, an Italian poet of the 17th century, enjoyed much reputation during
, an Italian poet of the 17th century,
enjoyed much reputation during his life. He was in the
service of the archduke Leopold of Austria, and travelled
in France and the Netherlands. On his return to Italy,
he was successively governor of several small towns in the
ecclesiastical state. He died at Sinagaglia, in 1667, after
a long illness. The emperor Ferdinand III. made a bad
acrostic in honour of his memory, but does not appear
to have been a very liberal patron, while he was living
He wrote 1. “Ragguaglio di Parnasso contra poetastri e
partegiani delle nazioni,
” Milan, Le
Frascherie, fasci tre,
” satirical poems, with some prose,
Venice, Poesie postume,
” Bologna, II Consiglip degli Dei, dramma per musica,
” &c.
Bologna 1671, written on occasion of the Peace between
France and Spain, and the marriage of Louis XIII. to the
Infanta of Spain.
, an Italian writer, was born at Macerata, in La Marca de Ancona,
, an Italian writer, was born
at Macerata, in La Marca de Ancona, and devoted himself
early to the study of polite literature, in which he made
great progress. He taught the belles lettres at Urbino,
where he was librarian to duke Guido Ubaldo; to whom
he dedicated a small piece entitled “Annotationes varioe,
explaining some dark passages in the ancient authors.
14e published it under the pontificate of Alexander VI.
and another treatise also, entitled “Hecatomythium,
Venice, Libri duo de quibusdam locis obscuris in libro Ovidii in
Ibin, hactenus male interpretatis,
” Venice, 4to, without
date. The date of his birth and death are not known, but
his works appeared at the end of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth century.
, an Italian poet of the fifteenth century, was born at Verona, and
, an
Italian poet of the fifteenth century, was born at Verona,
and flourished about 1470. His principal work was printed
at Verona, 1479, 4to, and entitled “Acci Zucchi Summa
Campaneae, Veronensis, viri eruditissimi in Æsopi Fabulas
interpretatio per rhythmos, in libellum Zucharinum inscriptum, &c.
” In this work each fable is preceded by a
Latin epigram, and followed by a sonnet containing the
moral. It was a work of considerable popularity, as there
were no less than three editions in the same century; viz.
in 1491, 1493, and 1497. Maffei speaks of him in his
“Verona illustrata.
ed Gaspard Reims. This man no sooner learned that Van Achen was a German, than he recommended him to an Italian who courted necessitous artists that he might make,
, an eminent painter, was born at Cologne, in 1556, of a good family. He discovered a taste for his art from his earliest years, and at the age of eleven, painted a portrait with such success, as to induce his parents to encourage his studies. After having been for some time taught by a very indifferent painter, he became the disciple of de Georges, or Jerrigh, a good portrait-painter, with whom he remained six years; and afterwards improved himself by studying and copying the works of Spranger. In his twenty-second year he went to Italy, and was introduced at Venice to a Flemish artist, named Gaspard Reims. This man no sooner learned that Van Achen was a German, than he recommended him to an Italian who courted necessitous artists that he might make, a trade of their labours. With him Van Achen made some copies, but, being unable to forget the reception which Reims had given him, he painted his own portrait, and sent it to him. Reims was so struck with the performance, that he apologized to Van Achen, took him into his house, and preserved the portrait all his life with great veneration. At Venice, he acquired the Venetian art of colouring, and thence went to Rome to improve his design, but never quitted the mannered forms of Spranger. His best performances at Rome were a Nativity for the church of the Jesuits, and a portrait of Madona Venusta, a celebrated performer on the lute. His talents, however, and polite accomplishments, recommended him to several of the greatest princes of Europe, and particularly to the elector of Bavaria, and the emperor Rodolph, by both of whom he was patronized and honoured. He was one of that set of artists who, in the lapse of the sixteenth century, captivated Germany and its princes by the introduction of a new style, or rather manner, grossly compounded from the principles of the Florentine and Venetian schools. He died at Prague in 1621.
, an Italian poet, a descendant from the ancient family of Adimari,
, an Italian poet, a descendant
from the ancient family of Adimari, at Florence; was
born in 1579. Between 1637 and 1640 he published six
collections of fifty sonnets each, under the names of six
of the muses: Terpsichore, Clio, Melpomene, Calliope,
Urania, and Polyhymnia, which partake of the bad taste of
his age, in forced sentiments and imagery; but he was an
accomplished scholar in the Greek and Latin languages.
His translation of Pindar, “Ode di Pindaro, tradotte da
Alessandro Adimari,
” Pisa,
ever, a member of the academy of Florence, and published his father’s history. His own works are, 1. An Italian translation of “Demetrius Phalereus” on eloquence, which
, son of the preceding, born in 1533,
was so distinguished for his studies, as to obtain, when
very young, the professorship of rhetoric which his father
held in the university of Florence. So our authority; but
there seems to be some mistake in this date, as he could
not be very young when he succeeded his father as professor of rhetoric, if his father filled that chair for the space
of thirty years. He was, however, a member of the academy of Florence, and published his father’s history. His
own works are, 1. An Italian translation of “Demetrius
” on eloquence, which he left in manuscript,
and which was not published until 1738, by Antony Francis
Gori, who prefixed a long account of the life and writings
of the translator; 2. Two Lectures on the “Education of
the Florentine Nobility,
” printed in the “Prose Fiorentine,
” vol. IV. He also translated Plutarch’s Morals, not
yet published, but much commended by Ammirato and
others. There are two copies in the Laurentian library;
Adrian died in 1604.
, an Italian lady of great learning, was born at Milan, March 16,
, an Italian
lady of great learning, was born at Milan, March 16, 1718.
Her inclinations from her earliest youth led her to the
study of science, and at an age when young persons of her
sex attend only to frivolous pursuits, she had made such
astonishing progress in mathematics, that when in 1750
her father, professor in the university at Bologna, was unable to continue his lectures from infirm health, she obtained permission from the pope, Benedict XIV. to fill his
chair. Before this, at the early age of nineteen, she had
supported one hundred and ninety-one theses, which were
published, in 1738, under the title “Propositiones Philosophicæ.” She was also mistress of Latin, Greek, Hebrew,
French, German, and Spanish. At length she gave up her
studies, and went into the monastery of the Blue Nuns, at
Milan, where she died Jan. 9, 1799. In 1740 she published a discourse tending to prove “that the study of the
liberal arts is not incompatible with the understandings of
” This she had written when scarcely nine years
old. Her “Instituzioni analitiche,
” Traites elementaires du Calcul
differentiel et du Calcul integral,
es likewise on philosophy in this city, and his auditors were so well pleased as to wish he had been an Italian. At his return to his own country, he had the offer
, one of the most learned
men of the fifteenth century, was born in 1442, in the village of Bafflon, or Bafteln, near Groningen, in Friseland.
Melchior Adam says, his parents were of one of the most
considerable families in Friseland; but Ubo Emmius, in his
history of that country, represents him as of mean extraction; and Bayle, who appears to have examined the matter
with his usual precision, inclines to the latter opinion. He
was, however, sent to school, where he made an uncommon
progress, and had scarcely taken his degree of M. A. at
Louvain, when he was offered a professorship, which he
did not accept, as it would have prevented his travelling
for farther improvement, a course usually taken by the
learned men of those times. He went from Louvain to
Paris, and from thence to Italy, residing two years at Ferrara, where he learned Greek and taught Latin, and disputed in prose and verse with Guarinus and the Strozzas,
and where the duke honoured him with particular attention. He read lectures likewise on philosophy in this city,
and his auditors were so well pleased as to wish he had
been an Italian. At his return to his own country, he had
the offer of many considerable employments; and at last
accepted of a post at Groningen, and attended the court
of Maximilian I. for six months, upon the affairs of that city.
After this, which the gratitude of his masters did not render
a very profitable employment, he resumed his travels for
many years, in the course of which he refused the presidentship of a college at Antwerp, and fixed at length in the
Palatinate, influenced by the persuasions of the bishop of
Worms, whom he had instructed in the Greek language.
He came to reside here in 1482, and passed the rest of his
life, sometimes at Heidelberg, and sometimes at Worms.
The Elector Palatine was pleased to hear him discourse
concerning antiquity, and desired him to compose an
“Abridgement of Ancient History,
” which he performed
with great accuracy. He also read public lectures at
Worms; but his auditors being more accustomed to the
subleties of logic than to polite literature, he was not so
popular as he deserved. About the fortieth year of his age,
he began to study divinity; and having no hope to succeed
in it without a knowledge of Hebrew, he applied himself
to that language, in which he had made considerable pro-gress, when he was seized with an illness, which put an
end. to his life and labours, on the 28th of October, 1485.
He died in a very devout manner, and was buried in the
church of the minor friars at Heidelberg. He is thought
to have inclined a little to the principles of the reformers.
He was accomplished in music and poetry, although he
used these talents only for his amusement. There are but
two works of his extant: “De Inventione Dialectica,
printed at Louvain, Abridgement of Ancient History,
” under the
title “R. Agricolffi lucubrationes,
” 2 vols. 4to. Erasmus
gives a very exalted character of his learning and abilities;
and by some of his admirers he was compared to Virgil in
verse, and to Politian in prose.
, Agrippa had invitations from Henry VIII. king of England, from the chancellor of the emperor, from an Italian marquis, and from Margaret of Austria, governess of
He now resolved to remove to the Low Countries; this
he could not do without a passport, which he at length obtained, after many tedious delays, and arrived at Antwerp
in July 1528. The duke de Vendome was the principal
cause of these delays; for he, instead of signing the passport, tore it in pieces in a passion, protesting he would never sign a passport for a conjuror. In 1529, Agrippa had
invitations from Henry VIII. king of England, from the
chancellor of the emperor, from an Italian marquis, and
from Margaret of Austria, governess of the Low Countries:
he preferred the last, and accepted of being historiographer
to the emperor, which was offered him by that princess.
He published, by way of introduction, the “History of
the Coronation of Charles V.
” Soon after, Margaret of
Austria died, and he spoke her funeral oration. Her death
is said in some measure to have been the life of Agrippa,
for great prejudices had been infused into that princess
against him: “I have nothing to write you (says he in one of his letters) but that I am likely to starve here, bein
entirely forsaken by the deities of the court; what the great
Jupiter himself (meaning Charles V.) intends, I know not.
I now understand what great danger I was in here: the
monks so far influenced the princess, who was of a superstitious turn, as women generally are, that, had not her
sudden death prevented it, I should undoubtedly have been
tried for offences against the majesty of the cowl and the
sacred honour of the monks; crimes for which I should
have been accounted no less guilty, and no less punished;
than if I had blasphemed the Christian religion.
” His
treatise, “Of the Vanity of the Sciences,
” which he published in Of the Occult Philosophy,
” afforded them fresh pretexts for defaming his
reputation. Cardinal Campej us, the pope’s legate, however,
and the cardinal de la Mark, bishop of Liege, spoke in his
favour; but could not procure him his pension as historiographer, nor prevent him from being thrown into prison at
Brussels, in the year 1531. When he regained his liberty,
he paid a visit to the archbishop of Cologn, to whom he
had dedicated his Occult Philosophy, and from whom he
had received a very obliging letter in return. The inquisitors endeavoured to hinder the impression of his Occult
Philosophy, when he was about to print a second edition
with emendations and additions; however, notwithstanding
all their opposition, he finished it in 1533. He staid at
Bonne till 1535; and when he returned to Lyons, he was
imprisoned for what he had written against the mother of
Francis I.; but he was soon released from his confinement,
at the desire of several persons, and went to Grenoble,
where he died the same year. Some authors say, that he
died in the hospital; but Gabriel Naude affirms, it was at
the house of the receiver-general of the province of Dauphiny.
, an eminent lawyer and law writer, the son of Anthony Agylæus, originally of an Italian family, was born at Bois-le-duc, about 1533, where he
, an eminent lawyer and law
writer, the son of Anthony Agylæus, originally of an
Italian family, was born at Bois-le-duc, about 1533, where
he was educated, and became a distinguished Greek
scholar. lu his youth he carried arms against the king of
Spain, was appointed a deputy to the States Genera], a
member of the supreme council, and advocate fiscal. But
he is less known by his share in the defence of his country,
than by his learning and writings. He published: 1. “Novellae Justiniani Imp. Constitutiones,
” with Holoander’s
translation corrected, Paris, Justiniani
edicta: Justini, Tiberii, Leonis philosophi constitutiones,
et Zenonis nna,
” Paris, Inauguratio Philippi II. Hisp.
regis, qua se juraraento ducatui Brabantige, &c. obligavit,
Utrecht, 1620, 8vo. He died April 1595.
t over all the other foreign churches in London, of which we find there was a French, a Spanish, and an Italian church or congregation; and over their schools and seminaries,
When Germany became an unsafe residence for the friends of the reformatiou, and the contest respecting the interim was eagerly pursued, Alasco, whose fame had reached England, was invited thither by archbishop Cranmer. This illustrious founder of the English church had for some time afforded a quiet asylum to such learned foreigners as bad been expatriated on account of their religion; and had at one time residing at Lambeth palace, those celebrated reformers Bucer, Martyr, Fagius, Ochin, and others of inferior note. Alasco arrived accordingly about the year 1548, and was introduced not only to the archbishop, but by his means to sir John Cheke, sir William Cecil, and to the duke of Somerset, the protector. In a conference with the latter, he was encouraged to request that be and his congregation might have leave to come over to London, and be protected in the exercise of their religion; and he urged that such a favour would be a matter of policy as well as charity, as by this step many useful manufactures might be introduced into England. He requested also that they might be incorporated by the king’s jetters patent; and some old dissolved church, or monastery, given them as a place of worship. Having proposed these measures, and obtained the assistance of the archbishop and other friends of rank and power, to assist in forwarding them, he returned again to Embden, where be corresponded with the archbishop and Cecil, As soon as they informed him that his request would be complied with, he again came to England, and brought with him a considerable number of German Protestants, who found an asylum for their persons, and toleration for their principles, under the mild reign of Edward VI. Three hundred and eighty of these refugees were naturalized, and erected into a species of ecclesiastical corporation, which was governed by its own laws, and enjoyed its own form of worship, although not exactly agreeing with that of the church of England. A place of worship in London, part of the once splendid priory of the Augustine friars, in the ward of Broad-street, which is still standing, was granted to them July 24, 1549, with the revenues belonging to it, for the subsistence of their ministers, who were either expressly nominated, or at least approved of by the king. His majesty also fixed the precise number of them, namely, four minisiers and a superintendant. This last office was conferred on Alasco, who, in the letters patent, is called a person of singular probity, and great learning; and it was an office which comprehended many important duties. It appears that as among the refugees from the Continent there were sometimes concealed papists, or dangerous enthusiasts, a power was given to Alasco to examine into their characters, and none were tolerated in the exercise of their religion but such as were protected by him. His office likewise extended not only over this particular congregation of Germans, but over all the other foreign churches in London, of which we find there was a French, a Spanish, and an Italian church or congregation; and over their schools and seminaries, all which were subject to his inspection, and declared to be within his jurisdiction. In 1552, we find him using his influence to procure for a member of the French church the king’s licence to set up a printing-house for printing the liturgy, &c. in French, for the use of the French islands (Jersey and Guernsey) under the English government.
, an Italian lawyer, the sort of Alberic Rosiati of Bergamo, one
, an Italian lawyer, the sort
of Alberic Rosiati of Bergamo, one of the most learned
men of his time, was born at Arezzo, near Florence, in
the fourteenth century. He studied under the celebrated
Baldi, and made a rapid progress in philosophy, law, history, &c. He afterwards became an advocate at Arezzo,
but went to Florence in 1349. Here his learning, talents,
and integrity, procured him one of those titles which were
frequently bestowed at that time on men of celebrity. He
was called doctor solids veritatis. By the republic of Florence he was entrusted to negociate several very important
affairs, particularly with the Bolognese in 1558; and as
the recompense of his services, he was ennobled. He died
at Florence in 1376, leaving three sons; two eminent in,
the church, and one as a lawyer. His works are principally
“Commentaries on the Digest,
” on “some books of the
Civil Code,
” and consultations, much praised by Bartholi. His father, mentioned above, wrote on the sixth
book of the Decretals, a work much esteemed and often
reprinted, and a Dictionary of Law, with other professional treatises.
, an abbe of the cloister of St. Mary at Stade, in the thirteenth century, and supposed to be an Italian by those writers who have mistaken him for Albert of
, an abbe of the cloister of St.
Mary at Stade, in the thirteenth century, and supposed to
be an Italian by those writers who have mistaken him for
Albert of Pisa. The monks of Stade living in great disorder, their abbe went to Rome, and obtained a bull against
them; but this not producing any good effect, he joined
the order of the Franciscans. He wrote in Latin, a “Chronicle,
” from the creation to the year
loquendi et tacendi.” Bastian de Rossi, called in the academy of De la Crusca l'Inferiguo, published an Italian edition, compared with several manuscripts, under the
lived in the thirteenth
century, in the reign of the emperor Frederic II. While
he was judge and governor of Gavardo, he was taken prisoner, and in confinement wrote a treatise, entitled “De
dilectione Dei et proximi, de formula vitae honestac.
” He
afterwards wrote two others, “De consolatione et consilio,
and “De doctrina loquendi et tacendi.
” Bastian de Rossi,
called in the academy of De la Crusca l'Inferiguo, published an Italian edition, compared with several manuscripts,
under the title of “Trattati di Albertano, &c.
” Florence,
, an Italian physician and botanist of Cesena, in the seventeenth
, an Italian physician and botanist of
Cesena, in the seventeenth century, was physician to cardinal Odoard Farnese, who appointed him superintendant
of his botanic garden. He is mentioned, in the last edition
of this dictionary, as the author of “Descriptio plantarum
horti Farnesiani,
” Rome, 1625, fol. But it is necessary to
mention that Albini’s name, for whatever reason, was borrowed on this occasion, and that the work, as appears by
the preface, was written by Peter Castelli, a physician at
, an Italian architect, who died in 1630, was born of parents so
, an Italian architect, who
died in 1630, was born of parents so poor that in his youth
he was obliged to carry bricks and mortar to the workmen;
but having a natural turn for architecture, by hearing
others talk, he learned all the rules of it, as well as those
of geometry; and was even able to publish works in those
sciences. He took great part in those famous controversies that arose concerning the three provinces, Ferrara,
Bologna, and the Romagna, which were much exposed to
inundations in the commencement of the seventeenth
century, and published a plan for stopping their progress.
Pope Clement VII. employed him to build the citadel of
Ferrara, and at Mantua, Modena, Parma, and Venice, are
several monuments after his designs. The only work we
have seen of his on the subject of the inundations is entitled “Difesa per riparare alia sommersione del Polesine,
” Ferrara,
, an Italian satirical and burlesque poet, about the end of the sixteenth
, an Italian satirical and burlesque poet, about the end of the sixteenth century, was
born at Florence, and in his youth served in the army. He
afterwards became an ecclesiastic. He had a considerable
share of learning, but perhaps more of wit; and the charms
of his conversation made his house at Florence the resort
of all the literati of that city. His principal work, in burlesque poetry, “Rime piacevoli,
” was printed after his
death, in four separate parts, at Verona, 1605, 1607; at
Florence, 1608; and Verona, 1613, 4to. Most, of his
verses have a prose introduction in the same satirical spirit.
These four parts are generally bound in the same volume
with his three “Lettere di ser Poi Pedante,
” addressed to
Bembo, Boccacce, and Petrarch, Bologna, 1613; and with
the “Fantastica Visione di Parri da Pozzolatico,
” addressed to Dante, Lucca, Rime piacevoli
” were reprinted, on a vil
paper and type at Amsterdam, 1754, 8vo; but this contains,
what had not appeared before, some account of the author.
Ailegri left various pieces of poetry in manuscript, in the
hands of his family, which is now extinct, and the poetry
probably lost. Among others, he had written a tragedy on
the story of Idomeneus king of Crete, of which Carlo Dati
speaks very highly. In the collection of Latin poems,
printed at Florence, 17 ID, are several pieces by Ailegri,
which give him a considerable rank among poets of that
class, but they are of the heroic kind, and of a graver cast
than his Italian poems.
, an Italian poet of the fifteenth century, whose writings do not
, an Italian poet of the fifteenth century,
whose writings do not justify that honourable name, was
according to Crescimbini, a native of Florence, his name
Christopher; but on account of his merit, he received a
poetic crown, and the surname of Aitissimo. Le Quadrio,
however, thinks that this was his family name, s that his
Christian name was Angel, and that he was a priest. He
was one of the most admired improvisatori of his time, and
his verses are said to have been often collected and published. He was living in 1514. Of his poems we have
only a translation of the first book of the famous romance,
“I Riali di Francia,
” Venice,
, an Italian scholar and mathematician, was a native of Ferrara,
, an Italian scholar and mathematician, was a native of Ferrara, and lived in the fifteenth
century. The three works on which his fame rests are,
1. “Observations on Petrarch,
” which are inserted in the
edition of that poet, Venice, 1539, 8vo. 2. “Le Richesse
della Lingua Volgare,
” Venice, Della Fabbrica del
” Venice,
, an Italian lawyer and miscellaneous writer, was born at Naples
, an Italian lawyer and miscellaneous writer, was born at Naples in 1659, and for the first
fourteen years of his life, was obliged to be confined in a
dark room, owing to a complaint in his eyes. On his recovery, he made very rapid progress in general science,
went through a course of law, and had very considerable
practice at Naples. His leisure hours he dedicated to polite literature, and particularly cultivated the Tuscan language, which he wrote with the greatest purity, and used
in all his works. He died at Naples, July 21, 1719. His
principal writings are, 1. Seven prose comedies, La Costanza, H Forca, la Fante, &c. which are, Baretti says, perhaps the wittiest we have in Italian; but the author makes
some of his actors appear masked and speak the different
dialects of Italy, especially the Neapolitan. 2. “Rapporti
di Parnasso,
” part I. the only one ever published, Naples,
Torto è il Diritto del non si puo, &c. esaminato da Ferrante
” i. e. father Daniel Bartoli, whose work is
here reprinted with. Amenta’s Observations, Naples, 1717,
8vo, 1728, 8vo; the latter edition has the remarks of the
abbe Cito. 4. “Delia lingua Nobile d'Italia, &c.
” another work on language divided into parts, Naples, 1723,
4to. 5. The lives of Scipio Pasquali, and Lionardo, a
Neapolitan poet. 6. Twenty-four “Capitoli,
” or satirical
pieces, in the style of the capitoli of Berni, and other burlesque poets, Naples, 1721, 12mo. 7. “Rime,
” or poetical
pieces, published in various collections.
with Wagner, an engraver, in a scheme of prints from Canaletti’s views of Venice, and after marrying an Italian singer, returned to his own country in 1739, having
, a painter well known in England, was a native of Venice, and came to England in 1729, when he was about forty years of age. He had studied under Bellucci in the Palatine court, and had been some years in the elector of Bavaria’s service. His manner was a still fainter imitation of that nerveless master Sebastian Ricci, and as void of the glow of life as the Neapolitan Solimeni. His women are mere chalk; nor was this his worst defect: his figures are so entirely without expression, that his historical compositions seem to represent a set of actors in a tragedy, ranged in attitudes against the curtain draws up. His Marc Antonys are as free from passion as his Scipios. He painted some staircases of noblemen’s houses, and afterwards practised portrait-painting with rather more success. In 1736 he made a journey to Paris with the celebrated singer Farinelli, and returned with him in October following. His portrait of Farinelli was engraved. He then engaged with Wagner, an engraver, in a scheme of prints from Canaletti’s views of Venice, and after marrying an Italian singer, returned to his own country in 1739, having acquired here about 5000l. At last he settled in Spain, was appointed painter to the,king, and died in the 63d year of his age, at Madrid, September 1752. His daughters, the signora Belluomini and the signora Castellini, the latter a paintress in crayons, were living at Madrid in 1772, as Mr. Twiss informs us in, his Travels, p. 167, 1775, 4to.
greater part of his wealth to pious purposes, and died himself in 1592. His wife, Laura Battiferri, an Italian lady of distinguished genius and learning, was the daughter
, a celebrated architect
and sculptor, was born at Florence in 1511, and was at first
the scholar of Baccio Bandinelli, and then of Sansovino
at Venice; but on his return to his own country, he studied
with much enthusiasm the sculptures of Michael Angelo in
the chapel of St. Laurence. His first works are at Pisa;
for Florence he executed a Leda, and about the same time,
for Naples, the three figures, large as life, on the tomb of
the poet Sannazarius. Meeting with some unpleasant circumstances here, he returned to Venice, and made the
colossal Neptune, which is in St. Mark’s place. At Padua
he made another colossal statue, of Hercules, which is still
in the Montava palace, and has been engraved. He then
went to Rome to study the antique, and pope Julius III.
employed him in works of sculpture in the capitol. Some
time after, in conjunction withVasari, he erected the tomb
of cardinal de Monti, which added very considerably to his
fame. Besides these, he executed a great number of
works for Rome, Florence, and other places. The porticoes of the court of the palace Pitti are by him, as well as
the bridge of the Trinity, one of the finest structures that
have been raised since the revival of the arts, the facade of
the Roman college, and the palace Rupsoli on the Corso.
This architect composed a large work, entitled “La Cita,
comprising designs for all the public edifices necessary to a
great city. This book, after having passed successively
through several hands, was presented some time in the
eighteenth century to prince Ferdinand of Tuscany, and
it is now among the collection of designs in the gallery of
Florence, after having been long inquired after, and supposed to be lost. After the death of his wife, he devoted
the greater part of his wealth to pious purposes, and died
himself in 1592. His wife, Laura Battiferri, an Italian
lady of distinguished genius and learning, was the daughter of John. Antony Battiferri, and was born at Urbino in
1513. She spent her whole life in the study of philosophy
and polite literature, and is esteemed one of the best Italian poets of the sixteenth century. The principal merit
of her poems, “L'Opere Toscane,
as a plagiarist, and there are two opinions on this subject; the one, that he took his Plutarch from an Italian translation; the other, that the work was executed by
It is generally allowed that Amyot contributed essentially, in his translation of Plutarch, towards the polish and refinement of the French language. Vaugelas, a very competent judge, gives him this praise; and adds, that no writer uses words and phrases so purely French, without any mixture of provincialisms. It has been said, however, that he was a plagiarist, and there are two opinions on this subject; the one, that he took his Plutarch from an Italian translation; the other, that the work was executed by a learned but poor man, whom he hired. But both these opinions were contradicted by an inspection of the copies of Plutarch in his possession, many of which are marked with notes and various readings, which shewed an intimate acquaintance with the Greek. It may, however, be allowed, that his translation is not alxvays faithful, and the learned Meziriac pretends to have discovered nearly two thousand errors in it. Yet it has not been eclipsed by any subsequent attempt, and notwithstanding many of his expressions are obsolete, Racine pronounced that there is a peculiar charm in his style which is not surpassed by the modern French.
, of Pistoia, an Italian comedian of the sixteenth century, deserves some notice
, of Pistoia, an Italian comedian
of the sixteenth century, deserves some notice on account
of his wife, a woman of considerable talents, and his son,
whose history is in one respect connected with that of our
immortal Milton. This Francis appears to have been a
species of buffoon stroller. In 1609, he published a work
entitled “Le Bravure del capitan Spavento, Venice,
” 4to,
which consists of dialogues between the captain and his
man Trappola. Prefixed to it is a serious lamentation over
the death of his wife, the subject of our next article. He
afterwards published other dialogues in prose, “Ragionamenti fantastici posti in forma di dialoghi rappresentativi,
Venice, L'Alterazza di Narciso,
” Venice, L'Ingannata Proserpina,
” ibid, same year. He was
remarkable for the powers of memory, and spoke, with
great facility, French, Spanish, Sclavonian, modern Greek,
and even the Turkish language. He was living in 1616, as
appears by the date of his edition of his wife’s works, and
it is thought that he died soon after that publication.
, an Italian historian of some reputation, was born at Ferrara in
, an Italian historian of some
reputation, was born at Ferrara in the sixteenth century.
He was an able lawyer, and had the management of the
affairs of the dukes of Ferrara. He afterwards settled at
Parma, and became the historian of the place. Clement,
in his “Bibliotheque curieuse,
” informs us, that Angeli
having collected materials from actual observation respecting the geography of Italy, with a view to correct the errors of Ptolomey, Pliny, and the modern geographers, took
Parma in his way, and was requested to write its history.
For this purpose Erasmus Viotto, the bookseller, accommodated him with his library, and the history was finished
within six months, but was not published until after his
death, if he died in 1576, as is asserted by Baruffaldi, in
the supplement to his history of the university of Ferrara,
and by Mazzuchelli in his “Scrittori Italiaui.
” The work
was entitled “Istoria della citta di Parma e descrizione del
Fiume Parma, lib. VIII.
” Parma, 1591, 4to. Each book
is dedicated to some one of the principal lords of Parma,
whose pedigree and history is included in the dedication.
The copies are now become scarce, and especially those
which happen to contain some passages respecting P. L.
Farnese, which were cancelled in the rest of the impression.
The year before, a work by the same author was published
which ought to be joined with his history, under the title
“Descrizione di Parma, suoi Fiumi, e lar^o terntorio.
” He
wrote also the “Life of Ludovico Catti,
” a lawyer, De non sepeliendis mortuis;
“Gli elogi degli eroi Estensi,
” and “Discorso intorno
l'origine de Cardinali,
” -
, an Italian mathematician, was educated under Bonaventure Cavalieri,
, an Italian mathematician,
was educated under Bonaventure Cavalieri, the most eminent Italian scholar in that science in the seventeenth century. He was at first a Jesuit, but that order being
suppressed in 1668, he applied closely to the study of mathematics, and taught at Padua with great success, publishing various works, and carrying on a controversy on the
opinions of Copernicus with Riccioli and others. Moreri,
from a manuscript account of the learned men of Italy,
written by father Poisson, gives a numerous list of his
publications, some of which were in Latin, and some in
Italian. We have only seen his “Miscellaneum hyperbolicum et parabolicum,
” Venice, Delia
gravita dell' Aria e Fluidi, Dialogi V.
” Padua, Considerazioni sopra la forza d'alcune cagioni fisiche matematiche addote dal Pad. Riccioli, &c.
” Venice,
, in Latin Angelutius, an Italian poet and physician, who flourished about the end of
, in Latin Angelutius, an
Italian poet and physician, who flourished about the end
of the sixteenth century, was born at Belforte, a castle
near Tolentino, in the march of Ancona. He was a physician by profession, and, on account of his successful
practice, was chosen a citizen of Trevisa, and some other
towns. He acquired also considerable reputation by a literary controversy with Francis Patrizi, respecting Aristotle.
Some writers inform us that he had been one of the professors of Padua, but Riccoboni, Tomasini, and Papadopoli,
the historians of that university, make no mention of him.
We learn from himself, in one of his dedications, that he
resided for some time at Rome, and that in 1593 he was at
Venice, an exile from his country, and in great distress, but
he says nothing of a residence in France, where, if according to some, he had been educated, we cannot suppose he
would have omitted so remarkable a circumstance in his
history. He was a member of the academy of Venice, and
died in 1600, at Montagnana, where he was the principal
physician, and from which his corpse was brought for interment at Trevisa. He is the author of, 1. “Sententia
quod Metaphygica sit eadem que Physica,
” Venice, Exercitationum cum Patricio liber,
” Ve
nice, Ars Medica, ex Hippocratis et Galeni thesauris potissimum deprompta,
” Venice, De natura et curatione malignae Febris,
” Venice,
Bactria, quibus rudens quidam ac falsus criminator valide repercutitur.
” 5. “Deus, canzone
spirituale di Celio magno, &c. con due Lezioni di T. Angelucci,
” Venice, Capitolo in lode clella
” inserted by Garzoni, to whom it was addressed
in his hospital of fools, “Ospitale de pazzi,
” Venice, Eneide di Virgilio, tradotto in verso sciolto,
” Naples,
, was an Italian poet of the sixteenth century, of whose history we have
, was an Italian poet of the
sixteenth century, of whose history we have no particulars.
His poems, which are in Latin, were printed for the first
time at Naples, 1520, 8vo, under the title of “De obitu
Lydæ; de vero poeta; de Parthenope.
” His Carm. illust. Poet. Italorum.
, an Italian scholar, was born in 1455, at Arona, on the Lake Major.
, an Italian scholar,
was born in 1455, at Arona, on the Lake Major. His family, one of the most illustrious in Milan, took the name of
Anghiera, from the same lake, which is partly in the county
of Anghiera. In 1477, he went to Rome, and entered
into the service of the cardinal Ascanio Sforza Visconti,
and afterwards into that of the archbishop of Milan.
During a residence there of ten years, he formed an acquaintance with the most eminent literary men of his time,
and among others, with Pomponio Leto. In 1487, he
went into Spain in the suite of the ambassador of that
court, who was returning home. By him he was presented
to Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen, and served in
two campaigns, but quitted the army for the church, and
was appointed by the queen to teach the belles lettres to
the young men of the court, in which employment he continued for some time. Having on various occasions shown
a capacity for political business, Ferdinand, in 1501, employed him on an errand of considerable delicacy, to the
sultan of Egypt, in which he acquitted himself greatly to
his majesty’s satisfaction. While engaged in this business,
he took the opportunity of visiting some part of Egypt,
particularly the pyramids, and returned to Spain in the
month of August 1502. From this time he became attached to the court, and was appointed a member of the
council for the affairs of India. The pope, at the king’s
request, made him apostolical prothonotary, and in 1505,
prior of the church of Grenada, with a valuable benefice.
After the death of Ferdinand, Anghiera remained as much
in favour with the new king, and he also was presented
by Charles V. to a rich abbey. He died at Grenada in
1526, leaving several historical works, which are often
quoted by the name of Peter Martyr, as if that were his
family name; and in the Diet. Hist, he is recorded under
Martyr. His principal works are, 1. “Opus Epistolarum
Petri Martyris Anglerii, Mediolanensis,
” De
rebus Oceanicis etorbe novo Decades,
” a history of the discovery of the New World, compiled from the manuscripts of
Columbus, and the accounts he sent to Spain to the India
council, of which our author was a member. These Decades
were at first printed separately; the first edition of the whole
is that of Paris, 1536, fol. which has been often reprinted.
3. “De insulis nuper in vends et incolarum moribus,
” Basil, De legation e Baby lonica,
libri tres,
” printed with the Decades, which contains an account of his embassy to the sultan of Egypt. Some other
works, but rather on doubtful authority, have been attributed to him.
the high priest of Jerusalem, are greatly valued by connoisseurs. Strutt mentions another Anichini, an Italian artist, who flourished about 1655, who appears to have
, a Venetian engraver, is said to have acquired so much precision and delicacy in executing small objects, that Michael Angelo, in whose time he appears to have flourished, considered him as having attained the very perfection of his art; he principally engraved medals; and his engravings of the medals of Henry II. king of France, and of pope Paul III. which has on the reverse, Alexander the Great kneeling before the high priest of Jerusalem, are greatly valued by connoisseurs. Strutt mentions another Anichini, an Italian artist, who flourished about 1655, who appears to have been an engraver of some note; but we have no account of his life.
