The event pages are experimental; the OCR errors in the text mean this is incomplete and unreliable but I offer it in the hopes that it will be of some use. Events shown include births and deaths of people with their own entries, and also the publication dates of some of the works cited.
Publication: “Supplement” by Abresch, Frederic Louis scholar
Publication: “A Description of the Glaciers,” by Altmann, John George divine
Publication: “Juris Pontificii et Caesarsei summa.” by Antonine, De Forciglioni archbishop
Publication: “Memoire sur la carte des côtes de la Grèce,” by Anville, John-Baptiste Bourignon D' first geographer to the king of France (?–1782)
Publication: “Italicae historiae scrip tores ex Bibl. Vatic. &c. collegit et prgefat. notisque illustravit J. S. Assemanus,” by Assemani, Joseph Simon keeper of the Vatican
Publication: “Histoire du cardinal Mazarin,” by Aubery, Anthony lawyer
Publication: “Inquiry concerning Virtue and Happiness,” by Balguy, John divine
Publication: “Vie de M. Francois Paris, diacre,” by Barbeau De Labruyere, John Lewis born at Paris in 1710
Publication: “In Pindari primum Pythium dissertatio habita Cantabrigiae in Scholis publicis,” by Barford, William was educated at Eton school
Publication: “Le Tombeau Philosophique,” by Bastide, John Francis De La writer
Publication: “A defence of Mr. Hutchinson’s tenets against Berington,” by Bate, Julius divine
Publication: “The scripture meaning of Elohim and Berith,” by Bate, Julius divine
Publication: “Mes Pense*es, ou, Le Qu'en dira-t-on?” by Beaumelle, Laurence Angliviel De La writer
Died: Berger, John William was professor of eloquence at Wittemberg
Publication: “Storia medica d'un apostema nel lobo destro del cerebello, Sec.” by Bianchi, John naturalist
Publication: “History of the amours of Valeria and the noble Venetian Barbarigo,” by Bibbiena, Ferdinand Galli architect
Publication: “Otia litteraria,” by Bidermann, John Theophilus writer
Publication: “Fairy Queen,” by Birch, Thomas writer
Publication: “Institutiones theologiae symbolicse,” by Boerner, Christian Frederick professor of theology at Leipsic
Died: Bold, John clergyman
Publication: “Recherches anatomiques sur la position des Glandes, et sur leur actions,” by Bordeu, Theophilus De was born Feb. 22
Publication: “Breve Istoria dell‘ antica citta di Tadino nell’ Umbria, &c.” by Borgia, Stephen cardinal
Publication: “Dissertatione sopra un‘ antica Iscrizione rinuentanelP Isoladi Malta nell’ anno 1749,” by Borgia, Stephen cardinal
Publication: “An Essay concerning the mortality of the horned cattle:” by Brocklesby, Richard physician
Publication: “La Pohtique du Medicin,” by Bruhier, John James D' Ablaincourt physician
Born: Cadogan, William Bromley and second son of Charles Sloan Cadogan
Publication: “Bibliotheque des Ecrivains de Lorraine,” by Calmet, Augustine Benedictine
Died: Calvert, Frederick Lord Baltimore
Publication: “The Seribleriad,” by Cambridge, Richard Owen writer
Publication: “A Letter from the Prince of the infernal legions, to a spiritual lord on this side the great gulph, in answer to a late invective epistle levelled at his highness,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical
Publication: “The naturalization bill confuted, as most pernicious to these united kingdoms,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical
Publication: “His royal highness Frederick late prince of Wales deciphered: or a full and particular description of his character, from his juvenile years until his death,” by Campbell, John an eminent historical
Publication: “Le sens literal de Tecriture sainte traduit de PAnglois de Stackhouse,” by Chais, Charles divine
Publication: “Luctus Academias Cantabrigiensis,” by Clarke, Edward was born at Btixted
Publication: “Lettres sur les Peintures d'Herculaneum,” by Cochin, Charles Nicholas was born at Paris in 1715
Publication: “De caeremoniis aulae Byzantines,” by Constantine Vii., Porphyrogeneta son of Leo the Wise
Died: Coram, Capt. Thomas an eminent philanthropist
Publication: “The Triumph of Time and Truth,” by Corelli, Arcangelo musician
Publication: “Recueil des pieces imporiantes sur ['operation da la Taille,” by Cosme, John De St. whose family name was Baseillac
Publication: “Visions in Verse” by Cotton, Nathaniel physician
Publication: “Pompey the Little,” by Coventry, Francis the eldest son of Thomas Coventry
Publication: “Sacred poems, by various authors,” by Dalrymple, David antiquary
Died: Desaguliers, John-Theophilus philosopher
Publication: “Dictionnaire d'Agriculture,” by Desbois, Francis Alexander Aubert De La Chesnaie a laborious Dictionary maker
Publication: “A full and final Reply to Mr. Toll’s Defence of Dr. Middleton,” by Dodwell, William was born at Shottesbrooke
Publication: “Parliamentary or Constitutional History of England,” by Drake, Francis surgeon
Publication: “An account of the Prophecies of Arise Evans,” by Evans, Arise was a Welch conjuror
Publication: “An Authentic Narrative of the late extraordinary proceedings at Cambridge, against the Westminster Club,” by Francklin, Thomas chaplain in ordinary to his majesty
Publication: “The Divine Energy,” by Gill, John divine
Publication: “Travels through Siberia between the years 1733 and 1743,” by Gmelin, John George botanist
Died: Gough, Richard the Camden of the eighteenth century
