, son of the preceding, was born at Upsal in 1660, and under his father’s direction studied
, son of the preceding, was born
at Upsal in 1660, and under his father’s direction studied
medicine, botany, and antiquities. He took his doctor’s
degree at Utrecht, in 1690, publishing on that occasion
an able dissertation, “De fundamental! Plantarum Notiti-3.
rite acquirenda.
” In this he asserts the necessity of arranging and distinguishing the genera of plants by their
fructification alone, and prefers such leading principles as
are derived from the fruit, rather than from the corolla.
He rejects habit, colour, sensible qualities, time of flowering, &c. on which so much stress has been laid by superficial observers; while, on the other hand, he declines being implicitly led by the more abstruse principles of certain
more philosophical botanists. He had previously, at Upsal,
in 1686, defended a thesis “De Propagatione Plantarum, 1 *
which is less original, though highly creditable as a school
exercise. In 1695, he set out from Upsal on a tour to
Lapland, accompanied by two sons of count Gyllenborg,
After his return he prepared a very ample account of his
journey, having made a number of drawings for the pur*
pose. The first part, published in 1701, in Latin and
Swedish, is dedicated to king Charles XII. in a Latin, as
well as Swedish, poem, and ornamented with a magnificent
wood-cut of the Pedicularis Sceptrum-Carolinum. But this
volume, a thin 4to, goes no further than the province of
Upland. The rest of the materials, except a collection of
drawings of plants, which still exist, and perhaps rather
belong to the
” Campi Elysii,“seem to have perished in
the fire of Upsal. Such indeed was the fate of most of the
copies of the work just mentioned, entitled
” Laponia illusr
trata," which is therefore an extremely scarce book.
tive of Hertfordshire, and took his name from Rudborne, a village near St. Alban’s; but Wood says he was born at Rodburne in Wiltshire. He studied at Merton college,
, bishop of
St. David’s in the fifteenth century, was, according to
Fuller, a native of Hertfordshire, and took his name from
Rudborne, a village near St. Alban’s; but Wood says he
was born at Rodburne in Wiltshire. He studied at Merton
college, Oxford, and became one of the greatest mathematicians of his day, and an able architect. He built the gateway and fine tower of Merton college, and probably the
chapel, for that seems improperly given to bishop Rede.
He was so much esteemed, that Henry V. who became acquainted with him when a student at Queen’s college, afterwards appointed him his chaplain, on his going to Franc
previous to the battle of Agincourt. He received some
ecclesiastical preferments, as the prebend of Horton in the
church of Salisbury, the living of East Deping in Lincolnshire, and the archdeaconry of Sudbury. He served the
office of proctor in the university, and was elected chancellor, but Wood thinks that if he accepted this office, he
did not retain it long. In 1426 he was admitted warden of
Merton college, which he appears to have resigned the following year. In 1433 he was promoted to the see of St.
David’s, from which the king, Henry VI. would have translated him to Ely; but Wood says, “could not effect it.
He died about 1442. The tower and chapel of Merton
will long remain monuments of his skill and taste. He was
also a benefactor to the first public library in Oxford. Like
the majority in his day, he was an opponent of the first attempts at reformation in religion, and in 1411 was one of
the commissioners for suppressing Wickliff’s doctrines and
writings. He wrote, according to Bale, a “Chronicle,
and some epistles “ad Thomam Waldenem et alios.
” He
must be distinguished from the Thomas Rudborne, whose
“Historia Major Wintoniensis
” is printed by Wharton in
vol. I. of his “Anglia Sacra,
” who was, however, a monk
of Winchester about the middle of the same century, but
survived bishop Rudborne.
, a very eminent grammarian and critic, was born in October 1674, at Raggel, in the parish of Boyndie and
, a very eminent grammarian
and critic, was born in October 1674, at Raggel, in the
parish of Boyndie and county of Banff, Scotland. His father, James Ruddiman, was a farmer, and so strongly attached to the house of Stuart, as to shed tears on the death
of Charles If. His son was educated in Latin grammar at
the parish-school of Boyndie, and quickly surpassed his
class-fellows in vigour of application. At the age of sixteen
he was desirous of going to the university, and when his
father opposed this inclination, because he thought him too
young, he set out, without his knowledge, to King’s college, Aberdeen, and obtained by his skill in Latin, the
first exhibition, or bursary, as it is there called, of that
year. After studying at this college for four years, he obtained the degree of master of arts. Though he was only
twenty years of age when he left Aberdeen, it appears from
a book entitled, “Rhetoricorum Libri tres,
” composed
before this period, but never published, that he had then
read the Roman classics with uncommon attention and advantage.
, a French orator and poet, was born at Paris in 1643, and educated in the Jesuits’ college,
, a French orator and poet, was born at Paris in 1643, and educated in the Jesuits’ college, where he afterwards became professor of humanity and rhetoric. In 1667, when only twenty-four, he wrote a Latin poem, upon the conquests of Lewis XIV. which was thought so excellent, that Peter Corneille translated it into French, and presented it to the king; apologizing, at the same time, for not being able to convey to his majesty the beauties of the original. No introduction could be more favourable, and the king shewed him singular respect ever after. He was one of those who had the care of the Delphine editions of the classics; and Virgil was allotted to him, which he published with good notes, and a,correct life of the author, in 1675, 4to. He published also panegyrics, funeral orations, and sermons, which shew him to have been a very great orator: but his master-piece is a funeral oration for the prince of Luxembourg. There are also tragedies of his writing in Latin and French, which had the approbation of Corneille, and therefore cannot be without merit; but he would not suffer them to be performed. A collection of his Latin poems was published at Paris, in 1680, in 12mo, and at Antwerp in 1693. He died at Paris May 27, 1725, in his eighty-second year.
, the historian of Marseilles, was born there in 1607, and bred to the law. Being appointed counsellor
, the historian of Marseilles, was
born there in 1607, and bred to the law. Being appointed
counsellor to the seneschalcy of his native place, he practised in that court for some years, and with a scrupulous
integrity rather uncommon; for we are told that on one
occasion when, by his own neglect, a client had lost his
cause, he sent him a sum of money equivalent to that loss.
He was a man of learning, and a good antiquary, and employed much of his time in collecting materials for his
“History of Marseilles,
” which he published in Dissertations Historiques et Critiques sur POrigine des Comtes des Provence,
de Venaissin, de Forcalquier, et des Vicomtes de Marseille
” and in Une Dissertation.
Historique, Chronologique, et Critique sur les Evéques de
” Both these were intended as preludes to more
elaborate works on the subject, which he was prevented
from completing by his death, March 26, 1724, in the
sixty-sixth year of his age.
, orRUFINUS, a very celebrated priest of Aquileia, called by some Toranius, was born about the middle of the fourth century, at Concordia, a
, orRUFINUS, a very celebrated priest of
Aquileia, called by some Toranius, was born about the
middle of the fourth century, at Concordia, a small city in
Italy. He retired to a monastery in Aquileia, and devoted
himself wholly to reading and meditating on the sacred
scriptures and the writings of the holy fathers. St. Jerome
passing that way became much attached to him, and vowed
an indissoluble friendship. When St. Jerome retired into
the east some years after, Ruffinus, inconsolable for their
separation, resolved to quit Aquileia in search of his friend.
He accordingly embarked for Egypt, visited the hermits
who inhabited the deserts, and having been told much of
the chamy of St. Melania the elder, had the satisfaction of
seeing ner at Alexandria, where he went to hear the celebrated Didymus. The piety which Melania observed in
Ruffinus induced her to make him her confident, which he
continued to be while they remained iti the East, which was
about thirty years. But the Arians, who ruled in the reign
of Valens, raised a cruel persecution against Ruffinus, cast
him into a dungeon, and loaded him with chains, where he
suffered the torments of hunger and thirst, and they afterwards banished him to the most desolate part of Palestine.
Melania ransomed him, with several other exiles, and returned to Palestine with him. It was at this period, that
St. Jerome, supposing Ruffinus would go directly to Jerusalem, wrote to a friend in that city to congratulate him
on the occasion, in the following terms: “You will see
the marks of holiness shine in the person of Ruffinus,
whereas I am but his dust. It is enough for my weak eyes
to support the lustre of his virtues. He has lately been
further purified in the crucible of persecution, and is now
whiter than snow, while I am defiled with all manner of
” Ruffinus built a monastery on mount Olivet, converted numbers of sinners, re-united to the church above
400 solitaries, who had engaged in the schism of Antioch,
and persuaded several Macedonians and Arians to renounce
their errors. He, at the same time, translated such Greek
books as appeared to him the most interesting; but his
translations of Origen’s works, particularly “the Book of
” occasioned that rupture between him and St.
Jerome, which made so much noise in the church, and so
deeply afflicted St. Augustine, and all the great men of
their time. Ruffinus was cited to Rome by pope Anastatius, who is said to have condemned his translation of
“the Book of principles.
” Being accused of heresy, he
published some very orthodox apologies, which discover
great ingenuity. His chief plea was, “That he meant to
be merely a translator, without undertaking to support or
defend any thing reprehensible in Origen’s works.
” He
went afterwards into 'Sicily, and died there about the
year 410. He translated from Greek into Latin, “Josephus;
” “The Ecclesiastical History,
” by Eusebius, to
which he added, two books; several of Origen’s writings,
with his “Apology
” by St. Pamphilius; ten of St. Gregory
of Nazianzen’s Discourses, and eight of St. Basil’s, in all
which he has been accused of taking great liberties, and
in some of them acknowledges it. He has also left a Tract
in defence of Origen; two “Apologies
” against St. Jerome; “Commentaries
” on Jacob’s Benedictions, on
Hosea, Joel, and Amos; several “Lives of the Fathers of the
” and “An Exposition of the Creed,
” which has
always been valued. His works were printed at Paris, 1580,
fol.; but the “Commentary on the Psalms,
” which bears
his name, was not written by him. The abbe“Gervase has
published a
” Life of Ruffinus," 2 vols. 12mo.
, a law and miscellaneous writer, was born about 1723 in Piccadilly, where his father was his majesty’s
, a law and miscellaneous writer,
was born about 1723 in Piccadilly, where his father was
his majesty’s baker, and having bought a lottery ticket for
Owen, when in his infancy, which was drawn a prize of
500l. he determined to expend it upon his education for
the profession of the law. He was accordingly entered of
the Middle Temple, and by studying here, as well as at
school, with great diligence, became a good general scholar, and an acute barrister, although he never arrived
at great eminence in his profession. He endeavoured,
however, to form some political connexions; and when, in
1757, Murphy wrote a periodical paper, in favour of Mr.
Henry Fox, afterwards lord Holland, called “The Test,
Ruffhead setup another, in opposition, called “The ConTest.
” Dr. Johnson, who then conducted ths “Literary
” after giving a few of both these papers, adds,
“Of these papers of the Test and Con-test, we have given
a very copious specimen, and hope that we shall give no
more. The debate seems merely personal, no one topic
of general import having been yet attempted. Of the motives of the author of the Test, whoever he be, I believe,
every man who speaks honestly, speaks with abhorrence.
Of the Con-test, which, being defensive, is less blameable,
I have yet heard no great commendation. The language
is that of a man struggling after elegance, and catching
finery in its stead; the author of the Con-test is more
knowing of wit neither can boast in the Test it is frequently attempted, but always by mean and despicable
imitations, without the least glimmer of intrinsic light,
without a single effort of original thought.
” Ruffhead
wrote other pamphlets on temporary political subjects, the
last of which was a defence of the conduct of administration in the affair of Wilkes, entitled “The case of the late
Election for the county of Middlesex considered,
” in answer to sir William Meredith’s pamphlet on the same subject. Of his law writings, the first was a continuation of
Cay’s “Statutes
” to the 13 George III. 9 vols. fol. and
the second an edition of the Statutes, which goes under
his own name, which he did not live to publish, as it appeared in 1771, but which has been since regularly continued, making 13 vols. 4to. For this, or his political services, he was about to have been promoted to the place of
one of the secretaries of the Treasury, when he died Oct.
25, 1769, in his forty-sixth year.
, the author of a celebrated dramatic satire, was born at Lavenham in Suffolk, where his father was a clothier,
, the author of a celebrated dramatic satire, was born at Lavenham in Suffolk, where his father was a clothier, probably in November 1575. He was educated at the free grammar school of Lavenham, and made such progress, that great hopes were entertained of the advantages he might derive from an university education, which his father was encouraged to give him. He was accordingly admitted of St. John’s college, Cambridge, June 26, J 589, but foreseeing no chance of a maintenance there, removed to Trinity college, and obtained a scholarship in 1593, about which time he probably took the degree of B. A. as he did that of M. A. in 1597, and entered into holy orders. From Trinity he removed to Clare-hall, and was elected a fellow of that society, to which afterwards he was a benefactor.
, a French theologian, was born at Rheims, June 10, 1657, and became a Benedictine monk
, a French theologian, was born
at Rheims, June 10, 1657, and became a Benedictine
monk in 1674. He studied the scriptures, the fathers, and
ecclesiastical writers, in so masterly a way, that Mabillon
chose him for a companion in his literary labours. He
shewed himself not unworthy of the good opinion Mabillon
had conceived of him, when he published, in 1689, “Acta
Primorurn Martyrum,
” &c. 4to, meaning the martyrs of the
first four centuries. In a preface to this work, he endeavours to refute a notion, which our Dodwell had advanced
in a piece “De paucitate Martyrum,
” inserted among his
“Dissertationes Cyprianicae.
” A new edition of this
work, with alterations and additions, was printed ie 1713,
folio. Ruinart publisnec other learned works, as *' Hist,
persecutionis Vandalicae,“”Jtor Literariinn in Alsatiam et
Lotharingiain,“&c.; and assisted Mabillon, whom he survived,
and whose life he wrote, in the publication of the acts of
the saints, and annals of their order. He gave alsc -in excellent edition of the works of
” Gregory of Tours, it
Paris, 1699, in folio. When Mabillon died, in 1707, he
was appointed to continue the work in which he had jointly
laboured with him; upon which he travelled to Champagne, in quest of new memoirs, but on his return to Pads
died Sept. 24, 1707.
, a doctor of physic in the university of Hanau, and a member of the academy of naturalists, was born at Hanau in 1637. He went to Amboyna, and became consul
, a doctor of physic in the
university of Hanau, and a member of the academy of
naturalists, was born at Hanau in 1637. He went to Amboyna, and became consul and senior merchant there, which
did not prevent his employing his leisure moments in collecting the plants of that country; being so fond of botany
as to acquire great skill in it without any instruction. Although he lost his sight at the age of forty-three, he could
discover the nature and shape of a plant by his taste and
feeling. He comprised all the plants which he had collected in the country where he settled, in twelve books,
and dedicated them to the governor and council of the India
company in 1690. They were not, however, printed then;
but John Burman published them from 1740 to 1750, 7
vols. fol. which have commonly the date of 1751, under
the title of “Herbarium Amboinense,
” Hortus Malabaricus,
” are generally not
more than half the size of nature. The original drawings
still in existence are said to be very fine. Rumph also
left, “Imagines piscium testaceorum,
” Leyden, The political History of Amboyna,
which has never been printed, but a copy is deposited in
the India company’s chest at Amsterdam, and another at
, a Scotch painter, was born at Edinburgh in 1736, where his father, who was an architect,
, a Scotch painter, was born
at Edinburgh in 1736, where his father, who was an architect, probably taught him some of the principles of his art.
Mr. Fuseli says he served an apprenticeship to a coachpainter, and “acquired a practice of brush, a facility of
penciling, and much mechanic knowledge of colour, be^
fore he had attained any correct notions of design.
” The
Scotch account, on the other hand, says he was placed as
an apprentice to John and Robert Norries, the former of
whom was a celebrated landscape painter (no-where upon record, however,) and under his instructions Runciman
made rapid improvement in the art. From 1755 he painted
landscapes on his own account, and in 1760 attempted historical works. About 1766 he accompanied or soon followed his younger brother John, who had excited much
livelier expectations of his abilities as an artist, to Rome;
where John, who was of a delicate and consumptive habit,
soon fell a victim to the climate, and his obstinate exertions
in art. Alexander continued his studies under the patronage and with the support of sir James Clerk, a Scottish
baronet, and gave a specimen of his abilities before his
departure, in a picture of considerable size, representing
Ulysses surprising Nausica at play with her maids: it exhibited, with the defects and manner of Giulio Romano in
style, design, and expression, a tone, a juice, and breadth
of colour, resembling Tintoretto. At his return to Scotland in 1771, Runciman was employed by his patron to
decorate the hall at Pennecuik, with a series of subjects
from Ossian; in the course of some years he was made
master of a public institution for promoting design, and
died Oct. 21, 1785. Jacob More, the landscape-painter,
who died at Rome, was his pupil; and John Brown, celebrated for design, his friend. One of his capital pictures
is the Ascension, an altar-piece in the episcopal chapel,
Edinburgh; another a Lear, which, with his Andromeda
and “Agrippina landing with the ashes of Germanicus,
are highly praised by his countrymen. Edwards mentions
having seen two etchings by this artist, the one “Sigismunda weeping over the heart of Tancred;
” the other
riew of Edinburgh, which is executed with great spirit and
, LL. D. an English divine, and bishop of Derry in Ireland, was born in the parish of Milton-Abbot, near Tavistock, in Devonshire,
, LL. D. an English divine, and
bishop of Derry in Ireland, was born in the parish of
Milton-Abbot, near Tavistock, in Devonshire, about 1686,
of what family is not known. He was educated at the freeschool of Exeter, under the care of Mr. John Reynolds,
uncle to the celebrated painter sir Joshua Reynolds. In
1702 he was removed to Exeter college, Oxford, and
about this time his friend and fellow collegian, Joseph
Taylor, esq. (father of Thomas Taylor, of Denbury, esq.)
introduced him to Mr. Edward Talbot, of Oriel college,
the second son of Dr. William Talbot, at that time bishop
of Oxford. This event was of great importance in his
future life, as it secured him the friendship and patronage
of the Talbot family, to whom he owed all his promotion.
Recommenced bachelor of civil laws in July 1710, and
two years afterwards became acquainted with the celebrated
Whiston, and was inclined to adopt his notions as to reviving what he called primitive Christianity. Mr. Whiston,
who has given us many particulars respecting bishop Rundie in his “Memoirs of his own Life,
” says that Mr.
Rundie, before he entered into holy orders, became so
disgusted at the corrupt state of the church, and at the
tyranny of the ecclesiastical laws, that he sometimes declared against obeying them, even where they were in
themselves not unlawful, which, adds Whiston, “was farther than 1 could go with him.
” The truth seems to have
been, as stated by bishop Rundle’s late biegrapher, that
the singular character of Whiston, his profound erudition,
and disinterested attachment to the doctrines of Arius,
supported by an ostensible love of truth, were likely to
attract the notice of young men who, in the ardour of free
inquiry, did not immediately perceive the pernicious tendency of their new opinions.
third son of the king of Bohemia, by the princess Elizabeth, eldest daughter of James I. of England, was born 1619, and educated, like most German princes, for the army
, third son of the king of Bohemia, by the princess Elizabeth, eldest daughter of James I. of England, was born 1619, and educated, like most German princes, for the army and those who have been least inclined to favour him, admit that he was well adapted, both by natural abilities and acquired endowments, to form a great commander. On the commencement of the rebellion, which happened when he was scarcely of age, he offered his services to Charles I. and throughout the whole war behaved with great intrepidity. But his courage was of that kind which is better calculated for attack than defence, and is less adapted to the land service than that of the sea, where precipitate valour, Granger observes, is in its element. He seldom engaged but he gained the advantage, which he generally lost by pushing it too far. He was better qualified to storm a citadel, or even mount a breach, than patiently to sustain a siege, and would have been an excellent assistant to a general of a cooler head. In consideration of his services, for which we refer to the general histories of the times, and on account of his affinity to him, king Charles made him a knight of the garter, and a free denizen, and advanced him to the dignity of a peer of England, by the title of earl of Holdernesse and duke of Cumberland.
, an eminent American physician, was born near Bristol, in the state of Pennsylvania, Jan. 5, 1745.
, an eminent American physician,
was born near Bristol, in the state of Pennsylvania, Jan. 5,
1745. His ancestors, quakers, were of the number of
those who followed the celebrated William Penn to Pennsylvania, in 1683, His father dying while Benjamin was
yet young, his education devolved upon his mother, who
placed him, at an early age, under the direction of the
late rev. Samuel Finley, at West Nottingham, in Chester
county, Pennsylvania, by whom he was taught the rudiments of classical knowledge. From this academy he was
removed to the college of Princeton, where he finished his
classical education, and was admitted to the degree of
A. B. in 1760, when he had not yet completed his sixteenth
year. He was now left to choose a profession, and having
given the preference to the science and practice of medicine, he placed himself under the care of the late Dr. John
Redman, of Philadelphia, a gentleman who had deservedly
obtained an extensive share of professional business, and
who was justly considered an excellent practitioner. With
Dr. Redman young Rush continued some time, zealously
engaged in the acquisition of the several branches of medicine; but as no institution for the purpose of medical instruction was then established in Philadelphia, he came over
to Edinburgh, and there took his doctor’s degree in 1768,
after having performed the usual collegiate duties with
much honour, and published his inaugural dissertation
“De Concoctione Ciborum in Ventriculo.
” In this performance he candidly acknowledged himself indebted, for
many of the opinions which he advanced, to his distinguished teacher Dr. Cullen.
, a Roman catholic writer, was born in Lancashire, and after being instructed in the classics
, a Roman catholic writer, was
born in Lancashire, and after being instructed in the classics at school, was admitted of Brazenose college, Oxford,
about 1568, where he took his degree of A. B. in 1572.
Next year, being a Roman catholic, he left the university,
and joined his countrymen of that persuasion at Doway,
where he pursued his studies, and took his degrees in divinity. In 1577, he was sent to Rome, and ordained priest,
and appointed to go to England as a missionary. Here,
however, he was taken up and sentenced to die, but after
four years imprisonment, this was commuted for banishment, in 1585. He then went abroad, and was about to
receive his academical honours at Lovaine, when he died
there of the plague in 1586. He was the first publisher of
Sanders’s book, “De schismate Anglicano,
” Synopsis rerurn ecclesiasticarum
ad annum Christi 1577,
” for the use of the students at
Doway, ecclesiastical history being much his study and a
“Profession of Faith.
, physician to the English factory at Aleppo, was born at Edinburgh, and by his father devoted, at an early period,
, physician to the English factory
at Aleppo, was born at Edinburgh, and by his father devoted,
at an early period, to medicine. After studying grammar,
he spent two) ears in the university, and was then>laced
under the care of his uncle, an eminent practitioner in
physic. In 1732, 3, and 4, he continued his studies under
the professors of Edinburgh, till the time of his coming to
London, from which place he embarked for Turkey in 1740,
and settled at Aleppo. Here he assiduously applied himself to acquire a knowledge of the language, and to form
an intimate acquaintance with the most experienced practitioners; but he soon attained a superior distinction, and
was consulted by all ranks and professions, Franks, Greeks,
Armenians, Jews, and even Turks themselves. The Pascha of Aleppo particularly admitted him to his familiarity
and confidence, which enabled Dr. Russel to render the
most important services to the factory; the Pascha, indeed,
die] not fail to consult him in every act of importance, and
many of the criminals who were natives owed their lives to
Dr. Russet’s interposition. The Pascha carried his esteem
for him so far, that he sent some valuable presents to his
aged father, saying to him, “I am obliged for your friendship and assistance.
” His valuable “History of Aleppo
was first published in
, a man of learning and ingenuity, the son of Christopher Russel, esq. of Minorca, was born in 1728. He was bred at Westminster-school, and in 1746
, a man of learning and ingenuity,
the son of Christopher Russel, esq. of Minorca, was born
in 1728. He was bred at Westminster-school, and in 1746
was admitted a member of St. Mary’s hall, Oxford. He
commenced a poet in 1744, or before; for in his collection
are verses on seeing lady Elizabeth Boyle dance at Marston on her father’s birth-day in that year. In April 1750
he was admitted bachelor of arts, but. did not determine or
complete his decree until 1752. About 1753 he obtained
the rectory of Skull, in the diocese of Cork, in Ireland, by r
the patronage of John, fifth earl of Oork and Orrery. With
that nobleman he appears to have lived in intimacy, as well
as with his second son, Hamilton Boyle, and frequently
visited Marston. He died in 1767; and two years after,
were published, in 2 vols. 8vo, “The Works^of the late
Rev. George Russel, Rector of Skull, in the diocese of
” From the few specimens Mr. Malone has given,
he seems justified in saying that these work?, though little
known, owing probably to their having been published only
in Ireland, have very considerable merit.
, author of the “History of Modern Europe,” and other works, was born in 1746, in the county of Mid- Lothian, Scotland, and received
, author of the “History of Modern
” and other works, was born in Collection of Modern Poems,
” the selection of which was thought
judicious. About 1763 he made an attempt to adapt Crebitlon’s “Rhadamisthe et Zenobie
” to the British stage,
which was offered to the manager of the Dmry-lane theatre
but, as Murphy’s Zenobia was at that time in rehearsal, it
was deemed imprudent to accept of another play on the
same subject.
is fourth earl of Bedford, by Catharine, sole daughter and heir of Giles Bridges, lord Chandois, and was born in 1614. He was educated in Magdalen college, Oxford, and
, was eldest son of Francis fourth earl of Bedford, by Catharine, sole daughter and heir of Giles Bridges,
lord Chandois, and was born in 1614. He was educated
in Magdalen college, Oxford, and was made knight of the
bath at the coronation of king Charles I. He was a member of the Long-parliament, which met at Westminster,
November 3, 1640; and May 9 following, upon the death
of his father, succeeded him in his honours and estate. In
July 1642, having avowed his sentiments against the measures pursued by the court, he was appointed by the parliament general of the horse, in the army raised in their
defence against the king; and the marquis of Hertford
being sent by his majesty into the West to levy forces, iti
order to relieve Portsmouth, the earl of Bedford inid the
command of seven thousand foot, and eight full troops of
horse, to prevent his success in those parts; and marched
with such expedition, that he forced the marquis out of
Somersetshire, where his power and interest were believed
unquestionable, and thus destroyed all hopes of forming an
army for the king in the West. He afterwards joined the
eari of Essex, and in the battle of Edgehill commanded
the reserve of horse, which saved the whole army, when
the horse of both wings had been defeated, and, after doing
great execution on the king’s infantry, brought off their
own foot; so that it became doubtful who had the victory,
this reserve being the only body of forces that stood their
ground in good order. In 1643, he, and the earls of Holland and Clare, conferred with the earl of Essex, who became dissatisfied with the war; and they had so much influence in the House of Lords, that, on the 5th of August
the same year, that House desired a conference with the
Commons, and declared to them their resolution of senclHig propositions for peace to the king, and hoped they
would join with him. But by the artin'ce of Pennington,
lord mayor of London, who procured a petition from the
common-council of that city against the peace, such tumults were raised to terrify these lords, that they left the
town, the Commons refusing to agree to their propositions.
The earls of Bedford and Holland resolved therefore to go
to Oxford; but their purpose being discovered or suspected, they with some difficulty got into the king’s garrison at
Wallingford, from whence the governor sent an account of
their arrival to the council at Oxford. The king was then
at the siege of Gloucester, and the council divided in their
opinions, in what manner to receive them; but his majesty upon his return determined on a middle way, by allowing them to come to Oxford, and every person to treat
them there as they thought fit, while himself would regard
them according to their future behaviour. Accordingly the
two earls came, and, together with the earl of Clare, entered into the king’s service in Gloucestershire, waited
upon his majesty throughout his march, charged in the
royal regiment of horse at the battle of Newbury with great
bravery, and in all respects behaved themselves well. Upon
the king’s return to Oxford, he spoke to them on all occasions very graciously; but they were not treated in the
same manner by others of the court, so that the earl of
Holland going away first, the earls of Bedford and Clare
followed, and came to the earl of Essex at St. Alban’s on
Christmas-day, 1643. Soon after this, by order of parliament, the earl of Bedford was taken into custody by the
black rod, and his estate sequestered, as was likewise the
earl of Clare’s, tili the parliament, pleased with their successes against % the king in 1644, ordered their sequestrations to be taken off, and on the 17th of April the year following, the earl of Bedford, with the earls of Leicester and
Ciare, and the lords Paget, Rich, and Convvay, who had
left Oxford, and joined the parliament at London, took
the covenant before the commissioners of the great-seal.
He did not, however, interpose in any public affairs, till
the House of Peers met in 1660, when the earl of Manchester, their speaker, was ordered by them to write to
him to take his place among them; which he accordingly
did, being assured of their design to restore the king and
on the 27th of April that year, he was appointed one of the
managers of the conference with the House of Commons,
“to consider of some ways and means to make up the
breaches and distractions of the kingdom
” and on the 5th
of May was one of the committee of peers “for viewing
and considering, what ordinances had been made since the
House of Lords were voted useless, which now passed as
acts of parliament, and to draw up and prepare an act of
parliament to be presented to the House to repeal what
they should think fit.
rd son of the preceding, and for whose sake indeed some account was thought necessary of his father, was born about 16H. Hi? was bred up in those principles of liberty
, the third son of the preceding, and for whose sake indeed some account was thought necessary of his father, was born about 16H. Hi? was bred up in those principles of liberty for which his father had fought, but in his youth partook freely of the dissipations of the court of Charles II. until his marriage in 1667 reclaimed him, and he became afterwards a sedate and unblemished character, as to morals. He represented the county of Bedford in four parliaments, and was considered as one of the heads of the whig party. The first affair, however, in which he co-operated with this party, has thrown some obscurity on his character. When Charles II. exasperated against the court of France for withdrawing the pension he had been mean enough hitherto to receive, wished to join the continental confederacy against Louis XIV. the whigs, who dreaded the giving Charles an army that might as likely be employed against their own country as against France, raised an opposition to the measure; and this being acceptable to the French king, an intrigue commenced between some of the vvhigs and Barillon, the French ambassador, the consequence of which was their receiving bribes from him to thwart the measures of the court. Sir John Dalrymple has given a list of the members who thus accepted money from the enemy of their country; and although lord Russel is said positively to have refused to act so meanly, there seems little reason to doubt that he was concerned in the intrigue. The defence set up for him on this occasion amounts tolittle more than that in certain cases the means may be justified by the end.
, an able critic and negociator, was born of an ancient family at Dordrecht or Dort, Aug. 28, 1589.
, an able critic and negociator, was
born of an ancient family at Dordrecht or Dort, Aug. 28,
1589. He received a part of his early education at home,
and was afterwards placed under the instructions of Gerard
Vossius. In 1605 he was sent to Leyden, where he studied
under Baud-ins, with whom he also resided, Scaliger, and
Heinsius. After remaining here six years, he travelled in
1611 into France, resided two years at Paris, and took the
degree of licentiate in law at Orleans; less from inclination than to please his parents. He returned to Dort, September 13, 1613, the day after his mother died, and soon
after went to the Hague, where he was admitted to the
bar; but remaining averse to this profession, and uncertain what to adopt in its place, the Swedish ambassador,
who had been desired by his royal master to send him a
person from Holland qualified for the post of counsellor,
proposed it to Rutgers, and he having accepted the offer,
they departed for Stockholm in May 1614. Finding, on
their arrival, that the king was in Livonia, on account of
the war with Muscovy, they took that route, and when they
arrived at Nerva, the king received Rutgers with so great
kindness, that the latter, although he had taken this journey without any determined purpose, or the hopes of a
fixed settlement, now resolved ta attach himself to his majesty’s service. He was after this employed three times as
envoy from that prince to Holland upon very important
affairs, in which he acquitted himself to the entire satisfaction of his majesty, who ennobled him in 1619. He visited
Bohemia, Denmark, and several German courts, in the
same quality; and lastly he resided at the Hague, as minister from Gustavus to that republic, where he died Oct.
26, 1625, at the early age of thirty-six. His works are,
1. “Notae in Horatium,
” added to an edition of that poet
by Robert Stephens, in 1613, and reprinted in 1699 and
1713. 2. “Variarum lectionum libri tres, quibus utriusque linguae scriptores, qua emendantur, qua illustrantur,
Leyden, Notse in Martialem,
” added
to Scriverius’s excellent and scarce edition of 1619, 12mo.
4. “Spicilegium in Apuleiurrt,
” printed in Elmenhorst’s
edition of Emendationes in Q. Curtium,
given in the Leyden edition of Poemata,
” printed with Nicolas Heinsius’ s poems, Leyden, Lectiones Venusinae,
” added to Peter Bui-man’s Horace, VitaJani Rutgersii,
” &c. written by himself, and published by another nephew, William Goes, Leyden, 1646,
4to, of 14 pages, but republished with his poems, and elsewhere. Rutgers bequeathed his library to Daniel Heinsius, his brother-in-law, who printed a catalogue of it
in 1630.
rgh, was the son of the rev. Rutherford, minister of Yarrow, in the county of Selkirk, Scotland, and was born Aug. 1, 1695. He received his school-education at Selkirk,
, a learned physician, and one of the founders of the medical school of Edinburgh, was the son of the rev. Rutherford, minister of Yarrow, in the county of Selkirk, Scotland, and was born Aug. 1, 1695. He received his school-education at Selkirk, where there is every reason to believe he made a rapid progress in the knowledge of the Latin and Greek languages. In 1708, or 1710, he went to the university of Edinburgh, and after the regular course of classical studies, mathe^ matics, and natural philosophy, engaged himself as apprentice to Mr. Alexander Nesbit, at that time an eminent surgeon, with whom he remained until 1716, when he went to London. There he attended some of the hospitals, and the lectures read on anatomy by Dr. Douglas, on surgery by Andre, and on materia medica by Strother. He next proceeded to Leyden, which, from the lectures of Boerhaave, was then the most celebrated medical school in Europe. In 1719, he went to France, and about the end of July of that year was admitted to the degree of M. D. in the university of Rheims. He passed the following winter in Paris, chiefly for the sake of Window’s private demonstrations in anatomy, and in 1720 returned to Britain.
h Everard, in the county of Cambridge, who had made large collections for an history of that county, was born October 13, 1712. He was entered of St. John’s college,
, an ingenious philosopher
and divine, the son of the rev. Thomas Rutherforth, rector
of Papworth Everard, in the county of Cambridge, who
had made large collections for an history of that county,
was born October 13, 1712. He was entered of St. John’s
college, Cambridge, about 1725, and took his degrees of
A. B. 1729, and A.M. 1733. He was then chosen fellow,
and proceeded bachelor of divinity in 1740. Two years
after he was chosen fellow of the Royal Society, and in
1745, on being appointed professor of divinity, took his
doctor’s degree, and was appointed chaplain to his royal
highness the prince of Wales. In the church, he was promoted to be rector of Barrow in Suffolk, of Shenfield in
Essex, and of Barley in Hertfordshire, and archdeacon of
Essex. He communicated to the Gentleman’s Society at
Spalding a curious correction of Plutarch’s description of
the instrument used to renew the vestal fire, as relating to
the triangle with which the instrument was formed. It was
nothing but a concave speculum, whose principal focus
which collected the rays is not in the centre of concavity,
but at the distance of half a diameter from its surface: but
some of the ancients thought otherwise, as appears from
Prop. 31 of Euclid’s il Catoptrics;“and, though this piece
has been thought spurious, and this error a proof of it, the
sophist and Plutarch might easily know as little of mathematics. He published
” An Essay on the nature and oblirgations of Virtue,“1744, 8vo, which Mr. Maurice Johnson, of Spalding, in a letter to Dr. Birch, calls
” an useful, ingenious, and learned piece, wherein the noble author of the Characteristics, and all other authors ancient and
modern, are, as to their notions and dogmata, duly, candidly, and in a gentleman-like manner, considered, and
fully, to my satisfaction, answered as becomes a Christian
divine. If you have not yet read that amiable work, I must
(notwithstanding, as we have been told by some, whom he answers in his Xlth and last chapters, do not so much approve it) not forbear recommending it to your perusal.“”Two Sermons preached at Cambridge,“1747, 8vo.
” A
System of Natural Philosophy, Cambridge,“1748, 2 vols.
” A Letter to Dr. Middleton in defence of bishop
Sherlock on Prophecy,“1750, 8vo.
” A Discourse on
Miracles,“1751, 8vo.
” “Institutes of Natural Law,
” A Charge to the Clergy of Essex,
” Two
Letters to Dr. Kennicott,
” A Vindication of the Right of Protestant Churches to require the
Clergy to subscribe to an established Confession of Faith
and Doctrines, in a Charge delivered at a Visitation, July
” Cambridge, A Letter to Archdeacon Blackburn,
” he was no less eminent for his piety and integrity than his extensive learning; and filled every public
station in which he was placed with general approbation.
In private life, his behaviour was truly amiable. He was
esteemed, beloved, and honoured by his family and friends;
a,nd his death was sincerely lamented by all who ever heard
of his well-deserved character.
, a medical observer and writer of very considerable learning, was born in Ireland, most probably at Dublin, Dec. 26, 16&8. His
, a medical observer and writer of very
considerable learning, was born in Ireland, most probably
at Dublin, Dec. 26, 16&8. His parents appear to have
belonged to the people called Quakers, and were, as he
tells 115, among “the more refined professors
” of that religion. In his eleventh year, he was sent “to a seminary
of the like,
” which, he says, was a school not only of
learning, but religion. Two years after he was removed
to a school where there “was far less religion,
” and from
this to his eighteenth year he was “at various mixed
schools, and among aliens.
” In his twentieth year he was
again placed in a family of friends; and such were the religious impressions of his youth, that he seems at various
times to have considered the acquisition of human learning
as a crime. He pursued it, however, and began a course
of medical studies in Ireland, which he continued in London, and finished in Holland, probably at Leyden, then
the chief medical school in Europe. Even here he cannot
help telling us, that “the object was all nature and physic, no grace.
” In was transplanted
to Dublin by a singular providence,
” and attained much
reputation. Soon after, he began a scheme for the improvement of the Materia Medica, in which he persevered for
upwards of forty years, and which produced a work which
we shall shortly notice.
, a celebrated anatomist and physician, was born at the Hague, in the month of March 1638, where his father
, a celebrated anatomist and physician, was born at the Hague, in the month of March 1638, where his father was commissary of the States-general. Being sent to the university of Leyden, he devoted himself to the study of anatomy, botany, and chemistry, especially to the practical investigation of these sciences, having conceived an early bias to the profession of medicine. He repaired also to Franeker, for the farther pursuit of his studies; but received the degree of doctor at Leyden, in 1664. Even during his pupilage at Leyden, he was applied to by Sylvius and Van Home, to assist them in combating the vanity of Bilsius, who came thither to exhibit his boasted method of preserving dead bodies.
, a celebrated landscape-painter of Holland, was born at Haerlem in 1636; and, though it is not known by what
, a celebrated landscape-painter of Holland, was born at Haerlem in 1636; and, though it is not known by what artist he was instructed, yet it is affirmed that some of his productions, when he was only twelve years of age, surprised the best painters. Nature was his principal instructor as well as his guide; for he studied her incessantly. The trees, skies, waters, and grounds, of which his subjects were composed, were all sketched upon the spot, just as they allured his eye, or delighted his imagination. His general subjects were, views of the banks of rivers hilly ground, with natural cascades; a country, interspersed with cottages and huts solemn scenes of woods and groves, with roads through them windmills and watermills but he rarely painted any subject without a river, brook, or pool of water, which he expressed with all possible truth and transparency. He likewise particularly excelled in representing torrents, and impetuous falls of water; in which subjects the foam on one part, and the pellucid appearance of the water in another, were described with wonderful force and grandeur. Sir Joshua Reynolds says there is a clearness in his landscapes scarce seen in those of any other painter. Most of the collections in England are adorned with some of the works of this master. He died in 1681, aged forty-five.
He had a brother, Solomon Ruysdaal, who was born at Haerlem in 1616, and was also a painter of landscapes,
He had a brother, Solomon Ruysdaal, who was born at Haerlem in 1616, and was also a painter of landscapes, but in every respect far inferior to Jacob. The best commendation given him by the writers on this subject is, that he was a cold imitator of Schoeft and Van Goyen, and although his pictures have somewhat that is plausible, sufficient to engage the attention of those who are prejudiced in favour of the name of Ruysdaal, yet, to persons of true judgment and taste, they are in no great estimation; and the eye is disgusted with too predominant a tint of yellow, which is diffused through the whole. He rendered himself, however, considerable, by having discovered the art of imitating variegated marbles with surprising exactness; and he gave to his compositions an appearance so curiously similar to the real marble, that it was scarce possible to discern any difference, either in the weight, the colour, or the lustre of the polish. He died in 1670.