, archbishop of Canterbury in the reigns of William Rufus and Henry I was an Italian by birth, and born in 1033 at Aost, or Augusta, a town
, archbishop of Canterbury in the reigns of
William Rufus and Henry I was an Italian by birth, and
born in 1033 at Aost, or Augusta, a town at the foot of the
Alps, belonging to the duke of Savoy. He was descended
of a considerable family: his father’s name was Gundulphus, and his mother’s Hemeberga. From early life his
religious cast of mind was so prevalent, that, at the age of
fifteen, he offered himself to a monastery, but was refused,
lest his father should have been displeased. After, however, he had gone through a course of study, and travelled
for some time in France and Burgundy, he took the monastic habit in the abbey of Bee in Normandy, of which
Lanfranc, afterwards archbishop of Canterbury, was then
prior. This was in 1060, when he was twenty-seven years
old. Three years after, when Lanfranc was made abbot of
Caen, Anselm succeeded him in the priory of Bee, and on
the death of the abbot, was raised to that office. About
the year 1092, Anselm came over into England, by the
inritation of Hugh, earl of Chester, who requested his assistance in his sickness. Soon after his arrival, William
Rufus, falling sick at Gloucester, was much pressed to fill
up the see of Canterbury. The king, it seems, at that
time, was much influenced by one Kanulph, a clergyman,
who, though a Norman and of mean extraction, had a great
share in the king’s favour, and at last rose to the post of
prime minister. This man, having gained the king’s ear
by flattering his vices, misled him in the administration,
and put him upon several arbitrary and oppressive expedients. Among others, one was, to seize the revenues of
a church, upon the death of a bishop or abbot; allowing
the dean and chapter, or convent, but a slender pension
for maintenance. But the king now falling sick, began to
be touched with remorse of conscience, and among other
oppressions, was particularly afflicted for the injury he had
done the church and kingdom in keeping the see of Canterbury, and some others, vacant. The bishops and other
great men therefore took this opportunity to entreat the
king to fill up the vacant sees; and Anselm, who then
lived in the neighbourhood of Gloucester, being sent for
to court, to assist the king in his illness, was considered
by the king as a proper person, and accordingly nominated
to the see of Canterbury, which had been four years vacant,
and was formerly filled by his old friend and preceptor Lanfranc. Anselm was with much difficulty prevailed upon to
accept this dignity, and evidently foresaw the difficulties of
executing his duties conscientiously under such a sovereign
as William Rufus. Before his consecration, however, he gained a promise from the king for the restitution of all the lands
which were in the possession of that see in Lanfranc’s time.
And thus having secured the temporalities of the archbishopric, and done homage to the king, he was consecrated with great solemnity on the 4th of December, 1093.
Soon after his consecration, the king intending to wrest
the duchy of Normandy from his brother Robert, and endeavouring to raise what money he could for that purpose,
Anselm made him an offer of five hundred pounds; which
the king thinking too little, refused to accept, and the archbishop thereby fell under the king’s displeasure. About
that time, he had a dispute with the bishop of London,
touching the right of consecrating churches in a foreign
diocese. The next year, the king being ready to embark
for Normandy, Anseim waited upon him, and desired his
leave to convene a national synod, in which the disorders
of the church and state, and the general dissolution of
manners, might be remedied: but the king refused his
request, and even treated him so roughly, that the archbishop and his retinue withdrew from the court, the licentious manners of which, Anselm, who was a man of inflexible piety, had censured with great freedom. Another
cause of discontent between him and the archbishop, was
Anselm’s desiring leave to go to Rome, to receive the pall
from pope Urban II. whom the king of England did not
acknowledge as pope, being more inclined to favour the
party of his competitor Guibert. To put an end to this
misunderstanding, a council, or convention, was held at
Rockingham castle, March 11, 1095. In this assembly,
Anselm, opening his cause, told them with what reluctancy he had accepted the archbishopric; that he had
made an express reserve of his obedience to pope Urban;
and that he was now brought under difficulties upon that
score. He therefore desired their advice how to act in
such a manner, as neither to fail in his allegiance to the
king, nor in his duty to the holy see. The bishops were
of opinion, that he ought to resign himself wholly to the
king’s pleasure. They told him, there was a general
complaint against him, for intrenching upon the king’s
prerogative; and that it would be prudence in him to wave
his regard for Urban; that bishop (for they would not call him pope) being in no condition to do him either good or
harm. To this Anselm returned, that he was engaged to
be no farther the king’s subject than the laws of Christianity would give him leave; that as he was willing “to
render unto Cassar the things that were Caesar’s,
” so he
must likewise take in the other part of the precept, and
“give unto God that which was God’s.
” Upon this William, bishop of Durham, a court prelate, who had inflamed
the difference, and managed the argument for the king,
insisted, that the nomination of the pope to the subject
was the principal jewel of the crown, and that by this privilege the kings of England were distinguished from the
rest of the princes of Christendom. This is sound doctrine, if that had really been the question; but, whatever
may be now thought of it, Anselm held an opinion in
which succeeding kings and prelates acquiesced, and in the
present instance, there is reason to think that William
Rufus’s objection was not to the pope, but to a pope. Be
this as it may, the result of this council was that the majority of the bishops, under the influence of the court,
withdrew their canonical obedience, and renounced Anselm for their archbishop, and the king would have even
had them to try and depose him, but this they refused. In
consequence of this proceeding, Anselm desired a passport to go to the continent, which the king refused, and
would permit only of a suspension of the affair from March
to Whitsuntide; but long before the expiration of the
term, he broke through the agreement, banished several
clergymen who were Anselm’s favourites, and miserably
harrassed the tenants of his see. Whitsuntide being at
length come, and the bishops having in vain endeavoured
to soften Anselm into a compliance, the king consented to
receive him into favour upon his own terms; and, because
Anselm persisted in refusing to receive the pall from the
king’s hands, it was at last agreed that the pope’s nuncio,
who had brought the pall into England, should carry it
clown to Canterbury, and lay it upon the altar of the cathedral, from whence Anselm was to receive it, as if it had
been put into his hands by St. Peter himself.
rs. He died, however, in his own country, in August 1755. During his residence at Paris he published an Italian, French, and Latin, and Latin, French, and Italian dictionary,
, brother to Joseph Antonini, who wrote the history of Lucania, was born at Salernum, in 1702. He studied first at Naples, under the direction of his brother, and afterwards at Rome. He then travelled in England, Holland, and Germany, and at last settled at Paris, where he taught Italian for many years. He died, however, in his own country, in August 1755. During his residence at Paris he published an Italian, French, and Latin, and Latin, French, and Italian dictionary, 2 vols. 4to, 1735, often reprinted, and esteemed the best until that of Alberti appeared; an Italian grammar; a treatise on French pronunciation; some good editions of Ariosto, Tasso, and other Italian authors; and an excellent collection of Italian poetry, 1729, 2 vols. 12mo.
, or Sebastian D'Aquila, his true name being unknown, an Italian physician, born at Aquila, a town of Abruzzo in the
, or Sebastian D'Aquila,
his true name being unknown, an Italian physician, born at
Aquila, a town of Abruzzo in the kingdom of Naples, professed his art in the university of Padua. He was in
reputation at the time of Louis de Gonzaga, bishop of
Mantua, to whom fie inscribed a book. He died in 1543.
We have of his a treatise “De Morbo Gallico,
” Lyons,
De Febre Sanguinea,
” in the “Practica
de Gattinaria,
” Basle,
treize moyens dont se servaient les rabbins pour entendre le Pentateuque, recueillis du Talmud.“4.” An Italian translation of the Apophthegms of the ancient Jewish
, a learned rabbi of Carpentras,
whose proper name was Mardocai, or Mardocheus, was expelled from the synagogue of Avignon, in 16 10, on account
of attachment to Christianity. On this he went to the
kingdom of Naples, and was baptised at Aquino, from
which he took his name; but when he came to France he
gave it the French termination, Aquin. At Paris he devoted himself principally to teaching Hebrew, and Louis
XIII. appointed him professor in the lioyal college, and
Hebrew interpreter, which honourable station he held until
his death in 1650, at which time he was preparing a new
version of the New Testament, with notes on St. Paul’s
epistles. Le Jay also employed him in correcting the
Hebrew and Chaldee parts of his Polyglot. His principal
printed works are, 1. “Dictionarium Hebrao-ChalclaoTalmudico-RabbinicunV' Paris, 1629, fol. 2.
” Racines
de la langue sainte,“Paris, 1620, fol. 3.
” Explication
des treize moyens dont se servaient les rabbins pour entendre le Pentateuque, recueillis du Talmud.“4.
” An Italian translation of the Apophthegms of the ancient Jewish
” Lacrimae in obitum illust. cardinal de Berulle,“his patron. 6.
” Examen mundL“7.
” Discours
du Tabernacle et du Camp des Israelites,“Paris, 1623,
4to. 8.
” Voces primitiae seu radices Gnecac," Paris, 1620,
16mo, and others. Louis D‘Aquin, his son, who became
as great an adept as his father in the Oriental tongues, left
behind him several rabbinical works. Antoine D’Aquin,
first physician to Louis XIV. who died in 1696, at Vichi,
was son of the last-mentioned Louis.
, an Italian printer, and one of the most learned and laborious editors
, an Italian printer, and one of
the most learned and laborious editors of his time, was
born at Bologna about the end of the year 1685. His family, then one of the most ancient in that city, was originally of Florence. After having begun his studies at
Bologna, he went to Florence, and became acquainted
with many of the literati of that city, particularly the celebrated Magliabechi. From Florence he went to Lucca,
and then to Leghorn, where he meant to embark for France,
but the death of one of his uncles rendered it necessary
for him to return to his own country. He first projected
an edition of the works, already in print, or in manuscript,
of Ulysses Aldrovandi, with additions, notes, and corrections,
and engaged several learned persons to assist him, but death
having removed the greater part of them in a few years,
he was obliged to give up the undertaking. He then published a collection of the poems of Carlantonio Bedori, a
Bolognese gentleman, at Bologna, 1715, 4to. Two years
after, having been elected one of the magistrates of that
city, known by the title of the tribunes of the people,
when he came to resign his office, he made an eloquent
address on the duties of the office, which his successors
ordered to be registered among their acts. His next and
most important undertaking was an edition of that immense
historical collection, entitled “Scriptores Rerum Italicarum.
” The learned Muratori having imparted to him the
design he had conceived of collecting and publishing the
ancient Italian historians, acknowledged at the same time
that he had been obliged to abandon the plan from the
impossibility of finding a press adequate to such an extensive undertaking, the art of printing, once so highly cultivated in Italy, having now greatly degenerated. Argellati being of opinion that Milan was the only place where
a trial might be made with effect, to revive useful printing,
immediately went thither, and communicated Muratori’s
plan to count Charles Archinto, the patron of letters, and
his own particular patron. Archinto formed a society of
noblemen of Milan, called the Palatine Society, who undertook to defray the expence of the edition, sixteen of
the members subscribing four thousand crowns each. Argellati then took every necessary step to establish a printing-office suited to this liberal patronage, and the “Scriptores Rerum Italicarum
” was the first work printed, in
which Argellati bore a considerable part, collecting and
furnishing Muratori with most of the manuscripts, notices,
and dedications of the first volumes. He superintended
at the same time, the printing of other works, particularly
an edition of Sigonius, 1738/6 vols. fol. The emperor
Charles VI. to whom it was dedicated, and who had repaid
him for the dedication of the first volume of the Italian
historians, by the title of imperial secretary, and a pension
of three hundred crowns, now doubled this pension. Argellati continued to publish, with incredible labour and
dispatch, various editions of works of importance, as “Opere
inedite di Ludovico Castelvetro,
” Grazioli,
De antiquis Mediolani aedificiis,
” Thesaurus
novus veterum Inscriptionum,
” by Muratori, Bibliotheca scriptorum Mediolanensium,
” Milan, Biblioteca de' Volgarizzatori Italiani,
” Milan,
5 vols. 4to, 1767, besides which he contributed a great
number of essays and letters to various collections. He
died at Milan Jan. 5, 1755, after having had the misfortune to lose his son, the subject of the following article.
a, at which last he died in 1754. He published, 1. “Practica del fora Veneto,” Venice, 1737, 4to. 2. An Italian translation of Huet, on the situation of Paradise,“1737.,
, son of the preceding, was born
at Bologna, May 8, 1712. He studied philosophy and
law, and took his doctor’s degree in the latter faculty at
Padua in 1736, but having afterwards applied himself to
mathematics, he was, in 1740, appointed royal engineer,
To all this he added a taste for the classics and Italian literature, which he cultivated in his father’s house, where
he principally resided, either at Milan or Bologna, at which
last he died in 1754. He published, 1. “Practica del fora
” Venice, 1737., 8vo. 3.
” Saggio d'una nuova filosofia,“Venice, 1740, 8vo. 4.
” Storia
della nascita delle scienze e belle lettere,“&c. Florence,
1743, 8vo. This was to have extended to twelve volumes,
but one only appeared. 5.
” De praeclaris Jurisconsultis
Bononiensibus Oratio,“&c. 1749, 4to, to which is added
a letter by his father, dated Milan, where probably this
work was published. 6,
” II Decamerone,“Bologna, 1751,
2 vols. 8vo, an imitation of Boccaccio, the subjects taken
from some curious facts in the English Philosophical Transactions, accounts of travellers, &c. and other remarkable
events, and adventures, but more pure in point of morality
than the work of his predecessor. 7.
” Novissima sisteina
di filosofia, &c." Modena, 1753, 8vo. He left also in
manuscript, a life of John Gaston, grand duke of Tuscany,
and of a female saint of the order of St. Francis.
, an Italian mathematician, was born at Tagliacozzo in the kingdom
, an Italian mathematician, was
born at Tagliacozzo in the kingdom of Naples, in 1570;
Being involved in his own country in some difficulties, occasioned by his attachment to astrological reveries, ha
thought proper to retire to Venice, where the senate, perceiving the extent of his merit, appointed him professor of
mathematics in the university of Padua; at the same time
conferring on him the title of chevalier of St. Mark in 1636.
He died in 1653. His writings are, 1. “De diebus criticis,
” from
satility of his genius was such, that he could equally adapt himself to every species of poetry; and an Italian writer of his life observes, that whatever he wrote,
These multiplied cares obliged him not only to give over his intended prosecution of the Greek language, but almost to abandon the Latin, which he had but lately recovered, had not Pandolfo Ariosto so far stimulated him, that he still continued, in some degree, his studies, till death deprived him of so pleasing a companion. Yet all these disappointments did not much damp the vigour of his poetical genius. In his twenty-ninth year, he acquired an uncommon reputation for his Latin verses, and numerous poems and sonnets full of spirit and imagination. His conversation was coveted by men of the greatest learning and abilities; and cardinal Hippolito of Este, whose court was a receptacle for the most admired personages of the, age, received him into his service, where he continued fifteen years; during which time he formed a design of writing a poem of the romance kind; in which no one had yet written with the dignity of which the subject was capable. The happy versatility of his genius was such, that he could equally adapt himself to every species of poetry; and an Italian writer of his life observes, that whatever he wrote, seemed, at the time, to be his particular study.
II Doni, an Italian writer, in a register of the manuscript works of several
II Doni, an Italian writer, in a register of the manuscript
works of several poets, has attributed two pieces to Ariosto,
one called “Rinaldo Ardito;
” and the other, “Il Termine del Desiderio;
” neither of which appears to have
been printed. Besides the forty-six books of his Orlando
Furioso, he left behind him five books on the same story,
which were first printed in addition to the original poem in
1545, twelve years after Ariosto’s death.
, an Italian lawyer, and a scholar of great learning, was born at
, an Italian lawyer, and a scholar of
great learning, was born at Cremona, Feb. 3, 1657, the son
of Louis Arisi and Lucia Negri, both of distinguished families in that place. His infirm state of health in his infancy
made him be consigned, for some time, to the care of a private tutor; but he afterwards studied philosophy in the
Jesuits’ college. In 1674, his father sent him to Rome to
study law, from whence, in 1677, he went to Bologna with
a view to continue that pursuit, but the death of his father
obliged him next year to return to his own country. Still
desirous, however, to complete his course, he went first to
Pavia, where he obtained a doctor’s degree, and then to
Milan for six months, where he improved himself under an
able advocate. On his return to Cremona, he divided his
time between his professional studies, and that of polite
literature, particularly poetry, for which he had a very
early taste. Connecting himself, by correspondence or
personal acquaintance, with the most eminent scholars of
nis time, he became a member of many of the Italian academies; and the extensive knowledge and probity he displayed as a lawyer, occasioned his being employed in many
public transactions, in which he acquitted himself to the
entire satisfaction of the government of his country. He
died of a lingering disorder, Jan. 25, 1743. Mazzuchelli’s
list of his works, printed and manuscript, amounts to sixtyfour articles. The most esteemed of the printed works
are, 1. “La Tirranide soggiogata,
” an oratorio for St.
Anthony of Padua, Cremona, Cremona litterata, sen in Cremonenses, doctrina et
litterariis dignitatibus eminentiores, chronologic^ adnotationes,
” 3 vols. fol. The first two were published at Parma,
1702 and 1705, and the third at Cremona, 1741. 3. “Scnatorum Mediolanensium ex collegio judicum Cremonae ab
ipso erecto, usque ad hocc tempora continuata series,
” &c.
Cremona, Rime per le sacre stimate del
Santo Patriarca Francesco,
” &c. Cremona,
, an Italian physician and poet, was born at Brescia, in Lombardy,
, an Italian physician and
poet, was born at Brescia, in Lombardy, in 1523. His
father was a poor blacksmith, with whom he worked until
his eighteenth year. He then began to read such books
as came in his way, or were lent him by the kindness of his
friends, and, with some difficulty, was enabled to enter
himself of the university of Padua. Here he studied medicine, and was indebted for his progress, until he took the
degree of doctor, to the same friends who had discovered
and wished to encourage his talents. On his return to
Brescia, he was patronised by the physician Consorto, who
introduced him to good practice; but some bold experiments which he chose to try upon his patients, and which
ended fatally, rendered him so unpopular, that he was
obliged to fly for his life. After this he gave up medicine,
and cultivated poetry principally, during his residence at
Venice and some other places, where he had many admirers. He died at last, in his own country, in 1577. His
principal works are, 1. “Le Rime,
” Venice, Lettera, Rime, et Orazione,
, an Italian poet, was born at Mazzareno in Sicily, 1628, and had
, an Italian poet,
was born at Mazzareno in Sicily, 1628, and had an early
passion for poetry, and a strong inclination for arms. He
finished his studies at 15 years of age, about which time
he fought a duel, in which he mortally wounded his adversary. He saved himself by taking shelter in a church
and it was owing to this accident that he afterwards applied himself to the study of philosophy. His parents
being dead, and himself much embarrassed in his circumstances, he resolved to quit his country, and seek his fortune elsewhere. He accordingly went to Candia, at the
time when that city was besieged by the Turks, and displayed there so much bravery, that he obtained the honour of knighthood in the military order of St. George.
When he was upon his return for Italy, he was often
obliged to draw his sword, and was sometimes wounded in
these rencounters but his superior skill generally gave him
the advantage. He rendered himself so formidable even
in Germany, that they used to style him Chevalier de
Sang. Ernest duke of Brunswic and Lunenburg appointed
him captain of his guards, but no appointment could de
tach him from the Muses. He was member of several
academies in Italy, and became highly in favour with
many princes, especially the emperor Leopold. He died
Feb. 11, 1679, at Naples, where he was interred in the
church of the Dominicans, with great magnificence the
academy DegP Intricati attended his funeral, and Vincent Antonio Capoci made his funeral oration. His works
are, 1. “DelP Encyclopedia poetica,
” 2 parts, 1658, 1679,
12mo; and a third, Naples, same year. 2. “La Pasife,
a musical drama, Venice, La Bellezza
atterrata, elegia,
” Naples,
s were, 1. “A Relation of the kingdom of Cochin China,” Lond. 1633, 4to, which is chiefly taken from an Italian work of Christopher Barri. 2. A Translation from French
, a Wiltshire gentleman, descended
from the family of that name residing at Nashhill in that
county, was born in 1565, and admitted a gentleman commoner of Hart hall in Oxford, in 1580. From the university he removed to the Middle Temple, where he was
called to the dignity of barrister at law. After some time
he travelled into Holland, France, &c. conversing with the
learned, and frequenting the public libraries. Being returned into England, he lived many years in the Middle
Temple, and honoured the commonwealth of learning with
several of his lucubrations. He died in a good old age, the
beginning of October 1641, and was buried in the Temple
church the 4th of the same month. He gave several books
to that society. His principal works were, 1. “A Relation of the kingdom of Cochin China,
” Lond. Urania, or heavenly muse,
” London, Au
manzor, the learned and victorious king that conquered
Spain, his life and death,
” London, 1627, 4to. 4. A
Translation from Italian into English of “II Davide perseguitate,
” i.e. David persecuted, London, 1637, written
originally by the marquis Virgilio Malvezzi. Wood tells
us, that part of the impression of this book had a new title
put to it, bearing date 1650, with the picture before it of
Charles I. playing on a harp, like king David, purposely to
carry off the remaining copies.
, an Italian, highly praised by Paul Jovius, and as much condemned
, an Italian, highly
praised by Paul Jovius, and as much condemned by Scaliger, was born in 1441, at Rimini, of a noble family. He
studied at Padua, and was professor of belles lettres in several universities, particularly Venice and Trevisa in the
latter place he obtained the rank of citizen, and died there
in 1524. His principal poem, “Chrysopoeia,
” or the art
of making, gold, occasioned his being supposed attached to
alchymy but there is no foundation for this, unless his
employing 'the technicals of the art in the manner of a
didactic poet, who studies imagination more than utility.
Leo X. to whom he dedicated the work, is said to have rewarded him by an empty purse, the only article he thought
necessary to a man who could make gold. This poem
was first printed at Venice, with, another on old age, entitled “Geronticon,
” Theatrum Chemicum,
” Strasburgh, Bibl. Chemica.
” His
other Latin poems, consisting of odes, satires, and epigrams, were published under the title “Carmina,
” Verona,
, an Italian poet, was born at Vincenza, and employed his fortune,
, an Italian poet, was born at Vincenza, and employed his fortune, which was very considerable, in patronising and associating with men of genius and
talents. He is supposed to have died about 1607. His
poems, consisting of “Three Epistles,
” highly praised by
Mazzuchelli, Crescembini, and Quadrio, were first printed
in 1605, and were reprinted in 1615 and 1627. They were
inserted likewise in some of the collections.
, an Italian rabbi of the sixteenth century, published his works
, an Italian rabbi of the sixteenth century,
published his works in one volume, at Mantua, in 1574.
The book is entitled “Meor en ajim,
” or “Light of the
” It discusses several points of history and criticism,
and proves that the author is much better acquainted with
Christian learning and literary matters than the Jews in ge^
fieral, whose reading is confined to their own authors. He
examines also some points of chronology, and has translated into Hebrew, a piece of Aristeus’s concerning the
Septuagint version.
, an Italian poet, a man of opulence as well as fame by his writings,
, an Italian
poet, a man of opulence as well as fame by his writings,
and esteemed among the good poets of his age. His failing is said to have been that of being difficult to please in
his own compositions, which he filed and polished till he
wore off the strength of the metal. He knew how to draw
an exact outline, and to give a strong colouring, but he
held his pencil too long, and was over-anxious in the finishing part. These were not, however, the failings of his
time. He is best known at present to those who study
Italian poetry by “The Arragonians,
” a tragedy, and
“The Judgment of Paris.
” We have no dates of his birth
or death, except that he was famed as a poet, about 1590,
and Erythraeus (Le Koux) says that he died an old man.
, an Italian count, and a man of learning, was a native of Placentia,
, an Italian count, and a man of learning, was a native of Placentia, where he was born July 3, 1654. After studying philosophy and the classics in the college of St. Francis Xavier at Bologna, he went to Rome, and passed through a course of theology, law, and mathematics. He was so pleased with Rome as to determine to take up his abode there and when the pope offered him the‘ place of nuncio at Brussels, and in Poland, he preferred a life of literary employment. Some time after, however, he accompanied cardinal d’Estrees to Paris, and the marchioness of Montecuculi to St. Germain and afterwards went to Poland, to be present at the election of a successor to king John Sobieski, then deceased. In 1698, duke Francis, of Parma, sent him to Madrid, as his deputy; and in 1710 Sophia Dorothy duchess of Placentia employed him in the same honourable office at Vienna, and at several courts in Germany, England, and Utrecht. On his return, he passed the rest of his life in a retired manner, and died Feb. 23, 1725. When in England he was elected a member of the royal society, with M. Bianchini. His rich cabinet of natural history, and his extensive library, were always open to men of learning, many of whom he assisted in their pursuits with great liberality. We know of none of his writings, except a discourse on the maps in the Atlas Historique, published at Amsterdam in 1719.
, an Italian poet, was born at Florence, in 1654. His first studies
, an Italian poet, was born at
Florence, in 1654. His first studies were devoted to the
law, which his father wished him to pursue as a profession but, after the death of his parents, he gave himself
wholly up to the enchantments of poetry and music. On
visiting Rome, he obtained, through the interest of his
uncle cardinal Flavio Chigi, the place of secretary to cardinal Jacopo Filippo, and in that city, at the age of forty,
he entered into holy orders. In 1676, he obtained the
living of St. Leonardo d'Artimino and in 1694, Cosmo
III. grand duke of Tuscany, conferred on him the priorship of Orbatello; which, in 1699, he changed for that
of Santa Felicita. In the discharge of his new functions,
he gave equal satisfaction to the court, the religious orders,
and his parishioners, by his exemplary piety, and his
rigid attention to the duties of his station to which the
amiableness of his manners, his knowledge of the world,
and his proficiency in learning, rendered him perfectly
adequate. He died in 1716. His chief work is a poem
of the pastoral kind, entitled “II Lamento de Cecco da
” written in the provincial dialect of Tuscany,
and in his youth; and published in 1694, by Bartolommei,
to whom the author had given the manuscript. It was reprinted in 1755, with the author’s life by Manni, and
curious notes by Marini. In 1800, it was introduced
into our language by John Hunter, esq. under the title
of “Cecco’s Complaint,
” 8vo, from the preface to which
this sketch is taken.
an, where he had the honour of instructing the celebrated Lucretia Gonzaga, in whose praise he wrote an Italian, poem, which still remains, and where he formed an intimacy
, a celebrated Italian novelist, was born at Castelnuovo in the district of Tortona,
where he remained for some years, under the patronage of
his uncle Vincenzio Bandello, general of the order, of Do^
minicans, with whom he also travelled through various parts
of Italy, France, Spain, and Germany, where it was the
4uty of the general to inspect the convents of his order.
After the death of his uncle, at the convent of Altomonte in
Calabria, in 1506, Bandello passed a considerable part of
his time at the court of Milan, where he had the honour of
instructing the celebrated Lucretia Gonzaga, in whose
praise he wrote an Italian, poem, which still remains, and
where he formed an intimacy with many eminent persons
of the age, as appears from the dedicatory epistles prefixed
to his novels. Having early enrolled himself in the order
of Dominicans, in a fraternity at Milan, he entered deeply
into the ecclesiastical and political affairs of the times, and
after various vicissitudes of fortune, obtained at length, in
1550, the bishopric of Agen in France, conferred on him
by Henry II. but being fond of the poets, ancient and
modern, addicted himself much more to the belles lettres
than to the government of his diocese. He filled the episcopal chair of Agen for several years, and died about 1561,
at the chateau de Bazens, the country seat of the bishops of
Agen. His monument was erected in the church of the
Jacobins du port St. Marie. He had resigned the bishopric
of Agen in 1555, when his successor, Janus Fregosa, son of
the unhappy Cæsar, assassinated by the marquis de Guast,
had attained his twenty-seventh year. Henry II. who had
a regard for the Fregosas, Jiad agreed with the pope, on the
death of the cardinal de Lorraine, bishop of Agen, to give,
by interim, this bishopric to Bandello, till Janus should
arrive at the age required. Bandello consented to this arrangement, and gave up the see according to promise.
The best edition of his novels is that of Lucca, 1554, 3
vols. 4to, to which belongs a fourth volume, printed at
Lyons in 1573, 8vo. This edition is scarce and dear.
Those of Milan, 1560, 3 vols. 8vo, and of Venice, 1566,
3 vols. 4to, are curtailed and little esteemed but that
of London, 1740, 4 vols. 4to, is conformable to the first.
Boaisteau and Belleforest translated a part of them into
French, Lyons, 1616, et seq. 7 vols. 16mo. It is entirely
without reason that some have pretended that these novels
are not by him, but were composed by a certain John Bandello, a Lucchese, since the author declares himself to be
of Lombardy, and even marks Castelnuovo as the place of
his nativity. On the other hand, Joseph Scaliger, his contemporary and his friend, who calls him Bandellus Insuber,.
positively asserts that he composed his novels at Agen.
Fontanini is likewise mistaken in making him the author of
a Latin translation of the history of Hegesippus, which he
confounds with the novel of Boccace entitled Sito e Gisippo, which Bandello did really translate into Latin. We
have by him likewise the collection of poems beforementioned, entitled “Canti xi. composti del Bandello,
ilelle lodi della signora Lucrezia Gonzaga,
” &c. printed
at Agen in
f dialogue, printed at Venice, in 1557, 4to. 2. “Pratica della Perspectiva,” Venice, 1568, folio. 3. An Italian translation of Vitruvius, with annotations, Venice,
, probably of the same family
with the preceding, coadj utor of the patriarchate of
Aquileia, bora in 1513, acquired a reputation for his learning
and his capacity in the management of public affairs, which
caused him to be chosen by the senate of Venice to be
ambassador from the republic to England, where he remained till 1551. He died in 1570, and left behind him
several works in good repute, the chief of which are, 1 A
Treatise of Eloquence, by way of dialogue, printed at Venice, in 1557, 4to. 2. “Pratica della Perspectiva,
” Venice,
augmented with above ten thousand words omitted in the last editio*n of Altieri. To which is added, an Italian and English grammar,” 1760, 2 vols. 4to.
4. “A Dictionary of the English and Italian languages;
improved and augmented with above ten thousand words
omitted in the last editio*n of Altieri. To which is added,
an Italian and English grammar,
, an Italian physician, of great reputation in his day, charitably
, an Italian physician, of great reputation in his day, charitably attentive to the wants of
the poor, and so successful in his practice, as to be often
consulted by princes and men of rank, who munificently
rewarded his services, was born at Turin, about the year
1478, and became first physician to Charles II. (or according to Dict. Hist. Charles III.) duke of Savoy. He
died April 1, 1558. His works are: 1. “De pestilentia
ej usque curatione per preservationum et curationum regimen,
” Turin, Lexipyretae perpetuae questionis et annexorum solutio, de nobilitate facultatum per terminos utriusque facultatis,
Turin, De medendis humani corporis
mahs Enchyridion, quod vulgo Vade-mecum vocant,
Basil," 1563, and often reprinted.
Behem himself, is preserved in the archives of Nuremberg. The celebrated astronomer Riccioli, though an Italian, yet does not seem willing to give his countryman the
This wonderful discovery has not escaped the notice of
contemporary writers. A confirmation of it occurs in the
Latin chronicle of Hartman Schedl, and in the remarks
made by Petrus Mateus on the canon law, two years before the expedition of Columbus. These passages demonstrate that the first discovery of America is due to the
Portuguese, and not to the Spaniards; and that the chief
merit belongs to a German astronomer. The expedition
of Frederick Magellan, which did not take place before
the year 1519, arose from the following fortunate circumstance: This person being in the apartment of the king
of Portugal, saw there a chart of the coast of America,
drawn by Behem, and at once conceived the bold project
of following the steps of our great navigator. Jerome
Benzon, who published a description of America in 1550,
speaks of this chart; a copy of which, sent by Behem himself, is preserved in the archives of Nuremberg. The celebrated astronomer Riccioli, though an Italian, yet does not
seem willing to give his countryman the honour of this important discovery. In his “Geographia Reformata,
” book III.
p. 90, he says, “Christopher Columbus never thought of
an expedition to the West Indies until his arrival in the
island of Madeira, where, amusing himself in forming and
delineating geographical charts, he obtained information
from Martin Bcehm, or, as the Spaniards say, from Alphonsus Sanchez de Huelva, a pilot, who had chanced to
fall in with the islands afterwards called Dominica.
” And
in another place, “Boehm and Columbus have each
their praise they were both excellent navigators but
Columbus would never have thought of his expedition to
America, had not Bcehm gone there before him. His
name is not so much celebrated as that of Columbus, Americus, or Magellan, although he is superior to them all.
, an Italian Jesuit, and one of the most celebrated controversial
, an Italian Jesuit, and one of the most celebrated controversial writers of his time, was born in Tuscany, 1542, and admitted amongst the Jesuits in 1560. In 1569 he was ordained priest, at Ghent, by Cornelius Jansenius, and the year following taught divinity at Louvain. After having lived seven years in the Low Countries, he returned to Italy, and in 1576 began to read lectures at Rome on points of controversy. This he did with so much applause, that Sixtus V. appointed him to accompany his legate into France, in 1590, as a person who might be of great service, in case of any dispute concerning religion. He returned to Rome about ten months after, where he had several offices conferred on him by his own society as well as by the pope, and in 1599 was created cardinal. Three years after, he had the archbishopric of Capua given him, which he resigned in 1605, when pope Paul V. desired to have him near himself. He was now employed in the affairs of the court of Rome, till 1621, when, finding himself declining in health, he left the Vatican, and retired to the house belonging to the Jesuits, where he died the 17th of Sept. 1621. It appeared on the day of his funeral that he was regarded as a saint, and the Swiss guards belonging to the pope were obliged to be placed round his coffin, in order to keep off the crowd, which pressed to touch and kiss the body; but they could not prevent every thing he made use of from being carried away a venerable relic.
a catalogue has been drawn up of both parties, and a list of his defenders was composed by Beraldus, an Italian. His life has been written by James Fuligati, and many
Bellarmin is said to have been a man of great chastity and temperance, and remarkable for his patience. His stature was low, and his mien very indifferent, but his talents and acuteness might be discovered from the traces of his countenance. He always expressed himself with great perspicuity, and the words he first made use of to explain his thoughts were generally so proper, or at least so satisfactory to himself, that there appeared no rasure in his writings. He has been attacked and defended by so many writers, that a catalogue has been drawn up of both parties, and a list of his defenders was composed by Beraldus, an Italian. His life has been written by James Fuligati, and many particulars relating to him may likewise be found in Alegambus, Possevinus, Sponde, &c.
, an Italian orator and poet, was born at Aquapendente in 1542, and
, an Italian orator and poet, was born at Aquapendente in 1542, and received his early education from his father. He was then sent to Rome, anu in 1563 began to attend the Jesuits’ college for the study of philosophy and jurisprudence, which he pursued for six years. His master was the celebrated Muretus, but for some time, as his biographer informs us, the love of the world predominated, notwithstanding the voice of conscience, to which, however, at length he listened, and, in 1570, entered into the society of the Jesuits, going through the regular probations. He now changed his name, which was Plautus, to that of Francis, a practice usual among the religious of that order. Yet still his new engagements did not interrupt his favourite studies, which led him to high reputation as an orator and poet. For many years likewise he taught rhetoric at Sienna, Perugia, and Rome, and was regarded by his learned contemporaries, as another Muretus. Flattered, however, as he might have been by these lavish praises, and encouraged to hope for preferment adequate to such acknowledgments of his merit, he is said to have been a man of great modesty, and entirely free from ambition. Muretus had admitted him to the closest intimacy, and Benci no further presumed on his friendship than to request he would introduce more of the Christian in his life and writings than had yet been visible. Muretus acknowledges this very handsomely in the dedication to Benci, of his Latin translation of Aristotle’s rhetoric. Benci died in the Jesuits’ college at Rome, May 6, 1594. An edition of his works was published at Lyons in 1603, but most of them had been separately and very often printed. They consist of orations, Latin dramas and poems, and some religious treatises, enumerated by Moreri.
, an Italian writer, was born in 1728, the last branch of a noble
, an Italian writer, was born in
1728, the last branch of a noble and ancient family in Tuscany. He rendered himself eminent in the literary and
political world, and filled some situations of importance;
and among others, more connected with his favourite pursuits, he was director of the once magnificent gallery of
Florence, of which he wrote “Saggio Historico,
” &c.
“An historical essay concerning the Gallery,
” vol. I. and
II. 1779, 8vo, and which, we believe, was continued in more
volumes, but we find these only noticed in the Monthly Review, vol. LXII. He wrote also the eloges of many eminent characters, a “life of Dante,
” which is much esteemed,
some “academical dissertations,
” and other works without
his name. He died July 31, 1808. His mind was a library
open to all his friends, and his heart a hospitable asylum for
the unhappy. He was learned without pedantry, pious
without superstition, benevolent without ostentation, the
friend of virtue wherever he found it, and his death, it is
added, was as placid and calm as his life had been.
, an Italian surgeon, was born in 1685 in the dutchy of Spoletta,
, an Italian surgeon, was born
in 1685 in the dutchy of Spoletta, and at the age of nine,
was sent to Florence, where after going through a classical
course, he studied philosophy, anatomy, and surgery, and
acquired great reputation for his skill in disorders of the eyes
and in ruptures. In 1755, he was appointed principal surgeon of the hospital of St. Mary in Florence, and died in that
city, May 7, 1756. He wrote, 1. “Lettera sopra cataratta
” Florence, Nuova propozitione intorno alia caruncula dell' uretra della carnosita,
” ibid. Manifesto sopra alcune accuse contenute in uno certo parere del signor P. P. Lupi,
ibid. Giustificatione delle replicati accuse
del signor P.P. Lupi,
” ibid. Dissertazioni sopra l‘origine deli’ ernia intestinale, &c.