Publication: “Atlas Renovatus, or Geography Modernized; being a particular description f the world as far as known to the ancients, and the present names of such places as now subsist; containing all the cities, towns, villages, castles, &c. mentioned in ancient authors, with all the remarkable occurrences that happened at the several places; the birth-places of famous men, the memorable sieges and battles, &c. the bounds, soil, air, manners, government, religion of each country. The whole being the most complete system ever composed before. To which is annexed a list of the Roman ways, and a copious index to facilitate the whole. Drawn upon the plans of Hornius’s and Cellarius’s maps.” by Gough, Richard the Camden of the eighteenth century
Publication: “Memoire sur l'Immunite du Clerge*,” by Gueret, Gabriel writer
Publication: “Physiologia Medica, seu do actionibus corporis humani sani doctrina,” by Hamberger, George Edward professor of chemistry and of the practice of medicine in the university of Jena
Died: Hort, Josiah archbishop
Publication: “The opinion of an eminent lawyer (the earl of Hardwicke) concerning the right of appeal from the vice-chancellor of Cambridge to the senate; supported by a short historical account of the jurisdiction of the university; in answer to a late pamphlet, intituled * An Inquiry into the right of appeal from the vice-chancellor, &c.' By a fellow of a college,” by Hurd, Richard prelate
Publication: “A Letter to the vice-chancellor of Oxford.” by Hyde, Henry Lord Hyde and Cornbury
Publication: “Dissertation,” by James, Dr. Robert physician
Born: Ives, John was the only son of one of the most eminent merchants at Yarmouth
Publication: “The grand question debated, or an Essay to prove that the soul of man is not, neither can it be, immortal,” by Kenrick, William the son of a stay-maker at or near Watford in Hertfordshire
Died: Knutzen, Martin professor of philosophy in Prussia
Died: Kortholt, Christian was born in 1709
Publication: “Milton vindicated from the Charge of Plagiarism brought against him by Lauder, and Lauder himself convicted of forgeries and gross impositions on the public. In a letter humbly addressed to the right honourable the earl of Bath,” by Lauder, William a native of Scotland
Publication: “Suite des observations sur les causes et les accidens de plusieurs accouchemens laborieux,” by Levret, Andrew surgeon
Died: Logan, James scholar
Publication: “Observations sur les Grecs,” by Mably, Gabriel Bonnot, Abbe' De writer
Publication: “A censure and examination of Mr. Thomas Ruddiman’s philological notes on the works of the great Buchanan, more particularly on the history of Scotland; in which also, most of the chronological and geographical, and many of the historical and political notes, are taken into consideration. In a letter to a friend. Necessary for restoring the true readings, the graces and beauties, and for understanding the true meaning of a vast number of passages of Buchanan’s writings, which have been so foully corrupted, so miserably defaced, so grossly perverted and misunderstood: Containing many curious particulars of his life, and a vindication of his character from many gross calumnies,” by Man, James a schoolmaster of considerable learning
Publication: “Inquiries into the ancient Thermae of Florence,” by Mann I, Dominic Maria writer
Publication: “Conspectus novi thesauri juris civilis et canonici,” by Meerman, Gerard lawyer
Publication: “Novus Thesaurus juris civilis,” by Meerman, Gerard lawyer
Publication: “Gil Bias,” by Moore, Edward writer
Publication: “Dissertazioni sopra le antichita Italiana, da Lod. Ant. Muratori, opera postuma data in luce da Gian. Fran. Soli Muratori,” by Muratori, Lewis Anthony antiquary
Publication: “Some Conjectures relative to a very antient Piece of Money lately found at Eltham in Kent, endeavouring to restore it to the place it merits in the Cimeliarch of English Coins, and to prove it a coin of Richard the first king of England of that name. To which are added, some Remarks on a dissertation (lately published) on Oriuna the supposed wife of Carausius, and on the Roman coins there mentioned,” by North, George antiquary
Publication: “De sacris Christianorum Balneis” by Paciaudi, Paul Maria antiquary
Died: Petty, William a singular instance of an almost universal genius
Publication: “Martyrologium Romanum castigatum, ac commentariis illustrattim,” by Politi, Alexander was born at Florence in 1679
Publication: “La Monogamie, ou l'unité en Mariage,” by Premontval, Peter Le Guay De of the academy of sciences at Berlin
Publication: “History of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers in Ireland, from 1653 to 1750,” by Rutty, John writer
Publication: “A complete Collection of Sermons and Tracts” by Salter, Samuel divine
Died: Salvini, Antonio Maria a learned Italian
Born: Shaw, George naturalist
Publication: “the Healing of Diseases as a Character of the Messiah, preached before the College of Physicians Sept. 20, 1750.” by Stukeley, William antiquary
Publication: “A Collection of Tunes in various Airs, with a Scheme for supporting the spirit and practice of Psalmody in congregations.” by Taylor, John a learned dissenting teacher
Publication: “Continuation” by Tindal, Nicholas was born in 1687
Died: Toup, Jonathan critic
Died: Trapp, Joseph divine
Publication: “History of Holland,” by Wagenaar, John historian
Publication: “Observations on the Course of Proceedings in (he Admiralty-courts,” by Webb, Philip Carteret