baobab, would have named that genus the
Adansona; but Adanson would not allow it, because Linnæus
honoured botanists with such names; whereas his plan was
to give to new plants the name of the country which produced them in preference to every other. Stoever informs us that Linnæus said of Adanson, “he is either mad
or intoxicated;
” but Haller thought him a “rival worthy
of Linnæus.
, D. D. a dissenting clergyman, of considerable learning, was born at Northampton, June 9, 1729, and was educated under Dr.
, D. D. a dissenting clergyman,
of considerable learning, was born at Northampton, June
9, 1729, and was educated under Dr. Doddridge, whose
manner in the pulpit he closely followed for many years.
After being admitted to preach, he removed in 1750, to
Spaldwick in Huntingdonshire; where, in 1752, he married miss Reymes of Norwich, a lady who died in 1811, at
a very advanced age. A few weeks after his marriage, he
was called to be minister of a congregation of dissenters at
Market Harborough, Leicestershire. His receiving this appointment was owing to a singular occurrence in the history of popular elections. Two candidates had appeared
who divided the congregation so equally that a compromise
was impossible, unless by each party giving up their
favourite, and electing a third candidate, if one could be
found agreeable to all. At this crisis Mr. Addington was
recommended, and unanimously chosen. In this place he
remained about thirty years, and became highly popular
to his increasing congregation by the pious discharge of
his pastoral duties, and by his conciliatory manners. In,
1758 he opened his house for the reception of pupils to
fill up a vacancy in the neighbourhood of Harborough, occasioned by the rev. Mr. Aikin’s removal to Warrington.
This scheme succeeded; and for many years he devoted
nine hours each day to the instruction of his pupils, and
compiled several books for their improvement; as, 1. “A
system of Arithmetic,
” 2 vols. 8vo. 2. “The Rudiments
of the Greek tongue,
” Eusebes to Philetus; or Letters from a Father to his Son, on a devout
temper and life,
” Maxims religious
and prudential, with a Sermon to young People,
” 12mo.
5. “The Youth’s Geographical Grammar,
” Dissertation on the religious knowledge of the ancient
Jews and Patriarchs; to which is annexed a specimen of a
Greek and English Concordance,
” The Life of St. Paul the Apostle,
a. clergyman, born at Mauldismeaburne in the parish of Crosby Ravens worth in Westmoreland, in 1632, was educated at the grammar school of Appleby, and afterwards sent
, son of Lancelot Addison a.
clergyman, born at Mauldismeaburne in the parish of
Crosby Ravens worth in Westmoreland, in 1632, was educated at the grammar school of Appleby, and afterwards
sent to Queen’s college, Oxford, upon the foundation. He
was admitted B. A. Jan. 25, 1654, and M. A. July 4, 1657.
As he now had greatly distinguished himself in the univer?
sity, he was chosen one of the terras filii for the act celebrated in 1658; but, his oration abounding in personal
satire against the ignorance, hypocrisy, and avarice of those
then in power, he was compelled to make a recantation,
and to akk pardon on his knees. Soon after he left Oxford, and retired to Petworth in Sussex, where he resided
till the restoration. The gentlemen of Sussex having recommended him to Dr. King, bishop of Chester, as a man
who had suffered for his loyalty and attachment to th.e constitution of church and state; the bishop received him
kindly, and in all probability would have preferred him,
had he not, contrary to his lordship’s approbation, accepted of the chaplainship at Dunkirk; where he continued till
1662, when, the place being delivered up to the French,
he returned to England. The year following he went
chaplain to the garrison at Tangier, where he resided some
years; and came back to England in 1670, with a resolution to return to Tangier. He was appointed chaplain in
ordinary to his majesty soon after his coming over; but had
no thoughts, however, of quitting his chaplamship at Tangier, until it was conferred upon another, by which Mr.
Addison became poor in his circumstances. In this situation of his affairs, a gentleman in Wiltshire bestowed on
him the rectory of Milston, in Wilts, worth about 120l. per
annum. Soon after he was also made prebendary of Minor
pars altaris, in the cathedral of Sarum; and took the degrees of B. and D. D. at Oxford, July 6, 1675. His preferments, though not very considerable, enabled him to
live in the country with great decency and hospitality; and
he discharged his duty with a most conscientious diligence.
In 1683 the commissioners for ecclesiastical affairs, in consideration of his former service at Tangier, conferred upon
him the deanry of Lichfield, in which he was installed July
3; was collated to the archdeaconry of Coventry Dec. 8,
1684, and held it with his deanry in commendam. In the
convocation, which met Dec. 4, 1689, dean Addison was
one of the committee appointed by the lower house to acquaint the lords, that they had consented to a conference
on the subject of an address to the king. He died April
20, 1703, and was buried in the church-yard of Lichfield,
at the entrance of the west door, with the following epitaph
“Hie jacet Lancelotus Addison, S. T. P. hujus ecclesiae
decanus, necnon archidiaconus Coventrise, qui obiit 20
die Aprilis, ann. Dom. 1703, aetatis suae 71.
” He was
twice married; first to Jane, daughter of Nathaniel Gulston, esq., and sister to Dr. William Gulston, bishop of
Bristol, by whom he had, Jane, who died in her infancy;
Joseph, or whom in thenext article; Gulston, who died governor of Fort St. George in the East Indies; Dorothy,
married first to Dr. Sartre, prebendary of Westminster, secondly to Daniel Combes, esq.; Anne, who died young;
and Lancelot, fellow of Magdalen college, Oxford, an
able classical scholar.
of Dr. Addison mentioned in the last article, and one of the most illustrious ornaments of his time, was born May 1, 1672, at Milston near Ambrosbury, Wiltshire, where
, son of Dr. Addison mentioned in
the last article, and one of the most illustrious ornaments
of his time, was born May 1, 1672, at Milston near Ambrosbury, Wiltshire, where his father was rector. Appearing
weak and unlikely to live, he was christened the same day.
Mr. Tyers says, that he was laid out for dead as soon as he
was born. He received the first rudiments of his education
at the place of his nativity, under the rev. Mr. Naish; but
was soon removed to Salisbury, under the care of Mr. Taylor; and thence to Lichfield, where his father placed him
for some time, probably not long, under Mr. Shaw, then
master of the school there. From Lichfield he was sent to
the Charter-house, where he pursued his juvenile studies
under the care of Dr. Ellis, and contracted that intimacy
with sir Rich. Steele, which their joint labours have so effectually recorded. In 1687 he was entered of Queen’s
college in Oxford; where, in 1689, the accidental perusal
of some Latin verses gained him the patronage of Dr. Lancaster, by whose recommendation he was elected into
Magdalen college as demy. Here he took the degree of
M. A. Feb. 14, 1693; continued to cultivate poetry and
criticism, and grew first eminent by his Latin compositions,
which are entitled to particular praise, and seem to have had
much of his fondness; for he collected a second volume of
the Musæ Anglicanæ, perhaps for a convenient receptacle;
in which all his Latin pieces are inserted, and where his
poem on the Peace has the first place. He afterwards
presented the collection to Boileau, who from that time
conceived an opinion of the English genius for poetry. In
his 22d year he first shewed his power of English poetry, by
some verses addressed to Dryden; and soon afterwards
published a translation of the greater part of the fourth
Georgic upon Bees. About the same time he composed
the arguments prefixed to the several books of Dry den’s
Virgil; and produced an essay on the Georgics, juvenile,
superficial, and uninstructive, without much either of the
scholar’s learning or the critic’s penetration. His next paper
of verses contained a character of the principal English
poets, inscribed to Henry Sacheverell, who was then, if
not a poet, a writer of verses; as is shewn by his version of
a small part of Virgil’s Georgics, published in the Miscellanies, and a Latin encomium on queen Mary, in the Musae
Anglicana?. At this time he was paying his addresses to
SacheverelPs sister. These verses exhibit all the fondness
of friendship; but, on one side or the other, friendship was
too weak for the malignity of faction. In this poem is a
very confident and discriminative character of Spenser,
whose work he had then never read. It is necessary to inform the reader, that about this time he was introduced by
Congreve to Montague, then chancellor of the exchequer:
Addison was now learning the trade of a courtier, and subjoined Montague as a poetical name to those of Cowley and
of Dryden. By the influence of Mr. Montague, concurring
with his natural modesty, he was diverted from his original
design of entering into holy orders. Montague alleged the
corruption of men who engaged in civil employments without liberal education; and declared, that, though he was
represented as an enemy to the church, he would never do
it any injury but by withholding Addison from it. Soon
after, in 1695, he wrote a poem to king William, with a
kind of rhyming introduction addressed to lord Somers.
King William had no regard to elegance or literature; his
study was only war; yet by a choice of ministers whose disposition was very different from his own, he procured,
without intention, a very liberal patronage to poetry. Addison was caressed both by Somers and Montague. In 1697
he wrote his poem on the peace of Ryswick, which he dedicated to Montague, and which was afterwards called by
Smith “the best Latin poem since the Æneid.
” Having
yet no public employment, he obtained in distressed by indigence, and
compelled to become the tutor of a travelling squire.
” At
his return he published his travels, with a dedication to
lord Somers. This book, though a while neglected, is said
in time to have become so much the favourite of the publick, that before it was reprinted it rose to five times its price.
When he returned to England in 1702, with a meanness of
appearance which gave testimony to the difficulties to which
tie had been reduced, he found his old patrons out of
power; but he remained not long neglected or useless.
The victory at Blenheim 1704 spread triumph and confidence over the nation; and lord Godolphin, lamenting to
lord Halifax that it had not been celebrated in a manner
equal to the subject, desired him to propose it to some better poet. Halifax named Addison; who, having undertaken the work, communicated it to the treasurer, while it
was yet advanced no further than the simile of the angel,
and was immediately rewarded by succeeding Mr. Locke
in the place of commissioner of appeals. In the following
year he was at Hanover with lord Halifax; and the year
after was made under-secretary of state, first to sir Charles
Hedges, and in a few months more to the earl of Sunderland. About this time the prevalent taste for Italian operas
inclining him to try what would be the effect of a musical
drama in our own language; he wrote the opera of Rosajnond, which, when exhibited on the stage, was either
hissed or neglected; but, trusting that the readers would
do him more justice, he published it, with an inscription to
the duchess of Marlborough. His reputation had been
somewhat advanced by The Tender Husband, a comedy,
which Steele dedicated to him, with a confession that he
owed to him several of the most successful scenes. To this
play Addison supplied a prologue. When the marquis of
Wharton was appointed lord lieutenant of Ireland, Addison
attended him as his secretary; and was made keeper of the
records in Bermingham’s tower, with a salary of 300l. a
year. The office was little more than nominal, and the
salary was augmented for his accommodation. When he
was in office, he made a law to himself, as Swift has recorded, never to remit his regular fees in civility to his friends
“I may have a hundred friends; and if my fee be two
guineas, I shall by relinquishing my right lose 200 guineas,
and no friend gain more than two.
” He was in Ireland
when Steele, without any communication of his design,
began the publication of the Tatler; but he was not long
concealed: by inserting a remark on Virgil, which Addison
had given him, he discovered himself. Steele’s first Tatler
was published April 22, 1709, and Addison’s contribution
appeared May 26. Tickell observes, that the Tatler began and was concluded without his concurrence. This is
doubtless literally true; but the work did not suffer much
by his unconsciousness of its commencement, or his absence at its cessation; for he continued his assistance to
Dec. 23, and the paper stopped on Jan. 2. He did not
distinguish his pieces by any signature.
, and remove those grievances which, if they produce no lasting calamities, impress hourly vexation, was first attempted in Italy by Casa in his Book of Manners, and
To the Tatler, in about two months, succeeded the Spectator; a series of essays of the same kind, but written with less levity, upon a more regular plan, and published daily. Dr. Johnson’s account of these essays, and of the rise of periodical papers is too valuable to be omitted here. “To teach the minuter decencies and inferior duties, to regulate the practice of daily conversation, to correct those depravities which are rather ridiculous than criminal, and remove those grievances which, if they produce no lasting calamities, impress hourly vexation, was first attempted in Italy by Casa in his Book of Manners, and Castiglione in, his Courtier, two books yet celebrated in Italy for purity and elegance.
“This species of instruction was continued, and perhaps advanced, by the French; among whom La
“This species of instruction was continued, and perhaps advanced, by the French; among whom La Bruyere’s Manners of the Age, though written without connection, deserves great praise. Before the Tatler and Spectator, if the writers for the theatre are excepted, England had no masters of common life. No writers had yet undertaken to reform either the savageness of neglect, or the impertinence of civility; to teach when to speak, or to be silent; how to refuse, or how to comply. We wanted not books to teach us more important duties, and to settle opinions m philosophy or politics; but an arbiter elegant iarum, a judge of propriety, was yet wanting, who should survey the track of daily conversation, and free it from thorns and prickles, which tease die passer, though they do not wound him. For this purpose nothing is so proper as the frequent publication of short papers, which we read not as study but amusement. If the subject be slight, the treatise likewise is short. The busy may find time, and the idle may find patience.
The year 1713, in which Cato came upon the stage, was the grand climacteric of Addison’s reputation. Upon the death
The year 1713, in which Cato came upon the stage,
was the grand climacteric of Addison’s reputation. Upon
the death of Cato, he had, as is said, planned a tragedy in
the time of his travels, and had for several years the four
first acts finished, which were shewn to such as were likely
to spread their admiration. By a request, which perhaps
he wished to be denied, he desired Mr. Hughes to add a
fifth act. Hughes supposed him serious; and, undertaking
the supplement, brought in a few days some scenes for his
examination; but he had in the mean time gone to work
himself, and produced half an act, which he afterwards
completed, but with brevity irregularly disproportionate to
the foregoing parts. The great, the important day came
on, when Addison was to stand the hazard of the theatre.
That there might, however, be left as little to hazard as
was possible, on the first night Steele, as himself relates,
undertook to pack an audience. The danger was soon
over. The whole nation was at that time on fire with faction. The whigs applauded every line in which liberty
was mentioned, as a satire on the tories; and the tories
echoed every clap, to shew that the satire was unfelt. When
it was printed, notice was given that the queen would be
pleased if it was dedicated to her; “but as he had designed that compliment elsewhere, he found himself obliged,
says Tickell, “by his duty on the one hand, and his honour on the other, to send it into the world without any
ose somewhat of their praise when the author is known to be Jeffreys. Cato had yet other honours. It was censured as a party play by a scholar of Oxford, and defended
At the publication the wits seemed proud to pay their
attendance with encomiastic verses. The best are from an
unknown hand, which will perhaps lose somewhat of their
praise when the author is known to be Jeffreys. Cato had
yet other honours. It was censured as a party play by a
scholar of Oxford, and defended in a favourable examination by Dr. Sewel. It was translated by Salvini into Italian, and acted at Florence; and by the Jesuits of St. Omer’s
into Latin, and played by their pupils. While Cato was
upon the stage, another daily paper, called the Guardian,
was published by Steele; to which Addison gave great
assistance. Of this paper nothing is necessary to be said
but that it found many contributors, and that it was a continuation of the Spectator, with the same elegance, and the
same variety, till some unlucky spark from a tory paper
set Steele’s politics on fire, and wit at once blazed into
faction. He was soon too hot for neutral topics, and
quitted the Guardian to write the Englishman. The papers
of Addison are marked in the Spectator by one of the letters in the name of Clio, and in the Guardian by a hand.
Many of these papers were written with powers truly comic,
with nice discrimination of characters, an accurate observation of natural or accidental deviations from propriety
but it was not supposed that he tried a comedy on the
stage, till Steele, after his death, declared him the author
of “The Drummer;
” this however he did not know to be
true by any cogent testimony; for when Addison put the
play into his hands, he only told him it was the work of a
gentleman in the company; and when it was received, as is
confessed, with cold disapprobation, he was probably less
willing to claim it. Tickell omitted it in his collection;
but the testimony of Steele, and the total silence of any
other claimant, have determined the public to assign it to
Addison, and it is now printed with his other poetry. Steele
carried “The Drummer
” to the playhouse, and afterwards to the press, and sold the copy for 50 guineas. To
the opinion of Steele may be added the proof supplied by
the play itself, of which the characters are such as Addison
would have delineated, and the tendency such as Addison
would have promoted. He was not all this time an indifferent spectator of public affairs. He wrote, as different
exigencies required, in 1707, “The present state of the
War, and the necessity of an augmentation;
” which, however judicious, being written on temporary topics, and exhibiting no peculiar powers, has naturally sunk by its own
weight into neglect. This cannot be said of the few
papers intituled “The Whig Examiner,
” in which isexhibited all the force of gay malevolence and humorous satire.
Of this paper, which just appeared and expired, Swift remarks, with exultation, that “it is now down among the
dead men.
” His “Trial of count Tariff,
” written to expose the treaty of commerce with France, lived no longer
than the question that produced it.
Not long afterwards an attempt was made to revive the Spectator, at a time indeed by no means favourable
Not long afterwards an attempt was made to revive the
Spectator, at a time indeed by no means favourable to
literature, when the succession of a new family to the throne
filled the nation with anxiety, discord, and confusion; and
either the turbulence of the times or the satiety of the
readers put a stop to the publication, after an experiment
of 80 numbers, which were afterwards collected into an
eighth volume, perhaps more valuable than any one of
those that went before it: Addison produced more than a
fourth part, and the other contributors are by no means
unworthy of appearing as his associates. The time that
had passed during the suspension of the Spectator, though
it had not lessened his power of humour, seems to have increased his disposition to seriousness: the proportion of
his religious to his comic papers is greater than in the former series. The Spectator, from its recommencement,
was published only three times a week, and no discriminative marks were added to the papers. To Addison Tickell
has ascribed 23. The Spectator had many contributors;
and Steele, whose negligence kept him always in a hurry,
when it was his turn to furnish a paper, called loudly for
the letters, of which Addison, whose materials were more,
made little use; having recourse to sketches and hints,
the product of his former studies, which he now reviewed
and completed among these are named by Tickell the
“Essays on Wit,
” those on the “Pleasures of the Imagination,
” and the “Criticism on Milton.
When the house of Hanover took possession of the throne, it was reasonable to expect that the zeal of Addisoti would be suitably
When the house of Hanover took possession of the throne, it was reasonable to expect that the zeal of Addisoti would be suitably rewarded. Before the arrival of king George he was made secretary to the regency, and was required by his office to send notice to Hanover that the queen was dead, and that the throne was vacant. To do this would not have been difficult to any man but Addison, who was so overwhelmed with the greatness of the event, and so distracted by choice of expression, that the lords, who could not wait for the niceties of criticism, called Mr. Southwell, a clerk in the house, and ordered him to dispatch the message. Southwell readily told what was necessary, in the common style of business, and valued himself upon having done what was too hard for Addison. He was better qualified for the Freeholder, a paper which he published twice a week, from Dec. 23, 1715, to the middle of the next year. This was undertaken in defence of the established government, sometimes with argument, sometimes with mirth. In argument he had many equals; but his humour was singular and matchless.
rose to his highest elevation being made secretary of state but it is universally confessed that he was unequal to the duties of his place. In the House of Commons
On the 2d of August 1716, he married the countess
dowager of Warwick, whom he had solicited by a very long
and anxious courtship. 'He is said to have first known her
by becoming tutor to her son. The marriage, if uncontradieted report can be credited, made no addition to his
happiness; it neither found them nor made them equal.
She always remembered her own rank, and thought herself
intitled to treat with very little ceremony the tutor of her
son. It is certain that Addison has left behind him no encouragement for ambitious love. The year after, 1717,
he rose to his highest elevation being made secretary of
state but it is universally confessed that he was unequal
to the duties of his place. In the House of Commons he
could not speak, and therefore was useless to the defence
of the government. In the office he could not issue an
orjler without losing his time in quest of fine expressions.
What he gained in rank he lost in credit; and finding, by
experience, his own inability, was forced to solicit his dismission, with a pension of 1500l. a year. His friends palliated this relinquishment, of which both friends and enemies
knew the true reason, with an account of declining health,
and the necessity of recess and quiet. He now returned to
his vocation, and began to plan literary occupations for his
future life. He proposed a tragedy on the death of Socrates; a story of which, as Tickell remarks, the basis is
narrow, and to which love perhaps could not easily have
been appended. He engaged in a noble work, a defence
of the Christian religion, of which part was published after
his death; and he designed to have made a new poetical
version of the Psalms. It is related that he had once a
design to make an English dictionary, and that he considered Dr. Tillotson as the writer of highest authority.
Addison, however, did not conclude his life in peaceful
studies; but relapsed, when he was near his end, to a
political question. It happened that, in 1719, a controversy was agitated, with great vehemence, between,
those friends of long continuance, Addison and Steele.
The subject of their dispute was the earl of Sunderland’s
memorable act, called “The Peerage bill,
” by which the
number of peers should be fixed, and the king restrained
from any new creation of nobility, unless when an old
family should be extinct. Steele endeavoured to alarm the
ration by a pamphlet called “The Plebeian:
” to this an
Answer was published by Addison under the title of “The
Old Whig.
” Steele was respectful to his old friend,
though he was Mow his political adversary; but Addison
could not avoid discovering a contempt of his opponent, to
whom he gave the appellation of “Little Dicky.
” The
bill was laid aside during that session, and Addison died
before the next, in which its commitment was rejected.
Every reader surely must regret that these two illustrious
friends, after so many years passed in confidence and endearment, in unity of interest, conformity of opinion, and fellowship of study, should finally part in acrimonious opposition. The end of this useful life was now approaching.
Addison had for some time been oppressed by shortness of
breath, which was now aggravated by a dropsy; and finding his danger pressing, he prepared to die conformably
to his own precepts and professions. During this lingering decay, he sent, as Pope relates, a message by the earl
of Warwick to Mr. Gay, desiring to see him. Gay, who
had not visited him for some time before, obeyed the
summons, and found himself received with great kindness.
The purpose for which the interview had been solicited was
theti discovered: Addison told him, that he had injured
him; but that, if he recovered, he would recompense him.
What the injury was he did not explain, nor did Gay ever
know; but supposed that some preferment designed for
him had by Addison' s intervention been withheld.
Lord Warwick was a young man of very irregular life,
and perhaps of loose opinions. Addison, for whom he did
not want respect, had very diligently endeavoured to reclaim him; but his arguments and expostulations had no
effect; one experiment, however, remained to be tried.
When he found his life near its end, he directed the young
lord to be called; and, when he desired, with great tenderness, to hear his last injunctions, told him, “I have
sent for you that you may see how a Christian can die.
What effect this awful scene had on the earl’s behaviour
is not known: he died himself in a short time. Having
given directions to Mr. Tickell for the publication of his
works, and dedicated them on his death-bed to his friend
Mr. Craggs, he died June 17, 1719, at Holland-house,
leaving no child but a daughter, who died in 1797, at Bilton, near Rugby, in Warwickshire.
, bishop of Utrecht, was born about the end of the tenth century, of a noble family in
, bishop of Utrecht, was born about the
end of the tenth century, of a noble family in the bishoprick of Liege, where, and at Rheims, he was educated,
and acquired so much reputation, that Henry II. of Germany invited him to his court, admitted him in his council,
made him chancellor, and at last bishop of Utrecht. These
promotions appear to have inspired him with an ambition unbecoming his office, and some of his years were
spent in a kind of plundering war on account of certain
possessions which he claimed as his right. His latter days
were more honourably employed in promoting learning,
and in founding churches in his diocese. He erected the
cathedral of Utrecht, of which a part still remains, and dedicated it in the presence of the Emperor. His activity in
advancing the prosperity of the bishoprick ended only with
his life, Nov. 27, 1027. His chief literary work was a life
of his benefactor Henry II. with a judicious preface on the
qualifications of an historian; and from his fidelity and exactness, it has been regretted that a part only of this work
was completed. It was published first in the “Lives of
the Saints of Bamberg,
” by Gretser, Script, rer. Brunswic.
” He wrote also a
treatise “de ratione inveniendi crassitudinem Spherae,
printed by B. Fez, in the third volume of his “Thesaurus
” His life of St. Walburgh, and some other
works, are still in manuscript. His style is clear, easy,
and even elegant, and entitles him to rank among the best
writers of his age.
, a mathematician and physician, was born at Nuremberg, in 1702. He was at first intended for his
, a mathematician and physician, was born at Nuremberg, in 1702. He was at first
intended for his father’s business, that of a bookseller, but
appears to have gone through a regular course of study at
Altdorf. In 1735, he published his “Commercium literarinm ad Astronomiae incrementum inter hujus scientiæ
amatores communi consilio institutum,
” Nuremberg, 8vo;
which procured him the honour, of being admitted a member of the royal academy of Prussia. In 1743 he was
invited to Altdorf to teach mathematics, and three years
after was made professor of logic. He died in 1779. He
published also a monthly work on. Celestial Phenomena, in
has been handed down with much honour by Roman catholic writers, flourished in the 11th century. He was at first clerk of the chu rch of Liege; and then president of
, bishop of Brescia, whose name has been
handed down with much honour by Roman catholic writers,
flourished in the 11th century. He was at first clerk of the
chu rch of Liege; and then president of the schools. He
had studied at Chartres under the celebrated Fulbert, and
had for his schoolfellow the no less celebrated Berenger,
to whom he wrote a letter endeavouring to reconcile laim
to the doctrine of transubstantiation. This appears to
have been about 1047. In 1048 he was appointed bishop
of Brescia, where he died, according to some, in 1057,
or according to others, in 1061. His letter to Berenger
was printed for the first time at Louvairi, with other pieces
on the same subject, in 1551; and reprinted ia 1561, 8vo.
It has also appeared in the different editions of the Biblioth.
Patrum. The canon Gagliardi printed a corrected edition,
with notes, at the end of the sermons of Sl Gaudentius,
Padua, 1720, 4to. The last edition was by C. A. Schmid,
Brunswicj 1770, 8vo, with Bereriger’s answer, and other
pieces respecting Adelman. Adelman likewise wrote a poem
“De Viris illustribus sui tern peris,
” which Mabillon printed
in the first volume of his Analecta.
, a learned German grammarian, and miscellaneous writer, was born Aug. 30, 1734, at Spantekow, in Pomerania; and after studying
, a learned German
grammarian, and miscellaneous writer, was born Aug. 30,
1734, at Spantekow, in Pomerania; and after studying
some time at Anclam and Closterbergen, finished his education at the university of Halle. In 1759 he was appointed
professor of the academy of Erfurt, which he relinquished
about two years after, and settled at Leipsic, where, in,
1787, he was made librarian to the elector of Dresden;
and here he died of a hemorrhoidal complaint, Sept. 10,
1806, aged 72, aocording to our authority; but the Diet.
Hist, fixes his birth in 1732, which makes him two years
older. Adelung performed for the German language
what the French academy, and that of De la Crusca, have
done for the French and Italian. His “Grammatical and
Critical Dictionary,
” Leipsic,
languages,” Berlin, 1806, 8vo. The first volume of this work, which contains the Asiatic languages, was printed immediately before his death; the second, comprizing
Adelung’s other works are: 1. “Glossarium manuale
ad scriptores medii et infimae Latinitatis,
” FJalle, German Grammars:
” the first is a treatise on
the origin, changes, structure, &c. of the language, Leipsic, 1782, 2 vols. 8vo; the two others are school-books,
and have been often reprinted. 3. “A treatise on the
German Style,
” Berlin, Supplements to Jcecher’s Dictionary of Literary Men,
” History of Human Folly, or
he Lives of the most celebrated Necromancers, Alchymists,
Exorcists, Diviners, &c.
” in seven parts, Leipsic, A species of Cyclopedia of all the Sciences,
Arts, and Manufactures, which contribute to the comforts
of human life,
” four parts, Leipsic, Essay on the history of the Civilization of Mankind,
” Leipsic,
The history of Philosophy,
” 3 vols.
ibid. 1786, 1787, 8vo. 9. “Treatise on German Orthography,
” 8vo, The history of the Teutones, their language and
literature before the general migration,
” Leipsic, Mithridate, or a universal table of Languages,
with the Lord’s Prayer in one hundred languages,
” Berlin,
ed 14 hours every day to study and composition, so that his life affords little variety of event. He was never married; and it was said of him that his writing-desk
Until near his death, he devoted 14 hours every day to study and composition, so that his life affords little variety of event. He was never married; and it was said of him that his writing-desk was his wife; and his children, 70 volumes, great and small; all the produce of his pen. He loved the pleasures of the table, and wines were the only article in which he was expensive. His cellar, which he used to call his Bibliotheca selectissima, contained 40 kinds of wine; yet, amidst this plenty, his strength of constitution, and gaiety of spirit, enabled him to sustain his literary labours without injury to his health. He appears, upon the whole, to have been one of the most laborious and useful of the modern German writers, and justly deserves the character he has received from his contemporaries.
vents, is said to be very useful to French historians in what follows the time of Charles Martel. It was published by Labbe in his “Nouvelle Bibliotheque des Manuscripts,”
, or Aymar, a monk of St. Martial, born in
the year 988, rendered himself famous by the active part
he took in the dispute respecting the pretended apostleship
of St. Martial, but is now known chiefly by his “Chronicle
of France
” from the origin of the monarchy to Nouvelle Bibliotheque
des Manuscripts,
” and in other collections of French history.
Mabillon, in his “Analecta,
” has given the famous letter of
Ademar’s on the apostleship of St. Martial, and some
verses or acrostics.
writer of romance in the 13th, century, and probably so called from often wearing the laurel crown, was minstrel to Henry III. duke of Brabant and Flanders. In La Valliere’s
, a writer of romance in the 13th,
century, and probably so called from often wearing the
laurel crown, was minstrel to Henry III. duke of Brabant
and Flanders. In La Valliere’s collection of Mss. are several metrical romances by this author: 1. “The romance
of William of Orange,
” surnamed Short-nose, constable
of France. There are some extracts from this in Catel’s
history of Languedoc. 2. “The romance of the Infancy
of Ogier the Dane,
” written in rhyme by order of Guy
earl of Flanders. Of this are several translations published in the 16th century. 3. “The romance of Cleomades,
” written by order of Maria of Brabant, daughter
of his patron. This, translated into prose by Philip Camus, has been several times printed; at first, without
date, at Paris and Troyes; and at Lyons, 1488, 4to.
4. “The romance of Aymeri of Narbonne.
” 5. “The
romance of Pepin and Bertha his wife;
” the facts taken
from the chronicles in the abbey of St. Denis. A sequel
to this was written by Girardin of Amiens, as the “Romance
of Charlemagne, son of Bertha.
” 6. “The romance of
Buenon of Commarchis,
” the least esteemed of all his
productions, perhaps from the insignificance of his hero.
The time of the death of Adenez is not known.
aled by the Messiah were incurable by the physician’s art. We are told by Vigneul Marville that Ader was said to have composed this book merely to efface the remembrance
, a physician of Toulouse, author of a
treatise printed under the title “De aegrotis & morbis
in Evangelic,
” Tolosae, De Pestis cognitione, praevisione, et remediis,
” ibid. Lou Gentilhomme Gascoun, 1610,
” 8vo; and another “Lou Catounet Gascoun,
, a heretical writer, who probably flourished about the latter end of the third century, was a zealous promoter of the Manichsean doctrine. He wrote a book
, a heretical writer, who probably flourished about the latter end of the third century, was a zealous promoter of the Manichsean doctrine. He wrote a book against the authority of the Old Testament, which was much valued by the Manichees, and was answered by Augustine. The work is lost, but the atfswer remains. He appears to have been sometimes called Addas, although most writers suppose Addas to have been a different person. Additional information respecting him may be found in Lardner’s Works, vol. Ill, pp. 3s?3, 395, 430.
, an Italian poet, a descendant from the ancient family of Adimari, at Florence; was born in 1579. Between 1637 and 1640 he published six collections
, an Italian poet, a descendant
from the ancient family of Adimari, at Florence; was
born in 1579. Between 1637 and 1640 he published six
collections of fifty sonnets each, under the names of six
of the muses: Terpsichore, Clio, Melpomene, Calliope,
Urania, and Polyhymnia, which partake of the bad taste of
his age, in forced sentiments and imagery; but he was an
accomplished scholar in the Greek and Latin languages.
His translation of Pindar, “Ode di Pindaro, tradotte da
Alessandro Adimari,
” Pisa,
, a satirical poet of the same family with the preceding, was born at Naples, Sept. 3, 1644, and educated at the university
, a satirical poet of the same family
with the preceding, was born at Naples, Sept. 3, 1644,
and educated at the university of Pisa, where the celebrated Luca Terenzi was his tutor. He visited, when
young, the different courts of Italy, and was beloved for
his talents and accomplishments. He received from the
duke Ferdinand Charles of Mantua, the title of marquis,
and gentleman of his chamber. He was also member of
the academy of Florence, of De la Crnsca, and many other
learned societies. He succeeded the famous Redi as professor of the Tuscan language in the academy of Florence,
and was likewise professor of chivalry in that of the nobles,
in which science his lectures, which he illustrated with
apposite passages from ancient and modern history, were
highly esteemed. These were never printed, but manuscript copies are preserved in several of the libraries of
Florence. His only prose work, a collection of religious
pieces, was published at Florence, 1706, small 4to, under
the title “Prose sacre.