, a celebrated Dutch admiral, was born at Flushing in 1607, and entered into the naval service
, a celebrated Dutch admiral, was born at Flushing in 1607, and entered into the naval service of his country very early. Much of the early part of his life was spent in the service in the West Indies, to which he is said to have made eight voyages, and two to Brasil. Jn 1641 he was sent to the assistance of the Portuguese, who had thrown off the yoke of Spain, and on this occasion he was raised to the rank of rear-admiral. He afterwards rendered some important services on the Barbary coast, entering the road of Sallee in a single ship, although five Algerine corsairs disputed the passage. When war broke out, in 1652, between the English and Dutch, Van Tromp having been disgraced, De Ruyter was appointed to the command of a separate squadron, for the purpose of convoying home a rich fleet of merchantmen. He fell in with the English admiral Ayscough, with whom he had an engagement off Plymouth, in the month of August, which lasted two days, and terminated so far to the advantage of the Dutch, that he brought his convoy safe into port. In the following October De Ruyter aud De Witte had an action with Blake and Ayscough on the Flemish coast, which was severely contested; but De Ruyter, being deserted by some of his captains, found it advisable to retreat to his own coast, the loss having been Dearly equal on both sides. Van Tromp was now restored to the chief command, and De Ruyter had a squadron under him in the battle of December, offFolkstone, in which Blake was obliged to take shelter in the Thames. De Ruyter likewise distinguished himself in the terrible battle of three days, fought in February 1653, between Tromp and Blake, near the mouth of the Channel. In the month of June, Tromp and De Ruyter engaged Monk and Dean off Nieuport; and after a battle of two days, in which the two Dutch admirals successively rescued each other from imminent danger, the Dutch confessed their inferiority by retiring behind their own sand-banks, where having received a reinforcement, they were enabled to attack the English under Monk and Lawson, near Scheveling. In the final battle between the two fleets Tromp was killed, and De Ruyter compelled to withdraw his shattered ships to the Meuse. After the peace, which was concluded the following year, De Ruyter was sent to cruize in the Mediterranean, to reinforce Opdam; and this service being effected, he returned to his station, and put an end to the predatory warfare carried on by the French privateers. The Dutch having quarrelled with Portugal, De Ruyter exhibited his vigilance, taking several Portuguese ships at the mouth of the Tagus, and made several prizes from the Brazil fleet, till a want of provisions obliged him to return to Holland. War having recommenced between the Swedes and Danes in 1658, De Ruyter, who was sent with a fleet to the assistance of the latter, made a descent on the island of Funen, defeated the Swedes, and forced them to surrender at discretion in Nyborg, whither they had retired. He then wintered at Copenhagen, where the king of Denmark ennobled him for his services. In 1662 he was sent with a strong squadron to curb the insolence of the Barbary states, who had exercised their piracy upon the Dutch shipping, and succeeded entirely to the satisfaction of his employers. At the commencement of the disputes between Charles II. and the United Provinces, De Ruyter had a command on the coast of Africa, where he recovered the forts which had been taken from the Dutch by the English, and made prizes of some merchant ships. After the defeat of the fleet of Opdam by the duke of York in 1665, D Ruyter returned, and was raised to the rank of lieutenant-admiralgeneral of the Dutch navy. The first service of De Ruyter was to convoy home a fleet of merchantmen; and in June 1666, the great fleets of the two maritime powers met in the Downs; the Dutch commanded by De lluyter and Tromp, the English by prince Rupert, and Monk, now the duke of Albemarle. In the three days’ fight which ensued, the Dutch had the advantage, though the valour of the English rendered the contest very severe; and on the fourth, the English, who had been the greatest sufferers, withdrew to their harbours.
, a learned critic, of the seventeenth century, was professor of history at Leyden. He was born in 1640, and after studying, probably at that university,
, a learned critic, of the seventeenth century, was professor of history at Leyden.
He was born in 1640, and after studying, probably at that
university, he visited England, France, and Italy, and was
every Tvhere esteemed for his talents and address. On his
return to Holland he followed the profession of the law for
some time at the Hague, but having little inclination for
either the study or practice of it, he accepted the professorship of history at Leyden, and became an honour to the
university. His lectures were much crowded, and he added
to the reputation they procured him by his publications,
particularly his edition of Tacitus, which Dr. Harwood
pronounces “a very correct and excellent one.
” It consists of 2 vols. 12mo, printed at Leyden in 1687, the first
containing the text of Tacitus, the second Rycke’s notes,
which are very valuable, and illustrate many passages that
had escaped the notice or sagacity of his predecessors. He
published also a curious dissertation “De primis Italian
coionis, et de adventu JEneze in Italiam,
” the subject of
which was to refute the opinion of Bochart, who maintained
that/neas had never seen Italy. He wrote another dissertation on giants, in which he collected all that had been
written on those remarkable beings; an “Oratio de Palingenesia literarum in terris nostris,
” published by Krieghius, at Jena in
, historiographer to the king, and one of the forty members of the French academy, was born 1605, at Paris, and was the son of Isaac Ryer, who died
, historiographer to the king, and one
of the forty members of the French academy, was born
1605, at Paris, and was the son of Isaac Ryer, who died
about 1631, and has left some “Pastoral Poems.
” Peter
Ryer gained some reputation by his translations, though
they were not exact, his urgent engagements with the
booksellers preventing him from reviewing and correcting
them properly. He obtained the place of king’s secretary
in 1616, but having married imprudently, sold it in 1633,
was afterwards secretary to Caesar duke de Vendome,
and had a brevet of historiographer of France, with a
pension from the crown. He died November 6, 1658, at
Paris, aged fifty-three, leaving French translations of numerous works. Du Ryer’s style is pure and smooth; he
wrote with great ease, both in verse and prose, and could
doubtless have furnished the publick with very excellent
works, had not the necessity of providing for his family,
deprived him of leisure to polish and bring them to perfection. He also wrote nineteen tragedies, among which
” “Saul,
” and “Scevole,
” are still remembered.
, an eminent engraver, was born in London in the year 1732. His genius for the fine arts
, an eminent engraver,
was born in London in the year 1732. His genius for the
fine arts manifested itself at an early period of his life, and
he was accordingly placed under Ravenet. At the expiration of his engagement he was patronized by his godfather sir Watkin Williams Wynne, and went to Paris, where,
for five years, under the guidance of Boucher, who at that
time led the fashion in art, he applied with great assiduity
to the study of drawing, but did not neglect to improve
himself also in the practical part of engraving. From the
designs of this principal misleader of the taste of France,
Ryland engraved several plates, of which the principal and
probably the best engraving he ever performed, is rather
a large work, of which the subject is “Jupiter and Leda.
In this he has displayed great power as an engraver in
lines. The print has a fine transparent tone; he has tempered the flimsy touchiness of the French taste with a portion of Ravenet’s solidity; the soft firmness of flesh is
ably characterized in the figure of Leda, and the delicacy
of the swan, and various textures of the surrounding objects, are rendered with much feeling and judicious subserviency to the principal parts. Such other proofs did he
give of his abilities, as to obtain an honorary gold medal,
which entitled him to pursue his studies at the academy in
Rome, which he afterwards did with great success. From
Boucher, however, he acquired a false taste, which diverted his talents from the mark at which he was evidently
and successfully aiming when he produced his “Jupiter
and Leda;
” and this error was heightened by the fashion of
stippling which he learned in France, and introduced, with
his own modifications, into England. Ryland employed
stippling, so as rather to imitate such drawings as are
stumped than such as are hatched with chalk, by which
means he softened down all energy of style, and has left
posterity to regret the voluntary emasculation of the powers he had manifested in his “Jupiter and Leda.
, an antiquary and critic, was born in the North of England, and educated at the grammar-school
, an antiquary and critic, was born in
the North of England, and educated at the grammar-school of
Northallerton, whence he was admitted a scholar at Sidney
college, Cambridge. On quitting the university, he became
a member of Gray’s-inn; and in 1692 succeeded Mr. Shadwell as historiographer to king William III. He rendered
himself known first as a writer for the stage, by his production of “Edgar,
” a tragedy, in A
View of the Tragedies of the last age,
” which occasioned
those admirable remarks by Dryden, preserved in the preface to Mr. Colman’s edition of “Beaumont and Fletcher,
and since by Dr. Johnson in his “Life of Dryden.
” Rymer was a man of considerable learning, and a lover of
poetry; but had few requisites for the character of a critic;
and was indeed almost totally disqualified for it, by want of
candour and the liberties he took with Shakspeare, in his
“View of the Tragedies of the last age,
” drew upon him the
severity of every admirer of that poet. His own talents for
dramatic poetry were extremely inferior to those of the
persons whose writings he has with so much rigour
attacked, as appears very evidently by his tragedy of “Edgar.
” But, although we cannot subscribe either to his fame
or his judgment as a poet or critic, it cannot be denied that
he was a very useful compiler of records, and his “Fœdera
will ever entitle his memory to respect. While collecting
this great work, he employed himself, like a royal historiographer, as one of his biographers says, in detecting the
falsehood, and ascertaining the truth of history. In 1702,
he published his first letter to bishop Nicolson, in which
he endeavours to free king Robert III. of Scotland, beyond
all dispute, from the imputation of bastardy. He soon
after published his second letter to bishop Nicolson, “containing an historical deduction of the alliances between
France and Scotland; whereby the pretended old league
with Charlemagne is disproved, and the true old league is
, a very eminent sculptor, was born in 1694, at Antwerp. His father was a landscape-painter,
, a very eminent sculptor, was born in 1694, at Antwerp. His father was a landscape-painter, and had been in England, but quitted it with Largilliere, and went to Paris, where he married, and returning to Brussels and Antwerp, died in the latter in 1726, at the age of eighty. Michael, his son, arrived here in 1720, and after modelling some small figures in clay, to show his skill, succeeded so well in a bust of the earl of Nottingham, that he began to be employed on large works, particularly monuments, in which his art and industry gave general satisfaction. His models were thoroughly studied, and ably executed; and as a sculptor capable of furnishing statues was now found, our taste in monuments improved, which till Rysbrach’s time had depended more on masonry and marbles than statuary, on which he taught the age to depend for its best ornaments; and although he is too fond of pyramids for back-grounds, his figures are well disposed, simple and great.
h, who painted fish, dead fowls, and landscape, with Considerable merit, particularly the elder, who was born it Paris in 1690, and died in England of a consumption
Mr. Rysbrach, who had by no means raised a fortune equal to his deserts, before his death made a public sale of his remaining works and models, to which he added a Jarge collection of his own historic drawings, conceived and executed in the true taste of the great Italian masters. Another sale followed his death, which happened Jan. 8, 1770. He had two brothers, Peter Andreas, and G. Rysl>rach, who painted fish, dead fowls, and landscape, with Considerable merit, particularly the elder, who was born it Paris in 1690, and died in England of a consumption in 1743. He must be distinguished from another landscape painter of the seventeenth century of the same name, who was a native of Antwerp.
related to sir Thomas Ryves, mentioned in the next article, a loyal divine and celebrated preacher, was born in Dorsetshire, and educated at New college, Oxford, of
, related to sir Thomas Ryves, mentioned in the next article, a loyal divine and celebrated
preacher, was born in Dorsetshire, and educated at New
college, Oxford, of which he became one of the clerks in
1610, and was afterwards, in 1616, appointed one of the
chaplains of Magdalen college. Having taken his degrees
in arts, he attained great reputation as a preacher, and was
made vicar of Stanwell, in Middlesex, rector of St.
Martin’s Vintry, in London, chaplain to king Charles I. and
in 1639, doctor in divinity. When the rebellion broke
out, he was sequestered and plundered. At the restoration
of king Charles II. he had the deanry of Windsor conferred
on him, with the rectory of Acton, in Middlesex, and was
made secretary to the garter. He died July 13, 1677. His
works are, “Mercurius Rusticus; or, the Country’s Complaint, recounting the sad events of this unparalleled War,
&c. These Mercuries begin August 22, 1642. “Mercurius Rusticus, the 2d part, giving an account of Sacrileges,
in and upon Cathedrals,
” &c. When the war was ended,
all these Mercuries were reprinted in 8vo, in 1646 and
1647, with an addition of the papers following: 1. “A
general Bill of Mortality of the Clergy of London, &c. or
a brief Martyrology and Catalogue of the learned and religious Ministers of the City of London, who have been imprisoned, plundered,
” &c. 2. “Q,uerela Cantabrigiensis
or, a Remonstrance by way of Apology for the banished
Members of the flourishing University of Cambridge.
” 3.
“Micro-Chronicon or, a brief Chronology of the Time
and Place of the Battles, Sieges, Conflicts, and other remarkable passages, which have happened betwixt his Majesty and the Parliament,
” &c. 4. “A Catalogue of all,
or most part of the Lords, Knights, Commanders, and
Persons of Quality, slain or executed by Law Martial, from
the beginning of this unnatural War to March 25, 1647.
And here we may observe, that the edition of
, son of John Ryves of Damery Court, or, as Fuller says, of Little Langton, in Dorsetshire, was born in the latter end of the XVIth century, ' and was educated
, son of John Ryves of Damery
Court, or, as Fuller says, of Little Langton, in Dorsetshire, was born in the latter end of the XVIth century, '
and was educated at Winchester-school, whence he was
admitted of New college, Oxford, in 1596, became fellow
in 1598, and applying himself to the study of the civil law,
commenced doctor in that faculty in 1610. He was a celebrated, civilian in doctors’ commons and the court of admiralty, and when he had established his fame in England,
was, in 1618, preferred to be one of the masters in chancery, and judge of the faculties and prerogative court in
Ireland, where he was held in equal esteem for his
knowledge in the laws. Upon king Charles I. coming to the
crown, he was made his advocate, and knighted: and,
when the rebellion broke out, he was very firm to the royal
cause, and although advanced in life, engaged in several
battles, and received several wounds in his majesty’s service. He was one of the assistants to the king at the treaty
of peace in the Isle of Wight. Sir Thomas Ryves was not
only a very eminent civilian, and a good common lawyer,
but likewise very accomplished in polite learning; and,
particularly, wrote in Latin with unusual delicacy and correctness. He died in 1651, and was buried in St. Clement
Danes, near Temple Bar, London. His works are, 1.
“The Vicar’s Plea; or, a competency of Means due to
Vicars out of the several parishes, notwithstanding their
” This book is written with a great deal of
learning and strength of argument. 2. “iiegiminis Anglicani in Hibernia Defensio, adversus Analecien, lib. 3,
London, 1624, 4to. This was the answer to a book called
“Analecta Sacra,
” supposed to be written by David Roth,
titular bishop of Ossory, a good antiquary, according to
Usher, but a bigoted Roman catholic, if the author of this
work. Sir Thomas Ryves’s object is, to vindicate the conduct of the Irish government as far as respects the Roman
catholics, and his book includes much curious information
respecting the state of opinions at that time. 3. “Jmperatoris Justiniani defensio adversus Alemannum,
” Lond.
” Lond. Historiae Navalis antiquae libri quatuor,
ibid. Historian Navalis mediae libri tres,
, a learned Portuguese Jesuit, was born in 1530, at Conde, in the province of Douro, and entered
, a learned Portuguese Jesuit,
was born in 1530, at Conde, in the province of Douro, and
entered the society in 1545. After the usual course of
studies, he taught at Coimbra, Rome, and other places,
and was considered as an excellent preacher and interpreter of the scriptures, on which last account he was employed, by pope Pius V. on a new edition of the Bible. He
died at Arona, in the Milanese, Dec 30, 1596, in the
sixty-sixth year of his age. His chief works are “Scholia in quatuor Evangelia,
” Antwerp and Cologn, Notationes in totam s cram Scripturam,
” &c. Antwerp, Aphorismi Confessariorum,
” printed first at Venice,
, or Saadias the Excellent, a learned rabbi, the chief of the academy of the Jews, was born at Pithom in Egypt, about the year 892. In the year 927,
, or Saadias the Excellent, a learned
rabbi, the chief of the academy of the Jews, was born at
Pithom in Egypt, about the year 892. In the year 927,
he was invited by David Ben- Chair, the prince of the captivity, to preside over the academy at Sora, near Babylon,
where one of his first objects was to explode the doctrine
ofthe transmigration of souls, which was very prevalent,
even among the Jews. But having refused to subscribe
to a new regulation, which appeared to him to be repugnant to the Jewish laws, a breach arose between David
and Saadias, which after some years was made up, and
Saadias was restored to his professorship, in which he continued with great reputation till his death, in the year 942.
His principal works are, “Sepher Haemunah,
” or a treatise concerning the Jewish articles of faith, in ten chapters; but we have only a translation of it from the original
Arabic into Hebrew, which was printed at Constantinople
in 1647, and often reprinted. “A Commentary on the
Book Jezira,
” printed, with other Commentaries on that
book, at Mantua, in 1592; “An Arabic translation of the
whole Old Testament,
” of whjch the Pentateuch is inserted
in Jay’s and Walton’s Polyglotts, accompanied with the
Latin version of Gabriel Sionita; “A Commentary on the
Song of Songs,
” in Hebrew, printed at Prague in A Commentary on Daniel,
” likewise in Hebrew,
inserted in the great rabbinical bibles of Venice and Basil
“A Commentary on Job,
” in Arabic, the ms. of which
is in the Bodleian library at Oxford and a commentary
on illicit alliances, mentioned by Aben Efra.
, a Spanish political and moral writer, was born May 6, 1584, at Algezares, in the kingdom of Murcia, and
, a Spanish political and moral writer, was born May 6, 1584, at Algezares,
in the kingdom of Murcia, and studied at Salamanca. In
1606, he went to Rome as secretary to the cardinal Gaspar de Borgia, who was appointed Spanish ambassador to
the pope, and assisted in the conclaves of 1621 and 1623,
held for the election of the popes Gregory XV. and Urban VIII. For these services Saavedra was rewarded with
a canonry in the church of St. James, although he had
never taken priest’s orders. Some time after he was appointed agent from the court of Spain at Rome, and his
conduct in this office acquired him general esteem. In
1636, he assisted at the electoral congress held there,
in which Ferdinand III. was chosen king of the Romans.
He afterwards was present at eight diets held in Swisserland, and lastly at the general diet of the empire at Ratisbonne, where he appeared in quality of plenipotentiary of
the circle and of the house of Burgundy. After being
employed in some other diplomatic affairs, he returned
to Madrid in 1646, and was appointed master of ceremonies in the introduction of ambassadors; but he did not enjoy this honour long, as he died Aug. 24, 1648. In his
public character he rendered the state very important services, and, as a writer, is ranked among those who have
contributed to polish and enrich the Spanish language.
The Spanish critics, who place him among their classics,
say he wrote Spanish as Tacitus wrote Latin. He has long
been known, even in this country, by his “Emblems,
which were published in 2 vols. 8vo, in the early part of
the last century. These politico-moral instructions for a
Christian prince, were first printed in 1640, 4to, under the
title of “Idea de un Principe Politico* Christiano representada en cien empress,
” and reprinted at Milan in Symbola Christiano-Politica,
” and
have often been reprinted in various sizes in France, Italy,
and Holland. He wrote also “Corona Gotica, Castellana,
y Austriaca politicamente illustrada,
” Respublica Literaria,
” published in
, a learned French Benedictine, was born at Poictiers in 1682, and died at Rheims M^rch 24, 1742.
, a learned French Benedictine, was born at Poictiers in 1682, and died at Rheims M^rch 24, 1742. He spent twenty years of his life in preparing for the press a valuable edition of all the Latin versions of the Scriptures, collected together, and united in one point of view. It consists of three volumes, folio; but he lived only to print one volume; the others were completed by La Rue, also a Benedictine of St. Maur. The title is 61 Bibliorum Sacrorum LatinaB Versiones antiquse seu Vetus Italica, et ceterae quaecumque in codicibus Mss. et antiquorum libris reperiri potuerunt," Rheims, 1743 1749.
, a very eminent French surgeon, was born at Paris in October 1732, and after studying there, acquired
, a very eminent
French surgeon, was born at Paris in October 1732, and
after studying there, acquired the first rank in his profession, and in every situation which he filled, his knowledge, skill, and success, were equally conspicuous. He
became censor-royal of the academy of sciences, professor and demonstrator of the surgical schools, secretary of
correspondence, surgeon-major of the hospital of invalids,
and a member of the institute. His education had been
more liberal and comprehensive than usual. He not only
was an excellent Greek and Latin scholar, but was well
acquainted with the English, Italian, and German languages. Besides his public courses of lectures on anatomy and surgery, he instructed many private pupils, not
only of his own country, but those of foreign nations who
were attracted to Paris by his fame as a teacher, and were
delighted with his unaffected politeness and candour. In
his latter days Bonaparte appointed him one of his consulting surgeons, and he was one of the first on whom he
bestowed the cross of the legion of honour. Sabatier died
at Paris July 21, 1811. He retained his faculties to the
last, but we are told became ashamed of his bodily weakness. “Hide me,
” he said to his wife and son, “from
the world, that you may be the only witnesses of this decay to which I must submit.
” A little before his death he
said to his son, “Contemplate the state into which I am
fallen, and learn to die.
” His humane attention to his
patients was a distinguished feature in his character. During
any painful operation he used to say, “Weep! weep!
the more you express a sense of your sufferings, the more
anxious I shall be to shorten them.
, a learned French writer, was born at Condom, Oct. 31, 1735, and after making great proficiency
, a learned French writer, was born at Condom, Oct. 31, 1735, and after making great proficiency in his studies among the fathers of the oratory in that city, went to Orleans, where he was employed as a private tutor. In 1762, he was invited to the college of Chalons-sur-Marne, where he taught the third and fourth classes for sixteen years, which gave him a title to the pension of an emeritus. His literary reputation took its rise principally from his essay on the temporal power of the popes, which gained the prize of the academy of Prussia. He was then about twenty-eight years old; but had before this addressed a curious paper on the limits of the empire of Charlemagne to the academy of Belles Lettres at Paris. He was the principal means of founding the academy of Chalons, procured a charter for it, and acted as secretary for thirty years. Such was his reputation that he had the honour to correspond with some of the royal personages of Europe, and was in particular much esteemed by the kings of Prussia and Sweden; nor was he less in favour with Choiseul, the French minister, who encouraged his taste for study. It does not appear, however, that his riches increased with his reputation, and this occasioned his projecting a paper-manufactory in Holland, which ended like some of the schemes of ingenious men; Sabbathier was ruined, and his successors made a fortune. He died in a village near Chalon, March 11, 1807, in his seventysecond year.
me was Marcus Antonius Coccius, or vernacularly Marcantonio Coccio, an Italian historian and critic, was born in 1436, in the campagna of Rome, on the confines of the
, whose proper name was Marcus Antonius Coccius, or vernacularly Marcantonio Coccio, an
Italian historian and critic, was born in 1436, in the campagna of Rome, on the confines of the ancient country of
the Sabines, from which circumstance he took the name of
Sabellicus. He was a scholar of Pomponius Letus’s, and
in 1475, was appointed professor of eloquence at Udino, to
which office he was likewise appointed at Venice, in 1484-.
Some time after, when the plague obliged him to retire to
Verona, he composed, within the space of fifteen months,
his Latin history of Venice, in thirty- three books, whiqh
were published in 1487, entitled “Rerum Venetiarum ab
urbe condita,
” folio, a most beautiful specimen of early
printing, of which there was a copy on vellum, in the Pinelli library. The republic of Venice was so pleased with
this work as to decree the author a pension of 200 sequins;
and Sabellicus, out of gratitude, added four books to his
history, which, however, remain in manuscript. He published also “A Description of Venice,
” in three books a
“Dialogue on the Venetian Magistrates
” and two poems
in honour of the republic. The most considerable of his
other works is his rhapsody of histories: “Rhapsodiae Historiarum Enneades,
” in ten Euneads, each containing nine
books, and comprizing a general history from the creation to the year 1503. The first edition published at Venice in 1498, folio, contained only seven Enneads; but the
second, in Io04, had the addition of three more, bringing
the history down to the above date. Although there is
little, either in matter or manner, to recommend tins work,
or many others of its kind, to a modern reader, it brought
the author both reward and reputation. His other works
are discourses, moral, philosophical, and historical, with
many Latin poems; the whole printed in four volumes,
folio, at Basil in 1560. There is a scarce edition of his
“Epistolæ familiares, necnon Orationes et Poemata,
” Venice, Thesaurus.
” He died at Venice
in ecclesiastical history as the head of the sect called Sabellians, lived in the third century, and was born at Ptolemais, and was a disciple of Noetus. He reduced
, a Lybian, known in ecclesiastical history as the head of the sect called Sabellians, lived in the third century, and was born at Ptolemais, and was a disciple of Noetus. He reduced the three persons in the Trinity to three states, or relations, or rather reduced the whole Trinity to the one person of the Father; making the Word and Holy Spirit to be the only emanations or functions thereof. Epiphanius tells us, that the God of the Sabellians, whom they called the Father, resembled the Son, and was a mere subtraction, whereof the Son was the illuminative virtue or quality, and the Holy Ghost the warming virtue. This sect had many followers in Mesopotamia and Rome; but their doctrines are so obscurely -expressed, as to create doubts as to what they really were. It is certain, however, that they were condemned by the Trinitarians, and therefore Lardner, and his followers, seem pleased to add Sabellius to the scanty list of Unitarians of the early ages
, whose family name was Schalter, one of the best Latin poets of his time, was born in the electorate of Brandenburg in 1508; and, at fifteen,
, whose family name was Schalter,
one of the best Latin poets of his time, was born in the
electorate of Brandenburg in 1508; and, at fifteen, sent
to Wittemberg, where he was privately instructed by
Melancthon, in whose house he lived. He had a great
ambitioft: to excel and an enthusiastic regard for what was
excellent, especially in Latin poetry and although the
specimens ht^ studied made him somewhat diffident of his
powers, he ventured to submit to the public, in his twenty-second year, a poem, entitled “Res Gestse Csesarum
” which spread his reputation all over Germany, and made all the princes, who had any regard for
polite literature, his friends and patrons. Afterwards he
travelled into Italy, where he contracted an acquaintance
with Bembus and other learned men; and, on his return
visited Erasmus at Friburg, when that great man was in
the last stage of life. In 1536, he married Melancthon’s
eldest daughter, at Wittemberg, to whom he was engaged
before his journey into Italy. She was only fourteen, but
very handsome, and understood Latin well and Sabinus
always lived happily with her but he had several altercations with Melancthon, because he wanted to raise himself
to civil employments; and did not relish the humility of
Melancthon, who confined himself to literary pursuits, and
would be at no trouble to advance his children. This misunderstanding occasioned Sabinus to remove into Prussia
in 1543, with his wife, who afterwards died at Konigsberg
in 1547. He settled, for some little time, at Francfort
upon the Oder, and was made professor of the belles lettres
by the appointment of the elector of Brandenburg; and
was afterwards promoted to be rector of the new university of Konigsberg, which was opened in 1544. His eloquence and learning brought him to the knowledge of
Charles V. who ennobled him, and he was also employed
on some embassies, particularly by the elector of
Brandenburg into Italy, where he seems to have contracted
an illness, of which he died in 1560, the same year in
which Melancthon died. His Latin poems were published
at Leipsic in 1558 and 1597, the latter with additions and
letters. He published some other works, less known,
which are enumerated by Niceron.
, an Italian poet, but better known as a writer of novels, was born at Florence about 1335, of an ancient family, some branches
, an Italian poet, but better
known as a writer of novels, was born at Florence about
1335, of an ancient family, some branches of which had
held employments of great trust and dignity in the republic. While young he composed some amatory verses, in
imitation of Petrarch, but with a turn of thought and
style peculiar to himself, and he was frequently employed
in drawing up poetical inscriptions for public monuments,
&c. in which sentiments of morality and a love of liberty
were expected to be introduced. Some of these are still
extant, but are perhaps more to be praised for the subject
than the style. Sacchetti, when more advanced in life,
filled several offices of the magistracy both at Florence and
different parts of Tuscany, and formed an acquaintance
with the most eminent men of his time, by whom he was
highly respected. He suffered much, however, during
the civil contests of his country. He is supposed to have
died about the beginning of the fifteenth century. Very
little of his poetry has been published. He is principally
known by his “Novels,
” an excellent edition of which
was published at Florence in 1724, 2 vols. 8vo, by Bottari,
who has prefixed an account of his life. These tales are
in the manner of Boccaccio, but shorter, more lively, and
in general more decent.
, an illustrious Italian painter, the son of a painter, was born at Rome in 1601, or as some writers say, in 1594. He learned
, an illustrious Italian painter, the son of a painter, was born at Rome in 1601, or as some writers say, in 1594. He learned the principles of his art under his father, but became afterwards the disciple of Francesco Albano, and made such advances, that, under twelve years of age, he carried the prize, in the academy of St. Luke, from all his much older competitors. With this badge of honour, they gave him the nickname of Andreuccio, to denote the diminutive figure he then made, being a boy; and which he long retained. His application to the works of Polidoro da Caravaggio and Raphael, and the antique marbles, together with his studies under Albano, and his copying after Correggio, and others, the best Lombard masters, were the several steps by which he raised himself to extraordinary perfection in historical composition The three first gave him his correctness and elegance of design; and the last made him the best colourist of all the Roman school. His works are not very numerous, o ving io the infirmities which attended his latter years; and especially the gout, which occasioned frequent and long interruptions to his labours. He was likewise slow and fastididus, and wished to rest his fame more upon the quality than quantity of his performances. His first patrons were the cardinals Antonio Barberini and del Morte, the protector of the academy of painting. He became afterwards a great favourite of Urban VIII. and drew an admirable portrait of him. Several of the public edifices at Rome are ^embellished with his works, some of which have been ranked among the most admired productions of art in that capital. Such are his celebrated picture of the Death of St. Anne, in the church of S. Carlo a Catinari; the Angel appearing to St. Joseph, the principal altar-piece in S. Giuseppe a Capo le Case; and his St. Andrea, in the Quirinal. But his most distinguished performance is his famous picture of S/Romualdo, formerly in the church dedicated to that saint, now in the gallery of the Louvre. This admirable production was considered one of the four finest pictures at Rome, where Sacchi died in 1668.
, a very distinguished musician in the last century, was born at Naples May 11, 1735, according to one account, but Dr.
, a very distinguished musician in the last century, was born at Naples
May 11, 1735, according to one account, but Dr. Burney
says 1727. He was educated in the conservatorio of St.
Onofrio, under Durante, and made rapid progress in the
science, attaching himself principally to the violin, on
which he became a most accomplished performer. He
afterwards resided at Rome eight years; and at Venice,
where he remained four years, he was appointed master
of the conservatorio of the Ospidaletto. It was here where
he first composed for the church, but always kept his sacred and secular style of composition separate and distinct.
His ecclesiastical compositions are not only learned, solemn,
and abounding with fine effects, but clothed in the richest
and most pure harmony.
His reputation increasing, he visited, by invitation, some
of the courts of Germany, and among others those of
Brunswick and Wittemberg, where he succeeded the celebrated Jomelli; and after having composed for all the
great theatres in Italy and Germany with increasing success, he came to England in 1772, and here supported the
high reputation he had acquired on the continent. His
operas of the “Cid
” and “Tamerlane
” were equal, says
Dr. Burney, if not superior, to any musical dramas we
have heard in any part of Europe. He remained, however,
too long in England for his fame and fortune. The first
was injured by cabals, and by what ought to have increased
it, the number of his works; and the second by inactivity
and want of economy.
, a celebrated Jesuit, was born in 1570, in the diocese of Perugia. He was professor of
, a celebrated Jesuit, was born in
1570, in the diocese of Perugia. He was professor of
rhetoric at Rome during several years, and secretary to
his general, Vitelleschi, seven years. He died December
26, 1625, aged 55. His principal works are, “A Continuation of the History of the Jesuits* Society,
” begun by
Orlandino. Of this Sacchini wrote the 2d, 3d, 4th, and
5th parts or volumes, fol. 1620 1661. An addition to
the fifth part was made by Jouvency, and the whole completed by Julius Cordara. Perfect copies are very rarely
to be met with. Sacchini was also the author of a small
book judiciously written and much esteemed, entitled “De
ratione Libros cum profectu legendi,
” 12mo, at the end
of which is a discourse, “De vitanda Librorum moribus
noxiorum lectione,
” which father Sacchini delivered at
Rome in his rhetorical school in 1603.
, lord Buckhurst and earl of Dorset, an eminent statesman and poet, was born at Withyam in Sussex, in 1527. He was the son of sir Richard
, lord Buckhurst and earl of
Dorset, an eminent statesman and poet, was born at Withyam in Sussex, in 1527. He was the son of sir Richard
Sackville, who died in 1566, by Winifred Brydges (afterwards marchioness of Winchester), and grandson of John
Sackville, esq. who died in 1557, by Anne Boleyne, sister
of sir Thomas Boleyne, earl of Wiltshire and great grandson of Richard Sackviiie, esq. who died in 1524, by Isabel,
daughter of John Digges, of Digues 1 s place in Barham,
Kent, of a family which for many succeeding generations
produced men of learning and genius. He was first of the
university of Oxford, and, as it is supposed, of Hart-hall,
now Hertford-college; but taking no degree there, he removed to Cambridge, where he commenced master of arts,
and afterwards was a student of the Inner Temple. At
both universities he became celebrated both as a Latin and
English poet, and carried the same taste and talents to the
Temple, where he wrote his tragedy of “Gorboduc,
” which
was exhibited in the great hall by the students of that society, as part of a Christmas entertainment, and afterwards
before queen Elizabeth at Whitehall^ Jan. 18, 1561. It
was surreptitiously printed in 1563, under the title of
“The Tragedy of Gorboduc,
” 4to; but a correct edition
under the inspection of the authors (for he was assisted by Thomas Norton), appeared in 1571, entitled “The Tragedie of Ferrex and Porrex.
” Another edition appeared
in the dawn of our English poetry was in Chaucer’s time,
but that it shone out in him too bright all at once to last
long. The succeeding age was dark and overcast. There
was indeed some glimmerings of genius again in Henry
VIII's time but our poetry had never what could be called
a fair settled day-light till towards the end of queen Elizabeth’s reign. It was between these two periods, that lord
Buckhurst wrote; after the earl of Surrey, and before
” Warton’s opinion of this tragedy is not very
favourable. He thinks it never was a favourite with our
ancestors, and fell into oblivion on account of the nakedness anil uninteresting nature of the plot, the tedious
length of the speeches, the want of discrimination of character, and almost a total absence of pathetic or critical
situations. Yet he allows that the language of “Gorboduc
” has great merit and perspicuity, and that it is entirely free from the tumid phraseology of a subsequent age
of play-writing.
, one of the promoters of the reformation, was born in 1534, at the castle of Chabot in the Maconais, and was
, one of the promoters of the reformation, was born in 1534, at the castle of Chabot in the Maconais, and was descended of a noble and ancient family of the Forez. His father dying when he was very young, the care of his education devolved on his mother, who sent him to Paris, where he first was initiated in the principles of the Protestant religion. These he afterwards became better acquainted with at Thoulouse and Geneva, when introduced to Calvin and Beza. On the death of an uncle he was recalled home, and again sent to Paris, in consequence of a contest respecting the will of that uncle, who had left considerable property. While here, becoming more attached to the cause of the reformation, he was induced to study divinity, instead of law, for which he had been originally intended; and such was his progress and the promising appearance of his talents and zeal, that at the age of twenty, he was invited to preach to the congregation of the reformed at Paris. Their assembling, however, was attended with great danger; and, in 1557, when they met to celebrate the sacrament, about 150 were apprehended and thrown into prison, their pastors only escaping. The priests having circulated various scandalous reports of this meeting, which the judges found to be false, Sadeel was employed by his brethren in drawing up a vindication of them. Next year he was himself taken up, and imprisoned, but the king of Navarre, who had often been one of his hearers, immediately sent to the officers to release him, as being one of his own suite, and when they refused, went in person to the prison, complained of the affront, and released Sadeel. It nor, how^ ever, being thought safe for him to remain at this crisis in Paris, he retired for some time to Orleans, and when the danger seemed to be over, returned again, and drew up a Confession of Faith, first proposed in a synod of the reformed clergy of France, held at Paris, which was presented to the king by the famous admiral Coligni. The king dying soon after, and the queen and the family of Guise renewing with more fury than ever the persecution of the reformed, Sadeel was obliged again to leave the metropolis, which, however, he continued occasionally to visit when it could be done without danger.
, or Sadee, a celebrated Persian poet and moralist, was born in 1175, at Sheeraz, or Schiraz, the capiai of Persia,
, or Sadee, a celebrated Persian poet and moralist, was born in 1175, at Sheeraz, or Schiraz, the capiai of Persia, and was educated at Damascus, but quitted
his country when it was desolated by the Turks, and commenced his travels. He was afterwards taken prisoner, and
condemned to work at the fortifications of Tripoli. While
in this deplorable state, he was redeemed by a merchant of
Aleppo, who had so much regard for him as to give him his
daughter in marriage, with a dowry of one hundred sequins.
This lady, however, being an intolerable scold, proved the
plague of his life, and gave him that unfavourable opinion
of the sex which appears occasionally in his works. During
one of their altercations she reproached him with the favours her family had conferred: “Are not you the man
my father bought for \en pieces of gold?
” “Yes,
” answered Sadi, “and he sold me again for an hundred sequins?
the Persians on the daily and hourly occurrences of life; and his tomb, adjoining the city where he was born, is still visited with veneration. “Yet,” says sir William
We find few other particulars of his life, during which
he appears to have been admired for his wise sayings and
his wit. He is said to have lived an hundred and twenty
years, that is, to the year 1295, but different dates are
assigned, some making him born in 1193, and die in 1312.
He composed such a variety of works in prose and verse,
Arabic and Persian, as to fill two large folio volumes, which
were printed at Calcutta, in 1795. It was not, however,
merely as a poet, that he acquired fame, but as a philosopher and a moralist. His works are quoted by the Persians
on the daily and hourly occurrences of life; and his tomb,
adjoining the city where he was born, is still visited with
veneration. “Yet,
” says sir William Ouseley, speaking
of this author’s works, “I shall not here suppress that there
is attributed to Sadi a short collection of poetical compositions, inculcating lessons of the grossest sensuality;
” and
even his most moral work, called “Gulistan,
” or “Garden
of Flowers,
” is by no means immaculate. Mr. Gladwin
also, to whom we owe an excellent translation of it, published at Calcutta, 1806, in 4to, with the original Persian,
has been obliged to omit or disguise a few passages, which,
he says, “although not offensive to the coarse ideas of
native readers, could not possibly be translated without
transgressing the bounds of decency.
, an English writer, descended of an ancient family in Shropshire, was born in 1615, and admitted pensioner of Emanuel college, in
, an English writer, descended of an
ancient family in Shropshire, was born in 1615, and admitted pensioner of Emanuel college, in Cambridge, Nov. I 3,
1630, where he became eminent for his knowledge in the
Hebrew and Oriental languages. After having taken his
degrees at the usual periods, that of M. A. in 1638, in x
which year he was chosen fellow of his college, he removed
to Lincoln’s-Inn; where he made a considerable progress
in the study of the law, and was admitted one of the masters in ordinary in the court of chancery, June 1, 1644,
and was likewise one of the two masters of requests. In
1649, he was chosen town-clerk of London, and published
in the same year in 4to, a work with this title, “Rights of
the Kingdom: or, Customs of our Ancestors, touching the
duty, power, election, or succession, of our kings and
parliaments, our true liberty, due allegiance, three estates,
their legislative power, original, judicial, and executive,
the militia; freely discussed through the British, Saxon,
Norman, laws and histories.
” It was reprinted in 1682,
and has always been valued by lawyers and others. He
was greatly esteemed by Oliver Cromwell; who, by a letter from Cork, of Dec. 1, 1649, offered him the place of
chief justice of Munster in Ireland, with a salary of 1000l.
per annum; but this he excused himself from accepting.