” ibid.
, an Italian Jesuit, physician, and mathematician of considerable
, an Italian Jesuit, physician,
and mathematician of considerable eminence, was born at
Leghorn, Feb. 8, 1716. He began his noviciate among
the Jesuits at the age of sixteen, but did not take the four
vows, according to the statutes of that order, until eighteen
years afterwards. He had already published a funeral oration on Louis Ancajani, bishop of Spoleto, 1743, and a
species of oratorio, to be set to music, entitled “Cristo
presentato al tempio,
” but it was neither as an orator or
poet that he was destined to shine. He became professor
of philosophy at Fermo, and when father Boscovich was
obliged to leave Rome to complete the chorographical
chart of the papal state, which he published some years
afterwards, Benvenuti succeeded him in the mathematical chair of the Roman college, and also resumed his lectures on philosophy in the same college. His first scientific
work was an Italian translation of Clairaut’s Geometry,
Rome, 1751, 8vo and he afterwards published two works,
which gained him much reputation: 1. “Synopsis Physics
” a thesis maintained by one of his disciples,
the marquis de Castagnaga, on Benvenuti’s principles,
which were those of sir Isaac Newton, Rome, 1754, 4to.
2. “De Lumine dissertatio physica,
” another thesis maintained by the marquis, ibid. Riflessioni sur Gesuitismo,
” Irrefiessioni sur Gesuitismo
” but this answer gave so much
offence, that he was obliged to leave Rome and retire into
Poland, where he was kindly received by the king, and
became a favourite at his court. He died at Warsaw, in
September, 1789.
, an Italian surgeon, or rather physician, was born in the territory
, an Italian surgeon, or rather
physician, was born in the territory of Lucca, about the
year 1728. He received the degree of doctor, began
practice at Sarzano in 1755, as a member of the faculty; in
1756 was chosen member of the German imperial society;
and in 1758 of the royal society of Gottingen, while he
was practising at the baths of Lucca. In 1753, he happened to be at a place in that republic, called Brandeglio,
where an epidemic fever of a particular kind prevailed,
which he treated with great success by means of mercury.
This formed the subject of his treatise, entitled “Dissertatio historico-epistolaris, &c.
” Lucca, De Lucensium Thermarum sale tractatus,
” Lucca, Riflessioni sopra gli effetti del moto a cavallo,
” Lucca, Dissertatio physica de
” Vienne, De rubiginis frumentum
corrumpentis causa et medela,
” Lucca, Observationum medicarum quse anatomise superstructae sunt,
collectio prima,
” Lucca, Dissertationes
et Quaestiones medicae magis celebres,
” Lucca,
, an Italian author of the seventeenth century, was born at Vincenza,
, an Italian author of
the seventeenth century, was born at Vincenza, Feb. 21
1627. When only nineteen years old, he was honoured
by the king of France, Louis III. with the ribbon of St.
Michael and the title of chevalier. In 1649, his family
were promoted to the rank of nobility at Venice. In that
republic he distinguished himself at the bar, especially
when he returned to Venice, which he had been obliged
to leave for a time in consequence of some indiscretion.
At his leisure hours he cultivated polite literature, and particularly poetry and history. His poems are not without
ease and elegance, although in other respects they partake
largely of the vicious and affected style of his age. He
died at Venice, Dec. 17, 1713, and preserved to the last
his love of study. Besides five dramatic pieces, all set to
music, he wrote 1. “Istoria delle guerre d‘Europa delle
comparsa delle armi Ottomane nell’ Ungheria l'anno 1683,
Venice, 2 vols. 4to. These two parts were to have been
followed by four others, two of which were put to press in
1700, but it does not appear that they were ever published.
2. “Composizioni poeticheconsistenti inrimesacre,eroiche,
morali ed amorose,
” Venice, Opere de
Claudio Claudiano tradotte ed arrichite di erudite annotazioni,
” Venice,
, an Italian monk of the order of the minorite conventuals, was born
, an Italian monk of the order
of the minorite conventuals, was born at Palermo, and in
1650, when he officiated during Lent at Bologna, acquired
high reputation as a preacher. He was professor of philosophy and divinity in the convents of his order, provincial
in Sicily, and superintendant of the great convent of Palermo, where he died, November 17, 1679. He published
a philosophical work, or at least a work on philosophy, entitled “De objecto philosophise,
” Perug. Davidiade,
” a collection entitled “Poesis miscellanea,
” and
an elementary work on medicine, “Tyrocinium medicoe
” but these have not been printed.
, an Italian poetess, was born April 15, 1703, and appeared from
, an Italian poetess, was born
April 15, 1703, and appeared from her infancy capable of
making a figure in the literary world. Her father, although
of a genteel family of Piedmont, was ruined by various misfortunes, and at length setup a shoemaker’s shop in Venice,
where he acquired some property. His daughter Louisa,
one of a numerous family, discovered first a taste for embroidery, then for drawing and painting, in which she was
instructed by the celebrated female artist Rosalba Camera;
nor did she make less progress in literature, philosophy,
and languages. She learned French of her father, and
Latin under an excellent master, and in the course of this
study she translated some of the comedies of Terence.
Having conceived a particular taste for dramatic poetry,
she received some instructions from Apostolo Zeno. As
soon as her talents were known, places both lucrative and
honourable were offei'ed to her at Rome, Poland, Spain, and
Milan, but she would not quit Venice, her native country, and
continued her studies until the age of thirty-five, when she
married count Gaspard Gozzi, a noble Venetian, known in
the literary world for his Italian dramas and other works.
She lived with him very happily, and bore five children,
whom she educated with great care. The time of her
death is not mentioned. Her principal works are, 1. “Agide re di Sparta,
” a musical drama, Venice, LaTeba,
” a tragedy, ibid. L'Elenia,
” musical drama, ibid. Le
Avventure del poeta,
” comedy, ibid. 1730, 8vo. 5. “Elettra,
tragedy, ibid. La Bradamante,
” musical drama, ibid. Le Commedie di Terenzio tradotto in versi sciolti,
” ibid. Componimenti poetici dc-lle piu illustri rimatrici d'ogni secolo,
” ibid.
, an Italian author of the last century, was born at Venice, October
, an Italian author of the
last century, was born at Venice, October 4, 1685. He
sludied for eight years in the Jesuits’ college of Bologna,
and on his return to his own country, after a course of civil
and canon law, was created doctor in 1706. He began
then to practise at the bar, where he had considerable success, until he arrived at the twenty-fourth year of his age,
when he suddenly changed his profession, and entered the
order of the Theatins, January 12, 1711. He was some
years after catled to Rome, by the general of the order, and
appointed their secretary; and such was his reputation
among them, that he obtained a dispensation, never before
granted by that society, to confess women, six years before
the time prescribed by their laws. He afterwards devoted
much of his time to preaching, through the principal cities
of Italy. On his return to Venice in 1726, he determined
to settle there, dividing his time between the duties of his
profession, and the study of the best ancient authors, and
those of his own country. His first publications were harangues, panegyrics, and funeral orations, few of which
survived him, but the following works were thought entitled
to more durable fame: 1. A translation of Thuanus “De
re Accipitraria,
” and of Bargee’s “Ixeuticon,
” under the
title of “II Falconiere di Jacopo Aug. Thuano, &c. with
the Latin text and learned notes, Venice, 1735, 4to.
2. A translation of Vaniere’s
” Pryedium rusticum,“entitled
” Delia Possessione di Campagna,“Venice, 1748,
8vo, unluckily taken from the edition of 1706, the translator not being acquainted with that of 1730. He translated
also cardinal de Polignac’s
” Anti-Lucretius,“Verona,
1752, 8vo, and published an improvement of the de la
Crusca dictionary, under the title
” Delia volgare
elocuzione, illustrata, ampliata e facilitata, vol. I. contenente
A. B." Venice, 1740, folio. The bookseller being unsuccessful in the sale, this volume only appeared, but the
author, in 1753, published a prospectus in which he professed to have re-modelled the work, and reduced it from
twelve volumes to six. This, however, still remains in manuscript, with many other works from his pen. Our authority does not mention his death.
library, which was sold by auction in 1711. The “Spaccio della Bestia triomfante,” by Jordano Bruno, an Italian atheist, which is said in number 389 of the Spectator
, was chief physician to king
James II. He was a man of learning, and what is now termed
an able bibliographer. His private collection of books,
which were scarce and curious, sold for upwards of 1600l.
in 1698; a large sum at that time, when the passion for
rare books was much more moderate than now. He died
Feb. 9, 1697, aged 69 years. Mr Charles Bernard, brother to Francis, and surgeon to the princess Anne, daughter of king James, had also a curious library, which was
sold by auction in 1711. The “Spaccio della Bestia triomfante,
” by Jordano Bruno, an Italian atheist, which is
said in number 389 of the Spectator to have sold for 30l.
was in this sale. Mr. Ames informs us that this book was
printed in England by Thomas Vautrollier in 1584. An
English edition of it was printed in 1713.
, an Italian poet, was born at Vignola, in the duchy of Modena, June
, an Italian poet, was
born at Vignola, in the duchy of Modena, June 30, 1672.
His early studies afforded great promise of talents, and at
the age of nineteen he was admitted into the academy of
the Arcadians. He resided a considerable time at Bologna, where he established a colony of Arcadians, and for
this reason in the title of some of his works he is styled a
Bolognese, although certainly not a native of that city. In
1701 he was appointed imperial poet at the court of Vienna,
which he would fain have given up in favour of Apostolo
Zeno, but the latter declined it, and Bernardoni accordingly
filled the office under the two emperors Leopold and Joseph I. He died at Bologna, Jan. 19, 1714. He published two collections of poetry: 1. “I Fiori, primizie
poetiche, divise in rime amorose, sacre, morali, e funebri,
Bologna, Rime varie,
” Vienna,
, an Italian physician, and a man of learning and skill, yet perhaps
, an Italian physician,
and a man of learning and skill, yet perhaps less known
for these qualities, than for his literary disputes, was born at
Castel Fiorentino Dec. 28, 1658. After studying at
Sienna and Pisa a complete course, not only of medicine,
but mathematics, astronomy, belles-lettres, &c. he was,
in 1678, created doctor in philosophy and medicine, and
then settled at Florence, where after very successful practice for many years, he died Dec. 10, 1726. His first
publication was entitled “La Medicina difesa contra la
calunnie degli nomini volgari e dalle opposizioni del dotti,
divisa in due dialoghi,
” Lucca, Dell' uso esterno e interno del Mercurio, discorso, &c.
, an Italian antiquary of the last century, was born of a noble family,
, an Italian antiquary of
the last century, was born of a noble family, at Mereto inthe Frioul, March 13, 1676, and after studying at Venice,
was ordained a priest in 1700. The same year he became
canon -coadjutor of the patriarchal church of Aquileia, and
soon after titular. He had already acquired a decided taste
for the study of antiquities, and was in a country abounding with objects to gratify it, most of which, however, had
been greatly neglected, and even destroyed by the ignorant
inhabitants, who converted every remains of antiquity in
stone to the common purposes of building. To prevent
this for the future, Bertoli formed a society of men of
learning and similar taste, who began with purchasing
every valuable relic they could find, and placed the collection in the portico of the canons’ house, where it soon
became an object of curiosity, not only to travellers, but
to the Aquileians themselves. At the same time he copied,
or caused to be copied, all the monuments in the town, and
in the whole province, and entered into an extensive correspondence with many eminent characters, particularly
Fontanini, to whom he liberally communicated his discoveries, in hopes they might be useful to that learned prelate; but he having deceased in 1736, Bertoli resolved to
take upon himself what he had expected from him, and
was encouraged in this design by Muratori and Apostolo
Zeno. Accordingly he began to publish a series of memoirs and dissertations on subjects of antiquity, which he
wrote at his native place, Mereto, where he resided for
such periods as his official duties at Aquileia permitted.
In 1747 he was elected a member of the Columbarian society of Florence, and next year of that of Cortona, and
died a few years afterwards, but the date is not ascertained
in either of our authorities. His principal publication is
entitled “Le Aritichita di Aquileja profane e sacre,
” Venice
es,“entitled Xerxes, Jonathan, Demetrius, Poliorcetes, and Rome saved, with some French letters, and an Italian dissertation on Italian tragedy. The” Rome saved“is
His principal works, according to his own arrangement
in the edition above mentioned are, 1. “Ragionamend
” con anuotazioni,“a work both religious, moral,
and philosophical. 2.
” Dell' entusiasmo delle belle arti“the professed design of which was to maintain and revive
the studies of imagination; but Bettinelli was not himself
a decided enthusiast, and instead of the fire of imagination, we have here much of the coldness of method. 3.
” Dialoghi d'amore,“in which he expatiates on the
influences which imagination, vanity, friendship, marriage,
honour, ambition, science, &c. produce on that passion.
In this work is an eloge on Petrarch, one of his most happy
compositions. 4.
” Risorgirnento negli stucii, nelle arti e
ne' costumi dopo il mille.“This in Italy is considered as
a superficial view of the revival of arts and sciences after
the tenth century, and as interfering with Tiraboschi, who
was then employed on the same subject, but to those who
may think Tiraboschi’s work, what it certainly is, insufferably tedious, this will afford much useful information in a
shorter compass. The dissertation on Italian poetry is
particularly valuable. 5.
” Delle lettere e delle arti Mantovane lettere ed arti Modenesi,“an excellent work as
far as regards the literary history of Mantua, which was
now, if we mistake not, written for the first time. 6.
” Lettere dieci di Virgilio agli Arcadi.“Of these letters we
have already spoken, and his attack on Dante and Petrarch, although not altogether without such a foundation as
strict and cold criticism may lay, will not soon be forgiven
in Italy. 7.
” Letters on the Fine Arts from a lady to her
friend, &c.“8. His
” Poetry,“containing seven small
poems, or
” poemetti,“six epistles in familiar verse, sonnets, &c. In all these he is rather an elegant, easy, and
ingenious poet, than a great one. His
” Raccolte“is a
spirited satire on the insipid collections of verses so common in Italy. 9.
” Tragedies,“entitled Xerxes, Jonathan,
Demetrius, Poliorcetes, and Rome saved, with some French
letters, and an Italian dissertation on Italian tragedy. The
” Rome saved“is a translation from Voltaire, indifferently
performed. He also wrote three other tragedies, but inferior to the former, in which there is an evident attempt
at the manner of Racine. 10.
” Lettere a Lesbia Cidonia
sopra gli epigrammi,“consisting of twenty-five letters, with
epigrams, madrigals, and other small pieces, some translated and some original. 11. An
” Essay on Eloquence,“with other essays, letters, miscellanies,
” &c. As a poet,
critic, metaphysician, and historian, Bettinelii’s merit is
esteemed by his countrymen as of the first rate and with
respect to the art of composition, they account him one of
the purest and most elegant writers of the last century,
one of the few who laboured to preserve the genuine Italian idiom from any foreign mixture.
, an Italian scholar of considerable celebrity, was born about the
, an Italian scholar of considerable
celebrity, was born about the beginning of the sixteenth
century, at Bassano. In his early years he shewed a taste
for polite literature, and published some poems that were
read as very extraordinary productions, but unfortunately
he took for his guide the famous, or rather infamous, Peter
Aretin, both in his studies and his morals. Under such
an instructor, we are not to wonder that his irregularities
obstructed his advancement in life. For some time he
earned a subsistence at Venice in the printing-office of
Giolito, and afterwards wandered over Italy and even
France, in quest of better employment, which his misconduct always prevented. At length he was recommended
as secretary to a person of rank, and is said to have gone
to Spain in 1562, in this character, but on his return to
Italy, he resumed his irregularities, and lived as usual on
precarious supplies. The time of his death is not ascertained, but according to a letter of Goselini, a contemporary
writer, he was living in 1565. His works are, 1. “Dialogo amoroso e rime di Giuseppe Betussi e d'altri autori,
Venice, II Raverta, dialogo, &c.
” Venice, 1544,
1545, &c. 8vo. 3. Italian translations of Boccaccio’s
three Latin works, “De casibus Virorum etFoerninarum illustrium
” “De claris Mulieribus;
” and “De Genealogia deorum
” the first, Venice, An Italian translation of the
” Seventh book of the Eneid,“Venice, 154G,
8vo, which afterwards made part of an entire translation
of that poem by different hands. 5. li La Leonora, Ragionamento sopra la vera bellezza,
” Lucca, Ragionamento sopra il Catajo, luogo del signor Pio Enea Obizzi,
” Padua, L‘Immagine del tempio di Dorina Giovanna d’Aragona,
” Venice, Letters
” and “Poems
in various collections.
, an Italian scholar of the last century, was born at Parma, March
, an Italian scholar of the last
century, was born at Parma, March 12, 1673. Aftertaking ecclesiastical orders, he was engaged in 1702 by the
illustrious house of Sanvitali, both as domestic chaplain
and tutor to the two young sons of that family, and at his
leisure hours cultivated the study of history, chronology,
and antiquities. One of his works was written while in
this family, a very elaborate treatise, “Trattinemento
Istorico e Chronologico,
” &c. Naples, 2 vols. 4to, in which
he endeavours to prove that Josephus’s history is neither
false nor contrary to scripture, positions which had been
denied in a treatise written on the subject by father Cæsar
Calino, a Jesuit. When he had completed this work, the
elder of his pupils, who by the death of his father bad succeeded to the estate, and was very much attached to the
Jesuits, informed Biacca that the publication of it would
not be agreeable to him. On this Biacca entrusted his
manuscript to the celebrated Argelati, at Milan, and either
with, or without his consent, it was printed at Naples in
1728. This provoked Sanvitali to forget his own and his
father’s attachment to Biacca, who had resided twenty-six
years in the family, and he ordered him to leave his house.
Biacca, however, was received with respect into many other
families, who each pressed him to take up his abode with
them. After having lived at Milan for some years, he
died at Parma, 8ept. 15, 1735. Being a member of the
Arcadians, he, according to their custom, assumed the
name of Parmindo Ibichense, which we find prefixed to
several of his works. Besides his defence of Josephus, he
wrote, 1. “Ortographia Manuale, o sia arte facile di correttamento Scrivere e Parlare,
” Parma, Notizie storiche di Rinuccio cardinal Pallavicino, di Pompeo Sacco Parmigiano, di Cornelio Magni, e del conte
NiccoloCicognari Parmigiano,
” printed in vols. I. and II. of
the “Notizie istoriche clegli Arcadi morti,
” Rome, Le Selve de Stazio, tradotte in verso sciolto.
He translated also Catullus, and both make part of the collection of Italian translations of the ancient Latin authors,
printed at Milan. In the poetical collections, there are
many small pieces by Biacca.
, an Italian naturalist, more generally known by the name of Janus
, an Italian naturalist, more generally
known by the name of Janus Plancus, under which he
published several works, was born Jan. 3, 1693, at Rimini,
where he died Dec. 3, 1775. In 1717 he went to Bologna,
and studied botany, natural history, mathematics, and
natural philosophy. Having taken the degree of doctor in
medicine in 17 19, he returned to his country, but afterwards resided for some time at Bologna and Padua before
he settled and began practice at Rimini. Here also he
improved his acquaintance with botany, and in his different
tours accumulated a very fine collection of specimens of
natural history. In 1741, he was appointed professor of
anatomy in the university of Sienna, but his attachment to
las favourite studies induced him to return to Rimini, where
he endeavoured to revive the academy of the Lincei, the
members of which assembled at his house. He had formerly, when only twenty-two years of age, acted as their
secretary, and gave a history of them in his edition of the
Phytobasanos. In honour of his merits and services, the
society caused a medal to be struck, with his portrait on
one side, and on the other a lynx, with the words ~“Lynceis restitutis.
” Biarichi was frequently involved in controversies respecting both himself and his works, the principal of which are, 1. “Lettere intorno alia cataratta,
Rimini, Epistola anatomica adJosephum.
Puteum Bononiensem,
” Bologna, Osservazioni intorno una sezione anatomica,
” Rimini,
, an Italian lawyer, was born at Padua in 1498, and while eminent
, an Italian lawyer, was
born at Padua in 1498, and while eminent at the bar, and
in consultation, was not less distinguished for learning
and probity. In 1525 he was appointed, for the third time,
professor of imperial law in the university of Padua in
1532, a second time, professor of the decretals and lastly
in 1544 chief professor of criminal law, a situation which
he retained until his death, Oct. 8, 1548. Among his
works, which are all on professional subjects, and written
in Latin, are his, I. “Tractatus de indiciis homicidii ex
proposito conmiissi, &c.
” Venice, Practica criminalis aurea,
” with “Cautelse singulares
ad reorum defensam,
” ibid. Tractatus de
compromissis faciendis inter conjunctos, et de exceptionibus impeclientibus litis ingressum,
” Venice,
, an Italian author of the end of the fifteenth century, was a native
, an Italian author of the end of the fifteenth century, was a native of Bologna, where he was much esteemed for his learning and moral character. His master Philip Beroaldo, in his commentary on Apuleius, speaks highly of him as a young man of many accomplishments, and distinguished for his taste in painting, and the knowledge of ancient medals. The time of his death is not known, but is supposed to have taken place before 1528. He published a life of Urceus Codrus, prefixed to that author’s works in various editions, and among others that of Basil, 1540, 4to; and a life of Philip Berualdo, printed with his commentary on Suetonius, Venice, 1510, fol. and in other editions of the same.
, an Italian philosopher and physician of considerable reputation
, an Italian philosopher and physician of considerable reputation in the last century, was born, in 1720, at Chieti in the kingdom of Naples, where he studied, took his degrees, and for some years practised physic. He then went to Venice, but his growing reputation procured him the place of, first physician at Udina, where he resided from 1759 to 1777, and was then appointed first professor of the practice of physic in the university of Padua, and was admitted a member of the academy, as he had been of that of Udina. He was likewise one of the pensionaries of the academy of Padua, but did not enjoy these situations long, dying Sept. 2, 1779. He wrote many treatises on professional subjects, electricity, the force' of imagination in pregnant women, putrid fevers, worms, &c. a list of which may be seen in our authority.
, an Italian scholar of the last century, was born at Prato in Tuscany,
, an Italian scholar of the
last century, was born at Prato in Tuscany, Nov. 18, 1685.
He had but just finished his education at Florence, when
he was admitted a member of the academy of the Apatisti,
and two years after, of that of Florence, nor was he more
than twenty when he became known to and associated with
the principal literati of that city. He went afterwards to
Pisa, and studied philosophy and mathematics under Alexander Marchetti, the translator of Lucretius, and there he
received the degree of doctor of laws, and the order of
priesthood. There also the bishop of Prato appointed
him to give public lectures on the works of the fathers, in
the course of which he became particularly attached to
those of St. Bernard and the bishop of Pistoia gave him
the living of St. Peter at Ajolo, where he made himself
very popular. Such also was his literary fame, that besides
the academies we have mentioned, he was admitted a
member of the Inlecundi of Prato, the Innominati of Bra
in Piedmont, of the Rinvigoriti of Foligno, the Arcadians
of Rome, the Columbarian society, and the della Crusca.
His life was exemplary, his character loyal and ingenuous,
although somewhat reserved. He loved retirement, yet
was of a placid humour, and enjoyed effusions of wit but
in his latter years he fell into a state of melancholy, aggravated by bodily disorder, which terminated in his death
Feb. 17, 1749. His two most considerable works, were,
1. “De‘ gran duchi di Toscana della real casa de’ Medici,
Venice, Della satira Italiana, trattato,
” Massa, La Cantica de Cantici di Salomone tradotta
in versi Toscani con annotazioni,
” Venice, Prose Fiorentine,
” Venice,
, an Italian author of great authority in the science of which he
, an Italian author of great authority in the science of which he may be said to have been
professor, that which the Italians call Scienza cavalleresca,
which embraces all questions relative to nobility, the profession of arms, the ancient customs of chivalry, and the
laws of honour. He was born in 1562, of a noble Milanese
family, and lived and wrote as late as the year 1637, but
beyond that his history cannot be traced. Being the eldest of six brothers, he assumed, in his writings, the title
of signor Metono and Siciano, two fiefs belonging to his
family in the territory of Pavia. From Crescenzi, a contemporary, and author of a “treatise on the nobility of
” we learn that Birago was arbitrator of all chivalrous
disputes in Lombardy and that in all parts of Italy he
was consulted as an oracle, and his opinions were decisive,
being considered as a gentleman who united honourable
spirit with high blood. He wrote several works on the
subject, enumerated by Ginguene“, the principal of which
were collected and published in one vol. 4to, under the
” Opere cavalleresche distinte in quattro libri, cioè
in discorsi; consigli, libro I e II e decisioni," Bologna,
France’s gentlemen of the household, distinguished himself for his taste for French poetry, although an Italian by birth. He took Ronsard for his model, and copied
, one of the king of France’s
gentlemen of the household, distinguished himself for his
taste for French poetry, although an Italian by birth. He
took Ronsard for his model, and copied at least his faults.
His “Premieres oeuvres poetiques
” were printed at Paris,
in L‘Enfer de la mere Cardine, traitant
de l’horrible bataille qui fut aux enfefs, aux noces du portier Cerberus et de Cardine,
” Paris,
, an Italian mathematician, was born at Sienna about the end of the
, an Italian mathematician,
was born at Sienna about the end of the fifteenth century,
and died about the middle of the sixteenth. After having
served in the wars under the dukes of Parma and Ferrara,
and the republic of Venice, he employed himself in studying the art of fusing and casting metal for cannon, and
improving the quality of gunpowder. He was the first of
his nation who wrote upon these subjects. The work in
which he laid down his experience and practice, was entitled “Pirotecnia, nella quale si tratta non sole della diversita delle minere, ma anco di quanto si ricerca alia
pratica di esse, e che s’appartienne all‘arte della fusione
o getto de’ metalli,
” Venice,
, count of Scandiano, an Italian poet, was born at the castle of Scandiano, near Reggio
, count of Scandiano, an
Italian poet, was born at the castle of Scandiano, near
Reggio in Lombardy, about the year 1434. He studied at
the university of Ferrara, and remained in that city the
greater part of his life, attached to the ducal court. He
was particularly in great favour with the duke Borso and
Hercules I. his successor. He accompanied Borso in a
journey to Rome in 1471, and the year following was selected by Hercules to escort to Ferrara, Eleonora of Aragon, his future duchess. In 1481 he was appointed governor of Reggio, and was also captain-general of Modena.
He died at Reggio, Dec. 20, 1494. He was one of the
most learned and accomplished men of his time, a very
distinguished Greek and Latin scholar, and at a time when
Italian poetry was in credit, one of those poets who added
to the reputation of his age and country. He translated
Herodotus from the Greek into Italian, and Apuleius from
the Latin. He wrote also Latin poetry, as his “Carmen
” eight eclogues in hexameters, dedicated to
duke Hercules I. Reggio, 1500, 4 to Venice, 1528; and
in Italian, “Sonetti e Canzoni,
” Reggio, Timon,
” taken from a dialogue of Lucian, which
may be accounted the first comedy written in Italian. The
first edition of it, according to Tiraboschi, was that printed
at Scandiano, 1500, 4to. The one, without a date, in
8vo, he thinks was the second. It was afterwards reprinted
at Venice, 1504, 1515, and 1517, 8vo. But Boiardo is
principally known by his epic romance of “Orlando Innamorato,
” of which the celebrated poem of Ariosto is not
only an imitation, but a continuation. Of this work, he did
not live to complete the third book, nor is it probable that
any part of it had the advantage of his last corrections, yet
it is justly regarded as exhibiting, upon the whole, a
warmth of imagination, and a vivacity of colouring, which
rendered it highly interesting: nor is it, perhaps, without
reason, that the simplicity of the original has occasioned
it to be preferred to the same work, as altered or reformed
by Francesco Berni (See Brrni). The “Orlando Innamorato
” was first printed at Scandiano, about the year
d in 2 vols. fol. 1518, and reprinted by him in 4to and 8vo. He learned Hebrew from Felix Pratenois, an Italian, who engaged him to print a Rabbinical Bible, which
, a celebrated printer of the sixteenth century, was a native of Antwerp, but settled at Venice, where he commenced business by printing a Hebrew Bible, which was published in 2 vols. fol. 1518, and reprinted by him in 4to and 8vo. He learned Hebrew from Felix Pratenois, an Italian, who engaged him to print a Rabbinical Bible, which appeared in 1517, fol. dedicated by Bomberg to Leo X. The Jews, however, not approving of this edition, the rabbi Jacob Haum suggested another, which Bomberg published in 4 vols. fol. in 1525. He also, in 1520, began an edition of the Talmud, which he finished, after some years, in 11 vols. fol. This he reprinted twice, and each edition is said to have cost him an hundred thousand crowns. These two last editions are more complete and beautifully printed than the first, and are in more estimation than the subsequent editions of Bragadin and Burtorf. Bomberg appears to have been a man highly zealous for the honour of his art, spared no cost in embellishments, and is said to have retained about an hundred Jews as correctors, the most learned he could find. In printing only, in the course of his life, he is thought to have expended four millions in gold (Scaliger says, three millions of crowns), and Vossius seems to hint that he injured his fortune by his liberality. He died at Venice in 1549.
o 1528, ubi desinit Folieta, ad annum 1550,” and was in 1597 published in Italian. He also published an Italian and very elegant translation of Cicero’s oration for
, an elegant Italian scholar of the
sixteenth century, was born at Gorzano in the Brescian
territory, but in what year is not known. He was three
years secretary to cardinal Bari at Rome; but lost the
fruits of his services by the death of his master. He then
served cardinal Glinucci in the same capacity; but long
sickness made him incapable of that employment. When
he was recovered, he found himself so disgusted with the
court, that he resolved to seek his fortune by other means.
He continued a good while in the kingdom of Naples, then
went to Padua, and to Genoa; where he read public lectures on Aristotle’s politics. He was ordered to read some
likewise upon his rhetoric, which he did with great success to a numerous auditory. His reputation increasing
daily, the republic of Genoa made him their historiographer, and assigned him a handsome pension for that
office. He now applied himself laboriously to compose
the annals of that state, and published the five first books;
but by speaking too freely and satirically of some families,
he created himself enemies who resolved to ruin him, by a
prosecution for an unnatural crime, and being convicted,
he was condemned to be first beheaded, and then burnt,
or as some say, sentence of burning was changed into that
of beheading. Some have attributed this prosecution to
the freedom of his pen; but the generality of writers have
agreed that Bonfadio was guilty, yet are of opinion, that
he had never been accused, if he had not given offence by
something else. He was executed in 1560. Upon the
day of his execution he wrote a note to John Baptist Grimaldi, to testify his gratitude to the persons who had endeavoured to serve him, and recommended to them his
nephew Bonfadio, who is perhaps the Peter Bonfadio,
author of some verses extant in the “Gareggiamento poetico del confuso accademico ordito,
” a collection of verses,
divided into eight parts, and printed at Venice in 1611.
The first five books of Bonfadio’s history of Genoa were
printed at Padua, 1586, 4to, under the title “I. Bonfadii
annales Genuensium ab anno 1528, ubi desinit Folieta, ad
annum 1550,
” and was in Lettere famigliari, &c.
” 8vo, dedicated to
pope Benedict XIV. with a life of the unfortunate author,
and a curious Latin poem by Paul Manutius, in honour of
those persons who used their interest to save Bonfadio
from punishment.
, an Italian artist, was born at Trevigi, in 1513, and at eight years
, an Italian artist, was born at Trevigi,
in 1513, and at eight years of age was conducted to Venice,
where he was carefully educated by one of his relations.
At a proper age he was placed as a disciple with Titian,
under whom he made so happy a progress, that he did not
continue with him many years; especially as he observed
that Titian was not so communicative as he wished, or indeed had just reason to expect, and he lamented that
Giorgione was not then alive to instruct him, because he
preferred the manner of that master to all others. However, to the utmost of his power, he studied and imitated
the style of Giorgione, and very soon rose into such reputation, that he was appointed to paint a picture in the
church of St. Nicholas, when he was only eighteen years
of age. Some time after he received an invitation to Vincenza, to adorn a gallery with paintings in fresco, part of
which had been formerly enriched by the hand of Titian,
with a design representing the “Judgment of Solomon.
Bordone engaged in the undertaking with an inward satisfaction, as his work was to be contrasted with the work of
his master; and he composed the history of “Noah and
his Sons,
” which he finished with his utmost care; nor
was it esteemed inferior to the work of Titian, both performances seeming to have been the product of one pencil.
He likewise finished several considerable works at Venice
and Trevigi, and in each city painted many portraits of the
nobility and persons of distinction. But, in the year 1538,
he entered into the service of Francis I. of France, and
added continually to his reputation, by every historical
subject and portrait which he finished, as they were excellently designed, and had a charming tone of colour to
recommend them. On his quitting France, he visited the
principal cities of Italy, and left a number of memorable
works, as monuments of his extraordinary abilities. His
colouring has all the appearance of nature, nor can any
thing be more lively or more admired than the portraits of
Bordone. Several of them are still preserved in the Palazzo Pitti, at Florence, of which the colouring is excessively clear, fresh, and truly beautiful. He died in 1588
according to Vasari, but in 1578 according to Felibien
and Argenville.
on a mission to Astracan, to preach in Armenian, and to avail himself of that opportunity to compile an Italian-Armenian, and Armenian-Italian Dictionary, father Gabriele
About 1782, he gave a new proof of his attention to the interests of learning and religion, on the following occasion. An island, near Venice, is inhabited by Armenian monks; and those fathers make no use of any language but their own, printing rituals and devotional books in Armenian, and carrying on a considerable commerce in such books through the East. No one, however, had thought of going to pass some time among these fathers, with a view of learning their language, until Borgia, foreseeing the advantages that might result from it, sent one Gabriele, a Capuchin, to spend some time with these monks in learning the Armenian; and afterwards engaged him to go on a mission to Astracan, to preach in Armenian, and to avail himself of that opportunity to compile an Italian-Armenian, and Armenian-Italian Dictionary, father Gabriele fulfilled these injunctions, and, on his return, he delivered the Dictionary into the hands of the librarian of the Propaganda.
, an Italian scholar and writer of considerable eminence, was born
, an Italian scholar and writer of
considerable eminence, was born at Verona in 1427, and
in 1451 entered the congregation of the regular canons of
St. John of Lateran, where he bore several employments,
as visitor of the order, procurator-general, and abbot of
Fiesole in Tuscany. Cosmo de Medici, who had a high
respect for him, spent seventy thousand crowns in the
repairs of that monastery, and it was in the church belonging to it that Bosso delivered the ensigns of the cardinalship to John de Medici, afterwards pope Leo X. Sixtus VI. also employed him in many important affairs, particularly in reforming the religious houses of Genoa, and
other neighbouring districts, and he thrice offered him a
valuable bishopric, which he refused. He vigorously opposed the decree of pope Innocent VIII. which ordered
all sorts of monks to pay part of their yearly revenues to
the clerks of the apostolic chamber. Hermolaus Barbarus
was his pupil and guest at Fiesole, and Picus of Mirandula,
his friend. He died at Padua in 1502. Mr. Roscoe says
he was a profound scholar, a close reasoner, and a convincing orator; and to these united a candid mind, an inflexible integrity, and an interesting simplicity of life and
manners. His literary productions were, l.“De Instituendo Sapientia animo,
” Bologna, De veris
et salutaribus animi gaudiis,
” Florence, Epistolar. Lib. tres,
” or rather three volumes, printed Recuperationes Fsesulanse,
” a rare and beautiful book, said to have been printed in 1483. His whole
works were published by P. Ambrosini, at Bologna, 1627,
with the exception of the third book, or volume, of letterS|
which, on account of its extreme rarity, was at that time
unknown to the editor. His moral writings were very
highly esteemed; and one of his pieces on female dress,
“de vanis mulierum ornamentis,
” excited a considerable
interest. The editor of Fabricius throws some doubts on
the date of the “Recuperationes,
” and if there be letters
in it dated
an Italian painter and engraver, was born at Florence, in 1437;
an Italian painter and engraver, was born at Florence, in 1437; and being placed as a disciple with Filippo Lippi, he imitated that master, as well in his design as colouring. He performed several considerable works at Florence, and several at Rome, by which he gained great reputation; at the former, a Venus rising from the sea, and also a Venus adorned by the graces; and at the latter, he painted sacred subjects from the New Testament, which at that time were very much commended. He obtained great honour by his performances in the chapel of Sixtus IV. for which he was very amply rewarded; and for the family of the Medici he finished some portraits, and many historical compositions. It was customary with this master to introduce a great number of figures in all the subjects he designed, and he disposed them with tolerable judgment and propriety; but in one of his designs, representing the Adoration of the Magi, the variety and multitude of his figures are astonishing. He received large sums of money for his works, all of which he expended, and died in 1515 in great distress, and far advanced in years.