” His poetry consists of: 1. “Sonnets and other lyric pieces,
” and among them, a collection of Odes or Canzoni, dedicated to Louis XIV, and
magnificently printed at Florence, 1693. 2. Some “Dramas,
” one of which “Le Gare dell' Amore etdelP Amicitia,
Florence, Five Satires,
” on
which his fame chiefly rests; very prolix, but written in
an elegant style; and as to satire, just and temperate,
except where he treats of the fair sex. He died at Florence, after a tedious illness, June 22, 1708.
, an engraver of the 16th century, was a German, but we have no account of his life, nor is it known
, an engraver of the 16th century, was a German, but we have no account of his life, nor is it known from whom he learned the art of engraving, or rather etching, for he made but little use of the graver in his works. At a time when etching was hardly discovered, and carried to no perfection by the greatest artists, he produced such plates as not only far excelled all that went before him, but laid the foundation of a style, which his imitators have, even to the present time, scarcely improved. His point is firm and determined, and the shadows broad and perfect. Although his drawing is incorrect, and his draperies stiff, yet he appears to have founded a school to which we owe the Hopfers, and even Hollar himself. Mr. Strutt notices only two plates now known by him, both dated 1518. In one of them he is styled Philipus Adler Patricias.
is written with all the exactitude that might be expected from an eye-witness. This Swedish officer was killed by a cannon ball at the battle of, in 1709.
, born near Stockholm in 1671, studied with great applause in the university of Upsal, and then made the tour of Holland, England, and France. On his return Charles XII. gave him the place of a gentleman of his chamber. Adlerfeldt accompanied this prince both in his victories and his defeats, and profited by the access he had to this monarch, in the compilation of his history. It is written with all the exactitude that might be expected from an eye-witness. This Swedish officer was killed by a cannon ball at the battle of, in 1709. It is on this famous day that his memoirs conclude. A French translation of them was made by his son, and printed in 4 vols. 12mo, at Amsterdam in 1740. The continuation, giving an account of the fatal battle, was written by a Swedish officer.
, of Tottenweiss, chancellor to the elector of Bavaria, was born at Rosenheim, 1596, studied at Munich and Ingolstadt, and
, of Tottenweiss, chancellor to
the elector of Bavaria, was born at Rosenheim, 1596, studied at Munich and Ingolstadt, and served the house of
Bavaria on many important occasions. He is now chiefly
known by his “Annales Boicse gentis.
” This work, drawn
from authentic sources, contains the history of Bavaria
from the earliest period to the year 1662, when it was published at Munich. Leibnitz republished it in 1710. The
author died about the time his work first appeared, in
, St. archbishop of Vienne, in Dauphiny, was born in Gastinois, about the year 800, of an ancient family.
, St. archbishop of Vienne, in Dauphiny, was
born in Gastinois, about the year 800, of an ancient family. He was educated in the abbey of Ferrieres, where
he embraced a monastic life, and afterwards passed some
time in the monastery of Pruni, but meeting with some
unpleasant circumstances there, he went to Rome, where
he spent five years in amassing materials for the works
which he afterwards wrote. On his return he was employed by Remi, archbishop of Lyons, in his diocese, and
was elected archbishop of Vienne in the year 860. His
vigilance over his clergy, his care in the instruction of his
flock, his frequent visitations throughout his province, and
the humility and purity of his private life, distinguished
him in an age not remarkable for these virtues. He appears to have been consulted also in affairs of state, when,
he gave his opinion, and urged his remonstrances with
firmness and independence. He died Dec. 16, 875. He
is the author of, 1. “An Universal Chronicle,
” from the
creation of the world, which has been often cited as authority for the early history of France. It was printed at
Paris, 1512, 1522, fol. 156], 8vo; and at Rome, 1745,
fol. 2. “A Martyrology,
” better arranged than any preceding, and enriched by the lives of the saints. It was
printed by Rosweide, Antwerp, 1613; and Paris, 1645,
fol.; and is inserted in the Bibliotheque des Peres. He
also wrote the life of St. Didier, which is in Canisius; and
that of St. Theudier, which is in the “Acta Sanctorum.
, of an ancient family in Dauphiny, and a bold and enterprising spirit, was born in 1513. After having served in the army with great distinction,
, of
an ancient family in Dauphiny, and a bold and enterprising spirit, was born in 1513. After having served in the
army with great distinction, he espoused the cause of the
Huguenots from resentment to the duke of Guise in 1562.
He took Valence, Vienne, Grenoble, and Lyons, but signalized himself less by his prowess and his activity than by his
atrocious acts of vengeance. The Catholic writers say, that
in regard to persons of their communion he was what
Nero had been of old to the primitive Christians. He put
his invention to the rack to find out the most fantastic punishments, and enjoyed the barbarous satisfaction of inflicting them on all that fell into his hands. At Montbrison and at Mornas, the soldiers that were made prisoners
were obliged to throw themselves from the battlements
upon the pikes of his people. Having reproached one of
these wretches with having retreated twice from the leap
without daring to take it: “Mons. le baron,
” said the soldier, “with all your bravery, I defy you to take it in three.
The composed humour of the man saved his life. His
conduct was far from being approved even by the most
violent of Ins party; admiral Coligny and the prince of
Conde were so shocked at his cruelties, that the government of Lyons was taken from him; and piqued at this,
Des Adrets was upon the point of turning Catholic; but
he was seized at Romans, and would have been brought to
the scaffold, if the peace, just then concluded, had not
saved him. He afterwards put his design in execution,
and died despised and detested by both parties, Feb. 2,
1587. He left two sons and a daughter, who had no issue,
gome time before his death, Des Adrets, being at Grenoble, where the duke de Mayenne then was, he wanted to
revenge the affronts and threats that Pardaillan had given
him on account of the murder of his father. He repeated
several times, that he had quitted his solitude to convince
all such as might complain of him, that his sword was not
grown so rusty but that it could always right him. Pardaillan did not think himself obliged to take any notice of this
bravado of a swordsman then in his 74th year: and Des
Adrets went back again content with his rhodomontade. The ambassador of Savoy once meeting him on the
high road alone, with only a stick in his hand, was surprised at seeing an old man, notorious for his barbarous
executions, walking without a companion and quite defenceless, and asked him of his welfare. “I have nothing
to say to you,
” answered Des Adrets coldly, “unless it be
to desire you to acquaint your master, that you met the
baron des Adrets, his very humble servant, on the high
road, with a white stick in his hand and without a sword,
and that nobody said any thing to him.
” One of the sons
of the baron des Adrets was engaged in the massacre of St.
Bartholomew. He had been page to the king, who ordered
him one day to go and call his chancellor. The magistrate,
who was then at table, having answered him, that as soon
as he had dined he would go and receive the commands of
his majesty “What!
” said the page, “dare you delay a
moment when the king commands Rise, and instantly
be gone
” Whereupon he took hold of the table-cloth by
one corner, and drew the whole of the dinner down upon
the floor. M. de la Place relates this anecdote (rather improbable it must be confessed) in his “Pieces interessantes,
” torn. IV; and adds, that the story being told to
Charles IX. by the chancellor, the monarch only laughed,
and said “that the son would be as violent as the father.
To this day the name of Adrets is never pronounced in
Dauphiny without horror. Such the story usually reported
of this extraordinary character; but it is said that Maimbourg, Brantome, Moreri, and Daniel have given some
exaggerated accounts of his cruelties. Thnanus has
justified him from some of the accusations, and particularly in
affair of Mornas, where he was not present.
ctor’s degree at Salernum in 1510. He afterwards practised physic with great success at Palermo, and was made a burgess of that city. Charles V. afterwards appointed
, the historian of Mazara in Sicily,
and a very eminent physician, who studied Latin at Mazara,
rhetoric at Panorma, and philosophy and medicine at Naples, under the celebrated Augustine Niphus. He took
his doctor’s degree at Salernum in 1510. He afterwards
practised physic with great success at Palermo, and was
made a burgess of that city. Charles V. afterwards appointed him to be his physician, and physician-general of
Sicily. He died in 1560. His history is entitled “Topographia inclytae civitatis Mazariae,
” Panorm. Epistola ad Conjugem,
” a Latin poem, Panorm.
ed at Cologn, 1467, 4to, is the most scarce and valuable; the second bears date 1471, 4to; the third was printed at Cremona, 1492, fol. In order to avoid confounding
, an ingenious and learned Carthusian monk, is
the author of a treatise entitled “De remediis utriusque
”' the first edition of which, published at Cologn,
1467, 4to, is the most scarce and valuable; the second
bears date 1471, 4to; the third was printed at Cremona,
1492, fol. In order to avoid confounding this treatise
with that of Petrarch on the same subject, it is necessary
to know that the title says: “per quendam Adrianum poetam prsestantem, necnon S. Th. professorem eximium.
No particulars are known of his birth or death.
, the Roman emperor, was born at Rome Jan. 24, in the year of Christ 76. His father left
, the Roman emperor, was born at Rome Jan. 24, in the year of Christ 76. His father left him an orphan, at ten years of age, tinder the guardianship of Trajan, and Caelius Tatianus, a Roman knight. He began to serve very early in the armies, having been tribune of a legion before the death of Domitian. He was the person chosen by the army of Lower Mcesia, to carry the news of Nerva’s death to Trajan, successor to the empire. The extravagances of his youth deprived him of this emperor’s favour; but having recovered it by reforming his behaviour, he was married to Sabina, a grand niece of Trajan, and the empress Plotina became his great friend and patroness. When he was quaestor, he delivered an oration in the senate; but his language was then so rough and unpolished, that he was hissed: this obliged him to apply to the study of the Latin tongue, in which he afterwards became a great proficient, and made a considerable figure for his eloquence. He accompanied Trajan in most of his expeditions, and particularly distinguished himself in the second war against the Daci; and having before been quaestor, as well as tribune of the people, he was now successively praetor, governor of Pannonia, and consul. After the siege of Atra in Arabia was raised, Trajan, who had already given him the government of Syria, left him the command of the army; and at length, when he found death approaching, it is said he adopted him. The reality of this adoption is by some disputed, and is thought to have been a contrivance of Plotina; however, Adrian, who was then in Antiochia, as soon as he received the news of that, and of Trajan’s death, declared himself emperor on the llth of August, 117. He then immediately made peace with the Persians, to whom he yielded up great part of the conquests of his predecessors; and from generosity, or policy, he remitted the debts of the Roman people, which, according to the calculation of those who have reduced them to modern money, amounted to 22,500,000 golden crowns; and he caused to be burnt all the bonds and obligations relating to those debts, that the people might be under no apprehension of being called to an account for them afterwards. He went to visit all the provinces, and did not return to Rome till the year 118, when the senate decreed him a triumph, and honoured him with the title of Father of his country; but he refused both, and desired that Trajan’s image might triumph. The following year he went to Mcesia to oppose the Sarmatce. In his absence several persons of great worth were put to death; and though he protested he had given no orders for that purpose, yet the odium fell chiefly upon him. No prince travelled more than Adrian; there being hardly one province in the empire which be did not visit. In 120 he went into Gaul, and thence to Britain, where he caused a wall or rampart to be built, as a defence against the Caledonians who would not submit to the Iloman government. In 121 he returned into France, and thence to Spain, to Mauritania, and at length into the East, where he quieted the commotions raised by the Parthians. After having visited all the provinces of Asia, he returned to Athens in 125, where he passed the winter, and was initiated in the mysteries of Eleusinian Ceres. He went from thence, to Sicily, and saw mount Ætna. He returned to Rome the beginning of the year 129; and, according to some, he went again the same year to Africa; and after his return from thence, to the east. He was in Egypt in the year 132, revisited Syria the year following, returned to Athens in 134, and to Rome in 135. The persecution against the Christians was very violent under his reign; but it was at length suspended, in consequence of the remonstrances of Quadratus bishop of Athens, and Aristides, two Christian philosophers, who presented the emperor with some books in favour of their religion. He was more severe against the Jews; and, by way of insult, erected a temple to Jupiter on mount Calvary, and placed a statue of Adonis in the manger of Bethlehem he caused also the images of swine to be engraved on the gates of Jerusalem.
essed to his soul on his death-bed, shew his uncertainty and doubts in regard to the other world. He was a prince adorned with great virtues, but they were mingled with
Adrian reigned 21 years, and died at Baiae in 139, in the 63d year of his age. The Latin verses he addressed to his soul on his death-bed, shew his uncertainty and doubts in regard to the other world. He was a prince adorned with great virtues, but they were mingled with great vices. He xvas generous, industrious, polite, and exact; he maintained order and discipline; he administered justice with indefatigable application, and punished rigorously all those who did not faithfully execute the offices with which they were entrusted: he had a great share of wit, and a surprising memory; he was well versed in most of the polite arts and sciences, and is said to have written several works. On the other hand, he was cruel, envious, lascivious, superstitious, and so weak as to give himself up to the study of magic.
, the only Englishman who ever had the honour of sitting in the papal chair. His name was Nicholas Brekespere; and he was born about the end of the 11th
, the only Englishman who ever
had the honour of sitting in the papal chair. His name
was Nicholas Brekespere; and he was born about the end
of the 11th century, at Langley, near St. Alban’s, in Hertfordshire. His father having left his family, and taken the
habit of the monastery of St. Alban’s, Nicholas was obliged
to submit to the lowest offices in that house for daily support. After some time he desired to take the habit in that
monastery, but was rejected by the abbot Richard: “He
was examined,
” says Matthew Paris, “and being found
insufficient, the abbot said to him, Wait, my son, and go
to school a little longer, till you are better qualified.
” But
if the character given of young Brekespere by Pitts be a
just one, the abbot was certainly to be blamed for rejecting a person who would have done great honour to his
house. He was, according to that author, a handsome and
comely youth, of a sharp wit and ready utterance; circumspect in all his words and actions, polite in his behaviour,
neat and elegant; full of zeal for the glory of God, and
that according to some degree of knowledge; so possessed
of all the most valuable endowments of mind and body,
that in him the gifts of heaven exceeded nature: his piety
exceeded his education; and the ripeness of his judgment
and his other qualifications exceeded his age. Having met
however with the above repulse, he resolved to try his fortune in another country, and went to Paris; where, though
in very poor circumstances, he applied himself to his
studies with great assiduity, and made a wonderful proficiency. But having still a strong inclination to a religious
life, he left Paris, and removed to Provence, where he
became a regular clerk in the monastery of St. Rufus. He
was not immediately allowed to take the habit, but passed
some time by way of trial, in recommending himself to the
monks by a strict attention to all their commands. This
behaviour, together with the beauty of his person, and
prudent conversation, rendered him so acceptable to those
religious, that after some time they entreated him to take
the habit of the canonical order. Here he distinguished
himself so much by his learning and strict observance of
the monastic discipline, that, upon the death of the abbot,
he was chosen superior of that house; and we are told that
he rebuilt that convent. He did not long enjoy this abbacy: for the monks, being tired of the government of a
foreigner, brought accusations against him before pope
Eugenius III. who, after having examined their complaint,
and heard the defence of Nicholas, declared him innocent;
his holiness, however, gave the monks leave to choose
another superior, and, being sensible of the great merit of
Nicholas, and thinking he might be serviceable to the
church in a higher station, created him cardinal-bishop of
Alba, in 1146.
are told, that he erected the church of Upsal into an archiepiscopal see. On his return to Rome, he was received by the pope and cardinals with great marks of honour:
In 1148 Eugenius sent him legate to Denmark and Norway; where, by his fervent preaching and diligent instructions, he converted those barbarous nations to the Christian
faith; and we are told, that he erected the church of Upsal
into an archiepiscopal see. On his return to Rome, he was
received by the pope and cardinals with great marks of
honour: and pope Anastatius, who succeeded Eugenius,
happening to die at this time, Nicholas was unanimously
chosen to the holy see, in November, 1154, and took the
name of Adrian. When the news of his promotion reached
England, Henry II. sent Robert, abbot of St. Alban’s, and
three bishops, to Rome, to congratulate him on his election;
upon which occasion Adrian granted to the monastery of
St. Alban’s, the privilege of being exempt front all episcopal jurisdiction except that of Rome. Next year, king
Henry having solicited the pope’s consent that he might
undertake the conquest of Ireland, Adrian very readily complied, and sent him a bull for that purpose, of which the
following is a translation: “Adrian, bishop, servant of the
servants of God, to his most dear son in Christ, the illustrious king of England, sendeth greeting and apostolical
benediction. Your magnificence is very careful to spread
your glorious name in the world, and to merit an immortal
crown in heaven, whilst, as a good catholic prince, you form
a design of extending the bounds of the church, of instructing ignorant and barbarous people in the Christian
faith, and of reforming the licentious and immoral; and the
more effectually to put this design in execution, you desire
the advice and assistance of the holy see. We are confident, that, by the blessing of God, the success will answer
the wisdom and discretion of the undertaking. You have
advertised us, dear son, of your intended expedition into
Ireland, to reduce that people to the obedience of the
Christian faith; and that you are willing to pay for every
house a yearly acknowledgment of one penny to St. Peter,
promising to maintain the rights of those churches in the
fullest manner. We therefore, being willing to assist you
in this pious and laudable design, and consenting to your
petition, do grant you full liberty to make a descent upon
that island, in order to enlarge the borders of the church,
to check the progress of immorality, and to promote the
spiritual happiness of the natives: and we command the
people of that country to receire and acknowledge you as
their sovereign lord; provided the rights of the churches be
inviolably preserved, and the Peter pence duly paid: for
indeed it is certain (and your highness acknowledges it)
that all the islands, which are enlightened by Christ, the
sun of righteousness, and have embraced the doctrines of
Christianity, are unquestionably St. Peter’s right, and belong to the holy Roman church. If, therefore, you resolve
to put your designs in execution, be careful to reform the
manners of that people; and commit the government of the
churches to able and virtuous persons, that the Christian
religion may grow and flourish, and the honour of God and
the preservation of souls be effectually promoted; so shall
you deserve an everlasting reward in heaven, and leave a
glorious name to all posterity.
” His indulgence to this
prince was so great, that he even consented to absolve him
from the oath he had taken not to set aside any part of his
father’s will. The reason of this was, that Geoffry Plantagenet, earl of Anjou, had by the empress Maud, three
sons, Henry, Geoffry, and William. This prince, being
sensible that his ovrn dominions would of course descend to
his eldest son Henry, and that the kingdom of England and
duchy of Normandy would likewise fall to him in right of
his mother, thought fit to devise the earldom of Anjou to his
second son Geoffry; and to render this the more valid, he
exacted an oath of the bishops and nobility, not to suffer
his corpse to be buried till his son Henry had sworn to fulfil
every part of his will. When Henry came to attend his
father’s funeral, the oath was tendered to him; but for some
time he refused to swear to a writing, with the contents of
which he was unacquainted. Howerer, being reproached
with the scandal of letting his father lie unburied, he at last
took the oath with great reluctance. But after his accession
to the throne, upon a complaint to pope Adrian that the
oath was forced upon him, he procured a dispensation from
his holiness, absolving him from the obligation he had laid
himself under: and in consequence thereof, he dispossessed
his brother Geoffry of the dominions of Anjou, allowing
him only a yearly pension for his maintenance.
mbled in a tumultuous manner, and killed several of the imperialists. The next year a reconciliation was brought about between the pope and the Sicilian king, that prince
Adrian, in the beginning of his pontificate, boldly withstood the attempts of the Roman people to recover their ancient liberty under the consuls, and obliged those magistrates to abdicate their authority, and leave the government of the city to the pope. In 1155, he drove Arnold of Bresse and his followers out of Rome. The same year he excommunicated William king of Sicily, who ravaged the territories of the church, and absolved that prince’s subjects from their allegiance. About the same time, Frederic, king of the Romans, having entered Italy with a powerful army, Adrian met him near Sutrium, and concluded a peace with him. At this interview, Frederic consented to hold the pope’s stirrup whilst he mounted on horseback. After which his holiness conducted that prince to Rome, and in St. Peter’s church placed the imperial crown on his head, to the great mortification of the Roman people, who assembled in a tumultuous manner, and killed several of the imperialists. The next year a reconciliation was brought about between the pope and the Sicilian king, that prince taking an oath to do nothing farther to the prejudice of the church, and Adrian granting him the title of king of the two Sicilies. He built and fortified several castles, and left the papal dominions in a more flourishing condition than he found them. But notwithstanding all his success, he was extremely sensible of the disquietudes attending so high a station, and complained of them to his countryman John of Salisbury. He died Sept. 1, 1159, in the fourth year and tenth month of his pontificate, and was buried in St. Peter’s church, near the tomb of his predecessor Eugenius. Besides some writings attributed to this ambitious pope, not yet printed, there are, in Labbe’s Concilia, forty-two letters; and Martene, Balusius, Usher, Marca, &c. have brought others to light, as may be seen in Fabric. Biblioth. Lat. med. setat. and Cave. The most remarkable of those letters are what contain the word beneficium. In Aventini Annal. Bajor. are letters between the emperor and the pope, the authenticity of which is still disputed; and those betwixt the bishops of Germany and the pope, and the letter of licence to Henry II. to conquer Ireland, are in Wilkins’s Concil. Britan. The famous peace with king William, which so nearly concerns the Sicilian monarchy, is in Baronius’s Annals.
, pope, who deserves some notice on account of his personal merit, was born in Utrecht, 1459, of parents reputed mean, who procured
, pope, who deserves some notice on account of his personal merit, was born in Utrecht, 1459, of
parents reputed mean, who procured him a place among
the poor scholars in the college of Louvain, where his application was such as to induce Margaret of England, the
sister of Edward IV. and widow of Charles duke of Burgundy, to bear the expences of his advancement to the degree of doctor. He became successively a canon of St.
Peter, professor of divinity, dean of the church of Louvain,
and fastly, vice-chancellor of the university. Recollecting
his own condition, he generously founded a college at Louvain, which bears his name, for the education of poor students. Afterwards Maximilian I. appointed him preceptor
to his grandson Charles V. and sent him as ambassador to
Ferdinand king of Spain, who gave him the bishoprick of
Tortosa. In 1517 he was made cardinal, and during the
infancy of Charles V. became regent; but the duties of the
office were engrossed by cardinal Ximenes. On the death
of Leo X. Charles V. had so much influence with the cardinals as to procure him to be chosen to the papal chair, in
1522. He was not, however, very acceptable to the college, as he had an aversion to pomp, expence, and pleasure.
He refused to resent, by fire and sword, the complaints
urged by Luther; but endeavoured to reform such abuses
in the church as could neither be concealed or denied. To
this conduct he owed the many satires written against him
during his life, and the unfavourable representations made
by the most learned of the Roman Catholic historians. Perhaps his partiality to the emperor Charles might increase
their dislike, and occasion the suspicion that his death,
which took place Sept. 24, 1523, was a violent one. For
this, however, we know no other foundation, than a pasquinade stuck upon the house of his physician “To the deliverer of his country.
” He is said to have composed an epitaph for himself, expressing, that the greatest misfortune of
his life was his being called to govern. He has left some
writings, as, 1. “Questiones et Expositiones in IV. Sententiarum,
” Paris, 1512 and 1516, fol.; 1527, 8vo. In this
he advanced some bold sentiments against papal infallibility.
Although he wrote the work before he was pope, he reprinted it without any alteration. 2. “Questiones Quodlibeticae,
” Louvain, Analecta Historica de Adriano VI. Trajectino,
Papa Romano,
” Utrecht, 1727, 4to.
, bishop of Bath and Wells in the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. was descended of an obscure family at Cornetto, a small town in
, bishop of Bath and Wells in the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. was descended of an obscure family at Cornetto, a small town in Tuscany; but soon distinguished himself by his learning and abilities, and procured several employments at the court of Rome. In 1448 he was appointed nuncio extraordinary to Scotland, by pope Innocent VIII. to quiet the troubles in that kingdom; but, upon his arrival in England, being informed that his presence was not necessary in Scotland, the contests there having been ended by a battle, he applied himself to execute some other commissions with which he was charged, particularly to collect the pope’s tribute, or Peter-pence, his holiness having appointed him his treasurer for that purpose. He continued some months in England, during which time he got so far into the good graces of Morton, archbishop of Canterbury, that he recommended him to the king; who appointed him his agent for English affairs at Rome; and, as a recompense for his faithful services, promoted him first to the bishoprick of Hereford, and afterwards to that of Bath and Wells. He was enthroned at Wells by his proxy Polydore Vergil, at that time the pope’s sub-collector in England, and afterwards appointed by Adrian archdeacon of Wells. Adrian let out his bishoprick to farmers, and afterwards to cardinal Wolsey, himself residing at Rome, where he built a magnificent palace, on the front of which he had the name of his benefactor Henry VII. inscribed: he left it after his decease to that prince and his successors. Alexander VI, who succeeded Innocent VIII, appointed Adrian his principal secretary, and vicar-general in spirituals and temporals; and the same pope created him a cardinal-priest, with the title of St. Chrysogonus, the 31st of May, 1503. Soon after his creation, he narrowly escaped being poisoned at a feast, to which he was invited with some other cardinals, by the pope and his son Caesar Borgia.
lexander, Adrian retired from Rome, having taken some disgust, or perhaps distrusting this pope, who was a declared enemy of his predecessor: nor did he return till
In the pontificate of Julius II. who succeeded Alexander,
Adrian retired from Rome, having taken some disgust, or
perhaps distrusting this pope, who was a declared enemy
of his predecessor: nor did he return till there was a conclave held for the election of a new pope, where he
probably gave his voice for Leo X. Soon after he was
unfortunately privy to a conspiracy against Leo. His embarking in the plot is said to have been chiefly owing to his
crediting and applying to himself the prediction of a
fortune-teller, who had assured him, “that Leo would be
cut off by an unnatural death, and be succeeded by
an elderly man named Adrian, of obscure birth, but fa-mous for his learning, and whose virtue and merit alone
had raised him to the highest honours of the church.
” Th
conspiracy being discovered, Adrian was condemned to
pay 12,500 ducats, and to give a solemn promise that he
would not stir out of Rome. But being either unable to
pay this fine, or apprehending still farther severities, he
privately withdrew from Rome; and in a consistory held
the 6th of July 1518, he was declared excommunicated,
and deprived of all his benefices, as well as his ecclesiastical
orders. About four years before, he had been removed
from his office of the pope’s collector in England, at the
request of king Henry VIII, and through the instigation of
cardinal Wolsey. The heads of his accusation, drawn up
at Rome, were, “That he had absented himself from that
city in the time of Julius II. without the pope’s leave; that
he had never resided, as he ought to have done^ at the
church of St. Chrysogonus, from which he had his title;
that he had again withdrawn himself from Rome, and had
not appeared to a legal citation; and that he had engaged
in the conspiracy of cardinal Petrucci, and had signed the
league of Francis Maria, duke of Urbino, against the pope.
He was at Venice when he received the news of his condemnation: what becarme of him afterwards is uncertain.
Aubery says, he took refuge among the Turks in Asia; but
the most common opinion is, that he was murdered by one
of his servants for the sake of his wealth. Polydore Vergil
tells us, there is to be seen at Riva, a village in the diocese
of Trent, a Latin inscription on one Polydorus Casamicus,
the pope’s janitor, written by cardinal Adrian; in which
he laments his own wretched condition, extolling the
happiness of his friend, whose death had put an end to
his miseries. Polydore Vergil gives Adrian a high character for his uncommon learning, his exquisite^ judgment
in the choice of the properest words, and the truly classical
style of his writings; in which he was the first, says that
author, since the age of Cicero, who revived the purity of
the Latin language, and taught men to draw their knowlege from the sources of the best and most learned
The only works of his that are published are, 1. “De Vera
” 2. “De Sermone Latino et de Modis Latine
sh Jesuit, and a native of Antwerp, entered into the society of the Jesuits at Louvain, in 1544, and was principal for many years before they had a college. In 1551,
, a Flemish Jesuit,
and a native of Antwerp, entered into the society of the
Jesuits at Louvain, in 1544, and was principal for many
years before they had a college. In 1551, he made solemn
profession of the four vows. After the death of St. Ignatius,
he was called to Rome to assist in a general congregation
for the election of a second general of the society. But,
finding himself here involved in disputes and intrigues not
suited to his disposition, he retired to Flanders, where he
appears to have led a studious and useful life. He died at
Louvain, October 18, 1580, after having published, in
German, several works of the ascetic kind, one of which,
“De Divinis Inspirationibus et de Confessione,
” was translated into Latin by Gerard Brunelius, and printed at
Cologn, 1601, 12mo.
, professor of the belles lettres, and chancellor of the republic of Florence, was born in 1464, He was a very accomplished scholar in the Greek
, professor of the belles
lettres, and chancellor of the republic of Florence, was
born in 1464, He was a very accomplished scholar in the
Greek and Latin languages. Varchi, in one of his lectures,
pronounces him the most eloquent man of his time. He died
in 1521, in consequence of a fall from his horse. In 1518,
he published a Latin translation of Dioscorides “De Materia Medica,
” with a commentary. About the end of it
he mentions a treatise, “De mensuris, ponderibus, et coloribus,
” which he had prepared for publication, but which
has not yet appeared. Mazzuchelli speaks largely of him
in his “Italian Writers;
” and more copious notice is taken
of him by the canon Baudini, in his. “Collectio Vetcrum
” The translation of Dioscorides, which
he dedicated to pope Leo X. procured him so much reputation, that he was called the Dioscorides of Florence.
, the son of the preceding, was born in 1513, or, as some say, 1511, and died at Florence in
, the son of the preceding,
was born in 1513, or, as some say, 1511, and died at
Florence in 1579. In his youth, he carried arms in defence of the liberties of his country, and afterwards devoted his time to study. For thirty years he taught rhetoric
in the university of Florence, and enjoyed the friendship
of the most celebrated of his contemporaries, Annibal
Caro, Varchi, Flaminio, and the cardinals Bembo and
Contarini. His chief work, which forms a continuation
of Guicciardini, is the history of his own time, entitled
“Deir Istoria de' suoi tempi,
” from Lettera a Giorgio Vasari sopra gli
antichi Pittori nominati da Plinio,
” 4to. This letter, oa
the ancient painters mentioned by Pliny, which is rather
a treatise on painting, is inserted by Vasari in the second
volume of his lives of the painters. Vasari speaks of him
as an enlightened amateur of the fine arts, and one whose
advice was of much importance to him when he was employed at Florence in the palace of the grand duke.
, son of the preceding, born in 1533, was so distinguished for his studies, as to obtain, when very young,
, son of the preceding, born in 1533,
was so distinguished for his studies, as to obtain, when
very young, the professorship of rhetoric which his father
held in the university of Florence. So our authority; but
there seems to be some mistake in this date, as he could
not be very young when he succeeded his father as professor of rhetoric, if his father filled that chair for the space
of thirty years. He was, however, a member of the academy of Florence, and published his father’s history. His
own works are, 1. An Italian translation of “Demetrius
” on eloquence, which he left in manuscript,
and which was not published until 1738, by Antony Francis
Gori, who prefixed a long account of the life and writings
of the translator; 2. Two Lectures on the “Education of
the Florentine Nobility,
” printed in the “Prose Fiorentine,
” vol. IV. He also translated Plutarch’s Morals, not
yet published, but much commended by Ammirato and
others. There are two copies in the Laurentian library;
Adrian died in 1604.
, a Spanish painter, born at Cordova, was a lay friar of the order of the bare-footed Carmelites. Of his
, a Spanish painter, born at Cordova, was a lay friar of the order of the bare-footed Carmelites. Of his works, which are not numerous, and are to be seen only at the place of his birth, the most remarkable is a Crucifixion, in the manner of Sadeler, whose style was much admired by him. He was so diffident of his own talents that he frequently destroyed his pictures as soon as he had executed them, and some were preserved by his friends, who begged them from him in the name of the souls in purgatory, for whom he constantly put op his prayers. He died at Cordova in 1650.
, a geographer of considerable note, was born at Delft in Holland, February 14, 1533, After applying
, a geographer of considerable note, was born at Delft in Holland, February 14,
1533, After applying to his studies with much assiduity,
he was ordained priest in 1561, and was director of the
nuns of St. Barbara until the civil wars obliged him to take
refuge first at Mecklin, then at Maestricht, and lastly at
Cologne, where he died, June 20, 1585. He published
“Vita Jesu Christi, ex quatuor evangelistis breviter contexta,
” Antwerp, Theatrum Terra; Sanctse,
” or,
history of the Holy Land, illustrated with maps, and printed
in 1590, 1595, 1600, 1628, and 1682, foL; a proof of the
esteem in which it was long held, although his authorities
are thought to be sometimes exceptionable. The second
part, which contains a description of Jerusalem, was printed
by the author in 1584, and was reprinted after his death
in 1588, and 1592, 8vo. He sometimes took the name
of Christianus Crucius, in allusion to his banishment and
was born in the beginning of the tenth century, in the environs
was born in the beginning of the tenth century, in the environs of Condat, now St. Claude. He studied at the abbey of Luxeuil, which had then a very famous school, under the direction cf the Benedictines. Being charmed with their mode of life and doctrines, he entered into the order, and became abbot. His principal writings are the lives of some saints, which arc not free from the superstitions of the times. Calmet has printed his life of St. Mansuetus; and Mabillon, his life of St. Valbert, or Wandalbert. Cave mentions other works of his, but he deserves more credit as one of those who laboured in diffusing learning. Such was his reputation, that many bishops applied to him to establish schools in their dioceses, and he was even consulted by crowned heads on these and other subjects of importance. He died in Champagne in the year 992.