In August 1650, he was made master of Magdalen college,
in Cambridge, upon the removal of Dr. Rainbow, who
again succeeded Sadler after the restoration. In 1653, he
was chosen member of parliament for Cambridge. In
1655, by warrant of Cromwell, pursuant to an ordinance
for better regulating and limiting the jurisdiction of the
high court of chancery, he was continued a master in
chancery, when their number was reduced to six only. It
was by his interest, that the Jews obtained the privilege of
building a synagogue in 'London. In 1658, he was, chosen
member of parliament for Yarmouth; and in December of
the year following, appointed first commissioner, under the
great seal, with Taylor, Whitelock, and others, for the
probate of wills. In 1660, he published in 4-to, his “Olbia The New Island lately discovered. With its religion,
rites of worship, laws, customs, government, characters,
and language with education of their children in their
sciences, arts, and manufactures with other things remarkable by a Christian pilgrim driven by tempest from
Civita Vecchia, or some other parts about ftome, through
the straights into the Atlantic ocean. The first part.
” Of
this work, which appears to be a kind of fiction, Dr. John
Worthiugton, in a letter to Mr. Samuel Hartlib, dated
April i, 1661, says, “Is the second part of Olbu like to
come out shortly? Jt is said to treat of the religion, worship, laws, customs, manner of education, &c. of that
place. The design promiseth much variety.
, an eminent English statesman, was born in 1507, at Hackney, in Middlesex. He was the son of Henry
, an eminent English statesman, was born in 1507, at Hackney, in Middlesex. He was the son of Henry Sadler, who, though a gentleman by birth, and possessed of a fair inheritance, seems to have been steward or surveyor to the proprietor of the manor of Gillney, near Great Hadham, in Essex. Ralph in early life gained a situation in the family of Thomas Cromwell, earl of Essex, and by him was introduced to the notice of Henry VIII. who took him into his service, but at what time is not very clear. He was employed in the great work of dissolving the religious houses, and had his full share of the spoil. In 1537, he commenced a long course of diplomatic services, byan embassy to Scotland, whose monarch was then absent in France. The objects of his mission were to greet the queen dowager, to strengthen the English interests in the councils of regency which then governed Scotland, and to discover the probable consequences of the intimate union of Scotland with France. Having collected such information as he could procure on these topics, he returned in the beginning of the following year, but went again to Scotland soon after, ostensibly to maintain a good correspondence between the two crowns, but really, as appears from his state-papers, to detach the king of Scotland from the councils of cardinal Beaton, who was at the head of the party most in the interest of France. He was instructed also to direct the king’s attention to the overgrown possessions of the church as a source of revenue, and to persuade him to imitate his uncle Henry VHIth’s conduct to the see of Rome, and to make common cause with England against France. In all this, however, he appears to have failed, or at least to have left Scotland without having materially succeeded in any part of his. mission.
, the first of a family of distinguished engravers, the son of a founder and chaser, was born at Brussels in 1550. He applied early in life to drawing
, the first of a family of distinguished
engravers, the son of a founder and chaser, was born
at Brussels in 1550. He applied early in life to drawing
and engraving, and published some prints at Antwerp,
which did him great honour. Encouraged by this success,
he travelled over Holland that he might work under the
inspection of the best masters, and found a generous benefactor in the duke of Bavaria. He went afterwards into
Italy, and presented some of his prints to pope Clement
VIII. but receiving only empty compliments fram that
pontiff, retired to Venice, where he died 1600, in his fiftieth year, leaving a son named Juste or Justin, by whom
also we have some good prints. Raphael Sadeler, John’s
brother, and pupil, was born in 1555, and distinguished
himself as an engraver, by the correctness of his drawings
and the natural expression of his figures. He accompanied
John to Rome and to Venice, and died in the latter city.
Raphael engraved some plates for a work entitled “de
opificio mundi,
” 1617, 8vo, which is seldom found perfect. The works executed by him and John in conjunction,
are, “Solitudo, sive vitas patrum eremicolarum,
” 4to
“Sylvse sacrae,,
” “Trophaeum vitae solitaries
” “
Oraculum anacboreticum,
” “Solitude sive vitae feminarura anachoreticarum;
” “Recueil d‘Estampes, d’apres Raphael,
Titien, Carrache,
” &c. amounting to more than Vestigi dell' antichita di Roma,
” Rome,
, a polite and learned Italian, was born at Modena in 1477, and was the son of an eminent civilian,
, a polite and learned Italian, was
born at Modena in 1477, and was the son of an eminent
civilian, who, afterwards becoming a professor at Ferrara,
took him along with him, and educated him with great care.
He acquired a masterly knowledge in the Latin and Greek
early, and then applied himself to philosophy and eloquence; taking Aristotle and Cicero for his guides, whom
he considered as the first masters in these branches. He
also cultivated Latin poetry, in which he displayed a very
high degree of classical purity. Going to Rome under the
pontificate of Alexander VI. when he was about twentytwo, he was taken into the family of cardinal Caraffa, who
loved men of letters; and, upon the death of this cardinal
in 1511, passed into that of Frederic Fregosa, archbishop
of Salerno, where he found Peter Bembus, and contracted
an intimacy with him. When Leo X. ascended the papal
throne in 1513, he chose Bembus and Sadolet for his secretaries men extremely qualified for the office, as both
of them wrote with great elegance and facility and soon
after made Sadolet bishop of Carpentras, near Avignon.
Upon the death of Leo, in 1521, he went to his diocese,
and resided there during the pontificate of Adrian VI.; but
Clement VII. was no sooner seated in the chair, in 1523,
than he recalled him to Rome. Sadolet submitted to his
boliness, but oh condition that he should return to his diocese at the end of three years. Paul III. who succeeded
Clement VII. in 1534, called him to Rome again; made
him a cardinal in 1536, and employed him in many important embassies and negotiations. Sadolet, at length, grown
too old to perform the duties of his bishopric, went no
more from Rome; but spent the remainder of his days
there in repose and study. He died in 1547, not without
poison, as some have imagined; because he corresponded
too familiarly with the Protestants, and testified much regard for some of their doctors. It is true, he had written
in 1539 a Latin letter to the senate and people of Geneva,
with a view of reducing them to an obedience to the pope;
and had addressed himself to the Calvinists, with the affectionate appellation of “Charissimi in Christo Fratres;
but this proceeded entirely from his moderate and peaceable temper and courteous disposition. He was a sincere
adherent to the Romish church, but without bigotry. The
liberality of sentiment he displayed in his commentary on
the epistle of St. Paul to the Romans incurred the censure
of the Roman court.
, a celebrated Icelandic writer, was the son of a priest named Sigfus, and was born about the middle of the eleventh century, between 1050
, a celebrated Icelandic writer, was the son of a priest named Sigfus, and was born about the middle of the eleventh century, between 1050 and 1060. He travelled at a very early period into Italy and Germany, in order to improve himself in knowledge, and for a considerable time his countrymen were not at all aware ipf what had become of him. At length Jonas, the son of Ogmund, who was afterwards a bishop, found him at Paris, and carried him back to Iceland. Here he took the order of priesthood, and succeeded his father as priest of Odda, He also established a school, and contributed with others to induce the Icelanders to pay tithes, and took a considerable part with regard to the formation of the ecclesiastical code of laws. He died in 1133 or 1135, being about eighty years of age. At the age of seventy he wrote a History of Norway, from the time of Harold Haarfager to that of Magnus the Good. He is generally allowed the merit of having collected the poetical Edda, by which means he preserved these curious and valuable remains of the ancient Scandinavian mythology, poetry, and morality, from being lost. They were printed at Copenhagen, 1787, 4to, with a Latin translation, the editors of which, in their preface, give a full account of the supposed authors, and the claim of Saemund to be considered as the principal collector.
, the first of French novelists, was born, according to one of his biographers, in 1677, at Ruys,
, the first of French novelists,
was born, according to one of his biographers, in 1677, at
Ruys, in Britanny; or, according to another, in 1668, at
Vannes. At the age of twenty-five he came to Paris, with
a view to study philosophy. His talents, although they
did not display themselves very early, proved to be equally
brilliant and solid. He made himself first known by a paraphrastic translation of the “Letters of Aristsenetus,
which he published in two small volumes. He then travelled
through Spain, and applied to the study of the Spanish
language, customs, and writers, from whom he adopted
plots and fables, and transfused them into his native tongue
with great facility and success. His works of this kind are,
“Guzman D'Alfarache
” the “Bachelor of Salamanca;
“Gil Bias;
” “New Adventures of Don Quixote,
” originally written by Avellaneda; “The Devil on two Sticks,
as it is called in our translation, in French “Le Diable boiteux,
” and some others of less note. Of the “Devil on
two Sticks,
” we are told that the first edition had amazing
success, and the second sold with still greater rapidity.
Two noblemen coming to the bookseller’s, found only one
single copy remaining, which each was for purchasing:
and the dispute grew so warm, that they were going to
decide it by the sword, had not the bookseller interposed.
He was also distinguished for some dramatic pieces, of
which “Crispin,
” and “Turcaret,
” both comedies, were
the most successful, and allowed to fall very little short of
the genius of Moliere. “Turcaret,
” which was first played
learning and worth, and an able controversial writer in defence of the church to which he belonged, was born in 1652. He was the son of captain Sage, a gentleman of
, a bishop of the old episcopal church of Scotland, a man of great learning and worth, and an able controversial writer in defence of the church to which he belonged, was born in 1652. He was the son of captain Sage, a gentleman of Fifeshire in Scotland, and an officer of merit in lord Duffus’s regiment, who fought on the side of the royalists when Monk stormed Dundee in 1651. Although, like many other royalists, he was scantily rewarded for his services, he was able to give his son a liberal education at school, and at the university of St. Andrew’s, where he took his degree of master of arts in 1672. He passed some years afterwards as schoolmaster of the parishes of Bingry in Fifeshire, and of Tippermoor in Perthshire, and as private tutor to the sons of a gentleman of fortune, whom he attended at school, and accompanied to the university of St. Andrew’s. In 1684, when his pupils left him, he removed from St. Andrew’s, and when uncertain what course to pursue, was recommended to archbishop Rose, who gave him priest’s orders, and advised him to officiate at Glasgow. Here he continued to display his talents till the revolution in 1688, when the presbyterian form of church government was established, and then went to Edinburgh. He preached in this city a while, but refusing to take the oaths of allegiance, was obliged to desist, and found an asylum in the house of sir William Bruce, the sheriff of Kinross, who approved his principles, and admired his virtues. Returning to Edinburgh in 1695, where he appears to have written some defences of the church to which he belonged, he was observed, and obliged again to retire. At length he found a safe retreat with the countess of Callendar, who employed him as chaplain, and tutor to her sons, and afterwards he lived with sir John Steuart of Garntully as chaplain, until Jan. 25, 1705, when he was consecrated a bishop. In the following year his health began to decay, and after trying the waters of Bath, in 1709, and change of air in other places, without much benefit, he died at Edinburgh June 7, 1711.
, an eminent Lutheran divine, historian to the duke of Saxony, and professor of history at Halle, was born Sept. 23, 1643, at Lunenburg. He studied in, or visited
, an eminent Lutheran divine,
historian to the duke of Saxony, and professor of history
at Halle, was born Sept. 23, 1643, at Lunenburg. He studied in, or visited the greatest part of the German universities, where he was much esteemed for his extensive knowledge of history and antiquities. He died March 9, 1694,
leaving nearly 70 volumes of dissertations, principally on
historical subjects on oracles on the gates of the ancients “The succession of the Princes of Orange,
” 4to
“History of the City of Herderwich
” a life of St. Norbert,
Tractatus varii da historia legenda,
” 4to “Historia antiqua Noribergse,
” 4to “Origin of the Dukes of
” “History of Lubec
” “Antiquities of the
kingdom of Thuringia
” “History of the Marquises and
Electors of Brandenburg,
” and many others, enumerated by
Niceron. His life was written by Schmid, and published
in 1713, 8vo.
, in Latin Sanctesius, was born in 1525, at Perche. He entered as a regular canon in the
, in Latin Sanctesius, was
born in 1525, at Perche. He entered as a regular canon
in the abbey de St. Cheron, near Chartres; at the age of
fifteen was admitted doctor of the Sorbonne, 1555, and resided afterwards in the house of cardinal de Lorraine, who
employed him at the conference of Poissy, in 1561, and
persuaded king Charles IX. to send him to the council of
Trent, with eleven other doctors. In 1566 De Sainctes,
with Simon Vigor, afterwards archbishop of Narbonne, disputed against two protestant ministers, at the house of the
duke de Nevers, and published the records of this conference two years after, and had also a controversy with
Sadeel, as we have recently noticed in his article. He
became so celebrated for his writings, sermons, and zeal
against the protestants, as to be promoted to the bishopric
of Evreux in 1575. The following year he attended the
states of Blois, and in 1581, the council of Rouen; but
having afterwards joined the most violent among the
Leaguers, was seized at Louviers by Henry IVth’s party,
who found a writing among his papers, in which he pretended to justify the assassination of Henry III. and declared that the present king deserved the same treatment.
Being carried as a prisoner to Caen, he would there have
received the punishment due to his attempt, had not cardinal de Bourbon, and some other prelates, interceded that
his punishment should be perpetual imprisonment. He
was accordingly confined in the castle de Crev^cceur, in
the diocese of Lisieux, where he died in 1591, De Sainctes
left many learned works, the largest and most scarce among
which is a “Treatise on the Eucharist,
” in Latin, folio, an
edition of St. James’s, St. Basil’s, and St. Chrysostom’s
” Antwerp,
, a French poet, was born at Roan in Normandy in 1594. In the epistle dedicatory
, a
French poet, was born at Roan in Normandy in 1594. In
the epistle dedicatory to the third part of his works, he tells
us, that his father commanded a squadron of ships in the
service of Elizabeth queen of England for twenty-two
years, and that he was for three years prisoner in the Black
Tower at Constantinople. He mentions also, that two
brothers of his had been killed in an engagement against
the Turks. His own life was spent in a continual succession of travels, which were of no advantage to his fortune.
There are miscellaneous poems of this author, the greatest
part of which are of the comic or burlesque, and the amatory kind. The first volume was printed at Paris in 1627,
the second in 1643, and the third in 1649, and they have
been reprinted several times. “Solitude, an ode,
” which
is one of the first of them, is his best piece in the opinion
of Mr. Boileau. In 1650 he published “Stances sur la
grossesse de la reine de Pologne et de Suede.
” In Moise sauve
”, idylle heroique,“Leyden
which had at first many admirers: Chapelain called it a
speaking picture but it has not preserved its reputation.
St. A main wrote also a very devout piece, entitled
” Stances
a M. Corneille, sur son imitation de Jesus Christ," Paris,
1656. Mr. Brossette says that he wrote also a poem upon
the moon, in which he introduced a compliment to Lewis
XIV. upon his skill in swimming, an amusement he often
took when young in the river Seine; but the king’s dislike
to this poem is said to have affected the author to such a
degree, that he did not survive it long. He died in 1661,
aged sixty-seven. He was admitted a member of the
French academy, when first founded by cardinal Richelieu,
in 1633; and Mr. Pelisson informs us, that, in 1637, at
his own desire, he was excused from the obligation of
making a speech in his turn, on condition that he would
compile the comic part of the dictionary which the academy
had undertaken, and collect the burlesque terms. This
was a task well suited to him; for it appears by his writings
that he was extremely conversant in these terms, of which
he seems to have made a complete collection from the
markets and other places where the lower people resort.
Romish communion in the thirteenth century, had his name from St. Amour in Franche Compte, where he was born about the commencement of that century. The zeal which
, doctor of the Sorbonne,
and one of the greatest ornaments of Christianity which
appeared in the Romish communion in the thirteenth century, had his name from St. Amour in Franche Compte,
where he was born about the commencement of that century. The zeal which he showed against the new institution of mendicant friars, both in his sermons, and as theological professor, induced the university of Paris to make
choice of him to defend their interests against the Dominicans and Franciscans, who wished to engross the power and
influence of the university to themselves. In 1255, the debate was brought before the pope Alexander IV. who, with
intolerable arrogance, ordered the university not only to
restore the Dominicans to their former station, but also to
grant them as many professorships as they should require.
The magistrates of Paris, at first, were disposed to protect
the university; but the terror of the papal edicts reduced
them at length to silence; and not only the Dominicans,
but also the Franciscans, assumed whatever power they
pleased in that famous seminary, and knew no other restrictions than what the pope imposed upon them. St. Amour,
however, wrote several treatises against the mendicant orders, and particularly, in 1255, or 1256, his famous book,
“Perils des derniers temps,
” concerning the “perils of
the latter days,
” in which he maintained that St. Paul’s
prophecy of the latter times (2 Tim. iii. 1.) was fulfilling in
the abominations of the* friars, and laid down thirty-nine
marks of false teachers.
, formerly a member of the French academy, was born in Nancy, Dec. 16, 1717, of a family of Lorrain. He was
, formerly a
member of the French academy, was born in Nancy, Dec.
16, 1717, of a family of Lorrain. He was educated among
the Jesuits at the college of Pont-a-Mousson, but in early
life entered into the army, which he quitted at the peace
of Aix-ia-Chapelle in 1748, and joined the gay party assembled by Stanislaus, king of Poland, at Luneville. There
he became an admirer of Madame de Chatelet, who returned his attachment. He was afterwards intimate with, and
the egregious flatterer of Voltaire, It is not said what
part he took in the revolution, but he escaped its dangers,
and died ai Pans Feb 9, 1805. He was a man of genius,
but his steps in the literary career were rather slow, and incommensurate with the activity of his genius; for his first
poetical nork, “Les Fe>es de l‘Amour et de l’Hymen,
” a
theatrical performance, was published about Lt-s quaires parties du jour
” appeared in Essai sur le luxe,
” 8vo. His
next, and justly celebrated, poetical performance, “Les
” which was published in
tin and French poetry of his in being. He died in 1555. Scevole, or Sclevola, the nephew of Charles, was born at Lou dun in 1536, and became very distinguished both
, in Latin Sammartbanus, is the
name of a family in France, which produced many men of letters. The first, Gaucher de Sainte-Marthe, had a son
Charles, born in 1512, who became physician to Francis II.
and was remarkable for his eloquence. Queen Margaret of
Navarre and the duchess of Vendome honoured him with
their particular esteem; and when they died in 1550, he
testified his grief by a funeral oration upon each, published
the same year. That upon the queen was in Latin, the
o.ther in French. There is also some Latin and French
poetry of his in being. He died in 1555. Scevole, or
Sclevola, the nephew of Charles, was born at Lou dun in
1536, and became very distinguished both in learning and
business. He loved letters from his infancy, attained an
intimate acquaintance with the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew
tongues and became an orator, a lawyer, a poet, and an
historian he is also represented as a good friend, zealous
for his country, and of inviolable fidelity to his prince. He
had, in the reigns of Henry III. and Henry IV. several considerable employments, which he filled with great reputation. In 1579, he was governor of Poitiers, and afterwards
treasurer of France for this district. In 1593 and 1594, he
exercised the office of intendant of the finances, in the
army of Breta^ne, commanded by the duke de Montpensier: and, in the latter of these years, he reduced Poitiers
to the subjection of Henry IV, Some time after, he conceived thoughts of retiring to his own country, and devoting the remainder of his life to contemplation: but was
again made governor of Poitiers, in so honourable a manner that he could not decline it. Upon the expiration of
this office, he went to Paris, and thence to Loudun, where
he passed the rest of his days “in otio cum dignitate.
This town had been often protected from ruin in the civil
wars merely by his credit, and therefore regarded hiui as
its protector. He died there in 1623, universally regretted;
and his funeral oration was pronounced by the famous
Urban Graudier. He was the author of “La louange de
la ville de Poitiers,
” 1573; “Opera Poetica,
” consisting
of odes, elegies, epigrams, and sacred poems, in French
and Luiin, 1575; “Gallorum doctrina illustrium elogia,
hut ins chief work, and that which keeps his lame
still alive in the republic of letters, is his work called
” Paedotrophia, seu de puerorum eciucatione,“printed in 1584,
and dedicated to Henry III. This poem^vent through ten
editions in the author’s life time, and hath gone through, as
many since. It was neatly printed at London in 1708, in
12mo, together with the
” Calliurfdia“of Quillet. It is
also printed with a complete edition of his and his son
Abel’s works, under the title
” Sammarthanorum patris et
lilii opera Latina et Gallica, turn soluta oratione, turn versa
scnpta,“Paris, 16:33, 4to. Scevole left several sons; of
whom Abel, the eldest, born at Loudun in 1570, applied
himself, like his father, to literature. He cultivated
French and Latin poetry; the latter were printed with
those of his father in the edition just mentioned, but are
inferior to them. Lewis XIII. settled on him a pension,
for the services he had -lone him, and made him a counsellor of state. In 1627, he was made librarian to the
king at Fontainebleau; and had after that other commissions of importance. He died at Poitiers in 1652, where
” Opuscula Varia“were printed in 1645, 8vo. This
Abe) had a son of his own name, born in 1630, and afterwards distinguished by his learning. He succeeded his father as librarian at Fontainebleau, and in that quality presented to Lewis XIV. in 1668,
” Un Discours pour le r6tablissement de cette Bibliorheque." He died in 1706.
, an ingenious French writer, was born at Auxerre in 1697. The only information we have of his
, an ingenious French writer, was born at Auxerre in 1697. The
only information we have of his earlv life is restricted to a
notice of the affection which subsisted between him and his
twin-brother M. de la Curne. It appears that he devoted
himself to researches into the language and antiquities of
his country, and was admitted a member of the French
academy, and that of inscriptions. In all his labours he
was assisted by his brother, who lived with him, and was
his inseparable associate in his studies, and even in his
amusements. St. Palaye died in 1781. La Harpe has
published some spirited verses which he addressed in his
eightieth year to a lady who had embroidered a waistcoat
for him; but he is chiefly known as an author by “Memoires sur PAncienne Chevalerie,
” 3 vols. 12mo, in which
he paints in very lively colours the manners and customs
of that institution. Mrs. Dobson published an English
translation of this in 1784. After his decease the abbe
Millot drew up, from his papers, “L'Histoire des Troubadours,
” in 3 vols. 12mo. St. Palaye had meditated on an
“Universal French Glossary,
” which was to be more copious than that of Du Cange, and left two works in manuscript, one a history of the variations that have taken place
in the French language, the other a Dictionary of French
, a French poet of the seventeenth century, was born at Paris, and studied with a view to the ecclesiastical
, a French poet of
the seventeenth century, was born at Paris, and studied
with a view to the ecclesiastical profession, but his private
attachment was wholly to the belles lettres and poetry,
which he diligently cultivated. He spent the greatest part
of his life at Livri, of which he was abbot, though no credit to the order, for he lived in a voluptuous, indolent
style, circulating and practising the pernicious maxims he
had learnt from his master, the poet Theophile, and to
which he was so strongly attached, that Boileau in his first
satire places St. Pavin’s conversion among things morally
impossible. The story of his having been converted by
hearing a terrible voice at the time Theophile died, in
1625, is entirely without foundation, for his conversion
preceded his own death but a very short time. He died in
1670, leaving several poems not inelegantly written, which
form part of vol. IV. of Barbin’s collection; and a collection of his works was published in 1759, 12mo, with Charleval, Lalane, and MontplaUir. He was related to Claudius
Sanguin, steward of the household to the king and the
duke of Orleans, who published “Les He-ires
” in French
verse, Paris,
, a French moral and political writer, was born in 1658, of a noble family, at Saint-Pierre in Normandy.
, a French
moral and political writer, was born in 1658, of a noble
family, at Saint-Pierre in Normandy. He studied at the
college of Caen, and was brought up to the church, and
obtained some preferment; but was more distinguished for
his political knowledge. Previous to his appearing in political life, he wrote some observations on philosophical
grammar, in consequence of which he was admitted a member of the academy in 1695. His political fame induced
the cardinal Polignac to take him with him to the conferences for the peace of Utrecht; and here he appears to
have announced one of his favourite projects, the establishment of a kind of European diet, in order to secure a perpetual peace, which cardinal Fleury received with good
humour, but saw at once its practical difficulties. Such
indeed was the case with most of the schemes he published
in his works, which are now nearly forgotten. He certainly, however, had the merit of discovering the defects
of the government of Louis XIV. and pleaded the cause of
a more free constitution with much boldness. One of his
best works was “A Memorial on the establishment of a
proportional Taille,
” which is said to have meliorated the
state of taxation in France. He d,ied in 1743, aged eightyfive. After the death of Louis XIV. he published some of
his spirited sentiments of that monarch in a pamphlet entitled “La Polysvnodie,
” or the plurality of councils, for
which he was excelled the French academy, Fontenelle
only giving a vote in his favour. An edition of his works
was published in H-.li md, 1744. 18 vols. 12mo.
, a polite French writer, was the son of a counsellor to the senate of Chamberri in Savoy, where he was born, but it is not mentioned in what year. He came very young
, a polite French writer,
was the son of a counsellor to the senate of Chamberri in
Savoy, where he was born, but it is not mentioned in what
year. He came very young to France, was some time a
disciple of Jvi. de Varillas, and afterwards distinguished
himself at Paris by several ingenious productions. In 1675,
he returned to Chamrberri, and went thence to England
with the duchess of Mazarin; but soon after came back to
Paris, where he lived a long time, without title or dignity,
intent upon literary pursuits. He returned a second time
to Charnberri in 1692, and died there the same year, advanced in years, but not in the best circumstances. He
was a man of great parts and penetration, a lover of the
sciences, and particularly fond of history, which he wished
to have studied, not as a bare recital of facts and speeches,
but as a picture of human nature philosophically contemplated. He wrote a piece, with this view, “De l‘Usage
de l’Histoire,
” Paris, Conjuration des Espagnols contre la Republique de Venise en
” 12mo, in a style which Voltaire compares to that of
Sallust; but what he gained in reputation by this, he is said
to have lost by his “La Vie de Jésus Christ,
” published
four years after. He wrote many other things: some to
illustrate the Roman history, which he had made his particular study some upon subjects of philosophy, politics,
and morals and notes upon the first two books of Tully’s
“Letters to Atticus,
” of which he made a French translation. A neat edition of his works was published at the
Hague in 1722, in 5 vols. 12mo, without the letters to Atticus; which, however, were printed in the edition of Paris,
1745, in 3 vols. 4to, and six 12ino.
, a learned Jesuit of Avignon, where he was born in 1557, entered into that society in 1578, and became
, a learned Jesuit of
Avignon, where he was born in 1557, entered into that
society in 1578, and became a noted tutor. He was afterwards made rector of the college of Besancon, and died at
Paris Jan. 23, 1640, in the eighty-third year of his age.
He wrote some pious tracts, but is principally known for
his “Annals of the Old Testament,
” published in
, one of the greatest ornaments of the twelfth century, was born at Old Sarum, whence he derived the name of Sarisburiensis,
, one of the greatest ornaments
of the twelfth century, was born at Old Sarum, whence he
derived the name of Sarisburiensis, about 1116. After
he had gone through a course of education in England, he
went to the university of Paris in 1136, and attended upon
the lectures of Abelard and other masters, with such industry and success, that he acquired an uncommon share of
knowledge both in philosophy and letters. At an early
period of life, his poverty obliged him to undertake the
office of preceptor; yet amidst engagements of this kind,
he found leisure to acquire a competent knowledge of dialectics, physics, and morals, as well as an acquaintance
with the Greek, and (what was at that time a rare accomplishment) with the Hebrew, languages. He may justly
be ranked among the first scholars of his age. After many
years had elapsed, he resolved to revisit the companions
of his early studies on Mount St. Genevieve, in order to
confer with them on the topics on which they had formerlydisputed. His account of this visit affords a striking picture of the philosophical character of this age. “I found
” says he, “the same men, and in the same place;
nor had they advanced a single step towards resolving our
antient questions, nor added a single proposition, however small, to their stock of knowledge. Whence I inferred, what indeed it was easy to collect, that dialectic
studies, however useful they may be when connected with
other branches of learning, are in themselves barren and
” Speaking in another place of the philosophers
of his time, he complains, that they collected auditors
solely for the ostentation of science, and designedly rendered their discourses obscure, that they might appear
loaded with the mysteries of wisdom; and that though all
professed to follow Aristotle, they were so ignorant of his
true doctrine, that in attempting to explain his meaning,
they often advanced a Platonic notion, or some erroneous
tenet equally distant from the true system of Aristotle and
of Plato. From these observations, and from many similar
passages to be found in his writings, it appears, that John
of Salisbury was aware of the trifling character both of the
philosophy and the philosophers of his age; owing, probably, to the uncommon share of good sense which he possessed, as well as to the unusual extent and variety of his
learning. Throughout his writings there are evident traces
of a fruitful genius, of sound understanding, of various
erudition, and, with due allowance for the age in which he
lived, of correct taste.
, a Welsh antiquary, was born of an ancient family in Denbighshire, and studied for some
, a Welsh
antiquary, was born of an ancient family in Denbighshire,
and studied for some time at Oxford, whence he removed
to Thaives-lnn, London. Here he applied to the law, but
does not appear to have risen to any eminence, as Wood
speaks of him as living, in his latter days in the house of
a bookseller in St. Paul’s church-yard. His principal object appears to have been the cultivation of the Welsh
Janguage, and the translation into it of the Bible, &c. It
would appear that queen Elizabeth gave him a patent, for
seven years, for printing in Welsh the Bible, CommonPrayer, and “Administration of tjie Sacraments.
” “He
” A Dictionary in English and Welsh,“Lond.
1547, 4to.
” A Little Treatise of the English pronunciation of the Letters.“” A plain and familiar introduction“to the same, Lond. 1550, 4to.
” 'Battery of the Pope’s
Bottereulx, commonly called the High-Altar,“ibid. 1550,
” The Laws of Howell Dha.“” A Welsh Rhetorick," revised, enlarged, &c. by Henry Perry, B. D.
The period of his death is uncertain, but he was living in
, an ingenious and laborious writer, was born at the Hague in 1694. His father was receiver-general of
, an ingenious and
laborious writer, was born at the Hague in 1694. His
father was receiver-general of Walloon Flanders, and of
an ancient and considerable family. He was educated with
great care, and sent at a proper age to Leyden; where he
studied history under Perizonius, philosophy under Bernard, and law under Voetius and Noodt. Having finished
his academical studies with honour, he returned to his parents at the Hague, and was admitted an advocate in the
court of Holland. After the peace of Utrecht in 1713 r he
went to France; and spent some time at Paris in visiting
libraries, and in cultivating friendships with learned men.
In 1716, he was made counsellor to the princess of Nassau; and, the year after, commissary of the finances of
the States General. He went again to France in 1717;
and two years after to England, where he was elected fellow of the Royal Society, in the list of which he is called
“Auditor-Surveyor of the Bank of Holland.
” He was author of several publications, which shewed parts, learning,
and industry; and without doubt would, if he had lived,
have been of great use and ornament to the republic of
letters; but, catching the small-pox, he died in 1723, in
his thirtieth year.
, an eminent Roman historian, was born at Amiternum in 86 B. C. The rank of his ancestors is uncertain,
, an eminent Roman historian, was born at Amiternum in 86 B. C. The rank of his ancestors is uncertain, but from some circumstances. in his writings, it is not improbable that his family was plebeian. Having passed his more early years at his native town, he was removed to Rome, where he had the advantage of profiting by the lessons of Atticus Praetextatus, surnarned Philologus, a grammarian and rhetorician of great celebrity. Under this teacher he applied -to learning with diligence, and made uncommon progress. It appears, that he had turned his thoughts in his younger days to the writing of history, for which he had unquestionably great talents; but, as he himself intimates in his preface to the history of Catiline’s conspiracy, he was diverted from this pursuit by the workings of ambition. His early lift; too, appears to have been stained by vice, which the gross enormities of his more advanced years render highly probable. In this respect he has found an able advocate in his late learned translator and commentator; but although Dr. Steuart’s researches have removed some part of the reproaches of ancient authors, enough remains to shew that Sallust partook largely of the corruption of the age in which he lived, and added to it by his own example. The story of his having been detected in an adulterous intercourse with the wife of Milo, who, after a severe whipping, made him pay a handsome sum of money, may rest upon little authority, or may be altogether discarded as a fiction, but the general conduct of Sallust shows that the noble sentiments in his works had no influence on his conduct.
ntury, and whom Baillet has with great propriety classed among his “Enfant celebres par les etudes,” was born at Semur-en-Auxois, in Burgundy. His family was ancient
, one of the
most learned men of the seventeenth century, and whom
Baillet has with great propriety classed among his “Enfant
celebres par les etudes,
” was born at Semur-en-Auxois, in
Burgundy. His family was ancient and noble, and his father, an eminent lawyer, and a member of the parliament
of Burgundy, wasa man of worth and learning. Respecting the time of his birth, all his biographers differ. Peter
Burman, who has compared their differences, justly thinks
it very strange that so many persons who were his contemporaries and knew him intimately, should not have
ascertained the exact dates either of his birth or death. The
former, however, we presume may be fixed either in 1593
or 1594. He was educated at first solely by his father,
who taught him Latin and Greek with astonishing success.
At the age of ten he was able to translate Pindar very correctly, and wrote Greek and Latin verses. At the age of
eleven, his father wished to send him for farther education
to the Jesuits’ college at Dijon, not to board there, but to
attend lessons twice a day, and improve them at his lodgings. In this scheme, however, he was disappointed. His
mother, who was a protestant, had not only inspired Claude
with a hatred of the Jesuits, but encouraged him to write
satires against the order, which he did both in Greek and
Latin, and entertained indeed throughout life the same
aversion to them. Having refused therefore to comply
with his father’s request m this respect, his mothef proposed
to send him to Paris, where her secret wish was that he
should be confirmed in her religion. This being complied
with, he soon formed an acquaintance with Casaubon and
some other learned men in that metropolis, who were astonished to find such talents and erudition in a mere boy.
During his residence here he conversed much with the
clergy of the reformed church, and being at length determined to make an open avowal of his attachment to protestantism, he asked leave of his father to go to Heidelberg,
partly that he might apply to the study of the law, but
principally that he might be more at his freedom in religious matters. Baillet calls this a trick of his new preceptors, who wished to persuade Salmasius’s father that Paris,
with respect to the study of the law, was not equal to Heidelberg, where was the celebrated Denis Godefroi, and an
excellent library.
, a learned doctor and librarian of the house and society of the Sorbonne, was born of an opulent family at Paris, in 1677. He was well acquainted
, a learned doctor and librarian of
the house and society of the Sorbonne, was born of an
opulent family at Paris, in 1677. He was well acquainted
with the learned languages, particularly Hebrew, possessed
great literary knowledge, and discovered much affection
for young persons who were fond of study, encouraging
them by his example and advice, and taking pleasure in
lending them his books. He died suddenly at his country
house, at Chaillot, near Paris, Sept. 9, 1736, aged fiftynine. He published a very useful work illustrative of a
part of ecclesiastical history, entitled “Traite de Petude
des Conciles,
” with an account of the principal authors and
works, best editions, &c. upon the subject of councils,
Paris, 1724, 4to. This has been translated into German,
and printed at Leipsic, in 1729. He intended also to have
given a supplement to “Father Labbe’s Collection of Councils,
” and an “Index Sorbonicus,
” or alphabetical library,
in which was to be given, under the names of the respective
authors, their acts, lives, chronicles, histories, books, treatises, bulls, &c. but did not live to complete either.
n that his family came from that country. His editor Baluzius infers from his first epistle, that he was born at Cologne in Germany; and it is known, that he lived a
, or Salvianus, an elegant and beautiful
writer, was one of those who are usually called fathers of the
church, and began to be distinguished about 440. The
time and place of his birth cannot be settled with any exactness. Some have supposed him to have been an African, but without any reasonable foundation: while others
have concluded, with more probability, that he was a Gaul,
from his calling Gallia his “solum patrium;
” though perhaps this may prove no more than that his family came
from that country. His editor Baluzius infers from his
first epistle, that he was born at Cologne in Germany; and
it is known, that he lived a long time at Triers, where he
married a wife who was an heathen, but whom he easily
brought over to the faith. He removed from Triers into
the province of Vienne, and afterwards became a priest of
Marseilles. Some have said, that he was a bishop; but
this is a mistake, which arose, as Baluzius very well conjectures, from this corrupt passage in Gennadius, “Homilias scripsit Episcopus multas:
” whereas it should be
read “Episcopis
” instead of “Episcopus,
” it being known
that he did actually compose many homilies or sermons
for the use of some bishops. He died very old towards
the end of the fifth century, after writing and publishing a
great many works; of which, however, nothing remains but
eight books “De Providentia Dei
” four books “Adverstis avaritiam, praesertim Clericorum et Sacerdotum
” and
nine epistles. The best edition of these pieces is that of
Paris 1663, in 8vo, with the notes of Baluzius; re-printed
elegantly in 1669, 8vo. The “Commonitorium
” of Vincentius Lirinensis is published with it, with notes also by
iati, from the favour and patronage of the cardinal Salviati, was the on of Michelangiolo Rossi, and was born at Florence in 1510. He was first placed as a pupil under
, called Tl Salviati, from the favour and patronage of the cardinal Salviati, was the on of Michelangiolo Rossi, and was born at Florence in 1510. He was first placed as a pupil under Andrea del Sarto, and afterwards, with far more advantage, with Baccio Bandinelii. Here he had for his fellow pupil, Vasari, who afterwards pronounced him the greatest painter then in Rome. His employment kept pace with his reputation,and, among other beneficial orders, he was engaged by his patron, the cardinal, to adorn his chapel with a series of frescoes, the subjects being taken from the life of St. John Baptist. He produced a set of cartoons of the history of Alexander, as patterns for tapestries; and, in conjunction with Vasari, ornamented the apartments of the Cancellaria with paintings in fresco. From Rome he went to Venice, where he painted many pictures, both for public edih'ces and private collections, particularly the history of Psyche for the Palazzo Grimaldi. He afterwards travelled through Lombardy, aid made some stay at Mantua, studying with much delight the works of Julio Romano. At Florence, he was employed by the grand-duke to adorn the Palazzo Vecchio: in one of the saloons he represented the victory and triumph of Furius Camillus, a work greatly admired for the truth and taste of the imitation, and the vigour and spirit of the composition.
, a learned Italian, was born at Florence in 1654, where he afterwards became professor,
, a learned Italian, was born
at Florence in 1654, where he afterwards became professor,
of Greek, which he understood critically. He has the
credit of having contributed much to the promotion of
good taste in Italy, chiefly by his translations, which comprize the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer; Hesiod Theocritus; Anacreon and many of the minor poets and epigrammatists: the Clouds and Plutus of Aristophanes parts
of Horace and Ovid; Persius part of the Book of Job
and the Lamentations; Boileau’s“Art Poetique;
” Addison’s
” and “Letters from Italy,
” and other pieces. All
these are literally translated, which obliged him to introduce into the Tuscan language a multitude of new compound terms. He wrote also “Sonnets and other original
” 4to; “Tuscan prose,
” A
hundred Academical Discourses
” “A funeral Oration for
Antonio Magliabecchi,
” and other works. Jie died in Fasti cqnsolari delfe' Academia Fiorentina,
” and the Lives of Magalotti and Migliorucci.