, an Italian poet of some celebrity, known by the name of Bracciolini
, an Italian poet of some celebrity, known by the name of Bracciolini Dell’ Api, a
surname given him by the pope, was born at Pistoia, in
Tuscany, 1566, and was fellow-student with Maffei Barberini, whose love of poetry and polite literature resembled
his own, and increased their friendship. When Barberini
was afterwards appointed nuncio in France, under the
pontificate of Clement VIII. he engaged Bracciolini as his
secretary, who accepted the office in hopes that his patron
might become a cardinal, and serve his interest more essentially, for Bracciolini was not free from the unpoetical
failing of avarice; but this event not taking place so soon
as he expected, he retired to Pistoia, where he composed
a part of his works. Barberini, however, being not only
made cardinal, but also pope in 1622, under the title of
Urban VIII. Bracciolini waited upon him with a poem of
congratulation, amounting to twenty-three books, which
the pope liked so well, that he ordered him to adopt the
surname Dell' Api, and to add to his arms three bees,
which are the arms of the Barberini family. He gave him
at the same time more substantial rewards, and placed him
as secretary under his brother, cardinal Antonio Barberini.
After the death of Urban VIII. in 1644, Bracciolini again
retired to Pistoia, where he died the following year. He
wrote a great number of poems of every species, epics, tragedies, comedies, pastorals, lyrics, satires, and burlesque
verses. Of these, the only ones worthy of notice, seem to
be: 1. “La Croce Racquistata,
” a heroic poem in fifteen
cantos, Paris, Lo Scherno degli
” a mock-heroic, in ridicule of the heathen mythology, Florence, 1618, 4to, a better edition in 1625, 4to.
This poem has given him some title to the invention of the
mock-heroic, because in the preface it is asserted that the
“Lo Scherno
” although printed some years after Tassoni’s
“La Secchia Rapita,
” was written many years sooner. It
is, however, a poem of considerable merit in that style.
, an Italian historian and antiquary, was a native of Sarzano, in
, an Italian historian and antiquary,
was a native of Sarzano, in Tuscany, in the fifteenth century. He was secretary to the republic of Genoa, but refused the honour of that appointment when offered by pope
Nicholas V. who was his countryman. He died in 1460.
He wrote in elegant Latin five books, “De Bello inter
Hispanos et Genuenses,
” from De Claris Genuensibus,
” and “Orae Ligusticae descriptio,
” Rome,
Jter Italicum,
” has printed
a small work by Bracelli, “De praecipuis Genuensis urbis
” His letters, “Epistoloe,
” were printed at Pc.ris,
, an Italian physician, was born of wealthy parents, in Abadia, near
, an Italian physician, was
born of wealthy parents, in Abadia, near Rovigo, in the
Venetian territory, in 1577. After making great progress
in the study of the belles lettres, philosophy, and astronomy, he was sent to Padua, where he was initiated into
the knowledge of medicine and anatomy, and in 1597, was
made doctor. He now went to Venice, where he practised
medicine to the time of his death, in 1630. His publications are, “De innato calido, et naturali spiritu, in quo
pro veritate rei Galeni doctrina defenditur,
” Disputatio de Principatu Hepatis ex Anatome Lampetrse,
” Patav. 4to. Though from dissecting the liver of this
animal he was satisfied the blood did not acquire its red
colour there, yet he did not choose to oppose the doctrine
of Galen, His observation, however, was probably not
lost, but led the way to a more complete discovery of the
fact, by subsequent anatomists. He published also, “De
Principio Effective Semini insito.
, an Italian writer to whom atheism has been generally, but unjustly,
, an Italian writer to whom atheism
has been generally, but unjustly, imputed, was born atNola
in the kingdom of Naples, about the middle of the sixteenth century. His talents are said to have been considerable, but this is hardly discoverable from his works: he
early, however, set up for an inquirer and innovator, and
very naturally found many things in the philosophy and
theology then taught in Italy, which he could not comprehend. Being fond of retirement and study, he entered
into a monastery of Dominicans, but the freedom of his
opinions, and particularly of his censures on the irregularities of the fraternity, rendered it soon necessary to
leave his order and his country. In 1582, he withdrew to
Geneva, where his heretical opinions gave offence to Calvin and Beza, and he was soon obliged to provide for his
safety by flight. After a short stay at Lyons he came to
Paris, and his innovating spirit recommended him to the
notice of multitudes, who at this time declared open hostilities against the authority of Aristotle. In a public disputation, held in the royal academy, in 1586, he defended,
three days successively, certain propositions concerning
nature and the world, which, together with brief heads of
the arguments, he afterwards published in Saxony, under
the title of “Acrotismus,
” or “Reasons of the physical
articles proposed against the Peripatetics at Paris.
” The
contempt with which Bruno, in the course of these debates,
treated Aristotle, exposed him to the resentment of the academic professors, who were zealous advocates for the old system; and he found it expedientto leave thekingdom of France.
According to some writers, he now visited England, in the
train of the French ambassador Castelneau, wherehe was hospitably received by sir Philip Sydney and sir Fulke Gre.ville,
and was introduced to queen Elizabeth. But though it is
certain from his writings that he was in England, he probably made this visit in some other part of his life, and we
should suppose before this, in 1583 or 1584. For, about
the middle of the same year in which he was at Paris, we
find him, at Wittenburg, a zealous adherent of Luther.
In this city he met with a liberal reception, and full permission to propagate his doctrines: but the severity with
which he inveighed against Aristotle, the latitude of his
opinions in religion as well as philosophy, and the contempt
with which he treated the masters of the public schools,
excited new jealousies; and complaints were lodged
against him before the senate of the university. To escape
the disgrace which threatened him, Bruno, after two years
residence in Wittenburg, left that place, and took refuge
in Helmstadt, where the known liberality of the duke of
Brunswick encouraged him to hope for a secure asylum.
But either through the restlessness of his disposition, or
through unexpected opposition, he went next year to
Francfort, to superintend an edition of his works, but before it was completed was obliged again, probably from
fear of persecution, to quit that city. His next residence
was at Padua; where the boldness with which h.e taught
his new doctrines, and inveighed against the court of
Rome, caused him to be apprehended and brought before
the inquisition at Venice. There he was tried, and convicted of his errors. Forty days being allowed him to deliberate, he promised to retract them, and as at the expiration of that term, he still maintained his errors, he obtained
a further respite for forty days. At last, it appearing that
he imposed upon the pope in order to prolong his life, sentence was finally passed upon him on the 9th of February
1600. He made no offer to retract during the week that
was allowed him afterwards for that purpose, but underwent his punishment on the 17th, by being burnt at a stake.
fforts to clear up the difficulties relating to the coins and measures of the ancients; and although an Italian, Leonardus Portius, pretended to claim some of his
, or Bude’ (William), an eminent scholar
and critic, the descendant of an ancient and illustrious
family in France, lord of Marli-la-ville, king’s counsellor,
and master of requests, was born at Paris in 1467. He
was the second son of John Budé, lord of Yere and Villiers,
secretary to the king, and one of the grand officers of the
French chancery. In his infancy he was provided with
masters; but such was the low state of Parisian education
at that time, that when sent to the university of Orleans to
study law, he remained there for three years, without
making any progress, for want of a proper knowledge of
the Latin language. Accordingly, on his return home, his
parents had the mortification to discover that he was as
ignorant as when he went, disgusted with study of any
kind, and obstinately bent to pass his time amidst the
gaieties and pleasures of youth, a coarse which his fortune
enabled him to pursue. But after he had indulged this
humour for some time, an ardent passion for study seized
him, and became irresistible. He immediately disposed
of his horses, dogs, &c. with which he followed the chace,
applied himself to study, and in a short time made very
considerable progress, although he had no masters, nor
either instruction or example in his new pursuit. He became, in particular, an excellent Latin scholar, and although
his style is not so pure or polished as that of those who
formed themselves in early life on the best models, it is
far from being deficient in fluency or elegance. His knowledge of the Greek was so great that John de Lascaris, the
most learned Grecian of his time, declared that Budé might
be compared with the first orators of ancient Athens. This
language is perhaps complimentary, but it cannot be denied that his knowledge of Greek was very extraordinary,
considering how little help he derived from instructions.
He, indeed, employed at a large salary, one Hermonymus,
but soon found that he was very superficial, and had acquired the reputation of a Greek scholar merely from
knowing a little more than the French literati, who at that
time knew nothing. Hence Budé used to call himself
ανἶομαθης & οψιμαϑης
i. e. self-taught and late taught. The work
by which he gained most reputation, and published under
the title “De Asse,
” was one of the tirst efforts to clear up
the difficulties relating to the coins and measures of the
ancients; and although an Italian, Leonardus Portius, pretended to claim some of his discoveries, Budé vindicated
his right to them with spirit and success. Previously to
this he had printed a translation of some pieces of Plutarch,
and “Notes upon the Pandects.
” His fame having
reached the court, he was invited to it, but was at first
rather reluctant. He appears to have been one of those
who foresaw the advantages of a diffusion of learning, and
at the same time perceived an unwillingness in the court
to entertain it, lest it should administer to the introduction
of what was called heresy. Charles VIII. was the first
who invited him to court, but died soon after: his successor Louis XII. employed him twice on embassies to
Italy, and made him his secretary. This favour continued
in the reign of Francis I. who sent for Budé to court when
it was held at Arches at the interview of that monarch with
Henry VIII. the king of England. From this time Francis
paid him much attention, appointed him his librarian, and
master of the requests, while the Parisians elected him
provost of the merchants. This political influence he employed in promoting the interests of literature, and suggested to Francis I. the design of establishing professorships for languages and the sciences at Paris. The excessive heats of the year 1540 obliging the king to take a
journey to the coast of Normandy, Budé accompanied his
majesty, but unfortunately was seized with a fever, which
carried him off Aug. 23/1540, at Paris. His funeral was
private, and at night, by his own desire. This circumstance created a suspicion that he died in the reformed religion; but of this there is ho direct proof, and although
he occasionally made free with the court of Rome and the
corruptions of the clergy in his works, yet in them likewise he wrote with equal asperity of the reformers. Erasmus called him porttntum Gallic, the prodigy of France.
There was a close connection between these two great
men. “Their letters/' says the late Dr. Jortin,
” though
full of compliments and civilities, are also full of little
bickerings and contests: which shew that their friendship
was not entirely free from some small degree of jealousy
and envy; especially on the side of Budé, who yet in
other respects was an excellent person." It is not easy
to determine on which side the jealousy lay; perhaps it
was on both. Budé might envy Erasmus for his superior
taste and wit, as well as his more extensive learning; and
perhaps Erasmus might envy Budé for a superior knowledge of the Greek tongue, which was generally ascribed
to him.
, an Italian historian, was born at Lucca in 1710, of a reputable
, an Italian historian, was
born at Lucca in 1710, of a reputable family, and first embraced the ecclesiastical state. His studies being finished,
he went to Rome, and during a stay of some years in that
city, attracted the notice of the cardinal de Polignac, who
was desirous of gaining his attachment, but whom he refused, to accompany into France. Not meeting iif the
church with the advantages he had promised himself, he
gave it up, in order to bear arms in the service of the king
of the Two Sicilies, which, however, did not prevent his
devoting himself to the study of the belles-lettres. He
wrote in Latin the history of the war of Velletri in 1745,
between the Austrians and Neapolitans, in which he was
employed, under the title of “De rebus ad Velitras gestis
” Debello Italico commentarii,
” 4to,
in three books, for which he got the title of count to himself and his descendants. These two histories are much
esteemed for the correctness of the narration and the purity
of the Latinity, and have been several times reprinted.
The count de Buonamici also composed a treatise “De
scientia militari,
” but which has not hitherto been published. He died in 1761, at Lucca, the place of his nativity,
whither he was come for the benefit of his health. The
name of Castruccio being very famous in the history of
Lucca, he adopted it on his going into the Neapolitan service, instead of his baptismal name, which was FrancisJoseph-Mary. His work on the war in Italy was translated into English, and published in 1753 at London by
A. Wishart, M. A. under the title of “Commentaries of
the late war in Italy,
” 8vo.
, an Italian poet, was better known under this name than by that
, an Italian poet, was better known under this name than by that of Dominico, which was his true one. Authors differ concerning his country and the time of his birth. The opinion most followed is that he was born at Florence about 1380. As to the epocha of his death, it seems more certain: he died at Rome in 1448. This poet was a barber at Florence, and his shop the common rendezvous of all the literati of that town. His poems, which mostly consist of sonnets, and often very freely written, are of the comic and burlesque species; but so truly original, that some poets who came after him have endeavoured to imitate him by composing verses alia Burcbiellesca. They are however full of obscurities and aenigmas. Some writers have taken the pains to make comments on them, and, among others, le Doni; but the commentary is scarcely less obscure than the text. Burchiello nevertheless holds a distinguished place among the Italian poets of the satirical class. He may be censurable for not having had sufficient respect for good manners; but the licence of this poetical barber was much in the general taste of the times. The best editions of his poems are those of Florence, 1552 and 1568, 3vo. His sonnets were printed for the first time at Venice, 1475, 4to.
, an Italian poet and prelate, was born in 1427 at Cavelli, a village
, an Italian poet and prelate, was born in 1427 at Cavelli, a village of Campania, of parents so obscure that he bore no name but that of his country, and was employed in his early years as a shepherd, in which situation an ecclesiastic discovering some promise of talents in him, sent him to Naples, where he studied under Laurentius Valla. He went afterwards to Perugia, where he rose to be professor of eloquence, and filled that chair with so much reputation, that when, in 1459, pope Pius II. happened to pass through Perugia in his way to the council of Mantua, he bestowed his patronage on him, and made him bishop of Crotona, and secondly of Teramo. Enjoying the same favour under pope Paul II. this pontiff sent him to the congress of Ratisbon, which assembled for the purpose of consulting on a league of the Christian princes against the Turks. Sixtus IV. who had been one of his scholars at Perugia, made him successively governor of Todi, of Foligno, and of Citta di Castello; but the pope having thought proper to besiege this last named city, because the inhabitants made some scruple about receiving his troops, Campano, touched with the hardships they were likely to suffer, wrote to the pope with so much freedom and spirit as to enrage his holiness, and provoke him to deprive him of his government, and banish him from the ecclesiastical states. Campano on this went to Naples, but not rinding the reception he expected, he retired to his bishopric at Teramo, where he died July 15, 1477, of chagrin and disappointment. His works, which were first printed at Rome in 1495, fol. consist of several treatises on moral philosophy, discourses, and funeral orations, and nine books of letters, in which there is some curious information with respect both to the political and literary history of his times. This volume contains likewise, the life of pope Pius II. and of Braccio of Perugia, a famous military character, and lastly, of eight book of elegies and epigrams, some of which are rather of too licentious a nature to accord with the gravity of his profession. These, or part of them, were reprinted at Leipsic in 1707, and in 1734. Campano was at one time a corrector of the press to Udalric, called Gallus, the first printer of Rome, and wrote prefaces to Livy, Justin, Plutarch, and some other of the works which issued from that press.
n much trouhle. Returning home one evening, he discovered his wife murdered, his house robbed, while an Italian journeyman, on whom the suspicion naturally fell, had
, a Spanish artist, and styled the Michel Angelo of Spain, because he excelled in painting,
sculpture, and architecture, was born in the city of Grenada in 1600, where his father, an eminent architect, educated him in his own profession, and when his instructions
in this branch were completed, he applied himself to the
study of sculpture, and made an uncommon progress in a
very short time. He next went to Seville, and for eight
months studied under Pacheco, and afterwards under Juan
del Castillo, in whose academy he executed many noble
paintings for the public edifices in Seville, and at the same
time gave some specimens of his excellence in statuary,
which were highly admired, particularly a “Madonna and
” in the great church of Nebriga, and two colossal
figures of San Pedro and San Pablo. Count Olivarez was
the means of his coming to Madrid, where he was made
first royal architect, king’s painter, and preceptor to the
prince, don Balthazar Carlos of Austria. Here, as architect, he projected several additional works to the palaces,
some public gates to the city, and a triumphal arch erected
on the entrance of Mariana, second queen to Philip IV.
As a painter, he executed many celebrated compositions
in the churches and palaces of Madrid.
While in the height of his fame an event happened which
involved him in much trouhle. Returning home one evening, he discovered his wife murdered, his house robbed,
while an Italian journeyman, on whom the suspicion naturally fell, had escaped. The criminal judges held a
court of inquiry, and having discovered that Cano had been
jealous of this Italian, and also that he was known to be
attached to another woman, they acquitted the fugitive
gallant, and condemned the husband. On this he fled to
Valencia, and being discovered there, took refuge in a
Carthusian convent about three leagues from that city,
where he seemed for a time determined upon taking the
order, but afterwards was so imprudent as to return to
Madrid, where he was apprehended, and ordered to be
put to the torture, which he suffered without uttering 3r
single word. On this the king received him again into favour, and as Cano saw there was no absolute safety but
within the pale of the church, he solicited the king with
that view, and was named residentiary of Grenada. The
chapter objected to his nomination, but were obliged to
submit, and their church profited by the appointment,
many sculptures and paintings being of his donation. The
last years of his life he spent in acts of devotion and charity. When he had no money to bestow in alms, which
was frequently the case, he would call for paper, and give
a beggar a drawing, directing him where to carry it for
sale. To the Jews he bore an implacable antipathy. On
his death-bed he would not receive the sacraments from a
priest who attended him, because he had administered
them to the converted Jews; and from another he would
not accept the crucifix presented to him in his last moments, telling him it was so bungling a piece of work that
he could not endure the sight of it. In this manner died
Alonso Cano, at the age of seventy-six, in 1676; a circumstance, says his biographer, which shows that his ruling
passion for the arts accompanied him in the article of death,
superseding even religion itself in those moments when
the great interests of salvation naturally must be supposed to
occupy the mind to the exclusion of every other idea.
this work on a level with his model, to which high praise it is scarcely entitled. An edition, with an Italian translation, was given in 8vo, at Venice, in 1704. He
, in Latin Capycius, a native of Naples, and a Latin poet of the sixteenth century, attempted
to imitate Lucretius, in his poem of the “Principles of
” Frankfort, De Vate maximo,
” i. e. St. John the Baptist, which Gesner, doubtless a great friend of the poet,
equalled with the productions of antiquity.
, an Italian poet and governor of Atri in the kingdom of Naples,
, an Italian poet and governor
of Atri in the kingdom of Naples, was born at Perugia in
]530. He wrote a satirical poem on courts and courtiers,
which procured him much reputation, while his circle of
friends- and admirers was greatly enlarged by. the vivacity
and pleasantry of his conversation. Among the number of
his patrons was Ascanio, marquis of Coria, at whose house
he died in 1601. He wrote also some poems of the romantic class, as his “Life of Maecenas,
” left unfinished,
and two comedies, viz. “Lo Seiocco,
” and “La Ninnetta,
” published at Venice in
, an Italian physician, mathematician, and philosopher, was born
, an Italian physician, mathematician, and philosopher, was born at Pa via,
Sept. 24, 1501. It appears that his father and mother
were not married, and the latter, a woman of violent passions, endeavoured to destroy him by procuring abortion.
He was, however, safely born, and his father who was a
lawyer by profession, at Milan, and a man well skilled in
what were then called secret arts, instructed him very early
in the mysteries of numbers, and the precepts of astrology,
He taught him also the elements of geometry, and was
desirous to have engaged him in the study of jurisprudence. But his own inclination being rather to medicine
and mathematics, at the age of twenty he went to the university of Pavia, where, two years after, he explained
Euclid. He then went to Padua, and, in 1524, was admitted to the degree of master of arts, and in the following year to that of doctor in medicine. In 1529, he returned to Milan, where although he obtained little fame as
a physician, he was appointed professor of mathematics,
for which he was better qualified; and in 1539, he became
one of the medical college in Milan. Here he attempted
to reform the medical practice by publishing his two first
works, “De malo recentiorurn medicorum medendi usu,
Venice, Contradicentium Medicorum libri
” Lyons,
, an Italian poet, was born in 1507, at Civita Nova, in the march
, an Italian poet, was born in 1507,
at Civita Nova, in the march of Ancona, of poor parents.
After his first studies he obtained the patronage of the
illustrious house of Gaddi in Florence, a branch of which,
John Gaddi, legate of Romania, appointed him secretary
of legation, and retained him in his service, with some
interval, until his death. On this event Caro determined
on a life of independence; but unable to resist the liberal
offers of Peter Louis Farnese, accepted the place of confidential secretary in 1543. While with him, Caro had an
opportunity of forming a very fine collection of medals,
and wrote a treatise on the subject. Such was his reputation at this time that Onufrius Pauvinius dedicated his
work “De Antiquis Romanorum nominibus
” to him, as the
ablest antiquary in Italy. With the study of medals, Caro
united that of the sciences, the belles lettres, languages,
and the Italian particularly, which owes great obligations to
him. He composed in that language several works of the
light kind, such as the “Ficheide del P. Siceo (i. e Francis Maria Molza) col Commento dr Ser Agresto (Annibal Caro)
sopra la prima Ficata,
” La diceria de nasi;
and a prose comedy, “Gli Straccioni,
” Venice, Letters
” were reprinted at Padua, with a life
of the author, by Alexander Zalioli, and notes by the
editor, 2 vols. 8vo; but the most complete edition is in 6 vols.
Padua, 1765. Caro also translated the Pastorals of Longus, of which Bodoni printed a fine edition at Parma in
1786, 4to. Among his unpublished works are a translation
of Aristotle’s “History of Animals,
” and his treatise above
mentioned on medals.
, an Italian mathematician, the particular friend of Galileo, was
, an Italian mathematician, the
particular friend of Galileo, was born of an ancient and
noble family at Brescia, in the year 1577. In 1595, he
entered into a monastery of the order of St. Benedict in his
native city, but afterwards studied at Padua and at Florence,
where he became a disciple of Galileo, and assisted him in
his astronomical observations, and afterwards maintained a
regular correspondence with him. Galileo, not only had
the highest esteem for his talents, but reposed the utmost
confidence in his friendship. Under his name the apology
of Galileo against the censures of Ludovico delle Colombe
and Vincent di Grazia appeared, though it was principally
written by Galileo himself. From 1615 to 1625, he occupied the mathematical chair at Pisa. In 1625, Castelli
was invited to Rome by pope Urban VIII. and made mathematical professor in the college della Sapienza. The
subject of his particular attention, and in the investigation
of which he chiefly excelled, was the motion of water, on
which subject as connected with the health of the cities of
Venice, &c. he was frequently consulted, and suggested
many important improvements. In 1628, he published on
the mensuration of running waters, “Delia misura dell'
acque correnti,
” Rome, 4to, and “Dimostrazioni geometriche clella misura dell acque correnti,
” ibid. 4to. These
have been inserted in the collection of the author’s works
on similar topics, printed at Florence, with other treatises,
on the laguna of Venice, on the improvement of the Pontine, Bolognese, Ferrarese, and Romagnese marshes, &c.
in 1766. Guglielrnini, though in other things he impugns
Castelli, allows him the honour of having first applied geometry to the motion of water; and Montucla calls him
“The Creator of a new part of Hydraulics.
” His defence of
Galileo, “Riposta alle opposizioni del Sig. Ludovico delle
Colombe, &c.
” was published at Florence,
, an Italian physician, who flourished about the end of the sixteenth
, an
Italian physician, who flourished about the end of the sixteenth century and the commencement of the seventeenth,
published two works which have been often reprinted, and
long held in high estimation; the first was “Totius artis
medicae, methodo divisa, compendium et synopsis,
” Messana, Lexicon medicum Groeco-Latinum,
” first published at Venice in
, an Italian critic, celebrated for his parts, but more for the seventy
, an Italian critic, celebrated for his parts, but more for the seventy of his criticisms, was born at Modena in 1505. Being despised for his poverty by the ignorant part of mankind, and hated for his knowledge by the learned, says Moreri, he left his own country, and went into Germany, where he resided at the court of the emperor Maximilian II. After six years’ absence he returned to Modena, and distinguished himself chiefly by his Commentary upon Aristotle’s Poetics; in which, Rapin assures us, he always made it a rule to find something to except against in the text of Aristotle. He attacked his contemporary and rival in polite literature, Hannibal Caro, as we have observed under his article; and the quarrel did not end without many satirical pieces written on both sides in verse and prose. Castelvetro, however, was assisted here by his friends; for though he knew how to lay down rules for writing poetry, yet he was not a poet himself. His rival 'Hannibal Caro at length brought him under the cognisance of the inquisition at Rome, by which he was accused of paying too much deference 1 to the new opinions, and not enough to the old. It is probable that during his travels into Germany, win -re Lutheranism was established, he had imbibed the principles of the reformation, which appeared in his conversation and writings. He wished to be tried at a distance, as he then was, before a council; but the pope acquainted the cardinal of Mantua, his legate, that since Castelvetro had been accused before the inquisition at Rome, it was necessary for him to appear there, under the character of a person accused. Upon the pope’s assuring him of* high honours if he was found innocent, and of clemency if guilty, he appeared before the inquisition, and was examined in October 1560: but, finding himself embarrassed by the questions put to him, and especially in regard to a bouk of Melancthon, which he had translated into Italian, he fled to Basil in Switzerland, where he pursued the study of the belles lettres to the time of his death, which happened Feb. 20, 1571.
, an Italian writer of considerable fame, was born at Florence in
, an Italian writer of
considerable fame, was born at Florence in 1503. After
being educated in polite literature, he left his country
when very young, and went to Rome, where he got into employment under pope Paul III. and his grandson Octavius
Farnese. He also served under Henry II. in the war of the
Siennese, as long as that republic was able to maintain the
conflict with assistance from France. He appears also
to have been entrusted with the management of several
political affairs, and when peace was concluded between
the French and Spaniards, he retired to Padua, and passed
the rest of his days in literary pursuits. He died there
Dec. 9, 1562. His principal works were his Rhetoric,
” Venice, 1559, and often reprinted, and his
essay on the best forms of republics, “Trattati sopra gli
ottirni reggimenti dellaRepubliche antiche e moderne,
” Venice, Castrametation
” of Polybius, which was published
with some other military treatises, at Florence, 1552, 8vo.
, an Italian scholar of the thirteenth century, was born of one of
, an Italian scholar of the thirteenth century, was born of one of the most illustrious and
powerful families in Florence. He was a zealous Ghibelin,
and became more so by marrying the daughter of Farinara
Uherti, then at the head of that faction. Curso Donati,
chief of the Guelphs, a man in much credit then at Florence, and the bitter personal enemy of Guido, formed a
plan to assassinate him, and although Guido got notice of
this, and made preparations for defence, he saved his life
only by flight. The state of Florence, tired with such disgraceful dissentions, banished the chiefs of both parties.
Guido was sent to Sarzana, or Serezano, where the bad
air affecting his health, he obtained leave to return to
Florence, and died there in 1300, of the disorder he had
contracted in his exile. His father, Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti, passed for an Epicurean philosopher, and an atheist,
and was therefore placed by Dante, in his Inferno, among
that class of the condemned. The son, however, although
likewise a philosopher, appears not to have belonged to the
same sect. On one occasion, when the attempt was made
to assassinate him, he made a pilgrimage to St. James of
Galicia: but of this, whatever might be the motive, love
was the consequence, for at Toulouse he met with his
Mandetta, a lady whom he has made the subject of his
love verses. His poems, elegant, correct, and occasionally
tinged with a tender melancholy, consist of sonnets and
canzones, and compose the sixth book of the collection of
ancient Italian poets, printed by the Giuuti, 1527, 8vo, a
rare book. His “Canzone d'Amore
” was often printed with
the comments of his countrymen, particularly at Florence,
1568, 8vo; Venice, 1585, 4to; and Sienna, 1602, 8vo.
, an Italian painter, was born at Rome in 1279, and became the disciple
, an Italian painter, was born at Rome in 1279, and became the disciple of Giotto. He rendered himself very considerable by a multitude of paintings which he finished, to the number (as some writers assert) of 1300; and he was also as remarkable for his piety, having on that account been esteemed as a saint. His principal works are at Rome, where he assisted Giotto in that celebrated picture in Mosaic, which is over the grand entrance into the church of St. Peter; and in St. Paul’s there is a crucifix, said to be by his hand, which the superstitious affirm to have miraculously talked to St. Bridget. But his best performance in fresco was in the church of Ara Cceli at Rome; in which he represented the Virgin and Child above, surrounded with glory, and below was the figure of the emperor Octavian, and also that of the sybil, directing the eye and the attention of the emperor to the figures in the air.
low-heath; in the improvement of which delightful spot he appears to have studied the decorations of an Italian villa. His character in private life was very amiable,
Previously to his death, he had sustained a long and severe illness, arising from a derangement of the nervous system, for which many remedies were applied without success. He died at his house in Norton-street, Marybone, March 8, 1796, in the sixty-ninth year of his age, and was interred on the 18th, in Poets-corner, Westminster-abbey. He left a son and three daughters, who shared his ample fortune, which he acquired with great honour, and enjoyed with hospitality bordering on magnificence. His country retirement for some years had been at Whitton-place, near Hounslow-heath; in the improvement of which delightful spot he appears to have studied the decorations of an Italian villa. His character in private life was very amiable, and the courtesy and affability with which he treated the workmen employed under him endeared him to them, and made it easy for him to collect a numerous and able body of artificers when any of his works required extraordinary expedition.
, an Italian poet, was born at Savone, in 1552. He went to study
, an Italian poet, was born at
Savone, in 1552. He went to study at Rome, where Aldus
Manutius and Muretus gave him their friendship and advice,
and pope Urban VIII. and the princes of Italy honoured him
with many public marks of their esteem. In 1624 Urban,
himself a poet, as well as a protector of poets, invited him
to Rome for the holy year; but Chiabrera excused himself
on account of old age and infirmities. He died at Savone
in 1638, aged eighty-six. His Lyric Poems, Rome, 1718,
3 vols. 8vo, and “Amadeida,
” Napoli,
nent physician at Montpellier, on the discovery of the acid of the blood; the other with M. Sorazzi, an Italian physician, on the structure of the hair. He attended
, an eminent French physician, was born 1650, at Conques in ^anguedoc. M. Chicoineau entrusted him with the education of his two sons, and perSuaded him to study physic. Chirac became a member of the faculty at Montpellier, and in five years time taught physic there, which he afterwards practised, taking M. Barbeyrac for his model, who then held the first rank at Montpellier. In 1692 he was appointed physician to the army of Roussillon; the year following a dysentery became epidemical among the troops, and ipecacoanha proving unsuccessful, Chirac gave miHt mixed with lye, made of vine branches, which cured almost all the sick. Some years after he returned to his situation of professor and physician at Montpellier, and was engaged in two disputes, which were the subjects of much conversation; one with M. Vieussens, an eminent physician at Montpellier, on the discovery of the acid of the blood; the other with M. Sorazzi, an Italian physician, on the structure of the hair. He attended the duko of Orleans into Italy 1706, whom he cured of q. wound in the arm, by putting it into the water of Balaruc, which was sent for on purpose. In 1707, he accompanied the s^me prince into Spain, and was appointed his first physician 1713; admitted a free associate of the academy of sciences the following year, and succeeded M. Fagon as superintendant of the king’s garden, 1718. In 1728 he received letters of nobility from his majesty; and in 1730, the place of first physician, vacant by the death of M. Dodart, was conferred upon him. He died March 11, 1732, aged 52. He left 30,000 livres to the university of Montpellier for the purpose of founding two anatomical professorships. M. Chirac was skilful in surgery, and sometimes performed operations himself. He gained great honour during the epidemical disorder which prevailed at Ilochefort, and was called the Siam sickness. When there was danger of an inflammation on the brain in the small-pox, he advised bleeding in the foot. His Dissertations and Consultations, are printed with those of Silva, 3 vols. 12mo.
r which, in perhaps any other country, she would have been punished by death. This was the murder of an Italian, Moualdeschi, her master of the horse, who had betrayed
In 1652 she first proposed to resign in favour of her successor, but the remonstrances of the States delayed this measure until 1654, when she solemnly abdicated the crown, that she might be at perfect liberty to execute a plan of life which vanity and folly seem to have presented to her imagination, as a life of true happiness, the royal cum dignitatc. Some time before this step, Anthony Macedo, a Jesuit, was chosen by John IV. king of Portugal, to accompany the ambassador he sent into Sweden to queen Christina; and this Jesuit pleased this princess so highly, that she secretly opened to him the design she had of changing her religion. She sent him to Rome with letters to the general of the Jesuits; in which she desired that two of their society might be dispatched to her, Italians by nation, and learned men, who should take another habit that she might confer with them at more ease upon matters of religion. The request was granted; and two Jesuits were immediately sent to her, viz. Francis Malines, divinity professor at Turin, and Paul Casati, professor of mathematics at Rome, who easily effected what Macedo, the first confidant of her design, had begun. Having made her abjuration of the Lutheran religion, at which the Roman catholics triumphed, and the protestants were discontented, both without much reason, she began her capricious travels: from Brussels, or as some say, Inspruck, at which she played the farce of abjuration, she went to Rome, where she intended to fix her abode, and where she actually remained two years, and met with such a reception as suited her vanity. But some disgust came at last, and she determined to visit France, where Louis XIV. received her with respect, but the ladies of the court were shocked at her masculine appearance, and more at her licentious conversation. Here she courted the learned, and appointed Menage her master of ceremonies, but at last excited general horror by an action, for which, in perhaps any other country, she would have been punished by death. This was the murder of an Italian, Moualdeschi, her master of the horse, who had betrayed some secret entrusted to him. He was summoned into a gallery in the palace, letters were then shewn to him, at the sight of which he turned pale, and intreated for mercy, but he was instantly stabbed by two of her own domestics in an apartment adjoining that in which she herself was. The French court was justly offended at this atrocious deed, yet it met with vindicators, among whom was Leibnitz, whose name was disgraced by the cause which he attempted to justify. Christina was sensible that she was now regarded with horror in France, and would gladly have visited England, but she received no encouragement for that purpose from Cromwell: she therefore, in 1658, returned to Rome, and resumed her amusements in the arts and sciences. But Rome had no permanent charms, and in 1660, on the death of Gustavus, she took a journey to Sweden for the purpose of recovering her crown and dignity. She found, however, her ancient subjects much indisposed against her and her new religion. They refused to confirm her revenues, caused her chapel to be pulled down, banished all her Italian chaplains, and, in short, rejected her claims. She submitted to a second renunciation of the throne, after which she returned to Rome, and pretended to interest herself warmly, first in behalf of the island of Candia, then besieged by the Turks, and afterwards to procure supplies of men and money for the Venetians. Some differences with the pope made her resolve, in 1662, once more to return to Sweden; but the conditions annexed by the senate to her residence there, were now so mortifying, that she proceeded no farther than Hamburgh, and from Hamburgh again to Rome, where she died in 1689, leaving a character in which there is little that is amiable. Vanity, caprice, and irresolution deformed her best actions, and Sweden had reason to rejoice at the abdication of a woman who could play the tyrant with so little feeling when she had given up the power. She left some maxims, and thoughts and reflections on the life of Alexander the Great, which were translated and published in England in 1753; but several letters attributed to her are said to be spurious.
s cousin, had it taken down, in order to bury it secretly in the chapel of the chateau de Chantilli. An Italian, having cut off the head of the admiral, carried it
, the second of the name, of an
ancient family, admiral of France, was born the 16th of February 1516, at Chatillon-sur-Loing. He bore arms from
his very infancy. He signalized himself under Francis I. at
the battle of Cerisoles, and under Henry II. who made him
colonel-general of the French infantry, and afterwards admiral of France, in 1552; favours which he obtained by
the brilliant actions he performed at the battle of Renti, by
his zeal for military discipline, by his victories over the
Spaniards, and especially by the defence of St. Quintin.