, of Cappadocia, an eclectic philosopher of the fourth century, was of a family originally noble, but reduced to poverty. His parents
, of Cappadocia, an eclectic philosopher of the fourth century, was of a family originally noble, but reduced to poverty. His parents sent him into Greece to learn some means of subsistence, but he returned with only a love of philosophy. On this his father turned him out of doors; but at length was prevailed upon to forgive him, and even to let him pursue his studies, in which he soon surpassed the ablest masters of his country. In order to increase his knowledge, he went to Syria, and became the disciple of Jamblicus, and after the dispersion of that school by Constantine the Great, he settled at Pergamos, where he had a-very flourishing school. What he taught, however, was a composition of mysticism and imposture, and he even pretended to immediate communication with the deities, and to obtain the revelation of future events. The time of his birth or death is not ascertained.
ome years later, as he continued his history five books after the deposing of Peter the Fuller. This was an Ecclesiastical History, beginning with the reign of Theodosius
, a Nestorian priest, lived, according to Vossius, under the emperor Zeno, about the year 483; but Cave is of opinion that he lived some years later, as he continued his history five books after the deposing of Peter the Fuller. This was an Ecclesiastical History, beginning with the reign of Theodosius the younger, when Nestorius published his opinions, and ending with the reign of Zeno, and the deposition of Peter the Fuller, who had usurped the see of Antioch. He wrote likewise a treatise against the council of Chalcedon. Photius praises his style, but censures his principles. There is only a fragment extant of his history in the Concilia, vol. VII. and in the collections of Theodoras Lector.
under Thomas Aquinas, where he became so eminent as to acquire the title of the Profound Doctor. He was preceptor to the son of Philip III. of France, and composed
, one of the most learned divines of the thirteenth century, entered into the Augustine
order, and studied at Paris under Thomas Aquinas, where
he became so eminent as to acquire the title of the Profound Doctor. He was preceptor to the son of Philip III.
of France, and composed for the use of his pupil his treatise “De regimine Principum,
” Rome, Tractatus brevis et utilis de Originali Peccato,
” 4to, printed at Oxford,
, a learned Englishman of the thirteenth century, was born at St. Alban’s, and as Fuller conjectures, in the parish
, a learned Englishman of the thirteenth century, was born at St. Alban’s, and as Fuller conjectures, in the parish of St. Giles’s in that town, now destroyed. He was educated at Paris, where he became eminent in logic and philosophy. He then turned his studies to medicine, and became not only professor of that faculty in the university, but a celebrated practitioner in the city, and was employed about the person of Philip the French king. From Paris he removed to Montpellier, where he studied the diseases of the mind; and on his return to Paris, confined himself entirely to the study of divinity, and soon became a doctor in that faculty, and a professor in the schools. In 1223 he joined the Dominicans, and was the first Englishman of that order. This occasioned his removal to Oxford, where the Dominicans had two schools, in which he became a professor and lecturer both in the arts and in divinity, and was of great service to the Dominicans by his personal credit and reputation. A close intimacy took place between him and the celebrated Grossetete, bishop of Lincoln, who obtained leave of the general of the Dominicans that Ægidius might reside with him as an assistant in his diocese, at that time the largest in England. Leland, Bale, and Pitts ascribe some writings to him, but they seem to be all of doubtful authority.
, a lawyer, was born at Antwerp in 1486. He was educated under the care of the
, a lawyer, was born at
Antwerp in 1486. He was educated under the care of the
celebrated Erasmus, with whom he lived afterwards in close
friendship, as he did with the illustrious sir Thomas More,
and other eminent scholars of that age. More introduces
him in the prologue to his Utopi with high praise, as “a
man there in his country of honest reputation, and also preferred to high promotions, worthy truly of the highest.
For it is hard to say whether the young man be in learning
or in honesty more excellent. For he is both of wonderful virtuous conditions, and also singularly well learned,
and towards all sorts of people exceeding gentle.
” Sir
Thomas adds, that “the charms of his conversation abated
the fervent desire he had to see his native country, from
which sir Thomas had been absent more than four months.
He occurs also with high praise in the life and writings of
Erasmus. In 1510, on the death of Adrian Blict, first notary at Antwerp, he was unanimously elected into his place.
He died Nov. 29, 1533. His works are, 1. “Threnodiain
funus Maximiliani Caesaris, cum Epitaphiis aliquot et Epigrammatum libello,
” Antwerp, Hypotheses, sive Spectacula Carolo V. Caesari ab S. P. Q. Antver.
ib. 4to. 3. “Enchiridion Principis ac Magistratus Christiani,
” Colon. Titulos Legum ex
Codice Theodosiario,
” Louvain,
y bishop of Wilton and archbishop of Canterbury, and one of the greatest luminaries of his dark era, was the son of an earl of Kent, and after receiving a few scanty
, successively bishop of Wilton and archbishop
of Canterbury, and one of the greatest luminaries of his
dark era, was the son of an earl of Kent, and after receiving a few scanty instructions from an ignorant secular
priest, assumed the habit of the Benedictine order of
monks in the monastery at Abingdon, over which Athelwold then presided, having been appointed abbot in the
year 955. Athelwold, being created bishop of Winchester
in the year 693, settled several of the Abingdon monks in
his cathedral. Among these was Ælfric; who, in return
for the benefit which he had formerly derived from the
instructions of Alhelwold, was now eager to show his gratitude, by forwarding the wishes of his benefactor to instruct the youth of his diocese. With this view he drew
tip his “Latin-Saxon Vocabulary,
” and some “Latin
” The former of these works was published by
Somner, under the title of a Glossary, Oxon. 1659 (See Somner). During his residence in this city, Ælfric translated, from the Latin into the Saxon language, most of the
historical books of the Old Testament: the greatest part of
which translations has reached our time, having been printed at Oxford in 1698. Here, likewise, at the request of Wulfsine, bishop of Sherborn, he drew up what has been called
his “Canons,
” but might more properly be styled, a charge
to be delivered by the bishops to their clergy. They are
preserved in the first volume of Spelman’s Councils, and
were composed, between the years 980 and 987. Some
time about this last year, Ælfric was removed to Cerne
Abbey, to instruct the monks, and regulate the affairs of
that monastery. Here it was that he translated, from the
Latin fathers, the first volume of his “Homilies.
” After
remaining in this place about a year, he was made abbot
of St. Alban’s in the year 988, and composed a liturgy for
the service of his abbey, which continued to be used there
till Leland’s time. In the year 989 he was created Lishop
of Wilton, and during his continuance in that see, translated, about the latter end of the year 991, a second volume of “Homilies.
” These are the volumes of which
Mrs. Elstob issued proposals for a translation, in 1713, accompanied with the original, but did not live to publish the
work. Here also Ælfric wrote his “Grammar,
” a supplement to his Homilies, and, probably, a tract dedicated to
Sigeward or Sigeferth, containing two epistles oil the Old
and New Testament, which his biographer concludes to
have been written between the years 987 and 991. In
994, he was translated to Canterbury, where, after exerting himself for some years, with equal spirit and prudence,
in defending his diocese against the incursions of the Danes,
he died Nov. 16, 1005. He was buried at Abingdon, the
place where he first embraced the profession of a monk,
whence his remains were afterwards transferred to Canterbury, in the reign of Canute.
year 160, taught rhetoric at Rome, according to Perizonius, under the emperor Alexander Severus. He was surnamed MEXryXaxro--, Honeytongue, on account of the sweetness
, an historian and rhetorician, born
at Praeueste in Italy, about the year 160, taught rhetoric at
Rome, according to Perizonius, under the emperor Alexander Severus. He was surnamed MEXryXaxro--, Honeytongue, on account of the sweetness of his style. He was
likewise honoured with the title of sophist, an appellation
in his days given only to men of learning and wisdom. He
loved retirement, and devoted himself to study; and his
works shew him to have been a man of excellent principles
and strict integrity. He greatly admired and studied Plato,
Aristotle, Isocrates, Plutarch, Homer, Anacreon, Archilochus, &c.; and, though a Roman, gives the preference to
the writers of the Greek nation. His two most celebrated
works are his “Various History,
” and that “Of Animals.
He wrote also an invective against Heliogabalus, or, as
some think, Domitian; but this is not certain, for he gives
the tyrant, whom he lashes, the fictitious name of Gynnis.
He composed likewise a book “Of Providence,
” mentioned by Eustathius; and another on divine appearances, or
the declarations of providence. Some ascribe to him also
the work entitled “Tactica, or De re Militari;
” but Perizonius is of opinion, that this piece belonged to another
author of the same name, a native of Greece. There have
been several editions of his “Varipus History.
” The
Greek text was published at Rome in
, a physician of the second century, under the reign of Adrian, was the first who employed the Theriaca, both as a remedy and p
, a physician of the second century, under the reign of Adrian, was the first who employed the Theriaca, both as a remedy and preservative, in the plague. Galen in his treatise on the subject, considers him as one of the first of his masters, and praises him also for his great knowledge and success.
of the oldest work on jurisprudence, flourished in the sixth century after the building of Rome. He was successively aedile, consul, and censor. When Cnaeus Flavius
, a celebrated
Roman lawyer, and author of the oldest work on jurisprudence, flourished in the sixth century after the building
of Rome. He was successively aedile, consul, and censor.
When Cnaeus Flavius divulged his formula, the patricians,
who considered themselves as the depositories of the law,
composed novels, and endeavoured to conceal them with
the utmost care. But Ælius, when scdile, got access to
them, and published them. These last obtained the name
of theÆlian law, as what Flavius had published were called
the Flavian law. It appears also, that notwithstanding what
Grotius and Bertrand have advanced, he was the author of
a work entitled the “Tripartite,
” by far the oldest work
on the subject. It was so called as containing, 1. The
text of the Law; 2. Its interpretation; and 3. The forms
of procedure. He was appointed consul in A. U. C. 556,
at the end of the second Punic war; and was distinguished
for his homely diet, and simple manners, and his rejecting
of presents.
acquired a great reputation by his delicate manner of painting fruit, still life, and dead game. He was exact in copying every thing after nature, disposing them with
, a Dutch painter, born at Delft in 1602, acquired a great reputation by his delicate manner of painting fruit, still life, and dead game. He was exact in copying every thing after nature, disposing them with elegance, and finishing his pictures with neatness, and transparency of colour. Whether he painted dead game, fruit, helmets with plumes of feathers, or vases of gold and silver, to each he gave a true and striking resemblance of nature, and an extraordinary lustre to the gold, silver, and steel. He died in 1658.
, was the nephew and disciple of the preceding, born at Delft in 1620,
, was
the nephew and disciple of the preceding, born at Delft in
1620, and arrived at a much higher degree of perfection
than his instructor. In his youth he went to France, and
exercised his art there for four years, and afterwards to
Rome, where he resided for seven years; and in both places
was encouraged by the patronage of persons of the first
distinction. In 1656, he returned to his own country,
and settled at Amsterdam, where his pictures were highly
valued, and sold at a very great price. Some of them are
still in the collections of the amateurs of that city. Van
Aelst knew his own merit, and would not submit to disrespect. On one occasion when a burgomaster of Amsterdam gave him a very haughty answer in a matter of some
importance to him, he opened his breast and shewed him
a gold chain and medal which the grand duke of Tuscany
had given him, adding, “You came into the world with a
sack of money, that is all your merit as to mine, it is in
my talents.
” Like his uncle he employed himself chiefly
on still life, and his pencil was so light, and his touch so
delicate, that the objects he painted seemed real. He died
in 1679.
, a nobleman, born at Venice in 1481, carried arms in his youth, and was taken prisoner. On his release he made a vow to dedicate his
, a nobleman, born at Venice in 1481, carried arms in his youth, and was taken prisoner. On his release he made a vow to dedicate his life to the care of orphans, and accordingly collected a considerable number of them in a house, where they were educated in virtue and industry. This laid the foundation of the regular clerks of St. Maieul, who are also called the fathers of Somasquo, from the place where he first established their community. They were afterwards successively confirmed by the popes Paul III. and Pius IV. Their chief occupation was to instruct young persons in the principles of the Christian religion, and particularly orphans. He appears to have been a man of a most humane disposition; and in 1528, when plague and famine raged in Italy, he sold even his furniture to assist the poor. He died in 1537, and was admitted into the number of saints by Benedict XIV. Andreas Stella, the general of the Somasques, wrote his life.
, professor of history in the university of Utrecht, was born Dec. 20, 1589, at Aix-laChapelle, whither his father John
, professor of history in the university of Utrecht, was born Dec. 20, 1589, at Aix-laChapelle, whither his father John Meles (Latinized by his son into Æmilius) had fled on account of his attachment to
the Protestant religion. He studied first at Aix-la-Chapelle, and afterwards at Juliers under Kunius, and at Dort
under Adrian Marcellus, and Gerard Vossius. At Leyden,
he attended the lectures of Baudius, and spent four years
in visiting the foreign universities. On his return, in
1615, he succeeded Vossius as rector of the college at
Dort. At Utrecht he was, some years after, appointed
professor of history; the subjects of the lectures which he
gave for above twenty-six years, were taken from Tacitus.
He was a firm supporter of the Cartesian philosophy, and
refused to have any hand in the proceedings of the university of Utrecht against Des Cartes. He died Nov. 10, 1660.
His only publication was a “Collection of Latin Orations
and Poems,
giographus, from his having written the lives of the saints, descended from the kings of Ulster; and was reputed one of the Colidei, or Culdees, worshippers of God,
, or Ængus, an Irish abbot, or bishop, and
historian, of the eighth century, called Hagiographus,
from his having written the lives of the saints, descended
from the kings of Ulster; and was reputed one of the Colidei, or Culdees, worshippers of God, on account of his
great piety. The accounts we have of him are rather confused; but it appears that he took extraordinary pains in
compiling ecclesiastical history and biography, under the
names of martyrology, fastology, &c. Sir James Ware
says, that his martyrology was extant in his time. Moreri
gives an account of it, or of a different book under the
title “De Sanctis Hiberniae,
” which shews the vast labour?
bestowed on it, or the fertility of his invention in bringing
together such a mass of biographical legends. It consists
of five books: The first comprehends three hundred and
forty-five bishops, two hundred and ninety-nine priests or
abbots, and seventy-eight deacons, all men of eminence
for their piety. The second book, entitled the Book of
homonomies, is a wonderful piece of labour, and comprehends all the saints who have borne the same name. The
third and fourth gives an account of their families, particularly the maternal pedigree of two hundred and ten Irish
saints. The fifth book contains litanies and invocations of
saints, &c. He is said also to have written the history of
the Old Testament in very elegant verse, and a psalter
called Na-rann, which is a collection, in prose and verse,
Latin and Irish, concerning the affairs of Ireland. He is
thought to have died either in the year 819, 824, or 830.
soul and the resurrection of the body. He appears to have been extremely credulous in miracles. This was printed, with a Latin translation, and the notes of Gaspard
, a Platonic philosopher in the fifth
century, embraced Christianity, and wrote a dialogue entitled “Theophrastus,
” from the principal speaker, in
which he treats of the immortality of the soul and the resurrection of the body. He appears to have been extremely credulous in miracles. This was printed, with a Latin
translation, and the notes of Gaspard Barthius, by Bower,
Leipsic, 1655, 4to. John George Justiniani published another edition at Genoa, 164-5, “cum variorum epistolis
Andreolo Justiniano scriptis.
” A translation, with other
pieces, was published by Wolfius, Basle, 1558, 2 vols.
8vo, and 1561, fol. It is also printed in Gesner’s “Libri
Græci Theologorum Græcorum,
” Zurich,
blished his work, with a Latin translation, along with his edition of Polybius, fol. Paris, 1609. It was republished by Scriverius, Leyden, 1633, 12mo, with Vegetius
, probably, according to Casaubon, a native of Stymphalus, an ancient city of the Peloponnesus, is one of the oldest authors on the art of war: he is supposed to have lived in the time of Aristotle, or about the year 361 B.'C.; and to have been emperor of Arcadia, and commander at the battle of Mantinea. Casaubon published his work, with a Latin translation, along with his edition of Polybius, fol. Paris, 1609. It was republished by Scriverius, Leyden, 1633, 12mo, with Vegetius and others on military affairs; and the Count de Beausobre published a French translation, with other pieces on the same subject, and a learned commentary, Paris, 1757, 2 vols. 4to.
, a German physician of considerable eminence, was born at Rostock, Dec. 13, 1724, and died at Dorpt, in Livonia,
, a German physician of considerable eminence, was born at Rostock, Dec. 13, 1724, and died at Dorpt, in Livonia, Aug.
1802. He is best known to the learned world by his
“Tentamen theoriæ Electricitatis et Magnetismi,
” Petersburgh, 4to; of which M. Haüy published an abridgement and analysis, Paris, 1787, 8vo. In 1762 he also published “Reflections on the distribution of Heat on the surface of the Earth,
” translated afterwards into French by
Raoult de Rouen, and wrote several papers in the memoirs
of the academy of Petersburgh. He was likewise among
the first who made correct experiments on the electricity of
the tourmalin, and published the result in a small volume,
8vo, Petersburgh, 1762. His reputation has been much
greater on the continent, than among the philosophers of
our country; probably owing to the very slight and almost
unintelligible account which Dr. Priestley has given of his
” in his history of Electricity. The hon. Mr.
Cavendish has done it more justice in the Philosophical
Transactions, vol. LXI, where his own excellent dissertation
is an extensive and accurate explanation of JEpinus’s theory.
But a more elaborate analysis has since appeared in Dr.
Gleig’s supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, to
which we refer our readers.
, a fellow-labourer with Luther in promoting the Reformation, was born 1499, in the Marche of Brandenburgh. His family name was
, a fellow-labourer with Luther in promoting the Reformation, was born 1499, in the Marche of Brandenburgh. His family name was Huch, or Hsech, which he changed to Æpinus, a custom very common with the learned men of his time. He was originally a Franciscan friar, and entered that society when in England; but on his return to Germany he studied under Luther, whose religious principles he adopted, and propagated with zeal, first at Stralsund, and afterwards at Hamburgh, where, as pastor of the church of St. Peter, and ecclesiastical inspector, he obtained great influence. In 1547, when Charles V. endeavoured to obtrude the Interim on the Protestants, after he had defeated their forces, and after the death of Luther, he opposed this species of formulary, or confession of faith, so called because it was only to take place in the interim, until a general council should decide all the points in question between the Protestants and Catholics. It indeed satisfied neither party, and the Lutheran preachers refused to subscribe to it. Those who did subscribe got the name of adiaphorists, or indifferent or lukewarm persons, against whom Æpinus contended, both in the pulpit and press. He died May 13, 1553, leaving several works, of which Melchior Adam has given the subjects, but no notice of the dates, or proper titles. In learning, zeal, and intrepid spirit, he was equal to most of his contemporaries who opposed the church of Rome.
hops who had given offence by their arrogance, these opinions of Ærius became highly popular, and he was enabled to form a considerable sect, named Brians. He also condemned
, an Arian presbyter, or monk, of the fourth century, had a contest with Eustathius for the bishoprick of Sebastia and Armenia; and being disappointed, endeavoured to lessen the power and dignity of the episcopal order, by maintaining that bishops were not distinguished from presbyters by any divine right, but that according to the institution of the New Testament, their offices and authority were absolutely the same.As about this time there were some bishops who had given offence by their arrogance, these opinions of Ærius became highly popular, and he was enabled to form a considerable sect, named Brians. He also condemned prayers for the dead, stated fasts, and the celebration of Easter; but whether these were constituent principles with his followers, does not appear. Both they and he, however, were opposed by the Arians; and by the church at large, excluded from churches and cities, and obliged to associate in private places and deserts, as long as they continued a party. It is perhaps unnecessary to add, that their opinion respecting the equality of bishops and presbyters has been since adopted by the modern presbyterians, and has been ably combated by writers in favour of the established church.
, or Aartgen, a painter of merit, was the son of a wool-comber, and born at Leyden in 1498. He worked
, or Aartgen, a painter of merit, was the son of a wool-comber, and born at Leyden in 1498. He worked at his father’s trade till he was eighteen, and then, having discovered a genius for designing, he was placed with Cornelius Engelhechtz, under whom he made a considerable progress in painting. He became so distinguished, that the celebrated Francis Floris went to Leyden, out of mere curiosity, to see him, and being. directed to a very mean apartment, when Aertgen was absent, he drew a St. Luke on the wall; which Aertgen had no sooner seen, than he exclaimed, that Floris only could have done it, and went immediately in search of him. Floris solicited him to go to Antwerp, promising him wealth and rank suitable to his merit; but Aertgen refused, declaring that he found more sweets in his poverty than others did in their riches. It was a custom with this painter never to work on Mondays, but to devote that day with his disciples to the bottle. He used to stroll about the streets in the night, playing on the German flute; and in one of those frolics he was drowned, in 1564.
, called by the Italians PietroLongo, from his tallness, was a celebrated painter, and born at Amsterdam in 1519. His father,
, called by the Italians PietroLongo, from his tallness, was a celebrated painter, and born at Amsterdam in 1519. His father, who was a stocking-maker, had intended to train him in his own way; but-the mother, finding in him an inclination towards painting, was resolved that her son should pursue his genius, even though she always were forced to spin for her livelihood: and to this her husband at length consented. His first master was Alart Claessen, an eminent painter in Amsterdam, under whom he so distinguished himself, that he soon engaged the attention of the great. When he was about eighteen, he went to Bossu in Hainault, to view the pieces of several masters; thence to Antwerp, where he married and entered into the company of painters. He excelled very particularly in representing a kitchen; and generally, upon all kinds of subjects. An altar-piece of his, viz. a crucifix, setting forth an executioner breaking with an iron bar the legs of the thieves, &c. was much admired. This noble piece was destroyed by the rabble in the time of the insurrection, 1566, although the lady of Sonneveldt, in Alckmaer, offered 200 crowns for its redemption, as the furious peasants were bringing it out of the church: but they tore it to pieces, and trod it under foot. This he afterwards complained of to the populace in terms of such severity, that more than once they were going to murder him. Pilkington, however, speaks of a fine altar-piece of his at Amsterdam, representing the death of the Virgin, as still existing; and of a Nativity and the Wise Men’s Offering at Delft, both excellent performances. He was well skilled in perspective and architecture, and enriched his grounds with elegant ornaments and animals. His figures were well disposed; their attitudes had abundance of variety, and their draperies were well chosen and well cast. He died in 1585, leaving three sons, who succeeded in his profession. He had a mean aspect, which he did not amend by any attention to the exterior; for he always appeared very meanly dressed.
, a Socratic philosopher, in the fourth century B. C. was an Athenian of mean birth, but discovered an early thirst after
, a Socratic philosopher, in the fourth century B. C. was an Athenian of mean birth, but discovered an early thirst after knowledge, and, though oppressed by poverty, devoted himself to the pursuit of wisdom, under the tuition of Socrates. When he first became his disciple, he told Socrates, that the only thing which it was in his power to present him, in acknowledgment of his kind instructions, was himself. Socrates replied, that he accepted and valued the present, but that he hoped to render it more valuable by culture. Æschines adhered to this master with unalterable fidelity and perseverance, and enjoyed his particular friendship. Having spent many years in Athens, without being able to rise above the poverty of his birth, he determined, after the example of Plato and others, to visit the court of Dionysius, the tyrant of Sicily, who at this time had the reputation of being a general patron of philosophers. On his arrival at Syracuse, though slighted on account of his poverty by Plato, he was introduced to the prince by Aristippus, and was liberally rewarded for his Socratic dialogues. He remained in Sicily till the expulsion of the tyrant, and then returned to Athens. Here, not daring to become a public rival of Plato or Aristippus, he taught philosophy in private, and received payment for his instructions. Afterwards, in order to provide himself with a more plentiful subsistence, he appeared as a public orator; and Demosthenes, probably because he was jealous of his abilities (for he excelled in eloquence), became his opponent. The time when he died is not known. He wrote seven Socratic dialogues, in the true spirit of his master, on temperance, moderation, humanity, integrity, and other virtues, under the titles, Miltiades, Callias, Rhinon, Aspasia, Alcis, Axiochus, and Telauges. Of these only three are extant, the best edition of which is by Le Clerc, Amsterdam, 1711, 8vo. There is another valuable edition, with the notes of Horneus, Leovard. 1788, 8vo.
, a celebrated Greek orator, contemporary with Demosthenes, to whom he was little inferior, was born at Athens 327 years B. C. He is said
, a celebrated Greek orator, contemporary
with Demosthenes, to whom he was little inferior, was born
at Athens 327 years B. C. He is said to have been of distinguished birth, although Demosthenes reports that he was
the son of a courtezan: but whatever his birth may have
been, his talents were very considerable. His declamations
against Philip king of Macedon, first brought him into notice. Demosthenes and he were rivals; but Demosthenes
having vanquished him in a solemn debate, he went to
Rhodes, and opened a school there, beginning his lectures
by reading the two orations which occasioned his removal
thither. When they excessively applauded that of Demosthenes, he was generous enough to say, “What would
you have thought if you had heard him thunder out the
words himself
” He afterwards removed to Samos, where
he died at the age of 75. There are only three of his orations extant, which however are so very beautiful, that Fabricius compares them to the three graces. One is against
Timarchus his accuser, whom he treated so severely, as to
make him weary of life; and some have said, that he did
actually lay violent hands upon himself. Another is an
” for himself against Demosthenes, who had accused him of perfidy in an “Embassy
” to Philip. The
third “against Ctesiphon,
” who had decreed the golden
crown to Demosthenes. This excellent, oration, together
with that of Demosthenes against it, was translated by Cicero into Latin, as St. Jerome and Sidonius inform us. The
three orations were published by Aldus 1513, and by Henry
Stephens among other orators, 1575, in Greek. They are, as
might have been necessarily expected, inserted in Reiske’s
valuable edition of the Grecian orators. There are also attributed to Æschines twelve epistles, which Taylor has added
to his edition of the orations of Demosthenes and Æschines.
They have also been published, with various readings, by I.
Samuel Sammet, Leipsic, 1772, 8vo. Wolfius has given them
in his edition of Demosthenes, with a Latin version and notes,
1604; and this edition is most esteemed. The abbe Auger
published a French translation of Æschines and Demosthenes, in 6 vols. 8vo, Paris, 1789 and 1804. Of his
contest with Demosthenes, Dr. Blair gives this opinion Demosthenes appears to great advantage, when contrasted with
JEschines, in the celebrated oration pro Corona. Æschines
was his rival in business, and his personal enemy; and one
of the most distinguished orators of that age. But when
we read the two orations, Æschines is feeble in comparison
of Demosthenes, and makes much less impression on the
mind. His reasonings concerning the law that was in question, are indeed very subtile; but his invective against Demosthenes is general, and ill supported; whereas Demosthenes is a torrent, that nothing can resist. He bears down
his antagonist with violence; he draws his character in the
strongest colours; and the particular merit of that oration
is, that all the descriptions in it are highly picturesque.
, one of the most eminent tragic poets of ancient times, was born at Athens. Authors differ in regard to the time of his
, one of the most eminent tragic poets of ancient times, was born at Athens. Authors differ in regard to the time of his birth, some placing it in the 65th, others in the 70th olympiad; but according to Stanley, who relies on the Arundelian marbles, he was born in the 63d olympiad, or about 400 years B. C. He was the son of Euphorion, and brother to Cynegirus and Aminias, who distinguished themselves in the battle of Marathon, and the sea-fight of Salamis; at which engagement Æschylus was likewise present. In this last action, according to Diodorus Siculus, Aminias, the younger of the three brothers, commanded a squadron of ships, and behaved with so much conduct and bravery, that he sunk the admiral of the Persian fleet, and signalized himself above all the Athenians. To this brother our poet was, upon a particular occasion, obliged for saving his life. Ælian relates, that Æschylus, being charged by the Athenians with certain blasphemous expressions in some of his pieces, was accused of impiety, and condemned to be stoned to death. They were just going to put the sentence in execution, when Aminias, with a happy presence of mind, throwing aside his cloak, shewed his arm without a hand, which he had lost at the battle of Salamis, in defence of his country. This sight made such an impression on the judges, that, touched with the remembrance of his valour, and the friendship he shewed for his brother, they pardoned Æschylus. Our poet however resented the indignity of this prosecution, and resolved to leave a place where his life had been in danger. He became more determined in this resolution, when he found his pieces less pleasing to the Athenians than those of Sophocie’s, though a much younger writer. Simonides had likewise won the prize from him, in an elegy upon the battle of Marathon. Suidas having said that uÆschylus retired into Sicily, because the seats broke down during the representation of one of x his tragedies, some have taken this literally, without considering that in this sense such an accident did great honour to ^schylus; but, according to Joseph Scaliger, it was a phrase amongst the comedians; and he was said to break down the seats, whose piece could not stand, but fell to the ground. Some affirm, that Æschylus never sat down to compose but when he had drunk liberally. This perhaps was in allusion to his excessive imagination, which was apparent in an abrupt, impetuous, and energetic style. They who co.uld not relish the sublimer beauties of language, might perhaps have ascribed his rapid and desultory manner, rather to the fumes of wine than to the result of reason. He wrote a great number of tragedies, of which there are but seven remaining; viz. Prometheus, the Seven Champions before Thebes, the Persae, the Agamemnon, the Choephorae, the Eumenides, and the Suppliant Virgins; and in these it is evident, that if he was not the father, he was the great improver of the Grecian stage. In the time of Thespis there was no public theatre to act upon; the strollers drove about from place to place in a cart. Æschylus furnished his actors with masks, and dressed them suitably to their characters. He likewise introduced the buskin, to make them appear more like heroes; and the ancients give Æschyius the praise of having been the first who removed murders and shocking sights from the eyes of the spectators. He is said likewise to have lessened the number of the chorus; but perhaps this reformation was owing to an accident; in his Eumenides, the chorus, which consisted of fifty persons, appearing on the stage with frightful habits, had such an effect on the spectators, that the women with child miscarried, and the children fell into fits; which occasioned a law to be made to reduce the chorus to fifteen. Mr. Le Fevre has observed, that Æschylus never represented women in love, in his tragedies, which, he says, was not suited to his genius; but in representing a woman transported with fury, he was incomparable. Longinus says, that Æschylus has a noble boldness of expression; and that his imagination is lofty and heroic. It must be owned, however, that he affected pompous words, and that his sense is too often obscured by figures. But, notwithstanding these imperfections, this poet was held in great veneration by the Athenians, who made a public decree that his tragedies should be played after his death. When Æschylus retired to the court of Hiero king of Sicily, this prince was then building the city of Ætna, and our poet celebrated the new city by a tragedy of the same name. After having lived some years at Gela, we are told that he died of a fracture of his skull, caused by an eagle letting fall a tortoise on his head; and that this death is said to have been predicted by an oracle, which had foretold that he should die by somewhat from the heavens. He died, however, by whatever means, according to Mr. Stanley, in the 69th year of his age. He had the honour of a pompous funeral from the Sicilians, who buried him near the river Gela; and the tragedians of the country performedplays and theatrical exercises at his tomb; upon which was inscribed an epitaph, celebrating him only for his valour at the battle of Marathon.
text of the late professor Person, is said to be incorrect. The learned professor’s genuine edition was published in 1806, 2 vols. 8vo, and contains many admirable
The editions of Æschylus are very numerous. The best are those of Robertellus, Venet. 1552, 8vo; Victorius, Paris, 1557, 4to; Canterus, Antwerp, 1530, 12mo; Stanley, London, 1663 1664, fol. from the text of Canter, a magnificent book, containing the scholia, fragments, the notes and prefaces of preceding editors, and the annotations of the very learned editor himself. Another magnificent edition of Glasgow, 1795, fol. from the text of the late professor Person, is said to be incorrect. The learned professor’s genuine edition was published in 1806, 2 vols. 8vo, and contains many admirable improvements of the text. It is much to be regretted, that the notes have not appeared. The English reader has been introduced to the beauties of Æschylus by the elegant poetical translation of Mr. Potter, published in 1777.
fficiently consistent to form a narrative. The particulars usually given, however, are as follow. He was born at Amorium, a small town in Phrygia, in the beginning of
, the fabulist. Of this man, the reputed author
of many fables, it is very doubtful whether we are in possession of any authentic biography. The life by Planudes,
a monk of the fourteenth century, is universally considered
as a series of fictions; and the notices of him in writers of
better authority, are not sufficiently consistent to form a
narrative. The particulars usually given, however, are as
follow. He was born at Amorium, a small town in Phrygia, in the beginning of the sixth century before the
Christian aera, and was a slave to two philosophers, Xanthus and Idmon, the latter of whom gave him his liberty,
on account of his good behaviour and pleasantry. The
philosophers of Greece gained a name by their lofty sentences, clothed in lofty words; Æop assumed a more simple and familiar style, and became not less celeb rated.