, an eminent physician, and one of the most learned writers in the sixteenth century, was born in 1531, at Tirnau in Hungary. He visited the universities
, an eminent physician, and one of
the most learned writers in the sixteenth century, was born
in 1531, at Tirnau in Hungary. He visited the universities
of Germany, Italy, and France, and applied with almost
equal success to the study of medicine, the belles lettres,
poetry, history, and antiquities. His learning and reputation introduced him with great advantage at the courts of
the emperors Maximilian Ji. and Rodolphus II. to whom
he became counsellor and historiographer. Sambucus died
of an apoplexy at Vienna in Austria, June 13, 1584, aged
fifty-three, leaving an excellent “History of Hungary,
in the German histories published by Schardius; “Lives
of the Roman Emperors;
” Latin translations of “Hesiod,
Theophylacr, and part of Plato, Ovid, and Thucydides
f Commentaries pn Horace’s Art of Poetry“notes on several Greek and Latin authors
” Icones m'edicorum,“Antwerp, 1603, fol.;
” Emblemata," Antwerp, 1576, 16to.
and several other works in verse and prose.
g to Strype, born at Playford in Suffolk, and was a fellow of Pembroke hall, Cambridge. Wood says he was born in 1517, without specifying where; but adds, that he was
, an eminent puritan divine, was, according to Strype, born at Playford in Suffolk, and was a fellow of Pembroke hall, Cambridge. Wood says he was born in 1517, without specifying where; but adds, that he was educated ac Oxford, which seems most probable, as that university was the scene of much of his future life; He appears to have imbibed the principles of the reformation at a very early period, and became such an acute reasoner that Wood informs us he was the means of converting John Bradford, the famous martyr. He began likewise very early to entertain those prejudices against the hahits which occasioned so much mischief in the church, and which were confirmed in him, and many others, by. associating with the Geneva reformers during their exile in the time of queen Mary. He was ordained by archbishop Cranmer and bishop Ridley, who, at his request, dispensed with the habits, to which now, and ever after, he attached the idea of idolatry. He was chaplain in the army of lord Russel in his expedition against the Scots. In 1551, he was preferred to the rectory of Allhallows, Bread-street, London, which he resigned in 1553, and the year following to the deanery of Chichester. During the reign of Edward VI. he was accounted one of the* ablrst and most useful preachers in confirming the people in the doctrines of the reformation. On the accession of queen Mary he concealed himself for some time; but having been active in collecting money for the support of poor scholars in the two universities, narrowly escaped beingapprehended, and was obliged to go abroad, where he resided chiefly at Strasburgh, with the other English exiles, and had some hand in the Geneva translation of the Bible.
, a learned Jesuit of France, was born at Rouen in 1676. He taught polite literature with distinguished
, a learned Jesuit of France,
was born at Rouen in 1676. He taught polite literature
with distinguished reputation at Caen, where he contracted
an intimate friendship with Huet, bishop of Avranche. A
taste for poetry is said to have been the principal bond of
their union. He afterwards professed rhetoric at Paris; and
was for some time charged with the education of the prince
of Conti. He was librarian to the king when he died, September 2 I, 1733. He published separately various Latin
poems, which are reckoned among the purest of modern
times; and also published them in a collected form, “
Carnumim libri quatuor,
” Paris, 1715, 12mo, and various theses
and philological dissertations but is best known by his
translation of the works of Horace with notes a work
which has been very well received. The satires and
epistles are ably translated; but the odes are rather
weakened by a languid paraphrase than a version answerable
to the original. His notes are learned, and many of them
very useful for understanding his author; but there are also
marks of a falsely delicate and fastidious taste, not uncommon among French critics. The best editions of his Horace are those of Paris, 1728, 2 vols. 4to, and 1756, 3
vols. 12mo.
, a learned physician, was born March 7, 1766, at Penna-Macor, in Portugal. His father,
, a learned physician, was born March 7, 1766, at Penna-Macor, in Portugal. His father, who was an opulent merchant, and iritended him for the bar, gave him a liberal education; but, being displeased at finding him, at the age of eighteen, obstinately bent on the profession of physic, withdrew his protection, and he was indebted to Dr. Nunés Ribeiro, his mother’s brother, who was a physician of considerable repute at Lisbon, for the means of prosecuting his medical studies, which he did, first at Coimbra, and afterwards at Salamanca, where he took the degree of M. D. in 1724; and the year following procured the appointment of phvsician to the town of Benevente in Portugal; for which, as is the custom of that country, he had a small pension, His stay at this place, however, was hut short. He was desirous of seeing more of the world, and of improving himself in his profession. With this view he came and passed two years in London, and had even an intention of fixing there; but a bad state of health, which he attributed to the climate, induced him to return to the continent. Soon after, we find him prosecuting his medical studies at Leyden, under the celebrated Boerhaavc; and it will be a sufficient proof of his diligence and merit to observe, that in 1731, when the Empress of Russia (Anne) requested Boerhaave to recommend -to her three physicians, the professor immediately fixed upon Dr. Sanches to be one of the number. Just as he was setting out for Russia, he was informed that his father was lately dead; and that his mother, in an unsuccessful law-suit with the Portuguese admiralty, had lost the greater part of her fortune. He immediately assigned over his own little claims and expectations in Portugal for her support. Soon after his arrival at St. Petersburg, Dr. Bidloo (son of the famous physician of that name), who was at that time first physician to the empress, -ave him an appointment in the hospital at Moscow, where he remained till 1734, when he was employed as physician to the army, in which capacity he was present at the siege of Asoph, where he was attacked with a dangerous fever, and, when he began to recover, found himself in a tent, abandoned by hjs attendants, and plundered of his papers and effects. In 1740, he was appointed one of the physicians to the court, and consulted by the empress, who had for eight years been labouring under a disease, the cause of which had never been satisfactorily ascertained Dr. Sanches, jn a conversation with the prime minister, gave it us his opinion, that the complaint originated from a stone in one of the kidneys, and admitted only of palliation. At the end of six: months the empress died, and the truth of his opinion was confirmed by dissection. Soon after the death of the empress, Dr. Sanche*s was advanced by the regent to the office of first physician; but the revolution of 1742, which placed Elizabeth Petrowna on the throne, deprived him of all his appointments. Hardly a day passed that he did not hear of some of his friends perishing on the scaffold; and it was not without much difficulty that he obtained leave to retire from Russia. His library, which had cost him 1200 pounds sterling, he disposed of to the academy of St. Petersburg, of which he was an honorary member; and, in return, they agreed to give him a pension of forty pounds per annum. During his residence in Russia, he had availed himself of his situation at court, to establish a correspondence with the Jesuits in China, who, in return for books of astronomy and other presents, sent him seeds or plants, together with other articles of natural history. It was from Dr. Sanche*s that the late Mr. Peter Cqllinson first received the seeds of the true rhubarb, but the plants were destroyed by some accident; and it was not till several years afterwards that rhubarb was cultivated with success in this country, from seeds sent over by the late Dr. Mounsey. In 1747, he went to reside at Paris, where he remained till his death. He enjoyed the friendship of the celebrated physicians and philosophers of that capital, and, at the institution of a Royal Medical Society, he was chosen a foreign associate. He was likewise a member of the royal academy of Lisbon, to the establishment of which his advice had probably contributed, as he drew up, at the desire of the court of Portugal, several memorials on the plans necessary to be adopted for the encouragement of science. Some of these papers, relative to the establishment of an university, were printed during his lifetime in Portuguese, and the rest have been found among. his manuscripts. His services in Russia remained for sixteen years unnoticed but, when the late empress Catherine ascended the throne, Dr. Sanches was not forgotten. He had attended her in a dangerous illness when she was very young; and she now rewarded him with a pension of a thousand roubles, which was punctually paid till his death. He likewise received a, pension from the court of Portugal, and another from prince Gallitzin. A great part of this income he employed in acts of benevolence. Of the liberality with with he administered to the wants of his rela T tions and friends, several striking instances, which our limits will not permit us to insert, have been related by Mr. de Magellan. He was naturally of an infirm habit of body, and, during the last thirty years of his life, frequently voided small stones with his urine. The disposition to this disease increased as he advanced in years, and for a considerable time before his death, he was confined to his apartments. The last visit he mad was, in 1782, to the grand duke of Russia, who was then at Paris. In September 1783, he perceived that his end was approaching, and he died on the 14th of October following. His library, which was considerable, he bequeathed to his brother, Dr. Marcello Sanches, who was likewise a pupil of Boerhaave", and who resided at Naples. His manuscripts (amorig which, besides a considerable number of papers on medical subjects, are letters written by him to Boerhaave. Van Swiften, Gaubius, Halter, Werlhof, Pringle, Fothergill, and other learned men) are in. the possession of Dr. An dry. His printed works, on the origin of the venereal disease and other subjects, are well known to medical readers; but his knowledge, it seems, was not confined to his own profession; he possessed a fund of general learning, and is said to have been profoundly versed in politics.
, or Sanctius Brocensis, an eminent classical scholar of the sixteenth century, was born at Las Brocas, in the province of Estremaduras in Spain,
, or Sanctius Brocensis,
an eminent classical scholar of the sixteenth century, was
born at Las Brocas, in the province of Estremaduras in
Spain, in 1523. His principal residence appears to have
been at Salamanca, where he was professor of rhetoric, and
taught Greek and Latin with the highest reputation, derived from the originality of his criticisms and remarks on
the classics. Justus Lipsius, Scioppius, and others, seem
at a loss for language to express their admiration of his talents and learning. Lipsius bestows the epithets “divine
and “admirable;
” and Scioppius says he ought to be considered as “com munis literatorum omnium pater et doctor.
” Sanchez died in 1600, in the seventy-seventh year
of his age. He published a great many works on subjects
of classical criticism, and was the editor of Persius, Pomponius Mela, Politian’s “Sylvan,
” Alciat’s emblems, Virgil’s Bucolics, and Horace’s Art of Poetry, He published
also two Greek grammars, and some other pieces on grammar and rhetoric; but the work which has perpetuated his
reputation is his “Minerva, de causis linguae Latinse,
” Salamanca,
, a learned Jesuit, was born at Cifuentes, in New Castile, about 1553. According to
, a learned Jesuit, was born at
Cifuentes, in New Castile, about 1553. According to the
practice of the society, with such young men as have distinguished themselves in their studies, he was appointed to
teach the learned languages and the belles lettres in the
Jesuits’ colleges at Oropesa, Madrid, and other places, and
was at last chosen professor of divinity at Alcala. Here he
spent thirteen years in commenting on the Scriptures, the
result of which he published in various volumes in folio, at
different times. Jt is perhaps no inconsiderable proof of
their merit that Poole has made frequent references to them
in his “Synopsis Criticorum.
” He died in
, a learned Spanish ecclesiastic, was born at Vigo in Gallicia in 1740. After the preparatory studies
, a learned Spanish ecclesiastic, was born at Vigo in Gallicia in 1740. After
the preparatory studies of divinity, &c. he entered into the
church, and obtained a canonry in the cathedral of St.
James, and was likewise appointed professor of divinity in
that city. His fame procured him admission into many
learned societies, and he became one of the most celebrated preachers of the last century, nor was he less admired for his benevolence. He obtained the honourable
title of the father of the unfortunate, among whom he spent
the whole profits of his canonry, and at his death in 1806,
left no more than was barely sufficient to defray the expences of his funeral. The leisure he could spare from his
professional duties was employed in the study of the ecclesiastical history of his country, which produced several
works that are highly esteemed in Spain. Some of them
were written in Latin, and some probably in Spanish, but
our authority does not specify which. Among them are,
1. “Summa theologize sacrse,
” Madrid, Annales sacri,
” ibid. ibid. 1784, 8vo, a work abounding in learned research. 4.
” A treatise on Toleration in
matters of Religion,“ibid. 1783, 3 vols. 4to, rather a singular subject for a Spanish divine. 5.
” An essay on the
eloquence of the pulpit in Spain,“ibid. 1778, 8vo. This
is a history of sacred oratory in that country in various ages,
with the names of those who were the best models of it.
The restoration of a true taste in this species of eloquence
he attributes to his countrymen becoming acquainted with
the works of those eminent French preachers Bossuet, Massillon, Bourdaloue, &c. 6.
” A collection of his Sermons,“ibid. 3 vols. 4to. These were much admired in Spain, and
were the same year translated into Italian, and printed at
Venice in 4 vols. 4to. 7.
” A paper read in the Patriotic
Society of Madrid in 1782, on the means of encouraging
industry in Gallicia," ibid. 1782, 8vo. This being his native country, Dr. Sanchez had long laboured to introduce
habits of industry, and had influence enough to procure a
repeal of some oppressive laws which retarded an object of
so much importance.
, a Spanish prelate, admired for his writings in the fifteenth century, was born at Santa Maria de Nieva, in the diocese of Segovia, in
, a
Spanish prelate, admired for his writings in the fifteenth
century, was born at Santa Maria de Nieva, in the diocese
of Segovia, in 1404. After being instructed in classical
learning, and having studied the canon law for ten years at
Salamanca, he was honoured with the degree of doctor in
that faculty; but afterwards embraced the eqclesiasUca!
profession, received priest’s orders, and was made successively archdeacon of Trevino in the diocese of largos, dean
of Leon and dean of Seville. The first preferment he held
twenty years, the second seven, and the third two years.
Ahout 1440, John II. king of Castille, appointed him envoy to the emperor Frederick III. and he was also afterwards employed in similar commissions or embassies to
other crowned heads. When Calixtus III. became pope,
Henry IV. king of Castille, sent him to congratulate his
holiness, which occasioned him to take up his residence at
Rome. In all his embassies, he made harangues to the
different princes to whom he was sent, which are still preserved in ms. in the Vatican library. On the accession of
pope Paul II. he made Sanchez governor of the castle of
St. Angelo, and keeper of the jewels and treasures of the
Roman church, and afterwards promoted him to the
bishoprics of Zamora, Calahorra, and Palencia. These last
appointments, however, were little more than sinecures, as
he never quitted Rome, and employed what time he could
spare from his official duties in that city in composing a
great many works, of which a list of twenty-nine may be
seen in our authorities. He died at Rome Oct. 4, 1470$
and was interred in the church of St. James of Spain. Although so voluminous a writer, by far the greater part of
his works remain in ms. in the Vatican and other libraries )
we know of three only which were published, 1. his history
of Spain, “Historiae Hispanise partes quatuor.
” This Marchand seems to think was published separately, but it was
added to the “Hispania Illustrata
” of Bel and Schott, published at Francfort in Speculum vitse humaoce, in quo de omnibus omnium vitte ordinum ac conditionum commodis ac incommodis tractatur,' r
Rome, 1468, folio, which, with three subsequent editions,
is accurately described in the
” Bibliotheca Speuceriana.“This work contains so many severe reflections on the clergy
of the author’s time, that some protestant writers have been
disposed to consider him as a brother in disguise. It is
certainly singular that he could hazard so much pointed
censure in such an age. 3.
” Epistola de expugnatione
Nigroponti>,“folio, without date, but probably before the
author’s death. A copy of this likewise occurs in the
” Bibl. Spenceriana." Those who are desirous of farther
information respecting Sanchez or his works may be amply
gratified in Marchand, who has a prolix article on the subject.
, a learned Spaniard, and librarian to the king, was born in 1730, and distinguished himself by his researches into
, a learned Spaniard,
and librarian to the king, was born in 1730, and distinguished himself by his researches into the literary history
pf his country, and by some editions of its ablest authors,
which he illustrated with very valuable notes. Our authority, however, conveys very little information respecting
his personal history or his works, and does not even mention the concern he had in the new and much improved
edition of Antonio’s “Bibl. Hispana.
” He died at Madrid in Collection
of Castiliian poetry anterior to the fifteenth century, to
which are prefixed memoirs of the first marquis of Santillane, and a letter addressed to the constable of Portugal,
on the origin of Spanish poetry,
” Madrid, An Apology for Cervantes,
” in answer to a letter published in the Madrid Courier; and “A
Letter to Don Joseph Berni, on his defence of Peter the
” ibid.
, an extraordinary Negro, was born in 1729, on board a ship in the slave-trade, a few days
, an extraordinary Negro, was born in 1729, on board a ship in the slave-trade, a few days after it had quitted the coast of Guinea for the Spanish West Indies; and at Carthagena, received baptism from the hand of the bishop, and the name of Ignatius. He lost his parents in his infancy, a disease of the new climate having put an early period to his mother’s existence; while his father defeated the miseries of slavery by an act of suicide. At little more than two years old, his master brought him to England, and gave him to three maiden sisters, resident at Greenwich; who thought, agreeable to prejudices not uncommon at that time, that ignorance was the only security for his obedience, and that to enlarge his mind would go near to emancipate his person. By them he was surnamed Sancho, from a fancied resemblance to the 'Squire of Don Quixote. While in this situation, the duke of Montagu, who lived on Blackheath, accidentally saw, and admired in him a native frankness of manner, as yet unbroken in servitude, and unrefined by education; brought him frequently home to the duchess; indulged his turn for reading with presents of books, and strongly recommended to his mistresses the duty of cultivating a genius of such apparent fertility. His mistresses, however, were inflexible^ and even threatened on angry occasions to return Sancho to his African slavery. The love of freedom had increased with years, and began to beat high in his bosom. Indignation, and the dread of constant reproach arising from the detection of an amour, finally determined him to abandon the family, and as his noble patron was recently dead, he flew to the duchess for protection, who dismissed him with reproof. She at length, however, consented to admit him into her household, where he remained as butler till her death, when he found himself by her grace’s bequest and his own ceconomy, possessed of seventy pounds in money^ and an annuity of thirty. Freedom, riches, and leisure, naturally led a disposition of African texture into indulgences; and that which dissipated the mind of Ignatius completely drained the purse. Cards had formerly seduced him; but an unsuccessful contest at cribbage with a Jew, who won his clothes, had determined him to abjure the propensity which appears to be innate among his countrymen. Ignatius loved the theatre^ and had been even induced to consider it as a resource in fhe hour of adversity, and his complexion suggested aa offer to the manager of attempting Othello and Oroonoko; but a defective and incorrigible articulation rendered this abortive. He turned his mind once more to service, and was retained a few months by the chaplain at Montaguhouse. That roof had been ever auspicious to him; and the last duke soon placed him about his person, where habitual regularity of life led him to think of a matrimonial connexion, and he formed one accordingly with a very deserving young woman of West India origin. Towards the close of 1773, repeated attacks of the gout and a constitutional corpulence rendered him incapable of farther attendance in the duke’s family. At this crisis, the munificence which had protected him through various vicissitudes did not fail to exert itself; with the result of his own frugality, it enabled him and his wife to settle themselves in a shop of grocery, where mutual and rigid industry decently maintained a numerous family of children, and where a life of domestic virtue engaged private patronage, and merited public imitation. He died Dec. 15, 1780, of a series of complicated disorders. Mr. Jekyll remarks that, of a negro, a butler, and a grocer, there are but slender anecdotes to animate the page of the biographer, yet it has been held necessary to give some sketch of the very singular man, whose letters, with all their imperfections on their head, have given such general satisfaction to the public*. The display which those writings exhibit of epistolary talent, rapid and just conception, of mild patriotism, and of universal philanthropy, attracted the protection of the great, and the friendship of the learned. A commerce with the Muses was supported amid the trivial and momentary interruptions of a shop; the poets were studied, and even imitated with some success; two pieces were constructed for the stage; the theory of music was discussed, published, and dedicated to the Princess royal; and painting was so much within the circle of Ignatius Sancho’s judgment and criticism, that several artists paid great deference to his opinion.
, an eminent English prelate, was born at Fresingfield, in Suffolk, Jan. 30, 1616, and educated
, an eminent English prelate, was born at Fresingfield, in Suffolk, Jan. 30, 1616,
and educated in grammar-learning at St. Edmund’s Bury,
where he was equally remarkable for diligent application
to his studies, and a pious disposition . In July 1634, he
was sent to Emanuel college in Cambridge, where he became very accomplished in all branches of literature, took
his degree of B. A. in 1637, and that of M. A. in 1641, and
was in 1642 chosen fellow of his college. His favourite
studies were theology, criticism, history, and poetry , but
in all his acquirements he was humble and unostentatious.
In 1648 he took the degree of B. D. It is supposed he never
subscribed the covenant^ and that this was connived at, because he continued unmolested in his fellowship till 1649;
at which time, refusing the engagement, he was ejected.
Upon this he went abroad, and became acquainted with the
most considerable of the loyal English exiles; and, it is
said, he was at Rome when Charles II. was restored. He
immediately returned to England, and was made chaplain
to Cosin, bishop of Durham, who collated him to the rectory of Houghton-le-Spring, and to the ninth prebend
of Durham in March 1661. In the same year he assisted
in reviewing the Liturgy, particularly in rectifying the
Kalendar and Rubric. In 1662 he was created, by mandamus, D. D. at Cambridge, and elected master of Emanuel college, which he governed with great prudence. In
1664 he was promoted to the deanery of York, which although he held but a few months, he expended on the
buildings about 200l. more than he had received. Upon
the death of Dr. John Barwick he was removed to the
deanery of St. Paul’s; soon after which, he resigned the
mastership of Emanuel college, and the rectory of Houghton. On his coming to St. Paul’s he set himself most diligently to repair that cathedral, which had suffered greatly
from the savage zeal of the republican fanatics in the civil
wars, till the dreadful fire in 1666 suggested the more noble
undertaking of rebuilding it. Towards this he gave 1400l.
besides what he procured by his interest and solicitations
among his private friends, and in parliament, where he
obtained the act for laying a duty on coals for the rebuilding of the cathedral. He also rebuilt the deanery, and
improved the revenues of it. In Oct. 1668, he was admitted archdeacon of Canterbury, on the king’s presentation, which he resigned in 1670. He was also prolocutor
of the lower house of convocation; and was in that station
when Charles II. in 1677, advanced him, contrary to his
knowledge or inclination, to the archiepiscopal see of Canterbury. In 1678 he published some useful directions concerning letters testimonial to candidates for holy orders.
He was himself very conscientious in the admission to orders or the disposal of livings, always preferring men of
approved abilities, great learning, and exemplary life. He
attended king Charles upon his death-bed, and made a very
weighty exhortation to him, in which he is said to have
used a good deal of freedom. In 1686 he was named the
first in James I I.'s commission for ecclesiastical affairs; but
be refused to act in it. About the same time he suspended
Wood, bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, for residing out
of and neglecting his diocese. As one of the governors of
the Charter-house, he refused to admit as pensioner in
that hospital Andrew Popham, a papist, although he came
with a nomination from the court. In June 1688, he joined
with six of his brethren the bishops in the famous petition
to king James, in which they gave their reasons why they
could not cause his declaration for liberty of conscience to
be read in churches. For this petition, which the court
called a libel, they were committed to the Tower; and,
being tried for a misdemeanor on the 29th, were acquitted,
to the great joy of the nation. This year the archbishop
projected the vain expedient of a comprehension with the
protestant dissenters. We have the following account of
this in the speech of Dr. W. Wake, bishop of Lincoln, in
the house of lords, March 17, 1710, at the opening of the
second article of the impeachment against Dr. Sacheverell.
“The person,
” says he, “who 6rst concerted this design
was the late most reverend Dr. Sancroft, then archbishop
of Canterbury. The time was towards the end of that unhappy reign of king James II. Then, when we were in
the height of our labours, defending the Church of England against the assaults of popery, and thought of nothing
else, that wise prelate foreseeing some such revolution as
soon after was happily brought about, began to consider
how utterly unprepared they had been at the restoration of
king Charles II. to settle many things to the advantage of
the Church, and what happy opportunity had been lost for
want of such a previous care, as he was therefore desirous
should now be taken, for the better and more perfect establishment of it. It was visible to all the nation, that the
more moderate dissenters were generally so well satisfied
with that stand which our divines had made agaiust popery,
and the many unanswerable treatises they had published in
confutation of it, as to express an unusual readiness to
come in to us. And it was therefore thought worth the
while, when they were deliberating about those other matters, to consider at the same time what might be done to
gain them without doing any prejudice to ourselves. The
scheme was laid out, and the several parts of it were committed, not only with the approbation, but by the direction of that great prelate, to such of our divines, as were
thought the most proper to he intrusted with it. His grace
took one part to himself; another was committed to a then
pious and reverend dean (Dr. Patrick), afterwards a bishop
of our church. The reviewing of the daily service of our
Liturgy, and the Communion Book, was referred to a select
number of excellent persons, two of which (archbishop Sharp, and Dr. Moore) are at this time upon our bench
and I am sure will bear witness to the truth of my relation.
The design was in short this: to improve, and, if possible,
to inforce our discipline to review and enlarge our Liturgy, by correcting of some things, by adding of others
and if it should be thought adviseable by authority, when
this matter should come to be legally considered, first in
convocation, then in parliament, by leaving some few ceremonies, confessed to be indifferent in their natures as indifferent in their usage, so as not to be necessarily observed
by those who made a scruple of them, till they should be
able to overcome either their weaknesses or prejudices,
and be willing to comply with them.
” In October, accompanied with eight of his- brethren the bishops, Sancroft
waited upon the king, who had desired the assistance of
their counsels; and advised him, among other things, to
annul the ecclesiastical commission, to desist from the exercise of a dispensing power, and to call a free and regular
parliament. A few days after, though earnestly pressed
by his majesty, he refused to sign a declaration of abhorrence of the prince of Orange’s invasion. In December,
on king James’s withdrawing himself, he is said to have
signed, and concurred with the lords spiritual and temporal,
in a declaration to the prince of Orange, for a free parliament, security of our laws, liberties, properties, and of
the church of England in particular, with a due indulgence
to protestant dissenters. But in a declaration signed by
him Nov. 3, 1688, he says that “he never gave the prince
any invitation by word, writing, or otherwise;
” it must
therefore have been in consequence of the abdication that
he joined with the lords in the above declaration. Yet
when the prince came to St. James’s, the archbishop neither
went to wait on him, though he had once agreed to it, nor
did he even send any message. He absented himself
likewise from the convention, for which he is severely censured by Burnet, who calls him “a poor-spirited and fearful man, that acted a very mean part in all this great
transaction. He resolved,
” says he, “neither to act for, nor
against, the king’s interest; which, considering his higli
post, was thought very unbecoming. For, if he thought,
as by his behaviour afterwards it seems he did, that the
nation was running into treason, rebellion, and perjury, it
was a strange thing to see one who was at the head of the
church to sit silent all the while that this was in debate,
and not once so much as declare his opinion, by speaking,
voting, or protesting, not to mention the other ecclesiastical methods that certainly be.came his character.
, or Santorius, an ingenious physician, was born in 1561, at Capo dTstria, a town on the borders of the
, or Santorius, an ingenious physician, was born in 1561, at Capo dTstria, a town on the borders of the gulf of Trieste. He studied medicine and took his degree at Padua, and then settled at Venice as a practitioner, where he had considerable success. In 1611 he was recalled to Padua, and appointed professor of the theory of medicine in that university; an office which he held with great credit for the space of thirteen years, until his reputation occasioning his being frequently sent for to Venice by the people of distinction in that city, he resigned his chair in order to dedicate all his time to medical practice. His resignation was accepted, but the salary continued; and with this testimony of the public esteem, he removed and settled finally at Venice, where he died in 1636, aged seventy-five. He was buried in the cloisters, and a statue of marble raised to his memory.
n ingenious artist, descended from a branch of the family of Saunby, of Babworth in Nottinghamshire, was born at Nottingham in 1732. In 1746 he came to London, and having
, an ingenious artist, descended from a branch of the family of Saunby, of Babworth in Nottinghamshire, was born at Nottingham in 1732. In 1746 he came to London, and having an early predilection for the arts, procured admission to the drawing room in the Tower, where he first studied. In 1748, William duke of Cumberland, wishing to have a survey of the Highlands of Scotland, which was the scene of his memorable campaign in 1745-6, Mr. Sandby was appointed draughtsman, under the inspection of general David Watson, with whom he travelled through the North and Western parts of that most romantic country, and made many sketches. During his stay at Edinburgh he made a number of small etchings from these designs; which on his return to London were published in a folio volume. But drawing of plans abounding in straight lines being neither congenial to his taste nor worthy of his talents, he in 1752 quitted the service of the survey, and resided with his brother, Mr. Thomas Sandby, at Windsor, and during his continuance there took more than seventy views of Windsor and Eton. The accuracy, taste, and spirit with which they were in an eminent degree marked, so forcibly struck sir Joseph Banks, that he purchased them all, and at a very liberal price. Mr. Sandby had soon afterwards the honour of being one of this gentleman’s party in a tour through North and South Walesj and made a great number of sketches from remarkable scenes, castles, seats, &c. Under the patronage of the late sir Watkin Williams Wynne, he afterwards took many more views from scenes in the same country, which with those before mentioned he transferred to copper-plates, and made several sets of prints in imitation of drawings, in bister or Indian ink. The first hint of the process by which this effect is given to an engraving, Mr. Sandby is said to have received from the hon. Charles Greville, a gentleman of acknowledged taste and judgment in every branch of polite art. Profiting by this hint, Mr. Sandby so far improved upon it as to bring the captivating art of Aquatinta to a degree of perfection never before known in this country.
, from whom a religious sect is generally named, was born at Perth in Scotland in 1723. Being intended for one of
, from whom a religious sect is
generally named, was born at Perth in Scotland in 1723.
Being intended for one of the learned professions, he
studied for two years at the university of Edinburgh, but
at the expiration of that time married, and his fortune
being- small, entered into the linen trade at Perth, whence
he removed to Dundee, and afterwards to Edinburgh. The
lady he married was the daughter of the rev. John Glass
(See Glass), who founded the sect, at that time called
from him Gtassitcs; and Mr. Sandeman, who was now an
elder in one of Glass’s churches, or congregations, and
had imbibed all his opinions, published a series of letters
addressed to Mr. Hervey, occasioned by that author’s
“Therou and Aspasio,
” in which he endeavours to shew
that his notion of faith is contradictory to the scripture account of it, and could only serve to lead men, professedly
holding the doctrines commonly called Calvinistic, to
establish their own righteousness upon their frames, inward feelings, and various acts of faith. In these letters
Mr. Sandeman attempts to prove, that faith is neither more
nor less than a simple assent to the divine testimony concerning Jesus Christ, recorded in the New Testament; and
he maintains, that the word faith, or belief, is constantlyused by the apostles to signify what is denoted by it in
common discourse, viz. a persuasion of the truth of any
proposition, and that there is no difference between believing any common testimony, and believing the apostolic
testimony, except that which results from the nature of
the testimony itself. This led the way to a controversy,
among Calvin ists in Scotland, concerning the nature of
justifying faith and those who adopted Mr. Sandeman’s;
notion of it, and who took the denomination of Sandemanians, formed themselves into church order, in strict fellowship with the church of Scotland, but holding no kind of
communion with other churches. The chief opinions and
practices in which this sect differs from others, are, their
weekly administration of the Lord’s Supper; their
lovefeasts, of which every member is not only allowed but required to partake, and which consist of their dining together at each other’s houses in the interval between the
morning and afternoon service: their kiss of charity used on
this occasion, at the admission of a new member, and at
other times, when they deem it to be necessary or proper;
their weekly collection before the Lord’s Supper for the
support of the poor, and defraying other expences mutual exhortation abstinence from blood and things strangled washing each other’s feet, the precept concerning
which, as well as other precepts, they understand literally
community of goods so far as that every one is to consider
all that he has in his possession and power as liable to the
calls of the poor and church, and the unlawfulness of laying up treasures on earth, by setting them apart for any
distant, future, and uncertain use. They allow of public
and private diversions so far as they are not connected with
circumstances really sinful; but apprehending a lot to be
sacred, disapprove of playing at cards, dice, &c They
maintain a plurality of elders, pastors, or bishops, in each
church, and the necessity of the presence of two elders in
every act of discipline, and at the administration of the
Lord’s Supper. In the choice of these elders, want of
learning, and engagements in trade, &c. are no sufficient
objection; but second marriages disqualify for the office;
and they are ordained by prayer and fasting, imposition of
hands, and giving the right hand of fellowship. In their
discipline they are strict and severe, and think themselves
obliged to separate from the communion and worship of
all such religious societies as appear to them not to profess
the simple truth for their only ground of hope, and who
do not walk in obedience to it. We shall only add, that
in every church transaction, they esteem unanimity to be
absolutely necessary.
writer of considerable fame, and one of the principal champions of popery in the sixteenth century, was born about 1527, at Charlewood in Surrey, and educated at Winchester
, a Roman catholic writer of considerable fame, and one of the principal champions of
popery in the sixteenth century, was born about 1527, at
Charlewood in Surrey, and educated at Winchester school,
whence he removed to New college, Oxford. Here he
studied chiefly canon law, and was made fellow of his college in 1548, and in 1550, or 1551, took the degree of
bachelor of laws. When queen Mary came to the throne,
he had the offer of being Latin secretary to her majesty,
which he declined for the sake of a studious, academical
life, and remained at Oxford during the whole of her reign.
In 1557 he was one of the professors of canon law, and
read what were called the “shaggling lectures,
” i. e. lectures not endowed, until the accession of queen Elizabeth,
when his principles induced him to quit England. He arrived at Rome about the latter end of 1560, and studying
divinity, became doctor in that faculty, and was ordained
priest by Dr. Thomas Goldwell, bishop of St. Asaph, who
at that time resided in the English hospital at Rome. Soon
after, cardinal Hosius, president of the council of Trent,
hearing of his abilities, took him into his family, and made
use of him, as his theologal, in the council. When the
council broke up, Dr. Sanders accompanied the cardinal
to Poland, Prussia, and Lithuania, where he was instrumental in settling the discipline of the Romish church; but
his zeal disposing him to think most of his native country,
he returned to Flanders, and was kindly entertained by sir
Francis Englefield, formerly privy-counsellor to queen
Mary, and then in great favour with the court of Spain;
through whose hands a great part of those charitable collections passed, which his catholic majesty ordered for the
subsistence of the English popish exiles. Sanders was appointed his assistant, and being settled at Louvaine, together with his mother and sister, he lived there twelve years,
and performed many charitable offices to his indigent countrymen. Much of this time he employed in writing in
defence of popery against Jewell, Nowell, and other eminent protestant divines.
abeth, one of the daughters of Richard Carr, of Butterthwaite-hall, in the parish of Ecclesfield. He was born at Rotherham, in Yorkshire, Sept. 19, 1587, and educated
, an eminent English
bishop, was descended from an ancient family, and was
the youngest son of Robert Sanderson, of Gilthwaite-hall,
Yorkshire, by Elizabeth, one of the daughters of Richard
Carr, of Butterthwaite-hall, in the parish of Ecclesfield.
He was born at Rotherham, in Yorkshire, Sept. 19, 1587,
and educated in the grammar-school there, where he made
so uncommon a progress in the languages, that, at thirteen,
he was sent to Lincoln college in Oxford. Soon after
taking his degree of B. A. his tutor told Dr. Kilbie, the
rector, that his “pupil Sanderson had a metaphysical
brain, and a matchless memory, and that he thought he
had improved or made the last so by an art of his own invention.
” While at college, he generally spent eleven
hours a day in study, chiefly of philosophy and the classics. In 1606 he was chosen fellow, and in July 1608,
completed his degree of M. A. In November of the same
year, he was elected logic reader, and re-elected in Nov.
1609. His lectures on this subject were published in 1615,
and ran through several editions. In 1613, 1614, and
1616, he served the office of sub-rector, and in the latter
of those years, that of proctor. In 1611, he was ordained
deacon and priest by Dr. King, bishop of London, and took
the degree of bachelor of divinity in 1617. In 1618, he
was presented by his cousin sir Nicolas Sanderson, lord
viscount Castleton, to the rectory of Wybberton, near
Boston, in Lincolnshire, but resigned it the year following
on account of the unhealthiness of its situation; and about
the same time was collated to the rectory of Boothby-Paniiell, or Paynel, in the same county, which he enjoyed
above forty years. Having now quitted his fellowship, he
married Anne, the daughter of Henry Nelson, B. D. rector of Haugham in the county of Lincoln; and soon after
was made a prebendary of Southwell, as he was also of
Lincoln in 1629. He continued to attend to his parochial
duties in a very exemplary manner, and particularly laboured much to reconcile differences, and prevent law-suits
both in his parish, and in the neighbourhood. He also
often visited sick and disconsolate families, giving advice
and often pecuniary assistance, or obtaining the latter by
applications to persons of opulence. He was often called
upon to preach at assizes and visitations; but his practice
of reading his sermons, as it was then not very common,
raised some prejudice against him. Walton observes, that
notwithstanding he had an extraordinary memory, he had
such an innate bashfulness and sense of fear, as to render
it of little use in the delivery of his sermons. It was remarked, when his sermons were printed in 1632, that “the
best sermons that were ever read, were never preached.
At the beginning of the reign of Charles I. he was chosen
one of the clerks in convocation for the diocese of Lincoln;
and Laud, then bishop of London, having recommended
him to that king as a man excellently skilled in casuistical
learning, he was appointed chaplain to his majesty in 1631.
When he became known to the king, his majesty put many
cases of conscience to him, and received from him solutions
which gave him so great satisfaction, that at the end of his
month’s attendance, which was in November, the king told
him, that “he should long for next November; for he resolved to have more inward acquaintance with him, when
the month and he returned.
” The king indeed was never
absent from his sermons, and used to say, that “he carried
his ears to hear other preachers, but his conscience to hear
Mr. Sanderson.
” In 1633 he obtained, through the earl
of Rutland’s interest, the rectory of Muston, in Leicestershire, which he held eight years. In Aug. 1636, when the
court was entertained at Oxford, he was,‘ among others,
created D. D. In 1642, he was proposed by both Houses
of parliament to king Charles, who was then at Oxford, to
be one of their trustees for the settling of church affairs,
and approved by the king: but that treaty came to nothing. The same year, his majesty appointed him regius
professor of divinity at Oxford, with the canonry of Christ
church annexed: but the national calamities hindered him
from entering on it till 1646, and then he did not hold it
undisturbed much more than a year. In 1643, he was nominated by the parliament one of the assembly of divines,
but never sat among them neither did he take the covenant
or engagement, so that his living was sequestered but, so
great was his reputation for piety and learning, that he was
not deprived of it. He had the’ chief hand in drawing up
“The Reasons of the university of Oxford against the solemn League and Covenant, the Negative Oath, and the
Ordinances concerning Discipline and Worship:
” and,
when the parliament had sent proposals to the king for a
peace in church and state, his majesty desired, that Dr.
Sanderson, with the doctors Hammond, Sheldon, and Morley, should attend him, and advise him how far he might
with a good conscience comply with those proposals. This
request was rejected by the presbyterian party; but, it being complied with afterwards by the independents, when
his majesty was at Hampton-court, and in the isle of Wight,
in 1647 and 1648, those divines attended him there. Dr.
Sanderson often preached before him, and had many public
and private conferences with him, to his majesty’s great
satisfaction. The king also desired him, at Hampton-court,
since the parliament had proposed the abolishing of episcopal government as inconsistent with monarchy, that he
would consider of it, and declare his judgment; and what
he wrote upon that subject was afterwards printed in 1661,
8vo, under this title, “Episcopacy, as established by law
in England, not prejudicial to Regal power.
” At Sanderson’s taking leave of his majesty in this his last attendance
on him, the king requested him to apply himself to the
writing of “Cases of Conscience;
” to which his answer
was, that “he was now grown old, and unfit to write cases
of conscience.
” But the king told him plainly, “it was
the simplest thing he ever heard from him; for, no young
man was fit to be a judge, or write cases of conscience.
Upon this occasion, Walton relates the following anecdote:
that in one of these conferences the king told Sanderson,
or one of them that then waited with him, that “the remembrance of two errors did much afflict him, which were,
his assent to the earl of Stafford’s death, and the abolishing of episcopacy in Scotland; and that, if God ever restored him to the peaceable possession of his crown, he
would demonstrate his repentance by a public confession
and a voluntary penance, by walking barefoot from the
Tower of London, or Whitehall, to St. Paul’s church, and
would desire the people to intercede with God for his pardon.
” In De juramenti obligatione,
” published the
preceding year, with great satisfaction; and asked Barlow,
afterwards bishop of Lincoln, if he thought Sanderson
could be induced to write cases of conscience, provided he
had an honorary pension allowed, to supply him with books
and an amanuensis But Sanderson told Barlow, “that, if
any future tract of his could bring any benefit to mankind,
he would readily set about it without a pension.
” Upon
this, Boyle sent the above present by the hands of Barlow;
and Sanderson presently revised, finished, and published,
his book “De obligatione conscientiae,
” which, as well as
alatine of Durham, who had suffered for his attachment to the Stuart family during the civil war. He was born July 27, 1660, at Egglestonhall, in that county, and entered
, an antiquary of considerable note, was a younger son of Christopher Sanderson, a justice of the peace for the county palatine of Durham, who had suffered for his attachment to the Stuart family during the civil war. He was born July 27, 1660, at Egglestonhall, in that county, and entered a student of St. John’s college, Cambridge, under the tuition of Dr. Baker, April 7, 1683. He remained in the university several years, and was contemporary with the celebrated Matthew Prior. Removing to London, he afterwards turned his attention to the law, and was appointed clerk of the rolls, in the Rolls chapel. He contributed largely to the compilation of Rymer’s Fcedera, and was exclusively concerned in arranging the three concluding volumes, from 18 to 20, which he successively dedicated to kings George I. and II. (See Rymer.)