The admiral threw himself into that place, and exhibited
prodigies of valour; but the town being forced, he was
made prisoner of war. After the death of Henry II. he
put himself at the head of the protestants against the
Guises, and formed so powerful a party as to threaten ruin
to the Romish religion in France. We are told by a
contemporary historian, that the court had not a more formidable enemy, next to Conde, who had joined with him. The
latter was more ambitious, more enterprising, more active.
Coligni was of a sedater temper, more cautious, and fitter to
be the leader of a party; as unfortunate, indeed, in war as
Conde, but often repairing by his ability what had seemed
irreparable; more dangerous after a defeat, than his enemies
after a victory; and moreover adorned with as many virtues
as such tempestuous times and the spirit of party would
allow. He seemed to set no value on his life. Being
wounded, and his friends lamenting around him, he said
to them with incredible constancy, “The business we follow should make us as familiar with death as with life.
The first pitcht battle that happened between the protestants
and the catholics, was that of Dreux, in 1562. The admiral fought bravely, lost it, but saved the army. The
duke of Guise having been murdered by treachery, a short
time afterwards, at the siege of Orleans, he was accused
of having connived at this base assassination; but he cleared
himself of the charge by oath. The civil wars ceased for
some time, but only to recommence with greater fury in
1567. Coligni and Conde fought the battle of St. Denys
against the constable of Montmorenci. This indecisive
day was followed by that of Jarnac, in 1569, fatal to the
protestants. Concle having been killed in a shocking manner, Coligni had to sustain the whole weight of the party,
and alone supported that unhappy cause, and was again
defeated at the affair of Men Icon tour, in Poitou, without
suffering his courage to be shaken for a moment. An advantageous peace seemed shortly after to terminate these
bloody conflicts, in 1571. Coligni appeared at court,
where he was loaded with caresses, in common with all the
rest of his party. Charles IX. ordered him to be paid a
hundred thousand francs as a reparation of the losses he
had sustained, and restored to him his place in the council.
On all hands, however, he was exhorted to distrust these
perfidious caresses. A captain of the protestants, who was
retiring into the country, came to take leave of him: Coligni asked him the reason of so sudden a retreat: “It is,
said the soldier, “because they shew us too many kindnesses here: I had rather escape with the fools, than perish
with such as are over-wise.
” A horrid conspiracy soon
broke out. One Friday the admiral coming to the Louvre,
was fired at by a musquet from a window, and dangerously
wounded in the right hand and in the left arm, by Maurevert, who had been employed by the duke de Guise, who
had proposed the scheme to Charles IX. The king of Navarre and the prince of Cond6 complained of this villainous
act. Charles IX. trained to the arts of dissimulation by his
mother, pretended to be extremely afflicted at the event,
ordered strict inquiry to be made after the author of it, and
called Coligni by the tender name of father. This was at
the very time when he was meditating the approaching
massacre of the protestants. The carnage began, as is well
known, the 24th of August, St. Bartholomew’s day, 1572.
The duke de Guise, under a strong escort, marched to the
house of the admiral. A crew of assassins, headed by one
Besme, a domestic of the house of Guise, entered sword
in hand, and found him sitting in an elbow-chair. “Young
” said he to their leader in a calm and tranquil manner,
“thou shouldst have respected my gray hairs but, do
what thou wilt thou canst only shorten my life by a few
” This miscreant, after having stabbed him in several places, threw him out at the window into the court-yard
of the house, where the duke of Guise stood waiting.
Coligni fell at the feet of his base and implacable enemy,
and said, according to some writers, as he was just expiring “If at least I had died by the hand of a gentleman, and not by that of a turnspit!
” Besme, having
trampled on the corpse, said to his companions: “A good
beginning! let us go and continue our work!
” His body
was exposed for three days to the fury of the populace,
and then hung up by the feet on the gallows of Montfaucon. Montmorenci, his cousin, had it taken down, in order
to bury it secretly in the chapel of the chateau de Chantilli. An Italian, having cut off the head of the admiral,
carried it to Catherine de Medicis; and this princess
caused it to be embalmed, and sent it to Rome. Coligni
was in the habit of keeping a journal, which, after his
death, was put into the hands of Charles IX. In this was
remarked a piece of advice which he gave that prince, to
take care of what he did in assigning the appanage, lest
by so doing he left them too great an authority. Catherine
caused this article to be read before the duke of Alei^on,
whpm she knew to be afflicted at the death of the admiral:
“There is your good friend!
” said she, “observe the advice he gives the king!
” “I cannot say,
” returned the
duke, “whether he was very fond of me; but 1 know that
such advice could have been given only by a man of strict
fidelity to his majesty, and zealous for the good of his
” Charles IX. thought this journal worth being
printed; but the marshal de Retz prevailed on him to
throw it into the fire. We shall conclude this article with
the parallel drawn by the abbe“de Mably of the admiral de
Coligni, and of Francois de Lorraine, due de Guise.
” Coligni was the greatest general of his time; as courageous
as the duke of Guise, but less impetuous, because he had
always been less successful. He was fitter for forming
grand projects, and more prudent in the particulars of their
executioj. Guise, by a more brilliant courage, which
astonished his enemies, reduced conjunctures to the province of his genius, and thus rendered himself in some sort
master of them. Coligni obeyed them, but like a commander superior to them. In the same circumstances ordinary men would have observed only courage in the conduct of the one, and only prudence in that of the other,
though both of them had these two qualities, but variously
subordinated. Guise, more successful, had fewer opportunities for displaying the resources of his genius: his dexterous ambition, and, like that of Pompey, apparently
founded on the very interests of the princes it was endeavouring to ruin, while it pretended to serve them, was
supported on the authority of his name till it had acquired
strength enough to stand by itself. Coligni, less criminal,
though he appeared to be more so, openly, like Caesar,
declared war upon his prince and the whole kingdom of
France. Guise had the art of conquering, and of profiting
by the victory. Coligni lost four battles, and was always
the terror of his victors, whom he seemed to have vanquished. It is not easy to say what the former would have
been in the disasters that befell Coligni; but we may
boldly conjecture that the latter would have appeared still
greater, if fortune had favoured him as much. He was
seen carried in a litter, and we may add in the very jaws of
death, to order and conduct the longest and most difficult
marches, traversing France in the midst of his enemies,
rendering by his counsels the youthful courage of the
prince of Navarre more formidable, and training him to
those great qualities which were to make him a good king,
generous, popular, and capable of managing the affairs
of Europe, after having made him a hero, sagacious,
terrible, and clement in the conduct of war. The good
understanding he kept up between the French and the
Germans of his army, whom the interests of religion alone
were ineffectual to unite; the prudence with which he contrived to draw succours from England, where all was not
quiet; his art in giving a spur to the tardiness of the
princes of Germany, who, not having so much genius as
himself, were more apt to despair of saving the protestantsof France, and deferred to send auxiliaries, who were
no longer hastened in their march by the expectation of
plunder in a country already ravaged; are master-pieces of
his policy. Coligni was an honest man. Guise wore the
mask of a greater number of virtues; but all were infected
by his ambition. He had all the qualities that win the
heart of the multitude. Coligni, more collected in himself, was more esteemed by his enemies, and respected by
his own people. He was a lover of order and of his country. Ambition might bear him up, but it never first set
him in motion. Hearty alike in the cause of protestantism
and of his country, he was never able, by too great austerity, to make his doctrine tally with the duties of a subject. With the qualities of a hero, he was endowed with a
gentle soul. Had he been less of the great man, he would
have been a fanatic; he was an apostle and a zealot. His
life was first published in 1575, 8vo, and translated and
published in English in 1576, by Arthur Golding. There
is also a life by Courtilz, 1686, 12mo, and one in the
“Hommes Illustres de France.
, or Noel Conti, an Italian writer, was born at Venice about the commencement of
, or Noel Conti, an Italian writer,
was born at Venice about the commencement of the sixteenth century, and became greatly distinguished for classical learning. He translated from Greek into Latin the
“Deipnosophistse of Athenaeus,
” the “Rhetoric of Hermogenes,
” and he published original poems in both these
languages. He wrote a history of his own times from 1545
to 1581, fol. 1612, a very scarce edition. The first was
that of 1572, 4to, but his principal work is a system of
mythology entitled “Mythologiae, sive explicationis Fabularum, lib. X.
” Padua,
, an Italian poet, of an ancient family, was born about the end of
, an Italian poet, of an ancient family, was born about the end of the fourteenth, and died
at Rimini about the middle of the fifteenth century. We
have few particulars of his life. He appears to have been
a lawyer by profession, and being at Bologna in 1409, he
fell in love with the beauty whom he has celebrated in his
verses. There is a collection of his poems, much esteemed,
under the title of “La bella Mano,
” Paris,
he most eminent scholars of the age. It was observed by sir John Harrington, that if Madam Vittoria, an Italian lady, deserved to have her name celebrated and transmitted
, third daughter of sir Anthony Cooke, was born about the year 1529, and having enjoyed the same liberal education which was bestowed upon her sisters, was equally happy in improving it, and gained the applause of the most eminent scholars of the age. It was observed by sir John Harrington, that if Madam Vittoria, an Italian lady, deserved to have her name celebrated and transmitted to posterity by Ariosto, for writing some verses, in the manner of an epitaph, upon her husband, after his decease; no less commendation was due to the lady before us, who did as much and more, not only for two husbands, but for her son, daughter, brother, sister, and venerable old friend Mr. Noke of Shottesbrooke, in the Greek, Latin, and English tongues. She was married, first, to sir Thomas Hobby, and accompanied him to France, when he went there as ambassador from queen Elizabeth, and died there July 13, 1566. His disconsolate lady having erected a chapel in the chancel of the church at Bisham, in Berkshire, carefully deposited the remains of her husband, and of his brother, air Philip Hobby, in one tomb together, which she adorned with large inscriptions, in Latin and English verse, of her own composition. She had by sir Thomas Hobby four children, Edward, Elizabeth, Anne, and Thomas Posthumus. It does not appear that she had great comfort in either of her sons; and the youngest in particular, as is manifest from a letter written by her to lord treasurer Burleigh, was guilty of such extravagancies and undutifulness, as gave her much uneasiness. It is evident, from the letter, that she was a woman of uncommon spirit and sense, and an excellent economist. Some years after the decease of sir Thomas Hobby, she married John, lord Russel, son and heir to Francis Russel, earl of Bedford. Her husband dying before his father, in the year 1584, was buried in the abbey church of Westminster, where there is a noble monument erected to his memory, and embellished with inscriptions in Greek, Latin, and English, by this his surviving lady. Her children, by John lord Russel, were one son, who died young in 1580, and two daughters, Anne and Elizabeth. The last of them survived her father but a little time, and is said to have bled to death by the prick of a needle in the forefinger of her left hand. This story has been supported by the figure placed on her monument, which is in the same grate with that of her father; where, on a pedestal of black and white marble made column-wise, in imitation of a Roman altar, may be seen the statue of a young lady seated in a most curiously-wrought osier chair, of the finest polished alabaster, in a very melancholy posture, inclining her head to the right hand, and with the forefinger of her left only extended downwards, to direct us to behold the death’s head underneath her feet, and, as the tradition goes, to signify the disaster that brought her to her end. Mr. Ballard thinks, that if the fact be true, it must be attributed to some gangrene, or other dangerous symptom, occasioned perhaps at first by the pricking of an artery or nerve, which at last brought her to the grave. The matter, however, does not deserve to be reasoned upon; being, in truth, no other than an idle and groundless tale, which very well answers the purpose of amusing the crowd who go to visit the tombs in the Abbey.
, an Italian poet, was born at Placentia, and flourished in the fifteenth
, an Italian poet, was born
at Placentia, and flourished in the fifteenth century, but
we have no dates of his birth or death. He passed some
part of his life at Milan, and afterwards travelled into
France; and on his return he went to Ferrara, where he
remained until his death, patronized by the duke Hercules
I. who had a high regard for him. Some of his biographers
inform us that he served under the celebrated Venetian
general, Bartholomew Coglioni, of whom he has left a life,
in Latin, published by Burman. He left also a great many
other works, the most considerable of which is an Italian
poem, in nine books, on the military art, with the Latin
title of “De Re Militari,
” Venice, Lyric poems,
” sonnets, canzoni, &c. were
published at Venice, 1502, 8vo, and Milan, 1519. In these
we find a little more spirit and vivacity, but they partake
of the poetical character of his time. Quadrio, however,
ranks them among the best in the Italian language.
, an Italian prelate, was born in 1465, at San Geminiano, in Tuscany.
, an Italian prelate, was born in 1465,
at San Geminiano, in Tuscany. In early life he applied
himself to the forming of his style by reading the best
authors of antiquity, and particularly Cicero. He was not
above twenty -three when he published a dialogue on the
learned men of Italy, “De hominibus tloctis.
” This production, elegantly composed, and useful to the history of
the literature of his time, remained in obscurity till 1734,
when it was given to the public by Manni, from a copy
found by Alexander Politi, Florence, 4to, with notes, and
the life of the author. Angelo Politianus, to whom he
communicated it, wrote to him, that “the work, though
superior to his age, was not a premature fruit.
” There is
still extant by this writer a commentary on the four books
of sentences, 1540, folio, in good Latin, but frequently in
such familiar terms as to throw a ludicrous air over the
lofty mysteries of the papal church, which was not a little
the fashion of his time. He also wrote a tract on the dignity of the cardinals, “De Cardinalatu;
” full of erudition,
variety, and elegance, according to the testimony of some
Italian authors, and destitute of all those qualities, according to that of Du Pin. P. Cortezi died bishop of Urbino
in 1510, in the 45th year of his age. His house, furnished with a copious library, was the asylum of the muses,
and of all that cultivated their favour.
inal or translated; and in 1608, a translation of the Life of Galeacius Caracciolo, marquis of Vico, an Italian nobleman, who was converted by the celebrated reformer
, an English poet, was the son
of the rev. William Crashaw, a divine of some note in his
day, and preacher at the Temple church, London. He
published several volumes on points controverted between
the Roman catholics and protestants, either original or
translated; and in 1608, a translation of the Life of Galeacius Caracciolo, marquis of Vico, an Italian nobleman,
who was converted by the celebrated reformer Peter
Martyr, and forsook all that rank, family, and wealth
could yield, for the quiet enjoyment of the reformed religion. Mr. Crashaw also translated a supposed poem of
St. Bernard’s, entitled “The Complaint or Dialogue between the Soule and the Bodie of a damned man,
” Manual for true Catholics, or a handfull or rather a heartfull of holy Meditations
and Prayers.
” All these show him to have been a zealous
protestant; but, like his son, somewhat tinctured with a
love of mystic poetry and personification.
, an Italian poet, and poetical historian, the son of John Philip
, an Italian poet, and
poetical historian, the son of John Philip Crescimbeni, a
lawyer, and Anna Virginia Barbo, was born Oct. 9, 1663,
at Macerata in the marche ofAncona. Jerome Casanati,
afterwards cardinal, was his godfather, and gave him the
names of John-Maria-Ignatius-Xavier-Joseph-Antony, of
which he retained only John Maria, and afterwards changed
the latter into Mario. After receiving grammatical education at home, his uncle Antony-Francis, an advocate, invited him to Rome in 1674; hut the following year his
father and mother recalled him to Macerata, where he engaged in a course of study among the Jesuits. His
teacher of rhetoric was Charles d' Aquino, under whom he
made great progress in eloquence and poetry. Among his
early attempts, he wrote a tragedy in the style of Seneca,
“The Defeat of Darius, king of Persia,
” and translated
the first two hooks of Lucan’s Pharsalia into Italian verse
from which performances he derived so much reputation, as
to be admitted a member of the academy of the Disposti,
in the town of Jesi, although only in his fifteenth year.
About that time he continued his classical studies for eight
months under Nicolas Antony Raffaelli, and entered upon
a course of philosophy. His father now recommending the
law as a profession, Crescimbeni took his doctor’s degree
Oct. 3, 167 y, and was appointed to lecture on the institutes,
which he did for a year. His uncle before mentioned,
aoain inviting him to Rome, he divided his time there between law and polite literature, and in 1685, the academy
of the Infecondi admitted him a member. Hitherto his
studies in Italian poetry had not been conducted so as to
inspire him with a very pure taste; but about 1687, he
entered on a course of reading of the best Italian poets,
which not only enabled him to correct his own taste and
style, but gave him hopes that tie might improve those of
his countrymen. With this intention he endeavoured to
form a new society, or, as they are called in Italy, academy, rindcr the name of Arcadia, the members to be called
the shepherds of Arcadia, and each to take the name of a
shepherd, and that of some place in ancient Arcadia, and
his own name accordingly was Alfesibeo Cario. Such was
the origin of this celebrated academy, and surely no origin
was ever mure childishly romantic, or unpromising as to
any beneficial e licet on solid or elegant literature, to which
purposes, however, we are told it has eminently contributed. It was established Oct. 5, 1690. A short account
of it, written in 1757, informs us that the first members
were those itained persons chiefly who were about queen
Christina of Sweden. (See Christina, vol. IX.) It admits all sciences, all arts, all nations, all ranks, and
both sexes. The number of its members is not determined; they are said at present to be upwards of two thousand, but we have heard a much larger number assigned,
for they sometimes aggregate whole academies. At Home,
the academicians assemble in pastoral habits, in a most
agreeable garden, called Bosco Parrhasia. The constitution
of the society being democratic, they never chusje a prince
for their protector. At the end of each olympiad, for that
is the method of computing adopted by the Arcadians,
they cbuse a custode, who is the speaker, and has the sole
right of assembling the society, who are also represented
by him alone, when they are not assembled. In order to
be admitted a member, it is requisite that the person
should be twenty-four years of age complete, of a reputable family, and to have given some specimen of abilities
in one or more branches of education. As to the ladies, a
poem, or a picture, is a testimony of genius that is held
sufficient. The stated assemblies of this academy are fixed
to seven different days, between the first of May and the
seventh of October. In the first six they read the works
of the Roman shepherds, the productions of strangers being
reserved for the seventh and last. Each author reads his
own compositions, except ladies and cardinals, who are
allowed to employ others.
, or more properly Peter Ricci, an Italian scholar, whose memory Mr. Roscoe has rescued from the
, or more properly Peter Ricci,
an Italian scholar, whose memory Mr. Roscoe has rescued
from the misrepresentations of his biographers, was descended from the noble family of the Ricci, of Florence,
and, when young, was instructed by, and obtained the
friendship of Politian. He afterwards became an associate
in the literary and convivial meetings at the palace of the
Medici at Florence, and after the death of Lorenzo still
continued to enjoy the society of Picus and Politian till
the death of these distinguished scholars, in 1494. After
this it is probable that he quitted his native place, and took
an active part in the political commotions which soon occurred, as he frequently refers in his writings to the labours and misfortunes which he sustained, and avows his
determination to return to his literary studies. Some part
of his time he appears to have passed at Naples, and at
Ferrara. He died, according to Negri, about the close of
the fifteenth century, at the age of thirty-nine years; but
his writings refer to many events beyond that period; and
his dedication of his treatise “De Poetis Latinis
” to Cosmo
de Pazzi, is dated in De Honesta Disciplina,
” as well as his treatise on the Latin poets, before
mentioned, Paris, 1520, fol. demonstrates the extent of
his learning, and the accuracy of his critical taste. His
poetry, all of which is in the Latin language, is also entitled to commendation, and is frequently introduced by
Mr. Roscoe, as illustrating the public transactions of the
times in which he lived.
, an Italian divine and poet, of the sixteenth century, was born
, an Italian divine and poet, of the sixteenth century, was born at Gallipoli, in the kingdom of Naples. Having entered into
the church, his merit procured him the friendship of many
of the most learned men of his time, and particularly of
the cardinal Jerome Seripando, to whom he was for some
time secretary; and he was also in great request as a teacher
of jurisprudence, philosophy, and theology. He died about
1595, at the time when pope Clement VIII. intended to
have promoted him to a bishopric. His principal work is
a piece of criticism, much admired in his time, “De
ethnicis philosophis caute legendis,
” Rome, De
JMedici Laudibus, Oratio ad cives suos Gallipolitanos,
Home, Life of Sannazarius,
” Rome,
Le Rime,
” &c.
e middle of the third century; and some have imagined that the name of Quintus Curtius was forged by an Italian, who composed that history, or romance as it has been
, is the name, or assumed name,
of a Latin historian, who has written the actions of Alexander the Great, in ten books; the two first of which are
indeed not extant, but yet are so well supplied by Freinshemius, as to be thought equal to the others. Where
this author was born, and when he lived, are disputed
points among the learned, and never likely to be settled.
Some have fancied, from the elegant style of his history,
that he must have lived in or near the Augustan age; but
there are no explicit testimonies to confirm this opinion;
'and a judgment formed upon the single circumstance of
style will always be found precarious. Others place him
in the reign of Vespasian, and others have brought him
down so low as to Trajan’s: Gibbon is inclined to place
him in the time of Gordian, in the middle of the third
century; and some have imagined that the name of Quintus
Curtius was forged by an Italian, who composed that history, or romance as it has been called, about three hundred
years ago; yet why so good a Latin writer, who might have
gained the reputation of the first Latin scholar of his time,
should have been willing to sacrifice his glory to that of an
imaginary Quintus Curtius, is a question yet to be resolved. On the other hand it is certain that Quintus Curtius was an admired historian of the romantic ages. He is
quoted in the “Policraticon
” of John of Salisbury, who
died in the year he profited much by frequently looking into this author.
” All
this is decidedly against the opinion that Quintus Curtiuis a forgery of only three hundred years old.
s father, who was rich, and held several considerable offices, had him instructed in the sciences by an Italian monk, named Cosmo, and he was afterwards raised to the
, or John of Damascus, a learned
priest and monk of the 'eighth century, surnamed Mansur,
was born at Damascus about G76. His father, who was
rich, and held several considerable offices, had him instructed in the sciences by an Italian monk, named Cosmo,
and he was afterwards raised to the highest posts, and became chief counsellor to the prince of the Saracens All
these dignities, however, St. John Damascenus resigned,
and entered himself a monk in the monastery of St. Sabas
near Jerusalem, where he led a pious and exemplary life,
and became famous in the church by his piety and writings.
It is said, that the caliph Hiocham, having ordered his
right hand to be cut off on account of a forged letter by
the emperor Leo, the hand was restored to him the night
following by a miracle, as he slept; which miracle was
universally known, or as much so as many other miracles
propagated in the credulous ages. He died about the year
760, aged eighty-four. He left an excellent treatise on the
orthodox faith, and several other works published in Greek
and Latin, by le Quien, 1712, 2 vols. fol. A book entitled “Liber Barlaam et Josaphat Indite regis,
” is ascribed to St. John Damascenus, but without any foundation; it has no date of time or place, but was printed about
1470, and is scarce. There are several French translations
of it, old, and little valued. Damascenus may be reckoned
the most learned man of the eighth century, if we except
our countryman Bede; and, what is less to his credit, ono
of the first who mingled the Aristotelian philosophy with
the Christian religion. He became among the Greeks
what Thomas Aquinas was afterwards among the Latins.
Except with regard to the doctrine of the Trinity, most of
his notions were erroneous, and his learning and fame
gave considerable support to the worshipping of images,
and other superstitions of that time.
, an Italian Jesuit, was born at Cesena in the ecclesiastical state
, an Italian Jesuit, was born at
Cesena in the ecclesiastical state in 1554, and was the
first of his order who taught philosophy at Paris. He bore
several honourable offices in the society; for, besides teaching divinity at Padua, he was rector of the several colleges
at Ferrara, Forli, Bologna, Parma, and Milan; visitor in
the provinces of Venice, Toulouse, and Guienne; provincial in Poland, and in the Milanese. He taught philosophy
in Perugia, 1596, when he was appointed by Clement VIII.
to be his nuncio to the Maronites of mount Libanus. He
embarked at Venice in July the same year, and returned
to Rome in August the year following. The French translation which was made of his journey to Mount Libanus
by father Simon, was printed at Paris in 1675, and reprinted at the Hague in 1685. Dandini’s book was printed
at Cesena in 1656, under the title of “Missione apostolica al patriarcha e Maroniti del Monte Libano.
” It contains the relation of his journey to the Maronites and to
Jerusalem; but father Simon has left out the journey to
Jerusalem in his translation, because, he says, there is
nothing in it but what has been observed by travellers already. Dandini died at Forli, 1634, aged eighty. His
commentary on the three books of Aristotle “de Anima
was printed at Paris, 1611, in folio; and after his death
his “Ethica sacra, de virtutibus et vitiis,
” was printed at
accidentally discovered by an intelligent poet, Dino, it was sent to the marquis Marcello Marespina, an Italian nobleman, by whom Dante was then protected. The marquis
His fame rests on his “Divina Commedia,
” unquestionably a great and singular, but very unequal work. At
what time, or in what place, he wrote it, his numerous
commentators seem unable to determine. The life of
Dante, in which we have principally followed Mr. Boyd,
in the preliminary matter to his excellent translation, is
after all not the life of a poet, nqr does it furnish the information we naturally look for in order to enable us to
trace the progress of genius. Boccaccio asserts, that he
began the “Commedia
” in his thirty-eighth year, and
had finished seven cantos of his “Inferno
” before his
exile, and that in the plunder of his house, on that event,
the beginning of his poem was fortunately preserved, but
remained for some time neglected, till, its merit being accidentally discovered by an intelligent poet, Dino, it was
sent to the marquis Marcello Marespina, an Italian nobleman, by whom Dante was then protected. The marquis
restored these lost papers to the poet, and intreated him
to proceed in the work, which opened in so promising a
manner. To this accident we are probably indebted for
the poem of Dante, which he must have continued under
all the disadvantages of an unfortunate and agitated life.
It does not appear at what time he completed it: perhaps
before he quitted Verona, as he dedicated the “Paradeso
to his Veronese patron. The critics are not agreed why
he called this poem “Commedia.
in rectis formis Humanorum Corporum,” printed in folio, at Nuremberg, in 1532, and at Paris in 1557. An Italian Version also was published at Venice, in 1591. 2. “
Albert Durer wrote several books in the German language, which were translated into Latin by other persons,
and published after his death, viz. 1. His book upon the
rules of painting, entitled “De Symmetria Partium in
rectis formis Humanorum Corporum,
” printed in folio, at
Nuremberg, in Institutiones Geometries,
” Paris, De Urbibus,
Arcibus, Castellisque condendis & muniendis,
” Paris,
e Medicis, queen regent; the young king (Lewis XIII.) being present. In November following he caused an Italian to be apprehended at Paris for harbouring a treasonable
, knt. memorable for his embassies at several courts,
was born at Plymouth, in Devonshire, about 1563. He
was the fifth and youngest son of Thomas Edmondes,
head customer of that port, and of Fowey, in Cornwall,
by Joan his wife, daughter of Antony Delabare, of Sherborne, in Dorsetshire, csq. who was third son of Henry
Edmondes, of New Sarum, gent by Juliana his wife,
daughter of William Brandon, of the same place. Where
he had his education is nut known. But we are informed
that he was introduced to court by his name-sake, sir
Thomas Edmonds, comptroller of the queen’s household;
and, being initiated into public business under that most
accomplished statesman, sir Francis Walsingham, secretary of state, he was, undoubtedly through his recommendation, employed by queen Klizabcth in several embassies.
In 1592, she appointed him her resident at the court of
France, or rather agent for her affairs in relation to king
Henry IV. with a salary of twenty shillings a day, a sum
so ill paid, and so insufficient, that we find him complaining to the lord treasurer, in a letter dated 1593, of the
greatest pecuniary distress. The queen, however, in May
1596, made him a grant of the office of secretary to her
majesty for the French tongne, “in consideration of his
faithful and acceptable service heretofore done.
” Towards
the end of that year he returned to England, when sir
Anthony Mild may was sent ambassador to king Henry;
but he went back again to France in the beginning of May
following, and in less than a month returned to London.
In October, 1597, he was dispatched again M agent for
her majesty to the king of France and returned to EngJand about the beginning of May 1598, where his stay
Was extremely short, for he was at Paris in the July following. But, upon sir Henry Neville being appointed
ambassador to the French court, he was recalled, to his
great satisfaction, and arrived at London in June 1597.
Sir Henry Neville gave him a very great character, and
recommended him to the queen in the strongest terms.
About December the 26th of that year, he was sent to
archduke Albert, governor of the Netherlands, with a
letter of credence, and instructions to treat of a peace.
The archduke received him with great respect; but not
being willing to send commissioners to England, as the
queen desired, Mr. Edmondes went to Paris, and, having
obtained of king Henry IV. Boulogne for the place of
treaty, he returned to England, and arrived at court on
Sunday morning, February 17. The llth of March
following, he embarked again for Brussels and, on the 22d,
had an audience of the archduke, whom having prevailed
upon to treat with the queen, he returned home, April
9, 1600, and was received by her majesty with great favour, and highly commended for his sufficiency in his negotiation. Soon after he was appointed one of the commissioners for the treaty of Boulogne, together with sir
Henry Neville, the queen’s ambassador in France, John
Herbert, esq. her majesty’s second secretary, and Robert
Beale, esq. secretary to the council in the North; their
commission being dated the 10th of May, 1600. The two
last, with Mr. Edmondes, left London the 12th of that
month, and arrived at Boulogne the 16th, as sir Henry
Neville did the same day from Paris. But, after the commissioners had been above three months upon the place,
they parted, July 28th, without ever assembling, owing
to a dispute about precedency between England and Spain.
Mr. Edmondes, not long after his return, was appointed
one of the clerks of the privy-council; and, in the end of
June 1601, was sent to the French king to complain of
the many acts of injustice committed by his subjects
against the English merchants. He soon after returned to
England but, towards the end of August, went again,
and waited upon king Henry IV. then at Calais to whom
he proposed some measures, both for the relief of Ostend,
then besieged by the Spaniards, and for an offensive alliance
against Spain. After his return to England he was appointed
one of the commissioners for settling, with the two French
ambassadors, the depredations between England and
France, and preventing them for the future. The 20th of
May, 1603, he was knighted by king James I; and, upon
the conclusion of the peace with Spain, on the 18th of
August, 1604, was appointed ambassador to the archduke
at Brussels. He set out for that place the 19th of April,
1605; having first obtained a reversionary grant of the
office of clerk of the crown and, though absent, was
chosen one of the representatives for the Burgh of Wilton,
in the parliament which was to have met at Westminster,
Nov. 5, 1605, but was prevented by the discovery of the
gunpowder-plot. During his embassy he promoted, to the
utmost of his power, an accommodation between the king
of Spain and the States-General of the United Provinces .
He was recalled in 1609, and came back to England about
the end of August, or the beginning of September. In
April 1610, he was employed as one of the assistant-commissioners, to conclude a defensive league with the crown
of France; and, having been designed, ever since 1608,
to be sent ambassador into that kingdom , he was dispatctyed thither in all haste, in May 1610, upon the new
of the execrable murder of king Henry IV. in order to
learn the state of affairs there. He arrived at Paris, May
24th, where he was very civilly received; and on the 27th
of June, had his audience of Mary de Medicis, queen
regent; the young king (Lewis XIII.) being present. In
November following he caused an Italian to be apprehended at Paris for harbouring a treasonable design against
his master, king James I. There being, in 1613, a competition between him and the Spanish ambassador about
precedency, we are told that he went to Home privately,
and brought a certificate out of the pope’s ceremonial,
shewing that the king of England is to precede the king of
Castile. He was employed the same year in treating of a
marriage between Henrv prince of Wales and the princess
Christine, sister of Lewis XIII. king of France; but the
death of that prince, on the 6th of November 1612, put
an end to this negotiation. And yet, on the 9th of the
same month, orders were sent him to propose a marriage
between the said princess and our prince Charles, but he
very wisely declined opening such an affair so soon after
the brother’s death. About the end of December 1613,
sir Thomas desired leave to return to England, but was
denied till he should have received the final resolution of
the court of France about the treaty of marriage; which
being accomplished, he came tp England towards the end
or' January 1613-14. Though- the privy-council strenuously
opposed this match because they had not sooner been
made acquainted with so important an affair, yet, so zealous
was the king for it, that he sent sir Thomas again to Paris
with instructions, dated July 20, 1614, for bringing it ta
a conclusion. But, after all, it appeared that the court of
France were not sincere in this affair, and only proposed it
to amuse the protestants in general. In 1616 sir Thomasassisted at the conference at Loudun, between the protestants and the opposite party; and, by his journey to
liochelle, disposed the protestants to accept of the terms
offered them, and was of great use in settling the pacification. About the end of October, in the same year, he
was ordered to England; not to quit his charge, but, after
he should have kissed the king’s hand, and received such
honour as his majesty was resolved to confer upon him, in
acknowledgment of his long, painful, and faithful services,
then to go and resume his charge; and continue in France,
till the affairs of that kingdom, which then were in an uncertain state, should be better established. Accordingly
he came over to England in December; and, on the 21st
of that month, was made comptroller of the king’s household; and, the next day, sworn a privy-counsellor. He
returned to the court of France in April 1617; but took
his leave of it towards the latter end of the same year.
And, on the 19th of January, 1617-18, was advanced to
the place of treasurer of the household; and in 1620 was
appointed clerk of the crown in the court of king’s bench,
and might have well deserved the post of secretary of state
that he had been recommended for, which none was better
qualified to discharge. He was elected one of the burgesses
for the university of Oxford, in the first parliament of king
Charles I. which met June 18, 1623, and was also returned
for the same in the next parliament, which assembled at
Westminster the 26th of February following; but his election being declared void, he was chosen for another place.
Some of the speeches which he made in parliament are
primed. On the 11th of June 1629, he was commissioned
to go ambassador to the French court, on purpose to carry
king Charles’s ratification, and to receive Lewis the XIIIth’s
oath, for the performance of the treaty of peace, then
newly concluded between England and France: which he
did in September following, and with this honourable commission concluded all his foreign employments. Having,
after this, enjoyed a creditable and peaceful retreat for
about ten years, he departed this life, September 20, 1639.
His lady was Magdalen, one of the daughters and co-heirs
of sir John Wood, knight, clerk of the signet, by whom
he had one son, and three daughters. She died at Paris,
December 31, 1614, with a character amiable and exemplary in all respects. Sir Thomas had with her the manor
of Albins, in the parishes of Stapleford-Abbot, and Navestoke in Essex, where Inigo Jones built for him a mansion house, delightfully situated in a park, now the seat of the
Abdy family. Sir Thomas was small of stature, but great
in understanding. He was a man of uncommon sagacity,
and indefatigable industry in his employments abroad;
always attentive to the motions of the courts where he
resided, and punctual and exact in reporting them to his
own; of a firm and unshaken resolution in the discharge of
his duty, and beyond the influence of terror, flattery, or
corruption. The French court, in particular, dreaded his
experience and abilities; and the popish and Spanish
party there could scarcely disguise their hatred of so
zealous a supporter of the protestant interest in that kingdom. His letters and papers, in twelve volumes in folio,
were once in the possession of secretary Thurloe, and
afterwards of the lord chancellor Somers. The style of
them is clear, strong, and masculine, and entirely free
from the pedantry and puerilities which infected the
most applauded writers of that age. Several of them,
together with abstracts from the rest, were published by
Dr. Birch in a work entitled “An historical view of the
Negotiations between the Courts of England, France, and
Brussels, from the year 1592 to 1617. Extracted chiefly
from the ms State-papers of sir Thomas Edmondes, kt.
ambassador in France, &c. and of Anthony Bacon, esq.
brother to the lord chancellor Bacon,
” London, 1749, 8vo.
Several extracts of letters, written by him in the early
part of his political life, occur in Birch’s “Memoirs of
queen Elizabeth,
” and other letters are in Lodge’s “Illustrations of British History.