He taught virtue and ridiculed vice, by giving a language
to animals and inanimate things; and composed those fables, which under the mask of allegory, and with all the
interest of fable, convey the most useful lessons in morality. The fame of his wisdom spreading over Greece
and the adjoining countries, Croesus, the king of Lydia,
sent for him, and was his generous benefactor. There he
found Solon, whom he soon equalled in favour, however
different his mode of conducting himself. Solon preserved
his austerity in the midst of a corrupt court, was a philosopher among courtiers, and often offended Croesus by obtruding his advice, who at last dismissed him. “Solon,
said Æsop, “let us not address kings, or let us say what is
” “By no means,
” replied the philosopher,
“let us either say nothing, or tell them what is profitable.
Æsop made frequent excursions from the court of Lydia
into Greece. When Pisistratus assumed the chief power
at Athens, Æsop, who witnessed the dissatisfaction of the
people, repeated to them his fable of the frogs petitioning
Jupiter for a king. He afterwards travelled through Persia
and Egypt, everywhere inculcating morality by his fables.
The kings of Babylon and Memphis received him with distinguished honour; and on his return to Lydia, Croesus
sent him with a sum of money to Delphi, where he was to
offer a magnificent sacrifice to the god of the place, and
distribute a certain sum of money to each of the inhabitants. But being offended by the people, he offered his
sacrifice, and sent the rest of the money to Sardis, representing the Delphians as unworthy of his master’s bounty.
In revenge, they threw him from the top of a rock. All
Greece was interested in his fate, and at Athens a statue
was erected to his memory. Lurcher, in his notes on
Herodotus, fixes his death in the 560th year before the
Christian aera, under the reign of Pisistratus. Planudes,
who, as already observed, wrote his life, represents him
as exceedingly deformed in person, and defective in his
speech, for which there seems no authority. It is to this
monk, however, that we owe the first collection of Æsop’s
Fables, such as we now have them, mixed with many by
other writers, some older, and some more modern than the
time of Æsop. He wrote in prose; and Socrates, when
in prison, is said to have amused himself by turning some
of them into verse. Plato, who banished Homer and the
other poets from his republic, as the corruptors of mankind, retained Æsop as being their preceptor. Some are
of opinion, that Lockman, so famous among the orientals,
and Pilpay among the Indians, were one and the same
with Æsop. Whatever may be in this, or in the many
other conjectures and reports, to be found in the authorities cited below, the fables of Æsop may surely be considered as the best models of a species of instructive composition, that has been since attempted by certain men of
learning and fancy in all nations, and particularly our own;
nor will it be easy to invent a mode of arresting and engaging the attention of the young to moral truths, more
pleasant or more successful. The best editions of Æsop
are those of Plantin, Antwerp, 1565, 16mo; of Aldus,
with other fabulists, Venice, 1505, fol. and Franckfort,
1610; that called Barlow’s, or “Æsopi Fabularum, cum
” London, 1666, fol. in Latin, French, and English;
the French and Latin by Rob. Codrington, with plates by
Barlow, now very rare, as a great part of the edition was
burnt in the fire of London; Hudson’s, published under
the name of Marianus (a member of St. Mary Hall), Oxford, 1718, 8vo. They have been translated into all modern languages; and CroxalPs and Dodsley’s editions deserve praise, on account of the life of Æsop prefixed to each.
wrote a romantic history of Alexander the Great but it is not known at what time he lived. His work was translated into Latin by one Julius Valerius, who is not better
, a Greek historian, wrote a romantic history of
Alexander the Great but it is not known at what time he
lived. His work was translated into Latin by one Julius
Valerius, who is not better known than Æsop. Freinshemius has the following passage concerning this work: “Julius Valerius wrote a fabulous Latin history of Alexander,
which by some is ascribed to Æsop, by others to Callisthenes. Hence Antoninus, Vincentius, Uspargensis, and
others, have taken their romantic tales.
” Barthius, in his
Adversaria, says: “There are many such things in the
learned monk, who some years ago published a life of
Alexander the Great, full of the most extravagant fictions;
yet this romance had formerly so much credit, that it is
quoted as an authority even by the best writers. Whether
this extraordinary history was ever published I know not;
I have it in manuscript, but I hardly think it worthy of a
place in my library.
” It is the same author that Franciscus Juretus mentions under the name of Æsop. The work
was published in German at Strasburgh, 1486.
r, and at one entertainment is said to have had a dish which cost above 800l.; this dish we are told was filled with singing and speaking birds, some of which cost near
, a celebrated actor, who flourished about the 670th year of Rome. He and Roscius were contemporaries, and the best performers who ever appeared upon the Roman stage; the former excelling in tragedy, the latter in comedy. Cicero put himself under their direction to perfect his action. Æsop lived in a most expensive manner, and at one entertainment is said to have had a dish which cost above 800l.; this dish we are told was filled with singing and speaking birds, some of which cost near 50l. Pliny (according to Mr. Bayle) seems to refine too much, when he supposes that JEsop found no other delight in eating those birds but as they were imitators of mankind; and says that Æsop himself being an actor was but a copier of man; and therefore he should not have been lavish in destroying those birds, which, like himself, copied mankind. The delight which Æsop took in this sort of birds proceeded, as Mr. Bayle observes, from the expence. He did not make a dish of them because they could speak, but because of their extraordinary price. JEsop’s son was no less luxurious than his father, for he dissolved pearls for his guests to swallow. Some speak of this as a common practice of his, but others mention his falling into this excess only on a particular day, when he was treating his friends. Horace speaks only of one pearl of great value, which he dissolved in vinegar, and drank.
Æsop, notwithstanding his expences, is said to have died worth above 160,000l. When he was upon the stage, he entered into his part to such a degree, as
Æsop, notwithstanding his expences, is said to have died worth above 160,000l. When he was upon the stage, he entered into his part to such a degree, as sometimes to be seized with a perfect ecstacy. Plutarch mentions it as reported of him, that whilst he was representing Atreus deliberating how he should revenge himself on Thyestes, he was so transported beyond himself in the heat of action, that with his truncheon he smote one of the servants crossing the stage, and laid him dead on the place.
, was an architect of the 6th century, under the reign of Anastasius
, was an architect of the 6th century, under the reign of Anastasius I. emperor of the east, who stowed many honours upon him, and admitted him into his council. He is said to have built the great wall, ordered by Anastasius, to preserve Constantinople from the inroads of the Huns, Goths, and Bulgarians. It was eighteen leagues in length, and twenty feet in breadth. He built also several edifices in Constantinople, particularly the Cbalcis in the grand palace.
Cicero and Lucian, painted a picture, which he exhibited at the Olympic games, the subject of which was the nuptials of Alexander the Great and Roxana. It was so much
, a Greek painter, highly praised by Cicero and Lucian, painted a picture, which he exhibited at the Olympic games, the subject of which was the nuptials of Alexander the Great and Roxana. It was so much applauded, that Proxenidas, who was one of the judges appointed to decide on the merits of the artists, enchanted with the talents of Ætion, bestowed on him his daughter in marriage. Lucian says that he saw this picture in Italy, and gives a very accurate description of it, from which Raphael sketched one of his richest compositions.
and by some surnamed The Atheist, as being tme of the first opposers of the doctrine of the Trinity, was born at Antioch, the son of a person reduced in his circumstances,
, a heretic of the fourth century, and by some surnamed The Atheist, as being tme of the first opposers of the doctrine of the Trinity, was born at Antioch, the son of a person reduced in his circumstances, and was consequently obliged to work at the trade of goldsmith for a livelihood. He afterwards studied, and with considerable success, at Alexandria, whence he returned to Antiech, and was ordained deacon by Leontius, then bishop of that city. What his principles were is not very clear. Theodoret says, he improved upon the bJasphemies of Arius; and for that reason was banished by the emperor Constantius into a remote part of Phrygia. The emperor Julian recalled him, and enriched him with an estate Others insinuate that he was a defender of faith in opposition to works, and leaned to the Antinomian extreme. The displeasure of the orthodox, however, was such that he had the surname of Atheist. Athanasius gives him the same appellation, and Cave says, justly. Epiphanius has preserved a small book, containing forty-seven erroneous propositions of Ætius, which he answered. His followers were called, from his name, ætians. Their distinguishing principle was, that the Son and the Holy Ghost are in all things unlike the Father.
born at Nismes, fifteen or sixteen years B. C. and flourished under Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. He was elected to the prsetorship; but, not being afterwards promoted
, a famous orator, born at Nismes, fifteen or sixteen years B. C. and flourished under Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. He was elected to the prsetorship; but, not being afterwards promoted according to his ambitious expectations, and desirous at any rate to advance himself, he turned informer against Claudia Pulchra, cousin of Agrippina, and pleaded himself in that affair. Having gained this cause, he was ranked amongst the first orators, and got into favour with Tiberius, who hated Agrippina: but this princess not thinking Domitius the author of this process, did not entertain the least resentment against him. The encomiums passed by the emperor on the eloquence of Domitius, made him now eagerly pursue the profession of an orator; so that he was seldom without some accusation or defence, by which he acquired a greater reputation for his eloquence than his probity. In the 779th year of Rome, he carried on an accusation against Claudia Pulchra; and the year following, Quintilius Varus her son was impeached by him and Publius Dolabella. It was not surprising that Afer, who had been poor for many years, and squandered the money got by former impeachments, should return to this practice; but it was matter of great surprise that one who was a relation of Varus, and of such an illustrious family as that of Publius Dolabella, should associate with this informer. Afer had a high reputation as an orator for a considerable time, but this he lost by continuing to plead when age had impaired the faculties of his mind.
witty sayings, some of which he quotes. He also mentions two books of his, “On Witnesses.” Domitius was once in great danger from an inscription he put upon a statue
Quintilian, in his youth, cultivated the friendship of
Domitius very assiduously. He tells us that his pleadings
abounded with pleasant stories, and that there were public
collections of his witty sayings, some of which he quotes.
He also mentions two books of his, “On Witnesses.
” Domitius was once in great danger from an inscription he
put upon a statue erected by him in honour of Caligula,
wherein he declared, that this prince was a second time
consul at the age of 27. This he intended as an encomium; but Caligula, taking it as a sarcasm upon his youth,
and his infringement of the laws, raised a process against
him, and pleaded himself in person. Domitius, instead
of making a defence, repeated part of the emperor’s
speech, with the highest marks of admiration; after which
he fell upon his knees, and begging pardon, declared, that
he dreaded more the eloquence of Caligula than his
imperial power. This piece of flattery succeeded so well,
that the emperor not only pardoned, but also raised him to
the consulship. Afer died in the reign of Nero, A. D. 59.
, an eminent lawyer, the grandson of Matthew Afflitto, counsellor-royal in 1409 under Ladislaus, was born at Naples about 1430. Being attached to the study of law
, an eminent lawyer, the grandson of Matthew Afflitto, counsellor-royal in 1409 under Ladislaus, was born at Naples about 1430. Being attached to the study of law from his youth, he made great progress, and acquired so much reputation, that he was promoted to the council of state by king Ferdinand I. and shared the confidence of that prince and of his son, afterwards Alphonsus II. He was afterwards appointed president of the royal chamber, and was employed in public transactions of the greatest importance under five successive kings of Naples. To the knowledge displayed in his works, he joined the strictest probity and most amiable manners. Camerario, lieutenant of the royal chamber, and an eminent feudal lawyer, gives him the character of the most learned and excellent man of his own or the preceding age; nor are Ferron and Fontanella more sparing of their praises. Pancirollus only considers him as rather laborious than acute in his writings. Notwithstanding the distractions of the times in which he lived, and his numerous labours, he reached the age of eighty, and died in 1510. He was interred in the conventual church of Monte-Vergine in Naples, under a monument representing St. Eustachius, from whom his family derived their origin. He was twice married, and from his second wife, Diana Carmignana, are descended the Afflittos, barons of Rocca-Gloriosa.
, a native of Bussetto, a small town in the duchy of Piacenza, was appointed in 1768 by the Infant don Ferdinand to be professor
, a native of Bussetto, a small town in the
duchy of Piacenza, was appointed in 1768 by the Infant
don Ferdinand to be professor of philosophy at Guastalla,
where he wrote his “Historia di Guastalla,
” 4 vols. 4to. It
commences with the reign of Charlemagne; comprizes the
three dynasties who governed that state: viz. the Torelli’s,
the Gonzago’s, and the Bourbons, dukes of Parma; and
finishes in 1776. On account of this work, he was appointed superintendant of the valuable library of Parma.
He is a diffuse writer, as he allows in his preface, but his
researches are valuable and correct. Writing under a
prince so particular as the last Infant, he was obliged to
suppress some things of a delicate kind. He wrote also
“Historia di Parma,
” printed there 2 vols. 4to, and
other works respecting the antiquities and the lives of the
sovereigns of these states. He left a manuscript history of
Peter Louis Farnese, which the Infant would not suffer to
be published. He died at the age of sixty, about the beginning of the present century.
, a Latin poet, who wrote several comedies in imitation of Menander. He was a man of wit and sense. Quintilian blames him for the licentious
, a Latin poet, who wrote several comedies
in imitation of Menander. He was a man of wit and sense.
Quintilian blames him for the licentious amours in his
plays. He lived about 100 years before the vulgar sera,
according to Vqssius. Only some fragments of this poet
are come down to our times, which are inserted in the
“Corpus Poetarum
” of Maittaire, London,
, a Christian historian, was born at Nicopolis in Palestine, in the third century. He composed
, a Christian historian, was born
at Nicopolis in Palestine, in the third century. He composed a chronology, to convince the heathens of the antiquity of the true religion, and the novelty of the fables
of Paganism. This work was divided into five books, and
is a sort of universal history, from the creation of Adam,
to the reign of the emperor Macrinus. No more, however, is extant than what we find of it in the Chronicon of
Eusebius. He wrote a letter to Origen concerning the
history of Susannah, which he deemed to be spurious, and
another to Aristides, to reconcile the genealogical tables
of St. Matthew and St. Luke. It was in consequence of
his entreaties, that the emperor Heliogabalus rebuilt the
city of Nicopolis, which he founded on the spot where the
village of Emmaus stood. A mathematical work, entitled
” has been attributed to him. The fragments
which remain of this author were printed among the “Mathematici Veteres,
” at Paris, in Mernoires
Militaires des Grecs et des Remains,
” Paris,
, a Spanish missionary of the 17th century, who lived under the reigns of Philip III. and Philip IV. was a barefooted Augustin, and celebrated for his apostolic zeal.
, a Spanish missionary
of the 17th century, who lived under the reigns of Philip III.
and Philip IV. was a barefooted Augustin, and celebrated
for his apostolic zeal. These religious had a principal
hand in the rapid, but for the most part short-lived, progress of the Catholic faith in Japan; and converted the populous nation of the Tagalians, or Tagaleze, Malayans by
descent, who inhabited Lucon, one of the Philippine islands,
and who remain Christians to this day. In 1640, Aganduru was appointed by his brethren, and with the authority of Philip IV. to go to Rome and offer to the pope,
Urban VIII. the homage and obedience of these new converts. He wrote a “History of Conversions in Japan and
the Philippine islands, with a detail of his religious embassy:
” and a “General History of the Moluccas and the
” 2 vols. from the discovery of them, to the
middle of the seventeenth century.
called “Charta Regia,” and contains excellent advice on the duties of a Christian prince. This work was long esteemed, and procured the author a place among the best
, deacon of the church of Constantinople,
in the sixth century, or about 527, presented the emperor
Justinian, on his accession to the throne, with a work in
seventy-two chapters, which has been called “Charta Regia,
” and contains excellent advice on the duties of a
Christian prince. This work was long esteemed, and procured the author a place among the best writers of his age.
It was first printed, Gr. et Lat. at Venice, 1509, 8vo;
and is often printed in the same volume with various editions of Æsop’s fables. The most correct edition is that of
Banduri, in a collection entitled “Imperium Orientale,
arned and industrious English antiquary, and one of the members of the first society of antiquaries, was the son of Clement Agard, of Foston (not Toston, as in the Biog.
, a learned and industrious English
antiquary, and one of the members of the first society of
antiquaries, was the son of Clement Agard, of Foston (not Toston, as in the Biog. Brit.) in Derbyshire, by Eleanor,
the daughter of Thomas Middleborough, of Egbaston in
Warwickshire. He was born 1540, and originally studied
law; but it does not appear that he was at either university. He afterwards became a clerk in the Exchequer office; and in 1570 was made deputy chamberlain of the
Exchequer, which he held forty-five years. During this
time, he had leisure and industry to accumulate large
collections of matters pertaining to the antiquities of his country; and his rseal in these researches procured him the acquaintance of that eminent benefactor to English literature
and antiquities, sir Robert Cotton, with whom he enjoyed
the strictest friendship as long as he lived. Wood, in his
Athenae, has made a strange mistake here in ascribing
Agard’s proficiency in antiquary knowledge to Sir Robert,
who was but just born the year Agard came into office.
There can be no doubt, however, that they improved and
assisted each other in their pursuits. Agard also could
number the most eminent and learned men of the age
among his friends and coadjutors. It was in his days,
about 1572, that the society of antiquaries was formed by
archbishop Parker; and among the names of its original
members, we find Agard, Andrews, Bouchier, Camden,
Carew, Cotton, Dodderidge, Ley, Spelman, Stow, Dethicke, Lambart, and others. In this society, Agard read
these essays, which have since been published by Hearne,
in his “Collection of Curious Discourses,
ue, usually called the Gladiator; formerly in the villa Borghese, and now in the museum at Paris. It was found, with the Apollo Belvidere, at Nettuno, formerly Antium,
, a sculptor of Ephesus, the scholar or son of
Dositheos. Mr. Fuseli observes, that the name of Agasias
does not occur in ancient record; and whether he be the
Egesias of Quintilian and Pliny, or these the same, cannot
be ascertained; though the style qf sculpture, and the
form of the letters in the inscription, are not much at variance with the character which the former gives to the age
of Calon and Egesias. There are, therefore, no particulars of his life; but he is well known in the history of the
arts, for his admired statue, usually called the Gladiator;
formerly in the villa Borghese, and now in the museum at
Paris. It was found, with the Apollo Belvidere, at
Nettuno, formerly Antium, the birth-place of Nero; where
he had collected a great number of the best works brought
from Greece by his freed-man Acratus. The form of the
letters on the inscription mark the high antiquity of this
statue, which is less ideal than the Apollo, but not less admirable. Winkelman calls it an assemblage of the beauties of nature in a perfect age, without any addition from
imagination. Fuseli terms it “A figure, whose tremendous energy embodies every element of motion, whilst its
pathetic dignity of character enforces sympathy.
” It is in
perfect preservation, with exception of the right arm, which
was restored by Algardi. It is now, however, agreed that
it is not the statue of a Gladiator, but apparently one of a
groupe. The attention and action of the figure is upwards
to some higher object, as a person on horseback; and it is
thought to be of a date prior to the introduction of the
gladiatorial sports into Greece.
, an Armenian'historian, was secretary to Tiridates, the first Christian king of that country,
, an Armenian'historian, was secretary to Tiridates, the first Christian king of that country, and
lived in the beginning of the fourth century, probably about
the year 320. Moyses Chorenensis, Barpezius, and other
Armenian writers speak highly in his praise, particularly in
respect to the purity of his style. He wrote a “History of
the introduction of Christianity into Armenia,
” with a life
of king Tiridates. It has been translated into Greek; but
the original was published at Constantinople, 1709, 4to.
The imperial library at Paris has a copy of this book, and
a manuscript much more complete.
, a voluminous geographer and historian, was a native of Gnidus; and in his youth reader to the historian
, a voluminous geographer and
historian, was a native of Gnidus; and in his youth reader
to the historian Heraclides, and afterwards tutor to Ptolomy
Alexander, who reigned in Egypt about the year 104 B. C.
according to Dodwell. Agatharchides was attached to the
doctrine of the Peripatetics. Among the numerous works
he wrote on history and geography, the ancients mention
the following: 1. “On the Red Sea,
” in five books, which
is a kind of periplus of the gulph of Arabia; with many
curious particulars of the Sabeans, and other nations of
Arabia Felix. The fragments of this work preserved by
Diodorus and Photius, were printed by Henry Stephens,
1557, 8vo; and collected more fully by Hudson in his
“Geographi minores,
” vol. I. M. Gosselin also has
dommerited on them in his “Recherches sur la Geographic.
2. “On Asia,
” a work of the historical kind, in ten books;
quoted by Diodorus, Phlegon, Lucian, Athenaeus, Phothis, and Pliny. 3. “Of Europe;
” a large work, of which
Athenasus quotes the 28th, 34th, and 38th books. As the
name of Agatharchides occurs in many authors of reputation, it is to be regretted that so many of his works have
perished. It is uncertain whether he was the same with
Agatharchides of Samos, who wrote on the Phrygian history, and on that of Persia, quoted by Diodorus, Josephus,
and Photius.
, an ancient painter, the son of Eudemus, was borti at Samos, and practised his art at Athens. He painted
, an ancient painter, the son of Eudemus, was borti at Samos, and practised his art at Athens. He painted with great facility, and was distinguished for his skill in animals, ornaments, and decorations. Alcibiades employed him to decorate his magnificent house; and, according to Demosthenes (in his oration against Midias), while thus employed, he contrived to seduce the mistress of Alcibiades, who having discovered the intrigue, punished him no otherwise than by close imprisonment until he completed his work; and then dismissed him with many rich presents. Plutarch in his lives of Alcibiades and Pelopidas, speaks only of the imprisonment, which he imputes solely to Alcibiades’ impatience to have his house finished. From his connexion with Zeuxis and Alcibiades, it is probable that he lived about the ninety-fifth olympiad, or 400 years B. C.; but this does not accord with Vitruvius’s account, who informs us that Agatharcus was the first who painted scenes for the theatre; and wrote a treatise on the subject, under the direction of Æschylus, who died 480 B. C. This anachronism has given rise to the conjecture that there may have been two painters of the name.
, a Greek geographer. It is not certain at what time he lived; but he was posterior to Ptolomy, and placed by Saxius and others in the
, a Greek geographer. It is not certain
at what time he lived; but he was posterior to Ptolomy, and
placed by Saxius and others in the third century. The
only work of his now known is an abridgement of geography, entitled “Hypotyposes Geographies?;
” the first edition of which is that of Tennulius, Gr. Lat. Amsterdam,
1671, 8vo. It is also inserted among the ancient geographers in Gronovius’s edition, Leyden, 4to, 1697 and 1700;
and lastly, in Hudson’s “Geographi minores,
” vol. II.
This little work, which contains several particulars which
have escaped Strabo and other celebrated geographers, is
nevertheless in a very imperfect state. It is a series of lessons dictated to one Philo; but what is taught in the first
book is repeated in the second, with so many contradictions
and obscurities, that one can scarcely suppose this second
part to be the production of the same author. Even the
first part seems composed of two fragments not very accurately placed together.
, a Greek historian, who lived in the 6th century, under the emperor Justinian, was born at Myrina in Asia Minor. Some have concluded from Suidas,
, a Greek historian, who lived in the 6th
century, under the emperor Justinian, was born at Myrina
in Asia Minor. Some have concluded from Suidas, that
he was an advocate at Smyrna; but Fabricius thinks that
he was in general an advocate, or scholasticus, as he is
called, from having studied the law in the schools appointed
for that purpose. In his youth he was strongly inclined to
poetry, and published some small pieces of the gay and
amatory kind, under the title of “Daphniaca:
” he tells
us likewise, that he was author of a “Collection of epigrams
” written by divers hands, a great part of which are
presumed to be extant in the Greek Anthologia, where,
however, he calls himself Agathius. These are also in
Brunck’s Analecta. There have been doubts about his religion: Vossius and others have supposed him a pagan;
and they have concluded this chiefly from a passage in the
third book of his history; where, giving a reason why the
fortress of Onogoris in Colchis was called, in his time, St.
Stephen’s fort, he says, that this first Christian martyr was
stoned there, but uses the word φασὶ, they say; as if he
did not himself believe what he might think it necessary to
relate. But this is by no means conclusive; and Fabricius
supposes him, upon much better grounds, to have been a
Christian, because he more than once gives very explicitly
the preference to the doctrines of Christians: and in the
first book he speaks plainly of the Christians as embracing
the most reasonable system of opinions.
“History of Justinian’s reign” in five books, at the desire of Eutychianus, secretary of state, who was his intimate friend, and probably furnished hinty with many
He wrote an “History of Justinian’s reign
” in five
books, at the desire of Eutychianus, secretary of state,
who was his intimate friend, and probably furnished hinty
with many important materials for the purpose. It begins
at the 26th year of Justinian’s reign, where Procopius
ends; and, as Evagrius says, was carried down to the
flight of Cosroes the younger to the Romans, and his
restoration by Mauritius: but the same Evagrius adds, that
the work was not then published. It was printed in Greek,
with Bonaventure Vulcanius’s Latin version and notes, at
Leyden, 1594, in 4to; and at Paris in the king’s printinghouse, 1660, in folio, to accompany the other Byzantine
historians. His manner is prolix, and his style too much
interspersed with poetical flights; but his facts are said to
be accurate.
one, “The Flower,” with great praise. His first tragedy received the prize at the Olympic games. He was a man of expensive manners, and kept a magnificent table; at
, or Agathon, a Greek poet, of Athens,
and not of Samos as Gyraldi asserts, wrote several tragedies and comedies, of which only some fragments remain.
Aristotle speaks of one, “The Flower,
” with great praise.
His first tragedy received the prize at the Olympic games.
He was a man of expensive manners, and kept a magnificent table; at which the wits of his days used to assemble.
Grotius has collected the fragments left of his dramas from
Aristotle and Athenseus, in his collection of the fragments
of Greek tragedies and comedies. He was the first who
hazarded invented subjects. His comedies were written
with elegance, but his tragedies abounded in antitheses
and symmetrical ornaments. He lived about 735 B. C;
but Barthelemi places him much earlier.
, a native of Sorrento, in the kingdom of Naples, was celebrated in the sixteenth century for his general learning,
, a native of Sorrento, in the kingdom of Naples, was celebrated in the
sixteenth century for his general learning, and acquaintance with the learned languages, and for his writings on
the Holy Scriptures. He was one of the inspectors of the
Vatican press, where he bestowed great care in examining
new editions by the best manuscripts. When he was promoted to the bishoprick of Acerno or Acerre, in the kingdom of Naples, in 1595, the learned Peter Morin complained of this transaction, in a letter addressed to cardinal
Cajetan, as depriving the Vatican press of an editor of the
first ability and accuracy; and begged that the cardinal
would induce him, before he took possession of his bishopric, to instruct his successors in the library and press of
the Vatican, and superintend such works as he had begun.
What effect this had, we are not told; but he was employed
by pope Gregory XIII. on the Greek edition of the Bible,
Rome, 1587, fol. His original works consist of Commentaries: 1. On the “Psalms and Canticles,
” fol. Rome,
On the Lamentations,
” compiled from, the Greek fathers, Rome,
On the Proverbs of Solomon,
” and, 4.
“On the prophet Habakkuk,
” Antwerp,
reign of Canute the Great, succeeded to that see in the year 1020. This prelate, surnamed the Good, was son of earl Agilmer, and, at the time of his election, dean
, or Egelnoth, or Æthelnoth, in Latin Achelnotus, archbishop
of Canterbury in the reign of
Canute the Great, succeeded to that see in the year 1020.
This prelate, surnamed the Good, was son of earl Agilmer,
and, at the time of his election, dean of Canterbury.
After his promotion he went to Rome, and received his
pall from pope Benedict VIII. In his way thither, as he
passed through Pavia, he purchased, for an hundred talents
of silver and one of gold, St. Augustine’s arm, which was
kept there as a relic; and sent it over to England, as a
present to Leofric, earl of Coventry. Upon his return, he
is said to have raised the see of Coventry to its former
lustre. He was much in favour with king Canute, and
employed his interest with that monarch to good purposes.
It was by his advice the king sent over large sums of money
for the support of the foreign churches: and Malmsbury
observes, that this prince was prompted to acts of piety,
and restrained from excesses, by the regard he had for the
archbishop. King Canute being dead, Agelnoth refused
to crown his son Harold, alleging that the late king had
enjoined him to set the crown upon none but the issue of
queen Emma; that he had given the king a promise upon
this head, and that he was resolved to be true to his engagement. Having declared himself with this freedom, he
iaid the crown upon the altar, with an imprecation against
those bishops who should venture to perform the ceremony.
Harold, who was greatly chagrined at this disappointment,
endeavoured, both by menaces and large offers, to prevail
upon the archbishop, but in vain: and whether he was
afterwards crowned by any other person is uncertain.
Agelnoth, after he had held the see of Canterbury seventeen years, died Oct. 29, 1038. Three works have been
attributed to him “A panegyric on the blessed Virgin
” “A letter to Earl Leofric, concerning St, Augustine;
” and “Letters to several persons.
, professor of medicine and botany at Strasbourg, in the seventeenth century, was the contemporary and friend of the two learned brothers, John
, professor of medicine
and botany at Strasbourg, in the seventeenth century, was
the contemporary and friend of the two learned brothers,
John and Caspar Bauhin, to whom he communicated several new plants which he had discovered. In honour of
him, a species of the genus Psederota, which he first. made
known, was named Ageria. He was likewise eminent for
his knowledge of natural philosophy and natural history
in all its branches. He published “Disputatio de Zoophytis;
” Strasburgh, De Anima Vegetativa,
” ibid. De Homine sano et de Dysenteria,
ever since to exhibit the perfection of the Greek artists in the imitation of nature and passion. It was discovered in the sixteenth century, in the baths of Titus,
, a sculptor of Rhodes, who flourished probably in the fifth century B. C. is renowned for having executed, in concert with his son Athenodorus and Polydoros, that stupendous monument of Grecian art, the Laocoon.' It is supposed that this is the same groupe which decorated the baths of Titus in the time of Pliny, to whom we owe our knowledge of the names of the artists. It has been astonishingly preserved ever since to exhibit the perfection of the Greek artists in the imitation of nature and passion. It was discovered in the sixteenth century, in the baths of Titus, and in the very spot where, according to Pliny, it had attracted admiration in his time. The only circumstance which suggests a doubt on this subject is, that Pliny represents the groupe to have been formed of one solid block, whereas the present is evidently composed of several; but it is probable that time has rendered the fissures between the pieces more visible than when Pliny saw it. Julius II. bestowed a very liberal reward on Felix de Fredis who discovered the Laocoon, and it remained in Rome until the arrival of the French army, when that and other celebrated monuments of art were removed to the museum at Paris. Borghini and Winkelraan place the Laocoon and its sculptors in the most brilliant sera of the art in Greece; but of this some doubts have been entertained. Lessing, in his ingenious dissertation on poetry and painting, of which the Laocoon is both the title and the subject, endeavours to prove that the statue was made after the sublime passage in Virgil, in which Laocoon’s story is given; and from a consideration of the exquisite finishing of this groupe, compared with the works of the Grecian artists, he is of opinion that it was executed under the Caesars. Be this as it may, the Laocoon has immortalised the names of Agesander, Athenodorus, and Polydorus.
ars from several circumstances to have been made early in Elizabeth’s reign, about 1560, on wood. It was republished in 1618, with alterations, in six sheets, cut in
, a surveyor and engraver in the sixteenth century, whose original plates are now extremely
rare. He first drew a plan of London, which, though referred to the time of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. appears
from several circumstances to have been made early in
Elizabeth’s reign, about 1560, on wood. It was republished
in 1618, with alterations, in six sheets, cut in wood, and
re-engraved by Vertue in 1748. The plates were bought
by the Society of Antiquaries, and published in 1776. His
next performances were plans of Oxford and Cambridge,
about 1578. The former is the oldest plan of the city of
Oxford extant. It was engraved at the expence of the
university in 1728, with ancient views, on the borders, of
the colleges and schools as they originally stood. This
plate was unfortunately destroyed at the fire which consumed so much literary property belonging to Mr. Nichols,
in 1808. The only other plan of Aggas’s workmanship,
now known, is one of Dumvich in SulVolk, dated March,
1589, on vellum, and not engraved. Ames attributes to
him a work entitled “A Preparative to platting of Landes
and Tenements for suweigh, &c.