, an eminent topographer and antiquary, was born at Antwerp, in Sept. 1586. He was first taught Latin at
, an eminent topographer and antiquary, was born at Antwerp, in Sept. 1586. He was first taught Latin at Oudenarde, and pursued his classical studies at the Jesuits’ college in Ghent. He then studied philosophy at Douay, and in 1609 obtained the degree of master of arts. After some stay in his native country, he entered on a course of theology at Louvain, which he completed at Douay, and in 1619, or 1621, took the degree of doctor in that faculty. Being ordained priest, he officiated for several years in various churches in the diocese of Ghent, was remarkably zealous in the conversion of heretics, i. e. protestants, and particularly contended much with the anabaptists, who were numerous in that quarter. Having, however, rendered himself obnoxious to the Hollanders, by some services in which he was employed by the king of Spain, their resentment made him glad to enter into the service of cardinal Aiphonso de la Cueva, who was then in the Netherlands, and made him his almoner and secretary. Some time after, by the cardinal’s interest, he was made canon of Ipres (not of Tournay, as father Labbe asserts) and finally theologal of Terouanne. He died in 1664, in the seventy-eighth year of his age, at Afflingham, an abbey of Brabant in the diocese of Mechlin, and was interred there, with a pious inscription over his grave, written by himself.
, daughter of Calcot Chambre, of Williamscot in Oxfordshire, and of Carnow in Wicklow in Ireland. He was born in 1630, in the castle of Carnow in the province of Wicklow,
, a herald and heraldic writer,
descended from a very ancient and respectable family, still
seated at Sandford, in the county of Salop, was the third
son of Francis Sandford, *of that place, esq. by Elizabeth,
daughter of Calcot Chambre, of Williamscot in Oxfordshire, and of Carnow in Wicklow in Ireland. He was born
in 1630, in the castle of Carnow in the province of Wicklow, part of the half barony of Shelelak, purchased of
James I., by his maternal grandfather, Chalcot Chambre.
He partook in an eminent degree the miseries of the period
which marked his youth. At eleven years of age he sought
an asylum in Sandford, being driven by the rebellion from
Ireland. No sooner had his pitying relatives determined to
educate him to some profession, than they were proscribed
for adhering to the cause of their sovereign; he received,
therefore, only that learning which a grammar school could
give. As some recompence for the hardships he and his
family had experienced, he was admitted, at the restoration, as pursuivant in the college of arms; but conscientiously attached to James II., he obtained leave to resign
his tabard to Mr. King, rougedragon, who paid him 220l.
for his office. He retired to Bloomsbury, or its vicinity,
where he died, January 16, 1693, and was buried in St.
Bride’s upper church yard. The last days of this valuable
man corresponded too unhappily with the first, for he died
“advanced in years, neglected, and poor.' 7 He married
Margaret, daughter of William Jokes, of Bottington, in
the county of Montgomery, relict of William Kerry, by
whom he had issue. His literary works are, 1.
” A
genealogical History of the Kings of Portugal,“&c. London,
1664, fol. partly a translation, published in compliment to
Catherine of Braganza, consort to Charles II. It is become
scarce. 2.
” The Order and Ceremonies used at the Funeral of his Grace, George Duke of Albemarle,“Savoy,
1670. This is a thin folio, the whole represented in engraving. 3.
” A genealogical History of the Kings of
England, and Monarchs of Great Britain, from the Norman
Conquest, Anno 1066, to the year 1677, in seven Parts
or Books, containing a Discourse of their several Lives, Marriages, and Issues, Times of Birth, Death, Places of Burial, and monumental Inscriptions, with their Effigies, Seals,
Tombs, Cenotaphs, Devices, Arms,“&c. Savoy, 1677,
fol. dedicated to Charles II., by whose command the work
was undertaken. It is his best and most estimable performance. The plan is excellent, the fineness of the numerous
engravings greatly enrich and adorn it: many are by Hollar, others by the best artists of that period, inferior to
him, but not contemptible, even when seen at this age of
improvement in graphic art. The original notes are not
the least valuable part of the work, conveying great information, relative to the heraldic history of our monarchs,
princes, and nobility. Mr. Stebbing, Somerset herald,
reprinted it in 1707, continuing it until that year, giving
some additional information to the original works; but the
plates being worn out, or ill touched, this edition is far inferior to the first.
” The Coronation of K. James II. and
Q. Mary," &c. illustrated with sculptures, Savoy, 1687, a
most superb work. When James declared he would have
the account of his coronation printed, Mr. Sandford and
Mr. King, then rouge-dragon, obtained the earl marshal’s
consent to execute it; the latter says, the greatest part
passed through his hands, as well as the whole management
and economy of it, though he declined having his name
appear in the title-page, contenting himself with one third
part of the property, leaving the honour, and two remaining shares of it, to Mr. Sandford well foreseeing, he says,
that they would be maligned for it by others of their office
and he was not mistaken, for Sandford, with all the honour,
had all the malice, for having opposed the earl marshal’sappointing Mr. Burghill to be receiver of fees of honour
for the heralds, and endeavouring to vest it in the king; so
that the affair was taken and argued at the council table.
The earl marshal, at the insinuation of some of the
heraids, suspended him, under pretence that he had not
finished the history of the coronation; but he submitting,
the suspension was soon taken off. The book at last was
not successful, for the publication being delayed until
1687, and the revolution following, which threw a damp
on such an undertaking, Messrs. Sandford and King gained
no more than their expences, amounting to 600l.
, an Italian ecclesiastical historian, was born June 31, 1692, and became, by the interest of his bishop,
, an Italian ecclesiastical historian,
was born June 31, 1692, and became, by the interest of
his bishop, cardinal Rezzonico, who was afterwards pope
Clement XIII. librarian and professor of ecclesiastical history at Padua, where he died, Feb. 23, 1751, in the fiftynrnth year of his age. He is known principally by his
“Vitae Pontificum Romanorum,
” Ferrara, Basis Historic Ecclesiasticae.
” He also
wrote “Historic Familiae Sacne;
”. “HistoriaS. S. Apostolorum;
” “Disputationes XX ex Historia Ecclesiastica
ad Vitas Pontificum Romanorum,
” and “Dissertations,
in defence of the “Historic Familiie Sacrae,
” which father
Serry had attacked.
, or, Van Den Sand, a Socinian writer, was born at Konigsburg in the year 1644. After becoming an ecclesiastic,
, or, Van Den Sand, a Socinian writer, was born at Konigsburg in the year 1644.
After becoming an ecclesiastic, he went to Amsterdam,
where he died in 1680, aged only thirty-six. He published
various works, among which are, 1. “Nucleus Historiae
” Tractatus de Origine Animae, 167 1.
” 3. “Notae et Observationes in G. J.
Vossium de Historicis Latinis,
” Centuria Epigrammatum
” 5. “Interpretation es paracloxae IV. Evangeliorum
” 6. “Confessio Fidei de Deo Patre, Filio, et Spiritu Saricto, secunduia
” “Scriptura Sacrac Trinitatis Revelatrix.
But the only work now much known, which was publibhed
after his death, is his “Bibliotheca Anti-Trinitariorum,
, a German painter, was born at Francfort in 1606. He was sent by his father to a grammar
, a German painter, was born
at Francfort in 1606. He was sent by his father to a grammar school; his inclination to engraving and designing
being irresistible, he was suffered to indulge it, and went
on foot to Prague, where he put himself under Giles Sadeler, the famous engraver, who persuaded him to apply his
genius to painting. He accordingly went to Utrecht, and
was some time under Gerard lionthrost, who took him into
England with him; where he stayed till 1627, the year in
which the duke of Buckingham, who was the patron of
painting and painters, was assassinated by Felton at Portsmouth. He went afterwards to Venice, where he copied
the finest pictures of Titian and Paul Veronese; and from
Venice to Rome, where he became one of the most considerable painters of his time. The king of Spain sending
to Rome for twelve pictures of the most skilful hands then
in that city, twelve painters were set to work, one of whom
was Sandrart. After a long stay in Rome, he went to Naples, thence to Sicily and Malta, and at length returned
through Lombardy to Francfort, where he married. A
great famine happening about that time, he removed to
Amsterdam; but returned to Francfort upon the cessation of that grievance. Not long after, he took possession
of the manor of Stokau, in the duchy of Neuburg, which
was fallen to him; and, finding it much in decay, sold all
his pictures, designs, and other curiosities, in order to
raise money for repairs’. He had but just completed these,
when, the war breaking out between the Germans and the
French, it was burned by the latter to the ground. He
then rebuilt it in a better style; but, fearing a second invasion, sold it, and settled at Augsburgh, where he executed many fine pictures. His wife dying, he left Augsburgh, and went to Nuremberg, where he established an
academy of painting. Here he published his “Academia
artis pictoria?,
” Academia Todesca della architettura, scultura, e
pittura, oderTeutsche academic der edlen banbild-rnahleren-kunste,
” Nuremberg, Iconologia Deorum, qui ab antiquis colebantur (Germanice), ibid. 1680, fol.
” Admiranda Sculptures
veteris, sive delineatio vera perfectissrma statuarum,“ibid.
1680, fol.
” Koiiiaj antiquse et novae theatrum,“1684, fol.
”Rotna-norum Fontinalia," ibid. 1685, fol. A German
edition of all his works was published by Volkmann, at
Nuremberg, in 1669 75, 8 vols. fol.
hird son of William Sandys, esq. and Margaret his wife, descended from the ancient barons of Kendal, was born near Hawkshead, in Furness Fells, Lancashire, in 1519.
, a very eminent English prelate, the
third son of William Sandys, esq. and Margaret his wife,
descended from the ancient barons of Kendal, was born
near Hawkshead, in Furness Fells, Lancashire, in 1519.
The same neighbourhood, and almost the same year, gave
birth to two other luminaries of the reformation, Edmund
Grindal and Bernard Gilpin. Mr. Sandys’s late biographer
conjectures, that he was educated at the school of Furness
Abbey, whence he was removed to St. John’s-college,
Cambridge, in 1532 or 1533, where he had for his contemporaries Redmayn and Lever, both great lights of the
reformation, beside others of inferior name, who continued
in the hour of trial so true to their principles, that, according to Mr. Baker, the learned historian of that house,
“probably more fellows were, in queen Mary’s reign,
ejected from St. John’s than from any other society in either
” Several years now elapsed of Sandys’s life,
during which in matters of religion men knew not how to
act or what to believe; but, though the nation was at this
time under severe restraints with respect to external conduct, inquiry was still at work jin secret: the corruptions
of the old religion became better understood, the Scriptures were universally studied, and every impediment being
removed with the capricious tyranny of Henry VIII., protestantism, with little variation from its present establishment in England, became the religion of the state.
, second son of the preceding, was born in Worcestershire about 1561, and admitted of Corpus-C
, second son of the preceding,
was born in Worcestershire about 1561, and admitted of
Corpus-Christi-college, Oxford, at sixteen, under the celebrated Hooker. After taking his degree of B. A. he was
made probationer-fellow in 1579, and was collated in 15S1
to a prebend in the church of York. He then completed
his degree of M. A. and travelled into foreign countries,
and at his return was esteemed for learning, virtue, and
prudence. He appears afterwards to have studied the law.
While he was at Paris, he drew up a tract, under the title
of “Europae Speculum,
” which he finished in 15b>9; an
imperfect copy of which was published without the author’s name or consent, in 1605, and was soon followed by
another impression. But the author, after he had used
all means to suppress these erroneous copies, and to
punish the printers of them, at length caused a true copy
to be published, a little before his death, in 1629, 4to,
under this title “Europae Speculum or a- view or survey
of the state of religion in the western parts of the world.
Wherein the Romane religion, and the pregnant policies
of the church of Rome to support the same, are notably
displayed; with some other memorable discoveries and
memorations. Never before till now published according
to the author’s original copie. Muituin diuque desideratum.
” Hagae Comitis, 1629. To this edition was a preface, which has been omitted in the latter editions though
some passages of it were printed in that of 1637, 4to. It
was also reprinted in 1673, and translated both into Italian
and French,
, brother of the preceding, was the seventh and youngest son of the archbishop of York, and was born at the archiepiscopal pala.ce of Bishopthorp in 1577. In
, brother of the preceding, was the
seventh and youngest son of the archbishop of York, and
was born at the archiepiscopal pala.ce of Bishopthorp in
1577. In 1588 he was sent to Oxford, and matriculated
of St. Mary Hall. Wood is of opinion, that he afterwards
removed to Corpus-Christi-coilege. How iang he resided
in the university, or whether he took a degree, does not
appear. In August 16 10, remarkable for the murder of
king Henry IV“. of France, Mr. Sandys set out on his travels, and, in the course of. two years, made an extensive
tour, having visited several parts of Europe, and many
cities and countries of the East, as Constantinople, Greece,
Egypt, and the Holy Land; after which, taking a view of
the remote parts of Italy, he went to Rome and Venice,
and, on his return, after properly digesting the observations
he had made, published, in 1615, his well-known folio, the
title of the 7th edition of which, in 1673, is,
” Sandys*
Travels, containing an history of the original and present
state of the Turkish empire; their laws, government, policy,
military force, courts of justice, and commerce. The Ma-^
hometan religion and ceremonies. A description of Constantinople, the grand signior’s seraglio, and his manner of
living: also of Greece, with the religion and customs of the
Grecians. Of Egypt; the antiquity, hieroglyphics, rites,
customs, discipline, and religion, of the Egyptians, A
voyage on the river Nilus. Of Armenia, Grand Cairo,
Rhodes, the Pyramides, Colossus: the former flourishing
and present state of Alexandria. A description of the
Holy Land, of the Jews, and several sects of Christians
Jiving there; of Jerusalem, Sepulchre of Christ, Temple
of Solomon, and what else, either of antiquity orworth observation. Lastly, Italy described, and the islands adjoining; as Cyprus, Crete, Malta, Sicilia, the Eolian islands;
of Rome, Venice, Naples, Syracusa, Mesena, jEtna, Scylla,
and Charybdis; and other places of note. Illustrated with
fifty maps and figures.“Most of the plates, especially
those relating to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, are copied
from the
” Devotissimo Viaggio di Zualiardo, Roma,“1587, 4to. Of these travels there have been eight or ten
editions published, and it still bears its reputation, his accounts having been verified by subsequent travellers. Mr.
Markland has a copy of this work, edit. 1637, with a ms
copy of verses by the author, which may be seen in the
*' Censura Literaria,
” but was first published at the end of
his “Psalms,
, vernacularly Giacomo Sannazaro, a celebrated Italian and Latin poet, was born at Naples, July 28, 1458. His family is said to have been
, vernacularly Giacomo Sannazaro, a celebrated Italian and Latin poet, was born at Naples, July 28, 1458. His family is said to have been originally of Spanish extraction, but settled at an Dearly period at Santo Nazaro, a flourishing town situated between' the Tessino and the Poj where it was long conspicuous for nobility and opulence. Reduced at length by the calamities of war, the more immediate progenitors of our poet removed to Naples. His father dying while this son was very young, his mother, unable from her poverty, to keep up her former rank, retired with her family to Nocera di Pagani, in Umbria, where Sannazarius passed a considerable portion of his youth. He had previously to his removal from Naples acquired the elements of the Greek and Latin languages, under the tuition of Junianus Maius, who conceiving a high opinion of his talents, prevailed on his mother to return again to Naples, where he might continue his education. Here he was admitted a member of the Academia Pontana, and took the name of Actius Sync-ems. He had formed an early attachment of the most tender kind to Carmosina Bonifacia, a young Neapolitan lady, but not being a favoured lover, uttered his disappointment in many of those querulous sonnets and canzoni which are still extant. In compositions of this kind Sannazarius is considered as having surpassed every other poet from the days of Petrarch. To dissipate his uneasiness, he tried the effect of travelling; but on his return, his grief was heightened by the report of the death of his mistress. She is understood to be the lamented Phyllis of his Italian and Latin poems.
, a celebrated French geographer, was born at Abbeville in Picardy, Dec. 20, 1600, Afte* he had finished
, a celebrated French geographer,
was born at Abbeville in Picardy, Dec. 20, 1600, Afte*
he had finished his juvenile studies at the Jesuits’ college
of Amiens, he betook himself to merchandise; but, sustaining considerable losses, quitted that calling, and applied himself to geography, a turn for which he had acquired under his father, who had published several maps.
When only eighteen or nineteen, he drew a map of Ancient Gaul on four sheets, but did not publish it till 1627,
lest, as we are told, it should, on account of his youth, be
thought his father’s; or, which is rather more probable, lest
it should not be sufficiently correct for publication. This,
however, was so favourably received, as to encourage him
to proceed with confidence and vigour, and in the course
of his life he executed nearly three hundred large maps,
ancient and modern, and caused an hundred methodical
tables to be engraven concerning the divisions of the dominions of Christian princes. He also wrote several works
to explain and illustrate his maps as> “Remarks upon
the Ancient Gauls;
” “Treatises of the four parts of the
” “Two Tables of the Cities and Places, which
occur in the maps of the Rhine and Italy;
” “A Description of the Roman Empire, of France, Spain, Italy, Germany, and the British Isles, together with the ancient
” all which are very necessary illustrations of
the maps, which they are intended to accompany. He
wrote also an account of the “Antiquities of Abbeville,
which engaged him in a contest with several learned men;
with father Labbe, the Jesuit, in particular. He made
also a “Sacred Geography,
” divided into two tables; and
a “Geographical Index of the Holy Land.
” He was preparing other works, and had collected materials for an atlas
of his own maps; but his incessant labours brought on an
illness, of which, after languishing for near two years, he
died at Paris, July 7, 1667, in the sixty-eighth year of his
life, leaving two sons, William and Adrian, who were likewise geographers of considerable merit. Their father had
received particular marks of esteem and kindness from the
cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin; and was geographer and
engineer to the king. His atlas was at last published at
Paris, in 1693, 2 vols. folio.
, an Italian poet and historian, was born in 1521 at Rome, and was the son of James Sansovino, an
, an Italian poet and historian,
was born in 1521 at Rome, and was the son of James Sansovino, an eminent sculptor and celebrated architect, whose
eulogy Vasari has left us. He studied the belies lettres at
Venice, and took his degrees in law at Padua; but that
science not suiting his taste, he devoted himself wholly to
poetry, history, and polite literature, and died in 1586, at
Venice, aged sixty-five, leaving more than fifty works, all
written in Italian. They consist of “Poems;
” notes on
Boccaccio’s “Decameron, on Ariosto, Dante, &c.
” translations of ancient historians and some histories written by
himself, as his “Venezia descritta,
” of which the best edition is that of Istoria Universale dell' origine,
guerre, ed imperio deTurchi,
” Satires
” are in a collection with
those of Ariosto, and others, Venice, 1560, 8vo his
” with those of Aretino, and different writers,
novelle Scelte,
” Venice,
, in Latin Santolius, a celebrated modern Latin poet, was born at Paris May 12, 1630, of a good family. He studied the
, in Latin
Santolius, a celebrated modern Latin poet, was born at
Paris May 12, 1630, of a good family. He studied the
belles lettres at the college of St. Barbe, and in that of
Louis le Grand, under the learned Pere Cossart, and entering soon after among the regular canons of St. Victor,
devoted himself wholly to poetry, commencing his caree/
by celebrating some great men of that time. He also was
employed to write many of those inscriptions which may
be seen on the public fountains and monuments of Paris,
and this he did in a style at once clear, easy, and dignified. When some new hymns were wanted for the Paris
breviary, he was requested by his brother Claude, Pelisson,
and Bossuet, to compose them, which he accomplished
with the greatest success and applause, in an elevated,
perspicuous, and majestic style, suited to the dignity of
the subject. The reputation which he gained by these'induced the order of Clugny to request some for their breviary. With this he complied, and in return they granted
him letters of filiation, and a pension. Santeul was much
esteemed by the literati of his time, and by many persons
of rank, among whom were the two princes of Coiide 1 father and son, whose bounty he frequently experienced
44ud Louis XIV. who settled a pension upon him. He
greatly offended the Jesuits, however, by his epitaph in
praise of their enemy Arnauld. While SanteuPs Latin
poems were always much admired by his countrymen, he
seems to have enjoyed fully as much reputation, during his
life-time, for his wit, and odditjes of character. La Bruyere, under the name of T/ieodes, has described him as, in
one moment, good-humoured, tractable, easy, and complaisant, in another, harsh, violent, choleric, and capricious; as at once simple, ingenuous, credulous, sportive,
and volatile; in short, a child with grey hairs, and as
speaking like a fool, and thinking like a sage. He utters,
adds La Bruyere, truths in a ridiculous manner, and sensible things in a siliy way; and we are surprised to find so
much intellect shining through the clouds of buffoonery,
contortions, and grimaces. He had great credit for his
witticisms, many of which may be seen in the “Santoliana.
When the duke of Bourbon went to hold the states of Burgundy at Dijon, Santeul attended him, and died there,
August 5, 1697, aged sixty-seven, as he was on the point
of returning to Pans. His death was attributed to an inconsiderate trick played upon him by some one whom his
oddity of character had encouraged to take liberties, and
who put some Spanish snuff into his wine-glass, which
brought on a complaint of the bowels that proved fatal in
fourteen hours. Besides his Latin hymns, 12mo, he left
a considerable number of Latin “Poems,
, a French miscellaneous author, was born at Hermanville, in the neighbourhood of Caen, about 1604.
, a French miscellaneous author, was born at Hermanville, in the neighbourhood of
Caen, about 1604. It is said, in the “Segraisiana,
” but
we know not on what foundation, that he was the natural
son of Mr. Fauconnier of Caen, a treasurer of France, by
a woman of low rank, whom he afterwards married. Sarasin began his studies at Caen, and afterwards went to
Paris, where he became eminent for wit and polite literature, though he was very defective in every thing that
could be called learning. He then made the tour of Germany; and, upon his return to France, was appointed a
kind of secretary to the prince of Conti. He was a man
of a lively imagination and ready wit; and much caressed
by those who thought themselves judges of that article.
He was, however, so frequently invited on this account
that he began to envy matter-of-fact men, from whom nothing of the kind is expected. He was also unfortunate in
his marriage, his wife being a woman of a violent ungovernable temper. It is said that he persuaded the prince
of Conti to marry the niece of cardinal Mazarin, and for
this good office received a great sum; but this being discovered, the prince dismissed him from his service, with
every mark of ignominy, as one who had sold himself to
the cardinal. This treatment is supposed to have occasioned his death, which happened in 1654. Pelisson, passing through the town where Sarasin died, went to the
grave of his old acquaintance, shed some tears, had a mass
said over him, and founded an anniversary, though he himself was at that time a protestant.
, of Spanish extraction, but to be classed among English divines, was a native of Artois, where he was born in 1531. Of his early years we have no account. In 1582
, of Spanish extraction, but to
be classed among English divines, was a native of Artois,
where he was born in 1531. Of his early years we have
no account. In 1582 he was invited to Leyden to be professor of divinity, and was preacher in the French church
there. Having studied the controversy respecting church
government, he inclined to that of episcopacy, and in 1587
came to England where he was well received hy some of
thie prelates and divines of that day, particularly Whitgift,
archbishop of Canterbury. He first settled at Jersey,
where he taught a school, and preached to his countrymen,
who were exiles there. He was appointed master of the
tree grammar-school at Southampton, where Nicholas
Fuller, the most renowned critic of his age, received his
education principally under him, and he also educated sir
Thomas Lake, secretary of state to James I. He was successively promoted to a prebend in the churches of Gloucester, Canterbury, and Westminster. He displayed great
learning in defence of episcopacy against Beza, when that
divine recommended the abolition of it in Scotland. He
died in 1613, at the age of eighty-two, and was interred
in Canterbury cathedral, where there is a monument to
his memory. All his works were published in 1611, one
v.oL folio. He must have acquired a very considerable
knowledge of the English language, as we find his name
in the first class of those whom king James I. employed in
the new translation of the Bible. He lived in great intimacy with his fellow labourer in the cause of episcopacy,
the celebrated Hooker. “These two persons,
” says Walton, “began a holy friendship, increasing daily to so high
and mutual affections, that their two wills seemed to be but
one and the same.
, a modern Latin poet, was born of illustrious parents, in 1595, in the duchy of Masovia,
, a
modern Latin poet, was born of illustrious parents, in 1595,
in the duchy of Masovia, in Poland. He entered among
the Jesuits in 1612, and was sent to continue his theological studies at Rome, where he devoted himself to the pursuit of antiquities, and indulged his taste for poetry. Some
Latin “Odes,
” which he presented to Urban Vijl gained
him that pontiff’s esteem, and the honour of being chosen
to correct the bymns, intended for a new breviary, then
composing by Urban‘ s orders. When Sarbiewski returned
to Poland, he taught etb’ics, philosophy, and divinity, successively at Wilna. Such was the esteem in which he was
held, that when admitted to a doctor’s degree there, Ladislaus V. king of Poland, who was present, drew the ring
from his finger, and put it on that of Sarbiewski; and this
ring is still preserved in the university at Wilna, and made
use of in the inauguration of doctors. Ladislaus also chose
him for his preacher, an office in which he gained great
applause; and he was frequently his majesty’s companion
in his journeys, especially when he went to the baths of
Baden. Sarbiewski was so enthusiastic in his admiration
of the Latin poets, that he is said to have read Virgil over
sixty times, and other poetical classics more than thirty
times. He died April 2, 1640, aged forty-five. His Latin
poems contain great beauties, mingled with some defects.
An enlarged and very elegant edition of them was published at Paris, by Barbou, 1759, 12 mo. They consist of Latin odes, in four books a book of epodes one of dithyrambic verses another of miscellaneous poems and a
fourth of epigrams. His lyric verses are the most admired
their style is elevated, but they are sometimes deficient in
elegance and perspicuity.
, a secular priest, who was sometimes called Smith, and sometimes Holland, was born at Barrow in Lincolnshire, about 1621, and admitted of
, a secular priest, who was sometimes called Smith, and sometimes Holland, was born at Barrow in Lincolnshire, about 1621, and admitted of St. John’s college in Cambridge April 12, 1639, by the masters and seniors of which he was recommended to be secretary to Dr. Thomas Morton, bishop of Durham. While in this employment he entered on a course of reading, which ended in his embracing the popish religion. He then went over to the English college of secular priests at Lisbon in 1642; and, after studying there some time, he returned to England in 1652, and was elected secretary of the secular clergy, and employed in propagating his religion, and writing books in defence of it, particularly against Dr. Hammond, Dr. Bramhall, Dr. Thomas Pierce, Dr. Tillotson, Casaubon, Taylor, Tenison, Stillingfleet, Whitby, &c. In the course of his controversies he wrote about forty volumes or pamphlets, the titles of which may be seen in Dodd. He had also a controversy with the superiors of his own communion, of which Dodd gives a long, but now very uninteresting account. He died, as his biographer says, with the pen in his hand, in 1707, in the eighty-sixth year of his age.
, a learned Italian prelate, was born at Polignano in 1649, and studied principally at Naples.
, a learned Italian prelate, was
born at Polignano in 1649, and studied principally at Naples. He commenced his career as an author about 1668,
and published some pieces connected with grammar and
polite literature. In 1675, after he had been admitted to
priest’s orders, pope Clement X. made him honorary prothonotary; and in 1679, he was appointed grand vicar to
cardinal Orsini, and obtained other preferment in the
church. He died in 1724. He was the author of above
thirty works, enumerated by Niceron and Moreri, of which
we may mention, “Lettere ecclesiastiche,
” in 9 vols. 4to
“II Clero secolare nel suo Splendore, overo della vita
commune clericale
” “Bestiarum Schola ad Homines
erudiendos ab ipsa rerum natura provide instituta, &c. decem et centum Lectionibus explicata;
” “Memorie Cronologiche de* Vescovi et Arcivescovi di Benevento, con la
serie de Duchi e Principi Longobardi nella stessa citta;
and the lives of Baptista Porta, Boldoni, &c. He sometimes wrote under assumed names, as Solomon Lipper,
Esopus Primnellius, &c.
, usually called in England, Father Paul, in Italian, Fra Paolo, a very illustrious writer, was born at Venice Aug. 14, 1552, and was the son of Francis Sarpi,
, usually called in England, Father Paul, in Italian, Fra Paolo, a very illustrious writer, was born at Venice Aug. 14, 1552, and was the son of Francis Sarpi, a merchant, whose ancestors came from Friuli, and of Isabella Morelli, a native of Venice. He was baptized by the name of Peter, which he afterwards, upon entering into his order, changed for Paul. His father followed merchandize, but with so little success, that at his death, he left his family very ill provided for, but under the care of a mother whose wise conduct supplied the want of fortune by advantages of greater value. Happily for young Sarpi, she had a brother, Ambrosio Morelli, priest of the collegiate church of St. Hermagoras, who took him under his care. Ambrosio was well skilled in polite literature, which he taught to several children of the noble Venetians: and he took particular care of the education of his nephew, whose abilities were extraordinary, though his constitution was very delicate. Paul had a great memory, and much strength of judgment; so that he made uncommon advance* in every branch of education. He studied philosophy and divinity under Capella, a father belonging to the monastery of the Servites in Venice; and when only in his tender years, made great progress in the mathematics, and the Greek and Hebrew tongues. Capelia, though a celebrated master, confessed in a little time that he could give his pupil no farther instructions, and with this opinion of his talents, prevailed with him to assume the religious habit of the Servites, notwithstanding his mother and uncle represented to him the hardships and austerities of that kind of life, and advised him with great zeal against it. But he was steady in his resolutions, and on Nov. 24, 1566, took the habit, and two years after made his tacit profession, which he solemnly renewed May 10, 1572.
sent it to all the famous astrologers in Europe, informing them, that under such an aspect a bastard was born in the duke’s palace. The astrologers returned very different
At this time he was in his twentieth year, and defended
in a public assembly at Mantua, several difficult propositions in natural philosophy and divinity, with such uncommon genius and learning, that the duke of Mantua, a great
patron of letters, appointed him his chaplain, at the same
time that the bishop of that city made him reader of canon
law and divinity in his cathedral. These employments
animated him to improve himself in Hebrew; and he applied also with much vigour to the study of history, in which
he was afterwards to shine. During his stay at Mantua he
became acquainted with many eminent persons; and his
patron, the duke, obliged him to dispute with persons of
all professions, and on all subjects. Paul had a profound
knowledge in the mathematics, but the utmost contempt
for judicial astrology: “We cannot, 17 he used to say,
” either find out, or we cannot avoid, what will happen
hereafter." Fulgentio, his biographer, relates a ludicrous
story, in which his patron appears to have been a chief
actor. The duke, who loved to soften the cares of government with sallies of humour, having a mare ready to foal a
mule, engaged Paul to take the horoscope of the animal’s
nativity. This being done, and the scheme settled, the
duke sent it to all the famous astrologers in Europe, informing them, that under such an aspect a bastard was born in
the duke’s palace. The astrologers returned very different
judgments; some asserting that this bastard would be a
cardinal, others a great warrior, others a bishop, and others
a pope, and these wise conjectures tended not a little to
abate the credulity of the times.
s of the interdict by Paul V.” As this was written for the sole use of the government under which he was born, it was deposited in the archives of Venice; till at length,
About 1602, he was diverted from his private studies,
which he had now indulged, though amidst numerous vexations, for many years, by the state of public affairs. A
dispute arose between the republic of Venice and the court
of Rome, relating to ecclesiastical immunities; and, as
both divinity and Taw were concerned in it, father Paul was
appointed divine and canonist for the republic of Venice,
to act in concert with the iaw-consultors. The dispute had
commenced, and been carried on, under ClementVIII.; but
when Paul V. came to the popedom, he required absolute
obedience without disputes. At length, when he found
his commands slighted, the pope excommunicated the
duke, the whole senate, and all their dominions, in April
1606, and the Venetians in return recalled their ambassador
at Rome, suspended the inquisition by order of state, and
published by sound of trumpet a proclamation to this eilect,
viz. “That whosoever hath received from Rome any copy
of a papal edict, published there, as well against the law of
God, as against the honour of this nation, shall immediately
bring it to the council of ten upon pain of death.
” But as
the minds, not only of the common burghers, but also of
some noble personages belonging to the state, were alarmed
at this papal interdict, Paul endeavoured to relieve their
fears, by a piece entitled “Consolation of mind, to quiet
the consciences of those who live well, against the terrors
of the interdict by Paul V.
” As this was written for the
sole use of the government under which he was born, it
was deposited in the archives of Venice; till at length,
from a copy clandestinely taken, it was first published at
the Hague, both in the Italian and French languages, and
the same year in English, under this title, “The Rights of
Sovereigns and Subjects, argued from the civil, canon, and
common law, under the several heads of Excommunications, Interdicts, Persecution, Councils, Appeals, Infallibility, describing the boundaries of that power which is
claimed throughout Christendom by the Crown and the Mitre;
and of the privileges which appertain to the subjects, both
clergy and laity, according to the laws of God and Man.
Paul wrote, or assisted in writing and publishing, several
other pieces in this controversy between the two states;
and had the Inquisition, cardinal Bellarmine, and other
great personages, for his antagonists. Paul and his brother
writers, whatever might be the abilities of their adversaries,
were at least superior to them in the justice of their cause.
The propositions maintained on the side of Rome were
these; that the pope is invested with all the authority of
heaven and earth that all princes are his vassals, and that
he may annul their laws at pleasure that kings may appeal
to him, as he is temporal monarch of the whole earth; that
he can discharge subjects from their oaths of allegiance,
and make it their duty to take up arms against their sovereign that he may depose kings without any fault committed by them, if the good of the church requires it that the
clergy are exempt from all tribute to kings, and are not
accountable to them even in cases of high treason; that the
pope cannot err; that his decisions are to be received and
obeyed on pain of sin, though all the world should judge
them to be false; that the pope is God upon earth, and
that to call his power in question, is to call in question the
power of God; maxims equally shocking, weak, pernicious, and absurd, which did not require the abilities or
learning of father Paul, to demonstrate their falsehood, and
destructive tendency. The court of Rome, however, was
now so exasperated against him, as to cite him by a decree,
Oct. 30, 1606, under pain of absolute excommunication,
to appear in person at Rome, to answer the charges of
heresies against him. Instead cf appearing, he published
a manifesto, shewing the invalidity of the summons; yet
offered to dispute with any of the pope’s advocates, in a
place of safety, on the articles laid to his charge.
, in Latin Sarravius, a learned French lawyer, was born towards the close of the sixteenth century, of a noble
, in Latin Sarravius, a learned
French lawyer, was born towards the close of the sixteenth
century, of a noble family, and educated by his father,
who was a man of letters, with the greatest care. To the
study of the law, he joined a taste for polite literature,
philosophy, and criticism, wrote elegantly in Latin, and
was an excellent Greek scholar. He had perused the
classics with great attention; and some Latin and French
verses which he wrote, show that he had formed his taste
on the best models. He practised at the bar at Rouen,
but was an enemy to litigious suits, and always endeavoured
to prevent his clients from corning into court, while reconciliation was possible. He lived in intimacy and correspondence with the most learned men of his time, particularly Salmasius, Grotius, and our archbishop Usher. It
is not much praise to add after this, that he had Christina
queen of Sweden for a correspondent. He was of the protestant religion, and appears to have been displeased with
some symptoms of what he thought lukewarm ness in his
friend Grotius, and wished him to be more decided. Sarrau died May 30, 1651, advanced in years, and was lamented in poems and eloges by many learned contemporaries. He published the collection of Grotius’s correspondence entitled “Grotii epistolsc ad Gallos,
” and his own
Latin letters were published in Sylloge.
” They
contain many particulars of the literary history of the times.
He appears to have been an exceeding admirer of Salmasius.
, a sweet, tender, and graceful composer, was born at Faenza in 1730. In 1756 he went t6 Copenhagen as maestro
, a sweet, tender, and graceful composer, was born at Faenza in 1730. In 1756 he went t6
Copenhagen as maestro di cappella to the young king of
Denmark, for whose theatre he composed an opera, which
had no great success. In his way back to Italy he came
through England, and published six sonatas for the harpsichord. In 1769 he went to Venice, where he was appointed master of the conservatorio of La Pieta, and composed an opera, which was in such favour, that it was said
to be celestial music of the other world, “musica dell 1 altro
” He next composed for Milan four operas, in
which Marchesi sung, and which had all very uncommon
success. In 1782 he was appointed maestro di cappella to
the Duomo in that city. His opera of “Giulio Sabino
was sung at the same time by Marchesi at Milan, and by
Pacchieretta at Venice. In 1784 it was brought on the
stage at Vienna, after it had been performed at all the
principal theatres of Italy during two years. His harmony
was sweet and simple, and his melody truly vocal.
r Vannucchi, a famous Italian painter, was the son of a tailor, whence he had the name of Sarto, and was born at Florence in 1471. He was apprenticed to a goldsmith,
, or Vannucchi, a famous Italian painter, was the son of a tailor, whence he had the name of Sarto, and was born at Florence in 1471. He was apprenticed to a goldsmith, with whom he lived some time; but was then placed with John Basile, an ordinary painter, who taught him the rudiments of his art; and afterwards with Peter Cosimo, and while with him, studied the cartoons of Michael Angelo and Leonardo da Vinci; and by these means arrived at a mastery in his art. Being at last dissatisfied with his master, he associated with Francis Bigio, and they painted various pieces in conjunction, at Florence and about it, for the monasteries. At length some of Sarto’s pieces falling under the notice of Francis I. that monarch was so pleased with them, that he invited Sarto into France, and treated him with great liberality. He executed many pictures for the king and the nobiiity; but, while employed upon a St. Jerome for the queenxnother, he received letters from his wife, with whom he was infatuated, which made him resolve to return thither. He pretended domestic affairs, yet promised the king not only to return, but also to bring with him a good collection of pictures and sculptures. In this, however, he was overruled by his wife, and, never returning, gave Francis, who liad trusted him with a considerable sum of money, so bad an opinion of Florentine painters, that he would not look favourably on them for some years after. Sarto afterwards gave himself up wholly to pleasure, and became at length very poor. He was naturally mild and diffident, and set but very little value upon his own performances: yet the Florentines had so great an esteem for his works, that, during the fury of the popular factions among them, they preserved them from the flames. Sarto died of the plague in 1520, when only 42. Sarto’s works, in Mr. Fuseli’s opinion seem to have obtained their full share of justice. As a Tuscan, the suavity of his tone and facility of practice contrast more strikingly with the general austerity and elaborate pedantry of that school, and gain him greater praise than they would, had he been a Bolognese or Lombard. It cannot, however, be denied that his sweetness sometimes borders on insipidity: the modesty or rather pusillanimity of his character checked the full exertion of his powers; his faults are of the negative kind, and defects rather than blemishes. He had no notions of nature beyond the model, and concentrated all female beauty in his wife, Lucretia; and if it be true that he sacrificed his fortune and Francis I. to her charms, she must at least have equalled in form and feature his celebrated Madonna del Sacca: hence it was not unnatural that the proportions of Albert Durer should attract him more than those of Michaelagnolo. His design and his conceptions, which seldom rose above the sphere of common or domestic life, kept pace with each other; here his observation was acute, and his ear open to every whisper of social intercourse or emotion. The great peculiarity, perhaps the great prerogative, of Andrea appears to me that parallelism of composition, which distinguishes the best of his historic works, seemingly as natural, obvious and easy, as inimitable. In solemn effects, in alternate balance of action and repose, he excels all the moderns; and if he was often unable to conceive the actors themselves, he gives them probability and importance by place and posture. Of costume he was ignorant, but none ever excelled and few approached him in breadth, form, and style of that drapery which ought to distinguish solemn, grave, or religious subjects.
trious professor of the mathematics in the university of Cambridge, and fellow of the Royal Society, was born in 1682, at Thurlston in Yorkshire; where his father, besides
, an illustrious professor of
the mathematics in the university of Cambridge, and fellow of the Royal Society, was born in 1682, at Thurlston
in Yorkshire; where his father, besides a small estate, enjoyed a place in the Excise. When he was a year old, he
was deprived, by the small-pox, not only of his sight, but
of his eye-balls, which were dissolved by abscesses; so
that he retained no more idea of light and colours than if
he had been born blind. He was sent early to a freeschool at Penniston, and there laid the foundation of that
knowledge of the Greek and Roman languages, which he
afterwards improved so far, by his own application to the'
classic authors, as to hear the works of Euclid, Archimedes,
and Diophantus, read in their original Greek. When he
had passed some time at this school, his father, whose occupation led him to be conversant in numbers, began to
instruct him in the common rules of arithmetic. Here it
was that his genius first appeared: for he very soon became able to work the common questions, to make long
calculations by the strength of his memory, and to form
new rules to himself for the more ready solving of such
problems as are often proposed to learners, as trials of
skill. At eighteen, he was introduced to the acquaintance
of Richard West of Underbank, esq. a gentleman of fortune
and a lover of the mathematics, who, observing his uncommon capacity, took the pains to instruct him in the principles of algebra and geometry, and gave him every encouragement in the prosecution of these studies. Soon after,
he became acquainted with Dr. Nettleton, who took the
same pains with him; and it was to these gentlemen that
he owed his first institution in the mathematical sciences.