, an Italian sophist, according to Snidas, but probably a Greek by
, an Italian sophist, according
to Snidas, but probably a Greek by birth, wrote a compendious history of Roman affairs, divided into ten books,
from the foundation of the city to the reign of Valens, to
whom it was dedicated: that is, to A. D. 364. He was
secretary to Constantine the Great, and afterwards served
as a soldier under Julian the Apostate, whom he attended
in his unfortunate expedition against the Persians. It appears, too, that he bore the offices of Proconsul, and Praetorian Praefect. There have been two opinions about his
religion, some supposing him to have been a Christian,
others a heathen. The former ground their opinion chiefly
upon a passage, where he speaks of Julian as a persecutor
of Christians: “Nimius Religionis Christianas insectator,
perinde tamen ut cruore abstineret;
” a persecutor of the
Christian religion, yet abstaining from sanguinary methods.
But it is more probable that he was an heathen, not only
from his situation and character under Julian, but from the
testimony of Nicephorus Gregoras, who declares him to
have been “of the same age and sect
” with that emperor.
Vossius thinks that he might be neither Christian nor heathen; and seems inclined to rank him with many ethers of
his times, who hesitated between the two religions, without
embracing either. A passage in some editions of his history, in which he speaks of Jesus Christ as our God and
Lord, is acknowledged to be spurious. The best editions
of Eutropius, are those of Havercarnp, 1729, and ofVerheyk, published at Leyden in 1762, in 8vo, with every
useful illustration. At the end of the tenth book, he promises another historical work, or rather a continuation of
this; and he tells us, that he “must raise his style, and
double his diligence, when he enters upon the reign of
such respectable and illustrious princes as Valens and VaJentian:
” but death, probably, prevented the execution of
his purpose. There are two Greek versions of this short
history of Eutropius, one by Capito Lycius, and another
by Paeanias, both ancient. There is a French translation
by the abbé Lezeau but no good one in English. Eutropius has long been one of our most common school-books
but as his style is not of the first purity, some eminent
teachers have lately discontinued the use of his history.
, - an Italian physician, was born at Ferrara in 1655. His father was
, -an Italian physician, was born at Ferrara in 1655. His father was a
surgeon of much reputation, and recommended the medical profession to this son, who after the usual course of
studies, took his degree of doctor at Ferrara, where he
became afterwards first professor of medicine. He died
May 5, 1723, after having published various dissertations
on medical subjects and cases, which were collected in a
quarto volume, and published at Ferrara in 1712 under the
title “Dissertationes Physico-medicae.
” Haller speaks
rather slightingly of this author’s works.
, an Italian poet of the sixteenth century, was a native of Savona,
, an Italian poet of the sixteenth
century, was a native of Savona, in the state of Genoa.
He published in 1557 a poem, in ottava rima, on the wars
of Charles V. in Flanders, and other miscellaneous poems;
and in 1558, twelve of his orations were published at Venice by Aldus, in folio. He wrote on the causes of the
German war under Charles V. and an Italian translation of
Athenagoras on the resurrection, 1556, 4to. He was also
one of the authors of the celebrated collection under the
title of “Polyanthea.
” He was distinguished as a statesman, an orator, and an historian, as well as a poet, and
was deputed on an embassy to Venice by Hercules Antestini, duke of Ferrara.
, an Italian painter, was born at Verona in 1522; his mother dying
, an Italian painter, was born at
Verona in 1522; his mother dying in labour of him. He
was a disciple of Nicolo Golfino, and an admirable designer, but not altogether so happy in his colouring:
though there is a piece of his painting in St. George’s
church at Verona, 50 well performed in both respects, that
it does not seem inferior to one of Paul Veronese, which
is placed next to it. He was famous also for being an excellent swordsman, and a very good orator, and Strutt
mentions some engravings by him. He had considerable
knowledge in sculpture and architecture, especially that
part of it which relates to fortifications. His last moments
are said to have been as remarkable as his first, on account
of the death of his nearest relation. He lay upon his
death-bed in 1606; and his wife, who was sick in the same
room, hearing him cry out r 4< He was going,“told him,
” She would bear him company; and actually did so, as
they both expired at the same minute.
enter in that city his grandfather had been mayor of Truro in Cornwall and his great-grandfather was an Italian musician, who had settled in England. After having received
, a learned grammarian, was born in London about 1575. His father was a carpenter in that city his grandfather had been mayor of Truro in Cornwall and his great-grandfather was an Italian musician, who had settled in England. After having received a proper grammatical education, he was admitted of Merton-college, Oxford, in the beginning of 1590, where he became servitor to Mr. Thomas French, fellow of that college, and soon distinguished himself as a youth of lively parts and great hopes. Being, however, of an unsettled disposition, he abruptly quitted the university, and, abandoning both his religion and his country, passed over to Spain, and was for some time educated there in a college belonging to the Jesuits. At length, growing weary of the severe discipline of the institution, he found a way to leave it, and went with sir Francis Drake and sir John Hawkins in their last voyage, in 15^5. By the former of these great naval commanders he is said to have been held in some esteem. Mr. Farnabie is afterwards reported to have served as a soldier in the Low Countries. No advantage was gained by him in these expeditions; for, having been reduced to much distress, he landed in Cornwall, and from the urgency of his necessities was obliged to descend to the humble employment of teaching children their horn-book. Whilst he was in this low situation he did not cbuse to go by his own name, but changed it to Thomas Baimafe, the anagram of Farnabie. By degrees he rose to those higher occupations of a school-master for which he was so well qualified, and after some lime, he fixed at Martock in Somersetshire, where he taught a grammarschool with great success. In 1646, when Mr. Charles Darby was called to teach the same school, he found in that town, and the neighbourhood, many persons who had been Mr. Farnahie’s scholars, and who, in their grey hairs, were ingenious men and good grammarians. From Martock Mr. Farnabie removed to London, and opened a school in Goldsmiths’-rents, behind Red-Cross-street, near Cripplegate, where were large gardens and handsome houses, together with all the accommodations proper for the young noblemen and gentlemen committed to his care. So established was his reputation, that at one time the number of his scholars amounted to more than three hundred. Whilst he was at the head of this school, he was created master of arts in the university of Cambridge, and on the 24th of April, 1616, was incorporated to the same degree at Oxford.
, an Italian author, was born of a noble family at Milan in 1518.
, an Italian author, was born of a noble family at Milan in 1518. After he had studied polite learning, philosophy, and physic, in the universities of Italy, he was chosen professor of ethics and politics, in the college founded by Paul Canobio at his instigation; and held this place eighteen years. The senate of Venice engaged him afterwards to remove to Padua, where he explained the philosophy of Aristotle, with so much skill and elegance, that Vimerat, who was professor at Paris under Francis I. returning to Italy upon the death of that king, fixed upon him, preferably to all others, for the publication of his works. He continued at Padua four years, and then returned to Milan; where he continued to teach philosophy till his death, which happened in 1586. Though he was excellently skilled in polite literature, yet he was principally famous for philosophy, being esteemed a second Aristotle, nor was he less illustrious for his probity than for his learning.
ture of the circle. His works were collected in 3 vols. folio, in 1535, 1542, and 1556, and there is an Italian edition in 4to, Venice, 1587.
, in French Finé, professor of
mathematics in the Royal college at Paris, was the son of
a physician, and born at Briungon, in Dauphine, in 1494.
He went young to Paris, where his friends procured him a
place in the college of Navarre. He there applied himself to polite literature and philosophy; yet devoted himself more particularly to mathematics, for which he had a
strong natural inclination, and made a considerable progress, though without the assistance of a master. He acquired likewise much skill in mechanics; and having both
a genius to invent instruments, and a skilful hand to make
them, he gained high reputation by the specimens he gave
of his ingenuity. He first made hinaself known by correcting and publishing Siliceus’s “Arithmetic,
” and the
“Margareta Philosopiiica.
” He afterwards read private
lectures in mathematics, and then taught that science publicly in the college of Gervais; by which he became so
famous, that he was recommended to Francis I. as the fittest person to teach mathematics in the new college which
that prince had founded at Paris. He omitted nothing to
support the glory of his profession; and though he instructed his scholars with great assiduity, yet he found
time to publish a great many books upon almost every part
of the mathematics. A remarkable proof of his skill in
mechanics is exhibited in the clock which he invented in
1553, and of which there is a description in the Journal
of Amsterdam for March 29, 1694. Yet his genius, his
labours, his inventions, and the esteem which an infinite
number of persons shewed him, could not secure him from
that fate which so often befalls men of letters. He was
obliged to struggle all his life with poverty; and, when he
died, left a wite and six children, and many debts. His
children, however, found patrons, who for their father’s
sake assisted his family. He died in 1555, aged sixty-one.
Like all the other mathematicians and astronomers of those
times, he was greatly addicted to astrology; and had the
misfortune to be a long time imprisoned, because he had
foretold some things which were not acceptable to the
court of France. He was one of those who vainly boasted
of having found out the quadrature of the circle. His
works were collected in 3 vols. folio, in 1535, 1542, and
1556, and there is an Italian edition in 4to, Venice, 1587.
It may be proper to mention, that John Baptista Pius, an Italian poet, completed the eighth book of the Argonautics,
It may be proper to mention, that John Baptista Pius, an Italian poet, completed the eighth book of the Argonautics, and added two more, by way of supplement, partly from Apollonius; which supplement was also printed at the end of Flaccus, in Aldus’ s edition of 1523, and has been subjoined to all, or at least most of the subsequent editions.
, or Flavius Blondus, an Italian anticjuaryand historian, was born at Forli, in 1388.
, or Flavius Blondus, an Italian anticjuaryand historian, was born at Forli, in 1388. We have
only a very slight account of his early years, but he appears to have been young when he was sent to Milan by
his fellow-citizens to negociate some affairs for them. In
1434 he was secretary to pope Eugene IV. in which office
he served three of the successors of that pontiff, but was not
always with them. He travelled much through various
parts of Italy, studying carefully the remains of antiquity.
He died at Rome, in 1463, leaving three sons well educated, but without any provision, his marriage having
prevented him from rising in the church. His long residence at Rome inspired him with the design of publishing
an exact description of all the edifices, gates, temples,
and other remains of ancient Rome, which then existed as
ruins, or had been repaired. This he executed in a work
entitled “Romae instauratae lib. III.
” in which he displays
great learning, as he did in his “Romce triumphantis, lib.
” in which he details the laws, government, religion,
ceremonies, sacrifices, military state, and wars of the
ancient republic. Another elaborate work from his pen, was
his “Italia illustrata,
” or ancient state of Italy; and he
published also a history of Venice, “De origine et gestis
” At his death he had made some progress in
a general history of Rome from its decline to his own time,
the manuscript of which is in the library of Modena. His
style is far from elegant, nor are his facts always correct;
but he has the merit of paving the wav for future antiquaries, who have been highly indebted to his researches.
A collection of his works was published at Basil, in 153 1.
ded to the next edition; but, not living to complete this, the care of it fell to one Gio. Torriano, an Italian, and professor of the Italian tongue in London; who,
He was the author of several works: 1. “First Fruits,
which yield familiar speech, merry proverbs, witty sentences, and golden sayings,
” Perfect Introduction to the Italian and English
” Printed with the former, and both dedicated
to Robert earl of Leicester. 3. “Second Fruits to be
gathered of twelve trees, of divers but delightsome tastes
to the tongues of Italian and English men,
” 151H, 8vo.
4. “Garden of Recreation, yielding six thousand Italian
” printed with the former. 5. “Dictionary,
Italian and English,
” Queen Anna’s New World of Words.
” This was a work
of great merit, being at that time by far the most perfect
of the kind. The author, however, laboured to make it
still more perfect, by collecting many thousand words and
phrases, to be added to the next edition; but, not living
to complete this, the care of it fell to one Gio. Torriano,
an Italian, and professor of the Italian tongue in London;
who, after revising, correcting, and supplying many more
materials out of the Dictionary of the Academy della Crusca, printed them in 1659, folio, all in their proper places.
6. “The Essays of Montaigne,
” translated into English,
and dedicated to queen Anna, 1603, 1613, 1632, folio.
Prefixed to this work we find rather a long copy of verses,
addressed to him by Samuel Daniel, the poet and historiographer, whose sister Florio had married. Wood says,
that he wrote other things, but he had not seen them.
, an Italian prelate and poet, was born at Foligno, in the fourteenth
, an Italian prelate
and poet, was born at Foligno, in the fourteenth century,
but the year is not known. He became a Dominican, and
after some inferior preferments, was in 1403 appointed
bishop of Foligno. He was afterwards called, both as a
theologian and a bishop, to the council of Pisa, and was
also made one of the fathers of the grand council of Constance, where he died in 1416. No other work of his is
fcnown but his great poem entitled “Quadriregio,
” in
which he describes the four reigns of Love, Satan, the
Vices and the Virtues. The morality of this poem was
probably its greatest recommendation; but the author, who
was an admirer of Dante, has endeavoured to imitate him,
and in some respects, not unsuccessfully. The first edition of the “Quadriregio
” was published at Perugia, in
s supposed to have been furnished with the most authentic documents. Two novels by him are extant in an Italian collection, called “Novelle degli Academici incogniti,”
, a Venetian historian, was born
in 1628. He is principally known as the continnator of
the History of Venice written by Naui. His history was
published in 1692, in 4to, and makes the tenth volume of
the collection of Venetian historians, published in 1718,
4to, a collection badly printed, but containing only good
authors. Foscarini was a senator, and filled several important posts in the republic. He died in 1692. He was
employed by the state to write his history, and is supposed
to have been furnished with the most authentic documents.
Two novels by him are extant in an Italian collection,
called “Novelle degli Academici incogniti,
, an Italian poet of the infamous class which disgraced the sixteenth
, an Italian poet of
the infamous class which disgraced the sixteenth century,
was born at Benevento, in 1510, and under his father,
who was a schoolmaster, acquired a knowledge of the
learned languages. In his youth he became acquainted
with Peter Aretino, and from being his assistant in his various works, became his rival, and whilst he at least equalled
him in virulence and licentiousness, greatly surpassed him
in learning and abilities. His first attempt at rivalship
was his “Pistole Vulgari,
” in Delle Belleze;
” and a
collection of sonnets against Aretino with a “Priapeia Italiana,
” which contained the grossest obscenity, the most
unqualified abuse, and the boldest satire against princes,
popes, the fathers of the council of Trent, and other eminent persons. Yet all this did not injure his literary reputation; he was a principal member of the academy of Argonauti at Montserrat, and in this capacity wrote his
“Rime Maritime,
” printed at Mantua in Priapeia,
” attributed to Virgil, the copies of which
were suppressed and burned by order of pope Paul IV,
Under Pius IV. he continued to indulge his virulence, and
found a protector in cardinal Morone. His imprudence,
however, in writing a Latin epigram against Pius V. with
other defamatory libels, brought upon him the punishment
which he amply deserved. He was taken from his study
in his furred robe, and hanged on the common gallows
without trial or ceremony. He was author of several other
works besides those already enumerated, and he left behind him in ms. a translation of Homer’s Iliad.
books in the Portuguese language. It was published in folio, and was translated into Latin by Rotto, an Italian Jesuit. He wrote also a small number of poems in the
, an elegant Portuguese writer in prose and verse, was born in 1597, at Beja
in Portugal, and became abbé of St. Mary de Chans. He
appeared at first with some distinction at the court of
Spain, but his attachment to the house of Braganza impeded his advancement. In 1640, when John IV. was
proclaimed king of Portugal, he went to his court, and
was well received. Yet it was found difficult to advance
him, for he was of too light and careless a character to be
employed in diplomatic business; and though the king
would have gone so far as to make him bishop of Visieu,
this dignity he had the wisdom to refuse, well-knowing
that the pope who did not acknowledge his master as king,
would never confirm his appointment as bishop. He did
not choose, he said, merely to personate a bishop, like an
actor on a stage. He died at Lisbon in 1657. Notwithstanding the levity of his character, he had a generous
heart, and was a firm and active friend. He wrote with
much success; his “Life of Don Juan de Castro,
” is
esteemed one of the best written books in the Portuguese
language. It was published in folio, and was translated
into Latin by Rotto, an Italian Jesuit. He wrote also a
small number of poems in the same language, which have
considerable elegance, and are to be found in a collection
published at Lisbon in 1718, under the title of “Fenix
, an Italian poet, was born November 21, 1692, at Genoa, of a noble
, an Italian poet, was born November 21, 1692, at Genoa, of a noble family, which ended in him. He was persuaded by his tutors to enter the order of regular clerks of Somasquo; but that confined life was so contrary to his gay temper, and fondness for pleasure, that he obtained leave from the pope to quit the order, and remain a secular priest. Frugoni then settled at Parma, where the different sovereigns procured him all the conveniences of life; but the infant don Philip showed yet greater attention to him than the rest. He gave him the titles of court poet, inspector of the theatres, and secretary of the fine arts. He died at Parma, December 20, 1768. His poems are much esteemed by the Italians, and his songs, in particular, were the delight of his contemporaries. An edition of this author’s works was published at Parma in 1779, in 10 vols. 8vo. They consist of every species of minor poems.
, an Italian cardinal and antiquary, the descendant of a noble family
, an Italian cardinal
and antiquary, the descendant of a noble family of Bergamo, was born there in 1685, He studied at Milan
and Pavja, and made considerable progress in the knowledge of the civil and canon law. He went afterwards
to Rome, where he held several ecclesiastical preferments,
and in each was admired as much for his integrity as knowledge. Benedict XIV. who well knew his merit, was yet
averse to raising him to the purple, on account of some
disputes between them which took place in 1750. Yet it
is said that Furietti might have received this high honour at
that time, if he would have parted with his two superb
centaurs, of Egyptian marble, which he found in 1736
among the ruins of the ancient town of Adrian in Tivoli,
and which the pope very much wanted to place in the museum Capitolinum. Furietti, however, did not ehuse to
give them up, and assigned as a reason: “I can, if I please,
be honoured with the purple, but I know the court of
Rome, and I do not wish to be called cardinal Centaur /
, an Italian artist, born at Florence in 1652, was successively the
, an Italian artist, born
at Florence in 1652, was successively the pupil of Subtermans and Vincenzo Dandini, and studied under Giro Ferri
at Rome, and after the best colourists at Venice. He was
a ready and correct designer. His colour, though sometimes languid, is generally true, juicy, and well united in
the flesh-tints. The greatest flaw of his style lies in the
choice, the hues, and the execution of his draperies. He
excels in “pretty
” subjects; his Gambols of Genii and
Children in the palace Pitti, and elsewhere, are little inferior to those of Baciccio. His greatest and most famed
work in fresco, is the vast cupola of Cestello, which was
not wholly terminated. His altar-pieces are unequal: the
best is that of S. Filippo in the church of the fathers Dell'
Oratorio. In easel-pictures he holds his place even in
princely galleries. He died in 1726, in consequence of a
tall from the scaffold on which he was painting the cupola
Of Cestello.
, an Italian wit, was born in Naples, about 1720. He was descended
, an Italian wit, was born in Naples, about 1720. He was descended of a noble family, his father being a marquis, and his uncle archbishop and great almoner to the king, who is celebrated in the History of the two Sicilies, for hating been the chief author and promoter of the famous concordate of 1741, which happily terminated the jurisdictional disputes between the court of Naples and the holy see. To the high preferments and care of this uncle, Galiani was indebted for a liberal education, and it is said that he displayed very early an extraordinary genius in every study. At the age of sixteen, he had mastered the Latin and Greek languages, and was equally acquainted with classical literature, the mathematics, philosophy, and with the civil and canon law.
, an Italian Jesuit, was born at Macerata in 1593, and in his thirteenth
, an Italian Jesuit, was born at
Macerata in 1593, and in his thirteenth year entered the
Jesuits’ college, where he was educated, and where he
afterwards taught rhetoric for twenty-four years. He died
at Rome, Feb. 28, 1674. He is the author of some Latin
orations, but principally of a history of the wars of the
Netherlands, “Commentarii de Bello Belgico,
” including
the period from
, an Italian Jesuit, was born at Sabina, in Italy, in 1574, and was
, an Italian Jesuit, was born
at Sabina, in Italy, in 1574, and was for some years a celebrated professor of rhetoric at Roma. He was then made
rector of the Greek college in that city, where he died
July 28, 1649. He published a small volume of orations
on various literary arguments, an oration recited by him at
the funeral of cardinal Bellarmine, also “Virgilianx VinUicationes,
” with three commentaries on tragedy, comedy,
and elegy, Rome, 1621, 4to. He was a strenuous defender of Virgil, in whose behalf, against Homer, he contended with madam Dacier. His most considerable publication was a commentary on Aristotle’s Morals, published
at Paris, 2 vols. fol. 1632 1645.
, was an Italian poet of the sixteenth century, protected and beloved
, was an Italian poet of the sixteenth century, protected and beloved by cardinal Alexander Farnese r whose writings were much esteemed in his
day, but now are thought flat and insipid. He wrote,
1. “A Latin treatise on Poetry, in which he dissuades
Christian poets from using pagan mythology.
” This was
the amende honorublt for many licentious and profane
poems written in his youth. 2. “A Latin poem on Columbus.
” Also eclogues, entitled, “Venatoria,
” and other
productions. Muretus treats this author with the greatest
contempt, bnt he is highly praised by Giraldi and Manutius. He died in 1586, at the age of 90.
, an Italian poetess, born in 1485, was the daughter of the count
, an Italian poetess, born in 1485, was the daughter of the count John Francis Gambara, and was married in 1509 to Giberto X. lord of Correggio, whom she survived many years. Her natural disposition, the course of her education, and, above all perhaps, the instructions and advice of Peter Bembus, led her in her youth to devote a part of her leisure to the cultivation of her poetical talents, which through all the vicissitudes of her future life, was her occasional amusement. In 1528 she went to reside at Bologna, with a brother who was governor of that city, where she established a kind of academy that vras frequented by many of the literati, who then resided at the Roman court. On her return to Correggio, she had the honour of receiving as her guest the emperor Charles V. She died in 1550. Her writings which had been dispersed in various collections of the time, were corrected and published by Zamboni in 1759, Brescia, 8vo, with a life of the authoress. They display a peculiar originality and vivacity, both in sentiment and language, which raise them far above those insipid effusions, which under the name of sonnets at that time inundated Italy.
, an Italian writer of some note, was born in 1549, at Bagnacavallo,
, an Italian writer of some note, was
born in 1549, at Bagnacavallo, near Ferrara; he was a regular canon lateran, and died in his own country, 1589, set. 40.
He had chiefly educated himself, and learned Hebrew and
Spanish without a master. He was author of several moral
works, printed at Venice, 1617, 4to. But the principal
production of this active writer and general reader is
entitled “La Piazza universale di tutti le profession! del
” a work of infinite labour and considerable use at
the time it was written, as the author had almost all the
materials to seek, there being no direct model on so extensive a scale then extant. It seems first to have been
published at Venice, the year in which he died, and afterwards went through innumerable editions. Superficial
knowledge only is to be found in his book; but it points
out where more and better information may be found. It
has been truly said by Niceron, that the works of Garzoni
prove him to have dipped into all the sciences, and sufficiently manifest the extent of his knowledge, and of what
he would have been capable with a regular education and
a longer life. His reflections, when he allows himself
time to make them, and room in his book for their insertion, are excellent. But the task he had set himself was
too great for a single mind, or the bodily labour of an individual. It is extremely difficult to render the title of
this book in English; the word Piazza, has twelve or fourteen different meanings and shades of meaning in the
Crusca; it implies a square or market-place appropriated
to commerce. Perhaps “the universal commerce of all
the arts and professions in the world
” may nearly express
the author’s meaning. 1
, or, as styled in his Latin works, Antonius Genuensis, an Italian writer of much reputation on subjects of political ceconomy
, or, as styled in his Latin works,
Antonius Genuensis, an Italian writer of much reputation
on subjects of political ceconomy in Italy, was born at Castelione, in November 1712. It not being probably the
custom to educate the. eldest sons of Italian families for the
church, his biographer, Fabroni, seems to complain of
this as an act of severity on the part of Genovesi’s father.
He received, however, a suitable education for this profession, and in due time was consecrated a priest; but
his views of preferment being obstructed, he attempted
the practice of the law, in which he was equally unsuccessful, and at length, when at Naples in 1741, was appointed professor of metaphysics. Some bold opinions
delivered in the course of his lectures created a clamour
against him, as advancing infidel principles, but he appears
to have been befriended by Galiani, who was superintendant of the universities of Naples, and removed him to the
professorship of ethics. In 1748 he was a candidate for
the professorship of theology, but his notions had given
such offence that he was rejected, which seems to have
induced him to turn his mind to subjects of political oeconomy, particularly agriculture, in which there was less
risk of offending either the principles or prejudices of his
countrymen. A professorship was now founded for political
ceconorny, and bestowed upon him with a handsome salary.
This he continued to hold with the greatest reputation until
his death in 1769. His private character appears to have
been very amiable, and his works, although little known,
and indeed little wanted in this country, were of essential
service in the schools of Italy, and directed the attention
of youth to subjects more connected with patriotism and
public spirit than those they had been accustomed to study.
They are, according to Fabroni, 1. “Disciplinarum metaphysicarum Elementa mathematicum in morem adornata,
” Elementorum artis
logico-criticte libri quinque,
” Naples, Discorso sopra alcuni trattati d'Agricoitura,
” ibid. Lettere Accademiche,
” ibid. Storia
del Commercio della Gran Brettagna,
” &c. Delle Lezioni di Commercio.
” 7. “Discorso sopra
” with a translation of Tull’s Husbandry. 8.
“Discorso sul volgarizzamento del Saggio Francese’sulT
Economia de‘ grain,’,' Naples, 1765. 9.
” Meditazioni
Filosoficbe sulla religione e sulla morale,“ibid. 1766, a
work in which Fabroni says there is nothing new, or worthy
of the author. 10.
” Della Diceosina, o sia della filosofia
del giusto e dell' onesto,“1766 1776, 3 rols. 11.
” Universae Christiana Tbeologise elementa dogmatica, historica,
critica," a posthumous work, Venice, 1771, 2 vols. 4to,
on which the author had been employed from the year 1742,
but leaving it imperfect, it was completed by the editor,
with much trouble.
, an Italian painter, whose family name was Lomi, which he exchanged
, an Italian painter, whose
family name was Lomi, which he exchanged for that of
his maternal uncle, Gentileschi, was born at Pisa in 1563.
After having made himself famous at Florence, Rome,
Genoa, and in other parts of Italy, he removed to Savoy;
whence he went to France, and at last, upon the invitation
of Charles I. came over to England. He was well received
by that king, who appointed him lodgings in his court,
together with a considerable salary; and employed him in
his palace at Greenwich, and other public places. The
most remarkable of his performances in England, were the
cielings of Greenwich and York-house. He painted a
Madona, a Magdalen, and Lot with his two Daughters,
for king Charles; all which he performed admirably well.
After the death of the king, when his collection of paintings were exposed to sale, nine pictures of Gentileschi
were sold for 600l. and are now said to be the ornaments
of the hall in Marlborough-house. His most esteemed
work abroad was the portico of cardinal Bentivoglio’s palace at Rome, and a “David standing over Goliah,
painted with a vigour and vivacity of tints that make' him
start from the canvass, and give the idea of a style yet unknown. This is in the house Cambiasi, at Genoa. He
made several attempts in portrait- painting, but with little
success his talent lying altogether in histories, with figures as large as the life. He was much in favour with
the duke of Buckingham, and many others of the nobility.
After twelve years continuance in England, he died here
in 1647, and was buried in the queen’s chapel at Somersethouse. His head is among the prints taken from Vandyke,
by whom he had been painted.
, an eminent civilian at Oxford, was the son of Matthew Gentilis, an Italian physician, the descendant of a noble family of the Marcbe
, an eminent civilian at Oxford,
was the son of Matthew Gentilis, an Italian physician, the
descendant of a noble family of the Marcbe of Ancona, who
left his country about the end of the sixteenth century, on
account of his having embraced the protestant religion.
Taking with him his sons Albericus and Scipio, he went
into the province of Carniola, where he received his doctor’s degree, and then into England, after his eldest son
Albericus, who was born in 1550. He was educated chiefly
in the university of Perugia, where, in 1572, he was made
doctor of civil law. He came into England probably about
1580, as in that year he appears to have been kindly received by several persons here; and among others, by
Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, then chancellor of the
university of Oxford, who gave him letters of recommendation to the university, stating that he had left his country
for the sake of his religion, and that it was his desire to
bestow some time in reading, and other exercises of his
profession, at the university, &c. He accordingly went
to Oxford, and by favour of Dr. Donne, principal of New
inn Hall, had rooms allowed him there, and at first was
maintained by contributions from several colleges, but afterwards had an allowance from the common funds of the
university. In the latter end of the same year, 1580, he
was incorporated LL. D. and for some years employed his
time on his writings, most of which were published at
London or Oxford. He resided also some time either in.
Corpus or Christ Church, and, as Wood says, “became
the flower of the university for his profession.
” In 1587
queen Elizabeth gave him the professorship of civil law,
on which he lectured for twenty-four years with great xeputation. Hre he died, in the latter end of March or the
beginning of April 1611, although others say at London,
June 19, 1608, and was buried near his father, who also
died in England, but where is uncertain. Wood’s account
seems most probable. He left a widow, who died at Rickmansworth in 1648, and two sons, one of which will be
noticed in the next article. Wood enumerates twentyseven volumes or tracts written by him, all in Latin, and
mostly on points of jurisprudence, on which, at that time,
his opinion appears to have had great weight. Grotius
praises and acknowledges his obligations to his three books
“De Jure Belli
” and his “Lectiones Virgilianae,
” addressed to his son, prove that he had cultivated polite literature with success.
, an Italian writer, born at Monza, in Milan, 1589, was educated
, an Italian writer, born at Monza,
in Milan, 1589, was educated by the Jesuits at Milan, in
polite literature and philosophy. He went afterwards to
Parma, where he began to apply himself to the civil and
canon law; but was obliged to desist on account of ill
health. He returned home, and upon the death of his
father married; but, losing his wife, he became an ecclesiastic, and resumed the study of the canon law, of which
he was made doctor. He died in 1670, leaving several
works; the most considerable of which, and for which he
is at present chiefly known, is his “Theatro d'Huomini
” The first part of this was printed at Milan,
, an Italian ecclesiastic of considerable learning, was born in 1711
, an Italian ecclesiastic of considerable learning, was born in 1711 at St. Maur
in the diocese of Rimini. In 1727 he entered the Augustin order, and studied in their various schools at Verona,
Bologna, Padua, &c. where he became an accomplished
scholar, particularly in the oriental languages. He afterwards was professor at various Italian seminaries until 1745,
when pope Benedict XIV. invited him to Rome to the theological chair of La Sapienza, which he filled with great
reputation for some time. The same pontiff also made
him librarian del Angelica, and ordered him to efface from
the Index Expurgatorius of the Spanish inquisition, the
works of cardinal de Novis, which that tribunal had condemned. During the height of his reputation the emperor
Francis I. endeavoured to persuade him to settle at Vienna,
and made him most liberal offers, which he repeatedly declined. When the missionaries were sent by the college de Propaganda to Thibet, they found themselves
much embarrassed to understand the language of that
country, notwithstanding the assistance afforded by Hyde,
Lacroix, Vespiere, and other authors, but were much relieved by a valuable publication of Giorgi’s, which appeared
in 1761, entitled “Alphabetum Thibetanum,
” 4to, enriched with valuable dissertations on the geography, mythology, history and antiquities of Thibet; and in this he
explains with great ability the famous manuscripts found in
1721 near the Caspian sea by some Russian troops, and
sent by Peter I. to M. Bignon. His next publication was
not less important to the learned world, ^ Fragmentum
Evangelii S. Johannis Grseco-Copto Thebaicum sseculi
quarti; additamentum ex vetustissimis membranis lectiortum evangelicarum divinse Missae Cod. Diaconici reliquiae,
et liturgica alia fragmenta, &c." Rome, 1789, 4to. His
other works, enumerated by Fabroni, consist of letters, and
dissertations on subjects of oriental criticism and antiquities, and some polemical treatises. Among his unpublished
writings, was one on the Greek marbles of the temple of
Malatesi at Rimini. Giorgi died May 4, 1797.
, an Italian poet, of the same family with the preceding, was born
, an Italian poet, of the same family with the preceding, was born at Ferrara in 1504. His father, being a man of letters, took great care of his education; and placed him under Cselio Calcagnini, to study the languages and philosophy. He made an uncommon progress, and then applied himself to the study of physic; in which faculty he was afterwards a doctor. At 21 years of age, he was employed to read public lectures at Ferrara upon physic and polite literature. In 1542, the duke of Ferrara made him his secretary; which office he held till the death of that prince in 1558. He was continued in it by his successor: but envy having done him some ill offices with his master, he was obliged to quit the court. He left the city at the same time, and removed with his family to Mondovi in Piedmont; where he taught the belles lettres publicly for three years. He then went to Turin but the air there not agreeing with his constitution, he accepted the professorship of rhetoric at Pavia which the senate of Milan, hearing of his being about to remove, and apprized of his great merit, freely offered him. This post he filled with great repute; and afterwards obtained a place in the academy of that town. It was here he got the name of Cintio, which he retained ever after, and put in the title-page of his books. The gout, which was hereditary in his family, beginning to attacR him severely, he returned to Ferrara; thinking that his native air might afford him relief. But he was hardly settled there, when he grew extremely ill; and, after languishing about three months, died in 1573.
, an Italian poet and miscellaneous writer, was born at Rome in 1525,
, an Italian poet and miscellaneous
writer, was born at Rome in 1525, where he pursued his
studies in the house of the cardinal de Santa Fiora, but in
his seventeenth year was taken into the service of Ferdinand Gonzaga, then viceroy of Sicily, and governor of
Milan, to which city he accompanied that nobleman in
1546, and became his secretary. He was afterwards taken
to the court of Spain, where he obtained the esteem and
favour of Philip II. Under the duke of Albuquerque he
was imprisoned on a charge of conspiracy against the life
of John Baptist Monti, but vindicated his own cause, and
was not only released, but admitted to public employment
under the succeeding governors of Milan. He died Feb.
12, 1587, leaving behind him several works, that obtained
for him high reputation; of these the principal are, “The
Life of Ferdinand Gonzaga,
” Three Conspiracies,
” &c. Rime,
” or a collection of
poems, several times reprinted. “Discourses.
” “Letters,
” &c. and he translated into Italian a French work
entitled “A true account of things that have happened
in the Netherlands, since the arrival of Don Juan of
, an Italian scholar and poet of considerable eminence, was born
, an Italian scholar and
poet of considerable eminence, was born at Florence
March 22, 1503, of a noble family, which can be traced as
far as the thirteenth century, but was now decayed, as we
find that Grazzini in his youth was brought up as an apothecary. He had, however, studied philosophy and the
belles lettres, and from the timetliathe acquired some reputation in the literary world, gave up his medical business. In 1540 he became one of the founders of the
academy of Florence, which was first called the academy
of the Humides, and each member distinguishing himself
by some appellation relative to the water, Grazzini adopting that of Lasca, which signifies a roach. From the first
establishment of this academy, he was appointed chancellor,
and when, some months after, the grand duke changed its
name to that of the academy of Florence, he was chosen
overseer, or superintendant, an office which he afterwards
filled three times. As the number of members, however,
increased, the juniors began to make new regulations without consulting the founders, and a schism broke out, attended with so many unpleasant circumstances, that Grazzini withdrew, and became the founder of a new academy,
known still by the name of La Crusca. The object of this
society was to polish the Italian language, to fix a standard
for it, to point out such authors as might be always models
for those who chose to improve their style, to oppose the
progress of false taste; and to sift the flour from the bran
of literature, crusca signifying bran. Grazzini was well
qualified to assist an academy instituted for these purposes.