, and in 1536 elected to King’s College, Cambridge, of which he afterwards became a fellow and M. A. was esteemed a very good Grecian and Latin poet. He was afterwards
, educated at Eton, and in 1536
elected to King’s College, Cambridge, of which he afterwards became a fellow and M. A. was esteemed a very good
Grecian and Latin poet. He was afterwards a justice of
peace in Warwickshire. He wrote the genealogy of Queen
Elizabeth, for which she gave him an animal pension of
live pounds and a Latin poem “in obitum duorum Suffolciensium fratrum,
” which is printed in Wilson’s “Epigrammata,
, an eminent divine of a very ancient family in Cumberland (whose name was de Aguilon, corruptly Aglionby), the son of Edward Aglionby,
, an eminent divine of a very ancient family in Cumberland (whose name was de Aguilon, corruptly Aglionby), the son of Edward Aglionby, esq. and
Elizabeth Musgrave of Crookdayke, was admitted a student
of Queen’s College, Oxford, in 1583. Being elected fellow, he went into orders, and became an eloquent and
learned preacher. Afterwards he travelled abroad, and
was introduced to the acquaintance of the famous cardinal
Bellarmin. On his return he was made chaplain in ordinary to Queen Elizabeth, and in 1600 took the degree of
D. D. About that time he obtained the rectory of Islip,
near Oxford, and in 1601 was elected principal of St. Edmund’s hall. He was likewise chaplain in ordinary to
king James I. and, according to Wood, had a considerable
share in the translation of the New Testament ordered by
the king in 1604. The Biog. Brit, says, that Wood mentions no authority for this assertion; but Wood, in his
Annals, gives his name among the other Oxford divines
who were to translate the Gospels, Acts, and Apocalypse.
Dr. Aglionby died at Islip, Feb. 6, 1609-10, aged fortythree, and was buried in the chancel of the parish church.
He was eminent for his learning, deeply read in the Fathers,
and a distinguished critic in the languages. His son
George Aglionby was eighth dean of Canterbury, byappointment of Charles I. but was never installed, nor
reaped any advantage by it, as the parliament had then
(1642) seized on the profits of those capitular bodies,
which were within the power of their arms, and he survived his nomination but a few months, dying at Oxford
Nov. 1643, aged forty. From this family probably descended William Aglionby, a gentleman of polite learning, who was envoy from Queen Anne to the Swiss Cantons, and author of a book entitled “Painting illustrated,
in three dialogues, with the lives of the most eminent
painters from Cimabue to Raphael,
” Lond. He has abundance
of wit, and understands most of the languages well knows
how to tell a story to the best advantage; but has an affected manner of conversation is thin, splenetic, and tawny
complexioned, turned of sixty years old;
” to which Swift
added in manuscript, “He had been a Papist.
” In a collection of letters published some years ago, there are several from Dr. William Aglionby, F. R. S. dated from 1685
to 1691, principally written from different parts of the
continent, and probably by the same person, who is styled
Doctor in Swift’s Works.
th. There are many curious facts in this collection of lives, but also several mistakes in dates. It was published by father Bacchini, in 1708, with notes, under the
, archbishop of
Ravenna in the ninth century, wrote the history of his predecessors in that see, in a bold style, and with little respect
for the interests or character of the court of Rome, by
which his grandfather or great-grandfather had been put to
death. There are many curious facts in this collection of
lives, but also several mistakes in dates. It was published
by father Bacchini, in 1708, with notes, under the title
“Agnelli qui et Andreas, abbatis S. Marias ad Blachernas,
liber pontificalis, sive vituc Pontificum Ravennatum, &c.
2-vols. 4to. Muratori reprinted it in his collection of Italian historians. Spreti, who wrote on the history of Ravenna, Vossius, and Moreri, have confounded Agnelli with,
one of the same name who lived in the sixth century, and
is supposed to have written a letter in the Bibliothec. Patrum, “De ratione Fidei ad Armenium.
, an Italian lady of great learning, was born at Milan, March 16, 1718. Her inclinations from her earliest
, an Italian
lady of great learning, was born at Milan, March 16, 1718.
Her inclinations from her earliest youth led her to the
study of science, and at an age when young persons of her
sex attend only to frivolous pursuits, she had made such
astonishing progress in mathematics, that when in 1750
her father, professor in the university at Bologna, was unable to continue his lectures from infirm health, she obtained permission from the pope, Benedict XIV. to fill his
chair. Before this, at the early age of nineteen, she had
supported one hundred and ninety-one theses, which were
published, in 1738, under the title “Propositiones Philosophicæ.” She was also mistress of Latin, Greek, Hebrew,
French, German, and Spanish. At length she gave up her
studies, and went into the monastery of the Blue Nuns, at
Milan, where she died Jan. 9, 1799. In 1740 she published a discourse tending to prove “that the study of the
liberal arts is not incompatible with the understandings of
” This she had written when scarcely nine years
old. Her “Instituzioni analitiche,
” Traites elementaires du Calcul
differentiel et du Calcul integral,
, a sculptor and architect of Florence, was born in 1460, and was first distinguished for the beauty of
, a sculptor and architect of Florence, was born in 1460, and was first distinguished for the beauty of his inlaid work, which he applied to articles of furniture, and with which he ornamented the stalls in the choir of the church of St. Maria-Novelle. He also executed the carved wooden work on the organ of the same church, and on the altar of de la Nunziata. Having been led to the study of architecture, he came to Rome to devote his attention to it, but did not give up the practice of carving, and soon had a favourable opportunity to exercise both. When Leo X. travelled in Italy, all the cities through which he passed wished to receive him with honour, and Baccio gave designs for many of the triumphal arches ordered to be erected. On his return to his country, his workshop became a sort of academy to which amateurs, artists, and strangers resorted. Raphael, then very young, and Michael Angelo are said to have been of these parties. By this means Baccio acquired great reputation, and was employed on many splendid buildings in Florence. Conjointly with Cronaca, he executed the decorations of the grand saloon of the palace, and the beautiful staircase leading to it. But his best work is to be seen in the Bartolini palace and garden. Here he shewed the first specimen of square windows surmounted by pediments, and doors ornamented by columns, a mode which although followed generally since, was much ridiculed by his countrymen as an innovation. In other palaces he executed some beautiful ornaments in wood. He preserved his vigour and reputation to a great age, dying in 1543, in his eightythird year. He left three sons, one of whom, Giuliano, inherited his skill in architecture, but designed more than he executed.
, archbishop of Lyons, was one of the most celebrated and learned prelates of the ninth
, archbishop of Lyons, was one of the most
celebrated and learned prelates of the ninth century. Dr.
Cave and Olearius tell us he was a Frenchman, but Du
Pin says there is no absolute proof of this. He was born
in the year 779, as father Mabillon deduced from a short
martyrology, upon which Agobard seems to have written
some notes with his own hand. In the year 782 he came
from Spain to France. Leidrade, archbishop of Lyons,
ordained him priest in the year 804, and nine years after
he was appointed coadjutor, or corepiscopus to that prelate, and when, in the year 816, Leidrade returned to a
monastery at Soissons, Agobard was substituted in his
room with the consent of the emperor, and the whole synod
of the French bishops, who highly approved of the choice
which Leidrade had made of a successor. This ordination, however, was objected to, as it is contrary to the
canons, that a bishop should choose his successor himself. Agobard notwithstanding enjoyed the see quietly
till he was expelled from it by the emperor Louis le Debormaire, because he had espoused the party of his sou
Lothaire, and been one of the chief authors of deposing
him in the assembly of bishops at Compiegne in the year
833. For Lewis, having secured himself against the injustice and violence which had been offered by Lothaire and
the bishops of his party, prosecuted the latter in the council of Thionville in the year 835. Agobard, who had retired to Italy, with the other bishops of his party, was summoned three times before the council, and refusing to appear, was deposed, but no person was substituted in his
room. His cause was again examined in the year 836, at
an assembly held at Stramiac near Lyons: but it continued
still undetermined, on account of the absence of the bishops, whose sole right it was to depose their brother. At
length, the sons of the emperor having made their peace
with him, they found means to restore Agobard, who was
present in the year 838, at an assembly held at Paris; and
he died in the service of his sovereign, in Xaintonge, June
5, in the year 840. This church honoured him with the
title of saint. He had no less share in the affairs of the
church, than those of the empire; and he shewed by his
writings that he was a much abler divine than a politician.
He was a strenuous defender of ecclesiastical discipline,
very tenacious of the opinions he had once espoused, and
very vigorous in asserting and defending them. Dupin,
however, acknowledges that he was unfriendly to the worship of images, and it appears that he held notions on that
subject which would have done honour to more enlightened times. He wrote a treatise entitled “Adversus dogma
Faslicis ad Ludovicum Imp.
” against Felix Orgelitanus, to
shew that Christ is the true son of God, and not merely by
adoption and grace. He wrote likewise several tracts
against the Jews, a list of which may be seen in the General Dictionary, 10 vols. fol. from whence our account of
him is principally taken. His style is simple, intelligible,
and natural, but without elevation or ornament. He reasons with much acuteness, confirming his arguments, as
was the custom then, by the authority of the fathers, whom
he has largely quoted. His works were buried in obscurity
for several ages, Until Papirius Masso found a manuscript
of them by chance at a bookseller’s shop at Lyons, who
was just going to cut it to pieces to bind his books with.
Masso published this manuscript at Paris in 1603 in 8vo,
and the original was after his death deposited in the king
of France’s library. But Masso having suffered many
errors to escape him in his edition, M. Baluze published
a more correct edition at Paris, 1666, 2 vols. 8vo, from the
same manuscript, and illustrated it with notes. He likewise added to it a treatise of Agobard entitled “Contra
quatuor libros Amalarii liber,
” which he copied from an
old manuscript of Peter Marnæsius, and collated with another manuscript of Chifflet. This edition has been likewise reprinted in the “Bibliotheca Patrum.
ta di Lionardo Agostini,” Rome, 1649, folio. This isa new edition of Paruta’s Sicilian medals, which was originally published at Palermo, 1612, folio, under the title
, an eminent antiquary, lived in
the seventeenth century. Under the pontificate of Urban
VIII. he resided in the court of cardinal Barberini; and
afterwards pope Alexander VII. who had a great esteem for
him, gave him the appointment of examiner of antiquities
in the Roman territory. He published the two following
works, which are now scarce, and much valued. 1. “La
Sicilia di Filippo Paruta descritta con Medaglie, con la
giunta di Lionardo Agostini,
” Rome, Delia Sicilia di Filippo Paruta descritta con Medaglie,
parte prima.
” This first part, which has become very rare,
contains only engravings of the medals, to which a description was promised, in a second. part, which never appeared. Agostini used the same plates as Paruta, and added
about four hundred medals to those in Paruta’s edition, but
still without explanations. After his death, Paruta’s plates
having fallen into the hands of Marco Maier, a bookseller,
he published at Lyons, in 1697, anew edition, in folio,
entitled, “La Sicilia di Filippo Paruta descritta con Medaglie, e ristampata con aggiunta di Lionardo Agostini,
hora in miglior ordine disposta da Marco Maier, arrichita
d'una descrittione compendiosa di quella famosa isola.
But notwithstanding the explanations and historical additions of this editor, this edition is less valued than those of
Paruta and Agostini. The best and most complete is that
which Havercamp published in Latin, at Leyden, 1723,
3 vols. folio, with a commentary; these form the sixth,
seventh, and eighth volumes of Grsevius’s Thesaurus. The
other work of Agostini is, 2. “Le Gemme antiche figurate
di Lionardo Agostini, con le annotazioni del sig. Gio.
Pietro Bellori,
” part I. Rome, Consiglier di pace,
” which was written by Lionardo Agosti.
, of Valerano, an eminent musician, was born in 1593, and was the scholar of Bernardo Nanini, and successor
, of Valerano, an eminent musician, was born in 1593, and was the scholar of Bernardo Nanini, and successor to Soriano in the pontifical chapel. Antinio Liberati speaks of him as one of the most scientific and ingenious composers of his time, in every species of music then cultivated; and adds, that when he was master of the chapel of St. Peter’s church at Rome, he astonished the musical world with his productions for four, six, and eight choirs or choruses; some of which might be sung in four or six parts only, without diminishing or enervating the harmony. Father Martini, who bears testimony to the truth of this eulogium, has inserted an Agnus Dei, in eight parts, of this composer, which is truly a curious production, three different canons being carried on at the same time, in so clear and natural a manner, both as to melody and harmony, that this learned father, who had been long exercised in such arduous enterprizes, speaks of it as one of the greatest efforts of genius and learning in this most difficult kind of composition. Agostino died in 1629, in the prime of life.
whose court he held the rank of first gentleman. He complained that in his time the passion of love was not properly understood, and therefore wrote a treatise or poem,
, a Provencal gentleman and
poet, of the twelfth century, died in 1181, leaving behind
him the character of a man, learned, amiable, witty, and
elegant in person and manners. He married Jausserande
de Lunel, in praise of whom he wrote many verses, dedicated to Ildefonso, the first of the name, king of Arragon,
prince of Provence, and count of Barcelona, in whose
court he held the rank of first gentleman. He complained
that in his time the passion of love was not properly understood, and therefore wrote a treatise or poem, entitled “La
maniera d'Amar del temps passat.
” In this he maintains,
in a chain of reasoning, that no one can be happy unless
he is a good man; that no one can be a good man unless
he is in love; and that no man knows how to love who is
not careful of his mistress’s honour. None of his writings
have been published. The family of Agoult still exists in
Dauphiny and Provence.
, a singular impostor and enthusiast, the daughter of Francis Coronel, was born at Agreda in 1602. Her father made his house a convent
, a singular impostor and enthusiast, the daughter of Francis Coronel, was born at Agreda
in 1602. Her father made his house a convent of female
Cordeliers, under the name of The Immaculate Conception,
and his wife and daughters made profession. Maria was
elected superior of the convent, and died there in 1665,
after having written “The Mystical City of God,
” which
contains a life of the blessed Virgin, full of absurdity and
impiety. Yet it was printed at Lisbon, at Madrid, at Perpignan, and at Antwerp, and at last translated into French
by father Crozet, and printed at Brussels, 3 vols. 4to, and
8 vols. 8vo. The doctors of the Sorbonne condemned it;
but their sentence was not allowed to be promulgated in
Spain, where this work was highly popular.
was born at the colony of Forum-Julii, or Frejus in Provence, A.
was born at the colony of Forum-Julii, or Frejus in Provence, A. D. 40, in the reign of Caligula. His father’s name was Julius Græcinus, a man of senatorian rank, and famous for his eloquence. He was put to death by Caligula for refusing to accuse Marcus Silanus. His mother’s name was Julia Procilla, a lady of exemplary virtue. He studied philosophy and civil law at Marseilles, as far as was suitable to his character as a Roman and a senator. His first service in war was under Suetonius Paulinus in Britain; and upon his return to Rome he married Domitia Decidiana, with whom he lived in the utmost harmony and tranquillity. He was chosen questor: in Asia at the same time that Salvius Titianus was pro-consul there; and he preserved his integrity, though that province was extremely rich, and Titianus, who was very avaricious, would have readily countenanced his extortions in order to screen his own. He was afterwards chosen tribune of the people, and then praetor, under the emperor Nero. In Vespasian’s time he was made legate to Vettius Bolanus in Britain, and upon his return was ranked among the patricians by that emperor, and afterwards appointed governor of Aquitania; which post he held for three years, and upon his return was chosen consul, and then governor of Britain, where he distinguished himself by his courage and conduct in several campaigns. He subdued the Ordovices, or people of North Wales, and the island Mona, or Anglesey; and then reformed the abuses occasioned by the avarice or carelessness of the former governors, putting a stop to all manner of extortions, and causing justice to be impartially administered.
onform to the Romish eustoms. He thought the best way of diverting them from rising and taking arms, was to soften their rough manners by the more refined amusements
Vespasian dying about this time, Titus his son, knowing Agricola’s great merit, continued him in the government. In the spring he marched towards the north, where he made some new conquests, and ordered forts to be built for the Romans to winter in. He spent the following winter in endeavouring to bring the Britons to conform to the Romish eustoms. He thought the best way of diverting them from rising and taking arms, was to soften their rough manners by the more refined amusements of Rome; and soon after, the country was adorned with magnificent temples, porticoes, baths, and other fine public and private edifices. The British nobles had their sons educated in learning, and they who before had the utmost aversion to the Roman language, now made it their study. They wore likewise the Roman habit; and, as Tacitus observes, they were brought to consider those things as signs of politeness, which were only so many badges of slavery. In his third campaign he advanced as far as the river Tweed; and in his fourth he subdued the nations between the Tweed and the firths of Edinburgh and Dumbarton, into which the Clyde and the Tay discharge themselves. Here he built castles and fortresses, in order to shut up the nations which were yet unconquered. In his fifth campaign he marched beyond the firths, where he subdued some nations, and fixed garrisons along the western coasts over-against Ireland, designing to make a descent upon that island, having had perfect information of its state from a chief who had been banished from thence. In his sixth campaign he passed the firth of Forth, ordering his fleet, the first which the Romans ever had upon those seas, to row along the coasts, and take a view of the northern parts. He was advancing farther northwards, when he was informed that the northern nations were marching against him with a formidable army, which he routed. In the following spring the Britons raised an army of thirty thousand men, commanded by Galgacus, who endeavoured to rouse their patriotism by an admirable speech which may be seen in Tacitus, and which seems adapted to the case of every nation about to lose its liberties by the invasion of a powerful enemy. Agricola on this occasion likewise addressed his soldiers in a very eloquent harangue, which was so prevailing, that the Britons were routed, with the loss of ten thousand killed; whereas but three hundred and forty of the Romans were killed. Domitian, being informed of this victory, grew jealous of the conqueror, and recalled him under pretence of making him governor of Syria. His death was suspected to have been occasioned by poison given him by that emperor; and, as Tacitus remarks, happened very seasonably for him, as he did not live to witness the calamities brought upon his country by the cruelty of Domitian. He died Aug. 23, A. D. 93, in the fifty-fourth year of his age. It is scarcely needful to remind our readers that his life was affectionately written by his son-in-law Tacitus, who gives him a very high character, but not more than is warranted by contemporary authority; at least we are acquainted with no documents that can detract from it.
, a German physician, eminent for his knowledge of metallurgy, was born at Glaucha in Misnia, March 24, 1494. The discoveries which
, a German physician, eminent
for his knowledge of metallurgy, was born at Glaucha in
Misnia, March 24, 1494. The discoveries which he made
in the mountains of Bohemia after his return from Italy,
whither he went to pursue his studies, gave him such a taste
for examining every thing that related to metals, that when
engaged in the practice of physic at Joachimstal in Misnia,
he employed all the time he could possibly spare in the
study of fossils; and at length removed to Chemintz, that
he might wholly devote himself to this pursuit. He is said
to have applied to it with such disinterested zeal, that he
riotonly spent the pension procured for him from Maurice,
duke of Saxony, but a considerable part of his own estate;
and when duke Maurice and duke Augustus went to join
the army of Charles V. in Bohemia, Agricola attended them,
in order to demonstrate his attachment, although this
obliged him to quit the care of his family and estate. He
died at Chemiutz, Nov. 21, 1555. He was a zealous Roman Catholic, but was considered by the Lutherans as in
some respects an apostate from the reformed, religion, and
they carried their rancour against him so far as to refuse his
body the rites of burial. It was therefore obliged to be removed from Chemintz to Zeits, where it was interred in
the principal church. Bayle thinks that he must have irritated the Lutherans by some instances of excessive aversion
to them, and Peter Albinus represents him as an intolerant
bigot. His works are “De ortu et causis Subterraneorum. De natura eorum, quae effluunt ex terra. De
natura Fossilium. De Medicatis Fontibus. De Subterraneis Animantibus. De veteribus et novis Metallis. De
re Metallica.
” This last has been printed at Basil
four times, in folio, 1546, 1556, 1558, and 1561, which
shews the very high esteem in which it was held. His work
“De ortu et causis Subterraneorum
” was printed at Basil,
bello Turcis inferendo,
” Basil, De Traditionibus Apostolicis.
” His principal
medical work, “De Peste,
” was printed at Basil, De Ponderibus et Mensuris
” against Budeus, Leonard Portius, and Alciati, which the latter endeavoured to answer, but without success. His life is written
by Melchior Adam.
, a Saxon divine, born at Isleben, April 20, 1492, was an eminent doctor of the Lutheran church, though chargeable
, a Saxon divine, born at Isleben,
April 20, 1492, was an eminent doctor of the Lutheran
church, though chargeable with vanity, presumption, and
artifice. Bayle gives rather a confused account of his life,
from which, however, it appears that he made himself distinguished in 1538, upon the following occasion. Luther,
in the course of his ministry, was insisting upon the necessity of imprinting deeply in the minds of the people, that
doctrine of the gospel, which represents Christ’s merits as
the source of man’s salvation; and while he was eagerly
employed in censuring and refuting the popish doctors,
who mixed the law and the gospel together, and
represented eternal happiness as die-fruit of legal obedience,
Agricola took an opportunity to declaim against the law,
maintaining that it was neither fit to be proposed to the
people as a rule of manners, nor to be used in the church
as a means of instruction; and that the gospel alone was to
be inculcated and explained both in the churches and in
the schools of learning. This was the foundation of the
sect of Antinomians, who appeared in England during
the usurpation of Cromwell, and carried their extravagant
doctrines to a higher pitch than this Agricola. But the fortitude, vigilance, and credit of Luther suppressed the followers of Agricola for the present; and Agricola himself,
intimidated by the opposition of so powerful an adversary,
acknowledged and renounced his system. His recantation,
however, does not seem to have been sincere, since we are
told that, when his fears were dispelled by the death of
Luther, he returned to his errors, and gained many proselytes. Still it has been pleaded on the part of Agricola,
by Mosheim, that the full extravagance of Antinomianisra
is not to be attributed to him, and that his principal fault
lay in some harsh and inaccurate expressions, that were
susceptible of dangerous and pernicious interpretations. If
therefore, we follow the intention of Agricola, without interpreting, in a rigorous manner, the uncouth phrases and
improper expressions he so frequently and so injudiciously
employed, his doctrine, Mosheim thinks, will plainly
amount to this; “That the ten commandments, published
during the ministry of Moses, were chiefly designed for the
Jews, and on that account might be lawfully neglected and
laid aside by Christians; and that it was sufficient to explain with perspicuity, and to enforce with zeal, what
Christ and his apostles had taught in the New Testament,
both with respect to the means of grace and salvation, and
the obligations of repentance and virtue.
” He died at
Berlin in
Agricola wrote but few books. The first was “An explanation of three hundred German Proverbs;” and in a
Agricola wrote but few books. The first was “An explanation of three hundred German Proverbs;
” and in a
second edition he added another hundred. He wrote also
“Commentaries upon St. Luke,
” 8vo, and confuted the
explication of the nineteenth Psalm, published in High
Dutch, by Thomas Muncer. He was likewise concerned
with Julius Pelugius, bishop of Naumburg, and Michael
Sidonius, or Heldingus, by desire of the emperor Charles
V. in drawing up a formulary, which might serve as a rule
of faith and worship to the contending parties of Protestants and Papists, until a council should be summoned: this
is well known in ecclesiastical history by the name of the
Interim, and was opposed by many of the reformers.
cquainted with Luther, that reformer recommended him to Gustavus I.; and on his return to Sweden, he was made rector of Abo, in 1539. Gustavus afterwards sent him to
, a native of Finland, and a Lutheran divine of considerable eminence in the sixteenth
century, studied divinity and medicine in the university of
Wittemberg. Having become acquainted with Luther,
that reformer recommended him to Gustavus I.; and on his
return to Sweden, he was made rector of Abo, in 1539.
Gustavus afterwards sent him to Lapland to preach Christianity to the benighted Laplanders. In 1554, he was appointed bishop of Abo, and then went into Russia, with the
archbishop of Upsal, Laurentius Petri, in order to have a
conference with the clergy of that country. He died in
1557. He translated the New Testament into the Finland
language, which was printed at Stockholm, 1548; and is
said also to have translated into the same language a work
entitled “Rituale Ecclesise ab erroribus pontificiorum rep.urgatus.
, one of the most learned men of the fifteenth century, was born in 1442, in the village of Bafflon, or Bafteln, near Groningen,
, one of the most learned
men of the fifteenth century, was born in 1442, in the village of Bafflon, or Bafteln, near Groningen, in Friseland.
Melchior Adam says, his parents were of one of the most
considerable families in Friseland; but Ubo Emmius, in his
history of that country, represents him as of mean extraction; and Bayle, who appears to have examined the matter
with his usual precision, inclines to the latter opinion. He
was, however, sent to school, where he made an uncommon
progress, and had scarcely taken his degree of M. A. at
Louvain, when he was offered a professorship, which he
did not accept, as it would have prevented his travelling
for farther improvement, a course usually taken by the
learned men of those times. He went from Louvain to
Paris, and from thence to Italy, residing two years at Ferrara, where he learned Greek and taught Latin, and disputed in prose and verse with Guarinus and the Strozzas,
and where the duke honoured him with particular attention. He read lectures likewise on philosophy in this city,
and his auditors were so well pleased as to wish he had
been an Italian. At his return to his own country, he had
the offer of many considerable employments; and at last
accepted of a post at Groningen, and attended the court
of Maximilian I. for six months, upon the affairs of that city.
After this, which the gratitude of his masters did not render
a very profitable employment, he resumed his travels for
many years, in the course of which he refused the presidentship of a college at Antwerp, and fixed at length in the
Palatinate, influenced by the persuasions of the bishop of
Worms, whom he had instructed in the Greek language.
He came to reside here in 1482, and passed the rest of his
life, sometimes at Heidelberg, and sometimes at Worms.
The Elector Palatine was pleased to hear him discourse
concerning antiquity, and desired him to compose an
“Abridgement of Ancient History,
” which he performed
with great accuracy. He also read public lectures at
Worms; but his auditors being more accustomed to the
subleties of logic than to polite literature, he was not so
popular as he deserved. About the fortieth year of his age,
he began to study divinity; and having no hope to succeed
in it without a knowledge of Hebrew, he applied himself
to that language, in which he had made considerable pro-gress, when he was seized with an illness, which put an
end. to his life and labours, on the 28th of October, 1485.
He died in a very devout manner, and was buried in the
church of the minor friars at Heidelberg. He is thought
to have inclined a little to the principles of the reformers.
He was accomplished in music and poetry, although he
used these talents only for his amusement. There are but
two works of his extant: “De Inventione Dialectica,
printed at Louvain, Abridgement of Ancient History,
” under the
title “R. Agricolffi lucubrationes,
” 2 vols. 4to. Erasmus
gives a very exalted character of his learning and abilities;
and by some of his admirers he was compared to Virgil in
verse, and to Politian in prose.
, a celebrated architect of Milan, of the sixteenth century. He was a successful student of mathematics, physics, and philosophy.
, a celebrated architect of Milan,
of the sixteenth century. He was a successful student of
mathematics, physics, and philosophy. Under the pontificate of Gregory XIII. there was a design at Rome to remove a vast obelisk to St. Peter’s square, and Agrippa was
one of those employed in this undertaking, hitherto thought
so difficult. He published the result of his plan under the
title of “Trattato di trasportar la guglia in su la piazza,
&i San Pietro,
” Rome, 1583, 4to. His other works are,
1. “Trattato di scientia d'Arme, con un Dialogo di Filoofia,
” Rome, Dialogo sopra la generatione de Venti, &c.
” Rome, Dialogo del modo di mettere in Battaglia,
Rome, Nuove Invenzioni sopra il modo
di Navigare,
” Rome,
a man of considerable learning, and even a great magician, according to report, in the 16th century, was born at Cologn, the 14th of September, 1486, of the noble family
, a man of considerable
learning, and even a great magician, according to report,
in the 16th century, was born at Cologn, the 14th of
September, 1486, of the noble family of Nettesheim. He
was very early in the service of the emperor Maximilian:
acted at first as his secretary; but afterwards took to the
profession of arms, and served that emperor seven years
in Italy, where he distinguished himself in several engagements, and received the honour of knighthood for his gallant behaviour. To his military honours he was desirous
likewise to add those of the universities, and accordingly
took the degrees of doctor of laws and physic. He was a
man of an extensive genius, and well skilled in many parts
of knowledge, and master of a variety of languages; but
his insatiable curiosity, the freedom of his pen, and the
inconstancy of his temper, involved him in so many vicissitudes, that his life became a series of adventures. He was
continually changing his situation; always engaging himself in some difficulty or other; and, to complete his troubles, he drew upon himself the hatred of the ecclesiastics
oy his writings. According to his letters, he was in France
before the year 1507, in Spain in 1508, and at Dole in
1509. At this last place he read public lectures on the
work of Reuchlin, “De Verbo mirifico,
” which engaged
him in a dispute with Catilinet, a Franciscan. These lectures, though they drew upon him the resentment of the
monks, yet gained him general applause, and the counsellors of the parliament went themselves to hear them. In
order to ingratiate himself into the favour of Margaret of
Austria, governess of the Low Countries, he composed a
treatise “On the excellence of Women;
” but the persecution he met with from the monks prevented him from
publishing it, and obliged him to go over to England,
where he wrote a “Commentary upon St. Paul’s Epistles.
Upon his return to Cologn, he read public lectures upon
those questions in divinity which are called Quodlibitales.
He afterwards went to Italy, to join the army of the emperor Maximilian, and staid there till he was invited to Pisa
by the cardinal de St. Croix.
ius Trismegistus at Pavia. He left this city the same year, or the year following; but his departure was rather a flight than a retreat. By his second book of letters
In the year 1515 he read lectures upon Mercurius Trismegistus at Pavia. He left this city the same year, or the year following; but his departure was rather a flight than a retreat. By his second book of letters we find, that his friends endeavoured to procure him some honourable settlement at Grenoble, Geneva, Avignon, or Metz: he chose the last of these places; and in 1518 was employed as syndic, advocate, and counsellor for that city. The persecutions raised against him by the monks, because he had refuted a vulgar notion about St. Anne’s three husbands, and because he protected a countrywoman who was accused of witchcraft, obliged him to leave the city of Metz. The abuse which his friend Jacobus Faber Satulensis, or Jacques Faber d'Estaples, had received from the clergy of Metz, for affirming that St. Anne had but one husband, had raised his indignation, and incited him to maintain the same opinion. Agrippa retired to Cologn in the year 1520, leaving without regret a city, which those turbulent inquisitors had rendered hostile to all polite literature and real merit. He^eft his own country in 1521, and went to Geneva: here his income must have been inconsiderable, for he complains of not having enough to defray his expences to Chamber!, in order to solicit a pension from the duke of Savoy. In this, however, his hopes were disappointed; and in 1523 he removed to Fribourg in Switzerland. The year following he went to Lyons, and obtained a pension from Francis I. He was appointed physician to the king’s mother; but this was not much to his advantage; nor did he attend her at her departure from Lyons, in August 1525, when she went to conduct her daughter to the borders of Spain. He was left behind at Lyons, and was obliged to implore the assistance of his friends in order to obtain his salary; and before he received it, had the mortification of being informed that he was struck off the list. The cause of his disgrace was, that, having received orders from his mistress to examine by the rules of astrology, what success would attend the affairs of France, he too freely expressed his dislike that she should employ him in such idle curiosities, instead of things of consequence: at which she was highly offended; and became yet more irritated against him, when she understood that his astrological calculations promised new successes to the constable of Bourbon. Agrippa finding himself thus abandoned, gave way to the utmost rage and impetuosity of temper: he wrote several menacing letters, and threatened to publish some books, in which he would expose the secret history of those courtiers who had worked his ruin: nay, he proceeded so far as to say, that he would for the future account that princess, to whom he had been counsellor and physician, as a firuel and perfidious Jezebel.
length obtained, after many tedious delays, and arrived at Antwerp in July 1528. The duke de Vendome was the principal cause of these delays; for he, instead of signing
He now resolved to remove to the Low Countries; this
he could not do without a passport, which he at length obtained, after many tedious delays, and arrived at Antwerp
in July 1528. The duke de Vendome was the principal
cause of these delays; for he, instead of signing the passport, tore it in pieces in a passion, protesting he would never sign a passport for a conjuror. In 1529, Agrippa had
invitations from Henry VIII. king of England, from the
chancellor of the emperor, from an Italian marquis, and
from Margaret of Austria, governess of the Low Countries:
he preferred the last, and accepted of being historiographer
to the emperor, which was offered him by that princess.
He published, by way of introduction, the “History of
the Coronation of Charles V.
” Soon after, Margaret of
Austria died, and he spoke her funeral oration. Her death
is said in some measure to have been the life of Agrippa,
for great prejudices had been infused into that princess
against him: “I have nothing to write you (says he in one of his letters) but that I am likely to starve here, bein
entirely forsaken by the deities of the court; what the great
Jupiter himself (meaning Charles V.) intends, I know not.
I now understand what great danger I was in here: the
monks so far influenced the princess, who was of a superstitious turn, as women generally are, that, had not her
sudden death prevented it, I should undoubtedly have been
tried for offences against the majesty of the cowl and the
sacred honour of the monks; crimes for which I should
have been accounted no less guilty, and no less punished;
than if I had blasphemed the Christian religion.