They furnished him with books, and often read and expounded them to him; but he soon surpassed his masters,
and became fitter to teach than learn any thing from them.
His passion for learning growing up with him, his father
sent him to a private academy at Attercliff near Sheffield.
But logic and metaphysics being the principal learning of
this school, were neither of them agreeable to the genius
of our author; and therefore he made but a short stay.
He remained some time after in the country, prosecuting
his studies in his own way, without any other assistant
than a good author, and some person that could read it to
him; being able, by the strength of his own abilities, to
surmount all difficulties that might occur. His education
had hitherto been at the expence of his father, who, having a numerous family, found it difficult to continue it;
and his friends therefore began to think of fixing him in
some way of business, by which he might support himself.
His own inclination led him strongly to Cambridge; and,
after much consideration, it was resolved he should make
his appearance there in a way very uncommon; not as a
scholar, but a master; for, his friends, observing in him a
peculiar felicity in conveying his ideas to others, hoped
that he might teach the mathematics with credit and advantage, even in the university; or, if this design should
miscarry, they promised themselves success in opening a
school for him in London.
Accordingly, in 1707, being now twenty-five, he was
brought to Cambridge by Mr. Joshua Dunn, then a fellowcommoner of Christ’s college; where he resided with that
friend, but was not admitted a member of the college. The
society, however, much pleased with so extraordinary a
guest, allotted him a chamber, the use of their library,
and indulged him in every privilege that could be of advantage to him. But still many difficulties obstructed his
design: he was placed here without friends, without fortune, a young man, untaught himself, to be a teacher of
philosophy in an university, where it then flourished in
the greatest perfection. Whiston was at this time mathematical professor, and read lectures in the manner proposed by Saunderson; so that an attempt of the same kind
by the latter looked like an encroachment on the privileges
of his office; but, as a good-natured man, and an encourager of learning, Whiston readily consented to the application of friends, made in behalf of so uncommon a person.
Mr. Dunn had been very assiduous in making known his
character his fame in a short time had filled the university men of learning and curiosity grew ambitious and
fond of his acquaintance, so that his lecture, as soon as
opened, was frequented by many, and in a short time very
much crowded. “The Principia Mathematica, Optics,
and Arithmetica Universalis, of sir Isaac Newton,
” were
the foundation of his lecture; and they afforded a noble
field to display his genius in. It was indeed an object of
the greatest curiosity that a blind youth should read lectures
in optics, discourse on the nature of light and colours, explain the theory of vision, the effect of glasses, the phenomena of the rainbow, and other objects of sight: nor was
the surprize of his auditors much lessened by reflecting,
that as this science is altogether to be explained by lines,
and is subject to the rules of geometry, he might be a master of these subjects, even under the loss of sight.
, a protestant divine, was born August 28, 1639, at Usseaux, in the valley of Pragelas
, a protestant divine, was born August
28, 1639, at Usseaux, in the valley of Pragelas on the
frontiers of Daupliiny, where his father officiated as minister. He was himself appointed minister of Venterole in
1661, of Embrun in 1662, and would have been shortly
chosen professor of divinity at Die, but meeting accidentally with a priest who was carrying the host to a sick person, he would not take off his hat. This trifle, as might
be expected in a popish country, was so much resented,
that Saurin found it necessary to retire into Holland, where
he arrived in June 1664, was appointed minister of the
Walloon church at Delft the following year, and had a great
share in deposing the famous Labadie. In 1671, he was
invited to be minister of the Walloon church at Utrecht,
where he became very celebrated by his works, and had
some Tery warm disputes with Jurieu, which were the subject of much conversation; but he is said to have satisfactorily answered the charge of heresy which that author
brought against him. Saurin died unmarried at Utrecht,
April 8, 1703, aged sixty-four, leaving the following works:
an “Examination of M. Jurieu’s Theology,
” 2 vols. 8vo,
in which he treats of several important questions in divinity;
“Reflections on the Rights of Conscience,
” against Jurieu,
and Bayle’s Philosophical Commentary; a treatise on “the
Love of God,
” in which he supports the doctrine of disinterested love; and another on the “Love of our Neighbours,
” &c.
, a very celebrated preacher, was the son of an eminent protestant lawyer, and was born at Nismes in 1677. His father retired, after the repeal
, a very celebrated preacher, was the
son of an eminent protestant lawyer, and was born at Nismes
in 1677. His father retired, after the repeal of the edict
of Nantz, to Geneva, at which place he died. Saurin
made no small progress in his studies, but abandoned them
for some time, that he might follow arms. In 1694, he
made a campaign as a cadet in lord Galloway’s company,
and soon afterwards procured a pair of colours. But as
soon as the duke of Savoy had concluded a peace with
France, Saurin quitted a profession for which he never was
designed; and, on his return to Geneva again, applied
himself to philosophy and divinity, under Turretin and
other professors. In 1700, he visited both Holland and
England. In this last country he remained five years, and
preached among the French refugees in London. Here
also he married in 1703, and returned to the Hague in
1705. Soon after he became pastor to the church of
French refugees, who were permitted to assemble in the
chapel belonging to the palace of the princes of Orange at
the Hague, in which he officiated during the remainder of
his life. When the princess of Wales, afterwards queen
Caroline, passed through Holland on her way to England,
Saurin had the honour of paying his respects to her, and
she, upon her return, desired Dr. Boulter, the preceptor to
prince Frederic, the father of the present king, to write
to Saurin, to draw up a treatise “on the education of
” The work was done, but never printed, and the
author received a handsome present from the princess, and
afterwards a pension from George II. to whom he dedicated
a volume of his sermons. Saurin died Dec. 30, 1730. He
possessed great talents, with a fine address, and a strong,
clear, and harmonious voice, while his style was pure, unaffected, and eloquent. His principles were what are called
moderate Calvinism. Five volumes of his sermons have
made their appearance at different times; the first in 1708,
the second in 1712, the third some years after, the fourth
in 1722, and the fifth in 1725. Since his death, the sermons relating to the passion of Jesus Christ, and other
subjects, were published in two volumes. In 1727 he
published “The State of Christianity in France.
, a French mathematician, was born in 165S* at Courtuson, in the principality of Orange. He
, a French mathematician, was born in 165S* at Courtuson, in the principality of Orange. He was educated by his father, and was at a very early age made a minister at Eure in Dauphiny. But he was compelled to retire to Geneva in 1633, in consecpence of having given offence in a sermon, which he afterwards heightened at Berne by preaching against some of the established doctrines of the church. He then withdrew to Holland, but was so ill received by his brethren, that he determined to turn Roman catholic; with this design, in 1690 he went to Paris, and made an abjuration of his supposed errors under the famous Bossuet, rather, it is believed, to have an opportunity of pursuing his studies unmolested at Paris than from any motives of conscience or mental conviction. After this he had a pension from the king, and was admitted a member of the academy of sciences in 1707, as a geometrician. The decline of Saurin’s life was spent in the peaceable prosecution of his mathematical studies, occasionally interrupted by literary controversies with Rousseau and others. He was a man of a daring and impetuous spirit, and of a lofty and independent mind. Saurin died at Paris in 1737. Voltaire undertook the vindication of his memory, but has not been sufficiently successful to clear it from every unfavourable impression. It was even said he had been guilty of crimes, by his own confession, that ought to have been punished with death.
rate of St. Leu, at Paris, official and grand vicar in the same city, and afterwards bishop of Toul, was born about 1595, at Paris. He was preacher in ordinary to Louis
, doctor of law and divinity,
curate of St. Leu, at Paris, official and grand vicar in the
same city, and afterwards bishop of Toul, was born about
1595, at Paris. He was preacher in ordinary to Louis XIII.
who had a great esteem for him, and by whose order he
wrote the “Marty rologiu in Gallicanum,
, an eminent naturalist, was born at Geneva in 1740. His father, an enlightened agriculturist,
, an eminent naturalist, was born at Geneva in 1740. His father, an enlightened agriculturist, to whom we are indebted for some
essays on rural economy, resided at Couches, on the banks
of the Arve, about half a league from Geneva. Botany was
his first study, and this made him acquainted with Haller,
whom he visited in 1764, during his retreat at Bex. He
was further excited to study the vegetable kingdom in consequence of his Connection with C. Bonnet, who married
his aunt, and who soon discovered the talents of his nephew.
Bonnet was then engaged in examining the leaves of plants;
Saussure also turned his attention to these vegetable organs,
and published “Observations on the Skin of Leaves
” about
the year
, the inventor of modern nosology, was born at Alais, in Lower Languedoc, May 12, 1706. He appears
, the inventor of
modern nosology, was born at Alais, in Lower Languedoc,
May 12, 1706. He appears to have owed little to his first
tutors, but his own talents enabled him to make a rapid
progress in literature and philosophy. With a view to
study physic, he went to Montpellier in 1722, and received
the degree of doctor in 1726. The thesis which he
clefended on this occasion was on a singular subject, “Si l'amour peut etre gueri par les remedes tire’s des plantes?
To determine whether love can be cured by herbs seems
rather a trial of skill, than a serious discussion. It procured
him, however, the name of the love-doctor, and it is said
that he wrote some poems on the same subject. In 1730,
he went to Paris with a view to farther improvement
in his profession, and afterwards returned to Montpellier, where he obtained a professorship in 1734. His reputation for ingenuity of speculation and extensive reading
for some time retarded his practice, but these speculations
were not allowed much weight in the treatment of his patients. In 1740, he was appointed demonstrator of the
plants in the botanic garden, and in 1752 he was made professor of botany. He married in 1748, and had two sons
and four daughters, who^ survived him. A serious disease,
which continued nearly t'wo years, proved fatal in the midst
of his useful and honourable career, in the month of February, 1767, in the sixty- first year of his age.
, an eminent French mathematician, was born at La Fleche, March 24, 1653. He was totally dumb till
, an eminent French mathematician, was born at La Fleche, March 24, 1653. He was totally dumb till he was seven years of age; and ever after was obliged to speak very slowly and with difficulty. He very early discovered a great turn for mechanics, and when sent to the college of the Jesuits to learn polite literature, made very little progress, but read with greediness books of arithmetic and geometry. He was, however, prevailed on, to go to Paris in 1670, and, being intended for the church, applied himself for a time to the study of philosophy and theology; but mathematics was the only study he cultivated with any success; and during his course of philosophy, he learned the first six books of Euclid in the space of a month, without the help of a master.
, an English divine, was born about 1604, of a good family, in the parish of Eldsfield,
, an English divine, was born about 1604, of a good family, in the parish of Eldsfield, Worcestershire. He entered of Baliol college, Oxford, as a commoner in 1621, took the degree of B. A. in Nov. 1625, in 1628 was made probationer fellow, and in 1630 completed his master’s degree. On the commencement of the rebellion, he travelled into France with William lord Sandys, whose sister, the lady Mary, he afterwards married. Soon after his return he obtained the mastership of his college, Feb. 20, 1650, being at that time bachelor of divinity, and next year took his doctor’s degree in the same faculty. Notwithstanding this compliance with the usurping powers, he was, on the restoration, made chaplain in ordinary to his majesty, prebendary of Gloucester in 1665, and rector of Bladon near Woodstock in Oxfordshire. He died, master of Baliol college, June 2, 1672, and was buried in the chapel.
y of knowledge, wit, and genius, without prudence and a proper regard to the convnon maxims of life, was born in 1698. He was the son of Anne countess of Macclesfield,
, an eminent instance of the uselessuess and insignificancy of knowledge, wit, and genius, without prudence and a proper regard to the convnon maxims of life, was born in 1698. He was the son of Anne countess of Macclesfield, by the earl of Rivers. He might have been considered as the lawful issue of the earl of Macclesfield; but his mother, in order to procure a separation from her husband, made a public confession of adultery in this instance. As soon as this spurious offspring was brought to light, the countess treated him with every kind of unnatural cruelty. She committed him to the care of a poor woman, to educate as her own. She prevented the earl of Rivers from making him a bequest in his will of 6000l. by declaring him dead. She endeavoured to send him secretly to the American plantations; and at last, to bury him in poverty and obscurity for ever, she placed him as an apprentice to a shoemaker in Holborn. About this time his nurse died; and in searching her effects, which he imagined to be his right, he found some letters which informed him of his birth, and the reasons for which it was concealed. He now left his low occupation, and tried every method to awaken the tenderness, and attract the regard, of his mother: but all his assiduity was without effect; for he could neither soften her heart, nor open her hand, and he was reduced to the miseries of want. By the care of the lady Mason, mother to the countess, he had been placed at the grammar-school at St. AJban’s, where he had acquired all the learning which his situation allowed; and necessity now obliged him to become an author.
president and lieutenant-general in the seneschalshit> and presidial court of Clerinont in Auvergne, was born there about the beginning of the seventeenth century. He
, a celebrated president and lieutenant-general in the seneschalshit> and presidial court of
Clerinont in Auvergne, was born there about the beginning of the seventeenth century. He had an extensive
^knowledge of the belles lettres and law, and was one of the
most learned men and eloquent magistrates of his time.
He attended the states-general held at Paris in 1614, as a
deputy from the Tiers Etat of the province of Auvergne,
and defended its rights with zeal and firmness against the
nobility and the clergy. He afterwards pleaded with great
credit in. the parliament of Paris, and died at a very advanced age in 1682, leaving many learned works much
esteemed; the principal are, an edition of “Sidonius
” Origine de Clermont, Capitale d' Auvergne,
” the most complete edition of
which is by Peter Durand, 1662, folio. “Traite des
” Traite“de la Souverainte
” du Roi et de
son Roiaume aux Deputes de la Noblesse,“1615, 8vo, two
parts a curious and scarce work.
” Chronologies des Etats
G6ne>aux," 8vo the object of which is to prove that the
Tiers Etat has always had admittance there, a seat, and a
deliberative voice.
, an useful French writer upon the Subject of trade, was born at Doue in Anjou Sept. 22, 1622. He was sent to Paris,
, an useful French writer upon the
Subject of trade, was born at Doue in Anjou Sept. 22,
1622. He was sent to Paris, and put apprentice to a merchant; and carried on trade till 1658, when he left off the
practice, to apply with more attention to the theory. It
is said, that he had acquired a very competent fortune;
but, in 1667, when the king rewarded with certain privileges and pensions such of his subjects as had twelve children alive, Savary was not too rich to put in his claim. He
was afterwards admitted of the council for the reformation
of commerce; and the orders, which passed in 1670, were
drawn up from his instructions and advice. Being requested by the commissioners to digest his principles into
a volume, he published at Paris, in 1675, 4to, “Le Parfait
Negociant, ou, Instruction generate pour ce qui regarde
le Commerce des Merchandises de France et des Pays
” This went through many editions, the best of
which is that of 1777, 2 vols. 4to; and has been translated
into almost all European languages. In 1688, he published “Avis et Conseils sur les plus importantes matieres
du Commerce,
” in 4to; which has been considered as a
second volume to the former work, and often re-printed.
He died in 1690; and, out of seventeen children which
he had by one wife, left eleven.
, a French traveller, was born at Vitre in Brittany, and pursued his studies at Rennes
, a French traveller, was born at
Vitre in Brittany, and pursued his studies at Rennes with
considerable distinction. In 1776, he visited Egypt, at
which place he remained for the space of three years.
Whilst here he paid particular attention to the manners of
the inhabitants, a knowledge of the Arabic tongue, and an
investigation of antiquities. From Egypt he went to the
islands of the Archipelago, over most of which he travelled,
and examined them with careful attention. On his return
to France, in 1780, he published, “A translation of the
Koran, with a sketch of the life of Mahomet.
” He also
published an extract from the above work, which he called
“La Morale de Mahomet.
” His principal work was
“Letters on Egypt,
” which have been well received, and
translated into different European languages. Yet it is
objected to this work, and with great appearance of reason,
that the author has yielded too much to the powers of a
lively imagination, and that he has given rather a fascinating than a correct picture. Volney’s Travels may serve
to restore the likeness, and correct Savary’s exuberances.
Encouraged, however, by the success of this work, Savary
published his “Letters on Greece,
” which is likewise an
agreeable and entertaining performance. Soon after this
period he died, at Paris, in 1788. He was a man of considerable talents, an excellent taste, and a lively fancy; and,
although many of his positions have been controverted, as
well by Volney, as by other writers on the same subjects,
his works are written in a style and manner which render
them highly interesting to a large class of readers.
William Savile, bart. and Anne, daughter of Thomas lord Coventry, lord keeper of the great seal. He was born, probably about 1630. Upon the death of his father, he
, marquis of Halifax, a celebrated statesman, but of equivocal character, was descended from an ancient family in Yorkshire. He was the son of sir William Savile, bart. and Anne, daughter of Thomas lord Coventry, lord keeper of the great seal. He was born, probably about 1630. Upon the death of his father, he succeeded to the title of baronet, and soon distinguished himself by his abilities in public affairs; and being zealous in bringing about the restoration, was created a peer, in consideration of his own and his father’s merits. In 1668 he was appointed of that remarkable committee, which sat at Brook-hall for the examination of the accounts of the money which had been given during the Dutch war, of which no member of the House of Commons was admitted. In April 1672 he was called to a seat in the privy council; and, June following, went over to Holland with the duke of Buckingham and the earl of Arlington, as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, to treat about a peace with France, when he met with great opposition from hi* colleagues.
township of Stainland, in the parish of Halifax, Yorkshire, by Ellen, daughter of Robert Ramsden. He was born at Bradley, Nov. 30, 1549, and first entered of Brasen-nose
, a most learned man, and a great
benefactor to the learning of his country, was the son of
Henry Savile of Bradley, in the township of Stainland, in
the parish of Halifax, Yorkshire, by Ellen, daughter of
Robert Ramsden. He was born at Bradley, Nov. 30, 1549,
and first entered of Brasen-nose college, Oxford, whence
he was elected to Merton-college in 1561, where he took
the degrees in arts, and was chosen fellow. When he
proceeded master of arts in 1570, he read for that degree
on the Almagest of Ptolemy, which procured him the reputation of a man wonderfully skilled in mathematics and
the Greek language; in the former of which, he voluntarily read a public lecture in the university for some time.
Having now great interest, he was elected proctor for two
years together, 1575 and 1576, an honour not very common, for as the proctors were then chosen out of the whole
body of the university, by the doctors and masters, and the
election was not, as now, confined to particular colleges,
none but men of learning, and such as had considerable
interest, durst aspire to that honour. In 1578 he visited
the continent, became acquainted with various learned
foreigners, and obtained many valuable Mss. or copies of
them. He is said to have returned a man of high accomplishment*, and was made tutor in the Greek tongue to
queen Elizabeth, or, as it is otherwise expressed, he read
Greek and mathematics with her majesty, who had a great
esteem for him. In 1585 he was made warden of Mertoncollege, which he governed six and thirty years with great
credit, and greatly raised its reputation for learning, by
a judicious patronage of students most distinguished for
talents and industry. In 1596, he was chosen provost of
Eton-college, of which society also he increased the fame
by rilling it with the most learned men, among whom was
the ever-memorable John Hales. It is said, however, that
he incurred some odium among the younger scholars by
his severity, and his dislike of those who were thought
sprightly wi s. He used to say, “Give me the plodding
student. If I would look for wits, I would go to Newgate,
there be the wits.
” John Earte, afterwards bishop of Salisbury, was the only scholar he ever accepted on the recommendation of being a wit. James 1. upon his accession to
the crown of England, expressed a particular regard for
him, and would have preferred him either in church or
state; but sir Henry declined it, and only accepted the
honour of knighthood from his majesty at Windsor on Sept.
21, 1604. His only son dying about that time, he devoted
his fortune entirely to the promoting of learning. In 1619
he founded two lectures, or professorships, one in geometry, the other in astronomy, in the university of Oxford;
which he endowed each with a salary of 160l. a year, besides a legacy of 600l. for purchasing more lands for the
same use. In the preamble of the deed, by which a salary
was annexed to these two professorships, it is expressly
said that “geometry was almost totally unknown and abandoned in England.
” Briggs was his first professor of geometry; but Aubrey says, on the authority of bishop Ward,
that he first sent for Gunter for that purpose, who, coming
with his sector and quadrant, “fell to resolving of triangles and doing a great many fine things. Said the grave
knight, ‘ Do you call this reading of Geometric This is
shewing of tricks, man,’ and so dismissed him with scorne,
and sent for Brings.
” Sir Henry also furnished a library
with mathematical hooks near the mathematical school, for
the use of his professors; and gave 100l. to the mathematical chest of his own appointing; adding afterwards a
legacy of 4C/. a year to the same chest, to the university
and to his professors jointly. He likewise gave 120l. towards the new-building of the schools; several rare manuscripts and printed books to the Bodleian library; and a
good quantity of matrices and Greek types to the printingpress at Oxford. Part of the endowment of the professorships was the manor of Little Hays in Essex. He died, at
Eton -college, Feb. 19, 1621-2, and was buried in the
chapel there, on the south side of the communion table,
near the body of his son Henry, with an inscription on a
black marble stone. The university of Oxford paid him
the greatest honours, by having a public speech and verses
made in his praise, which were published soon after in 4to,
under the title of “Ultima Linea Savilii,
” and a sumptuous honorary monument was erected to his memory on the
south wall, at the upper end of the choir of Merton- college
chapel. Sir Henry Savile, by universal consent, ranks
among the most learned men of his time, and the most
liberal patrons of learning; and with great justice the
highest encomiums are bestowed on him by all the learned
of his time: by Isaac Casaubon, Mercerus, Meibomius,
Joseph Scaliger, and especially the learned bishop Montagu; who, in his “Diatribes
” upon Selden’s “History of
” styles him “that magazine of learning, whose
memory shall be honourable amongst not only the learned,
but the righteous for ever.
ere still remains one of this family to be noticed, sir John Savile, elder brother to sir Henry, who was born at Bradley in 1545, and entered a commoner of Brasenose
There still remains one of this family to be noticed, sir
John Savile, elder brother to sir Henry, who was born at
Bradley in 1545, and entered a commoner of Brasenose
college about 1561, whence, without taking a degree, he
went to the Middle Temple for the study of the law. Being called to the bar, he became autumn reader of that
house in 1586, steward of the lordship of Waken“eld, serjeant at law in 1594, one of the barons of the exchequer
in 1598, and at the same time one of the justices of assize.
In July 1603, a little before his coronation, king James
conferred the honour of knighthood on him, being one of
the judges who were to attend that solemnity. He died at
London, Feb. 2, 1606, aged sixty-one, and was buried at
St. Dunstan’s church, Fleet-street, but his heart was buried in Methley church, Yorkshire, where is a monument
to his memory, erected by his son. Camden acknowledges
the assistance he received from sir John Savile in his historical labours. He left at his death several pieces fit for
publication, but none have appeared, except
” Reports of
divers cases in the courts of common pleas and exchequer,
from 22 to 3 6Elizabeth," a thin folio, printed first in 1675,
and again in 1688.
, a celebrated Italian monk, was born at Ferrara in 1452. In 1466 he became a Dominican at Bologna,
, a celebrated Italian monk, was born at Ferrara in 1452. In 1466 he became a Dominican at Bologna, and afterwards preached at Florence, but with very little success, and left the place. In 1489 he was invited by Lorenzo de Medici to return to Florence, where he became a very popular preacher. By pretensions to superior sanctity, and by a fervid eloquence, he hurried away the feelings of his hearers, and gained an ascendancy over their minds by his prophecies, which were directed both against church and state. Having by these means acquired a powerful influence, he began to despise the patronage of Lorenzo, and avoided his presence. After the death of Lorenzo, he placed himself at the head of a popular party in Florence, who aimed at the establishment of a free constitution. Savonarola seems to have promised them something between a republic and a theocracy. By such means his party became very formidable; and to flatter them yet more, he denounced terrible judgments to the court of Rome, and to the rest of the Italian states. In 1498 many complaints having been carried to Rome, in which he was accused of having reproached, in his sermons, the conduct of that court and the vices of the clergy, he was publicly excommunicated, which at first he regarded so far as to abstain from preaching, but finding that silence was considered as submission, and would ruin his cause, he resumed his function, and renewed his invectives against the pope and the court of Rome. But when the pope Alexander threatened to interdict the city, the magistrates commanded him to desist from preaching. At length he procured the assistance of a friar of his own convent, named Fra. Domenico da Pescia, who proposed to confirm his master’s doctrines by the ordeal of xvalking through the flames, provided any one of their adversaries would do the same. The challenge was accepted by a Franciscan friar, and a day was appointed for the trial. Savonarola, finding that the adverse party were not to be intimidated, proposed that Domenico should be allowed to carry the host with him into the fire. This was exclaimed against by the whole assembly as an impious and sacrilegious proposal. It was, however, insisted upon by Domenico, who thereby eluded the ordeal. But the result was fatal to the credit of Savonarola, who was deserted by the populace, apprehended and dragged to prison, and condemned to be first strangled and then burnt, which sentence was put into execution on the 23d of May, 1498.
, a celebrated commander, was born October 19, 1696, at Dresden, and was the natural son of
, a celebrated commander,
was born October 19, 1696, at Dresden, and was the
natural son of Frederick Augustus If. king of Poland, and
Aurora, countess of Konigsinarc. He gave evident proofs
of his taste for military affairs from his childhood; was
taught to read and write with the utmost difficulty; nor
could he ever be prevailed upon to study a few ho irs in
the morning, otherwise than by a promise that he should
ride on horseback in the afternoon. He liked to have
Frenchmen about him, for which reason their language was
the only foreign one which he willingly learnt grammatically. He attended the elector in all his military expeditions; was at the siege of Lisle in 1708, when only twelve
years old, and mounted the trenches several times both at
the city and at the fortress, in sight of the king, his father,
who admired his intrepidity. Nor did he discover less courage at the siege of Tournay, the year following, where he
twice narrowly escaped death; and at the buttle of Malplaquet, far from being shocked by the dreadful carnage
which attended the engagement, he declared in the evening, “that he was well pleased with the day.
” In 1711,
he followed the king of Poland to Stralsund, where he
swam over the river, in sight of the enemy, with his pistol
in his hand, during which time he saw, /vithout any seeming emotion, three officers and above twenty soldiers fall
by his side. When he retired to Dresden, the king, who
had been witness to his courage and abilities, raised a company of horse for him. Count Saxe spent the whole winter in teaching his regiment some new evolutions, which
he had invented, and marched them against the Swedes
the year following. This regiment suffered much st the
battle of Gadelbusli, where he made them return three
times to the attack. This campaign being ended, mad. de
Konigsmarc married him to the young countess de Loben,
a rich and amiable lady, whose name Avas Victoria, which
name, count Saxe afterwards said, contributed as much to
fix his choice on the countess, as her beauty and largtr fortune. This lady brought him a son, who died young, and
the count having at length a disagreement with her, procured his marriage to be dissolved in 1721, but promised
the countess never to marry again, and kept his word. She
married a Saxon officer soon after, by whom she had three
children, and they lived in harmony together. It was with,
great reluctance that the countess had consented to her
Carriage being dissolved, for she loved count Saxe; and
the latter frequently repented afterwards of having taken
such a step. He continued to signalize himself in the war
against Sweden, was at the siege of Stralsund in December
1715, when Charles XII. was blocked up, and had the
satisfaction of seeing him in the midst of his grenadiers“.
The behaviour of this celebrated warrior inspired count
Saxe with a high degree of veneration, which he ever retained for his memory. He served against the Turks in
Hungary in 1717, and on his return to Poland in 1718,
received the order of the white eagle from the king. In
1720, he visited France, and the duke of Orleans, then regent, gave him a brevet of marechal de camp. Count Saxe
afterwards obtained leave from his Polish majesty to serve
in France, where he purchased a German regiment in 1722,
which afterwards bore his name. He changed the ancient
exercise of this regiment for one of his own invention; and
the chevalier Folard, on seeing this exercise, foretold immediately, in his Commentary on Polybius, torn. III. b. ii.
chap. 14, that count Saxe would be a great general. During his residence in France, he learnt mathematics and the
art of fortification with astonishing facility, till 1725, when
prince Ferdinand, duke of Courland, falling dangerously
ill in the month of December, he turned his thoughts to
obtaining the sovereignty of Courland. With this view, he
set out for Mittau, and arrived there, May 18, 1726. He
was received with open arms by the states, and had several private interviews with the duchess dowager of Courland, who had resided there since her husband’s decease.
This lady was Anne Iwanaw, second daughter of the czar
I wan Alexiowitz, brother of Peter the Great. Count Saxe,
having communicated his design to her, soon engaged her
in his interests; and she acted with such indefatigable ardour, and conducted affairs so well, that he was unanimously elected duke of Courland, July 5, 1726. Thia
choice being; opposed by Poland and Russia, the duchess
supported count Saxe with all her interest, and even went
to Riga and Petersburg, where she redoubled her solicitations in favour of the late election. There seems indeed
to be no doubt, but that, if the count had returned her
passion, he would not only have maintained his ground in
Courland, but shared the throne of Russia, which this princess afterwards ascended; but, during his stay at Mittau,
an affair of gallantry between him and one of her ladies
broke off the marriage, and induced the duchess to abandon him. From that moment the count’s affairs took an
unhappy turn, and he was forced to go back to Paris in
1729. The following remarkable circumstance occurred
during the course of his enterprise: Having written from
Ccmrlandto France for a supply of men and money, mademoiselle le Couvreur, a celebrated actress, who was at that
time attached to him, pawned her jewels and plate, and
sent him 40,000 livres. When count Saxe returned to
Paris, he applied himself to obtain a complete knowledge
of the mathematics, and acquired a taste for mechanics.
He refused the command of the Polish army offered him
by the king, his brother, in 1733, and distinguished himself on the Rhine under marechal Berwick, particularly at
the lines of Etlingen, and the siege of Philipsburg, after
which he was made lieutenant-general August 1, 1734.
Hostilities having recommenced on the death of the emperor Charles VI. count Saxc took Prague by assault, Nov.
26, 1741, then Egra and Ellebogen, raised a regiment of
Hullans, and brought back marechal de Broglio’s army
upon the Rhine, where, he fixed various posts, and seized
the trenches of Lanterburg. He was appointed marechal
of France, March 26, 1744, and commanded the main
bocly of the army in Flanders, where he so exactly observed the motions of the enemies, who were superior in,
number, and made use of such excellent manoeuvres, that
he reduced them to remain inactive, for they were afraid
to undertake any thing. This campaign in Fianders did
count Saxe great honour, and was considered as a chefd'ceuvre of the military art. He won the famous battle of
Fonterioi, under the king’s command, May 11, 1745, where,
though sick and weak, he gave his orders with such presence of mind, vigilance, courage, and judgment, as made
him the admiration of the whole army. This victory was
followed by the capture of Tournay, which the French be^
sieged; of Ghent, Bruges, Oudenarde, Ostend, Ath, &c.
and at the time that the campaign was supposed to be
finished, he took Brussels, February 28, 1746. Nor was
the next campaign less honourable to count Saxe. He
won the battle of Kauconx, Oct. I 1, the same year, 1746;
and his majesty, to reward such a constant series of glorious services, dtrlurod him marechal general of his camps
and armies, Jan. 12, 1747. Marechal Saxe carried troops
into Zealand, gained the battle of Lanfeldt, July 2 following-, approved the siege of Bergen-op-Zoom, of which M.
de Loewen made himself master, and took Maestrecht,
May 7, 1748. In consequence of these victories a peace
was concluded at Aix-la-Chapelle, Oct. 18, the same year.
Marechai Saxe went afterwards to Chambord, which the
king had given him, ordered his regiment of Hullans thither, and kept a stud of wild horses, more proper for light
cavalry than those used by the French. He visited Berlin
some time after, and was magnificently entertained by his
Prussian majesty. On his return to Paris, he formed a plan
for the establishment of a colony in the island of Tobago;
but gave it up, when he found that England and Holland
opposed it. Count Saxe died, after a nine days 7 illness, at
Chambord, Nov. 30, 1750, in the fifty-fourth year of his
age. He wrote a book on the art of war, called
” Mes
Reveries/ 1 of which a very splendid edition, with his life,
was published in 1757, 2 vols. 4to. There is also an English translation of it. His “Life
” was printed in
, or Sassi [Joseph Anthony), an ecclesiastical historian, was born at Milan in 1673. He for some time taught the belles lettres
, or Sassi [Joseph Anthony), an ecclesiastical
historian, was born at Milan in 1673. He for some time
taught the belles lettres in his native city, and afterwards
was employed as a missionary. In 1703 he was admitted a
doctor of the Ambrosian college at Milan, and eight years
afterwards was appointed director of that college, and keeper
fits fine library. He died about 1756. He was author
of many theological, historical, and chronological works,
among which are, 1. “Epistola ad Card. Quirium de Literatura Mediolanensium,
” 4to. 2. “De Studiis Mediolanensium Antiquis et Novis,
” Milan, Archiepiscoporum Mediolanensium Series critico-chronologica,
ibid. St. Caroli Borromei Homilise, prefatione et notis,
” Rerum Italicarum Scriptores
” by Muratori.
, a very learned philologer and literary historian, was born at Eppendorff, a village between Chemnitz and Freyberg,
, a very learned philologer and
literary historian, was born at Eppendorff, a village between
Chemnitz and Freyberg, in Saxony, where his father was
a clergyman, Jan. 13, 1714. His proper name was Christopher Gottlob Sach, which, when he commenced author,
he Latinized into Sachsius, and afterwards into Saxius,
dropping the Gottlob altogether. His father first gave him
some, instructions in the teamed languages, which he afterwards improved at the school of Chemnitz, but more effectually at the electoral school of Misnia, where he also studied classical antiquities, history, and rhetoric, and in 1735
went to Leipsic with the strongest recommendations for industry and proficiency. Here he studied philosophy under
the celebrated Wolff, but as he had already perused the
writings both of the ancient and modern philosophers with
profound attention, he is said to have had the courage to
differ from the current opinions. Philosophy, however, as
then taught, was less to his taste than the study of antiquities, classical knowledge, and literary history, to which he
determined to devote his days; and the instructions of professor Christ, and his living in the house with Menkenius,
who had an excellent library, were circumstances which
very powerfully confirmed this resolution. He had not been
here above a year, when two young noblemen were confided
to his care, and this induced him to cultivate the modern
languages most in use. His first disputation had for its
subject, “Vindiciae secundum libertatem pro Maronis
jEneide, cui manum Jo. Harduinus nuper assertor injecerat,
” Leipsic, Nova acta
” and other literary journals, from this year to
Onomasticon Literarium,
” or Literary
Dictionary, consisting of a series of biographical and critical notices or references respecting the most eminent writers
of every age or nation, and in every branch of literature,
in chronological order. The first volume of this appeared
in 1775, 8vo, and it continued to be published until seven
volumes were completed, with a general Index, in 1790.
To this, in 1793, he added an eighth or supplementary volume, from which we have extracted some particulars of his
life, as given by himself. This is a work almost indispensable to biographers, and as the work of one man, must
have been the production of many years* labour and attention. Some names, however, are omitted, which we might
have expected to find in it; and the English series, as in
every foreign undertaking of the kind, is very imperfect.
We have seen no account of his latter days. He lived to a
very advanced age, dying at Utrecht. May 3, 1806, in his
ninety-second year.
, a dissenting minister of considerable talents, was born in 1675, and was the second son of the Rev. Giles Say,
, a dissenting minister of considerable talents, was born in 1675, and was the second son of the Rev. Giles Say, who had been ejected from the vicarage of St. Michael’s in Southampton by the Bartholomew-act in 1662; and, after king James the second’s liberty of conscience, was chosen pastor of a dissenting congregation at Guestwick in Norfolk, where he continued till his death, April 7, 1692. Some years after, the subject of this article being at Southwark, where he had been at school, and conversing with some of the dissenters of that place, met with a woman of great reputation for piety, who told him, with joy, that a sermon on Ps. cxix. 130, preached by his father thirty years before, was the means of her conversion. Being strongly inclined to the ministry, Mr. Say entered as a pupil in the academy of the Rev. Mr. Thomas Rowe at London about 1G92, where he had for his fellow-students Mr (afterwards Dr.) Isaac Watts, Hughes the poet, and Mr. Josiah Hort, afterwards archbishop of Tuam. When he had finished his studies, he became chaplain to Thomas Scott, esq. of Lyrninge in Kent, in whose family he continued three years. Thence he removed to Andover in Hampshire, then to Yarmouth in Norfolk, and soon after to Lowestoffin Suffolk, where he continued labouring in word and doctrine eighteen years. He was afterwards copastor with the Rev. Mr. Samuel Baxter at Ipswich nine years; and lastly was called, in 1734, to succeed Dr. Edmund Caiamy in Westminster, where he died at his house in James-street, April 12, 1743, of a mortification in his bowels, in the sixty-eighth year of his age.
, an Italian, eminent as a statesman and man of letters, when letters were just reviving in Europe, was born about 1424, some say 1430. He was only the son of a miller
, an Italian, eminent as a statesman and man of letters, when letters were just reviving in Europe, was born about 1424, some say 1430. He was only the son of a miller but, going early to Florence, he fell under the notice of Cosmo de Medici who, observing uncommon parts in him and a turn for letters, took him under his protection, and gave him an education. He studied the law; and, taking a doctor’s degree in that faculty, frequented the bar. After the death of Cosmo in 1464, Peter de Medici shewed the same regard for him; and Scala, through his means, was trusted by the republic in the most important negociations. In 1471, the freedom of the city was conferred on him and his Descendants; and the year after he obtained letters of nobility; he was then secretary or chancellor of the republic. In 1484, the Florentines sent a solemn embassy to Innocent VIII, to congratulate him on his being raised to the pontificate; when Scala, one of the embassy, delivered a speech so very pleasing to the pope, that he was made by him a knight of the golden spur, and senator of Rome. In 1436, he was made holy-standard-bearer to the republic. He died at Florence in 1497; and left, among other children, a daughter, named Alexandra, who afterwards became famous for her learning and skill in the Greek and Latin tongues.
, a very learned and eminent critic, was born, according to his son’s account, April 23, 1484, at Ripa,
, a very learned and eminent critic, was born, according to his son’s account, April
23, 1484, at Ripa, a castle in the territory of Verona, and
was the son of Benedict Scaliger, who, for seventeen years,
commanded the troops of Matthias, king of Hungary, to
whom he was related. His mother was Berenice Lodronia,
daughter of count Paris. From the same authority we
learn, that Scaliger was a descendant from the ancient
princes of Verona; but while other particulars of the birth
and family ol Scaliger are called in question, this seems to
be refuted by the patent of naturalization which Francis I.
granted him in 1528, in which such an honourable descent
would unquestionably have been noticed, whereas in this
instrument he is called only “Julius Caesar della Scala de
Bordons, doctor of physic, a native of Verona.
” When
therefore, his critical asperities had raised him enemies,
they did not fail to strip him of his royal origin, and instead of it, asserted that he was the son of a school-master
(some say an illuminator) of Verona, one Benedict Borden, who, removing to Venice, took the name of Scaliger,
either because he had a scale for his sign, or lived in a street
called from that instrument; and although Thuanus seems
inclined to consider this story as the fabrication of Augustine Niphus, out of pique to Scaliger, it is certain that the
royal origin of the Scaligers has always appeared doubtful, and we have now no means to remove the uncertainty.