He hail enriched the language with several choice phrases
and new modes of expression, and the academicians have
very justly ranked him among those authors to whom they
have been obliged for examples, in correcting their great
vocabulary. In the mean time his growing fame induced
his friend Leonard Salviati to endeavour his re-introduction
into the academy of Florence, which was successfully accomplished in 1566, twenty years after he had left it; in
return for which he procured admission for Salviati among
the Cruscanti. Grazzini died at Florence in February
1583. He was a man of unquestionable genius, spirit, and
humour, and wrote with great elegance, and although
there are some indelicate passages in his poems, which
was the vice of the times, he was a man of strict morals,
and even, says his biographer, very religious. Many of
his works are lost, and among these some prose tales, and
many pieces of poetry. There remain, however, twentyone tales, six comedies, a great number of capitoli, or
satirical chapters, and various poems, of which the best
edition is that of Florence, 1741, 2 vols. 8vo. His Tales
or Novels were printed at Paris, 1756, 8vo, from which
some copies have been printed in 4to, under the title of
London. An excellent French translation of them appeared
in 1775, 2 vols. 8vo, in which nine histories wanting in the
third evening are said to be inserted from an old French
translation in ms. He wrote also “La guerra di Mostri,
Poema giocoso,
” Florence, Tutti i trionfi, carri, mascherate o canti carnasciaj^schi
dal tempo di Lorenzo de Medici a questoanno 1559,
” 8vo;
, an Italian poet, commonly called, from his misfortune, Cieco D‘Adria,
, an Italian poet, commonly called, from his misfortune, Cieco D‘Adria, was born Sept. 7, 1541, in the ancient town of Adria, which gives name to the gulph called the Adriatic. His parents were of a noble but decayed family. He lost his sight a few days after his birth, and never recovered it. Yet this did not check his proficiency in learning; able masters were provided, under whom he made astonishing progress, although we may conceive with considerable difficulty to his instructors. He lays, indeed, in one of his orations, that when a new master visited him, he used to say, *’ you must teach me how I am to teach you." His talents and acquirements, however, procured him very early fame, and such was his natural eloquence, that at the age of fourteen he was chosen on two very solemn occasions, the one when the queen of Poland visited Venice, and the other on the election of the Doge Lorenzo Priuli, to give a public harangue in that city, where Casa and other orators had been so much celebrated, and acquitted himself with the greatest credit. His youth and his blindness might probably procure him favour, but according to his biographer, he was received with equal applause at other times and places, and under other circumstances. Having an early turn for poetry as well as oratory, he attempted to write for the stage, and although inferior to the other dramatic poets who then flourished at Ferrara, Rome, and Florence, he became a favourite with the people of Adria. In other cities to which he was invited as a public speaker, at Ferrara, Bologna, and Rovigo, he was received with every mark of distinction. Several princesses, as Laura of Este, and Laura Gonzaga, who patronized genius, frequently visited him, and made him rich presents. Yet he remained poor, fortune being in general more liberal of honours than of riches. Although blind, he appears to have felt the tender passion, which he has often introduced in his lyric poetry and in his dramas; in the latter, indeed, he treats of love matters in a style which gives but an unfavourable idea of his delicacy. In 1585 he acquired much reputation at Vincenza by playing the part of CEdipus when represented by the academicians in the famous Olympic theatre of Palladio. He did not, however, appear on this occasion, until the last act, when CEdipus appears blind. He was at this time in full health, but was suddenly attacked with a disorder at Venice, which proved fatal Dec. 13 of that year. His remains were carried to his own country, and interred with great funeral honours. His works consist of orations, published at Venice 1598, 4to, and tragedies, two pastorals, and other pieces of poetry, printed separately. They are distinguished rather by genius than judgment, and abound in that play of words, and those extravagant metaphors which were so much the taste of the subsequent age, and which appear most out of place in his pastorals.
, an Italian historian, was born 1606, of a noble family at Vincenza.
, an Italian historian, was born 1606, of a noble family at Vincenza. He
was historiographer to the emperor, and distinguished himself in the seventeenth century by his historical works,
written, in a very pleasing style, in Italian; the principal
are, “History of the Wars of Ferdinand II. and Ferdinand
” from 1630 to 1640, fol. “History of Leopold,
” from
from 1648 to 1654. The authors of the
” Journal des
Savans,“March 16, 1665, said they had found as many
errors as words in this work. But Gualdo, not discouraged
by that censure, continued his History to the peace of the
Pyrenees, and reprinted it with that addition at Cologn,
1670. His
” History of cardinal Mazarine’s Administration“is much esteemed, and has been translated into
French, 1671, 3 vols. 12mo;
” The Life and Qualities“of
the same cardinal, a valuable work, which appeared in
French, 1662, 4to
” An account of the Peace of the
Pyrenees" the most ample edition is, Cologn, 1667, 12mo.
This work is likewise much esteemed, and has been translated into Latin, and inserted in the fourth volume of the
Public Law of the Empire, published at Francfort, 1710.
It has been also translated into French. Gualdo died at
Vincenza in 1678.
, an Italian poet, was born at Pavia^ in Milan, 1650, and sent to
, an Italian poet, was born at Pavia^ in Milan, 1650, and sent to Parma at sixteen years of age. His uncommon talents for poetry recommended him so powerfully at court, that he received great encouragement from the duke. He composed some pieces at that time, which, though they savoured of the bad taste thei> prevailing, yet shewed genius, and a capacity for better things. He had afterwards a desire to see Rome, and, in 1683, going thither by the permission of the duke of Parma, and being already known by his poems y found no difficulty in being introduced to persons of the first distinctiort. Among others, Christina queen of Sweden wished to see him; and was so pleased with a poem, which he composed at her request, that she had a great desire to retain him at her court. The term allowed him by the duke being expired, he returned to Parma; but the queen having signified her desire to that prince’s resident at Rome, and the duke being acquainted with it, Guidi was sent back to Rome in May 1685.
, an Italian poet, was born at Lucca in 1550. Having received an
, an Italian poet, was born at Lucca in 1550. Having received an excellent education, he was introduced to the service of cardinal Alexander Farnese, afterwards pope Paul III. He became very intimate with Annibal Caro, and with many other men of letters at Rome. When his patron was elevated to the popedom, he was made governor of the city, and bishop of Fossombrone. In 1535 he was sent nuncio to the emperor Charles V. whom he accompanied in his expedition to Tunis, and on other journeys. He was, about 1539, made president of Romagna, and afterwards commissary-general of the pontifical army, and governor of the Marche. So well did he act his part in all these employments, that he would have been raised to the dignity of cardinal had he not been carried off by a disease in 1541. He was author of an oration to the republic of Lucca, of many letters, and of a number of poems which gave him a high reputation. His works ka*e been several times printed. The best edition is that of 1749—50, 2 vols. 4to.
, an Italian poet of the thirteenth century, was usually called Fra
, an Italian poet of the thirteenth century, was usually called Fra Guittone, as belonging to a religious and military order, now extinct, called
the cavalieri gaudenti, established in 1208, during the barbarous crusade carried on against the Albigenses. This
abominable massacre, however, was over before Guittone
became a member. Little else is known of his history,
except that he founded the monastery of St. Mary at Florence, and died in the same year, 1293. The Florence
“Collection of the ancient Italian poets,
” Lettere de fra Guittone d'Arezzo con note,
” Rome,
s a musical professor, and engaged with two others, Clayton and Dieupart, in an attempt to establish an Italian opera here. This scheme had some success until 1710,
, a native of Rome, appears
to have come to London in the early part of the last century, as a musical professor, and engaged with two others,
Clayton and Dieupart, in an attempt to establish an Italian
opera here. This scheme had some success until 1710,
when the superior merits of Handel’s “Rinaldo
” diverted
the public attention from Haym and his colleagues. Haym
appears afterwards to have tried various literary projects,
one of which was his “II Tesoro Britannico,
” Lond.
1719 20, 2 vols. 4to, in which he proposed to engrave
and describe all the coins, statues, gems, &c. to be found in
the cabinets in England, and not before made public. In
the execution of this work, however, he committed so many
egregious blunders, and advanced so many ignorant and
rash conjectures, that it has ever been thrown aside with
contempt by able antiquaries. His most useful publication was his “Notizia de Libri rari nella Lingua Italiana,
which appeared first in
th great credit to himself, he was removed to London, where he was placed under the care of Grisoni, an Italian painter of history, the best, and perhaps the only one,
, an ingenious and amiable English artist, was born about the year 1707, at Eye, near Ipswich, in Suftblk. His father was possessed of considerable property, holding a farm of large extent in his own hands. William shewing very early a disposition to study, was sent to a. school at Faringdon in Berkshire, where the master enjoyed a hii;h reputation for classical learning. The pupil eagerly availed himself of every opportunity of improvement, and in the course of a few years attained such a degree of proficiency as to assist his master occasionally in the tuition of the other scholars. To these acquirements he added no indifferent skill in drawing, which was also taught in the school; and he soon distinguished himself above his competitors in the prize exhibitions, which took place once a year. Indulging the bent of his mind to this art, he solicited and obtained his father’s permission to follow his studies in painting with a professional view. For this purpose, after having completed the school courses with great credit to himself, he was removed to London, where he was placed under the care of Grisoni, an Italian painter of history, the best, and perhaps the only one, which that time afforded. Grisoni, however, was at the best a very poor painter, and the example of his works was little calculated to produce eminence in his scholar. But he was a man of sound judgment and benevolent disposition, and it is probable that the sense of his own insufficiency induced him to persuade young William to seek a more satisfactory guidance in the pursuit to which he devoted himself so earnestly. The schools’ of Italy appeared to him the place to which a learner should resort for the means of accomplishment in his art. William caught the suggestion with eagerness, and the father’s permission was again earnestly sought, for visiting the foreign treasures of painting and sculpture, which were then known to the English only through the communications of such of our gentlemen and nobility as travelled on the continent for the purposes of polite accomplishment. William Hoare was the first English painter who visited Rome for professional study.
Ch. Fr. Vok, with an explanation of Mr. Hogarth’s satirical prints, translated from the French; and an Italian translation was published at Leghorn in 1761.
Soon after the peace of Aix la Chapelle, he went over to
France, and was taken into custody at Calais, while he was
drawing the gate of that town, a circumstance which he
has recorded in his picture entitled “O the Roast Beef of
Old England!
” published March 26, 1749. He was actually carried before the governor as a spy, and. after a very
strict examination, committed a prisoner to Gransire, his
landlord, on his promise that Hogarth should not go out of
his house till he was to embark for England. Soon after
this period he purchased a small house at Chiswick, where
he usually passed the greatest part of the summer season,
yet not without occasional visits to his house in Leicesterfields.
In 1753 he appeared to the world in the character of an
author, and published a 4to volume entitled “The Analysis
of Beauty, written with a view of fixing the fluctuating
ideas of Taste.
” In this performance he shews by a variety
of examples, that a curve is the line of beauty, and that
round swelling figures are most pleasing to the eye; and
the truth of his opinion has been countenanced by subsequent writers on the subject. In this work, the leading
idea of which was hieroglyphically thrown out in a frontispiece to his works in 1745, he acknowledges himself indebted to his friends for assistance, and particularly to one
gentleman for his corrections and amendments of at least
a third part of the wording. This friend was Dr. Benjamin
Hoadly the physician, who carried on the work to about the
third part (chap, ix.), and then, through indisposition, declined the friendly office with regret. Mr. Hogarth applied
to his neighbour, Mr. Ralph; but it was impossible for two
such persons to agree, both alike vain and positive. He
proceeded uo further thau about a sheet, and they then
parted friends, and seem to have continued such. The
kind office of finishing the work and superintending the
publication was lastly taken up by Dr. Morell, who went
through the remainder of the book. The preface was in
like manner corrected by the Rev. Mr. Townley. The
family of Hogarth rejoiced when the last sheet of the
” was printed off; as the frequent disputes he
had with his coadjutors in the progress of the work, did
not much harmonize his disposition. This work was translated into German by Mr. Mylins, when in England, under
the author’s inspection; and the translation was printed in
London, price five dollars. A new and correct edition
was, in 1754, proposed for publication at Berlin, by Ch.
Fr. Vok, with an explanation of Mr. Hogarth’s satirical
prints, translated from the French; and an Italian translation was published at Leghorn in 1761.
, an Italian writer, was born at Florence, in 1466, and was the disciple
an Italian writer, was born at Florence, in 1466, and was
the disciple of Marsiiius Ficinus, under whom he studied
the- Platonic philosophy, and became a great master of
it. He was also a good orator, and succeeding Ficinus in
his professorship, held it till his death, which happened in
1522. There is extant by him, “A Treatise of Beauty,
and another of “Love,
” according to the doctrine of Plato,
besides several others, which were all printed together at
Basil in 1563.
oach to both their memories. Jerom had also several other controversies, particularly with Jovinian, an Italian monk, whom he mentions in his works with the utmost
He had now fixed upon Bethlehem, as the properest place of abode for him, and best accommodated to that course of life which he intended to pursue; and was no sooner arrived here, than he met with Paula, and other ladies of quality, who had followed him from Rome, with the same view of devoting themselves to a monastic life. His fame for learning and piety was indeed so very extensive, that numbers of both sexts rlocked from all parts and distances, to be trained up under him, and to form their manner of living according to his instructions. This moved the pious Paula to found four monasteries; three for the use of females, over which she herself presided, and one for males, which was committed to Jerom. Here he enjoyed all that repose which he had long desired; and he laboured abundantly, as well for the souls committed to his care, as in composing great and useful works. He had enjoyed this repose probably to the end of his life, if Origemsm had not prevailed so mightily in those parts: but, as Jerom had an abhorrence for every thing that looked like heresy, it was impossible for him to continue passive, while these asps, as he calls them, were insinuating their deadly poison into all who had the misfortune to fall in their way. This engaged him in violent controversies with John bishop of Jerusalem, and Ruffinus of Aquileia, which lasted many years. Ruffinus and Jerom had of old been intimate friends; but Ruffinus having of late years settled in the neighbourhood of Jerusalem, and espoused the part of the Origenists, the enmity between them was on that account the more bitter, and is a reproach to both their memories. Jerom had also several other controversies, particularly with Jovinian, an Italian monk, whom he mentions in his works with the utmost intemperance of language, without exactly informing us what his errors were. In the year 410, when Rome was besieged by the Goths, many fled from thence to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, and were kindly received by Jerom into his monastery. He died in 422, in the ninety-first year of his age; and is said to have preserved his vivacity and vigour to the last.
hich it may be suspected he took some hints. It is entitled” The late Travels of S. Giacomo Baratti, an Italian gentleman, into the remotest countries of the Abyssins,
In 1758 the worthy John Newbery, bookseller, who frequently employed Johnson in his literary projects, began
a news-paper called the “Universal Chronicle, or Weekly
” in conjunction with Mr. John Payne. To give
it an air of novelty, Johnson was engaged to write a short
periodical paper, which he entitled “The Idler.
” Most of
these papers were written in haste, in various places where
he happened to be, on the eve of publication, and with
very little preparation. A few of them exhibit the train of
thought which prevails in the “Rambler,
” but in general
they have more vivacity, and exhibit a species of grave
humour in which Johnson excelled. When the “Universal
” was discontinued, these papers were collected
into two small volumes, which he corrected for the press,
making a few alterations, and omitting one whole paper,
which has since been restored. No. 41 of the “Idler alludes to the death of his mother, which took place in 1759.
He had ever loved her with anxious affection , and had
contributed liberally to her support, often when he knew
not where to recruit his finances. On this event he wrote
his Rasselas, with a view to raise a sum sufficient to defray
the expences of her funeral, and pay some little debts she
had left. His mind appears to have been powerfully excited and enriched both with the subject and the motive,
for he wrote the whole of this elegant and philosophical
fiction during the evenings of one week, and sent it to
press in portions as it was written. He received one hundred pounds from Messrs. Strahan, Johnston, and Dodsley,
for the copy, and twenty-five more when it came, as it
soon did, to a second edition. Few works of the kind have
been more generally or more extensively diffused by means
of translation. Yet the author, perhaps from the pain he
felt in recollecting the melancholy occasion which called
forth his pen, appears to have dismissed it with some degree of indifference, as soon as published; for from that
time to 1781, when he found it accidentally in a chaise
while travelling with Mr. Boswell, he declared he had never
looked into it. His translation of
” Lobo“probably suggested his placing the scene in Abyssinia, but there is a
little scarce volume, unnoticed by his biographers, from
which it may be suspected he took some hints. It is entitled
” The late Travels of S. Giacomo Baratti, an Italian
gentleman, into the remotest countries of the Abyssins, or
of Ethiopia Interior," London, 1G70, 12mo.
, a supposed heretic of the fourth century, was an Italian monk, and observed all the austerities of a monastic
, a supposed heretic of the fourth century, was an Italian monk, and observed all the austerities of a monastic life for a time, and taught some points of doctrine directly opposite to the growing superstitions; for this he was expelled Rome, and fled to Milan, with an intent to engage Ambrose, bishop of that place, and the emperor Theodosius, who was then in that city, in his favour; but Syricius, then bishop of Rome, dispatched three presbyters to Milan, Crescentius, Leopardus, and Alexander, with letters to that church, which are still extant in Ambrose’s works, acquainting them with the proceedings of himself and his followers, in consequence of which he was rejected by Ambrose, and driven out of the town by the emperor. From Milan, Jovinian returned to the neighbourhood of Home, where his followers continued to assemble under his direction, till the year 398, when the emperor Honorius commanded him and his accomplices to be whipped and banished into different islands. Jovinian himself was confined to Boas, a small island on the coast of Dal matin, where he died about the year 406. Jovinian wrote several books, which were answered by Jerome in the year 392, but in such a manner as to render it difficult to know what were Jovinian’s errors, or what his general character, except that he was no friend to celibacy or fasting.
, or Paullo Giovio, an Italian historian, was a native of Como, and was born in 1483.
, or Paullo Giovio, an Italian historian, was a native of Como, and was born in 1483. Being
early deprived of his father, he was educated under the
care of his elder brother Benedict, who was also a historical
writer. After having studied at Padua, Milan, and Pavia,
he took the degree of M. D. and practised for some time;
but an early propensity led him to the study and composition of history. Having completed a volume, he presented it to Leo X. at Rome, in 1516, who expressed a
very high opinion of him, and gave him a pension and the
rank of knighthood. Jovius now became intimate with
the literati of Rome, and wrote several Latin poems, which
appeared in the “Coryciana,
” and other collections.
After the death of Leo, Adrian VI. presented him to a
canonry in the cathedral of Como, and Clement VII. appointed him one of his attendant courtiers, provided him
with a handsome establishment in the Vatican, gave him
the precentorship of Como, and lastly the bishopric of
Nocera. During the sacking of the city of Rome, in 1527,
Jovius was robbed of a considerable sum of money and of
his manuscripts, but recovered the latter. Under the
pontificate of Paul III. he wished to exchange his bishopric of Nocera for that of Como, and even carried his
ambition to the place of cardinal, but was disappointed in
both. His favourite residence was at a beautiful villa on
the banks of the lake of Como, where he pursued his
studies, and in his museum made a collection of portraits
of eminent characters, to each of which he affixed an inscription, or brief memoir, some highly favourable, others
sarcastically severe. These memoirs have been frequently
printed under the title “Elogia doctorum Virorum,
” and
the portraits, engraved in wood, have been published
under the title of “Musaei Jovian i Imagines,
” Basil,
, an Italian Jesuit, and a celebrated writer of panegyrics, was born
, an Italian Jesuit, and a celebrated writer of panegyrics, was born at Nice, and admitted
into the society in 1622. He taught rhetoric for the space
often years. Being afterwards called to the court of Savoy, to be entrusted with the education of prince Charles
Emanuel, he began to publish his first works at Turin.
He died at Messina, Nov. 15, 1653. All his works were
printed together at Lucca, in 1710. This collection contains, I. A hundred panegyrics upon Jesus Christ; printed
the first time at Genoa in 1641. 2. Forty panegyrics
written in honour of Lewis XIII. printed at Lyons in 1644.
3. Many inscriptions, epitaphs, and encomiums, upon several subjects; printed likewise at Lyons in the same year.
4. Panegyrics upon the greatest bishops that have been in
the church; printed also at Lyons in the same year, and
reprinted at Genoa in 1653, with this title, “Pars Secunda
Elogiorura humana complectens.
r reverendi admodiim in Christo Patris D. Armandi Johannis Butillierii Rancsei,” Rome, 1718, 4to. 2. An Italian translation of a book entitled “Theologie Religieuse,”
, an exemplary and learned bishop of Carpentras, at which place
he was born in 1683, was first a Dominican, and in that
order he successfully pursued his theological studies; but,
thinking the rule of the Cistertians more strict and perfect,
he afterwards took the habit of that order. His merit
quickly raised him to the most distinguished offices among
his brethren, and being dispatched on some business to
Rome, he completely gained the confidence and esteem of
Clement XII. By that prelate he was named archbishop
of Theodosia in partibus, and bishop of Carpentras in 1733.
In this situation he was distinguished by all the virtues that
can characterize a Christian bishop; excellent discernment,
and knowledge, united with the completest charity and humility. His life was that of a simple monk, and his wealth
was all employed to relieve the poor, or serve the public.
He built a vast and magnificent hospital, and established
the most extensive library those provinces had ever seen,
which he gave for public use. He died in 1757, of an
apoplectic attack, in his seventy-fifth year. This excellent man was not unknown in the literary world, having
published some original works, and some editions of other
authors. The principal of these productions are, 1. “Genuinus character reverendi admodiim in Christo Patris D.
Armandi Johannis Butillierii Rancsei,
” Rome, Theologie
” being a treatise on the duties of a monastic
life, Rome, 1731, 3 vols. folio. 3. An Italian translation of
a French treatise, by father Didier, on the infallibility of
the pope, Rome, 1732, folio. 4. An edition of the works
of Bartholomew of the Martyrs, with his Life, 2 vols. folio.
5. “La Vie separee,
” another treatise on monastic life, in
2 vols. 1727, 4to.
, an Italian ecclesiastic, and able philologist, was born at Santa-croce,
, an Italian ecclesiastic, and able philologist, was born at Santa-croce, between Pisa and Florence,
Feb. 6, 1697. His father, Benedict Lami, a learned physician, died when he was an infant, but this loss was in a
great measure supplied by the care which his mother took
of his education. After learning with great facility the
elements of Greek, Latin, history, and geography, he was
placed at the college of Prato, where he studied so hard as
to injure his health. Having recovered this in some degree,
he pursued his studies at Pisa, and with such success that
in 1718 he was unanimously appointed vice-rector. He
was afterwards appointed chaplain to the grand duke of
Tuscany, professor of ecclesiastical history in the university of Florence, and keeper of the Ricardi library. He
died at Florence, Feb. 6, 1770. He was not more remarkable for learning than for wit. One day at Florence,
shewing some Swedish gentlemen the ancient palace of the
dukes of Medicis, “There,
” said he, “behold the cradle
of literature
” then, turning to the college of the Jesuits,
“and there behold its tomb.
” The Jesuits he neither loved
nor flattered, and was often engaged in controversies with
them. His principal works are, 1. “De recta patrum Nicenorum fide Dissertatio,
” Venice, De recta Christianorum in eo quod mysterium divinse Trinitatis adtinet sententia libri sex,
” Florence, De eruditione
Ap<~,stolorum liber singularis,
” Florence, Deliciae eruditorum, seu veterum anecdoton opusculorum collectanea,
” Florence, a miscellany published from
Meursii opera,
” Florence,
12 vols. folio. 6. An edition of “Anacreon,
” Florence,
Memorabilia Italorum eruditione praestantium, quibus vertens sseculum gloriatur,
” ibid. Dialogi d'Aniceto Nemesio,
” Sanctae ecclesiae Florentine monumenta,
” Florence, Lezioni d'antichita Toscane, e speciaimente
dellacittadi Firenze,
” ibid.
under the title of “Port-Royal Grammars.” He was also author of “The Garden of Greek Roots,” 12mo; “ An Italian Grammar,” 12mo; “A Spanish Grammar,” 12mo; the “Dissertations,
, an useful French writer, born
at Paris in 1619, had a principal hand in some very excellent works, which the Solitaires of Port Royal projected
for the education of youth. He taught the belles lettres
and mathematics in their school at Paris. He was afterwards charged with the education of the prince of Conti;
but, being removed upon the death of the princess his
mother, he took the habit of St. Benedict in the abbey of
St. Cyran. Certain intestine troubles arising within these
walls, he became a victim among others; and was banished
to Ruimperlay, in Lower Britanny, where he died in 1695,
aged seventy-nine. His principal works are, 1. “Nouvelle
Methode pour apprendre la Langue Latine,
” Nouvelle Methode pour apprendre Iq Grec,
” Port-Royal Grammars.
” He was also
author of “The Garden of Greek Roots,
” 12mo; “An
Italian Grammar,
” 12mo; “A Spanish Grammar,
” 12mo;
the “Dissertations, Remarks, and Sacred Chronology
” in
the Bibles printed by Vitr6; “The general and rational
” 12mo. This excellent work was planned by
M. Arnauld, but Lancelot composed the greatest part; it
was published by M. Duclos with remarks, 1756, 12mo;
“Delectus Epigrammatum,
” of which the preface onlyU
by M. Nicole, 12mo; “Mémoires pour servir a la vie
de M. de S. Cyran,
” in two parts, the second entitled
“L'Esprit de M. de S. Cyran,
” 2 vols. 12mo. He is accused of having written these memoirs with great partiality
and prejudice. “Relation du vo‘iage d’Alet,
” 12mo. This
is an eulogy on the famous bishop of Alet.
, an Italian scholar, philosopher, and poet, was born at Florence
, an Italian scholar, philosopher, and poet, was born at Florence in 1424. After
having pursued his elementary studies at Volterra, he was
constrained, in obedience to his father, to apply to jurisprudence; but by the favour of Cosmo and Peter de Medici, which he had the happiness to obtain, he was enabled
to devote his time to philosophy and polite literature. He
became particularly partial to the Platonic philosophy, and
was one of the principal ornaments of the academy which
Cosmo de Medici had founded. In 1457, he was appointed
professor of the belles lettres at Florence, and considerably enlarged the reputation of that seminary. About the
same time he was chosen by Peter de Medici to instruct
his two sons, Julius, and the afterwards celebrated Lorenzo.
Between Landinus and Lorenzo a reciprocal attachment
took place; and such was the opinion that the master entertained of the judgment of his pupil, that he is said frequently to have submitted his works to his perusal and correction. Landinus became, in his old age, secretary to
the seignory of Florence; but in his sixty-third year, he
was relieved from the laborious part of this office, and allowed to retain his title and emoluments. He then retired
to a residence at Prato Vecchio, from which his ancestors
sprung. There he employed the remainder of his days in
study, and died in 1504. He left several Latin poems,
some of which have been printed, and some remain in
manuscript. His notes on Virgil, Horace, and Dante, are
much esteemed. He translated into Italian Pliny’s “-Natural History,
” and published some learned dissertations
both in Latin and Italian. It is said that he was rewarded
for his critical labours on Dante by the donation of a villa,
on the hill of Casentino, in the vicinity of Florence, which
he enjoyed under the. sanction of a public decree. His
edition of Horace was published in 1482. His philosophical opinions appear in his “Disputatipnes
” a work of which Mr. Roscoe has given an ample
account. It was first published without a date; but, according to De Bure, in 1480, folio, and reprinted at Strasburgh in 1508. Landinus’s fame, however, rests chiefly
on the advances he made in classical criticism.
, an Italian physician, was a native of Placentia, and studied at
, an Italian physician, was a native of Placentia, and studied at Padua, where he took his
doctor’s degree in 1554. He then practised with great reputation in his native place, where he was one night assassinated, in 1562, by a soldier, for what reason, unless
for the purpose of robbery, is not stated. He left some
learned works, the principal of which are, -1. “De humana historia, vel de singularum hominis partium cognitione,
” Basil, latrologia,
” in dialogues on
the art of medicine, ibid. 1543, 4to. s
, archbishop of Canterbury in the eleventh century, was an Italian, and born in 1005 at Pavia, being son of a counsellor
, archbishop of Canterbury in the eleventh century, was an Italian, and born in 1005 at Pavia, being son of a counsellor to the senate of that town; but, losing his father in his infancy, he went to Bologna. Hence, having prosecuted his studies for some time, he removed into France in the reign of Henry I. and taught some time at Avranches, where he had many pupils of high rank. In a journey to Rouen, he had the misfortune to be robbed, and tied to a tree on the road, where he remained till next day, when being released by some passengers, he retired to the abbey of Bee, lately founded, and there took the monk’s habit in 1041. He was elected prior of this religious house in 1044; and opened a school, which in a little time became very famous, and was frequented by students from all parts of Europe. Amongst others, some of the scholars of Berenger, archdeacon of Angers, and master of the school at Tours, left that, and went to study at the abbey of Bee. This, it is said, excited the envy of Berenger, and gave rise to a long and violent controversy between him and Lanfranc, on the subject of the eucharist. (See Berengarius). In 1049, Lanfranc took a journey to Rome, where he declared his sentiments to pope Leo IX. against the doctrine of Berenger; for Berenger had xvritten him a letter, which gave room to suspect Lanfranc to be of his opinion. Soon after, he assisted in the council of Verceil, where he expressly opposed Berenger’s notions. He returned a second time to Rome in 1059, and assisted in the council held at the Lateran by pope Nicholas II. in which Berenger abjured the doctrine that he had till then maintained. Lanfranc now obtained a dispensation from the pope, for the marriage of William duke of Normandy with a daughter of the earl of Flanders his cousin. On his return to France, he rebuilt his abbey at Bee; but was soon removed from it by the duke of Normandy, who in 1062 made him abbot of St. Stephen’s at Caen in that province, where he established a new academy, which became no less famous than his former one at Bee. This duke, coming to the crown of England, sent for Lanfranc, who was elected archbishop of Canterbury in 1070, in the room of Stigand, who had been deposed by the pope’s legate. He was no sooner consecrated to this see, than he wrote to pope Alexander II. begging leave to resign it; which not being complied with, he afterwards sent ambassadors to Rome to beg the pall; but Hildebrand answering, in the pope’s name, that the pall was not granted to any person in his absence (which was not strictly true, as it had been sent to Austin, Justus, and Honorius), he went thither to receive that honour in 1071. Alexander paid him a particular respect, in rising to give him audience this pontiff, indeed, had a special regard for him, having studied under him in the abbey of Bee and kissed him, instead of presenting his slipper for that obeisance, nor was he satisfied with giving him the usual pall, but invested him with that pall of which he himself had made use in celebrating mass. Before his departure, Lanfranc defended the metropolitical rights of his see against the claims of the archbishop of York, and procured them to be confirmed by a national council in 1075, wherein several rules of discipline were established. At length, presuming to make remonstrances to the Conqueror upon some oppressions of the subjects, though he offered them with a becoming respect, the monarch received them with disdain and asked him, with an oath, if he thought it possible for a king to keep all his promises From this time, our archbishop lost his majesty’s favour, and was observed afterwards with a jealous eye. He enjoyed, however, the favour of William II. during the remainder of his life. Some years before this, Gregory VII. having summoned him several times to come to Rome, to give an account of his faith, at length sent him a citation to appear there in four months, on pain of suspension: Lanfranc, however, did not think proper to obey the summons. He died May 28, 1089.
sense, he says, he set to a varied air, and gave out that it came from Italy, by which it passed for an Italian song. In the title-page of this book is a very fine
it a dull book (as such books generally after 1 became capable of rational inare), and perhaps to laugh at it. But quiry.“
and born there about 1600. He was a disciple of Coperario. In 1625, he became a gentleman of the chapel
royal; and was afterwards appointed one of the private
music to Charles f. In 1653, were published his
” Ayres
and Dialogues," &c. folio, with a preface by himself, and
commendatory verses by the poet Waller, Edward and
John Phillips, nephews of Milton, and others. In the preface, speaking of the Italians, he acknowledges them in
general to be the greatest masters of music; yet contends,
that this nation has produced as able musicians as any in
Europe. He censures the fondness of his age for songs in
a language which the hearers do not understand; and, to
ridicule it, mentions a song of his own composition, printed
at the end of the book, which is nothing but an index, containing the initial words of some old Italian songs or madrigals: and this index, which read together made a strange
medley of nonsense, he says, he set to a varied air, and
gave out that it came from Italy, by which it passed for an
Italian song. In the title-page of this book is a very fine
engraving of the author’s head by Faithorne.
on, with supplements relating to the sects of the Karaites^and Samaritans. He intended to have given an Italian translation of the Old Testament, but the inquisition
, whose proper name was R. Jehudah Arie, was born at Modena about 1574 was for a considerable time chief of the synagogue, and esteemed a
good poet both in Hebrew and Italian. He was author of
a valuable work on the ceremonies and customs of the
Jews, which is held in estimation by the learned of all
nations. It is entitled “Istoria de Riti Hebraici vita et
Osservanze de gli Hebre'i di questi Tempi;
” the best edition
of which is that of Venice, The Mouth of the Lion,
” was published at Venice in
, an Italian mathematician, who flourished at the commencement of
, an Italian mathematician, who flourished at the commencement of the thirteenth century, was the first person who brought into Europe the knowledge of the Arabic cyphers and algebra. He travelled into the East for instruction, and being at Bugia, a town in Africa, was taught the Arabic method of keeping accounts, and finding it more convenient and preferable to the European method, he drew up a treatise for the purpose of introducing it into Italy, where it was cultivated with success, and became speedily known to all mathematicians From Italy the knowledge of the Arabic cyphers and algebra was afterwards communicated to the other countries of Europe. He was author of a treatise on surveying,preserved in the Magliabecchi library at Florence.
had published some pieces in Latin, which occasioned his being supposed by some, but falsely, to be an Italian. His maternal and paternal grandfathers were eminent
, a celebrated sophist of antiquity, was born
of an ancient and noble family at Antioch, on the Orontes,
in the year 314. Suidas calls his father “Phasganius
” but
this was the name of one of his uncles; the other, who was
the elder, was named Panolbius. His great-grandfather,
who excelled in the art of divination, had published some
pieces in Latin, which occasioned his being supposed by
some, but falsely, to be an Italian. His maternal and paternal grandfathers were eminent in rank and in eloquence;
the latter, with his brother Brasidas, was put to death by
the order of Dioclesian, in the year 303, after the tumult
of the tyrant Eugenius. Libanius, the second of his father’s three sons, in the fifteenth year of his age, wishing
to devote himself entirely to literature, complains that he
met with some “shadoxvs of sophists.
” Then, assisted
by a proper master, he began to read the ancient writers
at Antioch; and thence, with Jasion, a Cappadocian, went
to Athens, and residing there for more than four years,
became intimately acquainted with Crispinus of Heraclea,
who, he says, “enriched him afterwards with books at
Nicomedia, and went, but seldom, to the schools of Diophantus.
” At Constantinople he ingratiated himself with
Nicocles of Lacedosmon (a grammarian, who was master to the emperor Julian), and the sophist Bermarchius. Returning to Athens, and soliciting the office of a professor,
which the proconsul had before intended for him when he
was twenty- five years of age, a certain Cappadocian happened to be preferred to him. But being encouraged by
Dionysius, a Sicilian who had been prefect of Syria, some
specimens of his eloquence, that were published at Constantinople, made him so generally known and applauded,
that he collected more than eighty disciples, the two sophists, who then filled the chair there, raging in vain, and
Bermarchius ineffectually opposing him in rival orations,
and, when he could not excel him, having recourse to the
frigid calumny of magic. At length, about the year 346,
being expelled the city by his competitors, the prefect
Limenius concurring, he repaired to Nice, and soon after
to Nicomedia, the Athens of Bithynia, where his excellence in speaking began to be more and more approved by
all; and Julian, if not a hearer, was a reader and admirer
of his orations. In the dame'city, he says, “he was particularly delighted with the friendship of Aristaenetus;
” and
the five years which he passed there, he styles “the spring
or any thing else that can be conceived pleasanter than
spring, of his whole life.
” Being invited again to Constantinople, and afterwards returning to Nicomedia, being
also tired of Constantinople, where he found Phoenix and
Xenobius, rival sophists, though he was patronised by
Strategius, who succeeded Domitian as prefect of the East,
not daring on account of his rivals to occupy the Athenian
chair, he obtained permission from Gallus Cassar to visit
for four months, his native city Antioch, where, after Gallus was killed, in the year 354, he fixed his residence for
the remainder of his life, and initiated many in the sacred
rites of eloquence. He was also much beloved by the emperor Julian, who heard his discourses with pleasure, received him with kindness, and imitated him in his writings.