” His
treatise, “Of the Vanity of the Sciences,
” which he published in Of the Occult Philosophy,
” afforded them fresh pretexts for defaming his
reputation. Cardinal Campej us, the pope’s legate, however,
and the cardinal de la Mark, bishop of Liege, spoke in his
favour; but could not procure him his pension as historiographer, nor prevent him from being thrown into prison at
Brussels, in the year 1531. When he regained his liberty,
he paid a visit to the archbishop of Cologn, to whom he
had dedicated his Occult Philosophy, and from whom he
had received a very obliging letter in return. The inquisitors endeavoured to hinder the impression of his Occult
Philosophy, when he was about to print a second edition
with emendations and additions; however, notwithstanding
all their opposition, he finished it in 1533. He staid at
Bonne till 1535; and when he returned to Lyons, he was
imprisoned for what he had written against the mother of
Francis I.; but he was soon released from his confinement,
at the desire of several persons, and went to Grenoble,
where he died the same year. Some authors say, that he
died in the hospital; but Gabriel Naude affirms, it was at
the house of the receiver-general of the province of Dauphiny.
surpassed the former very much in fruitfulness; he had but one son by the former, whereas the latter was brought to bed thrice in two years, and a fourth time the year
Agrippa had been twice married. Speaking of his first
wife, lib. II. ep. 19. “I have (says he), the greatest reason
to return thanks to Almighty God, who has given me a
wife after my own heart, a virgin of a noble family, well behaved, young, beautiful, and so conformable to my disposition, that we never have a harsh word with each other;
and what completes my happiness is, that in whatever situation my affairs are, whether prosperous or adverse, she still
continues the same, equally kind, affable, constant, sincere,
and prudent, always easy, and mistress of herself.
” This
wife died in I am
not ignorant (says he), by what arts this affair was carried
on in the Sorbonne at Paris, who by their rashness have
given sanction to an example of such wickedness. When
I consider it, I can scarce contain myself from exclaiming,
in imitation of Perseus, Say, ye Sorbonnists, what has gold
to do with divinity What piety and faith shall we imagine
to be in their breasts, whose consciences are more venal
than sincere, and who have sold their judgments and decisions, which ought to be revered by all the Christian world,
and have now sullied the reputation they had established
for faith and sincerity, by infamous avarice.
” Agrippa was
accused of having been a magician and sorcerer, and in.
compact with the devil; but it is unnecessary to clear him,
from this imputation. Bayle justly says, that if he was a
conjuror, his art availed him little, as he was often in want
of bread.
From the whole history of Agrippa, says Brucker, it appears that he was a man of eccentric genius and restless spirit. In the midst
From the whole history of Agrippa, says Brucker, it appears that he was a man of eccentric genius and restless spirit. In the midst of such numerous changes of situation, and fortune, it is surprising that he was able to acquire such extensive erudition, and to leave behind him so many proofs of literary industry. There can be no doubt that he possessed a vigorous understanding, which rose superior to vulgar superstitions, and which prompted him to maintain a constant warfare with the monks. Though he did not chuse to offend those princes to whom he looked up for patronage, by deserting the church of Rome, he saw. with great satisfaction the bold attack made upon its corruptions by Martin Luther: and he himself, like Erasmus, Faber, and others, perpetually harrassed the monks by satirical writings. His cynical severity, and above all the disposition which he discovered to make his fortune by practising upon vulgar credulity, must not pass without censure. His occult philosophy is rather a sketch of the Alexandrian, mixed with the Cabbalistic theology, than a treatise on magic. It explains the harmony of nature, and the connection of the elementary, celestial, and intellectual worlds, on the principles of the emanative system. His treatise on the Vanity of the Sciences is not so much intended to traduce science itself, as to ridicule the follies of the learned, and expose the numerous absurdities of the established modes of education.
agical studies began early, according to Meiners; in youth he joined a secret society at Paris which was defended against the profane by peculiar rites of admission.
His attention to magical studies began early, according to Meiners; in youth he joined a secret society at Paris which was defended against the profane by peculiar rites of admission. The separation of this cabbalistical brotherhood did not occasion the dissolution of their lodge; on the contrary, each of the members endeavoured to found in his own neighbourhood corresponding societies for similar purposes. In 1510 Agrippa was sent to England on some commission, relative, probably, to the treaty between Henry VIII. and the French king; and on this occasion, as appears by his published letters, he founded in London one of these secret societies for magical pursuits. The same biographer remarks, that a strange mixture of active and passive dupery characterises Agrippa; an alternation of sceptical contempt, and of superstitious credulity respecting the occult arts. If his assertions may be credited, he had attained that intercourse with demoniacal natures, which was the boast of Plotinus and Jamblicus; and his magical pretensions found so much credit with his contemporaries, that they describe him as carrying about, with him a devil in the form of a black dog.
, a Spanish Jesuit, and voluminous writer, was born 1566, at Torrejon, a village near Madrid, and entered the
, a Spanish Jesuit, and voluminous writer, was born 1566, at Torrejon, a village near Madrid, and entered the society of Jesuits at Alcale, in 1588, being then M.A. He was governor of several houses of the order in Spain, twice presided over the province of Toledo, and was twice sent as deputy to the congregations at Rome. The king, Philip IV. chose him for his preacher, and the count Olivarez, Philip’s prime minister, appointed him his confessor. He died at Madrid, Jan. 15, 1654. His works consist of six folios, in Spanish, printed at Madrid in 1629, 1638, 1640, 1641, 1643, 1646, 1653, on various religious topics; and a life of father Goudin, the Jesuit, 8vo, 1643. He left also many treatises which have not been published.
, archbishop of Amasia m Natolia, was born at Bologna, Nov. 20, 1570. He had the advantage of being
, archbishop of Amasia m
Natolia, was born at Bologna, Nov. 20, 1570. He had the
advantage of being educated under tfee care of Philip Sega,
his uncle, who was raised on account of his distinguished
merits to the rank of cardinal, by pope Innocent IX; and of
Jerom Agucchio, his brother, who was made cardinal by
pope Clement VIII. in 1604. His application to study
mis early, rapid, and assiduous, but particularly in. the
study of polite literature. This recommended him so
much to cardinal Sega, that he carried him with him te
France, when he went thither as legate from the pope.
After the death of Sega, Agucchio was appointed secretary to cardinal Aldobrandini, nephew to pope Clement
VIII. and attended him when he went legate to Henry IV.
of France, of which journey he wrote a very elegant account. The cardinal, after his return, committed the
management of his house to Agucchio, which province he
executed till the death of pope Clement VIII. and of his
brother the cardinal Agucchio, when want of health
obliged him to retire from the court. But after he had
recovered, and had passed some time at Rome in learned
retirement, cardinal Aldobrandini brought him again into
his former employment, in which he continued till the
cardinal’s death. He then became secretary to Gregory
XV. which place he held until the death of that pontiff.
In 1624, Urban VIII. sent him as nuncio to Venice,
where he became generally esteemed, although he maintained the rights of the see of Rome with the utmost rigour. The contagious distemper which ravaged Italy in
1630, obliged him to retire to Friuli, where he died in
1632. He was a man of very extensive learning, but appears in his private character to have been somewhat
austere and narrow. His works are: “A treatise upon
Comets and Meteors,
” “The Life of Cardinal Sega, and
that of Jerom Agucchio his brother,
” and a letter to the
canon Barthelemi Dolcini on the origin of the city of Bologna, “L'Antica fondazione e dominio della citta di
” Bologna,
, a French statesman of great worth and talents, was born at Limoges, Nov. 7, 1668, the son of Henry d'Aguesseau,
, a French statesman
of great worth and talents, was born at Limoges, Nov. 7,
1668, the son of Henry d'Aguesseau, then intendant of
the Limoisin, and afterwards counsellor of state. The
family was distinguished for having produced many able
magistrates, among whom was Anthony, the grandfather
of the chancellor, who was first president of the parliament
of Bourdeaux. Henry-Francis, the subject of the present
article, was educated under his father in every species of
knowledge which promised to qualify him for the office of
magistrate. After being admitted, in 1690, an advocate,
he became, a few months after, advocate-general of the
parliament of Paris, at the age of only twenty-two years.
The king, in appointing one so young to an office of very
great consequence, was guided solely by the recommendation of his father. “I know him,
” said his majesty, “to
be incapable of deceiving me, even in the case of his own
” and the young advocate completely justified the confidence reposed in him. The celebrated Denis Talon, who
had obtained great reputation in the same office, declared
that he should have been willing to conclude his career as
that young man had begun his. After having performed
the functions of his office with reputation equal to his commencement, he became procurator-general; and the nature
of his new office furnished him with occasion to display
new talents in the public service. In particular, he introduced a complete system of reformation in the management of the hospitals, by which abuses were prevented
or corrected; and he restored order and discipline in the
tribunals, by which the criminal code was greatly improved.
In questions respecting estates, he discovered much acuteness and knowledge of antiquities.
, Desmarets, the comptroller-general, appointed a committee of the principal magistrates, among whom was D‘Aguessean, whose zeal and knowledge animated the whole. He
In 1709, the war and famine, ^nd public distress rendered his place of much importance, and called forth the
qualities of the heart as well as the head. At this critical
period, Desmarets, the comptroller-general, appointed a
committee of the principal magistrates, among whom was
D‘Aguessean, whose zeal and knowledge animated the
whole. He contrived to discover the forestallers of provisions; punished the most guilty; and re-established
credit and confidence; and from this time, a sense of the
value of his public services made him be often consulted
on the most difficult points of administration, and employed
to draw up memorials for the king. Towards the end of
the reign, however, of Louis XIV. he was threatened withdisgrace for having refused to register the famous bull
TJnigenitus. On this occasion it was that madame D’Aguesseau, when her husband was about to set out for Versailles, said, “Go, and before the king, forget your wife
and children, and lose every thing but your honour.
D'Aguesseau, without perhaps understanding the whole
of the doctrines condemned by that bull, thought he perceived, in part of its regulations, something that threatened
the rights of monarchy, which he therefore had the courage to defend against the monarch himself. It was this
sense of the matter which produced the spirited answer he
gave to Quirini, the pope’s nuncio “Is it thus,
” said
Quirini, “that you manufacture arms against Rome
” “No,
” replied D'Aguesseau, “these are not arms,
but shields.
having opposed the establishment of the royal bank, and the other projects contrived by Mr. Law. It was in Vain that he endeavoured to expose the danger of issuing
Louis XIV. however, died, and for some time during the regency, D‘Aguesseau enjoyed all the credit which his character and virtues merited. In 1717, he succeeded Voisin as chancellor; but before a year expired, the regent took the seals from him, and ordered him into exile for having opposed the establishment of the royal bank, and the other projects contrived by Mr. Law. It was in Vain that he endeavoured to expose the danger of issuing a quantity of notes, the value of which was merely imaginary; but the public were struck with the novelty of the scheme, and charmed with its delusive plausibility, and D’Aguesseau watsordered to retire to his estate at Fresnes, while the seals were given to D'Argenson.
ect is well known. For two years, it amused the French public, and then the bubble burst. Government was now so embarrassed, and the people so dissatisfied, that in
The issue of Law’s project is well known. For two years, it amused the French public, and then the bubble burst. Government was now so embarrassed, and the people so dissatisfied, that in 1720, the regent thought proper to recall the discarded chancellor, and restore the seals to him. Mr. Law himself, and the chevalier de Conflans, first gentleman of the chamber to the regent, were dispatched to D‘Aguesseau at Fresnes, while Dubois was ordered to demand the seals from D’Argenson. D'Aguesseau’s return was blamed by a party composed of members of the parliament, and of some men of letters. They did not relish his accepting a favour conveyed through the hands of Mr. Law; but, says his biographer, he would have been more to blame, had he refused what had less tke appearance of a favour, than of amends for injury tendered by the chief minister of state.
the mischief done in his absence, by ordering the payment of the notes issued by the bank, as far as was possible; and although the loss to individuals was great, this
Aguesseau himself considered it as an honour to be recalled in a time of danger, and immediately began to
repair the mischief done in his absence, by ordering the payment of the notes issued by the bank, as far as was possible;
and although the loss to individuals was great, this measure was less odious than a total bankruptcy, which had
been proposed. But a new storm burst forth in this corrupt court, which he was unable to oppose with his usual
firmness. The regent, who had cajoled the parliament to
nullify the will of Louis XIV. now solicited him to register
the declaration of the king in favour of the bull Unigenitus.
This was done in compliance with Dubois, now become
archbishop of Cambray, and wfro, expecting a cardinal’s
hat, had flattered the court of Rome with hopes of hayiug
the bull registered. D‘Aguesseau had refused this, as we
have seen, in the reign of Louis XIV. without being influenced by any spirit of party, but purely from his attachment to the rights of the crown. But now, when chancellor, he seemed to view the matter in another light; he
thought it his duty to negociate with the parliament; and
the parliament rejected his propositions, and was banished
to Pontoise. The regent then imagiued he might register
the declaration in the grand council. In this solemn assembly D’Aguesseau met with a repartee which he no doubt
felt. Perelle, one of the members, having opposed the
registration with much spirit, D'Aguesseau asked him
where he had found all his arguments against it “In the
pleadings of the deceased M. chancellor D'Aguesseau,
answered Perelle, very coolly; nor was this the only
instance in which he was treated with ridicule on this
change in his sentiments and conduct. In the mean time
the court having threatened to send the parliament to Blois,
the chancellor offered to resign the seals; but the regent
requested him to retain them: and at length the parliament
consented to register the disputed declaration with certain
modifications. D‘Aguesseau, however, did not enjoy his
honours long. In 1722, he refused to yield precedence to
cardinal Dubois, the first minister; and this statesman,
who wished to keep at a distance from court every man of
virtue and dignity of character, procured the chancellor to
be again banished, and he was not recalled until 1727,
but without having the seals restored to him. In the mean
time the court and parliament were still at variance on ecclesiastical affairs, and the cardinal Fleuri wished to engage
D’Aguesseau’s influence in favour of the court; but the
latter had unfortunately lost his credit in a great measure,
and was considered as a deserter from the cause which he
Jiad once defended with so much spirit.
y of him, and with whom he lived happily until her death at the village of Anteuil in 1735, when she was interred, agreeably to her own orders, in the common burial
In 1694, he married Anne le Fevre d‘Ormesson, a lady worthy of him, and with whom he lived happily until her death at the village of Anteuil in 1735, when she was interred, agreeably to her own orders, in the common burial place of the parish; and there her husband desired also to be interred, and for some time a simple cross only pointed out the remains of the chancellor D’ Aguesseau. Louis XV. however, caused a magnificent monument, in the form of an obelisk, to be erected, which remained until destroyed by the revolutionary rabble. It has since been repaired at the public expense; and in 1810 the statue of D‘ Aguesseau was placed before the peristyle of the legislative, palace, parallel to that of the famous L’Hopital.
D' Aguesseau, it is universally acknowledged, was an excellent and upright magistrate, and of sentiments more
D' Aguesseau, it is universally acknowledged, was an excellent and upright magistrate, and of sentiments more
liberal than could be tolerated in a corrupt court. His
memory was surprising, his apprehension quick, and his
knowledge of the law extensive and profound. He understood radically, not only his mother tongue, but also
English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, Greek, and
the oriental languages. Studying languages he called an
amusement; and reading the ancient poets, the only passion of his youth. He made verses, which were approved
by Racine and Boileau, who were almost the only
companions of his leisure. His talents he exercised in
offices of virtue, but never to shew his superiority; and he
himself appeared to be the last man who was acquainted
with the advantages he conferred on society. His countrymen fondly compare him to our illustrious Bacon; but
although we are not disposed to rank him so high, it may
be allowed that his imagination was fertile, his ideas clear,
his images striking, his arguments strong, and his Janguage
elegant. He was indeed a prodigy of science and virtue,
and a model of true elegance and taste; and the sweetness
of his temper, with the gentleness and modesty of his deportment and manners, cast a most attractive lustre over
his great intellectual acquirements. He was a stranger to
no human science, and made them all subservient to the
improvement of those religious and moral principles that
ennoble human nature. He wasone of the first men of
his age, and that was the age of Louis XIV. Another
important part of his character we shall give in the words
of one of his editors: “The enemies,
” says he, “of revealed religion, are perpetually telling us, that it renders
man abject and pusillanimous; contracts and shackles the
understanding; retards the progress of science, and is
only fit for weak and vulgar minds. If there were not a
multitude of examples, adapted to confound the abettors
of such an extravagant notion, that of the chancellor
D'Aguesseau would alone be sufficient for that purpose.
This illustrious magistrate, whose sublime genius, and
universal knowledge, his country, and indeed the learned
world in general, beheld with admiration; who was one of
the brightest ornaments of the present age; and who, with
unremitting activity, consecrated his talents, and his whole
life, to the service of his country, was an humble and
zealous disciple of the Christian religion, which he considered as the true philosophy; because it was, according
to him, the only guide which could shew man what
he was, what he is, and can render him what he ought
to be.
, was a Jesuit of Brussels, and professor of philosophy at Doway,
, was a Jesuit of Brussels, and professor of philosophy at Doway,
and of theology at Antwerp. He was one of the first that
introduced mathematical studies at Antwerp. He wrote a
book entitled “Opticorum lib. VI. Philosophicis juxta
ac Mathematicis utiles,
” printed at Antwerp by Plantin in
1613, in fol.; and a treatise “Of Projections of the Sphere.
He was employed in finishing his “Catoptrics and Dioptrics,
” at the time of his death, which happened at Seville,
in 1617. He appears to have been a man of great learning,
and of great piety.
, a very learned man of the 17th century, was born at Logrogno, a city of Spain, March 24, 1630, and took
, a very learned man of the
17th century, was born at Logrogno, a city of Spain,
March 24, 1630, and took the degree of D. D. in the university of Salamanca in 1668, and read lectures in that
faculty for many years. He was censor and secretary of
the supreme council of the inquisition in Spain, chief interpreter of the scriptures in the university of Salamanca,
and had been more than once abbot of the college of St.
Vincent, when he was honoured with a cardinal’s hat by
Innocent XI. in 1686. He died at Rome Aug. 19, 1699.
His life was very exemplary; and the dignity to which he
was raised was so far from making any change in him, that
he shewed an instance very uncommon, by retracting in
an express piece the doctrine of probability, which he had
before maintained, as soon as he found it was inconsistent
with the purity of the Christian morality. His first work
was entitled “Ludi Salmanticenses sive Theologia Florulenta,
” printed in A commentary upon Aristotle’s ten books of Ethics.
” In A treatise upon Virtues and Vices, or Disputations on Aristotle’s Moral Philosophy.
” He then appfied himself to the study of St. Anselm’s works, upon
whose principles in divinity he published “The Theology
of St. Anselm,
” 3 vols. fol. 1690. In 1683 he published
a large work against the declaration of the assembly of the
French clergy made in 1682, concerning the ecclesiastical
and civil power, under the title of “A defence of the see
of St. Peter.
” The work for which he is chiefly celebrated
is his “Collection of the Councils of Spain
” with an introductory history. This was published in 1693-4, in 4 vols.
fol.; and in 1753 in 6 vols. fol. He published a Prodromus of this work in 1686, 8vo. It is variously spoken of;
Du Pin is inclined to depreciate its merit. Abstracts from
it may be seen in the Acta Eruditorum of Leipsic, far the
month of February, 1688, and some farther particulars in
the General Dictionary.
, an eminent lawyer and law writer, the son of Anthony Agylæus, originally of an Italian family, was born at Bois-le-duc, about 1533, where he was educated, and
, an eminent lawyer and law
writer, the son of Anthony Agylæus, originally of an
Italian family, was born at Bois-le-duc, about 1533, where
he was educated, and became a distinguished Greek
scholar. lu his youth he carried arms against the king of
Spain, was appointed a deputy to the States Genera], a
member of the supreme council, and advocate fiscal. But
he is less known by his share in the defence of his country,
than by his learning and writings. He published: 1. “Novellae Justiniani Imp. Constitutiones,
” with Holoander’s
translation corrected, Paris, Justiniani
edicta: Justini, Tiberii, Leonis philosophi constitutiones,
et Zenonis nna,
” Paris, Inauguratio Philippi II. Hisp.
regis, qua se juraraento ducatui Brabantige, &c. obligavit,
Utrecht, 1620, 8vo. He died April 1595.
, professor of logic and metaphysics at GreifewaJd, was born in that town, Feb. 19, 1710, and died there, March 1, 1791,
, professor of logic and metaphysics at GreifewaJd, was born in that town, Feb. 19, 1710,
and died there, March 1, 1791, after having enjoyed considerable fame, from his learning, zeal, benevolence, and
love of truth. His father was a poor shoe-maker, but by
extreme ceconomy his son was enabled to pursue his studies at Greifswald, and afterwards at the university of Jena.
He became the founder of the society or order of the Abelites, the object of which was the promotion of candour
and sincerity. His favourite maxim was, “Give every
thing on which you are immediately engaged, be it ever
so trifling, all the attention of which you are capable.
He thought he had discovered that want of attention is
the source of lukewarmness in the cause of virtue, and the
great promoter of vice; and imputed his attachment to the
duties of his office and of religion, to his constant observance of the above rule. His principal works are:
1. “Brontotheologie,
” or pious meditations on the phenomena of thunder and lightning, Greifswald, 1745, 8vo;
translated into Dutch 1747. 2. “Reflexions on the Augsburgh Confession,
” eight parts in Z vols. Sermons
” and
“Philosophical Dissertations.
” In those which he published in
, surnamed El-Razy, an Arabian lexicographer and lawyer, was the contemporary of the celebrated Djewhary. Besides some works
, surnamed El-Razy, an Arabian lexicographer and lawyer, was the contemporary of
the celebrated Djewhary. Besides some works on the
vnbject of jurisprudence, he is the author of an “Arabic
” entitled “Moudjimi-Alloghat,
” of which
there is a manuscript copy in the Leyden library, and
another in the Bodleian. Golius, who made use of it in
his Arabic dictionary, thinks that it was prior to that. of
Djewhary. Ahmed died in Hamdan, about the year 999
of the Christian æra.
, or Abou Amrou, a native of Djaen, was the first Spanish Arab who composed small epic poems in the
, or Abou Amrou, a
native of Djaen, was the first Spanish Arab who composed
small epic poems in the style of the orientals. The fragments which Dobi has preserved in his Bibl. Arab. EspagnoL. prove that he excelled in that high species of
poetry. He also left a historical work on “the Annals of
” He died of the gout, brought on by intemperance, in the year 970.
, a benedictine father, was professor of grammar, poetry, rhetoric, and lastly of history,
, a benedictine father, was professor
of grammar, poetry, rhetoric, and lastly of history, at
Salzburgh, where he died Jan. 17, 1705. He wrote commentaries on Tacitus, the Philippics of Cicero, and the
first ten books of Livy; several treatises on the legislation,
history, and manners of the early part of the Roman republic, and dissertations on various other subjects. The
titles of his principal works, all printed at Salzburgh, are:
I. “Theatrum Funebre, exhibens epitaphia nova, antiqua,
seria, jocosa,
” Hortus variarum Inacriptionum veterum et novarum,
” De Comitiis veterurn Romanorum,
” Iter oratorium,
” Iter Poeticum,
” Deprincipiis Cosmographiæ
” Ephemerides ab anno
1687 usque ad 1699.
, bishop of Lindisfarne, or Holy island, in the 7th century, was originally a monk in the monastery of Iona, one of the islands
, bishop of Lindisfarne, or Holy island, in the 7th century, was originally a monk in the monastery of Iona, one of the islands called Hebrides. In the year 634, he came into England, at the request of Oswald king of Northumberland, to instruct that prince’s subjects in the knowledge of the Christian religion. At his first coming to Oswald’s court, he prevailed upon the king to remove the episcopal see from York, where it had been settled by Gregory the great, to Lindisfarne, or Holy island; a peninsula joined to the coast of Northumberland by a very narrow neck of land, and called Holy island from its being inhabited chiefly by monks; the beautiful ruins of its monastery are still extant. In this place Aidan was very successful in his preaching, in which he was not a little assisted by the pious zeal of the king; who, having lived a considerable time in Scotland, and acquired a sufficient knowledge of the language, was himself Aidan’s interpreter 9 and explained his discourses to the nobility, and the rest of his court. After the death of Oswald, who was killed in battle, Aidan continued to govern the church of Northumberland, under his successors Oswin and Oswi, who reigned jointly; the former in the province of Deira, the latter in that of Bernicia; but having foretold the untimely death of Oswin, he was so afflicted for his loss, that he survived him hut twelve days, and died in August 6^1, after having sat sixteen years. Bede gives him an extraordinary character; but at the same time takes notice that he was not altogether orthodox in keeping of Easter, in which he followed the custom of the Scots, Picts, and Britons. The same historian ascribes three miracles to bishop Aidan; two of them performed in his lifetime, and the other after his death. He was buried in his church of Lindisfarne; and part of his relics were carried into Scotlaud by his successor Colman in 664.
g waves. But in the bishop’s case, we must have a miracle or nothing; for the quantity he prescribed was contained in a phial, which could not have calmed the sea; and
With respect to the miracles ascribed to Aidan, they
will not now bear a serious discussion. It is said that he prescribed oil to calm a turbulent sea; and Dr. Kippis, in the
new edition of the Biographia Britannica, supposes from
this that the good bishop might have some acquaintance
with the property (lately brought to light by Dr. Franklin)
which oil has of stilling waves. But in the bishop’s case,
we must have a miracle or nothing; for the quantity he
prescribed was contained in a phial, which could not have
calmed the sea; and Dr. Franklin’s discovery has never
been of the smallest use in any respect. Of the excellence of his character, as an ecclesiastic, much may be
believed. His speech to a priest who employed harsh
measures in converting the English, is a great proof of his
good sense. “Your want of success, brother,
” said he,
“seems to me to be owing to your want of condescension to
the weakness of your unlearned hearers; whom, according
to the apostolic rule, you should first have fed with the
milk of a milder and less rigid doctrine, till, being nourished by degrees with the word of God, they were become
capable of relishing the more perfect and sublime precepts
of the Gospel.
” The reason he gave for foretelling Oswin’s
death is also very striking. “I forsaw that Oswin’s life
was but short; for in my life, I never saw so humble a
prince before. His temper is too heavenly to dwell long
among us; and indeed the nation does not deserve the
blessing of snch a governor.
lations of Virgil and Horace into French verse. The former, which is most praised by French critics, was published in 1582, 4to; and reprinted the following year in
, two brothers, whose history cannot be separated,
as they were connected in all their pursuits, and shared
alike in their success. They were born at Vire, in Normandy, about the middle of the sixteenth century; and
were among the number of those who were encouraged bj
the patronage of Francis I. to cultivate polite learning.
After having studied law and medicine for some time at
Paris and Poitiers, they retired to Normandy, and dedicated themselves to poetry only. Long and painful sickness, however, interrupted their joint labours, and shortened both their lives. Robert died at the age of fortynine, and Anthony two or three years after. Their reputation rests principally on their translations of Virgil and
Horace into French verse. The former, which is most
praised by French critics, was published in 1582, 4to; and
reprinted the following year in 8vo, with the Latin; and a
translation of the More turn and some other pieces attributed
to Virgil. In their translation of Horace, which appeared
in 1588, they failed totally in conveying the spirit, grace,
and elegance of the favourite of Maecenas. There is
also some original poetry of theirs at the conclusion of a
collection of verses in their praise, published by their
countryman, Pierre Lucas Salliere, under the title of “Le
Tombeau de Robert et Antoine le chevalier, freres, sieurs
” Caen, 12 mo, 1591.
, a Scotch painter of considerable eminence, was the son of William 8 Aiktnan, of Cairney, esq. and born Oct.
, a Scotch painter of considerable eminence, was the son of William 8 Aiktnan, of Cairney, esq. and born Oct. 24, 1682. His father intended that he should follow the law, and gave him an education suitable to these views; but the strong predilection of the son to the fine arts induced him to attach himself to painting alone. Poetry, painting, and music have, with justice, been called sister arts. Mr. Aikman was fond of poetry; and was particularly delighted with those unforced strains which, proceeding from the heart, are calculated to touch the congenial feelings of sympathetic minds. It was this propensity which attached him so warmly to Allan Ramsay, the Doric bard of Scotland. Though younger than Ramsay, Mr. Aikman, while at college, formed an intimate acquaintance with him, which constituted a principal part of his happiness at that time, and of which he always bore the tenderest recollection. It was the same delicate bias of mind which at a future period of his life attached him so warmly to Thomson, who then unknown, and unprotected, stood in need of, and obtained the warmest patronage of Aikman; who perhaps considered it as one of the most fortunate occurrences in his life that he had it in his power to introduce this young poet of nature to sir Robert Walpole, who wished to be reckoned the patron of genius, and to Arbuthnot, Swift, Pope, Gay, and the other beaux esprits of that brilliant period. Thomson could never forget this kindness; and when he had the misfortune, too soon, to lose this warm friend and kind protector, he bewailed the loss in strains distinguished by justness of thought, and genuine pathos of expression.
f antiquity, which there alone can be found in abundance. And as he perceived that the profession he was to follow, could not permit him to manage properly his paternal
Mr. Aikman, having prosecuted his studies for somt time in Britain, found that to complete them it would be necessary to go into Italy, to form his taste on the fine models of antiquity, which there alone can be found in abundance. And as he perceived that the profession he was to follow, could not permit him to manage properly his paternal estate, situated in a remote place near Arbroath in the county of For far in Scotland, he thought proper to sell it, and settle all family claims upon him, that he might be at full liberty to pursue his studies. In the year 1707 he went to Italy, and having resided chiefly at Rome for three years, and taken instructions from, and formed an acquaintance with the principal artists of that period, he chose to gratify his curiosity by travelling into Turkey. He went first to Constantinople, and from thence to Smyrna. There he became acquainted with all the British gentlemen of the factory; who wished him to forsake the pencil, and to join them in the Turkey trade: but, that scheme not tuking place, he went once more to Rome, and pursued his former studies there, till the year 1712, when he returned to his native country: he now followed his profession of painting for some time, applauded by the discerning few; though the public, too poor at that period to be able to purchase valuable pictures, were unable to give adequate encouragement to his superior merit. John duke of Argyll, who equally admired the artist and esteemed the man, regretting that such talents should be lost, at length prevailed on Mr. Aikman to move with all his family to London, in the year 1723, thinking this the only theatre in Britain where his talents could be properly displayed. Under the auspices of this nobleman, he formed habits of intimacy with the first artists, particularly with sir Godfrey Kneller, whose studies and dispositions of mind were very congenial to his own.
In this society he soon became known to and patronized by people of the first rank, and was in habits of intimacy with many of them; particularly the earl
In this society he soon became known to and patronized by people of the first rank, and was in habits of intimacy with many of them; particularly the earl of Burlington, so well known for his taste in the fine arts, especially architecture. For him he painted, among others, a large picture of the royal family of England: in the middle compartment are all the younger branches of the family on a very large canvas, and on one hand above the door a half length of her majesty queen Caroline; the picture of the king was intended to fill the niche opposite to it, but Mr. Aikman’s death happening before it was begun, the place for it is left blank. This picture came into the possession of the duke of Devonshire, whose father married lady Mary Boyle, daughter and only child to the earl of Burlington. Towards the close of his life he painted many other piclures of people of the first rank and fashion in England. At Blickling in Norfolk, the seat of Hobart earl of Buckinghamshire, are a great many full length pictures by Mr. Aikman, of noblemen, gentlemen, and ladies, relations and friends of the earl. These, with the royal family above named, were his last works; and but a few of the number he painted in London. He died June 7, 1731.
, or Alliacus, an eminent Romish ecclesiastic, and cardinal, was born at Compiegnein 1350, of an obscure family. He eame very
, or Alliacus, an eminent Romish
ecclesiastic, and cardinal, was born at Compiegnein 1350, of
an obscure family. He eame very young to study at P.aris,
and was admitted into the college of Navarre in 1372. From
this time he began to distinguish himself by his writings in
philosophy, in which he fol lowed the principles of Occham,
and the Nominalists; and his reputation made him be
chosen to assist at the synod of Amiens, in which he made
a, discourse to the priest, although he was then only a subdeacon. He received the doctor’s degree at Paris, April
11, 1380, and next year he made a discourse in the presence of the duke of Anjou, in the name of the university,
to show that it was necessary to assemble a general council
in order to put an end to schism. That same year he was
made canon of Noyon, and continued there to the year 1384,
when he was recalled to Paris, to be superior of the college
of Navarre. Here he taught divinity, and acquired increased reputation by his lectures and sermons. From his
school came Gerson, Clemangis, and Giles D‘Eschamps,
the most famous divines of that time. The university of
Paris could not find any person more capable of maintaining her cause against Monteson, at pope Clement VIL’s
tribunal, than this learned doctor. She accordingly deputed him to Avignon, where he pleaded the cause of the
university with so much force, that the pope and cardinals
confirmed the judgment passed by that seminary. Having
returned from this mission, he was honoured, in 1389, with
three considerable dignities, that of chancellor of the
church and university, and almoner and confessor to king
Charles VI. In 1394 he was appointed treasurer of the
holy chapel at Paris, and was sent by the king to Benedict
XIII. to treat with him about the peace of the church. He
was afterwards successively elected to two bishoprics: that
of Puy, in Velay, in 1395, and that of Cam bray next year.