, son of the preceding, and heir to his talents and temper, was born at Agen in 1540; and, at eleven years of age, was sent
, son of the preceding, and
heir to his talents and temper, was born at Agen in 1540;
and, at eleven years of age, was sent with two of his brothers to the college of Bordeaux, where he was taught
Latin. Three years after, on the appearance of the plague,
he was obliged to return home to his father, who then
superintended his education. He required of him everyday a short exercise or theme upon some historical subject, and made him transcribe some poems, which he himself had composed. This last task is supposed to have inspired him with a taste for poetry, and so eager was he to
show his proficiency, that he wrote a tragedy upon the
story of Oedipus before he was seventeen. His father
dying in 1558, he went to Paris the year following to study
Greek, and attended the lectures of Turnebus for two
months. But finding the usual course too dilatory, he resolved to study it by himself, and with the assistance of
some knowledge of the conjugations, attempted to read
Homer with a translation, in which he succeeded very
soon, and at the same time formed to himself a kind of
grammar, with which he was enabled to proceed to the
other Greek poets, and next to the historians and orators,
and by persevering in this course, he gained in the space
of two years a perfect knowledge of the language. He
afterwards turned his thoughts to the Hebrew, which he
learned by himself in the same manner. All are agreed
indeed, that he had an extraordinary capacity for learning
languages, and is said to have been well skilled in no less
than thirteen. He made the same progress in the sciences,
and in every branch of literature; and he at length obtained
the reputation of being the most learned man of his age,
and his biographers have handed down to us little else than
the progress of his studies and the chronology of his publications. In 1503 he was invited to the university of Leyden, to be honorary professor of Belles Lettres, on which
occasion, if we may believe the “Menagiana,
” Henry IV,
of France treated him with great coldness and neglect.
Scaliger had determined to accept the offer; and, waiting
upon the king to acquaint him with his journey, and the
occasion of it, “Well, Mr. Scaliger,
” said his majesty,
“the Dutch want to have you with them, and to allow you.
a good stipend I am glad of it,
” adding some other remarks of a grosser kind. Henry was no patron of learning
or learned men: but some have supposed that he wished to
mortify Scaliger, who had already shewn too much of his
father’s vanity and arrogant spirit. He now went to Leyden, where he spent the remainder of his life; and died
there of a dropsy, Jan. 21, 1609, without having ever been
married. He was a man of perfect sobriety of manners,
and whose whole time was well spent in study. He had as
great parts as his father, and far greater learning, having
been trained to it from his infancy, which his father had
not. He had a profound veneration for his father, and unfortunately extended it to an imitation of his irritable temper, and disrespect for his learned contemporaries. But he
was often a discerner and encourager of merit. While at
Leyden he was so struck with the early appearance of talent in Grotius, that he undertook to direct his studies.
Grotius repaid his care by the utmost respect, and Scaliger' s counsels were commands to him. The elder Scaliger
lived and died in the church of Rome: but the son embraced the principles of Luther, and relates that his father
also had intentions of doing so.
ius observes, that his conjectures are too'boki, and quotes Peter Victorias, who said, that Scaliger was born to corrupt the ancients rather than to correct ttiehh -It
He wrote notes and animadversions upon almost all the
Greek and Latin authors: those upon Varro “de Lingua
” were written by him at twenty years of age; but
scarcely any of his editions of the classics are now held in
esteem. Gerard Vossius observes, that his conjectures are
too'boki, and quotes Peter Victorias, who said, that Scaliger was born to corrupt the ancients rather than to correct
ttiehh -It is certain, at least, that he dealt too much in
cdhjeettiral criticism, although he ofteif shows a great degree of ingenuity, even in the most fanciful of the freedoms he take’s’ with his author’s meaning, and always leaves
the reader impressed with his extensive learning.
, a celebrated architect, was born at Vicenza in 1550). He was educated under his father,
, a celebrated architect, was
born at Vicenza in 1550). He was educated under his
father, also an able architect, and went to Venice for improvement, where afterwards, on Palladio’s death, he became the first architect, and was employed in various
works, particularly the additions to the Library of St. Mark,
the Olympic theatre at Vicenza, and the. new theatre at
Sabbioneta. In 1615 he published in 2 vois. small folio* a
work entitled “L‘ Idea- deli’ Architettura universale,
”, in
six books, the sixth of which, containing the five orders of
architecture, is most esteemed. The French have a translation of his works, and an abridgment by Joubert. Seamozzi also published “Discorsi sopra leantichitadi Roma,
, an eminent physician and mathematician, was born about 1616. After the usual classical education he was
, an eminent physician and mathematician, was born about 1616. After the
usual classical education he was admitted of Caius college,
Cambridge, in 1632, and took his first degree in arts in
1636. He was then elected to a fellowship, and commencing A. M. in 1640, he took pupils. In the mean
time, intending to pursue medicine as his profession, he
applied himself to all the preparatory studies necessary for
that art. Mathematics constituted one of these studies:
and the prosecution of this science having obtained him
the acquaintance of Mr. (afterwards bishop) Seth Ward,
then of Emanuel college, they mutually assisted each other
in their researches. Having met with some difficulties in
Mr. Ougbtred’s “Clavis Mathematical which appeared to
them insuperable, they made a joint visit to the author,
then at his living of Aldbury, in Surrey. Mr. Oughtred
(See Oughtred) treated them with great politeness, being
much gratified to see these ingenious young men apply so
zealously to these studies, and in a short time fully resolved
all their questions. They returned to Cambridge complete
masters of that excellent treatise, and were the first that
read lectures upon it there. In the ensuing civil wars, Mr.
Scarborough became likewise a joint sufferer with his fellow-student for the royal cause, being ejected from his fellowship at Caius. Upon this reverse of fortune he withdrew to Oxford, and entering himself at Merton college,
was incorporated A.M. of that university, 23d of June,
1646. The celebrated Dr. Harvey was then warden of
that college, and being employed in writing his treatise
” De Generatione Animaiium,“gladly accepted the assistance of Mr. Scarborough. The latter also became acquainted with sir Christopher Wren, then a gentleman
commoner of Wadham college, and engaged him to translate
” Oughtred’s Geometrical Dialling" into Latin, which
was printed in 1649.
, a learned German, was born at Nuys, in the electorate of Cologne, 1646; his father
, a learned German, was born at
Nuys, in the electorate of Cologne, 1646; his father was
a major in the army of the landgrave of Hesse Cassel. He
was educated for the church at Dxiisbourg; and, having
rnacle the Oriental tongues his particular study, became
professor of them in that university in 1677. In 1679 he
removed to Leyden, to fill the same post for a larger stipend.; aud there continued till 1729, when, he died of an
apoplexy. He published some useful books in the Oriental way as, 1. “Opus Aramseum, complectens
Grammaticam Chaldaicam & Syriacam,
” 1686, 8vo. 2. “Nq-,
vuin Testamenturn Syriacum, cum versione Latina,
” 1708,'
4to. The Latin version is that of Tii./melHus retouched.
Leusdeu laboured jointly with hini in this work till death,
which happened when they were got to Luke xv. 20 and,
Scbaaf wrote the remainder by himself. At the end of it
is subjoined, “Lexicon Syriacum Concordantiale.
” 3.
“Epitome Grammaticae Hebraicae,
” A
Letter in Syriac of the bishop Mar Thomas, written from,
Malabar to the patriarch of Antioch, and a Latin version by
” Sermo Academicus de Linguarum Orientalium scientia,
” an Inauguration-Speech, In
, an ingenious painter, was born at Dort, in 1643. His father placed him first with Solomon
, an ingenious painter, was
born at Dort, in 1643. His father placed him first with
Solomon Van Hoogstraten, and afterwards with Gerard
Dow, from whom he caught a great delicacy of finishing;
but his chief practice was to paint candle-lights. He
placed the object and a candle in a dark room; and looking through a small hole, painted by day-light what he saw
in the dark chamber. Sometimes he drew portraits, and
came with that view to England, but found the business
too much engrossed by Kneller, Closterman, and others.
Yet he once drew king William; but, as the piece was to
be by candle-light, he gave his majesty the candle to hold,
till the tallow ran down upon his fingers. As if to justify
this ill-breeding, he drew his own picture in the same situation. Delicacy was no part of his character: having
drawn a lady who was marked with the small-pox, but had
handsome hands, she asked him, when the face was finished,
if she must not sit for her hands “No,
” replied Schalken,
“1 always draw them from my house-maid.
” After carrying on his business for some time in England, he settled at
the Hague, where he died in 1706. Some additional anecdotes of him may be found in our authority.
, a very learned chemist, was born in 1742, at Stralsund in the capital of Swedish Pomerania,
, a very learned chemist, was born in 1742, at Stralsund in the capital of Swedish Pomerania, where his father was a tradesman. Having shown an inclination to learn pharmacy, he was bound apprentice to an apothecary at Gottenburg, with whom he lived eight years, and at his leisure hours contrived to make himself master of the science of chemistry, reading the best authors, and making such experiments as his confined means would permit. From Gottenburg, he went to Malmo, and two years after to Stockholm. In 1773 he went to Upsal, and resided for some time in the house of Mr. Loock. Here Bergman first found him, saw his merit and encouraged it, adopted his opinions, defended him with zeal, and took upon him the charge of publishing his treatises. Under this liberal patronage (for Bergman procured him also a salary from the Swedish academy), Scheele produced a series of discoveries which at once astonished and delighted the world. He ascertained the nature of manganese discovered the existence and singular properties of oxymuriatic acid and gave a theory of the composition of muriatic acid, which promises fair to be the true one. He discovered a new earth which was afterwards called barytes; and he determined the constituents of the volatile alkali. All these discoveries are related in one paper published about 1772. He discovered and ascertained the properties of many acids, the nature of plumbago and molybdena; analyzed fluor spar, which had eluded the searches of all preceding chemists; and determined the constituents of tungstate of lime. His two essays on the prussic acid are particularly interesting, and display the resources of his mind, and his patient industry, in a very remarkable point of view. His different papers on animal substances are particularly interesting, and replete with valuable and accurate information. On one occasion, in his treatise on fire, Scheele attempted the very difficult and general subject of combustion; but his attempt was not crowned with success. The acuteness, however, with which he treated it deserves our admiration; and the vast number of new and important facts, which he brought forward in support of his hypothesis, is truly astonishing, and perhaps could not have been brought together by any other man than Scheele. He discovered oxygen gas, and ascertained the composition of the atmosphere, without any knowledge of what had been previously done by Dr. Priestley. His views respecting the nature of atmospheric air were much more correct than those of Priestley; and his experiments on vegetation and respiration, founded on those views, were possessed of considerable value. These and other discoveries which stamp the character of Scheele as a philosopher, are to be found generally in the transactions of the Royal Society of Stockholm. Dr. Beddoes published an English translation of mo t of his dissertations, with useful and ingenious notes. There is also an English translation of his dissertation on air and fire, with notes by Richard Kirwan, esq.
, a learned German, was born at Strasburg in 1621, and probably educated there. He applied
, a learned German, was born at
Strasburg in 1621, and probably educated there. He applied himself principally to the study of Greek and Latin
antiquities, and of history; and made himself a tolerable
verbal critic upon Latin and Greek authors. He was driven out of his own country by the wars; and, as Christina
of Sweden was at that time the general patroness of all men
of letters, he withdrew into her kingdom in 1648. He was
made, the same year, professor of eloquence and politics
at Upsal afterwards, honorary professor, royal of the law
of nature -and nations, andassessor of the royal college of
antiquities; and, at length, librarian of the university of
Upsal. He died in 1679, after havingpublished a great
number of works. Many of his pieces relate to Qreek and
Roman antiquities, and are to be found in. the collection of
Qrseyius and Gronovius. He wrote notes uppn many ancient authors upon Ælian, Phaedrus, “Arrianl Tactica,
of which last he made also a Latin version Petronius, Hyginus, Julius Obsequens, Justin, &c. He was one of those
who stoutly defended the authenticity of that fragment of
Petronius, pretended to have been fou.nd at Trau which,
however, is generally judged to be a forgery, and accordingly rejected by Burman and other critics.
, a considerable mathematician and astronomer, was born at Mundeilheitn in Schwaben, in 1575. He entered into the
, a considerable mathematician and astronomer, was born at Mundeilheitn in Schwaben, in 1575. He entered into the society of the Jesuits whenhe was twenty; and afterwards taught the Hebrew tongue and the mathematics at Ingolstadt, Friburg, Brisac, and Rome. At length, he became rector of the college of the Jesuits at Neisse in Silesia, and confessor to the archduke Charles. He died in 1650, at the age of seventylive.
, a celebrated German physician and philosopher, was born March 3, 1649, at Jena,.;ui was son of Christopher Schelhamm
, a celebrated German physician and philosopher, was born March
3, 1649, at Jena,.;ui was son of Christopher Schelhamm T, a it an- lessor of anatomy and surgery in that
city, and fir where he was also physician to the duke
of Holstei“uthier died January 11, 1716, in his sixtyseventieth year leaving
” Introductio in artem medicam,"
Hali. 1726, 4to, and a great number of valuable and learned wor > physu;, of which it is to be wished that a complete co: v'Jtion was published. He published also some
botanical dissertations, and first described the peculiar
change wliici during germination, takes place in the cotyledon of palms. The Schelhammera, in botany, was so
called in honour of him. His life, by Scheffelius, in Latin,
Visnr*r, 17 % 8vo, is prefixed to the letters written to him
by several of the literati.
sician and naturalist, was the son of a very learned physician of the same mimes at Zurich, where he was born, August 2, 1672. His father dying in the prime of life,
, an eminent physician
and naturalist, was the son of a very learned physician of
the same mimes at Zurich, where he was born, August 2,
1672. His father dying in the prime of life, he appears
to have been left to the care of his mother, and his maternal grandfather. He was educated at Zurich under the
ablest professors, of whom he has left us a list, but Says
that he might with great propriety add his own name to
the on cber, as he went through the greater part of his
studies with no other guide than his own judgment. In
1692 he commenced his travels, and remained some time
at \ltdorf, attending the lectures of Wagenseil, Hoffman^
father and son, Sturm, &c. In 1693 he went to Utrecht,
where he took his degree of doctor of physic in Jan. 1694,
and Pi 1695 returned to Nuremberg and Altdorf to study
mathematics under Sturm and Eimmart. To Sturm he addressed a learned letter on the generation of fossil shells,
which iie attempted to explain on mathematical principles;
but, discovering the fallacy of this, he adopted the theory
of our Dr. Woodward, whose work on the subject of the
natural history of the earth he translated into Latin, and
published at Zurich in 1704.
Returning to Zurich, before this period, he was appoint-,
ed first physician of the city, with the reversion of the professorship of mathematics. He now began to write various
dissertations on subjects of natural history, particularly that
of Swisserland, and wrote a system of natural history in
German, which he published in parts in the years 1705, 6,
and 7, the whole forming three small 4to volumes. He
published afterwards three more in 1716, 1717, and 1718,
which complete the natural history of Swisserland, with
the exception of the plants, of which he had formed an
herbal of eighteen vast volumes in folio. His “Nova litteraria Helvetica
” began in Itinera Alpina,
” one volume of which
was published at London in Physica sacra,
” in
4 vols. folio, which was immediately republished in French
at Amsterdam, in both instances enriched with a profusion
of fine plates illustrative of the natural history of the Bible.
This had been preceded by some lesser works on the same
subject, which were now incorporated. He did not long
survive this learned publication, dying at Zurich about the
end of June 1733. He was a member of many learned societies, of our Royal Society, and of those of Berlin, Vienna,
&c. and carried on a most extensive correspondence with the
principal literati of Europe. He left a well-chosen and numerous library, a rich museum of natural history, and a collection of medals. Besides the works we have incidentally
noticed, he published, 1. “Herbarium Diluvianum,
” Zurich, Piscium querelse et vindicise,
” Zurich, Oratio cle Matheseos su in Theologia,
” ibid. Museum Diluvianum,
” ibid. Homo
diluvii testis,
” ibid. De Helvetii aeribus,
aquis, locis, specimen,
” ibid. .Sciagraphia lithologica curiosa, seu lapidum figuratorum nomenclator, olim a Jo. Jac. Scheuchzero conscriptus, auctus et
” 4to. Of his “Physica Sacra,
” we have noticed the first edition published at Augsburgh, 1731—1735,
four vols. folio, or rather eight volumes in four, the text
of which is in German; this edition is valued on account of
its having the first impressions of the plates. The Amsterdam edition, 1732 38, 8 vols. has, however, the advantage
of being in French, a language more generally understood,
and has the same plates. Scheuchzer had a brother, professor of natural philosophy at Zurich, who died in 1737,
and is known to all botanists by his laborious and learned
” so valuable for its minute descriptions
of grasses. He had a son with whom we seem more interested, John Gaspak Scheuchzer, who was born at Zurich
in 1702, and after studying at home came over to England,
and received the degree of' M. D. at Cambridge, during the
royal visit of George I. in 1728, and died at London April
13, 1729, only twenty-seven years old. He had much of
the genius and learning of his family, and was a good antiquary, medallist, and natural historian. He translated into
English Koempfec’s history of Japan, 1727, 2 vols. folio, and
had begun a translation 1 of Koempfer’s travels in Muscovy,
Persia, &c. but did not live to complete it. He wrote also
a treatise on inoculation. Some part of the correspondence
of this learned family is in the British Museum.
, named Medula, an eminent artist, was born in 1522, at Sebenico, in Dalimtia. His parents, who were
, named Medula, an eminent
artist, was born in 1522, at Sebenico, in Dalimtia. His
parents, who were poor, placed him with a house-painter at
Venice, where, at his leisure hours, he acquired a superior
taste, by studying the etchings and compositions of Parmigiano and the works of Giorgione and Titian in the public
buildings of the city. At length, Titian, being informed
of his unfortunate situation and promising talents, took
him under his care, and soon afterwards employed him in
the library of St. Marco, where Schiavoni is said to have
painted three entire cielings. Feeling. his strength, he ventured to paint, in competition with Tintoretto, a picture
for the church of the Santa Croce, representing the visitation of the Virgin to Elizabeth; and though he did not
equal his antagonist, yet he received a considerable share
of applause. Schiavoni was accounted one of the finest
colourists of the Venetian school, and to colouring sacrificed almost every other attribute of the art; yet his compositions are managed with great dexterity, and executed
with astonishing freedom. Two of his most admired works
are in the church of the Padri Teatini at Rimini, representing the Nativity and the Assumption of the Virgin, and
his “Perseus and Andromeda,
” and the “Apostles at the
” are in the royal collection at Windsor. He
died at Venice in 1582, at the age of sixty.
, a very ingenious artist, was born at Bassano, in the Venetian territory, April 1, 1765. His
, a very ingenious artist, was born at Bassano, in the Venetian territory, April 1, 1765. His father was a stationer, who was enabled to give him a useful, but limited education. From his infancy he had a peculiar taste for drawing; and attained such proficiency, that an able painter, Julius Golini, to whom some of his productions were shewn, undertook to instruct him in that art. At the age of thirteen Lewis was put under his care, and the high opinion he had formed of the hoy’s genius was confirmed by the rapid progress he made, while his amiahle disposition endeared him so much, that he loved him as his own son* After three years of useful instruction, he had the misfortune to lose this master, who expired in his arms. Left to pursue his own course, he turned his views to Count Remaudini, whose extensive typographical and chalcographical concern is rendered more famous by the giving employment to Bartolozzi and Volpato; and the works of those artists gave fresh impulse to the youth’s ardour for improvement. About this time he became acquainted with one Lorio, an indifferent engraver, with whom he worked about twelve months, when, finding he bad exhausted his fund of instructions, he resolved to alter his situation. A copy of a holy family in the line manner, from Bartolozzi, after Carlo Maratta, gained him immediate employment from Count Remaudini, and attracted the notice of Mr. Suntach, an engraver and printseller in opposition to Remaudini. About this time came to Bassano a wretched engraver of architecture, but a man of consummate craft ancf address. He became acquainted with Schiavonetti at Mr. Sumach’s, and was ultimately the means of bringing him to England, where he became acquainted with Bartolozzi, and lived in his house until he established himself on his own foundation; after which Schiavonetti cultivated his genius with a success; that answered the expectations which vtere first formed' of it, and conducted all his affairs with an uprightness and integrity that will cause his memory to be equally revered as a gentleman and an artist. He died at Bromptoiv June 7, 1810, in the forty-fourth year of his age; and on the -14-th was buried in Paddington church-yard, with a solemnity worthy of his talents and character.
, or rather Schedone (Bartolomeo), was born at Modena in 1560. He is said to have acquired the principles
, or rather Schedone (Bartolomeo), was born at Modena in 1560. He is said to have acquired the principles of the art of painting in the school of the Caracci, but must have remained there a very short time, as it is difficult to meet with any traces of their style in his works. He afterwards studied, and with the greatest success, the works and manner of Corregio. When his early works came to be admired, Ranuccio, duke of Parma, took him into his service, and for this patron he painted several pictures, which were among the principal ornaments of the collection of the king of Naples, who was heir to the Farnese family. Sir Robert Strange counted in that palace and the city of Naples near fourscore pictures by this artist. There are but few in the other collections. In the cathedral of Modena there is an admirable picture of his, of S. Geminiano restoring a dead child to life; there are also a few at Parma, but in general they are seldom to be met with to purchase. In all he is the imitator of Corregio, and between their works some connoisseurs have found it difficult to distinguish, nor has any artist so successfully imitated him, either in the harmony of his colouring, his knowledge of light and shadow, or the graces he has diffused throughout many of his compositions. Schidoni is said to have been addicted to gaming, which wasted his substance, and disturbed his mind; and at last to have fallen a sacrifice to it, not being able to overcome the mortification of having one night lost more than he was able to pay. He died at the age of fifty-six, in 1616.
, a German writer, principally known in this country as a dramatist, was born Nov. 10, 1759, at Marbach, in the duchy jf Wurtemberg,
, a German writer, principally
known in this country as a dramatist, was born Nov. 10,
1759, at Marbach, in the duchy jf Wurtemberg, where
his father was lieutenant in the service of the duke. While
a boy, he was distinguished by uncommon ardour of imagination, which he never sought to limit or controul. When
young, he was placed in the military school at Stuttgard,
but disliked the necessary subordination. He was intended
for the profession of surgery, and which he studied for some
time; but from the freedom of his opinions, he was obliged
to withdraw himself through apprehension of the consequences, and it is said that, at this time, he produced his
first play, “The Robbers.
” This tragedy, though full of
faults and pernicious extravagancies, was the admiration of
all the youth of enthusiastic sentiments in Germany, and
several students at Leipsic deserted their college, with the
avowed purpose of forming a troop of banditti in the forests
of Bohemia; but their first disorders brought on them a
summary punishment, which restored them to their senses,
and Schiller’s biographer gravely tells us, that this circumstance added to his reputation. The tragedy certainly was
quite adapted to the taste of Germany, was soon translated into several foreign languages, and the author appointed to the office of dramatic composer to the theatre of
Mauheim. For this he now wrote his ' Cabal and Love,“the
” Conspiracy of Fiesco,“and
” Don Carlos,“and published a volume of poems, which procured him a wife of
good family and fortune. This lady fell in love with
him from reading his works, and is said to have roused
him from those habits of dissipation in which he had in*
dulged, and to which he was in great danger of falling a
victim. He was now patronized by the duke of Saxe- Weimar, who conferred on him the title of aulic counsellor, and
nominated him to the professorship of history and philosophy at the university of Jena. He had previously written
an account of the
” Revolt of the Netherlands from the
Spanish government,“and he now set about composing his
4< History of the thirty Years’ War in Germany,
” a work
which has been much admired in his own country. At
length he removed to Weimar, where the pension, as honorary professor from the duke, was continued to him; and
produced the “History of the most memorable Conspira
” and the “Ghost-Seer,
” which displayed the peculiar
turn of his mind, and were much read. In the latter part
of his life he conducted a monthly work published at Tubingen, and an annual poetical almanac, and composed a
tragedy entitled “The Maid of Orleans.
” He was the author of other dramatic pieces, some of which are known,
though imperfectly, in this country, through the medium
of translation. He died at Weimar, May 9, 1805, and
he was interred with great funeral solemnity. In his private
character Schiller was friendly, candid, and sincere. In
his youth he affected eccentricity in his manners and appearance, and a degree of singularity seems always to have adhered to him. In his works, brilliant strokes of genius are
unquestionably to be found, but more instances of extravagant representation of passion, and violation of truth and
nature. They enjoyed some degree of popularity here,
during the rage for translating and adapting German plays
for our theatres; and although this be abated, they have contributed to the degeneracy of dramatic taste, and have not
produced the happiest effects on our poetry.
, an eminent jurist, was born at Pegaw in Misnia, Aug. 29, 1632, and studied at Leipsic
, an eminent jurist, was born at Pegaw in Misnia, Aug. 29, 1632, and studied at Leipsic and
Naumberg, where in 1651, he removed for two years to
Jena, and then completed his course at Leipsic. In 1655
he took the degree of doctor in philosophy, as he did the
same in the faculty of law at Strasburgh some years after.
He practised for gome time as an advocate at Naumberg,
where prince Maurice of Saxe made him keeper of his
archives, and intendant or director of the territory of Sul in
the county of Henneberg. About 1686 he accepted an
invitation to Strasburgh, where he was appointed counsellor
and advocate of the state, and honorary professor of the
academy. He died there, May 14, 1705, in the seventythird year of his age. He wrote a great many volumes on
subjects connected with antiquities and with his profession,
the principal of which are, 1. “Codex juris Alemannici
” Thesaurus antiquitatum
” Institutiones Canonici,
” Institutiones juris publici,
, a learned German, was born May 11, 1740, at Nordheim, and studied law at Gottingen.
, a learned German, was born
May 11, 1740, at Nordheim, and studied law at Gottingen.
In 1762 he visited St. Petersburgh in company, with count
Munich, in whose family he had been tutor for some time,
but returned to his studies, and took his law degrees at Gottingen, whence he removed to Helmstadt. He was soon
after appointed professor in the Caroline college at Brunswick, where he lectured on history, public law, and statistics until 1779, when the prince made him a counsellor and
keeper of the archives at Wolfenbuttel. In 1784, the
prince added the title of aulic counsellor. He died in 1801.
In his visit to Russia he contracted a fondness for that country and its language, and employed much of his time on
its history. This produced various works, published in
German, “Letters on Russia,
” “Materials for a knowledge
of the Constitution and Government of Russia,
” “An attempt towards a new introduction to the History of Russia,' 1
&c. &c. He published also
” A manual of History,“V Historical miscellanies,
” and “A History of Germany,
” which
is spoken of as an eloquent and useful work.
, an excellent Greek scholar, was born at Delitzch in Misnia, 1560, and became eminent for his
, an excellent Greek scholar, was
born at Delitzch in Misnia, 1560, and became eminent for
his skill in the Greek tongue and in the mathematics; both
which, although they are accomplishments seldom found
in the same person, he professed with great reputation for
many years at Wittemberg, where he died in 1637. He
published an edition of “Pindar
” in Editorum Pindari facile princeps.
” He wrote notes
also upon Lycophron, Dionysius Periegetes, and Hesiod
which last was published at Geneva in Jfi93 an excellent
Concordance to the Greek Testament,“fol. the best edition of which is that of 1717 and a
” Commentary on the
New Testament," much esteemed, Argent. 1650, fol.
, a learned Lutheran divine, was born at Worms, in 1652. In his twenty-seventh year, he hurt
, a learned Lutheran divine,
was born at Worms, in 1652. In his twenty-seventh year,
he hurt his right arm with a fall so much, that he could
never recover the use of it: he learned to write, however,
so well with the left, as to be able to compose near a hundred publications, without the help of an amanuensis, but
they are chiefly theses upon subjects of ecclesiastical history. One of his pieces is entitled “Arcana dominationis
in rebus gestis Oliverii Cromwelli;
” another is against a
book, supposed to be Le Clerc’s, with this title, “Liberii
de sancto amore Epistolse Theoiogicse*
” He translated Pardie’s “Elements of Geometry
” out of French into Latin.
He died in
a shop at Rochester, where one of his sons still resides; and the same profession his son Jacob (who was born Aug. 30, 1760, in Duke’s Court, in the parish of St. Martin
, was son of a native of Zurich, in Switzerland, lieutenant in the Dutch army at the
memorable siege of Bergen-op-Zoom in 1747; when, after
a gallant resistance of two months, it was, as generally believed, surprised by the French under marshal Lowendal.
Upon quitting the service Mr. Schnebbelie came over to
England, and settled in the business of a confectioner, in
which capacity he had frequently the honour of attending
on king George II. He afterwards opened a shop at Rochester, where one of his sons still resides; and the same
profession his son Jacob (who was born Aug. 30, 1760, in Duke’s Court, in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields)
followed for some time, first at Canterbury, and afterwards
at Hammersmith till, nature pointing out to him the proper road to fame and credit, he quitted his shop and commenced self-taught teacher, at Westminster and other
public schools, of the art of drawing, in which he made a
proficiency which introduced him to the notice of many
among the learned and the great. To the earl of
Leicester’s notice he was first introduced by accidentally
sketching a view in his park near Hertford, and was employed by him in taking some of the most picturesque
landscapes about Tunbridge Wells, with a view to their
publication for his benefit. At their noble president’s express recommendation he was appointed draughtsman of
the society of antiquaries; and filled that office with equal
credit to himself and his patron. The merits of his pencil
are too generally known and acknowledged to require any
exaggerated eulogium, Happy in a quick eye and a discriminating taste, he caught the most beautiful objects in
the happiest points of view; and for fidelity and elegance
of delineation, may be ranked high among the list of firstrate artists. The works put forth on his own account are
not numerous. In 1781 he intended to publish six views
of St. Augustine’s Monastery, to be engraved by Mr. Rogers, &c. five of which. were completed, and one small
view of that religious house was etched by himself. In
1787 he etched a plate representing the Serpentine River,
part of Hyde Park, with the house of earl Bathurst, a distant view of Westminster Abbey, &c. now the property
and in the possession of Mr. Jukes, intended to be aquatinted for publication, Mr. Jukes purchased also from him
several views of Canterbury cathedral, St. Augustine’s monastery, &c. In March 1788 he published four views of
St. Alban’s town and abbey, drawn and etched by himself;
which in the November following were published, aquatinted by F. Jukes. About the same time that he set on
foot the “Antiquaries Museum,' he became an associate with
the late James Moore, esq. F. S. A. and Mr, Parkyns, in the
f< Monastic Remains*;
” which, after five numbers had appeared, he relinquished to his coadjutors. The assistance
he occasionally gave to “The Gentleman’s Magazine,
” the
smallest part of his merit, it will be needless to particularize; his masterly hand being visible on whatever it was
exerted. It is of more consequence to his fame to point
out the beauties of many of the plates in the second and
third volumes of the “Vetusta Monumenta
” of the Society
of Antiquaries and in the second volume of the “Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain ,
” the far greater part
of the numerous plates in which are after him; or in the
very many drawings he had finished, and the sketches he
had designed, for Mr. Nichols’s “History of Leicestershire.
” He had completed also some views of King’s
college chapel at Cambridge, in a style worthy that most
beautiful and most perfect of all our gothic buildings, and
in a manner which had so far recommended him to royal
notice, that, had his life been spared, there is no doubt
but he would have been properly distinguished.
three children. Two sons and a daughter died during the last year of their father’s life; and a son was born five days after his death. He was interred in the burying-ground
He died in Poland-rstreet, Feb. 21, 1792, in. the thirtysecond year of his age, after an illness of six weeks, which commenced with a rheumatic fever, occasioned by too intense an application to his professional engagements, and terminated in a total debility of body; leaving an amiable widow and three children. Two sons and a daughter died during the last year of their father’s life; and a son was born five days after his death. He was interred in the burying-ground belonging to a new chanel then building for St. James’s parish, in the road from Tottenham court to Hampstead.
, a learned historian and antiquary, was born September 6, 1694-, at Sulzbourg, a town in the margraviate
, a learned historian and
antiquary, was born September 6, 1694-, at Sulzbourg, a
town in the margraviate of Baden Dourlach; his father,
holding an honourable office in the margrave’s court, died
soon after in Alsace, leaving his son to the care of his mother. After tei: years studying at Dourlach and Basil, he
kept a public exercise on some contested points of ancient
history with applause, and finished his studies in eight
years more at Strasbourg. In 1717, he there spoke a
Latin panegyric on Ge^manicus, that favourite hero of
Germany, which was printed by order of the city. In
return for this favour he spoke a funeral oration on M.
Barth, under whom he had studied; and another on Kuhn,
the professor of eloquence and history there, whom he was
soon after elected to succeed in 1720, at the age of twenty ix. The resort of students to him from the Northern nations was very great, and the princes of Germany sent their
sons to study law under him. The professorship of history
at Francfort on the Oder was offered to him; the czarina
invited him to another at St. Petersburg, with the title of
historiographer royal; Sweden offered him the same professorship at Upsal, formerly held by Scheffer and Boeder,
his countrymen; and the university of Leyden named him
successor to the learned Vitriarius. He preferred Strasbourg to all. Amidst the succession of lectures public and
private, he found time to publish an innumerable quantity
of historical and critical dissertations, too many to be here
particularised. In 1725 he pronounced a congratulatory
oration before king Stanislaus, in the name of the university, on the marriage of his daughter to the king of France;
and, in 1726, another on the birth of the dauphin, besides
an anniversary one on the king of France’s birthday, and
others on his victories. In 1726 he quitted his professorship, and began his travels at the public expence. From
Paris he went to Italy, stayed at Rome six months, re*
ceived from the king of the Two Sicilies a copy of the
“Antiquities of Herculaneum,
” and from the duke of
Parma the “Museum Florentinum.
” He came to England at the beginning of the late king’s reign, and left it
the day that Pere Courayer, driven out of Paris by theological disputes, arrived in London. He was now honoured
with a canonry of St. Thomas, one of the most distinguished
Lutheran chapters, and visited Paris a third time in 1728.
Several dissertations by him are inserted in the “Memoirs
of the academy of inscriptions and belles lettres;
” one,
ascribing the invention of moveable types to Guttenberg of
Strasbourg, 1440, against Meerman,
, a learned English clergyman, was born July 6, 1756, and educated at Southampton-school, where
, a learned
English clergyman, was born July 6, 1756, and educated
at Southampton-school, where he laid the foundation of his
classical learning, and displayed his taste in some juvenile
performances which were much approved. He afterwards
cultivated these attainments under Dr. Warton at Winchester-school, whence he removed to Magdalen -college, Oxford, of which he became M. A. in 1781, and fellow and
tutor. Although formed to excel in polite literature, his
inclination led him into other pursuits, and the whole ceconomy of human life became the subject of his observation.
The interests of nations, the relations of arts, the circuitous channels and the secret recesses of commerce, and
the wide range of operations in manufactures and agriculture, were open to his intuition. His “Chronological
View of the Roman Laws,
” published in in which he clearly investigated the origin, and elegantly described the nature, of the
maritime codes which bore an analogy to the Rhodian
laws. During the intervals of his occupation as tutor of
the college, he visited the principal seats of commerce and
manufactures in England and on the continent. The result of these researches was given, in 1787, in* his
” Historical and Political Remarks on the Tariff of the Commercial Treaty with France/' which proved the very enlightened progress he had made in the science of political
ceconomy. From that time he had, with minute attention,
observed the effects of that famous treaty upon both nations; and he had made a considerable progress in printing a series of facts and collateral deductions, under the
title of “Present State and Manufactures in France,
when he was interrupted by an excruciating disorder,
which proved fatal April 6, 1792, at Bath, whither he had
gone in hopes of relief from the waters. He was a man
of an amiable disposition, and greatly lamented by his
friends. He had taken orders, but had no preferment in
the church.
t was killed at the battle of Prague in Bohemia in 1620, together with several of his sons. The duke was born in 1608. He served first in the army of the United Provinces,
, a distinguished general, was descended of a noble family in Germany, and waa the son of count Schomberg, by his first wife, an English lady, daughter of the lord Dudley; which count was killed at the battle of Prague in Bohemia in 1620, together with several of his sons. The duke was born in 1608. He served first in the army of the United Provinces, and afterwards became the particular confident of William II. prince of Orange; in whose last violent actions he had so great a share, and particularly in the attempt upon Amsterdam, that, on the prince’s death in 1650, he retired into France. Here he gained so high a reputation, that, next to the prince of Conde, and Turenne, he was esteemed the best general in that kingdom; though, on account of his firm adherence to the Protestant religion, he was not for a considerable time raised to the dignity of a marshal. In Nov. 1659 he offered his service to Charles II. for his restoration to the throne of England; and, the year following, the court of France being greatly solicitous for the interest of Portugal against the Spaniards, he was sent to Lisbon; and in his way thither passed through England, in order to concert measures with king Charles for the suppoxt of Portugal. Among other discourse which he had with, that prince, he advised his majesty to set up for the head of the Protestant religion; which would give him a vast ascendant among the princes of Germany, make him umpire of all their affairs, procure him great credit with the protestants of France, and keep that crown in perpetual fear of him. He urged him likewise not to part with Dunkirk, the sale of which was then in agitation; since, considering the naval power of England, it could not be taken, and the possession of it would keep both France and Spain in a dependence upon his majesty.
icians, and was in the annual receipt of four thousand pounds. He died March 4, 1761. This, his son, was born abroad, and at the age of two or three years was brought
, one of a family of physicians of some note in their day, was the son of Dr. Meyer Schomberg, a native of Cologne, a Jew, and, as it was said, librarian to some person of distinction abroad, which occupation he left, and came and settled in London, where he professed himself to be a physician; and, by art and address, obtained a lucrative situation amidst the faculty. In 1740 he had outstripped all the city physicians, and was in the annual receipt of four thousand pounds. He died March 4, 1761. This, his son, was born abroad, and at the age of two or three years was brought to England, where he received a liberal education, and afterwards studied at Leyden. After his return to London he set up in practice, but had a dispute with the college of physicians, as, we are told, his father had before him. The particulars of this dispute are not uninteresting in the history of the college.
, a noted German philosopher and mathematician, was born at Carolostadt in 1477, and died in 1547, aged seventy.
, a noted German philosopher and
mathematician, was born at Carolostadt in 1477, and died
in 1547, aged seventy. From his uncommon acquirements,
he was chosen mathematical professor at Nuremberg when
he was but a young man. He wrote a great many works,
and was particularly famous for his astronomical tables,
which he published after the manner of those of Regiomontanus, and to which he gave the title of Resolute, on account of their clearness. But, notwithstanding his great
knowledge, he was, after the fashion of the times, much
addicted to judicial astrology, which he took great pains
to improve. The list of his writings is chiefly as follows:
I. “Three Books of Judicial Astrology.
” 2. “The astronomical tables named Resolutoj.
” 3. “De Usu Globi
Stelliferi; De Compositione Giobi Ccelestis De Usu Globi
Terrestris, et de Compositione ejusdem.
” 4. “Æquatorium Astronomicum.
” 5. “Libeilus de Distantiis Locorum per Instrumenturn et Numeros investigandis.
” 6. “De
Compositione Torqueti.
” 7. “In Constructionem et Usum
Rectangnli sive Radii Astronomic! Annotationes.
” S.
“Horarii Cylindri Canones.
” 9. “Planisphserium, sen
” 10. “Organum Uranicum.
” 11.“Instrumentum Impedimentorum Luna3.
” All printed at Nuremberg, in
, a learned Norwegian, was born at Skatnaes, in Nordland, in 1722. He went in 1740 to the
, a learned Norwegian, was born at Skatnaes, in Nordland, in 1722. He went in 1740 to the school of Drontheim, the rector of which conceived so high an opinion of
his talents, as to assist him in carrying on his studies at
Copenhagen, where in 1758, he was elected a member of
the academy of sciences at Copenhagen. In 1764 he was
appointed professor of history and eloquence at Sora, and
received literary honuurs from various societies. In 1773,
1774, and 1775, he went on a tour, at the king’s expence,
through various parts of Norway, to examine the remains
of antiquity, but was recalled to Copenhagen to be keeper
of the archives, and in 1776 was appointed a member of
the society formed for publishing Icelandic works from the
collection of Arnas Magnaeus. He died July 18, 1780.
He is said to have passed his time and employed his
thoughts entirely on his peculiar studies, having an utter
aversion to theological controversy, and being equally partial to men of merit of all persuasions. His works are numerous, but many of them are academical dissertations.