Honoured by that prince with the rank of quaestor, and
with several epistles of which six only are extant, the‘ last
written by the emperor during’ his fatal expedition against
the Persians, he the more lamented his death in the flower
of Ms age, as from him he had promised himself a certain
and lasting support both in the worship of idols and in his
own studies. There was afterwards a report, that LibaIhus, with the younger Jamblichus, the master of Proclus,
inquired by divination who would be the successor of Valens, and ia consequence with difficulty escaped his cruelty, Irenaeus attesting the innocence of Libanius. In like
manner he happily escaped another calumny, by the favour
of duke Lupicinus, when he was accused by his enemy
Fidelis, or Fidustius, of having written an eulogium on the
tyrant Procopius. He was not, however, totally neglected
by Valens, whom he not only celebrated in an oration,
but obtained from him a confirmation of the law against
entirely, excluding illegitimate children from the inheritance of their paternal estates, which he solicited from the
emperor, no doubt for a private reason, since, as Eunapius
informs us, he kept a mistress, and was never married.
The remainder of his life he passed as before mentioned,
at Antioch, to an advanced age, amidst various wrongs
and oppressions from his rivals and the times, which he
copiously relates in his life, though, tired of the manners
of that city, be had thoughts, in his old age, of changing
his abode, as he tells Eusebius. He continued there, however, and on various occasions was very serviceable to the
city, either by appeasing seditions, and calming the disturbed minds of the citizens, or by reconciling to them
the emperors Julian and Theodosius. That Libanius lived
even to the reign of Arcadius, that is, beyond the seventieth year of his age, the learned collect from his oration
on Lucian, and the testimony of Cedrenus; and of the
same opinion is Godfrey Olearius, a man not more respectable for his exquisite knowledge of sacred and polite
literature than for his judgment and probity, in his’ ms
prelections, in which, when he was professor of both languages in the university of his own country, he has given
an account of the life of this sophist.
ount of a lady of Irish birth, with whom he was criminally connected, and whom he wished to pass for an Italian, as she was educated in Italy. Her name was Francisca
His learning, indeed, and his industry appear very evident by his many writings. Besides the ^thiopic New
Testament which he translated into Latin, at the request of
Usher and Selden, for the Polyglot, and which procured
him from Walton the character of “vir doctissimus, tain
generis prosapia, quam linguaruoi orientalium scientia,
” he published, 1. “Logica Armeniaca in Latinam
” Dublin, Introductio in totam
Aristotelis Philosophiam,
” ibid. 1657, 12mo. 3. “The
Proceedings observed in order to, and in the consecration
of, the twelve Bishops in St. Patrick’s Church in Dublin,
Jan. 27, 1660,
” Lond. Liber Psalmorum
Davidis ex Armeniaco idiotnate in Latinum traductus,
Dublin, Oratio funebris habita post
exuvias nuperi Rev. jbatris Joan. (Bramhall) archiepiscopi
” ibid. The Speech of James
duke of Ormond, made in a parliament at Dublin, Sept.
17, 1662, translated into the Italian,
” ibid. Reductio litium de libero arbitrio, proedestinatione, et
reprobatione ad arbitrium boni viri,
” ibid. A, Book demonstrating that it was inconsistent with the
English government, that the Irish rebels should be admitted to their former condition with impunity, by topics
drawn from principles of law, policy, and conscience,
published under the name of Philo-Britannicus. 9. “Lettera esortatoria di mettere opera a fare sincera penitenza
mandata alia signora F. M. L. P. &c.
” The Vindication of an injured lady,
F. M. Lucretia Plunket, one of the ladies of the privy
chamber to the queen mother of England,
” Lond. Case of Ware and Shirley,
” a gentleman who married an heiress against her
will. 12. “A Speech delivered at the Visitation held in
the diocese of Clogher, se.de vacant e, Sept. 27, 1671,
Dublin, The first marriage of Katherine
Fitzgerald (now lady Decies), &c. asserted,
” Lond. Sponsa nondum uxor,
” Lond.
Several Chapters of Dionysius Syrus’s
Comment on St. John the Evangelist, concerning the Life
and Death of our Saviour,
” Dublin, 4 to. 15. “The
Commentary on the Four Evangelists, by Dionysius Syrus, out
of the Syriac tongue.
” 16. “Commentary on St. Paul’s
Epistles, by Moses Bar-Cepha, out of the Syriac.
” 17.
“Exposition of Dionysius Syrus, on St. Mark,
” Dublin,
History of the Eastern and Western Churches, by Gregory Maphrino, translated into Latin from the Syriac.
19. “Commentary on the general Epistles, and Acts of
the Apostles, by Gregory Maphrino.
” 20 “Praxis cultusdivini juxta ritus primoevorum Christianorum,
” containing various ancient liturgies, &c. Dublin, 1693, 4to. 21.
“A clear and learned Explication of the History of our
Blessed Saviour, taken out of above thirty Greek, Syriac,
and other oriental authors, by way of Catena, by Dionysius Syrus, translated into English,
” Dublin,
, an Italian artist, was born at Florence, in 1666. He was the disciple
, an Italian artist, was born at Florence, in 1666. He was the disciple of Dominico Gabbiani, and at twenty-four his merit was judged equal to
that of his master. He afterwards studied at Rome, under
the patronage of the grand duke, and hoped to have profited by the instructions of Giro Ferri; but on his arrival
he had to regret the death of that master. He now, however, pursued his studies with such success, that his works
became much valued in England, France, and Germany.
The emperor knighted him, and the elector of Mentz
sent with his patent of knighthood, a cross set with diamonds Lutti was never satisfied with his own performances, and though he often retouched his pictures, yet
they never appeared laboured; he always changed for the
better, and his last thought was the best. There were
three much-admired public works of his at Rome, viz. a
Magdalene in the church of St. Catharine of Siena, at
Monte Magna Napoli; the prophet Isaiah, in an oval, St.
John de Lateran; and St. Anthony of Padua, in the church
of the Holy Apostles; and at the palace Albani was a miracle of St. Pio, which some reckon his master-piece. Fuseli speaks of his “Cain, flying from his murdered
” he says has something of the sublimity and
the pati it strike in the Pietro Martyre of Titian and
his “Psyche
” in the gallery of the capitol, breathes refinement of taste and elegance. His death is said to have
been hastened by a fit of chagrin, owing to his not having
been able to finish a picture of St. Eusebius, bishop of
Vercelli, designed for Turin, for which he had received a
large earnest, and promised to get it ready at a set time.
But several disputes happening between him and those
who bespoke the picture, brought on a fit of sickness, of
which he died at Rome, in 1724, aged fifty-eight, and the
picture was afterwards finished by Pietro Bianchi, one of his
disciples. Lutti is blamed for not having placed his figures
advantageously, but in such a manner as to throw a part
of the arms and legs out of the cloth. This fault he possesses in common with Paul Veronese and Rubens, who,
to give more dignity and grandeur to the subject they
treated, have introduced into the fore-ground of their
pictures, groups of persons on horseback, tops of heads,
and arms and legs, of which no other part of the body appears.
iarum,” Venice, 1728. 10. “Museum Veronense,” 1729, folio. 11. “Verona Illustrata,” 1732, folio. 12. An Italian translation of the first book of Homer, in blank verse,
The complete catalogue of his works would resemble
that of a library; the chief of them are these: I. “Rime
e prose,
” Venice, La scienza Cavalleresca,
” Rome, Merope,
” of which
there have been many more editions, and several foreign
versions. 4. “Traduttori Italiani,
” &c. Venice, Theatre Italiano,
” a selection of Italian tragedies, in 3 vols. 8vo. 6. “Cassiodori complexiones, in Epistola et Acta Apostolorum,
” &c. Flor. Istoria Diplomatica,
” or a critical introduction to
diplomatic knowledge. 8. “Degli Anfiteatri,
” on amphitheatres, particularly that of Verona, Supplementum Acaciarum,
” Venice, Museum
” Verona Illustrata,
” La Religione di Gentili tiel morire,
” Osservationi Letterarie,
” intended to serve as a continuation of the Giornale de‘ Leterati d’ Italia. He published
also a work on grace, some editions of the fathers, and
other matters. A complete edition of his works was published at Venice in 1790, in 18 vols. 8vo.
, who published “Syntagmata linguarum Georgia,” Romae, 1670, folio; and lastly, Charles Maria Maggi, an Italian poet of the seventeenth century, and one of the restorers
There were other men of considerable eminence in Italy
of the same name, among whom we may enumerate, a
brother of the preceding, Bartholomew Maggi, a physician at Bologna, who wrote a treatise in Latin, “On the
Cure of Gun-shot Wounds,
” Bologna, Syntagmata linguarum Georgia,
” Romae, Scelta
” of his works; and in The Beauties
” of
C. M. Maggi, “paraphrased,
” were published by Mariane
, an Italian Jesuit, sent by his superiors as a missionary to Portugal,
, an Italian Jesuit, sent by his
superiors as a missionary to Portugal, was a man of an ardent zeal, with that facility of elocution which enthusiasm
geu*rally confers. He soon became the fashionable confessor, and people of all ranks put themselves under his
direction. He was regarded as a saint, and consulted as
an oracle. When the duke d‘Aveiro formed his conspiracy
against the king of Portugal, he is said by the enemies of
the Jesuits to have consulted with three of that order, one
of whom was Malagrida. The king, when he thought
proper to banish the Jesuits from his kingdom, suffered
Malagrida, Alexander, and Mathos, to remain there; and
these are the very three who are supposed to have assisted
the conspiracy, by telling the conspirators that it was not
even a venial sin to kill a monarch who persecuted the
saints, i. e. the Jesuits. Malagrida was some time after
sent to the inquisition, for teaching heretical doctrines;
an accusation which is said to have been not altogether
without foundation. He appears, however, to have been
an enthusiast of so extravagant a kind, that no singularities in his writings can be thought extraordinary. He conceived himself to possess the power of working miracles;
and declafed to the inquisitors, that God himself had appointed him his ambassador, apostle, and prophet. This,
and many other very wild declarations, would not, perhaps,
have occasioned his condemnation, had he not unfortunately pretended to have had the death of the king revealed to him. The marquis of Tancors, general of the
province of Estremadura, ’happening to die, the castle of
Lisbon, and all the fortresses of the Tagus, discharged
their cannon in honour of him. Malagrida, hearing this
unusual sound in the night, concluded that the king was
dead, and desired that the inquisitors would grant him an
audience. When he came before them, he said, in order to
establish the credit of his predictions, that the death of the
king had been revealed to him; and that he also had a vision,
which informed him what punishment that monarch was to
undergo in the other world for having persecuted the Jesuits.
This declaration hastened his condemnation. He was burnt
alive on Sept. 21, 1761, at the age of 75, not as a conspirator, but as a false prophet. His true character, perhaps,
was that of a lunatic. The works in which his heretical extravagancies are to be found, are entitled “Tractatus de
vita et imperio Antichrist!
” and (written in the Portuguese language) “The Life of St. Anne, composed with the assistance of the blessed Virgin Mary and her most holy Son.
Of his first wife we find no mention, but by her he had several children. One daughter, who married an Italian of rank, named Cilesia, wrote a tragedy called “Almida,”
Towards the end of his life, Mallet went with his wife
to France, but after a while finding his health declining,
returned alone to England, and died April 21, 1765. He
was twice married. Of his first wife we find no mention,
but by her he had several children. One daughter, who
married an Italian of rank, named Cilesia, wrote a tragedy
called “Almida,
” which was acted at Drury-lane. This
lady died at Genoa in 1790. His second wife, whom he
married in October 1742, was miss Lucy Elstob, daughter
to lord Carlisle’s steward. She had a fortune of 10,000l.
all of which she took care to settle upon herself; but she
was equally careful that Mallet should appear like a gentleman of distinction, and from her great kindness, always
chose herself to purchase every thing that he wore, and to
let her friends know that she did so. This lady’s sentiments were congenial to those of her husband, who was
a professed free-thinker. They kept a good table (at which Gibbon appears to have been frequently a guest),
and the lady, proud of her opinions, would often, we are
told, in the warmth of argument, say, “Sir, we deists.
, an Italian physician and anatomist, was born March 10, 1628, at
, an Italian physician and anatomist, was born March 10, 1628, at Crevalcuore, near Bologna, in Italy, where he was taught Latin and studied philosophy. In 1649, losing his parents, and being obliged to choose his own method of life, he determined to apply himself to physic. The university of Bologna was then supplied with very learned professors in that science, particularly Bartholomew Massari, and Andrew Mariano, under whose instructions Malpighi in a short time made great progress in physic and anatomy. After he had finished the usual course, he was admitted doctor of physic, April 6, 1653, In 1655 Massari died, a loss which Malpighi severely felt, as independent of his esteem for him as a master, he had become more nearly related to him by marrying his sister. In 1656, the senate of Bologna gave him a professorship, which he did not long hold; for the same year the grand duke of Tuscany invited him to Pisa, to be professor of physic there. Here he contracted a strict friendship with Borelli, whom he subsequently owned for his master in philosophy, and to whom he ascribed all the discoveries which he afterwards made. They dissected animals together, and it was in this employment that he found the heart to consist of spiral fibres; a discovery, which has been ascribed to Borelli in his posthumous works. The air of Pisa not agreeing with Malpighi, be continued there but three years: and, in 1659, returned to Bologna, to resume his former posts, notwithstanding the advantageous offers which were made him to stay at Pisa. In 1662 he was sent for to Messina, in order to succeed Peter Castello, first professor of physic, who was just dead. It. was with reluctance that he went thither, though the stipend was great; and although he was prevailed on at last by his friend Borelli, to accept it, yet in 1666 he returned to Bologna. In 1669 he was elected a member of the royal society of London, with which he ever after kept a correspondence by letters, and communicated his discoveries in anatomy. Cardinal Pignatelli, who had known him while he was legate at Bologna, being chosen pope in 1691, under the name of Innocent XII. immediately sent for him to Rome, and appointed him his physician. In 1694 he was admitted into the academy of the Arcadians at Rome. July the 25th, of the same year, he had a fit, which struck half his body with a paralysis; and, November the 29th following, he had another, of which he died the same day, in his 67th year. His remains were embalmed, and conveyed to Bologna, where they were interred with great funeral honours in the chureh of St. Gregory, and a statue was erected to his memory. Malpighi is described as a man of a serious and melancholy temperament, which is confirmed by his portrait in the meeting-room of the royal society at Somerset-house. He was indefatigable in the pursuit of knowledge, on the sure ground of experience and observation, ever candid in his acknowledgments to those who had given him any information, and devoid of all ostentation or pretension on the score of his own merits. He ranks very high among the philosophers of the physiological age in which he lived, when nature began to be studied instead of books, and the dreams of the schools. Hence arose the discoveries of the circulation of the blood, the absorbent system of the animal body, and the true theory of generation. To such improvements the investigations of Malpighi, relative to the anatomy and transformation of insects, particularly the silk-worm, and the developement of the chick in the egg, lent no small aid. From these inquiries he was led to the anatomy and physiology of plants, in which he is altogether an original, as well as a very profound, observer. His line of study was the same as that of Grew, but these philosophers laboured independent of each other, and their frequent coincidence evinces the accuracy of both.
, commonly called the marquis Malvezzi, an Italian writer of eminence, was born of a noble family at Bologna,
, commonly called the marquis
Malvezzi, an Italian writer of eminence, was born of a
noble family at Bologna, in 1599. After having finished
his classical and philosophical studies, he applied to the
law, and became a doctor in that faculty in 1616, although
not quite seventeen years of age. After this he cultivated
other sciences, and spent some time and pains upon physic, mathematics, and divinity. He even did not neglect
astrology; in favour of which he always entertained high
prejudices, although he affected outwardly to despise it.
Music and painting were also among the arts in which he
exercised himself for his amusement. He afterwards became a soldier, and served under the duke Feria, governor
of the Milanese. Philip the Fourth of Spain employed
him in several affairs, and admitted him into his council
of war. Letters, however, occupied a good part of his
time, and he was member of the academy of the Gelati at
Bologna. He was the author of several works in Spanish
and Italian: among the latter were, “Discourses upon
the first book of Tacitus’s Annals,
” which he composed at
the age of twenty-three, and dedicated to Ferdinand II.
great duke of Tuscany. There is a great shew of learning in it; too much, indeed, for there are many quotations
from the fathers and scripture, which have but little to do
with Tacitus and modern politics. There are also in it
certain logical distinctions, and subtile reasonings, which
savour of pedantry, and had better become a professor of
philosophy, than a writer upon government and stateaffairs. He died at Bologna, Aug. 11, 1654. His discourses upon Tacitus were translated and published in
English, by sir R. Baker, Lond. 1642, folio. His “Davide
” was translated by Robert Ashley, Romulus and Tarquin,
” by lord H. Gary,
Successi della monarchia di Spagna
by Robert Gentilis,
, an Italian grammarian, poet, and orator, was born atVelitri, in
, an Italian grammarian, poet,
and orator, was born atVelitri, in 1452. He taught classical learning in different parts of Italy with considerable
success. He published in 1492 a poem entitled “Silva
vitse suae,
” or an account of his own life, which Meuschenius reprinted, in 1735, in the first volume of his collection,
entitled “Vitae summorum dignitate et eruditione virorum.
” He was distinguished also by some other poems,
as “de Floribus, de Figuris, de Poetica virtute.
” 2. “Epigrams,
” published at Venice in
, an Italian poet of great temporary fame, was born at Mantua, whence
, an Italian poet of great temporary fame, was born at Mantua, whence he took his
name, in 1448, and not in 1444, as Cardan and others
have said; for Mantuan himself relates, in a short account
of his own life, that he was born under the pontificate of
Nicholas V. and Nicholas was only made pope in March
1447. He was of the illustrious family of the Spagnoli,
being a natural son of Peter Spagnolo, as we learn from
Paul Jovius, who was his countryman, and thirty-three
years old when Mantuan died, and therefore must have
known the fact. Mantuan too speaks frequently and highly,
in his works, of his father Peter Spagnolo, to whom he
ascribes the care of his education. In his youth, he applied himself ardently to books, and began early with Latin
poetry, which he cultivated all his life; for it does not appear that he wrote any thing in Italian. He entered himself, we do not know exactly when, among the Carmelites,
and came at length to be general of his order; which dignity, upon some disgust or other, he quitted in 1515, and
devoted himself entirely to the pursuit of the belles-lettres.
He did not enjoy his retirement long, for he died in March
1516, upwards of eighty years of age. The duke of Mantua, some years after, erected to his memory a marble
statue crowned with laurel, and placed it next to that of
Virgil; and even Erasmus went so far as to say that a
time would come, when Baptist Mantuan would not be
placed much below his illustrious countryman. In this
opinion few critics will now join. If he had possessed the
talents of Virgil, he had not his taste, and knew not how
to regulate them. Yet allowance is to be made, when we
consider that, in the age in which he lived, good taste had
not yet emerged. Liiius Gyraldiis, in his “Dialogues
upon the poets of his own times,
” says, “that the verses
which Mantuan wrote in his youth are very well; but that,
his imagination afterwards growing colder, his latter productions have not the force or vigour of his earlier.
” We
may add, that Mantuan was more solicitous about the
number than the goodness of his poems; yet, considering
that he lived when letters were but just reviving, it must
be owned, that he was a very extraordinary person.
His poetical works were first printed, in a folio volume
without a date, consisting of his eclogues, written chiefly in
his youth seven pieces in honour of the virgins inscribed on
the kalendar, beginning with the virgin Mary these he calls
” “Parthenissa II.
” &c. four books of Silvge,
or poems on different subjects; elegies, epistles, and, in
short, poems of every description. This was followed by
an edition at Bologna, 1502, folio, and by another at Paris
in 1513, with the commentaries of Murrho, Brant, and
Ascensius, 3 vols. fol. but usually bound in ne. A more
complete, but now more rare, edition of them was published at Antwerp, 1576, in four vols. 8vo, under this
title, “J. Baptistae Mantuani, Carmelitae, theologi, philosophi, ppetae, & oratoris clarissimi, opera omnia, pluribus
libris aucta & restituta.
” The Commentaries of the Paris
edition are omitted in this; but the editors have added, it
does not appear on what account, the name of John, to
Baptist Mantuan.
e appear, by Erasmus’s account, to have lived. D’Asola was rich; yet his table was, even for that of an Italian family, parsimoniously served: and Erasmus loved good
There are some curious circumstances in the history of
the acquaintance and connexion between Erasmus and
Aldus. The “Adagia
” of Polydore Vergil had been
printed at Venice, and well received in the world. Erasmus, aware of this fact, wrote from Bologna, to request
that Aldus would undertake the printing of his “Adagia.
Aldus readily agreed to the proposal, and invited Erasmus
upon it to Venice. When Erasmus came, it was not till
after some delay that he obtained admittance to the printer’s closet, whose servants were not aware of the stranger’s
Jiterary consequence. But Aldus no sooner knew that it
was Erasmus who waited for him, than he hastened to rer
ceive his visitor with open arms. He did more he stopped the progress, of several important Greek and Latin
works, which he had then in the press, to make room for
the printing of the great collection of Erasmus with the
desired, expedition. Erasmus was, in the mean time, entertained in the house of Andrew d‘Asola, father-in-law to
Aldus, with whom Aldus and his wife appear, by Erasmus’s
account, to have lived. D’Asola was rich; yet his table
was, even for that of an Italian family, parsimoniously
served: and Erasmus loved good cheer. The Dutchman
made frequent remonstrances to his friend Aldus, against
the thinness of the soups, the absence of solid animal food,
the weakness and sourness of the wine, the general scantiness of the whole provisions. The Italians, whose climate
and natural habits had taught them to live much more
sparingly than was usual for the Dutch and Germans, were
astonished and offended by his complaints. Some small
additions, such as a fowl or two, and perhaps half a dozen
eggs a week, were made on his account to the commons of
the family. But these dainties were sometimes intercepted
by the women in the kitchen, on their way to the table.
On the table, they were devoured by the rest who sat at it
still more eagerly than by Erasmus. And if he was not
absolutely starved, he wiis assuredly a good deal mortified
in his appetite for a glass of good wine and a mess of delicate and savoury meat, before he could see the printing
of his “Adagia
” entirely at an end. His humours and
complaints made him at length a very unpleasant inmate
to the family; while he was, on the other hand, dissatisfied still more, that his murmurs were not more complaisantly attended to. They parted with mutual dislike.
Erasmus wrote afterwards his dialogue, which has the title
of “Opulentia Sordida,
” in ridicule of the parsimonious
spirit, and the scantily-served table of Andrea D'Asola.
Aldus and his successors, whenever they, after this time,
reprinted any work by Erasmus, avoided to mention his
name, and gave him simply the appellation of “Transalpinus quidain homo.
Aldus, not thinking that he did enough for the interests
of literature, in printing, for the first time, so many excellent books in the Latin, Greek, and Italian languages,
gave, in his Latin grammar, in 1501, a short introduction
to the knowledge of the Hebrew tongue; and even proposed to give a beautiful edition of the original Hebrew of
the sacred Scriptures, with the Septuagint and the Vulgate
Latin versions. Of this, however, he was diverted from
printing more than a specimen sheet. That sheet, now ia
the royal library at Paris, exhibits the text in the three
different languages, each occupying one of three parallel
columns on the same page. It is to be regretted that
Aldus should have been hindered from completing a design
so noble.
, an Italian, famous for letters as well as arms, was descended from
, an Italian, famous for letters as well as arms, was descended from an ancient and noble family, and born at Bologna in 1658. He was educated with great care, and instructed in all the arts and sciences by the best masters in Italy; learning mathematics of Borelli, anatomy of Malpighi, &c. He went to Constantinople in 167S); and, as he had destined himself for the military profession, he contrived to take a view of the Ottoman forces, and made other observations of a like nature. He examined at the same time, as a philosopher, the Thracian Bosphorus, and its currents. He returned to Italy in 1680; and, the Turks soon after threatening an irruption into Hungary, he went to Vienna, to offer his service to the emperor Leopold II. which was readily accepted. Discovering great knowledge in fortifications and in the science of war, he had the command of a company conferred on him in 1683; and the same year, after a very sharp action, fell unfortunately into the hands of the Tartars. He was sold by them to two Turks, with whom he suffered great hardships; but at length, conveying intelligence of his situation to his friends, who had believed him dead, he was redeemed, and returned to Bologna towards the latter end of 1684. He went again into Germany, was employed by the emperor in several military expeditions, and made a colonel in 1639. A reverse of fortune afterwards overtook him. In the general war which broke out in 1701, on account of the Spanish, succession, the important fortress of Brisac surrendered to the duke of Burgundy, Sept. 6, 1703, thirteen days after the trenches were open: and it being judged that the place was capable of holding out much longer, the consequence was, that count d‘Arco, who commanded, lost his head; and Marsigli, who was then advanced to be a marshal, was stripped of all his honours and commissions, and had his sword broken over him. This sentence was executed on Feb. 18 following. He afterwards attempted to justify the surrender before the emperor; but, not being able to get admittance, he published a memorial, the purport of which was to shew, that long before the siege of Brisac, it had been represented and proved, that the place could not be defended for any long time. It was in fact the geneEfd opinion that d’Arco and he had been sacrificed, to exculpate the prince of Baden, who had posted a numerous artillery in a bad situation, and with a very weak garrison. When Marsigli went afterwards into France, and appeared at court without a sword, the king presented him with that which he himself wore, and assured him cf his favour.
elieved to have been the cause of lord Darnly’s death, in order to revenge the loss of David Rizzio, an Italian musician, supposed her gallant, and whom lord Darnly
In Feb. 1567, the new king of Scotland was murdered
in a very barbarous manner, by the contrivance of the earl
of Murray, who was the queen’s illegitimate brother; and,
in May following she was married to John Hepburn, earl
of Bothwell, a man of an ambitious temper and dissolute
manners, and who in reality had been lord Darnly’s murderer. From this time a series of infelicities attended her
to the end of her life. The different views and interests of
the nobility, clergy, and gentry, in regard to religious
and political affairs, had so broken the peace of the kingdom, that all things appeared in the greatest disorder and
confusion. The earl of Bothwell was forced to fly into
Denmark to save his life; the queen was seized, carried
prisoner to Lochleven, and was treated on the road with
such scorn and contempt, as her own personal dignity
might, one would think, have prevented. She was conveyed to the provost’s lodgiogs, and committed to the
care of Murray’s mother; who, “having been James
the Fifth’s concubine, insulted much,
” says Camden, “over
the unfortunate and afflicted =queen, boasting that she was
the lawful wife of James the Fifth, and that her son Murray
was his lawful issue.
” What aggravated Mary’s misfortunes was, that she was believed to have been the cause of
lord Darnly’s death, in order to revenge the loss of David
Rizzio, an Italian musician, supposed her gallant, and
whom lord Darnly had killed on that account. Be this as
it will, when queen Elizabeth heard of this treatment of
the queen of Scots, she seemed fired with indignation at
it; and sent sir Nicholas Throgmorton into Scotland, to
expostulate with the conspirators, and to consult by what
means she might be restored to her liberty. But Elizabeth,
as we have noticed in her article, was by no means in.
earnest: she was not the friend to the queen of Scots which
she pretended to be; and, if not in some measure the contriver of these troubles, there is great reason to think that
she secretly rejoiced at them. When queen Elizabeth was
crowned, the queen of Scots had assumed the arms and
title of the kingdom of England, 'an indignity Elizabeth
could never forget, as not thinking herself quite safe while
Mary harboured such pretensions.
, an Italian philologer and antiquary, was born in 1684, at Santa
, an Italian philologer and antiquary, was born in 1684, at Santa Maria, a
village near Capua. He was ordained priest in 1709, and
became professor of the Greek and Hebrew languages in
the archiepiscopal seminary at Naples. In 1711 he was
made a canon of Capua: and successively theological professor at Naples, and royal interpreter of the Holy Scriptures. He is said through humility to have refused the
archbishopric of Rossano, which was offered to him by the
king. He died in 1771. Mazoclu wrote many works,
particularly on the subjects of ancient inscriptions, and of
medals. He published, 1. “Commentarium in mutilum
Campanioe Atnphitheatri titulum, aliasque nonnullas Inscriptiones,
” Neapoli, Ad Bernardum Tanuccium Epistola de
dedicatione sub ascia,
” Neap. Commentarium in vetus marmoreuin S. Neap. Eccles. Calendarium,
Neap. Notes on the New Testament.
5. “Dissertations on the Poetry of the Hebrews.
” 6.
“Antiquities of the Campagna of Rome.
” He left besides
in manuscript, a book on the origin of the city of Capua.
, an Italian poet, was born at Florence in 1646, of poor and humble
, an Italian poet, was born at
Florence in 1646, of poor and humble parents. Notwithstanding the disadvantage of his circumstances, he began
his studies under Miglioraccio, and pursued them with ardour; till, being noticed for his talents by Vincentio SaU
viati, he, was removed from the difficulties of poverty, received into the house of that patron, and encouraged to
indulge his genius in writing. In 1674, he inscribed a
volume of poems to Cosmo III. of Medicis, but obtained
Do great approbation from that depraved man. In 1679,
he published a book, entitled “Construzione irregolare
della linga Toscana;
” on the irregular construction of the
Tuscan language; and, in the following year, a volume of
lyric poems, by way of illustrating his own precepts. His
first patron seems now to have deserted him, or not to have
afforded him sufficient support, for we find hirn at this
period, after several disappointments, and particularly that
of not obtaining a professorship at Pisa, venting his discontent in twelve satires. These, however, were not published in his life, but given to a friend, Paulo Falconeri.
When they did appear, they went through several editions.
In 1685, Menzini obtained the notice and patronage of
Christina queen of Sweden, whom he celebrated in Latin
as well as in Italian. Under her protection he lived at
Rome, and enjoyed the best period of his life. It was at
this period, in 1688, that he published his “Arte Poetiea,
which he dedicated to cardinal Azzolini. Being always
more or less in want, owing to mismanagement, he contrived
by these dedications to lay some of the chief nobility of
his country under contribution: but he did not so succeed
with cardinal Atestini, who received his dedication of “II
Paradiso terrestre,
” without granting him any remuneration. As he had a wonderful vein of ready eloquence, one
of his resources was that of composing sermons for
preachers who were not equally able to supply themselves.
To this there is an allusion in one of the satires of his con<temporary Sectanus.
, an Italian of very uncommon talents and learning, was born at Alexandria,
, an Italian of very uncommon talents and learning, was born at Alexandria, in the duchy
of Milan, about 1420. His family name was Merlani,
which he exchanged for Merula. He was the disciple of
Philephus, and taught polite literature at Venice and at
Milan for forty years, and laboured with great success in
restoring and correcting ancient authors. Jovius calls him
“Grammaticorum exactissimus,
” the most exact of grammarians and Erasmus, in his “Ciceronianus,
” represents
him as a man, who translated the Greek authors with a
dignity and elegance sufficient to rank him with many of
the ancients. He died at Milan in 1494. His original
works are of the historical kind, the most distinguished of
which is his “Antiquitates Vicecomiturn, lib. X.
” fol. without place or date, but printed at Milan about the beginning of the sixteenth century. This only extends to the
death of Matthew, whom the Italians are accustomed to call
*' the Great.“The style is pure, but he has adopted too
many of the fabulous reports of the old chronicles, and is
in other respects incorrect as to dates and facts. It is not,
however, to this, or his other historical pieces that he owes
his reputation, which was more substantially built on the
aid he gave in the restoration of classical learning, as one
of the first editors of ancient authors. It is to him we are
indebted for the first edition, collectively, of the
” Scriptores de re Rustica,“Gato, Varro, Columella, and Palladius, which he published at Venice, 1472, fol. with notes.
He also published the first edition of Plautus, at Venice,
1472, fol. and assisted in the publication of the early
editions of Juvenal, Martial, and Ausonius, and translated
several of the Greek authors. His Juvenal is entitled
” Enarrationes Satyrarum Juvenalis, per GeorgiumMerulam
Alexandrinum," Tarvisii (Trevigny) 1478, fol.
the first duty of a writer, in prose or verse, is to be understood. “The style of Metastasio,” says an Italian critic, “never fails to please those who give way to
Thus lived Metastasio. Always employed in writing,
sometimes by imperial, sometimes by regal command: always anxious about the merit of his productions, and
always composing such as ought to have removed all
anxiety. He died, after a short illness, on the 12th of
April, 1782, being just eighty-four. Farinelli, aletterto
whom, from mademoiselle Martinetz, gives the most exact account of his death, lived only to September of the
same year. Metastasio was interred in the parish church
of St. Michael, in Vienna. His funeral rites were performed with splendor by signior Joseph Martinetz, whom
he had made his heir. The inheritance he left, “consisted
in a well furnished habitation, a coach, horses, a great
quantity of princely presents, a very ample and select collection of books, with a capital of 130,000 florins; from,
which, however, were to be deducted twenty thousand for
each of Metastasio’s sisters, and three thousand for each of
his younger brothers.
” The circumstances of his life are
chiefly preserved by means of his letters, a large collection of which has been published; and they are used by
his English biographer for amplifying the narrative. His
correspondents are among the most extraordinary men of
his time, and, in all points of view, his character was respectable, and indeed amiable. His life has frequently
been written, and his works appear united in editions published in several parts of Europe. He was an enemy to
that pompous, verbose, and obscure style which prevailed
in his country a few years ago; and he was persuaded that
the first duty of a writer, in prose or verse, is to be understood. “The style of Metastasio,
” says an Italian critic, “never fails to please those who give way to their own
feelings, more than persons of profound meditation; and
I would rather be accused of partiality to him whom I venerate and love, than ranked with cold philosophers and
deep thinkers, whom I may respect but cannot love.
” He
regarded “Atilio Regolo,
” as his best opera; “Betnlia
” as his best oratorio; and “Artaserse,
” as the
most fortunate of his dramas; for, however set or sung, it
was always successful. To give a list of his works, as they
are always found collectively, would be superfluous. Dr.
Burney has given one that is very ample, and arranged in
chronological order, with the character and peculiarities of
each. Hence it appears, that he produced twenty- six
operas, eight oratorios, or sacred dramas, besides occasional pieces, such as we should call masques, in great
numbers; with cantatas, canzonets, sonnets, and every
kind of miscellaneous poetry. He wrote also, some translations from classics; an excellent analysis of Aristotle’s
poetics, entitled “Estrato delP Arte Poetica d'Aristotile,
et consideration! sur la medesima;
” with short accounts of
all the Greek dramas, tragic and comic, and his own critical remarks. Few authors have been more prolific, and
none, perhaps, so completely successful in every effort of
the mind. It is a pleasing reflection that Metastasio was
always as much beloved for his amiable qualities, as admired for those by which he was constituted a poer, and
one of the most enchanting of all poets. Perfectly master
of the resources of his art, he reduced the opera to rules.
He banished from it machines, and other improbabilities,
which amuse the eye without affecting the heart;
substitnting natural situations of interesting personages, which
often produce the full effect of tragedy. His actions are
great, his characters well conceived and supported, and
his plots conducted with address. There are scenes of
Metastasio’s, says Voltaire, worthy of Corneille when he
avoids declamation, or of Racine when he is not languid.
Never, therefore, was patronage better bestowed than that
of Gravina; and though such talents could not have been
hidden, their early maturity and final perfection must be
in a great part attributed to the culture and attentions of
that able master.
, an Italian botanist of great celebrity, particularly in what is
, an Italian botanist of
great celebrity, particularly in what is now called the cryptogamic department, was born at Florence, December 11,
1679. His parents were indigent, and took but little care
of his education. He is said, nevertheless, to have been
destined to the occupation of a bookseller, but an insatiable thirst after natural knowledge over-ruled all other objects, and his good character, and distinguished ardour,
soon procured him the notice and favour of the marquis
Cosmo da Castiglione, in whose family a taste for botany
has been almost hereditary, and for whom Micheli in his
early youth made a collection of Umbelliferous plants,
which even then proved his accuracy and discernment.
This gentleman introduced him to the celebrated count
Lawrence Magalotti, by whom he was presented to his sovereign, the grand duke Cosmo III. The “Institutiones
Itei Herbanae
” of Tournefort had just appeared at Paris;
and the first pledge of the grand duke’s favour, was a present of that book, which to Micheli, who had hitherto
found the want of some systematic guide, was a most important and welcome acquisition. He speedily adopted
the tone of his leader, with respect to generic distinctions
and definitions, and improved upon him in a more frequent
adaptation of original specific ones.
i, to whom he always confided the revision of his Latin works, before publication, and who delivered an Italian oration in his praise, in the council chamber of the
Micheli continued his scientific studies, as well as his
bodily exertions in frequent journies. The fruit of the
former was the publication of his great work, entitled
“Nova Plantarum Genera,