He took possession of the latter, and laid down his charge
of chancellor of the university in favour of John Gerson.
After this he employed his time in extinguishing schism,
as it was called, and assisted at the council of Pisa. At
length pope John XXIII. made him cardinal of Chrysogonus in 1411. He assisted in that quality at the general
council of Constance, and was one of those who took the
greatest share in its transactions, and composed several
sermons upon subjects handled there. He then returned
to Cambray, where he died in 1425. He wrote many
works, some of which were published after the invention
of printing; as his “Commentaries on the Master of Sentences,
” which are inserted in the appendix to the “Fasciculus rertim expetendarum,
” of Tracts
and Sermons,
” about the same time. He wrote also on
Astrology, in which he was a believer. His principal
works, however, confirm the opinion which the Roman
Catholic writers give of his learning and talents; and
learning so extraordinary is to be venerated in an age of
comparative darkness: but it is a great deduction from,
his character that, although he possessed superior understanding and liberality to many of his contemporaries, and
even is supposed to have leaned a little towards freedom
of opinion, he was an implacable persecutor of schism,
that is, the first beginnings of the Reformation; and was a
principal agent in bringing John Huss to the stake, and in
disturbing the ashes of Wickliffe.
Ælred, or Ealred, abbot of Revesby in Lincolnshire in the reigns of king Stephen and king Henry II. was born of nobie parents, in 1109, and educated in Scotland, together
, Ethelred, Ælred, or Ealred, abbot
of Revesby in Lincolnshire in the reigns of king Stephen
and king Henry II. was born of nobie parents, in 1109,
and educated in Scotland, together with Henry, son of
David, king of Scots. Upon his return into England, he
took the habit in the Cistertian monastery of Revesby,
where his extraordinary piety and learning soon raised him
to the dignity of abbot. Leland says he outshone his
brethren as the sun eclipses the brightness of the inferior
luminaries: and endeared himself no less to the great
men of the kingdom than to the monks of his own house.
His great love of retirement, and a life of contemplation
and study, induced him to decline all offers of ecclesiastical preferment, and even to refuse a bishopric. He was
particularly attached to St. Austin’s works, especially his
” and was a strict imitator of St. Bernard
in his writings, words, and actions. He left behind him
several monuments of his learning; in the composition of
which he was assisted by Walter Daniel, a monk of the
same convent. This abbot died January 12, 1166, aged
fifty-seven years, and was buried in the monastery of
Revesby, under a tomb adorned with gold and silver; and,
we are told, he was canonized on account of some miracles
said to have been wrought by him after his death.
rnard is “Tractatus de Dominica infra octavas Epiphaniae, et Sermones XI. de oneribus Isaiae,” which was written by Ailred. Leland, Bale, and Pits, have enumerated his
Of his works, the following have been printed in the
“Collection of ten English Writers
” by Roger Twisden,
Lond. De Bello Standardii tempore Stephani
regis, anno 1138;
” “Genealogia Regum Anglorum;
“Historra de Vita et Miraculis S. Edwardi Regis et Confessoris;
” “Historia de Sanctimoniali de Watthun.
” Ailred wrote another “Life of St. Edward
” in elegiac verse,
which is extant in manuscript in the library of Gonvil and
Caius college in Cambridge. The following were published
by Richard Gibbons, a Jesuit, at Doway, in 1631, and
afterwards in the “Bibliotheca Cistertiensis,
” and in the
“Bibliotheca Patrum;
” namely, “Sermones de Tempore
etde Sanctis;
” “In~Isaiam Prophetam Sermones XXXI;
“Speculum Charitatis libris III.
” “Tractatus de puero
Jesu duodecenni in illud Luc. ii. cum factus esset Jesus,
” “De spirituali Amicitia.
” He wrote also “Regulse
ad Inclusas, seu Moniales,
” which is erroneously ascribed
to St. Augustin, and usually printed with his works; and
among the works of St. Bernard is “Tractatus de Dominica
infra octavas Epiphaniae, et Sermones XI. de oneribus
” which was written by Ailred. Leland, Bale, and
Pits, have enumerated his unpublished writings, as has
Tanner under the article Ealredus.
end of the sixteenth, and beginning of the seventeenth centary, but it is not known when or where he was born. In 1590 he joined the Brownists, and by his adherence
, an eminent English nonconformist divine, who flourished in the latter end of the sixteenth, and beginning of the seventeenth centary, but it
is not known when or where he was born. In 1590 he
joined the Brownists, and by his adherence to that sect
shared in their persecutions. He was well versed in the
Hebrew language, and wrote many excellent commentaries
on the holy scriptures which gained him great reputation.
The Brownists having fallen into great discredit in England, they were involved in many fresh troubles and difficulties; so that Ainsworth at length quitted his country,
and fled to Holland, whither most of the nonconformists,
who had incurred the displeasure of queen Elizabeth’s
government, had taken refuge. At Amsterdam Mr. Johnson and he erected a church, of which Ainsworth was the
minister. In conjunction with Johnson he published, in
1602, “A confession of faith of the people called Brownists;
but being men of violent spirits, they split into parties
about certain points of discipline, and Johnson excommunicated his own father and brother: the presbytery of
Amsterdam offered their mediation, but he refused it.
This divided the congregation, half of which joining Ainsworth, they excommunicated Johnson, who made the like
return to that party. The contest grew at length so violent, that Johnson and his followers removed to Embden,
where he died soon after, and his congregation dissolved.
Nor did Mr. Ainsworth and his adherents live long in harmony, for in a short time he left them, and retired to Ireland;
but when the heat and violence of his party subsided, he
returned to Amsterdam, and continued with them until his
death. Dr. Heylyn’s account of their contentions at Amsterdam, sufficiently shows what implicit obedience some
men expect who are not much inclined to pay it, either to
the church or the state.
ists. But nothing could have effect upon him, or make him return home so he died in exile. His death was sudden, and not without suspicion of violence for it is reported,
Ainsworth’s learned writings, however, were esteemed even by his adversaries, who, while they refuted his extravagant tenets, yet paid a proper deference to his abilities; particularly Dr. Hall, bisbop of Exeter, who wrote with great strength of argument against the Brownists. But nothing could have effect upon him, or make him return home so he died in exile. His death was sudden, and not without suspicion of violence for it is reported, that having found a diamond of great value, he advertised it; and when the owner, who was a Jew, came to demand it, he offered him any gratuity he would desire. Ainsworth, though poor, requested only of the Jew, that he would procure him a conference with some of his rabbis, upon the prophecies of the Old Testament relating to the Messiah, which the Jew promised; but not having interest to obtain such a conference, it was thought that he contrived to get Ainsworth poisoned. This is said to have happened in 1622. He was undoubtedly a person of profound learning, and deeply read in the works of the rabbis. He had a strong understanding, quick penetration, and wonderful diligence.
ler and Vogt have inserted among scarce books. The Song of Solomon, which makes part of this volume, was printed separately in 1623, 4to. He published also several treatises
His most esteemed works are his annotations on some
books of the Bible. Those on the Psalms were printed
1612, 4to; on the Pentateuch, 2 vols. 4to, 1621, and again
in 1627, fol. and 1639; which last edition Wendler and
Vogt have inserted among scarce books. The Song of
Solomon, which makes part of this volume, was printed
separately in 1623, 4to. He published also several treatises of the controversial kind, as, 1. “A Counter-poison
against Bernard and Crashaw,
” An Animadversion on Mr. Richard Clyfton’s
Advertisement, who, under pretence of answering Charles
Lawne’s book, hath published another man’s private letter,
with Mr, Francis Johnson’s answer thereto; which letter is
here justified, the answer hereto refuted, and the true
causes of the lamentable breach that has lately fallen out
in the English exiled church at Amsterdam, manifested:
printed at Amsterdam, by Giles Thorp, Aid. 1613,
” 4to;
3. “A treatise of the Communion of Saints;
” 4. “A treatise
of the Fellowship that the Faithful have with God, his
Angels, and one with another, in this present life, 1615,
8vo; 5. “The trying out of the Truth between John Ainsworth and Henry Ainsworth, the one pleading for, and the
other against popery,
” 4to; 6. “An Arrow against Idolatry;
” 7. “Certain Notes of Mr. Ainsworth’s last Sermon
on 1 Pet. ii. 4, 5, printed in 1630,
” 8vo.
, an eminent Grammarian and lexicographer, was born at Woodyale, in the parish of Eccles, in Lancashire, four
, an eminent Grammarian and
lexicographer, was born at Woodyale, in the parish of Eccles, in Lancashire, four miles from Manchester, in September 1660, and was educated at Bolton in that county, where
he afterwards taught school. On coming to London, he
opened a considerable boarding-school at Bethnal-green,
and in 1698 published a short treatise on grammatical instil
tution, inscribed to sir William Hustler, and reprinted in
1736, 8vo, under the title of “The most natural and easy
way of Institution, &c.
” He soon after removed to Hackney, and successively to other villages near London, where
he taught with good reputation many years, and at length
having acquired a moderate fortune, he left off teaching and
lived privately. He had a turn both for Latin and English
poetry, some single poems of his having been printed in
each of these languages, but are not now known. He was
remarkably near-sighted, but wrote a beautiful hand. In
the latter part of his life, he employed himself in searching
the shops of obscure brokers in every quarter of the town,
by which means he often recovered old coius. and other valuable curiosities at a small expence, and became possessed
of a very fine collection of English coins, which he sold
singly to several gentlemen a short time before his death.
This happened at London, April 4, 1743, at the age of
eighty-three. He was buried, according to his own desire,
in the cemetery of Poplar, under the following monumental inscription, composed by himself:
se and meditate thy end.” Of his private life, little else is known, except that in 1721 or 1724, he was elected a fellow of the society of Antiquaries; and honourable
Monumenta Vetustatis
Kempiana, &c.
” Irtiov, sive ex veteris monumenti Isiaci descriptione Isidis Delubrum reseratum,
” De
Clypeo Carnilli antique,
” Museum Woodwardianum,
” the latter
part of which was drawn up by Ainsworth, though Dr. Woodward himself had described most of the statues, tables, and
vases, and written large notes upon most of them. But the
work which has contributed most to Mr. Ainsworth’s name
is his well-known Latin Dictionary. About the year 1714,
it having been suggested to some principal booksellers,
that a new compendious English and Latin Dictionary, upon
a plan somewhat similar to Faber’s Thesaurus, was much
wanted, Mr. Ainsworth was considered as a proper person
to execute what proved to be a long and troublesome undertaking: and how well he completed it has been sufficiently shewn by the approbation bestowed on it by a succession of the ablest teachers and scholars. The first edition appeared in 1736, 4to, in which Dr. Patrick appears
to have assisted Ainsworth; and the second edition in 1746
was entirely entrusted to Patrick’s care, who introduced
many additions and improvements. Dr. Ward also contributed to this edition. The third edition irt 1751 was
superintended by Mr.Kimber, but with little or no variation.
In 1752 another appeared, greatly improved by Mr. William Young (the parson Adams of Fielding), and an editor
far superior to either of the preceding. An abridgment in
2 vols. 8vo, 1758, by Mr. Nathanael Thomas, is chiefly valuable for the clearness of the print, and the facility of reference. In 1773, Dr. Morell corrected, for the third
time, the quarto edition, and continued to improve it as
far as the edition of 1780; the last edition of 1808 was
revised by a gentleman, whose name we are not at liberty to
mention, amply qualified for the task. By a curious list
of the sums given to the various editors of this work, published by Mr. Nichols, we learn that Ainsworth received
for the first edition, 66 6l. 17s. 6d., and-for what he had
contributed to the second, his executors were paid 2501.
, vicar of Milford in Hampshire, was born at Clifton in Westmoreland, and admitted a student in Queen’s
, vicar of Milford in Hampshire,
was born at Clifton in Westmoreland, and admitted a student in Queen’s college, Oxford, in 1621; where having
passed the servile offices, and taken the degree of M. A.
Jie was elected a fellow. Soon after he went into holy orders, and in 1642 took the degree of B. D. He wrote
“Fasciculus prseceptorum logicalium in gratiam Juventutis
Academicse compositus;
” besides a few other small pieces,
the titles of which Wood has not recovered. He died the
18th of October, 1670, aged 69, and was buried in the
chancel of his church of Milford, with an epitaph, which
praises him as a vigilant vicar of that church, a gentleman
of the greatest integrity, judgment, and learning, and who
in the most difficult and troublesome times, adhered faithfully to his principles. Wood speaks of a Christopher
Airay, nephew to Dr. Adam Airay, principal of Edmund
hall, who ia 1660 contributed to enlarge the buildings of
old Queen’s college. They were probably both related to
the subject of the following article.
, provost of Queen’s college, Oxford, was born in Westmoreland in 1559, educated in grammatical learning
, provost of Queen’s college, Oxford,
was born in Westmoreland in 1559, educated in grammatical learning under the care of Bernard Gilpin, usually called the Northern Apostle, and by him sent to St. Edmund’s
hall, Oxford, in 1579. He was then 19 years of age, and
was maintained at the university by Gilpin, who afterwards
left him a handsome legacy by his last will. Mr. Airay
soon removed from St. Edmund’s hall to Queen’s college,
and in 1583, took his bachelor’s degree, was made tabarder,
and in 1586 he commenced master of arts and was chosen
fellow. About this time he went into orders, and became a
constant preacher in the university, particularly in the
church of St. Peter in the east. In 1594, he took the degree of B. D. and March 9, 1598-9, was elected provost of
his college; and in 1606 he was appointed vice-chancellor.
He wrote the following pieces: 1. “Lectures upon the
whole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians,
” London, The just and necessary Apology touching his
Suit in Law, for the Rector of Charlton on Otmore, in Oxfordshire,
” London, A Treatise against
bowing at the Name of Jesus.
” The lectures were preached
in the church of St. Peter in the east, and were published
by Christopher Potter, fellow, and afterwards provost of
Queen’s college, with an epistle of his own composition
prefixed to them. Airay ranks among the zealous Puritans,
who were mostly Calvinists, and was a great supporter of
his party in the university, where he was considered as a
man of sincere piety, integrity, and learning. In 1602 when
Dr. Howson, then vice-chancellor, wished to repress the
practice of some Puritan divines of Oxford who preached
against the ceremonies and discipline of the church, Dr.
Airay and one or two otherlj were ordered to make submission by the queen’s commissioners who had investigated the
matter; and this the others did, but Dr. Airay, according
to Ant. Wood, appears to have been excused. In 1604,
when king James, in commemoration of his escape from the
Gowrie conspiracy, not only appointed an anniversary, but
that there should always be a sermon and service on Tuesdays throughout the year, Dr. Airay introduced this last
custom into Oxford, first at All Saints church, and then at
St. Mary’s, with a rule that the sermons should be preached
by the divines of the colleges in their respective turns. In
1606, when vice-chancellor, he was one of the first to call
Mr. Laud, afterwards the celebrated archbishop, to task for
preaching sentiments which were supposed to favour popery.
He died in Queen’s college, Oct. 10, 1616, aged fiftyseven, and was buried in the chapel. He bequeathed to
the college some lands lying in Garsington, near Oxford.
, an eminent botanist, was born m 1731, at a small village near Hamilton, in Lanarkshire.
, an eminent botanist, was born m
1731, at a small village near Hamilton, in Lanarkshire.
He had been early initiated in horticulture; and in 1754,
coming for employment to the southern parts of the kingdom, he attracted, in the following year, the notice of Mr.
Philip Miller, author of the Gardener’s Dictionary, who was
at that time superintendant of the botanical garden at
Chelsea. The instructions which he received from that
eminent gardener, it is said, laid the foundation of his futnre fortune. His attention to his profession procured for
him a recommendation to the late princess dowager of
Wales, and his present majesty. In 1759, he consequently was appointed to superintend the botanical garden
at Kew, an opportunity for the exertion of his talents
which was not neglected. The most curious plants were
collected from every part of the world, and his skill in
the cultivation of them was evinced by his attention
to the various soils and degrees of warmth or cold which
were necessary for their growth. The borders in the garden were enlarged for the more free circulation of the air
where it was required, and the stoves were improved for
the reception of plants, and, as near as it was thought possible, adapted to the climates from which they were produced. His professional abilities were not unnoticed by
the most eminent botanists of the time; and in 1764 he
became acquainted with sir Joseph Banks, when, equally
honourable to both, a friendship commenced which subsisted for life. In 1783, Mr. Haverfield, having been advanced to a higher station, was succeeded by Mr. Aiton, in
the more lucrative office of superintending the pleasure
and kitchen gardens at Kew, with which he was permitted
to retain his former post. His labours proved that his majesty’s favours were not injudiciously bestowed; forin 1789
he published an ample catalogue of the plants at Kew,
with the title of “Hortus Kewensis,
” 3 vols. 8vo. In this
catalogue was given an account of the several foreign plants
which had been introduced into the English gardens at
different times. The whole impression of this elaborate
performance was sold within two years, and a second
and improved edition was published by his son William
Townsend Aiton in 1810. Though active and temperate, Mr. Aiton had for some time been afflicted with a
complaint which is thought by the faculty to be
incurable. It was that of a scirrhous liver, nor was it to be
surmounted by the aid of medicine, though every possible
assistance was liberally bestowed. He died on February
1st, 1793, in the 63d year of his age, having left behind
him a wife, two sons, and three daughters. He had been
distinguished by the friendship of those who were most
celebrated for their botanical science. The late earl of
Bute, sir Joseph Banks, the late Dr. Solander, and Mr.
Dryander, were the friends to whom he always was inclined
to declare his acknowledgements for their kindness, and to
the three latter for the assistance which they afforded hint
in completing the “Hortus Kewensis.
” He was assiduous in his employment, easy in his temper, and faithful to
his duty. As a friend, a husband, and a father, his character was exemplary. On his burial in the church-yard
at Kew, his pall was supported by those who knew and
esteemed him; by sir Joseph Banks, the Rev. Dr. Goodenough, Mr. Dryander, Dr. Pitcairn, Mr. Dundas of Richmond, and Mr. Zoffany. The king, attentive to his faithful servants, demonstrated his kindness to Mr. Aiton, by
appointing his eldest son to his father’s places. There is a
portrait of our author in the library at sir Joseph Banks’ s,
Soho square, which is thought a good likeness. He holds
in his hand a plant called, in compliment to him, Aitonia,
by the celebrated Thunberg.
, a gentleman of Frizeland, was born at Doccum in 1600, of a considerable family. His father,
, a gentleman of Frizeland, was
born at Doccum in 1600, of a considerable family. His
father, Menard Aitzema, was burgomaster and secretary to
the admiralty, and his uncle Foppius was resident for the
states-general at Hamburgh, and often employed in negociations of the first importance. Leo had scarcely reached
his sixteenth year, before he published his Poemuta Juvenilia, but was soon engaged in more serious studies, his
uncle having procured him to be appointed counsellor of
the Hanse towns, and their resident at the Hague. He is
likewise said to have been twice in England on public affairs. The work for which he is best known is a compilation on the history of the United Provinces, written in
Dutch, under the title of “Zaken van Staat en Oorlog.
Of this there have been two editions, the first in 16 vols.
4to, 1657 1671, including the period between 1621 and
1668. The second edition is in 7 vols. fol. 1669 1671,
with an account of the peace of Munster, and a treatise entitled the “Lion restored,
” or an account of Dutch affairs in Histoire des Provinces Unies,
” 8 vols.
4to, Paris, 1757 1771, is principally taken. A continuation of it, extending to the year 1697, was published by
Lambert Bos, 4 vols. fol. Aitzema died in 1669 at the
Hague, his usual residence.
, professor of medicine in the university of Paris, and created doctor in 1526, was a native of Chalons in Champagne, and according to the custom
, professor of medicine in the university of Paris, and created doctor in 1526, was a native
of Chalons in Champagne, and according to the custom of
the time, changed his name from “SansMalicc
” or Harmless, to that of Akakia, a Greek word of the same import.
He translated Galen “De rat ion e Curandi,
” and “Ar
Medica quae est ars parva.
” He also published “Consilia
” and two volumes on Female Diseases. He was a
man of high reputation in his time, physician to Francis I.
and one of the principal deputies from the university to the
council of Trent, in 1545. He died in 1541.
, an English poet and physician, was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nov. 9, 1721. His father was a
, an English poet and physician, was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nov. 9, 1721. His father was a reputable butcher of that place. Of this circumstance, which he is said to have concealed from his friends, he had a perpetual remembrance in a halt in his gait, occasioned by the falling of a cleaver from his father’s stall. He received the first rudiments of his education at the grammar-school of Newcastle, and was afterwards placed under the tuition of Mr. Wilson, who kept a private academy. At the age of eighteen be went to Edinburgh to qualify himself for the office of a dissenting minister, and obtained some assistance from the fund of the dissenters, which is established for such purposes. Having, however, relinquished his original intention, he resolved to study physic, and honourably repaid that contribution, which, being intended for the promotion of the ministry, he could not conscientiously retain.
l of his poems were the produce of his youth. His capital performance, The Pleasures of Imagination, was first published in 1744; and, like most extraordinary productions,
Akenside gave early indications of genius. Several of his poems were the produce of his youth. His capital performance, The Pleasures of Imagination, was first published in 1744; and, like most extraordinary productions, it was not properly appreciated till time had matured the public judgment. I have, savs our late eminent biographer, heard Dodsley, by whom it was published, say, that when the copy was offered him, the price demanded for it being such as he was not inclined to give precipitately, he carried the work to Pope, who having looked over it, advised him not to make a niggardly offer, for this was no every-day writer.
that ridicule is the test of truth. Warburton attacked him with severity in a preface; and Akenside was warmly defended in “An Epistle to the rev. Mr. Warburton.” Though
Upon the publication of his “Pleasures of Imagination,
he gave offence to Warburton, by a note in the third book,
in which he revived and maintained the notion of Shaftesbury, that ridicule is the test of truth. Warburton attacked
him with severity in a preface; and Akenside was warmly
defended in “An Epistle to the rev. Mr. Warburton.
Though the pamphlet was anonymous, it was known to be
the production of his friend Jeremiah Dyson. In the
revisal of his poems, which he left unfinished, he omitted the
lines and the note to which Warburton had objected. In
1745 he published a collection of his Odes; and wrote a
vehement invective against Pulteney, earl of Bath, whom
he stigmatizes, under the name of Curio, as the betrayer of
his country. He seems to have afterwards been dissatisfied
with his epistle to Curio; for he expunged about half the
lines, and changed it to the form of an ode. At different
and long intervals some other poems of his appeared,
which were, together with the rest, published after his decease.
ore than two years, and then settled in London. That he might be enabled to support the figure which was necessary for his introduction to practice in town, his generous
As a physician, he commenced practice at Northampton soon after his return from Leyden. But not finding the success which he expected, or being desirous of moving in a more extensive sphere, he removed to Hampstead, where he resided more than two years, and then settled in London. That he might be enabled to support the figure which was necessary for his introduction to practice in town, his generous friend Mr. Dyson allowed him 300l. a year. Whether any bond or acknowledgment was taken is uncertain; but it is known that after his death Mr. Dyson possessed his effects, particularly his books and prints, of which he was an assiduous collector.
,n lecture, in which he intended to give a history of the revival of learning, but soon desisted. He was admitted to a doctor’s degree at Cambridge, after having taken
Having commenced his career in medicine, our author distinguished himself by various publications in his profession; and having read the Gulstonian lectures on anatomy, he began the Cronia,n lecture, in which he intended to give a history of the revival of learning, but soon desisted. He was admitted to a doctor’s degree at Cambridge, after having taken it at Edinburgh and Leyden; was elected a fellow of the College of Physicians, and one of the physicians at St. Thomas’s Hospital; and, upon the establishment of the queen’s household, appointed one of the physicians to her majesty. His discourse on the Dysentery, 1764, was admired for its pure and elegant Latinity; and he might probably have attained a still greater eminence in his profession if his life had been longer. He died of a putrid fever, June 23, 1770, in the 59th year of his age; and is buried in the parish church of St. James, Westminster.
s,” a Hymn to the Naiads, and some Inscriptions. “The Pleasures of Imagination,” as before observed, was first published in 1744; and a very extraordinary production
His poems, published soon after his death in 4to and 8vo,
consist of the “Pleasures of Imagination,
” two books of
” a Hymn to the Naiads, and some Inscriptions.
“The Pleasures of Imagination,
” as before observed, was
first published in Characteristics,
” what
Lucretius did for Epicurus formerly; that is, he has displayed and embellished his philosophic system, that system
which has the first-beautiful and the first-good for its foundation, with all the force of poetic colouring; but, on the
other hand, it has been justly objected that his picture of
man is unfinished. The immortality of the soul is not once
hinted throughout the poem. With regard to its merit as
a poem, Dr. Johnson has done ample justice to it, while
he speaks with more severity of his other poems. It is
not easy to guess, says that eminent critic, why he addicted himself so diligently to lyric poetry, having neither
the ease and airiness of the lighter, nor the vehemence and
elevation of the grander ode. We may also refer the
reader to an elegant criticism prefixed by Mrs. Barbauld to
an ornamented edition of the “Pleasures of Imagination,
the Revival of Learning,” and read three lectures on it before the colIfge. But this he gave up, as was supposed, in disgust; some one of the college having objected
His medical writings require some notice. Besides his
“Dissertatio de Dysenteria,
” which has been twice transiated into English, he wrote in the Philosophical Transactions, 1. “Observations on the Origin and Use of the
Lymphatic vessels,
” part of his Gulstonian lectures, Observations Anatomical and Physical,
Dr. Akensidc published a small pamphlet, An account of a Blow on the Heart and its
” Oratio Harveiaua,
” 4to, The history of the Revival
of Learning,
” and read three lectures on it before the colIfge. But this he gave up, as was supposed, in disgust;
some one of the college having objected that he had chosen
a subject foreign to the institution. He wrote also, in
Dodsley’s Museum, vol. I, on “Correctness,
” “Table of
Modern Fame;
” and in vol. II, “A Letter from a Swiss
, a famous Rabbin, who flourished a little after the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, was a Jew only by the mother’s side, and it is pretended that his
, a famous Rabbin, who flourished a little after
the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, was a Jew only by
the mother’s side, and it is pretended that his father was
descended from Sisera, general of the army of Jabin king
of Tyre. Akiba, for the first forty years of his life, kept
the flocks of Calba Schwa, a rich citizen of Jerusalem, whose
daughter is said to have induced him to study in hopes of
gaining her hand, if he should make any considerable progress. He applied himself accordingly to his studies with
so much assiduity and success, for upwards of twenty years,
that he was considered as one of the most able teachers in
Israel, and was followed by a prodigious number of scholars. He declared himself for the impostor Barchochebas,
and asserted that he was the true Messiah; but the troops
which the emperor Hadrian sent against the Jews, who under the conduct of this false Messiah had committed horrid
massacres, exterminated this faction, and Akiba was taken
and put to death with great cruelty. He lived an hundred
and twenty years, and was buried with his wife in a cave
upon a mountain not far from Tiberias. The Jewish writers
enlarge much upon his praises, and his sayings are often
mentioned in the Mishnu and Talmud. When he died,
they say, the glory of the law vanished away. This happened in the year 135. He was in truth a gross impostor,
and the accounts handed down to us of him are entitled to
very little credit. He is said to have forged a work under
the name of the patriarch Abraham, entitled “Sepher Jezirah,
” or, “The Book of the Creation,
” which was
translated into Latin by Postel, and published at Paris in 1552,
8vo, at Mantua in 4to, and at Basil in folio, 1587. Some
charge him also with having altered the Hebrew text of the
Bible, in order to contend with the Christians on certain
points of chronology.
, an English divine, was born in Suffolk, and educated in Trinity college, Cambridge,
, an English divine, was born
in Suffolk, and educated in Trinity college, Cambridge,
where he took the degree of M. A. and was afterwards incorporated of the university of Oxford, June 7, 1592.
Wood says, he was the rarest poet and Grecian that any one
age or nation produced. He attended the unfortunate earl
of Essex in his voyage to Cadiz, as his chaplain; and entertaining some doubts on religion, he was prevailed upon
to declare himself a Roman Catholic, and published “Seven
Motives for his Conversion,
” but he soon discovered many
more for returning to the church of England. He applied
himself much to caballistic learning, the students of which
consider principally the combination of particular words,
letters, and numbers, and by this, they pretend to see clearly
into the sense of scripture. In their opinion there is not
a word, letter, number, or accent, in the law, without some
mystery in it, and they even venture to look into futurity
by this study. Alabaster made great proficiency in it, and
obtained considerable promotion in the church. He was
made prebendary of St. Paul', doctor of divinity, and rector of Thai-field in Hertfordshire. The text of the sermon
which he preached for his doctor’s degree, was the first
verse of the first chapter of the first book of Chronicles,
namely “Adam, Seth, Enoch,
” which he explained in the
mystical sense, Adam signtfying misery, &c. He died April
1640. His principal work was “Lexicon Pentaglotton,
Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, &c.
” Lond. Commentarius de bestia Apocalyptica,
” and other works of that stamp. As a
poet he has been more highly applauded. He wrote the
Latin tragedy of “Roxana,
” which bears date If,
” says Dr. Johnson, in his
life of Milton, “we produced any thing worthy of notice
before the elegies of Milton, it was perhaps Alabaster’s
” He also began to describe, in a Latin poem entitled “Elisceis,
” the chief transactions Of queen
Elizabeth’s reign, but left it unfinished at the time of his death.
The manuscript was for some time in the possession of
Theodore Haak, and some manuscript verses of his are in
the library of Gonvil and Caius college, Cambridge, and
the Elisceis is in that of Emmanuel.
, an eminent Italian poet, was born of a noble family at Florence, in 1475, and passed the
, an eminent Italian poet, was born of a noble family at Florence, in 1475, and passed the early part of his life in habits of friendship with Bernardo and Cosimo Rucellai, Trissino, and other scholars who had devoted themselves more particularly to the study of classical literature. Of the satires and lyric poems of Alamanni, several were produced under the pontificate of LeoX. In the year 1516, he married Alessandra Serristori, a lady of great beauty, by whom he had a numerous offspring. The rank and talents of Alamanni recommended him to the notice and friendship of the cardinal Julio de Medici, who, during the latter part of the pontificate of Leo X. governed on the behalf of that pontiff the city of Florence. The rigid restrictions imposed by the cardinal on the inhabitants, by which they were, among other marks of subordination, prohibited from carrying arms under severe penalties, excited the indignation of many of the younger citizens of noble families, who could ill brook the loss of their independence; and among the rest, of Alamanni, who, forgetting the friend in the patriot, not only joined in a conspiracy against the cardinal, immediately after the death of Leo X. but is said to have undertaken to assassinate him with his own hand. His associates were Zanobio Buondelmonti, Jacopa da Diaceto, Antonio Brueioli, and several other persons of distinguished talents, who appear to have been desirous of restoring the ancient liberty of the republic, without sufficiently reflecting on the mode by which it was to be accomplished. The designs of the conspirators, however, were discovered, and Alamanni was under the necessity of saving himself by flight. After many adventures and vicissitudes, in the course of which he returned to Florence, and took an active part in the commotions that agitated his country, he finally withdrew to France, where he met with a kind and honourable reception from Francis I. who was a great admirer of Italian poetry, and not only conferred on him the order of St. Michael, but employed him in many important missions.
nts and promptitude. Among the several poems which he had composed in the praise of Francis I. there was one pretty severe upon the emperor, wherein, amongst several
On an embassy from Francis I. to the emperor Charles V. Alamanni gave a singular instance of his talents and promptitude. Among the several poems which he had composed in the praise of Francis I. there was one pretty severe upon the emperor, wherein, amongst several other satirical strokes, there is the following, where the cock says to the eagle,
isconcert Alamanni, who immediately made the following answer: “Sir, when I composed these lines, it was as a poet, who is permitted to use fictions; but now I speak
This, however, did not disconcert Alamanni, who immediately made the following answer: “Sir, when I composed these lines, it was as a poet, who is permitted to use
fictions; but now I speak as an ambassador, who is bound
in honour to tell the truth. I spoke then as a youth, I
speak now as a man advanced in years: I was then swayed
by rage and passion, arising from the desolate condition
of my country; but now I am calm and free from passion.
Charles, rising from his seat, and laying his hand on the
shoulder of the ambassador, told him with great kindness
that he had no cause to regret the loss of his country, having found such a patron as Francis I. adding, that to a
virtuous man every place is his country.