Among those of a more permanent form are “An Essay
towards the ancient Geography of the Northern Countries,
particularly Norway
” “Observations on the old Northern
Marriages and Weddings
” “De Anni Ratione apud veteres Septentrionales
” “History of Norway from the
foundation of the kingdom till the time of Harold Haarfager,
” Travels through Norway,
” &c. He was also
the contributor of many papers to the Transactions of the
Norwegian society, and of the academy of sciences at Copenhagen, on subjects of antiquity, bearing some relation
to the northern nations.
, a learned and very laborious writer, was born April 1, 1614, at Utrecht, and was successively professor
, a learned and very laborious
writer, was born April 1, 1614, at Utrecht, and was successively professor of languages, rhetoric, history, natural
philosophy, logic, and experimental philosophy in that
city, at Deventer, Groningen, and lastly, at Francfort
upon Oder, where he died in 1665, aged fifty-one. Schoockius delighted in singular subjects, and has left a prodigious number of works. Burman says he never knew a
man who published so much and acquired so little fame in
the learned world. Some of his works are critical, others
on philosophy, divinity, history, and literature, chiefly ia
12 mo or 8vo, &c. The most known are, tracts on turfs,
“De Turffis, seu de cespitibus Bituminosis
” “On Butter;
” “On Antipathy to Cheese
” “On Eggs and Chickens;
” “On Inundations
” “De Harengis, seu
” “De Signaturis foetus
” “De Ciconiis
” “De Nihilo
” “De Sternutatione
” “De figmento legis Regies
“De Bonis Ecclesiasticis et Canouicis,
” 4toj “De Statu
Reipublicse faederati Belgii,
” &c. c. He wrote also against
Des Cartes, at the request of the famous Voetius, with
whom he was much connected. Some other pieces on singular subjects are in his “Exercitationes variae,
” Martini Themidis exercitationes,
, a very learned German, to whom the republic of letters has been considerably indebted, was born at Antwerp, Sept. 12, 1552; and educated at Louvain. Upon
, a very learned German, to whom
the republic of letters has been considerably indebted, was
born at Antwerp, Sept. 12, 1552; and educated at Louvain. Upon the taking and sacking of Antwerp in 1577,
he retired to Douay; and, after some stay there, went to
Paris, where Busbequius received him into his house, and
made him partner of his studies. Two years after, he went
into Spain, and was at first at Madrid; then he removed
to Alcala, and then in 1580 to Toledo, where his great
reputation procured him a Greek professorship. The cardinal Gaspar Quiroga, abp. of Toledo, conceived at the
same time such an esteem for him, that he lodged him in
his palace, and entertained him as long as he remained in
that place. In 1584, he was invited to Saragossa, to teach
rhetoric and the Greek language; and, two years after,
entered into the society of Jesuits, and was called by the
general of the order into Italy to teach rhetoric at Rome,
He continued three years there., and then returned to his
own country, where he spent the remainder of a long life
in study and writing books. He was not only well skilled
in Latin and Greek learning, but had also in him a candour
and generosity seldom to be found among the men of his
order. He had an earnest desire to oblige all mankind, of
what religion or country soever and would freely communicate even with heretics, if the cause of letters could her
served: hence protestant writers every where mention him
with respect. He died at Antwerp Jan. 23, 1629, after
having published a great number of books. Besides works
more immediately connected with and relating to his own
profession, he gave editions of, and wrote notes upon, several of the classics; among which were Aurelius Victor,
Pomponius Mela, Seneca Rhetor, Cornelius Nepos, Vale*
rius Flaccus, &c. He wrote the life of Francis di Borgia,
and “Hispania illustrata,
” 4 vols. folio, hut there are reasons for doubting whether the “Bibliotheca Hispana,
” $
vols. in one, 4to, was a publication of his own; it seems
rather to have been compiled from his Mss. He published,
however, an edition of Basil’s works, and is said to have
translated Photius; but this has been thought to be so much
below the abilities and learning of Schott, that some have
questioned his having been the author of it.
, a learned Jesuit, was born in 1608, in the diocese of Wurtzburg. His favourite studies
, a learned Jesuit, was born in 1608,
in the diocese of Wurtzburg. His favourite studies were
philosophy and mathematics, which he taught till his death.
He passed several years at Palermo, whence he removed
to Rome, where he contracted an intimacy with the celebrated Kircher, who communicated to him several of his
observations on the arts and sciences. Schott was author
of several works, of which the most remarkable are, 1,
“Physica curiosa; sive Mirabilia Naturae et artis,
” Magia naturalis et artificialis,
” Technica curiosa,
” Norimberg, Anatomia Physico-hydrostatica Fontium et
” 5. “Organum Mathematicum.
” In the various writings of this Jesuit are to be met with the germs of
the greater part of modern experiments in physics. Complete sets of them should consist of 20 vols., but they are
not easily procured, as they were almost entirely forgotten,
till brought to notice in 1785 by the abbé Mercier, in his
“Notice des ouvrages de Caspar Schott.
hool at Haerlem, the history of which city he published, and afterwards rector of that of Leyden. He was born probably at the former place, and removed to Leyden with
, a Dutch commentator, was the son of Theodore Schrevelius, first rector of the school at Haerlem, the history of which city he published, and afterwards rector of that of Leyden. He was born probably at the former place, and removed to Leyden with his father in 1625, who being then advanced in years resigned his office in favour of Cornelius in 1642. Cornelius appears before this to have studied and took his degrees in medicine, but his promotion to the school turned his attention to classical pursuits, in the course of which he pub]ished editions variorum of Hesiod, Homer, Claudian, Virgil, Lucan, Martial, Juvenal and Persius, Erasmus’s colloquies, &c. none of which have been so fortunate as to obtain the approbation of modern critics. He applied, however, to lexicography with more success, and besides a good edition of the Greek part of Hesychius’s Lexicon, published himself a Greek and Latin Dictionary, which has been found so useful to beginners, that perhaps few works of the kind have gone through so many editions. Those of this country, where it still continues to be printed, have been enlarged and improved by Hill, Bowyer, and others. Schrevelius died in 1667.
, was born Feb. 15, 1749, at Herborn (where his father was at that
, was born Feb. 15, 1749, at Herborn (where his father was at that time divinityprofessor), and was educated at the university at Leyden, where he applied himself with great diligence to the Arabic, under his father’s instructions, and those of Scheidius, who then lodged in his house. By his father’s advice, he commenced his study of the eastern languages by learning the Arabic, to which he applied during two years, before he began the Hebrew. This, among other reasons, may account for the preference which he always gave to the Arabic literature, and which was so great that he was often heard to wish that the duties of his station would allow him to devote the whole of his time to it. He, however, studied the Greek and Latin classics with the utmost diligence under Hemsterhuis, Rhunkenius, and Valkenaar. He also cultivated an acquaintance with the best modem writers, among whom he in general gave the preference to the English; he was remarkably fond of Pope; and of Shakspeare he was an enthusiastic admirer.
German lady, was the daughter of parents who were both descended from noble Protestant families, and was born at Cologne, in 1607. She discovered from her infancy an
, a most learned German
lady, was the daughter of parents who were both descended
from noble Protestant families, and was born at Cologne, in
1607. She discovered from her infancy an uncommon facility in acquiring various accomplishments, as cutting with
her scissors upon paper all sorts of figures, without any
model, designing flowers, embroidery, music vocal and instrumental, painting-, sculpture, and engraving; and is said
to have succeeded equally in all these arts. Mr. Evelyn,
in his “History of Chalcography,
” has observed, that “the
very knowing Anna Maria a Schurman is skilled in this art
with innumerable others, even to a prodigy of her sex.
Her hand-xvriting in all languages was inimitable; and some
curious persons have preserved specimens of it in their
cabinets. M. Joby, in his journey to Minister, relates, that
he was an eye-witness to the beauty of her writing, in
French, Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, and Arabic; and of her
skill in drawing in miniature, and making portraits upon
glass with the point of a diamond. She painted her own
picture by means of a looking-glass; and made artificial
pearls so like natural ones, that they could not be distinguished but by pricking them with a needle.
, a learned German, was born December 1641, at Corback, in the county of Waldeck. Having
, a learned
German, was born December 1641, at Corback, in the
county of Waldeck. Having taken a doctor’s degree in
philosophy at Wittemberg, in 1664, he returned to Corbac,
where he taught during some time instead of his father,
and then returning to Wittemberg, published a learned
piece, entitled “Judicium de novissimis prudentise civilis
” &c. under the assumed name of “Eubulus
Theodatus Sarckmasius.
” Jn this little work, which consists but of a leaf and half, the author passes judgment very
freely on fifteen German lawyers, or political writers, which
raised him many enemies, and engaged him in a literary
war, which produced a great number of pieces collected
by Crusius, 8vo, under the title of “Acta Siirckmasiana,
and even occasioned his being struck out from the list of
doctors by the university of Wittemberg. He was, however, not only restored to that title two years after, but
appointed professor of history, then of poetry, and at
length of Greek. In 1700, Schurtztieisch succeeded to the
rhetorical chair, and became counsellor and librarian to the
duke of Saxe-Weimar, and died July 7, 1708. He left a
great number of learned works on history, poetry, criticism,
literature, &c. the most celebrated of which are, “Disputationes historic^ civiles,
” Leipsic, Historia Ensiferorum ordinis Teutonic!,
” Wittemberg,
o passes for being the discoverer of that fatal composition so well known by the name of gun-powder, was born at Friburg in Germany in the thirteenth century, and is
, who passes for being the discoverer of that fatal composition so well known by the name of gun-powder, was born at Friburg in Germany in the thirteenth century, and is said to have discovered this dangerous secret in prison, as he was making some chemical experiments. Albertus Magnus speaks of him as a Cordelier, and says that he invented some sorts of firearms. The discovery of this fatal secret has been attributed by some to the Chinese, and by others to our countryman, Roger Bacon: however, the use of artillery was introduced about the time of the battle of Crecy, 1346, and made an absolute change in the whole art of war; whether a beneficial one, has not yet been decided.
, a learned German writer, and one of the most arrogant and contentious critics of his time, was born about 1576; and studied first at Amberg, then at Heidelberg,
, a learned German writer, and
one of the most arrogant and contentious critics of his time,
was born about 1576; and studied first at Amberg, then at
Heidelberg, afterwards at Altdorf, at the charges of the
elector palatine. Having made a considerable stay at Ingolstadt, he returned to Altdorff, where he began to publish
some of his works. Ottavia Ferrari, a celebrated professor
at Padua, says, that he “published books when he was but
sixteen, which deserved to be admired by old men;
” some,
however, of his early productions do not deserve this encomium. He took a journey into Italy; and, after he had
been some time at Verona, returned into Germany, whence
he went again into Italy, and published at Ferrara a panegyric upon the king of Spain and pope Clement VIII. Iti
1599, he embraced the Roman catholic religion, but had
an extraordinary antipathy to the Jesuits; against whom,
Baillet tells us, he wrote about thirty treatises under
fictitious names. Nor was he more lenient to the Protestants,
and solicited the princes to extirpate them by the most
bloody means, in a book which he published at Pavia in
1619, under the title of “Gasp. Scioppii Consiliarii Regii
Classieum belli sa'cri, sive, Heldus Redivivus.
” The following is the title of another, printed at Mentz in 1612,
against Philip Mornay du Plessis; and which, as he tells
us in the title-page, he sent to James I. of England, by
way of new-year’s gift: “Alexipharmacum Regium felli
clraconum et veneno aspidum sub Philippi Mornaei de Piessis nuper Papatus historia abdito appositum, et sereniss.
Jacobo Magnae Britanniae Regi strenae Januariae loco muneri missum.
” He had before attacked the king of England,
by publishing in 1611, two books with these titles; “Ecclesiasticus auctoritati Sereniss. D. Jacob), &c. oppositus,
and “Collyrium Regium Britanniae Regi graviter ex oculis
laboranti muneri missum;
” that is, “An Eye-salve for the
use of his Britannic majesty.
” In the first of these pieces
he ventured to attack Henry IV. of France in a most violent
manner which occasioned his book to be burnt at Paris.
He gloried, however, in this disgrace and, according to
his own account, had the farther honour of being hanged
in effigy in a farce, which was acted before the king of
England. He did not, however, always escape with impunity; for, in 1614, the servants of the English ambassador
are said to have beaten him with great severity at Madrid.
Of the wounds he received in this conflict, he, as usual,
made his boasts, as he also did of having been the principal contriver of the Catholic league, which proved so
ruinous to the Protestants in Germany. In his way through
Venice in 1607, he had a conference with father Paul,
whom he endeavoured by promises and threats to bring over
to the pope’s party; which, perhaps, with other circumstances, occasioned his being imprisoned there three or four
days. After he had spent many years in literary contests,
he applied himself to the prophecies of holy scripture, and
flattered himself that he had discovered the true key to
them. He sent some of these prophetical discoveries to
cardinal Mazarine, who paid no attention to them. It has
been said that he had thoughts at last of going back to the
communion of Protestants; but this, resting upon the single testimony of Hornius, has not been generally believed.
He died in 1649.
, an eminent naturalist, was born in 1725, at Cavalese, in the bishopric of Trent. He studied
, an eminent naturalist, was
born in 1725, at Cavalese, in the bishopric of Trent. He
studied at Inspruck, and at twenty years old obtained the
degree of licentiate in medicine, and afterwards was intrusted with the care of the hospitals of Trent, and of hi*
native town Cavalese; but as this stage was too small for his
ambition, he requested that his parents would permit him
to go to Venice. In that city, under the auspices of Lo
taria Lotti, he extended his knowledge of medicine, and
added to it a more intimate acquaintance with pharmacy,
botany, and natural history. On his return he traversed
the mountains of Tirol and Carniola, where he laid the
foundation of his “Flora
” and “Entomologia Carniolica.
In Anni tres Historico-naturales,
, was born near Haddington, in East Lothian, 1675, and brought up
, was born near Haddington, in East Lothian, 1675, and brought up to the law in Edinburgh; but never made any figure at the bar. Attached to the royal family of Stewart, he refused to take the oaths to the revolution-settlement, which brought him into many difficulties, and sometimes imprisonment. He had no great knowledge of history; but an opinion of his own abilities induced him to write that of Scotland, which was published in 1727, in one volume folio. Jt is a performance of not much value. He died at Haddington, 1741—2, aged sixty-seven.
, a learned English divine, was son of Mr. Thomas Scott, a substantial grazier, and was born in the parish of Chippingham, in Wiltshire, in 1638. Not
, a learned English divine, was son
of Mr. Thomas Scott, a substantial grazier, and was born
in the parish of Chippingham, in Wiltshire, in 1638. Not
being intended for a literary profession, he served an apprenticeship in London, much against his will,- for about
three years but, having an inclination as well as talents
for learning, he quitted his trade and went to Oxford.
“He was admitted a commoner of New Inn in 1657, and
made a great progress in logic and philosophy; but left
the university without taking a degree, and being ordained.,
came to London, where he officiated in the perpetual curacy of Trinity in the Minories, and as minister of St.
Thomas’s in Southwark. In 1677 he was presented to the
rectory of St. Peter Le Poor; and was collated to a prebend
in St. Paul’s cathedral in 1684. In 1685 he accumulated
the degrees of bachelor and doctor in divinity, having
before taken no degree in any other faculty. In 1691 he
succeeded Sharp, afterwards archbishop of York, in the
rectory of St. Giles in the Fields; and the same year was
made canon of Windsor. Wood says that*; he might soon
have been a bishop, had not some scruples hindered him;‘.’
and Hickes lias told us that he refused the bishopric of
Chester, because he could not take the oath of homage;
and afterwards another bishopric, the deanery of Worcester, and a prebend of the church of Windsor, because
they were all places of deprived men. This, however,
Dr. Isham attributes entirely to his growing infirmities.
He died in 1694, and was buried in St. Giles’s church: his
funeral sermon was preached by Dr. Isham, and afterwards
printed in 1695. In this sermon we are told that
” he had
many virtues in him of no ordinary growth piety towards
God kindness, friendship, affability, sincerity, towards
men zeal and constancy in the discharge of the pastoral
office and, in a word, all those graces and virtues which
make the good Christian and the good man.“When popery was encroaching under Charles II. and James II. he was
one of those champions who opposed it with great warmth
and courage, particularly in the dedication of a sermon
'preached at Guildhall chapel, Nov. 5, 1683, to sir William Hooker, lord-mayor of London, where he declares
” Domitian and Dioclesian were but puny persecutors and bunglers in cruelty, compared with the infallible cut-throats of the apostolical chair."
of considerable genius, and a very amiable man, was the youngest son of Samuel and Martha Scott, and was born January 9, 1730, in the GrangeWalk, in the parish of St.
, a poet of considerable genius, and a very amiable man, was the youngest son of Samuel and Martha Scott, and was born January 9, 1730, in the GrangeWalk, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey. His father was a draper and citizen of London, a man of plain and irreproachable manners, and one of the society of the people called quakers, in which persuasion our poet was educated, and continued during the whole of his life, although not with the strictest attention to all the peculiarities of that sect. In the seventh year of his age he was put under the tuition of one John Clarke, a native of Scotland, who kept a school in Bermondsey-street, attended young Scott at his father’s house, and instructed him in the rudiments of the Latin tongue. In his tenth year his father retired with his family, consisting of Mrs. Scott and two sons, to the village of Amwell in Hertfordshire, where, for some time, he carried on the malting trade. Here our poet was sent to a private day-school, in which he is said to have had few opportunities of polite literature, and those few were declined by his father from a dread of the smallpox, which neither he nor his son had yet caught* This terror, perpetually recurring as the disorder made its appearance in one quarter or another, occasioned such frequent removals as prevented his son from the advantages of regular education. The youth, however, did not neglect to cultivate his mind by such means as were in his power. About the age of seventeen he discovered an inclination to the study of poetry, with which he combined a delight in viewing the appearances of rural nature. At this time he derived much assistance from the conversation and opinions of one Charles Frogley, a person in the humble station of a bricklayer, but who had improved a natural taste for poetry, and arrived at a considerable degree of critical discernment. This Mr. Scott thankfully acknowledged when he had himself attained a rank among the writers of his age, and could return with interest the praise by which Frogley had cheered his youthful attempts. The only other adviser of his studies, in this sequestered spot, was a Mr. John Turner, afterwards a dissenting preacher. To him he was introduced in 1753 or 1754, and, on the removal of Mr. Turner to London, and afterwards to Colleton in Devonshire, they carried on a friendly correspondence on matters of general taste.
, alias Rotheram (Thomas), a munificent benefactor to Lincoln college, Oxford, was born at Rotheram, in Yorkshire, from whence he took his name,
, alias Rotheram (Thomas), a munificent benefactor to Lincoln college, Oxford, was born at Rotheram, in Yorkshire, from whence he took his name, but that of his family appears to have been Scot. He rose by his talents and learning to the highest ranks in church and state, having been successively fellow of King’s college, Cambridge, master of Pembroke Hall, chancellor of that university, prebendary of Sarum, chaplain to king Edward IV. provost of Beverley, keeper of the Privy Seal, secretary to four kings, bishop of Rochester and Lincoln, archbishop of York, and lord chancellor. His buildings at Cambridge, Whitehall, Southwell, and Thorp, are eminent proofs of his magnificent taste and spirit.
, an eminent Scotch divine, and second son of Patrick Scougal, bishop of Aberdeen, was born June 1650, at Salton, in East Lothian, where his father,
, an eminent Scotch divine, and second son of Patrick Scougal, bishop of Aberdeen, was born June 1650, at Salton, in East Lothian, where his father, the immediate predecessor of Bishop Burnet, was rector. His father, designing him for the sacred ministry, watched over his infant mind with peculiar care, and soon had the satisfaction of perceiving the most amiable dispositions unfold themselves, and his understanding rise at once into the vigour of manhood. Relinquishing the amusements of youth, young Scougal applied to his studies with ardour: and, agreeably to his father’s wish, at an early period directed his thoughts to sacred literature. He perused the historical parts of the bible with peculiar pleasure, and then began to examine its contents more minutely. He was struck with the peculiarities of the Jewish dispensation, and felt an anxiety to understand why its rites and ceremonies were abolished. The nature and evidences of the Christian religion also occupied his mind. He perused sermons with much attention, committed to writing those passages which most affected him, and could comprehend and remember their whole scope. Nor was he inattentive to polite literature. He read the Roman classics, and made considerable proficiency in the Greek, Hebrew, and other oriental languages. He was also well versed in history and mathematics. His diversions were of a manly kind. After becoming acquainted with Roman history, he formed, in concert with some of his companions, a little senate, where orations of their own composition were delivered.
, one of the most learned men of the sixteenth century, was born at Dundee in Scotland, in 1506, and after making great
, one of the most learned men of the sixteenth century, was born at Dundee in Scotland, in 1506, and after making great progress in the Greek and Latin languages at the grammar school of that place, studied philosophy at St. Andrew’s university with equal success* He afterwards studied civil law at Paris and Bourges. At this latter city he became acquainted with the Greek professor, James Amiot, who recommended him to be tutor to two young gentlemen; and this served also to introduce him to Bernard Bornetel, bishop of Rennes, a celebrated political character, who invited Mr. Scrimzeor to accompany him to Italy. There he became acquainted with the most distinguished scholars of the country. The death of the noted Francis Spira * happened during his visit at Padua, and as the character and conduct of this remarkable person at that time engaged the attention of the world, Mr. Scrimzeor is said to have collected memoirs of him, which, however, does not appear in the catalogue of his works.
, a considerable philologer and poet, was born at Harlem in 1576. He was educated at Harlem and at Leyden,
, a considerable philologer and poet, was born at Harlem in 1576.
He was educated at Harlem and at Leyden, where he read
law in his early days, but devoted himself afterwards to a
private and studious life, which ended April 30, 1660, in
the eighty-fourth year of his age. His works are: “
Batavia illustrata.
” “Batavise comitumq. omnium Historia.
“Miscellanea Philologica.
” “Carmina Latina & Belgica.
“Populare Hollandise Chronicon.
” “Collectanea Veterum Tragicorum.
” He likewise corrected the copyof
” and enlarged and wrote notes upon Aquilius’s
<c Chronicon Geldricum" and was the author or editor of
various other works, classical and historical.
, sister of the preceding, and his superior in talents, was born at Havre-de-Grace in 1607, and became very eminent for
, sister of the preceding,
and his superior in talents, was born at Havre-de-Grace in
1607, and became very eminent for her wit and her writings. She went earty to Paris, where she gained admission into the assemblies of learning and fashion. Having
recourse, like her brother, to the pen, she gratified the taste
of the age for romances, by various productions of that
kind, which were very eagerly read, and even procured
her literary honours. The celebrated academy of the
Ricovrati at Padua complimented her with a place in their
society; and some great personages showed their regard
by presents, and other marks of esteem. The prince of
Paderborn, bishop of Munster, sent her his works and a
medal; and Christina of Sweden often wrote to her, settled on her a pension, and sent her her picture. Cardinal
Mazarin left her an annuity by his will: and Lewis XIV.
in 1683, at the solicitation of M. de Maintenon, settled
a good pension upon her, which was punctually paid.
His majesty also appointed her a special audience to receive
her acknowledgments, and paid her some very flattering
compliments. She had an extensive correspondence with
men of learning and wit: and her house at Paris was the
rendezvous of all who would be thought to patronize genius. She died in 1701, aged 94; and two churches contended for the honour of possessing her remains, which
was thought a point of so much consequence, that nothing
less than the authority of the cardinal de Noailles, to whom
the affair was referred, *was sufficient to decide it. She
was a very voluminous writer as well as her brother, but of
more merit; and it is remarkable of this lady, that she obtained the first prize of eloquence founded by the academy. There is much common-place panegyric upon her
in the “Menagiana,
” from the personal regard Menage
had for her but her merits are better settled by Boileau,
in the “Discours
” prefixed to his dialogue entitled “Les
Hero des Roman.
” Her principal works are, “Artamene,
ou le Grand Cyrus,
” Clelie,
” Celanire, ou la Promenade de Versailles,
Ibrahim, ou l'Illustre Bassa,
” Almahide, ou PEsclave Reine,
” 1661, 8vo
” Mathilde d'Aguiiar,“1667, 8vo;
” Conversations et Entretiens," 10 vols. c. These last
conversations are thought the best of Mad Scuderi’s wo^ks,
but there was a time when English translations of her prolix
romances were read. What recommended them to the
French public was the traits of living characters which she
occasionally introduced.
, an eminent protestant divine, was born at Grumberg in Silesia, Aug. i?4, 1556, and after having
, an eminent protestant divine, was born at Grumberg in Silesia, Aug. i?4, 1556, and after having studied there till 1582, was sent to BresUw to continue his progress in the sciences He was recalled soon after, his father, who had lost all his fortune in the fire of Grunberg, being no longer able to maintain him at the college, and therefore intending to bring him up to some trade. The young man was not at all pleased with such a proposal; and looked out for the place of a tutor, which he found in the family of a burgomaster of Freistad, and this gave him an opportunity of hearing the sermons of Melancthon and of Abraham Bucholtzer. In 1584 he took a journey into Poland, and went to Gorlitz in Lusatia the year following, and resided there above two years, constantly attending the public lectures, and reading private lectures to others. He employed himself in the same manner in the university of Wittemberg in 1588 and 1589, and afterwards in that of Heidelberg till he was admitted into the church in 1594. He officiated in a village of the palatinate for some months; after which he was sent for by the elector palatine to be one of his preachers. In 1598 he was appointed pastor of the church of St. Francis at Heidelberg, and two years after was made a member of the ecclesiastical senate. He was employed several times in visiting the churches and schools of the palatinate, and among these avocations wrote some works, which required great labour. He attended the prince of Anhalt to the war at Juliers in 1610, and applied himself with great prudence and vigilance to the re-settlement of the affairs of the reformed church in those parts. He attended Frederic V. prince palatine into England in 1612, and contracted an acquaintance with the most learned men of that kingdom, but Wood speaks of his having resided some time at Oxford in 1598. He took a journey to Brandenburg in 1614, the elector John Sigismond, who was about renouncing Lutheranism, being desirous of concerting measures with him with respect to that change; and on his return to Heidelberg he accepted the place of courtpreacher, which he relinquished when appointed professor of divinity in 1618. He was deputed soon after to the synod of Dort, where he endeavoured at first to procure a reconciliation of the contending parties; but finding nothing of that kind was to be expected, he opposed vigorously the doctrines of the Arminians. He preached at Francfort the year following during the electoral diet held there, his master having appointed him preacher to the deputies whom he sent thither. He also attended that prince in his journey into Bohemia; and retiring into Silesia after the fatal battle of Prague, resolved to return to Heidelberg in order to discharge the functions of his professorship there; but the fury of the war having dispersed the students, he went to Bretten, and afterwards to Schorndorf in the country of Wirtemberg, whence he removed to Embden in August 1622. The king of Bohemia his master had consented that the city of Embden should offer Scultetus the place of preacher, but he did not enjoy it very long; for he died October the 24th, 1625.
, a distinguished surgeon, was born in 1595, at Ulm, and studied medicine at Padua, where he
, a distinguished
surgeon, was born in 1595, at Ulm, and studied medicine
at Padua, where he took his degrees in that faculty in 1621.
On his return to his native city, he practised with great
reputation for twenty years, until being called to Stutgard
to a patient, he was there attacked with a fit of apoplexy,
which terminated his life December 1, 1645. He appears
to have practised surgery extensively, and with great boldness in the operations of bronchotomy, of the trephine, and
forempyema. His principal work is entitled “Armamentarium Chirurgicum, 43 tabulis acre incisis ornatum;
” and
was published after his death, at Ulm, in
, an eminent English prelate, was born in 1693, at asmail village called Sibthorpe, in the vale
, an eminent English prelate, was born in 1693, at asmail village called Sibthorpe, in the vale of Belvoir, Nottinghamshire. His father was a Protestant dissenter, a pious, virtuous, and sensible man, who, having a small paternal fortune, followed no profession. His mother was the daughter of Mr. George Brough, of Shelton, in the county of Nottingham, a substantial gentleman farmer He received his education at several private schools in the country, being obliged by various accidents to change his masters frequently; yet at the age of nineteen he had not only made a considerable progress in Greek and Latin, and read the best and most difficult writers in both languages, but had acquired a knowledge of French, Hebrew, Chaldee, and Syriac, had learned geography, logic, algebra, geometry, conic sections, and gone through a course of lectures on Jewish antiquities, and other points preparatory to the study of the Bible. At the same time, in one or other of theseacademies, he had an opportunity of forming an acquaintance with several persons of great abilities. Among the rest, in the academy of Mr. Jones at Tewkesbury, he laid the foundation of a strict friendship with Mr. Joseph Butler, afterwards bishop of Durham.
per precedents and directions. He had before, when rector of St. James’s, baptized the new king (who was born in Norfolk-house, in that parish) and he was afterwards
In little more than two years after his grace’s promotion to the see of Canterbury, died the late George II. Of what passed on that occasion, and of the form observed in proclaiming our present sovereign (in which the archbishop of course took the lead), his grace has left an account in writing. He did the same with regard to the subsequent ceremonials of marrying and crowning their present majesties, which in consequence of his station he had the honour to solemnize, and in which he found a great want of proper precedents and directions. He had before, when rector of St. James’s, baptized the new king (who was born in Norfolk-house, in that parish) and he was afterwards called upon to perform the same office for the greatest part of his majesty’s children a remarkable, and perhaps unexampled concurrence of such incidents in the life of one man.
, a French historian, was born January 8, 1691, at Paris. He began to study the law in
, a French historian, was
born January 8, 1691, at Paris. He began to study the
law in obedience to his father’s desire, who was an able advocate; but losing both his parents shortly after, he quitted
the bar, for which he had not the least taste, and devoted
himself wholly to the belles lettres, and French history.
His unwearied application to books, which no other passion
interrupted, soon made him known among the learned; and
he was admitted into the academy of inscriptions in 1723,
and chosen by chancellor d'Aguesseau five years after, to
continue the great collection of statutes, made by the
French kings, which M. de Laurier had begun. As Secousse possessed every talent necessary for such an important undertaking, the voiumes which he published were
received with universal approbation. He died at Paris,
March 15, 1754, aged sixty-three, leaving a library, the
largest and most curious, in French history, that any private person had hitherto possessed. His works are, the
continuation of the collection of statutes before mentioned,
to the ninth volume inclusively, which was printed under
the inspection of M. de Villevault, counsellor to the court
of aids, who succeeded M. Secousse, and published a table,
forming a tenth volume, and since, an eleventh and twelfth.
Secousse also wrote many dissertations in the memoirs of
the academy of inscriptions editions of several works, and
of several curious pieces “Memoirs for the History of
Charles the Bad,
” 2 vols. 4to,
, a French dramatic writer, was born at Paris, June 4, 1719. Abandoned by his friends, he was,
, a French dramatic writer,
was born at Paris, June 4, 1719. Abandoned by his friends,
he was, at the age of thirteen, obliged to quit his studies,
in which he was little advanced, and to practise a trade for
his subsistence. He was first a journeyman, and then a
master mason* and architect; which businesses he conducted with uncommon probity. Natural inclination led
him to cultivate literature, and particularly the drama, for
which he wrote various small pieces and comic operas, the
most popular of which were, “Le Deserteur;
” and “Richard
Coeur de Lion.
”“All of them met with great success, and
still continue to be performed, but the French critics think
that his poetry is not written in the purest and most correct
style, and that his pieces appear to more advantage on the
stage than in the closet. He possessed, however, a quality
of greater consequence to a dramatic writer the talent of
producing stage effect. He was elected into the French
academy, in consequence of the success of his
” Richard
Coeur de Lion," and was intimately connected with all the
men of letters, and all the artists of his time. He died in
May 1797, aged seventy-eight.
, a nonconformist divine, was born at Marlborough in Wiltshire, in 1600, and educated first
, a nonconformist divine, was
born at Marlborough in Wiltshire, in 1600, and educated
first at Queen’s college, and then at Magdalen-hall, Oxford. After taking his degrees in arts, he was ordained,
and became chaplain to lord Horatio Vere, whom he accompanied into the Netherlands. After his return, he
went again to Oxford, and was admitted to the reading of
the sentences in 1629. Going then to London he preached
at St. Mildred’s, Bread-street, until interrupted by the
bishop, and in 1639 became vicar of Coggeshall in Essex,
where he continued three or four years. The commencement of the rebellion allowing men of his sentiments
unconstrained liberty, he returned to London, and preached
frequently before the parliament, inveighing with extreme
violence against the church and state: to the overthrow of
both, his biographers cannot deny that he contributed his
full share, in the various characters of one of the assembly
of divines, a chaplain in the army, one of the triers, and
pne of the ejectors of those who were called “ignorant and
scandalous ministers.
” In 1646 he became preacher at
St. Paul’s, Covent-garden, where he appears to have continued until the decay of his health, when he retired to
Marl borough, and died there in January 1658. As a divine, he was much admired in his day, and his printed
works had considerable popularity. The principal of them
are, “The Fountain opened,
” An exposition of
Psalm xxiii.
” The Anatomy of Secret Sins,
The Parable of the Prodigal,
” Synopsis
of Christianity,
” &c. &c. He had a brother, John, an ad*,
herent to the "parliamentary cause, and a preacher, but of
less note; and another brother Joseph, who became batler
in Magdalen college in 1634, and B.A. in 1637, and then
went to Cambridge, where he took his master’s degree, and,
was elected fellow of Christ’s college. After the restora-^
tion he conformed, and was beneficed in the church; in
1675 he was made prebendary of Lincoln, and was also
rector of Fisherton, where he died Sept. 22, 1702, in the
seventy-fourth year of his age, leaving a son John Sedgwick, who succeeded him in the prebend, and was vicar of
Burton Pedvvardine in Lincolnshire, where he died in 1717.
writer, was the son of sir John Sedley, of Aylesford in Kent, by a daughter of sir Henry Savile, and was born about 1639. At seventeen, he became a fellowcommoner of
, a dramatic and miscellaneous writer, was the son of sir John Sedley, of Aylesford in Kent, by a daughter of sir Henry Savile, and was born about 1639. At seventeen, he became a fellowcommoner of Wadham college in Oxford; but, taking no degree, retired to his own country, without either traveling, or going to the inns of court. At the restoration he came to London, and commenced wit, courtier, poet, and man of gallantry. As a critic, he was so much admired, tfiat he became a kind of oracle among the poets; and no performance was approved or condemned, till sir Charles Sedley had given judgment. This made king Charles jestingly say to him, that Nature had given him a patent to be Apollo’s viceroy; and lord Rochester placed him in the first rank of poetical critics. With these accomplishments, he impaired his estate by profligate pleasures, and was one of that party of debauchees whom we have already mentioned in our account of Sackville lord Buckhurst, who having insulted public decency, were indicted for a riot, and all severely fined; sir Charles in 500l. The day for payment being appointed, sir Charles desired Mr. Henry Killigrew and another gentleman, both his friends, to apply to the king to get it remitted; which they undertook to do; but at the same time varied the application so far as to beg it for themselves, and they made Sedley pay the full sum.
, an English divine, who was born at Clifton, near Penrith, in Cumberland, of which place
, an English divine, who was born at
Clifton, near Penrith, in Cumberland, of which place his
father was rector, had his school-education at Lowther, and
his academical at Queen’s college, in Oxford. Of this society he was chosen fellow in 1732. The greatest part of
his life was spent at Twickenham, where he was assistant or
curate to Dr. Waterland. In 1741, he was presented by
his college to the living of Enham in Hampshire, at which
place he died in 1747, without ever having obtained any
higher preferment, which he amply deserved. He was
exemplary in his morals, orthodox in his opinions, had an
able head, and a most amiable heart. A late romantic
writer against the Athanasian doctrines, whose testimony
we choose to give, as it is truth extorted from an adversary,
speaks of him in the following terms: “Notwithstanding
this gentleman’s being a contender for the Trinity, yet he
was a benevolent man, an upright Christian, and a beautiful writer; exclusive of his zeal for the Trinity, he was in
every thing else an excellent clergyman, and an admirable
scholar. 1 knew him well, and on account of his amiable
qualities very highly honour his memory; though no two
ever differed more in religious sentiments.
” He published
in his life-time, “Discourses on several important Subjects,
” 2 vols. 8vo and his “Posthumous Works, consisting of sermons, letters, essays, &c.
” in 2 vols. 8vo, were
published from his original manuscripts by Jos. Hall, M. A.
fellow of Queen’s college, Oxford, 1750. They are all
very ingenious, and full of good matter, but abound too
much in antithesis and point.
, an eminent painter, was born at Antwerp in 1.589. Under the instructions of Henry van
, an eminent painter, was born at Antwerp in 1.589. Under the instructions of Henry van Balen, and Abraham Janssens, he had made considerable progress in the art before he went to Italy. On his arrival at Rome, he became the disciple of Bartolommeo Manfredi; and from him adopted a taste for the vigorous style of Michael Angelo Caravaggio, to which he added somewhat of the tone and colour he had brought with him from his native country; producing the powerful effect of candle-light, though often falsely applied in subjects which appertain to the milder illumination of the day. He at length accepted the invitation of cardinal Zapara, the Spanish ambassador at Rome, to accompany him to Madjrid, where he was presented to the king, and was engaged in his service, with a considerable pension. After some years he returned to Flanders, and his fellow-citizens were impatient to possess some of his productions; but they who had been accustomed to the style of Rubens and Vandyke, were unable to yield him that praise to which he had been accustomed, and he was obliged to change his manner, which he appears to have done with facility and advantage, as many of his latter pictures bear evident testimony. His most esteemed productions are, the principal altar-piece in the church of the Carmelites at Antwerp, the subject of which is the marriage of the virgin; and the adoration of the magi, the altar-piece in the cathedral of Bruges. The former is much after the manner of Rubens. Vandyke painted his portrait among the eminent artists of his country, which is engraved by Pontius. He died in 1651, aged sixty-two. His son Daniel, who was born at Antwerp in 1590, was a painter of fruit and flowers, which he, being a Jesuit, executed at his convent at Rome. He appears, indeed, to have painted more for the benefit of the society to which he had attached himself, than for his private advantage: and when he had produced his most celebrated picture, at the command of the prince of Orange, it was presented to that monarch in the name of the society, which was munificently recompensed in return. He frequently painted garlands of flowers, as borders for pictures, which were filled up with historical subjects by the first painters. He died at Antwerp in 1660, aged seventy.
, an early Italian writer, was born at Florence about the close of the fifteenth century. He
, an early Italian writer, was born
at Florence about the close of the fifteenth century. He
was educated at Padua, where he became an accomplished
classical scholar, but appears afterwards to have gone into
public life, and was employed in various embassies and
iiegociations by duke Cosmo, of Florence. He wrote an
excellent history of Florence from 1527 to 1555, which,
however, remained in ms. until 1723, when it appeared,
together with a life of Niccolo Capponi, gonfalonier of
Florence, Segni’s uncle. He likewise translated Aristotle’s
Ethics. “L‘Etica d’Aristotele, tradotta in volga Fiorentino,
” Florence, DelP Anima d'Aristotele,
, a French poet, was born at Caen in 1624, and first studied in the college of the
, a French poet, was born
at Caen in 1624, and first studied in the college of the
Jesuits there. As he grew up, he applied himself to
French poetry, and was so successful as to be enabled to
rescue himself, four brothers, and two sisters, from the
unhappy circumstances in which the extravagance of a
father had left them. In his twentieth year he met with a
patron who introduced him to Mad. de Montpensier, and
this lady appointed him her gentleman in ordinary, in
which station he remained many years, until obliged to
quit her service, for opposing her marriage with count de
Lauzun. He immediately found a new patroness in Mad.
de la Fayette, who admitted him into her house, and assigned him apartments. Her he assisted in her two romances, “The princess of Cleves
” and “Zaida.
” After
seven years, he retired to his own country, with a resolution to spend the rest of his days in solitude; and there
married his cousin, a rich heiress, about 1679. Mad. de
Maintenon invited him to court, as tutor to the duke of
Maine: buthedid notchooseto exchange theindependenceof
a retired life for the precarious favours of a court, and therefore continued where he was. He was admitted of the
French academy in 1662; and was the means of re-establishing that of Caen. He died at this place, of a dropsy,
in 1701. He was very deaf in the last years of his life, bufe
was much courted for the sake of his conversation, which
was replete with such anecdotes as the polite world had
furnished him with. A great number of these are to be
found in the “Segraisiana;
” which was published many
years after his death, with a preface by Mr. de la Monnoye; the best edition of it is that of Amsterdam, 1723,