On the marriage of Henry duke of Orleans, afterwards Henry II. with Catherine de Medici, Alamanni was appointed her maitre d'hotel; and the reward of his services
On the marriage of Henry duke of Orleans, afterwards
Henry II. with Catherine de Medici, Alamanni was appointed her maitre d'hotel; and the reward of his services
enabled him to secure to himself great emoluments, and to
establish his family in an honourable situation in France,
where he died at Amboise, of a dysentery, April 18, 1556,
His principal works are, 1. “Opere Toscane,
” a collection of poems on different subjects, and “Antigone,
” a
tragedy, Lyons, La Coltiva?ione,
” Paris, Girone il Cortese,
” an heroic poem in 24 cantos,
Paris, 1548, 4to; Venice, 1549. This work is little more
than a transposition into the Italian ottava rima, of a French
romance entitled Gyron Courtois, which Alamanni undertook at the request of Francis I. a short time before the
death of that monarch, as appears from the information of
the author himself in his dedication to Henry II. in which
he has described the origin and laws of the British knights
errant, or knights of the round table. 4. “La Avarchide,
or the siege of Bourges, the Avaricum of Caesar, an epic,
also in 24 cantos, Florence, 1170, 4to. The plan and conduct of it is so closely founded on that of the Iliad, that if
we except only the alteration of the names, it appears rather to be a translation than an original work. Neither of
these have contributed much to the author’s fame, which
rests chiefly on “La Coltivazione.
” 5. “Flora,
” a comedy in five acts, and in that verse which the Italians call
Saruccioli, Florence, 1556 and 1601, 8vo.
Alamanni left two sons, who shared in the good fortune due to his talents and reputation. Baptist was almoner to queen Catherine de Medicis, afterwards king’s counsellor,
Alamanni left two sons, who shared in the good fortune
due to his talents and reputation. Baptist was almoner to
queen Catherine de Medicis, afterwards king’s counsellor,
abbot of Belle-ville, bishop of Bazas, and afterwards of
Macon; he died in 1581. Nicholas, the other son, was a
knight of St. Michael, captain of the royal guards, and
master of the palace. Two other persons of the name of
Louis Alamanni, likewise natives of Florence, were
distinguished in the republic of letters. One was a colonel in
the French service, and in 1591 consul of the academy of
Florence. Salvino Salvini speaks of him in “Fastes Consulaires.
” The other lived about the same time, and was
a member of the same academy. He wrote three Latin
eclogues in the “Carmina illustrium Poetarum Italorum,
and a funeral oration in the collection of “Florentine
” vol. IV. He was the grandson of Ludovico Alemanni, one of the five brothers of the celebrated poet.
w at Salamanca, he entered into the service of Anthony Perez, secretary of state under Philip II. He was in high esteem and confidence with his master, upon which account
, a Spanish writer, born at Medina del Campo, in Castile, about the end of the sixteenth
century. After having studied the law at Salamanca, he
entered into the service of Anthony Perez, secretary of
state under Philip II. He was in high esteem and confidence with his master, upon which account he was imprisoned after the disgrace of this minister, and kept in
confinement eleven years, when Philip III. coming to the
throne, set him at liberty, according to the orders given by
his father in his will. Alamos continued in a private capacity, till the duke of Olivarez, the favourite of Philip IV.
called him to public employments. He was appointed advocate-general in the court of criminal causes, and in the
council of war. He was afterwards chosen member of the
council of the Indies, and then of the council of the king’s
patrimony, and a knight of the order of St. James. He was a
man of wit as well as judgment, but his writings were superior to his conversation. He died in the 88th year of his
age. His Spanish translation of Tacitus, and the aphorisms
which he added in the margin, gained him great reputation: the aphorisms, however, have been censured by some
authors, particularly by Mr. Amelot, who says, “that instead of being more concise and sententious than the text,
the words of the text are always more so than the aphorism.
” This work was published at Madrid in 1614, and
was to have been followed, as mentioned in the king’s privilege, with a commentary, which, however, has never yet
appeared. The author composed the whole during his imprisonment. He left several other works which have never
yet been printed.
, in Latin Alanus de Lynna, a famous divine of the fifteenth century, was born at Lynn, in the county of Norfolk, and educated in the
, in Latin Alanus de Lynna, a famous
divine of the fifteenth century, was born at Lynn, in the
county of Norfolk, and educated in the university of Cambridge; where he applied himself diligently to the study
of philosophy and divinity, and, having taken the degree of
doctor, became an eminent preacher. Bale, who gives
Alan an advantageous character, yet blames him for using
allegorical and moral expositions of scripture; while Pits
commends the method he took to explain the holy scriptures, which was by comparing them with themselves, and
having recourse to the ancient fathers of the church. But
he is more generally celebrated for the useful pains he took
in making indexes to most of the books he read. Of these
Bale saw a prodigious quantity in the library of the Carmelites at Norwich. Alan flourished about the year 1420,
and wrote several pieces, particularly “De vario Scripturæ sensu;
” “Moralia Bibliorum;
” “Sermones notabiles;
” “Elucidarium Scripturæ;
” “Prelectiones Theologiæ;
” “Elucidationes Aristotelis.
” At length he became a Carmelite, in the town of his nativity, and was buried in the convent of his order.
, cardinal priest of the Roman church, and styled Cardinal of England, was the son of John Allen, by Jennet Lyster, sister to Thomas Lyster,
, cardinal priest of the Roman church, and styled Cardinal of England, was the son of John Allen, by Jennet Lyster, sister to Thomas Lyster, of Westby, in Yorkshire, and was born at Rossal in Lancashire, in 1532. His father, according to Camden, was a gentleman of a reputable family, and had him educated at home until his fifteenth year, 1547, when he was entered of Oriel college, Oxford, and had for his tutor Morgan Philips, or Philip Morgan, a zealous Roman Catholic, and usually called the Sophister, which was a title, in the learning of those times, highly honourable. Young Alan made a rapid progress both in logic and philosophy, and was elected a fellow of his college, and took his bachelor’s degree in 1550. In the Act celebrated July 16, he went out junior of the act, having completed his degree of M. A. with the distinguished reputation of great parts, learning, and eloquence. Of this we have a proof in his being chosen principal of St. Mary hall, in 1556, when only twenty-four years of age, and the same year he served the office of proctor. In 1558, he was made canon of York; but on the accession of queen Elizabeth, when the reformed religion was again established, although he remained for a short time at Oxford, yet, as he refused to comply with the queen’s visitors in taking the oaths, &c. his fellowship was declared void; and in 1560 he found it necessary to leave England, and retire to Louvain, then a general receptacle of the expatriated English Catholics, and where they had erected a college. Here his talents and zeal recommended him to his countrymen, who looked up to him as their supporter, while they were charmed with his personal appearance, and easy address, chastened by a dignified gravity of manners.
e in support of the cause for which he had left his country; and his first piece, published in 1565, was entitled “A defence of the doctrine of Catholics, concerning
He now began to write in support of the cause for which
he had left his country; and his first piece, published in
1565, was entitled “A defence of the doctrine of Catholics, concerning Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead,
” 8vo.
This was intended as an answer to the celebrated bishop
Jewell’s work on the same subject; and if elegance of style,
and somewhat of plausibility of matter, could have prevailed, it would have served his cause very essentially; but,
unluckily, of all the subjects which Jewell had handled,
there was none in which he reasoned with such irresistible
force. Alan’s work was at the same time answered by Dr.
William Fulke; but whatever its fate in England, it procured him the highest reputation abroad, among the chiefs
of his party, who, as a mark of their confidence, put under
his care a young man, afterwards sir Christopher Blount,
and who was concerned in the earl of Essex’s insurrection.
ty, under the title of “Brief Reasons concerning the Catholic Faith.” Some, however, think that this was written at the duke of Norfolk’s house, in Norfolk, where it
The care of this pupil, and his constant application to
study, having injured his health, his physicians recommended him to try his native air; and with this advice, although it subjected him to personal danger, he complied,
and arrived in Lancashire sometime in 1565. He had
scarcely reached this place, before he began to exert his
powers of persuasion in the making of converts; and in order to promote this object, wrote and circulated little treatises wherever they were likely to be successful. This
open hostility to the church alarmed the magistrates, and
they were in search of him, when he retired to the neighbourhood of Oxford, and wrote a kind of apology for his
party, under the title of “Brief Reasons concerning the
Catholic Faith.
” Some, however, think that this was written at the duke of Norfolk’s house, in Norfolk, where it is
certain he was for some time concealed. It appears likewise, that he returned to the neighbourhood of Oxford,
and distributed his pamphlet with much boldness; and was
so fearless in his zeal, that he refused a convenient opportunity of a ship going to the Netherlands. He now ventured to establish a correspondence with his old friends in
the university, who were considerably numerous, and succeeded in bringing over one who had formerly been a Papist, but was now of the establishment. This so exasperated
the relations of this person, that they forced Alan to fly to
London, whence in 1568 he made his escape into Flanders.
It has been supposed that some friends in power, who
knew him formerly, connived at his easy departure. It is
even said that sir Christopher Hatton bore a regard for
him, in consequence of having received part of his education in St. Mary’s hall, while Alan was principal; and
that Alan repaid this kindness with such honourable mention of sir Christopher abroad, as occasioned some very invidious reflections against the latter at home.
itutions were in England, wrote a book in defence of them. While thus employed, a canonry of Cambray was conferred on him, as a reward for his zeal. Erythraeus (Jean
Be this as it may, Alan, having arrived safely in the Netherlands, went to Mecklin, in the duchy of Brabant, where he read a divinity lecture in one of the monasteries with great applause. Thence he went to Doway, where he became Doctor in Divinity, and laboured very assiduously in founding a seminary for the support of English scholars; and, knowing how obnoxious such institutions were in England, wrote a book in defence of them. While thus employed, a canonry of Cambray was conferred on him, as a reward for his zeal. Erythraeus (Jean Vincent Le Roux) in his Pinacotheca, gives us some reason to think that a pretended miracle contributed to this promotion, by inspiring his patrons with an idea of the sacredness of his person. The miracle is, than when in England, a person who knew him well was employed to apprehend him, but had such a mist before his eyes when he came for that purpose, as to pass him without knowing him. Such miracles, however, are capable of a very easy explanation.
same, it is supposed, whom he gained over when in the neighbourhood of Oxford. Not long after, Alan was appointed canon of Rheims, through the interest of the Guises,
In this seminary of Doway, many books were composed to justify the Popish religion, and to answer the books written in defence of the church of England, which occasioned a proclamation from the queen, forbidding the Doway books to be either sold or read; and we shall soon see that they were not merely books of religious controversy. In 1569, Alan appointed one Bristow to be moderator of studies at Doway, the same, it is supposed, whom he gained over when in the neighbourhood of Oxford. Not long after, Alan was appointed canon of Rheims, through the interest of the Guises, and to this city he transferred the seminary which had been settled at Doway; a matter, however, not of choice, as the then governor of the Netherlands, Don Lewis de Requesens, had obliged the English fugitives to withdraw out of his government. In the mean time, Alan laboured incessantly in the service of his party, by writing various treatises in defence of the doctrines or practices of the Papists, by licensing and recommending many books written by others, and by many journeys into Spain and Italy. He also procured a seminary to be established in Rome, and two in Spain, for the education and support of the English youth.
In England, he was justly reputed an enemy to the state, and all correspondence
In England, he was justly reputed an enemy to the state,
and all correspondence with him was considered as a species of high treason; and Thomas Alfield, 'a Jesuit, was
executed for bringing some of his writings into England,
and particularly his “Defence of the Twelve Martyrs in
one Year.
” In this work he insinuates, in language which,
in those days, must have been very well understood, that
queen Elizabeth, by reason of her heresy, had fallen from,
her sovereignty. The indictment of Alfield, taken from
the treasonable expressions in these writings, was among
the papers of the lord treasurer Burleigh.
Alan therefore, having overstepped the bounds of religious controversy, was now determined to measures of more open hostility. The celebrated
Alan therefore, having overstepped the bounds of religious controversy, was now determined to measures of
more open hostility. The celebrated Parsons, the Jesuit,
who was his great friend and counsellor, is supposed to
have suggested to him the project of invading England.
For many years there had been differences, discontents,
and even injuries committed between the English and
Spaniards; and now Alan, and some fugitive English noblemen, persuaded Philip II. to undertake the conquest of
England. To facilitate this, the pope, Sixtus V. renewed
the excommunication thundered against queen Elizabeth
by his predecessor Pius V. While this was in agitation,
sir William Stanley, commander of the English and Irish
garrison at Daventer, betrayed it to the Spaniards, and
went into their service with 1200 men; and Rowland York,
who had been intrusted with a strong fort in the same
country, performed the same act of treachery. Alan, no
longer the conscientious controversialist, wrote a defence
of this base proceeding, and sent several priests to Stanley,
in order to instruct those he had drawn over to the king of
Spain’s service. Alan’s defence, which appeared the year
after these transactions, 1588, was first printed in English
in the form of a letter, and afterwards in Latin, under the
title of “Epistola de Daventrise ditione,
” Cracov. His
only argument, if it deserve the name, was, that sir William Stanley was no traitor, because he had only delivered
to the king of Spain a city which was his own before; and
he exhorts all Englishmen, in the service of the states, to
follow his example.
however, were too valuable to the popish cause, to go unrewarded. Accordingly on July 28, 1587, Alan was created cardinal by the title of St. Martin in Montibus; and
Such writings, however, were too valuable to the popish cause, to go unrewarded. Accordingly on July 28, 1587, Alan was created cardinal by the title of St. Martin in Montibus; and soon after, the king of Spain gave him an abbey of great value in the kingdom of Naples, with assurances of greater preferment. In April 1588, he composed that work, entitled The Admonition, which rendered him most famous abroad, and infamous at home. It consisted of two parts; the first explaining the pope’s bull for the excommunication and deprivation of queen Elizabeth; the second, exhorting the nobility and people of England to desert her, and take up arms in favour of the Spaniards. It contains the grossest abuse of the queen, and threatens the nobility with judgments from heaven, and devastation by the Spaniards, unless they joined the forces of Philip; it boasts of the vast strength of these forces, and asserts that they had more good captains than Elizabeth had soldiers; that the saints in heaven all prayed for victory, and that the holy angels guarded them. Of this libel, well calculated at that time to effect its purpose, many thousand copies were printed at Antwerp, in order to have been put on board the Armada, and circulated in England. But the Armada, it is well known, completely failed, and covered its projectors with disgrace and destruction; and these books were so carefully destroyed, that a genuine copy waa scarcely to be found.
No part of the failure of this vast enterprize, however, was attributed to Alan, to whom the king of Spain now gave the
No part of the failure of this vast enterprize, however, was attributed to Alan, to whom the king of Spain now gave the archbishopric of Mecklin, and would have had reside there, as a place where he might more effectually promote the popish and Spanish interests in England; but the pope had too high an opinion of his merit to suffer him to leave Rome, where, therefore, he continued to labour in the service of his countrymen, and in promoting the Catholic faith. Some have asserted, that he and sir Francis Inglefield assisted Parsons, the Jesuit, in composing-his treasonable work concerning the succession, which he published under the name of Doleman, in 1593, and which was reckoned of such dangerous consequence, that it was made capital by law for any person to have it in his custody. Others, however, maintain that he had no hand in it, and that he even objected to it, because of its tendency to promote those dissentions which had for so many years distracted his native country; and this last opinion is probable, if what we have been told be true, that towards the close of his life he had changed his sentiments, as to government, and professed his sorrow for the pains he had taken in promoting the invasion of England. It is even asserted, by a very eminent popish writer (Watson), that when he perceived that the Jesuits intended nothing but desolating and destroying his native land, he wept bitterly, not knowing how to remedy it, much less how to curb their insolence. Such conduct, it is added, drew upon him the ill-will of that powerful society, who chose now to represent him as a man of slender abilities, and of little political consequence. On his death-bed, he was very desirous of speaking to the English students then at Rome, which the Jesuits prevented, lest he should have persuaded them to a loyal respect for their prince, and a tender regard for their country. He is generally said to have died of a retention of urine; but, as the Jesuits had shown so much dislike, they have been accused of poisoning him. Of this, however, there is no proof. He died Oct. 6, 1594, in the sixty-third year of his age; and was buried with great pomp in the chapel of the English college at Rome, where a monument was erected to his memory, with an inscription setting forth his titles and merits. What these merits were, the reader has been told. We have seen cardinal Alan in three characters: that of a zealous propagandist; of apolitical traitor to his country; and lastly, repenting the violence of his endeavours to ruin his country on pretence of bringing her back to popery. In the first of these characters he seems to have acted from the impulse of a mind firmly persuaded that every deviation from popery was dangerous heresy; and the only weapons he employed were those of controversy. As a writer, the popish party justly considered him as the first champion of his age; and both his learning and eloquence were certainly of a superior stamp. But in his worst character, as a traitor, there is every reason to think him influenced by the Jesuits, who at that time, and ever while a society, had little scruple as to the means by which they effected their purposes. Yet even their persuasions were not sufficient to inspire him with permanent hostility towards the political existence of his country. Some writers, not sufficiently attending to his history, have called him a Jesuit; but in all controversies between the Jesuits and the secular priests, the latter always gloried in cardinal Alan, as a man to whom no Jesuit could be compared, in any respect.
At Rome, and every where abroad, he was styled Cardinal of England, and regarded as the protector of
At Rome, and every where abroad, he was styled Cardinal of England, and regarded as the protector of the nation. After his death, however, and when all hopes of conquering England had vanished, less notice was taken of English priests, and few of them were made bishops; nor was it until the reign of Charles II. when the popish interest was supposed likely to gain the ascendancy in England, that Philip Thomas Howard, younger brother to the Duke of Norfolk, was created cardinal, and sometimes called the Cardinal of England.
oway, 1605. 3. “A true, sincere, and modest defence of English Catholics,” without place, 1583. This was an answer to the “Execution of Justice in England,” written
Of his works, besides those already mentioned, there
are extant, 1. “A defence of the lawful power and authority of the Priesthood to remit Sins,
” with two other
tracts on Confession and Indulgences, Louvain, 1567, 8vo.
?. “De Sacramentis in genere, de sacramento Eucharistice,
et de Missae Sacrificio, libri tres,
” Antwerp, A true, sincere, and modest defence of English Catholics,
” without place, Execution of Justice in England,
written by lord Burleigh, the original of which, Strype says,
is yet preserved. It is esteemed the best of Alan’s works.
4. “An apology and true declaration of the institution
and endeavours of the two English colleges, the one in
Home, the other now resident in Rheims, against certain
sinister insinuations given up against the same,
” Mons,
” says, that he translated the English Bible printed at
Rheims, in conjunction with Gregory Martin and Richard
Bristow, two English divines; and that he wrote a letter to
the bishop of Liege, “de miserabili statu et calamitate
r'egni Anglise, fervente schismate,
” which is printed in the
“Gesta Episcoporum Leodiensium,
” vol. III. p. 588. Le
Long, who also mentions his translation of the Bible, adds,
that he was employed by pope Gregory XIV. in reforming
the Vulgate.
exchequer, and puisne judge of the king’s bench and common pleas in the reigns of George I. and II. was born March 7, 1670, being the second son of Edmund Fortescue,
, lord Fortescue of the kingdom of Ireland, a baron of the exchequer, and puisne judge of the king’s bench and common pleas in the reigns of George I. and II. was born March 7, 1670, being the second son of Edmund Fortescue, of London, esq. and Sarah, daughter of Henry Aland, of Waterford, esq. in honour of whom he added Aland to his name. He was descended from sir John Fortescue, lord chief justice and lord high chancellor of England under king Henry VI. He was educated probably at Oxford, as that university, in complimenting him with a doctor’s degree, by diploma, in 1733, alluded to his having^tudied there. On leaving the university he became a member of the Inner Temple, where he was chosen reader in 1716, 2 Geo. I. as appears by a subscription to his arms, and was called to the bar about the time of the Revolution. For his arguments as pleader in the courts of justice, the reader is referred to the following authorities; viz. the Reports of Mr. justice Fortescue Aland; Mr. serjeant Carthew; Mr. recorder Comberbach; lord chancellor (of Ireland) Freeman; lord chief baron Gilbert’s Cases; Mr. justice Levintz; Mr. justice Lutwyche; lord chief justice Raymond; Mr. Serjeant Salkeld; Mr. serjeant Skinner; and Mr. justice Ventris.
On Friday, October 22, 1714, he was appointed solicitorgeneral to his royal highness the prince
On Friday, October 22, 1714, he was appointed solicitorgeneral to his royal highness the prince of Wales, afterwards king George the Second; and on December 21, 1715, he was constituted solicitor-general to the king, in the room of Nicholas Lechmere, resigned; which arduous and important office he executed so much to the satisfaction of his majesty and the people, that he was thought deserving of a higher post; and accordingly, 24th January, 1716-7, Hilary term, the king appointed him one of the barons of the exchequer, in which court he succeeded sir Samuel Dodd, the late lord chief baron, deceased. In the office of solicitor-general he was himself succeeded by sir William Thompson the recorder of London. The reader is referred to the reports of the lord chief baron Comyns, and of the lord chief baron Gilbert, sir John Strange and Bunbury, for our baron’s resolutions and opinions while he sat in this court.
In May 1718, he was constituted one of the justices of the court of king’s bench;
In May 1718, he was constituted one of the justices of the court of king’s bench; but after the accession of king George II. all the judges had new patents, except Mr. justice Aland, whose commission was superseded, for reasons which have not transpired. It appears, however, that he regained his majesty’s favoifV, as in January 1728 he was appointed one of the justices of the court of common pleas. He continued on this bench from Michaelmas vacation, 2 Geo. II. 1728, until Trinity term 19 and 20, A. D. 1746, when he resigned the same, having sat in the superior courts of Westminster for the long period of thirty years, and eighteen of them in the court alluded to. His majesty, in further testimony of his judicial integrity and abilities, was pleased to create him a peer of Ireland, by the style and title of John lord Fortescue Aland, baron Fortescue of Credan, in the kingdom of Ireland, by privy seal, dated at Kensington, June 26, 1746, 19 Geo. II. and by patent dated at Dublin, August 15. But he did not enjoy this honour long, dying Dec. 19 of the same year, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. The family is now extinct.
ded by most biographers. The subject of the present article, usually termed Alanus senior, or major, was born at Lille in Flanders, about the beginning of the twelfth
, or Alainde L'Isle or de Lille,
is the name under which two persons, who were contemporaries, have been confounded by most biographers. The
subject of the present article, usually termed Alanus senior,
or major, was born at Lille in Flanders, about the beginning of the twelfth century; and his parents having demoted
him from his birth to the service of religion, he received a
suitable education. When the fame of St. Bernard began
to spread abroad, Alanus was sent, in 1128, to study at
Clairvaux, under that celebrated ecclesiastic, and very
soon acquired a distinction above his companions. St. Bernard afterwards placed him at the head of the abbey of
Rivour, in the diocese of Troyes in Champagne; and in
1151, procured him the bishopric of Auxerre, over which
he presided until 1167, when he resigned it, and returned
to Clairvaux, where he remained until his death in October
1181. His works, still in existence, are, 1. “Vita sancti
” printed in the second volume of St. Bernard’s
works, 1690, fol. 2. “Testamentum suum,
” or his Testament, made in Explanationes in Prophetias Merlini Angli,
in seven books, Francfort,
, or Alain de L‘Isle, surnamed the Universal Doctor, from his extensive knowledge, was born about the middle of the twelfth century, not at Lille in
, or Alain de L‘Isle, surnamed
the Universal Doctor, from his extensive knowledge, was
born about the middle of the twelfth century, not at Lille
in Flanders, as most biographers have asserted, but either
at L’Isle, in the Comtat-Venaissain, according to the abbe
Le Beuf, or in the island or peninsula of Madoc in the Bordelais. In all the accounts we have of him, he seems to be
mistaken for the preceding. He appears to have taught
theology in the university of Paris; but it is not true that
he ever was a lay-brother of the Cistertians, or fed the
sheep belonging to that abbey, or that he was called to
Rome to assist at a general council. He died in the early
part of the thirteenth century, in the abbey of the Cistertians, whither, after the example of many distinguished
persons of his time, he retired to pass the remainder of his
days. He was buried in the abbey with an inscription of
seven lines, the last four of which Casimir Oudin, the ecclesiastical biographer and historian, discovered to have
been added long after his death, and with a view to authenticate the stories that he had been a lay-brother, &c. But
although our accounts of him are imperfect and confused,
it appears that he enjoyed the esteem and admiration of
his contemporaries, and that it was usual to say, “To have
seen Alanus, is enough.
” Sufficiat vobis vidisse Alanum.
Among his works are, 1. “Anti-Claudianus, seu de viro
optimo, et in omni virtute perfecto, lib. ix. Carmine,
” Basil, De planctu naturæ
contra Sodomiæ vitium,
” published with notes by Leo
Allatius. 3. “Contra Albigenses, Waldenses, Judæos, et
” Paris, Dicta de Lapide philosophico,
” Leyden, Parables
” have
been translated into French, Paris,
, of a noble family at Brussels, was born about the beginning of the sixteenth century. His father
, of a noble family at Brussels, was
born about the beginning of the sixteenth century. His
father William Alard de Centier, a zealous convert to
popery, obliged him to enter the order of Dominican friars,
where he was much admired for his talents as a preacher.
While thus employed, a Hamburgh merchant, who was
pleased with his preaching, procured him privately the
works of Luther, which Alard read with conviction, and
the same merchant having assisted him in escaping from
his convent, he studied divinity at Jena and Wittemberg.
But the death of this faithful friend having deprived him of
resources, he ventured to return to Brussels and solicit assistance from his father. Before, however, he could obtain
a private interview with him, he was discovered in one of
the streets of Brussels by his mother, a violent bigot, who,
after some reproaches, denounced him to the Inquisition;
and when no persuasions could induce him to return into
the bosom of the church which he had left, his mother was
so irritated, as to call forth the rigour of the law, and even
offered to furnish the wood to burn him. Sentence of death
being pronounced, he was conducted to prison, but on the
night previous to the appointed execution, he is said to
have heard a voice saying, “Francis, arise and depart:
how far this and other particulars of his escape are true, we
know not; but it is certain he cleared the prison, and after
some hardships and difficulties, arrived in safety at Oldenburgh, where he became almoner to the prince. Here he
remained until hearing that freedom of religion was granted
at Antwerp, his affection for his native country induced
him to return, which he did twice, notwithstanding the
persecutions of the duke of Alba a.nd the dangers to which
he was exposed; and when his father came to see him at
Antwerp, in hopes of bringing him back to popery, he argued with so much power, as to make a sincere convert of
this bigotted parent. At length, when it was not longer
safe for him to remain in the Netherlands, Christian IV.
king of Denmark, gave him the curacy of Wilster in Hoistein, at which asylum he died July 10, 1578. His works,
which are In Flemish or German, consist of, 1. “The Confession of Antwerp.
” 2. “Exhortation of the Ministers
of Antwerp.
” 3. “Agenda, or Discipline of Antwerp.
4. “Catechism.
” 5. “Treatise on original Sin,
” &c.
, son of the preceding, was born Nov. 22, 1572. Aftet having received the principles of
, son of the preceding, was born
Nov. 22, 1572. Aftet having received the principles of
education in the college of Itzehoe, which he left at the age
of sixteen, he passed rive years in the college of Luneburgh, and went from that to Wittemherg, where he distinguished himself by the able defence of his theses. In
1595, he was called home, and made joint rector of the
college of Krempen, and afterwards chosen pastor of the
church of that place. He died May 8, 1644. aged 72
years and six months. His works, in Latin, are, 1. “Christianus, hoc est, de nomine, ortu, &c. Christianorum,
Leipsic, Pericopa pentateuchi biblica, triglossometrica,
” &c. De diversis ministrorum. gradibus contra Bezam.
” 4. “Defensiotractationis,
&c. a defence of the preceding against Beza’s answer,
Francfort, 1600.
, son of the preceding, was born at Krempen in 1600, and first studied there and at Harhburgh.
, son of the preceding, was born at
Krempen in 1600, and first studied there and at Harhburgh.
At the age of nineteen, he went to the academy of Leipsic,
where he entered on a course of theology and political
science. In 1624, he had acquired much reputation both
as a philosopher and a poet. When he returned to Krempen, he was made dean of the college, and held that station during five years. After this, the king of Denmark
appointed him inspector of the schools at Brunswick, and
assessor of the council of Meldorf, In 1643, by order of
the emperor, he was created master of arts, and not being
able, on account of the war, to go into Saxony, he was
made a licentiate in divinity by diploma, or bull, which was
sent to him. He died May 29, 1672. His works are,
1. “Delicia? Atticae,
” Leips. Heraclius Saxonicus, &c.
” ibid. Græcia in
nuce, seu lexicon novurn omnium Græcae lingua primogeniarum,
” Leips. Promptuarium
pathologicum Novi Testamenti,
” Leips. Laurifolia, sive poematum juvenilium apparatus,
Polish reformer, a man of high rank, talents, and pious zeal, is said by Fox, the martyrologist, who was his contemporary, to have been uncle to Sigismond, king of Poland.
A Lasco, or Lasco, or Laski (John), usually styled the Polish reformer, a man of high rank, talents, and pious zeal, is said by Fox, the martyrologist, who was his contemporary, to have been uncle to Sigismond, king of Poland. He certainly was of a noble family in Poland, which took its name from Lasco, Latzki, or Latzeo, and subsisted under one of those titles long after his time. He was born, according to Saxius, in 1499, but we have no particulars respecting his family, unless that his brother Jerome was an able politician, and employed by the emperor Ferdinand, as his ambassador to the Turkish government. He had also an uncle, of the same name, who was archbishop of Gnesua, to whom Erasmus dedicated his edition of the works of St. Ambrose, and whom Le Clerc mistakes for our John Alasco. Erasmus in one of his epistles (ep. 862) mentions two others of the same illustrious family, Hieroslaus, and Stanislaus Alasco (usually written à Lasco); and in ep. 1167, he speaks of a John à Lasco (Joannes Lascanus), a young man, who died in Germany.
induced him to travel into various countries, where he acquired considerable distinction. In 1525 he was at Basil, lodging and boarding with Erasmus, and at the same
After receiving an education suitable to his birth and
talents, his thirst for knowledge induced him to travel into
various countries, where he acquired considerable distinction. In 1525 he was at Basil, lodging and boarding with
Erasmus, and at the same time, which proves his high rank,
he was the correspondent of Margaret, sister to Francis I.
and queen of Navarre. Erasmus highly commends him
wherever he has occasion to introduce his name, as we
shall notice hereafter. Alasco probably chose to dwell
with Erasmus, that he might improve in literature by having free access to him; and the biographer of Erasmus remarks that many of his friends were led by his conversation and writings to embrace the principles of Luther and
the other reformers, although he himself did not go scrfar.
While under the roof of this eminent scholar, Alasco appears to have contributed to keep up a liberal domestic
establishment, which occasioned Erasmus to observe to
him in a letter, that “his departure was unfortunate in
many respects; for, omitting other matters, it cost him,
some months labour to reduce the grand establishment,
Alasco had introduced, to the former frugal system pursued.
any, and now lose it with great regret.” This letter is dated Basil, Oct. 4, 1525. His stay at Padua was probably short, as he went afterwards to Rome, and thence into
It appears by another letter from Erasmus to Pole, afterwards the celebrated cardinal, that Alasco left him to
go to the university of Padua. “You will love him,
” says
Erasmus, “because he has all those qualities which make
you amiable: noble extraction, high posts of honour, and
still greater expectations, a wonderful genius, uncommon
erudition, and all this without any pride. I have hitherto
been happy in his company, and now lose it with great
” This letter is dated Basil, Oct. 4, 1525. His
stay at Padua was probably short, as he went afterwards to
Rome, and thence into Switzerland, where he became acquainted with Zuinglius, who, struck with his talents and
amiable character, prevailed on him to examine more seriously the controversies of the times respecting religion.
The result of this was his embracing Protestantism according to the tenets of the Geneva reformers, and with respect
to the sacrament, he zealously adopted the opinion of Zuinglius. In 1526, he returned to Poland, where he was made
provost of Gnesna and Lencziez, and was nominated bishop
of Vesprim in Hungary. His family and connections would
have added to these, but preferment in the popish church
was no longer consistent with his principles; and after
struggling with much opposition, he quitted the kingdom,
with the knowledge and consent of the king, by whom, Lavater the historian says, he was much respected and frequently consulted.
both should have the use of the books, but the property should be in Alasco and his heirs. The price was three hundred crowns of gold.
He left Poland in 1540, fourteen years after he had returned from his travels, and during this long period we have very few particulars of his history, except that on the death of Erasmus in 1536, he generously offered an hundred pieces of gold to Froben and Episcopius, to assist them in publishing his works, and at this time he completed his purchase of Erasmus’s library, which he had contracted for in 1525, while under his roof. The agreement between them stated that, during Erasmus’s life, both should have the use of the books, but the property should be in Alasco and his heirs. The price was three hundred crowns of gold.